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Exam practice 2

Exam practice 2
Section A: 40 items. Each answer is worth 1p. Choose the best answer. 1. _____ envelopes are manufactured in Finland. a) Finnish a) Dutch Dutch a) Pole a) Sweden a) The Swiss a) of a) on b) Finish b) Dutches c) Finland c) The Dutch d) Finns e) Finn e) 2. _____ live in the Netherlands. d) Holland

3. A Pole is a citizen of _____. b) Poles b) Swedes b) Swisses b) on b) in c) Polonia c) Swed c) Swiss c) in c) of d) Polen d) Swede d) Swis d) out d) about e) Poland e) Swedish e) The Swisses e) with e) to 4. _____ is where the Swedes live. 5. _____ live in Switzerland. 6. There has been a rise _____ the number of applications. 7. It took a long time to find a solution _____ the problem. 8. We can subcontract. This way we could avoid employing unqualified staff, Mike said. a) Mike told he could subcontract, and added that way they could avoid employing unqualified staff. b) Mike said they could subcontract, and added that that way they could avoid employing unqualified staff. c) Mike said they can subcontract, and added that that way they can avoid employing unqualified staff. d) Mike said they could subcontract, and added that way they could avoid to employ unqualified staff. e) Mike said they could have subcontracted, and added that way they could avoid employing unqualified staff. 9. You must keep a record _____ all bank transfers. 117 Marius Velic PARTNER

Exam practice 2

a) in

b) with

c) on

d) of

e) off

10. She _____ everybody in the office that Human Resources _____ to present a report as soon as possible. a) tell, had been asked c) told, had been asked e) will tell, had been asked 11. The number of employees has been reduced, so we are understaffed, the Director-General said. a) The Director-General told that the number of employees has been reduced, so they were understaffed. b) The Director-General said that the number of employees has been reduced, so they are understaffed. c) The Director-General said that the number of employees is reduced, so they were understaffed. d) The Director-General said that the number of employees have been reduced, so they had been understaffed. e) The Director-General said that the number of employees had been reduced, so they were understaffed. 12. We organized interviews last month too, and the results are not satisfactory, Diana said. a) Diana said that the company organized interviews the previous month too, and the results are not satisfactory. b) Diana said that the company had organized interviews the previous month too, and the results were not satisfactory. c) Diana told that the company had organized interviews the previous month too, and the results were not satisfactory. d) Diana said that the company has organized interviews the previous month too, and the results had not been satisfactory. e) Diana said that the company had organized interviews the next month too, and the results are not satisfactory. 13. If you __________ (be) free on Tuesday, perhaps you __________ (like) to take part in the general meeting? a) are, would like d) are, like b) were, like c) would be, like e) would be, would like b) told, have been asked d) told, are asked

14. If we did more market research, we __________ ( find out) that no one needs this kind of social service any more. a) find out d) will find out b) would found out e) have found out c) would find out

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Exam practice 2

15. If we do more market research, we __________ ( find out) that no one needs this kind of social service any more. a) had found out b) will find out c) would have found out d) have found out e) found out 16. If you __________ (call) me tomorrow, I __________ (have) the answer to your query. a) called, will have d) call, have b) call, will have c) call, would have e) had called, would have

17. Some of the shareholders are threatening to sale their stocks unless we __________ (pay) them $2 million in dividends. a) payed b) paid c) would pay d) dont pay e) pay 18. If we paid the shareholders, there __________ (be) much money left for future investments. a) wouldnt be a) As b) If b) are c) will be d) was e) can be e) When 19. ______ you pay within a week, we will cancel all deliveries. c) Unless d) Because 20. A citizen of the U.S. may be ________ native-born or naturalized. a) or a) bear a) on a) off a) from Monday. a) hadnt been seen c) wasnt seen b) hasnt been seen d) saw e) wont be seen b) neither b) carry b) of b) from b) to c) any c) deal c) over c) in c) on d) a d) write d) at d) of d) over e) either e) read e) with e) to e) up 21. Various acts of Congress _______ on this subject. 22. If she dresses like that, everybody will laugh _______ her. 23. Who does this pen belong _______? 24. It wont be long before he recovers _______ mumps. 25. It is said that the Queen _________ (not/ see) since last

26. We are sure that this story _______ (publish) in the newspaper tomorrow. a) was published d) will be published b) publish e) is publish 119 Marius Velic PARTNER c) can publish

Exam practice 2

27. She saw that the book _______ (return) two days before. a) had been returned d) was returned a) couldnt be returned c) cannot be repaired e) can be not repaired 29. We _____ one of the pipes in the bathroom _____ two days ago. a) have, fixed d) had, fix a) had, clean d) do, clean a) make, rewrite d) makes, rewrote a) of a) of a) in a) to a) at b) in b) to b) to b) for b) in b) had, fixed e) had, fixing b) had, cleaned e) make, clean b) made, rewrote e) made, rewrite c) to c) over c) for c) with c) on d) for d) about d) on d) about d) to e) at e) on e) of e) on e) off c) makes, rewrite c) have, cleaned c) have, fix b) had returned e) has been returned b) can be repaired d) can not be repaired c) returned

