SS 281 Sunfish

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START OF REEL JOB NO._ ted.) Te A the contect, when , mieht possihly he n oposite an: parallel course, an have a look at him, Tothine sfehtod through p so surfaced and nt ehond on Yorthwesterly course to close probable’ Position of contact. Nothing s course to elose HAGHIIO . Zigezanging. Sizhtod samo pstrol vessel ae previously durinn the day, bowrine 277 7, distance 6 mil: Dived. Tollowine is 0.0.D.'s deserintion: Yessel was 100 = 150 in length, painted rav; had 50 foot mast and box-like superstructure anidshins; seemed to rido hich in the water, Mothine could be soen throweh tho poriscono, fo at Surfac urse oni immediately siehtod sano pa janee shout /, milos, headin in our direction. Dived to open out. Necause of the nine-laving mission of this vessel I consider it essentinl that © ©Te not detected enroute to the area, or in the arca until the mine plant hes beon accomplished, -3- ENCTOSURE (A) 1036 (T) 1n6 (7) 147 (2) 1223 (I) The decision has been made, therefore, to avoid contact with minor vessels, the sinking of which would not be worthy of jeopardizing the prinary mission. Surfaced on Southerly course and worked around petrol vessel during the night. ind high. 2, estimated dontitiod va ine 252 7 (Con 33-22 TT, nu order to der! on course 240 T and closed 4 aboam to starboard a! 8) radar at 19 miles 085 7, Nothing CONFIDENTIAL, 1700 (r) 1754 (I) igie (rz) 2235 (1) Siehted two brieht Lehts on horizon, believed to be sampan or trawler (Contact No. 3 (Lat. 33-41; Lone. 137-18 8), Surfaced and continued to close DATO SArT. Sighted seversl linhts during nicht and mancuvored to avoid. Decided to patrol North-South line off DATO SAKI and be in position 8 miles Nast of that point in tho morning. (Navigational fixes were rob Zeliable as sky was overcast except for a fer spots end navigator hed to guess at horizon). Sound contact bearing 320 T; put eontact ester; fothing sighted. (fad several sound contacts during nogetdgtt, but beliove thoy must have boon fish noises), Qn course 000 T, losing DATO SAK. S7 radar con- fact bearing 130 T range 13,000 yards, Inmodince But contact astern and eonnenced tracking on comes (Contact No, &) (Lat 3 58; 137-1, BE.) Control party traded target out to 15,000 yards. Ab this point T had to make the dociaién wavencs the tanget was valuable eough to shoot at. thereby disclosing our presence in the area prior even to rooounoitering for the mine plant. Position was Goubtful. I had noped to Pick up DATO SAaKI Light brior to diving the next morning but had not approach- $8 close enougi to see it at this time, the target evidently had at least a 90° angle on the port bow, which would tave aeant high Spee ‘running to get into firing position. If we sank the target Our presence would definitely be discovered ana Gee mine plant might become impracticable due to in- densified anti-subuarine activity, since it wes getinated that we would close 1AGO¥A considerably during the approach. Judging from the size of the Mpip” on the S¥ radar at 15,000 yards this was a Worthwhile target. 1t was decided to attache Tee visibility varied. There was no moon; the skier got was obscured for some tims, but Me mero to the Southward of our ond of the cloud and might be seen by alort lookouts. It was deolded to sient the targot before making the final deci sion as to its importance, -5- BNCLOSURE (A) CONFIDENTIAL December 2241 (I) 2311 (I) 2322 (I) 2348 (I) 1942. (Continued; Went to battle stations. Continued tracking on courses between 300 7 and 0717. Target was zig-zagging radically, Went ahead 80-90 % on 4 main engines. Believe target's baso course is 350-000 7, which would indicate his dostination is NAGOYA.’ Target's spood by plot and TBC is 14,0 knots, Wont to full power on four main cnginos. Target sighted. “Has lines of a destroyer when seen from 12,000 yards, but redar indicates a much Appoars to bu @ noavy cruiser or class. In~ possible at such rango undor existing visibili Conditions to determine wiich type, Decided to attack if we could got into firing position bofore target changed course radically to Westward to unter NAGOYA. At no time during run for position choad aid wo get closer than 9,850 yards. Attompting to got into NAGOYA end of black cloud before closing treck.. December 10, 194: 0031 (I) Reached position dosirea, waich was 2,000 yards on port side of basq track, rango 8,000 yards, By this tino tracking party had detormincd the target's approximate zig plan, base courso and speod. Range 8,000 yards; dived for attack, using ST raer. Sot-up stopped checking at range 5,000 yards. Plot and 7.D.C, discovered target had changed courso to ais right to 120 T and was hoaded away. Surfaced and commenced rapid pursuit in target's direction, but range opened rapidly. Sighted bluish-wnite light bearing 305 7, pre- sumed to be escort for targct into NAGOYA. Oponed out to Eastward. (We had surfaced after the approach in position less than ono mile from the 10 fathom curvo 5 miles southcast of TRAKO SAKT, as determined from tho morning fix.) ~6- ENOLOSURE (A) CONPIDEMPEAL Decomber 10, 1942. {Continued} 0140 (Z) Changed to 160 T and slowed to two ongine spocd. The battory and alr banks ned not boon completely god whon contact was nado, so ducided to give up se, sinco target was lost at 15,000 yards and pros bably suspected our prosences also, the lope was held that targot had coincidentally arrived at a rondo: vous and had merely changed course at a very incon voniont timo for us. In that evont we stood 2 good chance of making contact later during tho morning. 9309 (I) Sot courso to westward for DATO SAKI in order to bo 8 milos from that point at daybroak. O4l4 (I) Sighted ship shoad, smali angie on the tow, not pick- od up by SJ radar, (Contact No. 5). 0417 (I) Radar "pip" hardly @iscernible at 9,000 yards. Changed course to southward as contact similtanecus- ly changed to northward. hon seon boam on contact looked like DD and radar "pip" indieated a ship of about that size. Since it was bolioved that wo 1 bo humtod after our unsuccessful attack, this was estinatod to be a DD, so wo maintaincd 4 course southward to clear. 0452 (I) I received report from a radar that target had passcd out of redar range at 17,650 yards, This was untouct- edly tho sano vesscl as contact No. 4, but was not Picked up by radar until it had closcd to 9,000 yards, Probably because of the saall tow angle. Daybroa! wa8 approaching and sinco I wanted to bo in position to rvconnoiter DATO SAKI, and possibly intoroopt contact No. 4&5, headed for that point. 513 (1) Dived in cstinated position 8 miles’ due cast of DalO SARI, course 270 T. Docidod this position would be advantageous for interespting. any warships which might attompt to outer NAGOYA and for detornining traffic lanes to that port. 0824 (I) . Sighted snoke on horizén near DATO SsKI, boaring 248 7, catinatod distance 10 niles. (Contact Ifo. 6.) 0835 (I) Hoard: high spocd sorows bearing 100 T. Nothing sightca. 0853 (I) Sighted two columns of snoke noar DAIO SAKT bearing 26 T. and 265 T. (Contacts No. 7 & 8.) oe ENCLOSURE (4) CONFIDENTIAL Subject: U.S. Devouber 10, 1942. (Continued) 0911 (1) Sighted masts and stack of froightor hull down bearing 321 7. (Contact wo. 9.) 094s (I) Sighted nasts. and stacks of two freighters lull down duaring 334 7, Tunning abroast. Contacts 10 nnd 11). Still about 8'miles fron DAIO SiKI, so continuca to close in direction of contacts, Began to sight wuat appoared to bo the stacks and snol of many freighters along tho shoro north of DalO SakI. Upon closer investigation determined that these wure tall troos with bare trunks, toypod oy foliage or branchos, giving tho appearance of stacks topped with smoke. 4 peculiar phenomonon was observed nore, Wav similer to the hay waves sccn on a paved road on a hot summer day wero plainly visiblo along the water's surface, This phenomenon onablod one to see trous as tall polos apparontly hundreds of fect in height, when 6 to 8 milos from land, Sineo the distance to jand was comparatively groxt thoy woro first thought to bo ships. actually, they woro e mirago, or dis- tortion of troes on the beach, 09h0 (I) Hoard pinging, gciting lowdor, bearing 200 7. (Convact No. 12}. Continued observations at periscope Gupta, attompting to fix position accurately. Ping- ing vosscl not sighted. All froightors sighted were hoadod toward IRAKO SUIDO. 1035 (I) é smoke, masta in linc, and fighting top of pinging ship.” Surfacod heat waves blanked out vossol from bridge to water linc, so identification could not bo definite, apparently a DD, howover, and close, beeause scrows wore jeard plainly. 1043 (I) Rigavd for silent running and wont to deep subnergonco - 425 foot. Main vonts na¢ bogn closed because of smooth Water surface and the possibility of omitting air bubblos through tho vonts in ease of lonkago. The vents were opened upon tho order to run d2ep and the boat became oxtronoly heavy, necessitating blowing of safety and running at a standard specd to provont going decpor. It is belicved that a layor of lighter density water was also partially responsiblo for tiis, at L00 foot the Pinging stopped. Upon reaching 350'fect the pinging Was again hoard. at 300 feet thore was definite consity layer above whieh we could not riso without increasing <8 ENCLOSURE (4) Docenbor 10, 1942. (Continued) 2043 (I) 1156 (I) 1235 (I) 1749 (1) 1850 (1) spuod or pumping. ‘The prossure in negative. tank was 232 lbs. ‘Tais pressuro provented tho opening of ‘vive tank vont thereby provonting cur rising above foot without blowing air out of tho flood valve. Negative tank saculd have boon blown much sconers Used evasive tacties and naintaised sound contact on 1d pinging. Wo vussols were heard most of the tine, but only one was pinging, using hand keying, Heard heavy scrows bearing 060 7, which passed close abdaré end quickly died out in dlroction of Kil Siti, Believe this was our contact of tho previous night, sinco turn oount and scrow sounds were vory similar. Plaging continued so continued to use evasive tactics, trying to work to south and cast, although that was aircetion of DD. The starboard shaft pecking gland wns leaking pro- fusely and tho wator level rose above the floor plates dn the motor roam. 4 sea-bag buckot brigedo was kept busy romoving water from the moter room to the bilgcs of both engine rooms. antenna trunk was flooded. nally suecesdod in putting DD astern, pinging getting Weal Bogan pumping and came up to poriseope depth, about 30 minutcs to do so. Negative tank pros¢urr is b1od off tuto both auxiliurics and to both trim tanks until sufficiently reduccd to permit opening the vont, Safoty tank was vented inboard, Surfaced, Sighted lights of several sampans éuri Kaneuverce to avoid. (Contact No. 13.) d from dirvction night a ring uf flax pecking was installed starboard stern tubs gland, led globe val negative tank vent line stops and quick oponing vont to enable blecd- off the pressure in tiis part of the lino so that negative tank quick opening vont oan be oponod rogant= jess of pressure, and tho pressure roleasea by cracking vont stops. Although it is hoped that it will never bo nocessary to uso this system, the small vont provides an acditional poans of controlling tho boat submerged under such/é6H4B6ions as expericncod this date Won a valuable target csoaped beeause we couldn't come to poriscope depth. 