Chair Role Final

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University of Bath Students Union Student Activities Department

This opportunity profile is designed to give you an idea of what your voluntary work will involve. It highlights the commitments, skills and benefits you can expect from taking up that role.

Role: Societies Chair

Duties and Responsibilities: - To liaise with all Societies area staff and VP A&D - To respond to any requests and provide up to date information on society activities. - Attend specific training sessions. - Call and chair regular society and committee meetings. - To produce an annual development plan and to help treasurer with the budget request - Have up to date knowledge of the societys financial situation. - Ensure an effective handover is carried out with the succeeding chair. -Attend appropriate area GMs. -Work with equipment officer (if applicable) to produce an annual equipment inventory -to work with other officers to produce an annual generic risk assessment for the society, and specific RAs for events or trips as necessary

Department: Student Activities (Societies) Time Commitment:

2 hours minimum per week (depends on society: meetings, rehearsals, general admin etc)

Societies Offices / across campus

Responsible to:

Society activities

Meet new people Make your own mark on a society Enhance your CV Gain skills to enhance personal development


To develop a society To gain key transferable skills

Useful previous experience:

Training and support:

In house training from SORTED and Societies team in: General Admin, finance, democracy, running events, website & publicity.

Organisational skills and previous experience of a society and how it functions.

Skills Gained: Participating in this opportunity will enable you to develop and practice the following skills (marked ) Written Communication Verbal Communication Delegation Decision Making Others (as specified below): Teamwork Time Management People Management Negotiation Financial Management I.T. Organisation/ Planning Marketing

For further info contact:


VP(Student Activities & Development) Or call into the societies office 1E3.17

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