28. The CD player _______ (can/not/repair) today.

30. Did you _____ your attic _____?

31. The professor _____ Paula _____ the essay last Monday.

32. We still cant believe he was capable _______ such thing! 33. She felt uneasy _______ taking the euros. 34. I thought he was used _______ working long hours. 35. She was always faithful _______ her principles. 36. What are you doing ____ the weekend? 37. The scorching temperatures made everyone take days off ____ July. a) around a) in a) as b) when b) over b) at c) while c) on c) in d) in d) at d) on e) on e) to e) when 38. Send the mail ______ 16 February. 39. Lets meet ____ noon.

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40. What else can you do ____ an autumn afternoon? a) in b) of c) unless d) because e) on

Section B: 30 items. Each answer is worth 2p. 41. He _______ several jobs since August. a) has putted in d) had put in a) have run out of d) have ran out of a) leave off a) higher, then d) higher, as a) bad than d) worst then a) as large as d) not large like a) as b) the more b) leave of b) has put in e) has put on b) had run out of e) have run of out c) live of d) live off e) leave in c) run out c) put in

42. We _______ money to pay for gas.

43. Its extremely difficult to _______ social security. 44. Their firm had _____ sales _____ ours. b) higher, than e) the highest b) bad like e) worse than b) larger as e) larger c) not as d) not so e) lest c) large like c) worst than c) high, as

45. Our services were ______ theirs.

46. My apartment is ______ hers.

47. Her car is ______ expensive. 48. A contract that lasts five years is a _______________. a) five years contract d) fiveyears contract a) wellwritten letter b) fiveyear contract c) five-year contract e) five-years contract b) well-written letter c) well written letter

49. A letter which is written well is a _____________________. d) good-written letter e) badly-written letter 50. A decision which has been disputed for a long time is a ___. a) longdisputed decision c) longly disputed decision e) long disputed-decision 121 Marius Velic PARTNER b) long-disputed decision d) longer disputed decision

Exam practice 2

51. We had gone to bed ____________ (early) usual. a) earlyer than d) more early than a) tidier than d) tidier then a) further than d) further then a) the worse a) beyond b) earlier then e) early then b) tidyer than e) tidder than b) farther then e) father than b) the better b) by c) the best d) best e) beter e) behind c) farther than c) tydi than c) early than

52. He could also be a bit __________ (tidy) he is.

53. It was __________ (far) the places he already visited.

54. Tommy behaved ____________ (good). 55. Im _________ the schedule. c) between d) below 56. Good morning, Mr. Simms. Are you here _________ appointment? a) as a) as a) put up with d) be put up with a) Keep from away d) Look away from a) will spend b) with b) in c) in c) on b) put with up e) put up in b) Keep from e) Do away from c) has spend d) spend e) spent c) Kept away from d) by d) with e) on e) at 57. I am writing _________ behalf of Ms. Leigh. 58. Do you think shell _____________ the noise? c) puts up with

59. _____________ those wires!

60. Its time she _______ (spend) money more rationally. b) spended 61. It started to rain, and we wished we _______ (not / go) for such a long walk. a) hadnt gone d) had gone not b) had gone e) didnt went c) havent gone

62. Id rather you _______ (tell) me the truth when we met the other week. a) told b) tell c) had told d) should tell e) may tell

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63. If only you _______ (take) greater care of the car! a) will take d) should take b) would take e) can take c) shall take

64. You were talking as though I _______ (not / be) in the room for the last half hour. a) havent been d) wasnt being a) can a) were a) might b) did b) did b) could b) wasnt e) hadnt been c) does c) had c) have d) had d) will d) will e) has e) may e) had c) werent

65. Robert hasnt got a computer but he wishes he _____. 66. Im not going to Paris but I wish I _____. 67. We didnt visit the estate but we wish we _____ done so. 68. I spoke to her so rudely. a) I wish I hadnt spoken to her like that. b) I wish I didnt spoken to her like that. c) I wish I hadnt speak to her like that. d) I wish I had spoken to her like that. e) I wish I hadnt spoke to her like that. 69. Id rather _______ (work) home than _______ (sit) at this office desk. a) to work, sit d) to work, to sit b) work, sit e) working, sitting c) work, to sit

70. She would prefer _______ ( type) the letter rather than _______ (handwrite) it. a) to type, to handwrite c) type, to handwrite e) typing, handwriting Section A: 40 items 40 points Section B: 30 items 60 points Total amount of points = 100 b) type, handwrite d) to type, handwrite

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