96 ENCLOSURE (4) U.S.S. SUNFISH - Roport of First War Patrol. Deconber 12, 0134 (I) 0528 (I) 0530 (I) 0819 (Z) 2750 (1) olling south of ENSHU BHT, to MaGova, Sighted two bright 14 yards. Lights wero t avoid. Probably a sanpan or trawler. (Contact i Standing by to make morning dive; daybres contact bearing 135 7, distanco 13,000 ya: s wore dinly sighted, in th g twilight, © on the bow 120 port. 9 elose sub- morged and now too light for curfac ck. Unable to identify, (Contacts No. 15 ib. 39-32 Ni, Long. 138 5), cs Sard faint pinging wnich scon was lost. Scund contact bearing 245 T. Nothing sig periscope. Conduoted periscope patrol suuth of ENSHU N.Da during Surfaccd. Patrolled in and cut of tae moon until moonsot. December 12, 1942. 0503 (I) 0616 (I) 0636 (I) 0925 (I) Dived on 100 fathom curve duc south of MaISsKi, course north, to roccnnoiter wostorn appronen to IRiKO SUIDO. “Sightod sali coastal froighter (2500 tons. ) booring 031 7, distance 5,000 yards, course 265 (Contact No 17.) Sightod suall coastal tréightor( 2500 tons), Dearing 032 7, eo 3500 yards, cuurse 265 7. (Contact No. 18), Sighted tops of man uf war, boaring 000 7, distanc + Course 090 7. (contact No. 19). ine We wero about 4 to 5 miles south of coastline, attompting to fix position by bear: nuncrous unidentified landuarks, 0 cistance could only be ostinatid, This contact was sinilar in s a light cruiser, hed two tall vertical stacks, -10- ENCLOSURE (..) CONFIDENTIAL Subject: SUNFISH - Report of First War be a director out station at aft, t be identi: houettes aboard, though it two officers besides the commanding officer. onnoitering for mino plant with such targets a LL pow and 21) w the coust, straddiod our pos: 1000 to 1,500 yards of us, up continuous. ring 080 T. N, Long. 137-33 3). f oourse or spocd. (oy uaza (2) 1222-40(I)_ idcutitiod the target UGASk class. sticks wore clearly visible. The slavst coupletely obscured by the -u- ENCLOSURE (4) Decembor 12, 1942. (Continued) 2122-40(T) surteco neat waves proviously mentioned. § ented with a zere anglo on thc bow, ane blur on tho horizon. I eid not Q-lock at it until at ght for a possible bow suct as target rapidly to hoad for us. Although st: ar to tacso of = ZINUG, now DD not shown i dd not look Jargo enoug of its tics 01 ain it was a DD. 1225 (I) Vaile coming arcund for a buw shot, trying t pth control wes Again. lost and + I could not understane ‘orgodcos and missed, since the T.D.C, et 18 knots looked porfuet, and tho firing ranso oniy 800-900 yards. I could act sco the target fo go0d sot. ow thet he would 20 back our vory shortly, and I was reluctant to fire mure tel- podces when t couen't soe 4: Binco we wconed to bo 21226 (I) Went deop ana 1127-1531 (1) cane up wero tover. ing was aeara a Believe ue only suspecvec. a contact or mas unable to hear us well o1oush to drop. ao centrol ruon and the after terzedo toh up by hand. This was a vory ng exporience, 1531 (I) od cat. 1542 (I) pe dopth, Nothing sight: stern tube riously ai ite Light of suali boat on horizon, 3. Leb. 3hn12 N. Long. 137-35 B.) din and out of the noon Of packing in starboard storn tube ¢ night. Decomber 13, 1942, Pat during the cay e depth on Vidi DIR ~ Disposed of a t nator ciphers an bount and on course te close Kili SiTMa. gh, but depth ol oxosliont. accurate date on currents obta one imot avorago souther: curing four hour run tc + tines, was as great 1450 (I) fn jearing 1: i eriscope 1630 (I) Battle stations submerged. 1640 (1) © a 12 to 20 val (See track chart.) 1649 (I) Sighted large pa aring T., distance O yards, on north ( % Hoe 24) 500 tinued laying mines as BNCLOSURE (4) Continued) Scund contact bearing 000 7. Noching sighted, Screws so.n faded out. plant. Heaéed south to eloar during plant, so had to current throughout retirc- evs bearing 166 to 186 7, ( ing out range of audibility at 1756. 1842 (I) Sound contact bosring 330 7. s deop devth (80-90 fect ) as possibi % expose periscope during rotirenent, fro 1908 (1) 0 ntact voaring 057 T. (sounded like sanpan). 1938 (1) sound t boaring 3. ( 1952 (I) ight nounlight and cleared the are: gravity). and out cf the mocn unti. ng licht in vieinity IO Sik LIGH, sition are! ‘Tiis decision vas based upon the ~vations;= traffic observud fron the south and vest consisted of nedius si siters, wiieh, appercatly D cT shortly bofore or at daybreak, roraining close to the coast until inside the 100 fathon curr: 2) I an convinecé that tho ship tracked on Dec. 9-10 Was 2 naval vessel coming fron tho south and that his entrance, to IRu0 SUIDC Was to be Tron southonst, and Di Suk, ard to pass dented that the ship niles to oastward of DIO SIKT, headed = 1h BUCLOSURE (4) CONFIDENT A U.S.S. SUNFISH - Report of First War Ratrol. Decenbor Wb, 1942. (Continu 1952 (I) 4) I bolicve that the nost iuportant ships try to enter and lcave TRAKO SUIDO at night and that nav- igational hazards are bettor avoided on a southoast course frox Kulil S#MMa. The current flows north— \ostwaré ané scuthcastward and is strong. (Rof. P 563 pen Pilot, Vol. II, 1940). field in this position may not bothor tuo cuastal freighters 4.40 SWI, out T dolivvo it will lay un- Jongor and vill be Hore apt to got largo n tho. Gesignated position, Sinoo thoso almost any suall hulled vessel ‘tan eff, ih waach easy it is believed Would not obtain the optizun results, neo its positiun night be discloscd and tho Aines swopt prior to sinking an inportant s! December 15, 1942. or noonset sky becane overcast and star. sights Wo navigational lights sighted. 0227 (I) Battle stations subnorge¢. Manned guns. sD S83 radar picking up land 25,000 to 32,000 yara away, but will not pick up tne near beach. 0248 (I) Navigational éata ccnsiderod not accurate enoueh to plant uinos at this tine so decicod to lay aft aybreak, Socured frou battle stations. Headed to southward to clear bea 0253 (I) Firo in nain control coll. stopped cnginos and lay to wailo invostigating caso, Snoke sc thick in nanouvoring roon coulén't locate source innediatoly. 0258 (I) Went ancad on port serow taking suction for engine through nancuvering rodm induction to clear sicko and prevent suffccation of man fighting fire. 002 extinguishcrs cand oxygen nasks uscd. When the suoke clearod sufticiontly it was deter- nined that cork insulation over a starboard main noter resistor was flaning and smoking. Piro vas possible to oxtinguish quickly unless cork could bo cut away. Cork was inaccossitlo because control cell was chergized. Continued to clear area on port sorow and at BNOLOSURE (4) CONFIDENTIAL 0343 (Z) 0402 () 0503 (Z) 0033 (I) SUNFISH ~ Report of First War Patrol. Continued, Pullod battery disconnects, deadoning control cell and lay to to nake teuporary repairs prior to cay- broalk. Sighted flere in direotion of IR:KO SaKI. (possibly a shooting ster.) Fire was oxtinguishea, soko cloarod and tenporary wiring ropairs nado to control cell, Still cannot uso starboard scrow boosuso of burnod out startin, grid rosistor. (Fortunately that is one spare part of our control eol1 allowance wich was issucd in Maro Island ~ We have not rocoived all spares). Still aro not cortain of cause of casualty, bub jot risk anotner Piro subnorged. ive worked caching rapid- rinst tice since daylight was aj a we wore close to the coast of HONSHU whoro boon certain. Using port screw. starboard cf comission. Ran to south of area 4 er to be clear to umke ropairs during tho night. Tais casualty delayed the second nino plant much to tho disappointnont of ali Lands. Wo lave hae the t hanging over our aeads and have had to the Gefonsive so far in order to remain undotvcted. The first plant nay bo disecvered sovn, possibly naking the second plant » much nore difficult ton then anticipated. Moreover, had hoped to bo able to observe results, if any, of both nino ficlés during tho day fron’a position close in. ‘This casualty hre deprived us of an opportunity t eo the fruits of our efforts, at loast for the t boing. Sound contact bearing 095 T. Notiting sighted. 2 conta Patrolled during tho night in and ait of right noon, Moonset, Joy to and pulled battery dis- connocts to make Tepairs to control c@ll. ~ 16 - HNCLOSURE (4) n Lent during @i ho first nino plent wes ati tor. Tt. bles by airerart, vas discovers: thé first ninc, th onsets Vere 6 nate decision ne mine Curing dey: mould hev - the coaplcticr field at that tinc. ic nust hevo boon spurting lobules of oir ot cach firing, though the nts Tore uscd cs 83 possible efter ce: ng in order to nto the boat. 0544 (I) Subsictged 16 niles onst of DATO S:XT. Sustace aplotcly obsourst nd. Tapossiblo 1750 (I) Surtceca. 2139 (I) Conncndcd ¢losing tho const in preperetion for sceon nine plent. Deecnber 17, 1942. Closing co:st of i TSII HiTO, 0201 (I) Bettle stetions subnorgod. 0255 (I) Concnecd sccond nino plent. Completed sceond nine rt). Ne chaekea by ster sights, to plent and SD end 83 reder ranges, ov fix clso on SUGA SHTMA LIGHT cnd 0 ¥ Conenecd retarenent to southwerd ct four-ongine spood to act elocr of thc 20 fathon curve as soon es possible, During the nine ~lont the lights of t sighted ena ips” on rode possible -prescnec of ¢rrkencd patrol acts 25, 26 ,27, 28.) Good "pip" on S¥ "radar ahoad-Ané clesing reviely fron 5,950 vords, Let. 3424.7 W; Tong. 137-16 3. (Contact Tio. 29.) -17- ZUCLOSURE (4) agatio nt to southutrd of nino Piscope ant nothi fron coast during dey 0709 (I) Sou: Toth 0727-40(I)Firce 0727-53(I)Firce 0728+10(I)Fired third torpedo = gyro o1 ; but just prior to fi sigsed a the T.D.c. srior to he range sct-up Curing firing vas 1,300 rds ena should iinve been 700 yer is ofus lerger 6 nd nist have throw Gli tor I dolicvs the rorise: neve becn sighted just rior to firing and thet the terget cone tovards 6 802 vas snocth 1 iderable ground jeriscope was traincd i rising sun. art on eck; thie ve noc was k ator than 2.9 0728-10(1)tho torget's sorove. Continued ho screis Curing the cttack, but nothi x bond. (not cl ds ncer torpeto tracks, ‘qpoorentl er in surerstructurs, un- oxplosii oBSUnE ‘it ghter's gun, -No danege. dun sized (4,000 - 5,000 uch lergor when first s: iso siniler in cpr is not vory uscful A eta epnnot Subnorgcd off vicinity of NIKI Si; ful. Se f TIDORT ¢ m tornedo. pont suddenly, 2 involunterily 2 shallow'aenth sing and wont @ oloareé ares SMCLOSURE (..) CONFIDENTLAL, o1l0 (2) ons 0132 14g U.S.8. SIMISH - Roport of First ii Sound heard fast screws close aboard, Lost contact of sound. Surfaced on easterly courso to charge batteries. SU radar contact benring 345 7, rango 7150 yards Tyort beam) (Believed to be sane as Contact ilo. 35.) 