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Maya was a new student at Nishi High School. She wanted to be friends with Natsuko, Mariko and Haruko. They were the most popular girls at school. One day, the four girls went to the department store. Natsuko said, I want some perfume, but I have no money. Natsuko said to Maya, Do you have any money? Maya said, No. Maya thought, I want Natsuko to be my friend. The next day, Maya went to the department store. She found the perfume that Natsuko liked. She looked around. Then, she put the perfume in her bag. She walked toward the door. Suddenly, a man put his hand on her shoulder. He said, Come with me. Maya was very scared. At the police station, the police called her parents. Maya waited. She thought, This is so stupid. Natsuko is not important. Haruko and Mariko are not important. Perfume is not important.

Copyright 2005. Red River Press Inc. All Rigts reserved. Licenced by This document may only be photocopied by English-Avenue members under the membership terms.

Friends Questions

1. Why did Maya want to be friends with Natsuko, Mariko and Haruko? 2. Did the girls go to a movie together? 3. What did Natsuko want? 4. Did Natsuko have any money? 5. Did Maya go to the department store the next day? 6. Where did Maya put the perfume? 7. Does Maya think perfume is important? 8. Please look at the picture. What are the girls talking about? 9. Please look at the picture. Where is Maya? 10. What do you think is important?

True False
1. Maya put the perfume in her coat. 2. Suddenly a man put his hand on her shoulder. 3. At the police station, Maya called her parents. 4. Maya was the most popular girl at school. 5. Natsuko didnt have any money. 6. Maya wanted Natsuko to be her friend. 7. Maya was very scared. 8. Maya thinks perfume is important. 9. Natsuko said, I want some pizza. 10. Maya went to Nishi Junior High School. T T T T T T T T T T F F F F F F F F F F

Copyright 2005. Red River Press Inc. All Rigts reserved. Licenced by This document may only be photocopied by English-Avenue members under the membership terms.

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