0 OF a Similer ty2o vessel, angle on the rt, nking slow spucd. ttoupted to evade on the surfaco tach in bright moonlight so put - DD astorn, DD, almost siiultancously, came left to put us ahead so at ttery was getting too low to maintain dopth inderinitely go ran at 140 fuct for ucted infrequent vations during tho day to conserve battery. Scns force é. faced. Soas rough, Wind high. Navigational fix had been sot to southward. Sightod boan of largo soarchlight astom, svuvping soutiward at 10° elevation. appeared to be ineances- cont (yellowish). Gleared on tho surfeco for twonty minutes on éngines, thon rosuncd battery charge, Rotuing further sighted tais night. (Contact No, 36) (et. 33-27 Nj Leng. 137-50 £.) Deoomber 21 , 1942. 1734 (I) Hunidng north to close coast west of OMal 5, Koay wind and scas from northwest, Progross slow, Navigation doubtful, lend not sighted. Conductca pwrisoopo zetrol. Wind and seas avo abatod consider. bly, but land is obscured Ly hazo. » Since currents in this area nave so fer. boch unpredictable during the Tull moon, decided not to close the coast. Patzolled on westerly course obout 22 miles from land Mothing sighted during submergence. Sighted running light of plane bearing north, on Wostorly course, fairly distant. (Jontact No. 37). “ae HNCLOSURE (4) SH - Roport of First War Patrol. 4 on nortaerly course to close coast south inere the 100 fathom curve cuts close to tho beach. This area was proviously (before the mino lant) a highway ior oot G naval shipiing, ‘othing sighted, so came south to a: ether shipping aigit dave been rerouted 258 T. Commenced apptosclij tote atacts as threo modium sized in a loose ing radically, base course easterly. ace ha 2 fogging of the ntifieation impracti tor was close on sturbo ; third fieighter, which was sualler, ing the second by about 1,500 yards. Q by an escort at first identified a: class undeterained, (Contacts No. 38,.39, 40, 41). ‘one observation sightcd biplane circling in , 80 wont temporarily to 90 feet and approneh. (Contact No. 42) This plane was again during approach. Decided to f ‘the DD, then take'ay pick of the freighters. A, with ground swoll. Periscope observa- tions were restricted to a minisua to prevont boing before firing. Ranges sooncd erzobie and vey spect was ostimted at 8-9 up chocked on the T.D.C, hon firing bearing paised periscope for final sct-up caly nininun 2 target was 3,000 tho angle ¢ : 2 2 bow 20 eclded to run unc abtack ver his passage. Waited for escort to hich tire roreince st jeriscopo es ogein reisct the bow 130 st: Tac freighters io evidently. hee trolling in = 22 = SHCLOSUR (:.) the fornet’ olhetantly edocs with en unfavorcble %: hiynine long Sad mulé be nb. 3ho16 8, sprecd ch rable distenee end ot sesterly miro ticld clicrs thoy were ¢ Cis eee auexteror osnined SUCLOSURE (..) fereeeeieites there very likely set ovurse for 12 ‘ar Patrol. lichts, when you sconecrting t> suddenly 2 lose sboeta, anced to chen and ecurae to head for target. ct, eistanes 14,700 yerés. ek tergct and fount thet he wee Course coross the linc of bcaring, or, » ving to (reeer berrings cre not too ‘treme ronges), since range reneined clnost constent. Continued to elese. Identifies as a suverstructure, prob conditions and the lone hich vou! been tavorveds Our estinstea zosition uns south of Dil0 &. @istenco cleven niles. Subnerged online cstinrted to de 10 alles nortlivest of LIKE S. Conducted submerged oetrol’ to southverd estincted Letenee 5 alos fron 1 "64 considcreble ing sighted" ‘98 usucl, o zy lo fn the culet deys we Gre lesmning to expect, or ve not ‘yet closed the coost surtieiently to sce shipping, eae EECLOSURE (4) edd to spend an here 1 re nore faailicr with currents closer in, Flen to spond tonorr 4 proccetca et 0 comply With isl rission. Light bocring 120 7, clo: our prescnec wes acteoted.). fd. Position 40 nilos north of merge but pacer 100 foot, only to cono back to 3: 35 = or 26, 1942. (Continued) 19 (I) 0530 (I) 0737 (1) 1258 (1) 1302 (1) fag srced wes reduccd, This wes c helpless feoling. (T could not see'a plone throvgn thc veriscore in the control roon,) by use of maxinua spood end flooding euxilicry tanks end bow bucyanoy end the fo: néin ballast tank group vonts \ore éloscd Upon opening this tne, « lnrgc amount of cir ra to oscane fron'forward tanks (cither N.3.7. or bow buoyancy) and we found oursclves noracliy hecvy deeauss of wetor flooded {1 This‘wos the first plone contect wich ceused us to dive, ond t'is ves the first tine the boot refused to dive. Had tho plano sighted us during our dif- fioulty ve might hevo hed cn uncomfortable time of it, Fortunately ticre vicre no bombs droned. Let. 29-19 ¥; Long. 139-58 5. Surfaccd, tter sunsct oxcmined bow buoyancy vent operating goer to ascertain whether it wos nisalignsd, Byorything oporated normal: ain vents hed nre- viously boon tested submerged end vcre app operating nomaclly, ‘he cause of this ti still-c mystery ond 1t is hoped it vill nover occur cenin, os: y unde: 2. During the night grocsea rit: in surorstructure cnd 3 inch gun, Pretrolled during night inc sqliero 15 niles of « side, ith ‘our nod point ct tho conter. Wothing contacted. Decided to spend snother acy hors, os sca was fron north. Dived to insurc thet cll vints wore ovcrcting nto~ n@ to soritinize sky rnd horizon, heeding P -angino speed, on course to pess cprroxiacte ‘Task Unit 7.1.10 position 45 alles to westuerd. Sighted unidentified trewler or rattol-yessel, distance 5 miles, bearing 290 T. (Contect No. 54) Ect. 30-23 N; Longs 139-21 5. Submerged ond closed to investigate. “Sighted masts only ones cnd upon surfocing could not be secn. - 27 - ‘ENCLOSURE (4) CONPTEENTIA U.S,8. SUNFISH ~ Rovort. of Fyrst Vor Patrol. 0550 (I) Entered ron. Sutmerrod nt deybronk. Procoeded northward to he in position for subnareed prtrol to const tonorror. ‘lose 2003 (E) Gychted bluish-white Licht to northvnrd in tho @iroot- bolioved nt first to be n snmoan’ r obtninod rnnre of 15,600 yords, 80 ecngenced tmeiZine on acitherly ontrses, Tyr throe hours of tragkine tareat zinred radically, ternstely shoring nast-hecd lirht, one or hoth side Lihts, or no Licht, (Cqntrct Mo. 55) Lat. 33-45 N Long, 137-05.5 ty i, 2246 (I) Dyyed to radar donth for nttrek. Torrot's basé track to be closc to 180 7, snect 13.5-14.0 Dive was nadé on brso trick, Durine trookl ot found toreet "funpine™ nny from track to ward 700-600 yards pork ‘This confas perty Ang esused lone anpronch since zies ver’ ce it vns'clonr-out ond cfodue: Hovevor, ternobt!s notions vers yo wns nolo, Tarrotts liehts ough poriscone until they were fine 10d At About 5,000 yards 2258 (I) ed rirht 60° nt 5,000 yards. Continued close; zirs ~s Inno ne 60° hind previously This tino, horover, tho trract aid not toward us. It becnne obvious thet tarrot hd chanced his course to 240 snd since rance ws 6,000 yards surfaced and attonpted to rot into firine nosition at 4. Speeds Siehted tergot and identiried as n froizhtor, sinelo strck, aout 10,000 tons. froishter vrs hevded toward SHZONO MISAKT, We vere how south of our rey boundary end a chnse to firine position vould hove required soveral hours run into Dooesber 30. ige2, 2380 (1) Z erred on this eppronch by not romaining on the fron but hrvine boon’ sichted:durina the trainin Boris at 5,000 - 6,000 yards, and heving been siehted nt 7,000 yards in tho wren T ves influenced to make the reder apptorch. If the tarcot had had a finnl’ dostinetion to the south, ra fhrat apprrent, possibly vo vould havo sink it, sinoo the ants vas checking perfectly bofore éivinz, ‘The sudden of targets bese course to westward yne-net. anti ntod, hovevor, nnd by the tine it decege obvious tint ’he wasnt coning towards Ws cain, ne Ho liad provicusly dono sovornl tinos, the rane hed onenod foo ruch nd the tmek was coha!éora favorable (260-180) to warront murfutt °S such sani Sood aieterentinl (3-4 knots). \bendoned nppronch and nroceedo¢ toward MIKI SEKT. ber 31, 1912. 0255 (I) 0315 (1) 0322 (I) 0330 (1) SJ redar out of conaission due to rounded cirouit. Vhilo closing corst sichted nunorous sarmens slong a Line from S*TONO IIS FT to D°TO SiKT, scenine: synced about 1 mile apart. (Contect fo. 56.) Sirhted-unt@entified ship brarine 216°T, “distan: about 7,000 ynrds. (Contact No. 57.) Inte 33-3 Ns Long 138-252, unneuvered to nut ship betrean us ond 1 high, bright noon. Ship identified as 9 DD mking high speod in our direction. T bolicve he had sirhted us ond vas Plaving possun by hondine diroctlv for us, because as sooh as. turned to eot hin up-noon fron us turned totiard the const, Drosonted n 30° bow onele and speeded up. Dgvod for submerged periscope nppro»ch,"°S Aoon wns high. DD passed mbout 4,000 yards evny, betvoen us end lami, on northerly vourse. Vhs not seen again, Spent day mitrolling in KMNO NiD\, After surfneine sighted nunoréus lichts which could have been on shore or on sampans, eg Tonunry 1, 1943. 0700 (I) 0922 (z) 0925 (Z) (0400 (I) 0528 (2) 0520 (I) 0524 () 0530 (x) Patrolling north enst of Di0 S\kI. were close enough inshore to he blo to sve nore then just strcks, so bolicvo these wore stacks and trees on land. Still exnaricncine miznec effcct which Y confusinr nd rand doult. erlesase mekeo to 20 fathen 3 kena! Sirhtod unidentified vessel, Aistence 2,000 yras A for MOT. FO, obserynticn er or on the 20 fathom curve, Lone 136-57 F. Syohted various ’snnosn Lich’ (Cantnet Ko. 59.) Closing corst for subnoresd pstrol off MKT SAKT. Sychted sono line of pens between SFIONO MIS*FT™ gnd DAO S'KI ns eontrcted vrevicusly. (Contnet To. * 60) Int. 34-05 N; Lon 136-10 %. Costline very éntk, noon aster. Sighted dim shadow of » DD barring 300 7; on a southerly course, slov spond, distance 5,000 yrds, (contret 60(n).)'Lrt. 34-08; Lone. 136-44. Dived, continued on sine course, setting trim nt 90 foot. Sound picked up heavy f~st screws banning 320 7. One depth ehares fairty closo. (our depth 90 fect). Rganed for depth ch>ree ~n§ silont running, Went to 200 feet. Startoard shaft gland nenin 1oaking badly OST (1.) CONFIDENTIAL S, SUNFISH - Report of First "ar Patrols Yomr-zy 2, 1943. (continuo). 0531 (I) Second forth ehnzee, anne distance 1s first, Botueen 0520 ont 0602.» total of six sinzle chareps wero: dr00 Inst tro closest. he sterborrd shaft zlend lorkod padly nt 250 fect, thst At was necessary to mun wt ninimun speed (80/R.P,1.).on tho port sheft. Tho star- boord shaft ws scoured and the-prckiny.ciend wre takon * ap ns tiehtir 26. soseible. No danazo fron depth charves, but, the condition of tho sterborrd shnft mekinz clona 18 such thet any movanont of tho shrft my onugo enrryinz cy of the renninine neckine, Port-shaft at 8 RE is noisy. Decided to clenr the aren to effect repairs to Paokife aurine the nicht.. Uimise to risk vrolo deop subcorgonce under present conditions. Conducted Periscope patrol during the dey. 1820 (I). Surfnecd in rourh son. How plenos. show? pin carriod avay. During tho nieht took out old flax packing ond {nstallod now rine in starbonpd shrft. Repaired bor Pinnes. 0233 (I) Completed nil repnizs. Tanuary 3, 1943. Poriacops antrol south of BSH Mn Tanusry by 1943, Patrolling south of FUKIMA in EMT NY 0950 (I) Sihtod whet spporred to he snoke, besr'n# 031 7 from over the horizon, Spoke soon disipperred of day within 3 to § miles of 1snd; novshipnine sizhtod, not even 9 soapnn, 1420 (I) Sighted smoko of Five shine, lendine ono barring 200 7, ‘angle on the hov 8 vort,on’orstorly course. Ttentificd na five froimhters, sizo undoternine’. Commenced approneh, hoping to nrrive on trrek for Inst tvo or three in colunn. 1535 (I) Had run stendily on southerly courses nnd ninimin renge to ahy ship was 3,600 yards.” .bandoned nppronch tacts No. 61, 62,°63, 64, 65, 66) Int, 3h-32 137-48 E. when those shins tore first sinhted’ through the periscope by tho 0,0.D. they were ronortnd »s one ship, When T looked T stv five, the londine one ~t stnd~ inoter ranro of 5,600 word: n the additionn’ four = 31 ©) 3535 (T) Conte ships » 2335 (I) first one, They rere in column, apnrreatly about 700-1000 yrrds nparti Sen was force 6, high, periscove observations blurroa nnd thén clovr --’cleor ang then blurred. Dunking veriscone seenod to have very little effect toverd invroving viel strange part of this mvoroneh was that tho Jon ron to elose tho Srack the smelicr ani farthor awy the terrets avnerzed, without neroeptihle chanzo i thor course. Pinnllv, then It was snprront that wo ot poting to rat close snouch to Pre, T mised tf cope And simhtnd tein blurry ontiises of 1 froithtor sna n DD or torpeto host, ranre (very cnre- fully cnt Aeliboretely teen) 3,600 yores; thoy were nbrevct ond anpe-red to be nen42q cur vey. T insee- intely chaneed to the attnck course na took cnothor observation. ‘The angle on the bor hed chanred to 30°, but in the Szeotion. I continued to manouver for 4 Aco: ek course 200 then we hind settled on the finnl od thé vorigeope for a hotter set-up, ta vere suppose’ to be much closor. I eoulin't seo the ships at first; finnily sw the of their msts, nnd obtained 1 ranre of 8,700 , Mnelovon tho tow 120. ‘Tho time interya : teen the 3,600 yard renre and the Pinel ranzo of 8,700 ras mis bout 6 minutos. \ythourh T-zoriined thet hi ireots zig radically, this maneuvcr was bevond ny conprohonsion. Potroiled neross' entrance to Mco¥A, off DAIO S'°T ant neross convoy raxtes. in TAT 3 radar is beck in conmission after dennro incifont to ropir. i rv for rom results. Loft Arca in recor*enon vith vrovisions of portion orao SUNFISH - Report of First Mas-Patxal. Tenuery 7, 1943. ‘Submerged patrol north of EACHIJO SHIT. Sens rouch, wind high. After dork .closod HACHIZO SHIA and adjust- 4 SK ani sy radars. 1943. Underway, onroutelHaviay, on thé’ surfsoe. 0808 (I) Siehtod wtrol pono corning out, of n cloud, bonrine osstorly course. (not eoxtact= (contact Nc. 660) Patrol plone. 3-19, : 1142 (I) 1239 (1) trot 19 niles. Plone not siehted. sky loos th horvy, lo» clowts, Dive, (Contact No. 67) Tone. 14-02 E. 2702 (1) > su : Tonuszy 9, 2943. Unteray m tho surfree, Mini on? sans fron northens force 8. do (T) tod msts of unidontificd vessel borrine 150 T, trneo 4 niles, « Dive? anf.closed to investirnte. Secp honvy; uncho to naviseone fenth consistentiy, althourh mpking tums for.5' kriots. 1533 (I) Sichtoa notrol vaese) ‘(500 tous, distmee 3,000 yards) on onsteriy course, Mine ‘slow spox¢, Color: ark grey; to mnsts, oho. stzak snidships. Vorv siniiar in epporrmce $9 2 converted yicht of type usc’ in Canstel waters. fare prohibito’ offictont use of 3eiieh ‘Ene 8 vore not Rountod 1 roush for torpedo. Gork = 1712 (Tj. Lon? 150-12"E. slicht around dwell. het apporre? to ty life rine fron. Gormoneo’ rancurnrtay to rot ring elong= CONFIDENT: Subject: U,8,8. SUNFISH ~ Rovort of First Var Prtrol, Jenuery 13, 194} (continued), 1456 (11) ih8lo elmost dond in tho ator, took two waves over the bow. Tho second wave onrried H'RYSLS0, Horace Frod, 37, Slo, V-6 TSR over tho nort sido’ into the yntor snd’ rapidly astorn. : One officer sufferod 9 log injury and two nen suffored sinilnr iniurics when they Were swept off their fect, Inredintely beran nonouvorine to pick up ren lost cvorbonrd. Int. 32-29 Nj Long. 172-33 8. 1500 (a) ‘Harrelson disappenred fron sicht and was not seen again. Int. 32-29 Nj Long. 172-33 Re 1556 (M) Picked up 1ife ring, 1825 (Ml) Held funeral sorvices for HwN"BISON, Horace Fred Jr. Sennen first class, Cars ¥-6, U.S. Neval Reserve; Lying to Lat. 32-29 m; Lone. 172-33 B. 4 full rorort of this accident is being mio by Separite correspondence. Tanuary 14,1923 1238 (¥) —-rrived Submarine Base, Mdvay for refit. pen YBAoHER, With the oxeoption of 1 fow nys when rough sons ond high winds were cxperieneot wonther was excellont in the are°~ Znrouto to 1éway ony sexs enuscd damre to suporstructure and reduced spoot 3 to 5 knots, Enroute Midrny to tho trea thero were n fem fine érys, but in goncrnl sons wro raurh nd wind high from tho est. Very little rain in the aren; alway3 good visibility at night. Visibility durine the day was usually excellent at sunrise amd sunset, but decronsed ns the sin rose hirher, causina ani to bo obscured by haze. ‘The nirnre effect nentioned-vas nost marked in the sun's direction, althouh it persisted, conoreliy, throurh 360 degrees, ‘The predoninnht Sloud forhs wero cuntlus vith froguont overoonsts of strito- custlus, Only two ¢ays, hovover, vere skics ovororst. suffic~ dently to prevent obtadning star siehts. ‘ir temperntures recorded: are F to 72° F. Injection tenperaturcs recorded: 40° F to 1° Fe U.9.5, SUNFISH - Penort of Fst ver Patrol, DFOMATION Current and tidal observations agroed in ceneral with Anfomntion in (a) Asiatic Pilot Vol. IT, 7.0, 123 and (b) saan Pilot Vol. IT, #.0, reprint of Bui. Pilot. Outside the line Joining SHTovo 1msiT ana tro s\vT, currents erecd with the desoribod direction of the KUROSHTO, but the streucth was generally less and in no ease creator tian two knots, ore of tho above line, stronm and irregular currents. 4s n>ted on pnge 40 of (b)’abovo, a strone 7 eddy Was twice obec croc to accompany strone northorly winds in ROMANO W, wise currents nen? OAT SiKI wore observed on throe os: ft from nbout two knots easterly to one or two knct= vasterlr 12 1 tine roughly correspond in? ta the moon's trans deension a vosterly set of at east threo kx s omerionced thraughout most of the day in this vicinity. The tidal ourronts in msvo svIN, mrticularly on the flo0a, were cbservad to be oulte strone ns far eouth ne D.dO SIXT. They direction to tide trbles, MAVIG‘ TIONAL “AIDS, DAIO SARI, SUGA SHIMA, and O SHIN Lirhts were gbsorved timing with norml cinmnctoristics. IRAKO SIRI ond KUMI SHIM, lights were definitely deternine? nat to bo burn- ing, Piloting by use of mountain ponks from well off share is not trustworthy beeauso of the vory Turco! nature Of the entire coast line. Ovinr to the miltiplicity of ponks charted, it is enst to plot a civen round of beqrines in foro than one’plnee unloss sone one of then is definitely dicntified. the north shore of UNSEU NID! is linc? with a contimious hirh cliff, the bronks fy which corresponding to rivers on the chart servo ns good lond mrks. Visihility for piloting was usually best before or shor“ly rfter sunrise; Acteriornting duc to haze Inter in the Any. FUIT SiN wis seen several tins on clear rornincs, Rover im tho Inter efternoon. Noither 0.10 °7T or Oat tt Wing over sichtod subneraed. ‘SUC’, SETI 18 quite pronitiont on a clear nornin: or ovenine when 10 to 12 nilos Aistant, IRIKO SIET could not be seen, but the ponk to enstreri wins 1 food lanénerk, The Jena to'nortywara of M\ToY’. Ko is quite pro- ainont, but thit to southward vas obscured by the surfico,nirnze- Ceution should bo oxcrefsod to prevent nistakine the northern montary of the entrenoe to ITO"! Ko ns the left tanrent of (0 S\xt. In reneral, pilotine in this crea wis 7 problem which upied the m jor portion of the dry, wes indvlzed in by all aah BroLesuns (2) Tole fivers with yapied results. heh opereting near and ti stwerd SEP eraReD TL teearzee gtr etfs es ness mt fa ont No diffioulty-ws expertenced in obtaining stor pjchts at phy tine, using o reculnp pich aznde sextnt with one-PAlt of 9 GNS0 bingoular Titzed in plnce of the telescope. ORIPTION GF WEY sn fPs SI DpscRIPTon _+ TSO Tt. ercr, 2 masts n oe like superstrustine amidshins, , 2 masts, brown,hich olippa dow, oppearcd’to have lumber piled Giter acok, ssa se 2, = goapen or trevor RR oe ie Toreft tonder of Om1YO 12/9 137-11, B(2ig-Zeg) or-IT2UEO cless, 1inos of DD at 000 yas.. 80 HEM for Li, knots 5 Uae eB Se ee contact Mo. b. 13720; 7, 08h Sb NE = . 1-08 E ioe one oe = = columns of Snoke. a 2/10 437-06 B a sit en ME "= Waste and stack of freighter, Hull 1205 2. down, 0 =) TS Mosts ond stacks of 2 frolghters, &* 12/10 °137-05 B hull down, Singlo stack; onc with 1 4 gonl post end one with single’nests fore and aft, Running abroast, T2090 3a! at igh Torenast with orow's nost oF 12flo 137-04 B fighting top, aoling black smoke. Hull below bhidge obscured ty iy scnpah x, Distines 200 yerds Be entificd, re coast or TSH); f 3S EF in size to 00; © toll vort- 12/2 137-33 & Aout stacks; “tripod nest fwd with @iroctor cont#l or Lookout station stick nist eft.” ft nat tellor thts fwd rest. Light nott: olor. - 36 BNCLOSUT? (4) ‘TSORIPTION OPEN SHIPS STOHTED (Contd). = iT bo arSts Tet AIF 21. 12/12 1373338 superstructure (50 tons). One siniler to ordintry fishin= sanpan. 2s seach a ra ST To 12/2 137-338 fe Ch of KINGS, Clnas,. May hove been etre, new DD, Licht nottled crey olor. aa Tne ite Leht af soaly bot. Be eS TN =i te 12/12 137-358 pee, fi =" fe fre patrol wasol; Inrze 12/14, 137-078 briddessinilnr to large tuna boat or travler; ientifiontion toor ~ because of failing Licht. By Tea ahted sanpins; 2 radar DIVE 27,28.12/17 | 137-200 on‘derkened smil vessels 2,000 yis. = r for move rood "pine 7 12/17 137-188 yords. Vessel not sishted. but_closine renee ‘rapitiv, = miter wie 2 Stncks, le/it 136-528 sinrle msts, 2 well decks {4,000-5,000 tons), Siniler to KEISTU IMPY except _hnd tno stacks. i2fie ri oe RORY CONTIN. J2/ig* = a2f9 rat z in mS envy enst8. Vite, very — “aes 35-28 | ® “gin|tor to nedtin atom CopromerTaL Subject: = No_:DATE_: Posrr z or Sgaprover, cTass undetetniie’. 12/19 136-208 “| Miybe torbada bore of mm clases a 3 = == Sean of TaFes SERSHIT 12/20 137-508 sweepine southward. Shin not iaentirisa, 2/21 137-38 aes 7 Z yt ESA One Lovuls 12/22 138.08 __ tat torpoto. bur ¢ of MIDOPT cles, 12/22 “138-086 é = = TAREE PROT VesteL, pOsSTET 12/23 137-458 forpeio bont, Serews in- @ic~ted possibly the inter type. 5 a r fell to pSaTun THOS hers: “LO ;47 12/23 137-408 nob inlividualiy identirsed 18 Possibly accohinanied by to escorts, ,(Sount hoard 2 sete hich sped sores.) 2 3 shine sampan; clipper bow, 12/2h, 137-228 * sonll pilot “hose. Tenth 75 tts Grey. 30S VED SiON Var Fons ——$“Trrs sapeseTaSEuFOT VOCRT 7 12/26 136-498 Like Aediun to lapee’ frei ont= : ore 31a ea re 12/26 136-068 E = = PI urned On close nbOArd; = ‘ain. 12/28 ‘soFU GaN gould not pick up on “redar, Probably fishing sampan. TIRCRET CONT OT 33. 25-1 See v 5 12/28 139-588 Ts AERO UAWLOE AF PAeTe) 12/29 “139-218 yossol, Aistanoo 5 milcs, 2 hery single msts, o}iprer vor, high bridge stmoture, Jennth 100-150 fect, color Breye B 5 tao ToLghter (Ose, 10,00 12/30-137-05.58 (Zin-2ng)“tona) burnine alternately - Tunning Lichts ang rat-hend Licht, Single stdek, heavy mts fwd rng aft, Trrge brine structure. ‘Identition- tion not ef inito. ict ofits -38- — ‘BFOLOSURE CONFIDENTIAL Subject: U.S.8, SUNFISH = TR No.D\TE_: POSIT : cours: sPrED : ‘SanpANS, Seem . ying to a 12/31 136-328 ingly spaced about 1 nile apart. we ee eee jestrover, clhss i aot tetera ined 12/3. 136-258 iw a THT “4 (Ju3 136-578 ‘speed sorens, (over. 200 PPK): eager as 3 of MuMeTOUS BaNDATS. i _UNSHU NADA ato AAES OY HuNeTOUS SAMBATA. Yeontiriod. 5Hiediun ftoirnters aETOL voscoty amie atey; Berek Ani UY AIRCRAFT coNT/CTS. 32 _: couRER “a poling SmITe Ta Feline TIT Dist 4 mS, cept with sinvio floit instena of wh tee EEO OE STA TSUBISHE. Ait. 1500 fe. 19 23° 368 250 Te 32. pW tat, Ruston 1: 10 ni. fict. Sottie— Bip Dist Lnil. ani °3. jt. 500 ft. Banh Wot Sache Tad by"0s0.0s FOE Seer Dist 5 nis throw >: wits 1,000 ft, a 5 Eas Erol tne, coming out of * olmut 1/8/43 143-19" 8 niles not clenrly’idontificd. ‘1t. 1000 tt. SD rater controt = 7 a mre I 1/8" 1ih-02 B Plane 1 5; Tontnotat by Fidar at FATS, lif2_ 161 02, 5H Dist, G tstlt- 500-1000 Te Tir escorts ai out are not included. EneTosuPT (A) CONFIDENTIAL Subject: -U.85.8, SUNFISH = Report of First Yar Patrol. SOT. ENEMY _4/S easuRZS Convoys scon wore always oscortod by one of nore DD's or patrol vessels. An air oscort was secn only onoc, No air~ oreft were sighted prior to the attack on tho rroighter on December 18th, when wo were bombed ami sighted, aftervard, the first Dlehe, ‘Airoraft were scon patrolling thd coast off TKI SAKI. ‘The entize) constline ts patrolled by samans, patrol vossols nnd destroyers} A picket linc of lishted samrns vs always oncouhterod at night: on the 1ine from SEIONO }TTAKT to DATO SARI. On.two opéasions destroyers, rors stzhted nonr this Lino when. Lt was ‘attempted to go, throuh toward the coast in morning moonlight. Ye Mere ‘Siehted both times, end Were depth charged the sccond time, During two-day submergod fairly near ‘the const of RUM/"O NANA only one’ Datrol vessel or tuna bont size sompen.end’tto alrcfaft vere seem. + Tap lookouts aro alorty so-tér ns is knoyn ve Yore sighted by nevel vessols practically simrtencous with our sient- Ing Co thoits pron intféiéions f vortove tho cnoay vosgel tracked and alndst nbtnoked Nocomber 9-10 was-oqtinyod with radar, T eannct otheriso account for tho roversnl.o! sasso'at 5,00 yards, and tho subsoquont ebrnes of course evciy on the morning Of Dagonbor 10th as wo sirhted ths vossel coninn toyard us. ‘Tho Gaso with which we oro TD's u- torpedo boats at grorit rangos at night chat perhaps Jap DD's aro equipy.s with scon during @nylieht had 9 orov's nost- or box-like stra: v2 om the fore- mast which may have boon a tyne of, radar. Si. interference wns oxperienéed at night on ono or tvio ocensions on the SD radar when operating in RISHU NAD, Pinging vas hoard only twico in tho arca, once on tho morning of Mocombor 10th, van han keying vn5'usod on 16.6 Kos, Pinging and stovping to Msten wore alternated. “The sodend osension of nineine woe the mornine of ocomvor 11th, About daybronk, Mot enoush ns honrd to dotormine intervel'of pings; “Froquoney vas olose to 17.0 ¥oss Wo woro depth charged: only one, No pinzine wis henrd. Tho sorows wore plainly audible, horevor, am vould fade out quite sudonly.. Nenth chares wre now'r' drone mon tho screws coulé bo picked up on sounds Sorovs Yore hontd-close aborra-in both nine roons which wero not ‘honrd on sound, and fopth chore= {nz folloved on ono cconston. irter two or thréo chorecs hed oh0- weet) CONFTRENTTAT, First "qr Patrol, merry been ‘roped the taetios of: this vessel scomed ‘euite obvious and may oxplain tho "silent runnine” dovth-charvers experienced by other submirines, It is sugrested thnt this vossol intentlonslly made All the: noise possible by hich speed rannin in our air- estion to coax us into noisy omsivn tactics, such a3 specdina’up, Pumping or blowing, then, when he was certnin we had heard him, would stop end const nerdss our estinm tod nositio, dronnine | charges while his scrows wore stowed or draeaine, “A fon minutos after dropping his sorews wore arnin hoard by sound, and were Quite close, on the occasion whcn tho storboand shaft was stop~ pod and 4t wns nocossnry to shift the motor combination depth charging followed shortly, Evasive tactics wero quite limited boonuso of. the nooessary restriction of the use of the ruddor when using only ono shaft, In the main, howovor, it was ondonvored to keep him astern, If his sorevs became louder and vere on a fniriy constant berring I vaited until sound lost his scrovs, thén used full ruddor to draw off his track, Th- most effactive evasivo tactic omployed was to mintain nbsoluto quict of me- chinory and constant speed, regardioss of his movements. Tt is possible that the petrol vosnoi eightod the night of December 23rd vins draegine for us, olthor With the idea ‘of trying to "hook" us or to cause 9 to tnko some noisy evsive action, Be ‘Although oe wore close to our mina fiolds on tHo ogonstons and stood an nlmbst continuous porincone watch, no indiontions of mine sweepiny operations were obsorveds x, KATO ORRSOTS TPR TAC TD i Antenna trunk flooded on 250 foot Aivo enroute Fanrl 0 Midway and on nll subsoquont’ deep d{ves in the ron. ay The starberrd shaft storn tubs elnnd locked excosstve- ly when below 200 foot, \1thouah it 4s realized vo went con- siderably blow test dopth on Neconber 10th the sort short did not lenk and novor eavo difficulty, This packing should be completely ronewed during refit, ‘The 420 foot dive cused Jeskrgs only of the nntonn’ truik and ‘the starbonrd shaft eland, 421 other fittings stood up vel, which ws A @ront satisfaction fnd sroved tho streneth of this typo submarine, Supa conmrvent, 4 8, STH + Report of First “pr Patrod, Mion _oyRRees mYPRTEEED (GoD) (i, MAIR DURES eR TTD 39: One ‘breakage of ‘Miu plinds ‘shonr pins was oxperienced. ‘This ‘yns ‘the second cadiAlty of ‘this type exporicneed at san since Commissioning..It sooma tht sonethine totter than a. desien Noich 18 monnt to broak vith’ 1ittlo strain could de deycloved. Sush’n’ cnsuslty pute.n.eukanrine out of commiesion for surface ruining nnd sueh ropnirs nt sea at nicht are difficult and ondaneor personnel, be ios-2-Doriscone tilts 75° in clovation. It is’ believed thet the Hilt angie of the uo»r ions allors rater from sons and sprny to adhoro abnormally lon=, It 4s sonntimcs nocesanre to duck the poriscone § or 6 times’ for one connate li-rouni ohsar- vation. It is requested ‘thet 15° tyne bo insteliod during refit, 5s , Bow nnd .storn plane tilting motors for hydraulic "power" oporn tion nme excsssively notey, 6s vedigg’ On Docenber.J5th a donth chnrzc:lond frayed :rind short- eirouited to strrboard motor starting resistor.. (This devth chere: 2ends'atlded to the control cell by NYMI, is dosignod =nd inst~1104 to bypass. overload relays on main motors to keov holding ‘coils on- ereizediat 11 tines when dopth chargs switch, is closed), This le vas pocrly instellod and pleced dangerously close ‘to the resistor (2 to } inch fron resistor). This shortecirouiting to the sthrtin Tosistor furnished nn alternate pth for tho holding coil current thus decnergizing the holding coil for tho series 2 = narallel con tectors. This allowed then to drop out of the eireuit which-put resistor back in cfrouit carrying full moter armturo current in b Pereliel 2 and sories 3 positions. ‘This resistor is desinned to rennin in tho ofrouit for a moximim of threo minutos; . henee it Overhonted, tinrped and short-cirouited torether with rosultnat @ront heat, ‘This hent caused the cork insulation and pnint on the Qverhond of tho tenouvering. room to enteh fire. enporary Yepais were mde before daylight to nliow usd of ‘starboard’ motors dm nse of extrono enorreney. Starbonrd motors voro placed, in full coaaission 20 hours lator when a now spare resister wns instolled. S : Refrieorsting plant: the 1tquid supply 1iné to Tocoiver’ and tho charginia line, develrped freon lorks.. Tt wns bled! down end.sttonpts to-brnze were unsuccessful with. the eoulp= pont-at hind, #2 nip donditioning unit rae croas-comher te ve the colling ¢oils of the mevt.and cool roon nnd -hns sntistagtorily mintrined the oroper. tomverntures, « Constnnt ndjusting is nec- essary. The specifications enll for cross-oonnectina both S42 - — BIeLoScRE (..) CONPTORNTTAL Subject: 0.8.5. SUNFISH ~ Report of First Var Patrol. te YAIOR DYMO EXPUATINGSD. (Continued). and #2 air conditioning phants to the rofrigeration systen, Pro- vision has been aade for eross-connecting #2 only. 8 Both sound hends are noisy on reversal of direction, due to lost motion or backlash undetermined. ‘RADAR & SOUND: ‘Tho following is submitted in order to nda to radar servicing informtion now available: 3 Radar symptom of trouble: ‘No blanking of return trace; no step in prooision sweep. Whole trace wes weak. Work done: s Changod tubes in blanking nnd step generator cirouits, tested rosistors and enpientors in circuits; no improvonont. Chenged cathode ray tube and oquipnent opernted normally. This casualty occured after 170 hours of operation. Symptom of trouble: Resistor R3.1 burned out. fork done: ‘A ground in tho collector ring caused tho resistor R3.1 which is in mrallel with the antenna control switch to burn out, Ground was ronoved ond resistor roplaced. Since that tine dry rags have been packed around the collector rings, Resistaneo to ground hns boon maintained nt around 80,000 ohms, oxcept when nir conditioning has been shut down guring dive at whieh tinc resistanco drops to 15,000 to 20,000. Synpton of trouble: Step wis slovly flattening out. Work dono: Replaced two step gonorator tubes, (15 & v-16} (6x67"s) rouble was oliminnted. Symptom of trouble: ‘Trace frded out in intensity of C.R. tude. Work done: Replaced cathode rey tube, Trouble eliminated. This’ trouble Qooured after 260 hours of operation of tho equipnent, 110 hours for this tube. ho short life of the eathode rv tube was attributed to the fnot that the gorr was run internittent’ taking © seep every five minutes. This cnused a surre of oh aror0suRG (..) Subject: -5.5, SUNFISH - Rovort of First high Yoltaze tobe drawn by the of ‘the regulated rectifiers were run at the ton of the volt- age plloved by the instruction book, This Was cut down to 295 volts and the: prectice of continually starting nnd stopritin was discarded in.favor of » continuous sucep. 1 life of the C.R, tube to date is 336 hours (1/8/z3).. sympton of trouble: = Wo "grass" on ehthofe rav tube. Pecelver apparently dena. Vork done: Changed recoiver tubos, (7=6187's); stili no cain control. Changed oscillator convertor unit, rotuned receiver slichtiy and results obtained were better thon any othor since original instalintion. Port of this improvement ts thourht due to replneonont of recoivor tubes. The retunins of the receiver was nocomplishsd by using o¢mes from ynves. Tunning ws considered sxtisfactory when Wave echoes wore noted nt 2,000 yards. This conclusion vas confimmcd at Inter date when ship targot wis follored otit to 18,000 yrras, t Syapton of’ trouble: Yio high volt»ge sunvly to transmitter. Work donot Fyse (F-9) in pinto supply cireuit to hinh voltnre rocti- fier was found to be open, This vias cnused by Tesistor {R+L8) on the positive aide of the hiah voltage, suvnly (1,000 V) sreing'to the shieldirin of ‘thé syichronizing yuPso Jen’, ctusinz n direct grouid, The smehronizin# rulee led wns Fonoved, re-ingul ted nd fuse F-9-teplnced. The equip syapton of troublA: nent operstod nonini ly. Broken mendtron. This mmetron yas broken Whilo replie- ing the ro-insul"ted syichronizing vulge lends Vork donot Tho regnctron ys repineed. Potuning ws fomd nosessrrv, Rotunine rt this tine necossitnted tho ndjustient of the tuned cnvitt of the oscillator convorter wit. This was accomplished while the equipment was runnine by érilling hole in the outside ersine in line vith the top: stre¥ fdjustnent of the tuned onvitv in the converter unit, Tuning was necanplished on vave echoes amt nt a Intor date . 6 Innd oontat was noted nt 31,000 mras. synpton of troible: O42 filled endonser (0-25) lorkine, torninal bord in mnitter-recoivor anturted. Comcnser wis replaced, al? lends removed from borr’, oloanéd in Alchol and replneed. This dofect-vns discovered while*ro‘ftievln ting synchronizine nulse Lond, ‘nd no opera- ting time vas lost due to remnirs. SD Radar Symptom of trouble: S SURROUISES-IGEE of trnco, aftor which it vas noted that the equipnont was draving no: plate current. Before any steps could be taken to locate trouble, the squinaent bor>n to operate, aprarontiy nornl. This ootinuéd for m short while, tnd loss of plate ourrent recurred. Vork done : Tye rectifier tube wns-chrmed end the equinarnt was start ed end gave, 8 before, romront normal operation, How— ever, the léss of plate current continued to ooour ct fre quent intervals, The equipment could be temporarily restored to om ration by shorting the'vinte to araina. Tis vo riso to’the opinion thrt the trouble was in the grid Tonk ofrouit, onusine the osclilstor to- boom Blocked. No defects roulé be fount, hovever, in tnatine all condotsers and resistors in tho ctrouit. - The ‘oseilin~ tor tubes wore chamed nnd tore hns been nd fuxthor trouble of this kin, Sympten of troutile ponstent nreine of first PF stare in receiver unit. ig of this tubo ond retunine ofthe dizlexin« ani mits scencd to Inve no offre! S13 tho sas tube uplox unit was oparntine with’s stendy blue plow, + tho instant’ of nrc, it ras thoncht advisnble to ‘Thove hna since boon no -reing. Suddon drop in size of thocohsos, fron » lend contact, Wark dont Pepleced oseilintor tubes. Theonly eamtnct since this change vas a plane contact at10 ai: Sou Syapton of trobble: sr naplifier vent dord. Tubos checked nil rioht.. Usine-the oF edrouit onniyzer 1t vas found thot-V -105, the first "WF stro ms drowine low plate and screen volttres. \ftor a chook of this circuit it-was fund that tho prinry of the coupling transformer botwoon ¥-105 nnd V -106 wns ovon. ‘ig, thane Are nn somd speros.nboard, this recolwr is still out of conmissicn. PsbIO_Rouprnow Radio rocopt ion was complete. Inst cnsveutive sorinl received SyI7, Inst consecutive sorinl sent Fre, cae = ZNCLOSURR (:.) CONFIDENT AL Subjoc' QI. SOU _CONMTTONS_AND_TENBTTY L.tvERS Sound comiitions within the 100 fathom curve were poor for supersonic }istenine, Cutaide the 100 fathom curve: they were good to excellent oh oconsions when sen mS saooth, and poor to fnir in rough sens, A density layer was oxperienced off shore nor W1Te\K resulting in errtig depth control, believed due to fresh wnte 4 density layer nt 300 feot ws oxperienced on Ono occxsion & niles east of ATO Sixt on the 100 fathon curve, EIT. | HEAL) RTT I. In penernl, honlth ani habitnbility vere excellent. 411 any ¢iws wero confortable mi cool, even durine’silent Tunning. One case of nensles, ono onsn of nnoumonin, several colds am several enses of rash wore effectively isolated and trented by an excellent pharmneist's mtc. One mashed fincer resulted from the rensirs to bow nlnnes shorr pins, Tho officer and men injured on Jnnuary 13th have been trontod ae well as, fneilities permit, The officer and one mon will be transferred toa shore sick bay or hosvital for further treatment, my. a Om 0 AW) FON STATION, To Station: 3986 From Station: 2575 FUEL OTL RYPRIE Bnrouto to station: 36,77h aris. on stath 27,820 pris. Fron Station: 29,990 pals. E.CTORS OF MMURWCS PRI INING FL PROVISIONS FRTSE WATR 12,468 enls. 20 anys Unlinited Provisions of the operation order. Sue raosme (2) CONFIDENT AL Subject: _U.5,5. SUMPTSH - Report of Fyrot Var Fatrol xvi. RENGRIS, ‘tm retrospect, considerin? the diffioultios ex- perfonced in identifying ships and landmarks, the blurry visios Sighted through the poriscopo, islen?s sven At. erent distrnces, ow lend close by obseured,’ trees. apvonring As tall stfoks when severnk miles distant, pflotinr difficulties,” ships with masts, bridge ard stacks nnd’no hull, erfatic ras, I ronlize that T was the victin of one of the pranks of mature - an inferior mimgo. Tho ships sichted December 23rd nmi Jamuary th rould probrbly not have been seen hnd ‘It not ‘been for this phenononon, This explanation is not given 1¢ tn cxouse’ for not closing and einkine targets sighted. It 35 given with the iden of helpine those who my experience sinilnr @ifficulty. These ccndit fons prevailed the antim tine in tho sma and ceusod nan} nortems after apnrovchos in which wo failed to cot in positions. The only satiefactinn ¢erived was that I dia not usclessly expend torpedoos which would probrhiy hyo stovted running before they reached the actunl tareot. ‘he ‘only mothod of Aefestinr this phenomenon, when ‘it 19 reelized such » condition prowsils; is to”try to sight tarzets in sufficient tino to ect thord of them, thon to wait or close until the lar-o vision disxpnenrs nd the sa-licr, nettinl tarret cones into airht. Tnees should not be uscd if taken when the tarcet epnenred blurred, Such renres will rive Anpossiblo 7.D.¢, solutions. 4 sinil-r condition i8 deseribed in ONT waskly nutbor 42, of Nov. 11, 1942, pneo 69). Althourh vo wore closo to the co"st newr D.I0 S‘KT'scverc] tines, the Jand south of MITOY’. KO wns never sizhtod curtac dnylicht. Submarines exporioneine this phenorencn in this aren will ace TOYO KO as 2 left tancont of Irnd, Cnre should bo tekon not to usc this °s 1/.70 S\FT. ine Plelds ‘The eastern mine field was Givolayed Thr ‘the following reasons: (2) Nevel and const treffic ws soon in these Lanes, (2) Tho nostern fica hod boon Inf first ant it wes not dcsired tn cone toc ‘close Qo) nti-subncrine vessels obsorved inciontod that plont in the desiented po: interrupted before completion, thereby prevent~ ine complete disposition of the field. (Soon after conpletion of the plont A good roder “pip” indierted » vessel of bout DD size closine repidiy.) CONFIDENTTAL Subject? U.8.3. SUNFISH - Report of First "er Prtrol. wa. REMARKS, (Continued). ‘The conduct of #11 officers and ren was in docor’- ance with the hiehest traditions of the U.S, Noval Servis. There Were * fev onses of nervousness durinr the depth ehrreing, but this cecurred, for the tiost part, with sone older men who had nade previous’ patrols. the psyehologionl effect of havine to nlAnt botton mines before being free to firo tornedoes wns detrinental in thet it put officers nnd erow in a defensive frane of mind for the first veek of the prtrol, The reversnl of course by our firet target, the radical chenee of course by tho froichter tracked durits one nirht, the misses on two tarrots ant tho in- ability to close convoys were #11 very disrppointine to all hands. Morale, however, vas excellent throurhout, despite these mony disappointments. ‘Tho loss of shipmate dus to ar ing to pick up intelligence informtion was er-vo blow BUCLOSURE (i.) IME DIVISION 101 ™ Care of Fleet Post office; San Francisco, Celiforia, Tenuary 25, 1913. From ‘The Commander Subtmrine Division 101, To: The Connander Submirine Force, Pacific Fleet. subje 1.5.9, SUNFISH - First Yor Patrol, coments Reference: Subject war patrol revort, ISH First, rol extended from Novenber 23, 19h2 to January 14, 19,3. eight of the fifty-two days vere scent in the patrol area. ‘The assigned orinary s 1s to conduct: an 1 against eneav forces, ding nerehant shippin n offensive mine field after thorouzh r ding Officer wes handicapned by his inpressic non the defensiva until after laying the ni natro? was c rized bv lack of areres attacking good targets. The contact at 1035 0 @ been attacked, not ovaded at deep targets vere passe by and’ evnded on Neeember 1 nd Jenuary 2, 1943. The watchword of any suceessh Submarine Comanding Officer mst always be vageressive at Eneay destroyers made exoollont targets ond thoy have no pe ative of freodon from attack. The attacks on Docember 12 and 18 failed be of porsonnel errors, In the first attack, donth control lost although the sea was calm; the target nas allowed to the best firing bearing, thus causing the use of leraer track angles then should have been used f 7 conds); end feilu: close a fire control e torpedoos out on courses 730 and 930 from those ‘This last type of casualty is an old one, Tt can only be cured quent drill and proper uso of existine communication systom, ‘The second attack failed because target sighted submari and 2igcel bocauso the target was arain allo ting in excossive gyro anrles and poor set-up. vals (13 end 17 sceonds) vere excess oxperience gained on this, the Conmanding first vatrol should nay dividends én sucezeding ones. SUNFISH is refitting et :0"Wv. Cony to: Comsubron 10 TYOLORURR (1) co SiRrIsH Fost Office, Californie, lar Fatr = Report of First OL Conf 1tr 99261/A16-3(5) (943, and Subject Report, 0.5.5, SUE Enolosur' (A) Gossubaiv 2 January 25, The remarks of Commander Submarine Division 102 are eoncurred sixteen tor after r torpedo so hits resulted f e SUNFISH left for patrol with fark 12 min and r of excellent opportuni tuo attacks were made and one suimarine, opiortunities for ét Enemy targets at hand must be yas inflicted eneny. List Special ecretary. 3 TY PS, ahd general sm blade tips bent, only one badly ies. Fariod of refit terminated and readi- feed January . Considerable h speeds, noticed yb, 1949, Departed Subas: gear sumps surprise dives, fire tthe: ing activit! ired 15 rounds 37 and rackire ui Widwey. eat! cus 300 mile cin Sighted Japanese type 97 t bearing 160° Rel. distance 7 miles on parallel course ( ‘ake to Tokyo?) Dived, Serviced torpedoes, watered batteries surfaced at 1510 (X), (Plane cor a). : en on fader, ducted surface patrol, both veriscopes continuously Seas picking up from sorth fron sible detection by aircraft. ‘Sighted HAHA sk Surfai sighted, ‘Vithin 50 mile circle of CHIcHI SHDMA, 1943 end conducted high periscope patrol durin urfaced in heavy seas accompanied by igh winds nortavard, Patrolled westhard tonard area at on: ngine February 16, 1943. D110 (I) BY rade~ contact at 11,500 yards. leaded for contact Rada~ andicated nore than one shi. sibility poor; tin; no horizon; seas force 6 fr contact nas on northerly courses, 1y knots and we wore abaft bean, full power on 4 main engines to gain favorable firi position, Heavy seas pounded superstructure, came over bridge ani down conning tower hatch, Pit 1 ig from 10 to 14 knots, Average 12 knots. € opening; impossible to get into firing position to heavy sea3, Hadar lost contact at 15,000 uctantly abandoned a: ‘tack was imposs: . Plotte’ position, course tact; estinated arrival near Inpire areas would not be rior to 24 hours later, a0 decided to hola up tre sion of contact report until next night s a8 not to disclose presence in in anticipation of nore contacts, (Contact #2) not seon due to poor visibility, Dived, Surfaced and cormenced surface patrol toward arcu; scores manned, ier reported a faint wisp of smoke on the horizon which disappeared alnost immediately, bearing 230 T. Ran 10 milss in direction of reported snoke Gnd when nothing more wes sven decided it mst heve been a cloud on the horizon, of which there were eny whieh could have been mistaken tor smoke, Con- @ to westnard toward assigned area at one mast and stack of ship through #1 periseoy ng 250 7, estinated distance 15 miles. Changed course to nut contact astern for surface tracking but range seemed to be closing ravidly, as it was soon picked up Zrom bridge level. =2- ENCLOSURE (4) FISH - Report of Second 16, 1943. (Cont*d) 2 detection and ren at high speed toward ing high speed Pur Yow Speed periscope obsorvations at 48 a not identified and was not seen again, loft thought. it was 2 largo man of war, though Lot enough was soon to make any positive ident ifi- cation, only the vory top having been asen prior to diving, Surfacéd, fothing in sight, Believe cnemy ship must have cut SUNTISH visibility olrele nonenterily on zig toward, Certainly SUNFISH could not hive boon sighted fron surface ship at 15 niles, causing radical change of enemy cours g in sight only 3 minutes prior to divin Sighted white light on horizon, blinkin signalling, Changed course toverd t Siglited second white Lipkt to norti apporently simalling to first vessel. Identities fent as fron. sali petrol vessel, so chaneed course to work around ard ncad tonard last répo: ed porition of farthest light. First light Alsappeored over horizon uné second not s2en again, Perhay P today waa a te in position for inpo y definitely were nob fishine ves tmakenitting report of provious nigit's contacts in o not to diselose presence ani thereby divert possible co tacts, cctrolled in vicinity pert of night, then began working slowly to we aloft rep St light ea e ich haa the appearar of a st ne, (See Kemrka) w 17, 1943. 7600 Dived, : ory Surfaced, Patrolled at one engine speed toward ara, both eriscopes tanned. pruary 18, 1943, 300 (I) Entered area hand: 65,000 gal, February 19, 1983, Subnersed patrol during day. 0227 Sighted lighted sampan or patrol vossel bobbing up and wn on horizon, Avoided. 0613 vod 10 miles due south of new reported position and patrolled to northward agsinst 1 knot southerly current, 1907 Surfaced on courss 180 T, All clear on usual pre- surfaciny 83 radar amcop., Bright moonlight. -3- ENCLOSURE (A) Rs February 19, 1943. (Cont'd) 1917 Report from SJ radar of distinct rader interference as fron another U.S, Submarine so cauippedy bearing 1sig Adu e surfacing, bearing 250 T, distano Only one rango obtainable on’ that bes: ee radar interference there blocked SUNFISH d:this was SAMFISH, Took avoiding ec ne.spsed to open dut. Did not b ecelyed no identification = vothing chtéd during ight on southerly patrol, though rotad occasional SJ radar int ward during the night. reining directly ot ed interference. obruiary 20, 1943, ~~ continues Rebruary 21, 1943, Dived. are2. Fuel on hand (58,000 gals.) precludes trolling during daylight hours if mxiaun t or surface chases TOXUG SHINA and OXINOWERBU J Sound contact bearing 238 T (12 miles 130 T from TOKU"O SETMA), hted sound contact which was srll patrol vessel on easterly course distance 8,000 yards; rapidly passed out of sight. Sighted suoke on horizon bearing 276 T, drawing to northward, Commenced approach at six knots. Unable to close range to less then 10,000 yards, hter whloh passed ver coast of TOKUNO SHIMA, Dscidsd not to e 80. close to land as believed detect. Would have bsen certain and attack probably thwarted before favorable firing position could be gained. Abendoned apnroach, 2h BNCLOSURE (a) 43 (Cont * a) Hi cnoke bearing 026 ‘0 see ship with 15 ae anproaeh on smoke, assuming and opposite to that of previous contact, Abandoned approaen but kept periods were ibility; sighted 9,000 yards vo vessels identified Looked for lar wed toward Light bearing 230 7, ree to gouthvard was clear of U Pomel honey sioke bearing 000.7, draning Owestworé slomly. Could aot sec ship with 15 ft. periscope exposure, but from intensity of smoke {t gust be reesonably close and obseured by Seoks, Conmenced approaci on snoke, endeavor- ing to maintain const o94e=1143 a speeds for alnost two hours when two id one tall stack amidships hull down enemy ship zigged to westward p ot noua 4 night in vicinity. ap SNCLOSURE (A) RS U.8.8, SUIFISH'- Report of Second War Patrol. on ahead, Plo showed en: ig About base course 210 T, 4 19 knots, til opening & ing ahead, . Not identified, ope patrol on plotted track of contact, ian speed has been reduced materially duo yn and defective starboard screw, 1, distance 1h curve off CHIM theast. Skies: heat oversest, Rlow of light beyond horizon, Inereased specd course to investigate. shing trawler or patrol vessel brightly light- hg white over e red light on mast and several t lights on hull. At the sane tine Liar glows spaced evenly along horizon on @ 20, ‘This is the route from FORMOSA STRA 80 deeided not to attuck but to remain in the hope of making contact Tio such had previously been guring clear weather so considered it possible ted station patrols are used a3 an aid to Goring inelemant weather. euained in visual out might, Lighted vessel patrolled to nto heawy seas at 3 kno S16) BYOLOSURE (A) SUMPISH - Keport of Second War Patrol. wind from northeast. to maintain peering. 110 Visibility po 0825-1100 course information gnentery and too great. abandoned approach. on BATIAL seas, force 7, Sk ily overcast, no on doubtful. Sighted tine of lights as No contacts. NESE junk under sail. Seas moderate during day ont picked up after dark. N and NAGASAKI 1 when stars were out ob- 2nd, 000 yards. Nothi cach. Radar "pip" owed target on SOLOSURE (1) Sehtad suoke as horizon cleared somewhat, does at heavily loaded freighter, 90 S econds apart, depth ge 1,000-900 yards rd and fourth (which w edo hit) oroased swung 122t nicest part of s + exslostons on bridg: of dense port quarter | course to left. shoot from position of ventilator abeft explosion on bridge, probably from boiler Over in range but cl scream of shells passing overhead hee: @ tower. Dived to get clear of gunfire ani to ighter's acrews passing close aboard. ed fairly close aboard, teebly started, th: thereatte! fling noises definitely never before FISH sound gear ani on lest bearing of screws. anted to surface immediately but had unwisely commenced Detected distinct smell of sake. Searched arse at i4 knots for one hour on last Nothii hted or contacted on ra sank, NOLOSURE (A) regretted that seven torpedoes were < No torpedo explosions wore heard or fe fficsr or 0.0.9, BNCLOSURE (4) ISIERUL U.8.8, SUMFISH Report of second var patrol. ® for HANSET-SHOTO tonight, = on vine end to aller tro urd. Chan: Jimi Inter i 2 1OUE,class srossed to part altanooualy siggod loft SH 25 dogroos on starboard bors lanouvored for ke At 4y000 yards target sigged right 5 degrees on starboard bor, Opened out at high epood far stern shots, 90 P track, At 2,500 yards angle 02 bor 20 Py Did not reise pariscope again until final observation ‘tocanse of smooth vater end Liklthoed of being sighted tofore firing, Sound bearings and final becring checked closely with 1DC throughout, od firing 4 torpodoos, 1-87 ? track, 1 dogree Ry depth 20 feot, firing intervals 10-8-8' seconds, Estinated torpedo run 8502950 yards, Prot of throo explosions shich closely natched firing intorvel and torpedo rms fer hits by first three tor= pedooe, During firing hed ordered £011 spood in order to be “Co mile a rapid tum to avoid DD vhich, ££ position vas sii on port quarter of target, mot nev be vory close aboard, Shortly aftor all torpadoos were fired raised pporiscopo and sav lange eolum of water rising under fer= ward funnel, Imediately lovered periscope ard erdored 145 fect, (Charted dopth of water 162 fect) About this tize, as SUPISH passod 70-fost, DD's serous vero heard passing over conning toner. -10- ‘ENCLOSURE (4) fk U.S,8) SUNFISH = Report, of second var patrel. Copth charges, all very closo, SUNFISH at 145 fect, running i joc%od paint and cork off mull, loosened bolts, 3 tomaarily, broke Lights, emptied dravora tn 1 9% No seriqus damage below decks, Damage stot ott on steady bearing 270 T, tovard g officer report= Sowd simltanoously ro fo doopor water be~ pocsiily from floodlighte. tay or threo inside horizon, and on, péssibly signalling, of ono vossol in sickt on horizon, pect for to:sido damages to ake ¢ cnae 200 volt bat uni, Fotnd yonkers on bei ive due to Giapteagm, and brokon magnois; various other minor Stone, Attor Gurfacing mannod dict obtained strong, broad elgnel bearing 270 7) ligts wero previously soon, Operator vas sending out mumrel and lottor code groups at a spcod to groat for his sbility, Tranacission stopped suidenly and was not heard again during +h hough Radio KELING vas hoard to ask anvthor station, using commercial procedure, vbothor Gistrose signal of (blank) ship hat boon cloarod. An cxcorpt fron SUNFISH raiiio log 4s incluied vith original roport, March 10, 1943, Reported provious day's attack to Consubpace Petrolling to castuard across routes forn FORNNSA to VAN DIBISN and MAGASAKT, Yeroh 12, 1943, 0025 «Biguted emoko of unidontifiod ship toaring 290 7; no radar indicaison, Commoncod approach on 4 cnginos, Ship on taso ‘course 10-210 sigging, specd 18-19 Inots, Could not closc. 8 radar is dofinitoly not up to par, Gavo only faint, ceasional rango indications. Abandoned epproach as hopole: -ll- ‘ENCLOSURE (A) tk tallod now SJ radar mgnotron requiring comlctely Closed TORT SHDI to 4-5 miles ond tuned radar Closing AMAT 0 ab (1) si ring 254.2, Cormoncod appr 516-1707 7 Tange 8,000 yards, « h SOPSURS GARI boaring 110 7, hargirg beter 2 anal pel Goring up to po dopth sous erons (260 RaP.ile) posing to southe ido thich vero lost in? mimtos, it ay thereafter nothing ‘bo socn on “Movo this us king high spood tovard our corlicr posit probably reported ty patrol vessels previously scon or bearvors ards, depth 10 foot, out. success). 2219-05 it of tio oxplostons vhich corrosponded in tine with hits there thoy orsiotsd end trooiod of ite rim, Chorved “argo coluan of ily obeoured middlo of froighter. Target's ‘tor, snoking heavily anldships, heaaing for TAMURA Ji 5 nilos, Vislont cxplosfon stsultanocus vith orange ‘flare from i stack, Probably a boiler cxplosion. suddenly stopped, thon nothing in’ eight oxoopt land, Hod rm 5 miles 2.80 hotdod back to arca ari pitrollcd to cast= Wand, lite: Froightes’ mio 80 R,Pall, for 11,5 moti Radio log of distross sigaals with cricinal report, (Position of attack: 5 Eilos, bocsing 080 fron TAKIRA JT¥.) -12- ‘ENCLOSURE (4) tk 13,620 gels. ge Bal bot clied to’ conduct threo day surfuco end 5 eee botwoon Til Moreh 17, 1943. 2000 (Z) Yarch 21. (0500 (2) 0628 co serial 7 asking for ell att ‘acl: in coaniss bing scon, Eighted typo 97% patrol plano, 20 xiles, cowie 000 sreiaesd. 2913. Divel. Visibility poory rough'sons, rein, and lov lying fog patch Sightod mact ond stack of unidentified ship bonring O18 1, coureo northerly, Comenced appresch. Ship ddeapponrod tn ose .Surfaced ond ran towend last bearing, At 8,000 yards sightod patrol vessel or trator, Rough sors precluded use of dook fgon cx vessel too sxall for torpedo so hoaded east as trevlor Gisoppeared in rain equal, tk Sighted mast, Dived and comenced approach, At 3,000 yords identified as a largo sanpan vith built up stern, gin romted aft, tvo masts, foromst taller, with crafis noste Pilot hotse aft of dmidshine, Vessel nas patrol +h and south, across SUIPIS! track, at 5910 lnotes posing for gum attack, 20 opened out and surfaced at 1239, 1329 Sighted mat boaring 105%, Dived end oommoncod appreech, Hontifiod ea sane vessel er identiccl to cbove. Believe Did not attzck, (380 stles boaring 019 1, March 25, 19434 Visibility poor; lov lying clouda end potchos of fogs ovorhecd, 1055 (1) © 98 hoavy beniber bonring 330 Rel, distance one sing bow or course 18) T. Bonbor caro out of parently vas as surprised as wey ultanoous; tonber Sun plainly soon vith nelod Ee i. STRPISH 6 loveliod off at 200 ft, vhon first of stick of 3 boabs oxpleded, First was close, socond end third tarely auiible, To dasare. SD rodur got fret indication as diving alara Yes scundod - distanec one nile, (510 niles, 0/5 T from CUS). Sinco our position vas known, visibility varied fron $00 yards to 3-4 ailes and SD rader not fmetioning rymuinod subsorgod until ono hour 31 vorch 26028 1913, Deily dive for radio raeoption toste, 0704 (X) torch 22, Sighted USN FRY boring C20 T, 8 niles course 000 Ts Yoroh 20, 19/3, 1024 (H) “Ncored at S/ Enso, Midway, Received fuel, xenoved ‘torpodeos, way unablo repair SD radar in tino availablo. Yo. 2 main engine fucl hoodor repaired, York 304.1913, 916 (E) Dopartod mavey for Poor, larch 31, 1943, 0840 (Kr) Sighted USK FEY bearing 100 7, 10 niles, course 160 Te ort . 0702 (WH) ldo rondoavons with PO 588, 1200” dswival Foarl, ENCLOSURE (1) Report of Second Wer Patrol. he rosthor onroute to station was noither good nor exceptionally bed, etre: "PO and NANSET SHOTOS the seas vere rough with strong ifs from MME and i, In the Bast China foa the usuel eondition of tho winds was ebout sree 5 from tho northnerd, mith accompanying seas, and the sky wes overcast 2 good part‘of the tine. After pascing the Southern Ielands on the return trip, a hedvy, Je-lying overenst with freqrent fogs provailed until within 200 niles of trong currents vere note’ ina subzerged pasenge between WU and TTKUIA SHIMAS, The moderate currents ea well es those ved to be of a tidel nstord, After a period of five éaye without sights in the region north of FORWOSA STRAITS, during th‘ch tine the eky war lmavily overcast end strong ic fix shoved a total sot of tyelve miles to the southecstwrd. ite extrene charted razge of visibil Tho charted position of tho eubacrged voleano at Lat 26921" N Tong. 122° 271 E, vnich mae reported hoard on sound gour by FLETIG FIS (1st patrol) “was” passed over with no indications. tine teks fron JIC, TOKO, (36 kiloeycles, 1200 Zebra) throughout the ‘ize in ates, announccnonts were English os voll as Japanese and the tine apparently accurate. At a tino when any radio compass bearings would have boon vory useful none could bo obtained bocause no Listed radio beacons could be heard (TGA heerd SHANG:AT Hine in april 1942) and no other transnissiots could be ee close enough to bo used for becrings, although tot other tines both KURI ané MAHA (OKINATA SETI) ctotions using their normal cell signe end commorcicl procedure wore heard on the distress frequency ("dis. tress" courtesy of USS SUNFISH), Tt ie suggested that a corrected ist of Jap consereicl and broddcesting stations might havo been vcluable undcr these ENCLOSURE (A) S281/Al6-3 Subject: DESCRIPPION OF ALL SURFACE ome POSITION couRsy © SEEED DESCRIPTION 210 (z) Lat 26-23N Northerly 14, Unidentiriea SJ rader contact in- Feb 16 Long 138-218 @leated more than 1 ship et 11,000 yas. 1737, (2) Let 26~20N 2 Only top of mast & May have been man- Bob 16 Long 136-108 stack or tops sccn of-wer, In eight at 15 miles aly three minutes. ICLOSURE (A) igus (T) Lat 26-30N Feb 16 Long 135-528 Patrolling on 2 lights - from pa- one Light may have station. trol vessels, Only boon fro @ gub= 1 vessel seek clearly. marine. Taent. as smell yacht type~ 0226 (1) Lat 29-10N, Light of small yes- Bolicvea to be Fob 19 Long 133-152 B81 which rose and patrol vessel. fell with swells, 2919 (1) Lat 29-126 Submarine whieh eur- Noted SJ radar inter Long 133-24 faced distance forence here. As~ 4,500 yards Buned to bo SANBISH 12 mi. 130 7 090 Small petrol vessol, ot enough scen to fron 70) ons stack. Hull down/dcfinitely identity SHIMA« gh spocd serew.Small as to type pilot house amidships. Painted black or dark eray. 1106 (1) in 1500=2000ton single Passed close to Bob 22 k stack coastal TOKUNO SHIA SHIM ETNCYERABU ee ENCLOSURE (A) CONFIDE tA 2715 (H) Feb 22 2030 (i) 0948 (H) Feb 27 0358 (Hu) March 2 2300. (30) March 3 0526 (us) March} 825. (Hz) March 0613 (E) laren 5 $8281/A16-3 :ETLON POSITION In pess be- ‘tween TOKUNO SHIA and OXINCYERABU aoa 5 miles to Westward of above. Lat 26-10N Long 122-258 Lat’ 27-22n Long 122-268 Lat 26-46N, - Long 121-405 Lat 26-51 Long 121-L98 Lat 26-500 Long 121-472 Lat 27-47 ong 122-528 090-000 180-270 030 Various rt of second war patrol. (Continued) DESCRIPTTON REMARKS Sampan or trawler diesel or gas driven 3 yacht type single stack Patrol vessels, guna forward. ENCLOSURE (A) Nerchantman, smoking Zig-zegeing heavily.Single mast for'a Could not & aft.Single stack. Probably close to passenger-freighter identiry. Uniaentiria, 2ig-zageing Carried white over red light on mast, and other white lignts on hull. Patrol vessel or trawler. Tanker-Gray-Not 4ig-zeeging on Loaded. Single stack what was thought astern. to be southorly course. Hospitel Ship- Steady course; not BAIKAL MARU, paint- escorted: ed white CHINESE sume Apparently fishing. under sail, No. 16 uy 18 19 20 2. 22 23 ram 2020 (x4) March 7 0715 (H) 10 (x) March 9 1612 {H) March 9 025 (H) Maren ".1 1516 (I) Meren 13 2143 (I) March 1h 1919 \(I) Wereh 18 iCRIPPION OF EOSITIU Lat 26-54i1 Long 122-218 Let 26-2311 Long 122-012 Lat 26-55N Long 12i-218 Lat’ 27-O4N, Long 121-132 Lat 27-097 Long 14°45" Lat 26-16N Long 128-562 8 miles so.1 Subject: Yarious; then 040 7 Various 2107 180-220 7 17-18 of Southerly 260 RAY KODAKARA: SIMA Lat 28-43" Long 135-268 (Gontinuea) DSSCRIPDICN Similar TAZAN. WARU- heavily loadea, wer patrol. iw 2ig-2agging. un- escorted. Smell freighter with Similar to GUDGEON'S box-like structure fore & aft. single stack, 2 stick mast; CHINSE junk under sail. Similar ASA MARU Gray. Hscortea by SHINOHOMZ class DD Inidenbificd. Malin, much smoke Similar ARGUN MARU, Heavily loadca. Unidentifiea but believed to be a DD Light on sampan or patrol boat. ENCLOSURE Q-Ship -Maneuvered wiialy then ais- Ssappeared on O40 7. Apparently fishing. Zle-zegeing. i Ziewzagging redi—' céliy. Could not closes Unescorted. Not zig-zagel Sound ‘contact. Not seen thru Periscope. small (a) 0628 (I) March 21 0792 (K) Xarch 2k 329 (x) March 2u. 5S 281/A16-3 POSIDION Lat 29-390 Lone 141-468 Let 30-31N Long 156-208 ‘net 30241 Long 157-10E course North 090-279 5-15 Various 000-160 Various RIFTION small tug or trawler, Disappeared in single stack, Diesel ariven. rain squall May have been patrol vessel. at 8000 yas. Gray. One stick mast. Lerge sampan type Patrol Patrolled cast Vessel. Raked bow; pilot’ and wost alone house aft of amidships. | return track Built up poop; counter stern; 2 single naste with crow's nest for'd. For'd mest higher. Length 150 Ft. 3m gun aft on built up poop. Same as above in all Probably same as respects. No. 25, ENCLOSUR a 8 8 e ia ATRCF AFT conTacTs. TIME 1246 (1c) Fon 12 oi (I) March 1é 0218 (x) march 1é oz28 (1) March 1f 1534 (I) March 18 ous (2) March 20 3055, (L) Marea 25 0704. (x) Merch 28 POSITION Lat 29-20N Long 152-47 Lat 28-50 N Tong 134-408. Lat 28-50 0 Long 134-45E Lat 28-50 8 Long 134-48 © 7 Lat 29-06 N 270 Long 135-178 2600r, dist. 000 T 45 Miles from SOPU GAN Lat 30-28 N 180 T Long 160-353 Lat 28-43 N- 000 Long 179-008 ‘Type 97 Flying boat Japanese Unidentifiea Unidentified Unidentiriea Unidentified ‘Type 97 N Patrol plane Japanese Type 98 heavy bomber~ Japanese U.S.N. = PBY ALTETUDE AND DISTANCE 2,000 feet, distance 7 miles. SD radar contact; 15 miles. SD radar contact; 18 miles. SD radar contact; 5 miless 1,000 fest; 8 niles. 2,000 feet; 10 miles. 500-1,000 fect; @istance 1 mile. 2,500 fect; & miles. ENCLOSURE (A LOSURE (A) SUMWARY OF SUEMARINE ATTACKS SHIP U.3.S. SUNFISH ‘orpeddes Fired on each Attack Hits Tanber Sunk (Tonnage) Tunber Freighter : Sane or Similar Similar to :Target :TATUTA MARU ARCUN MARU: 21000-908 900 _:850-9: Foriscope 5 Depth : YES _: YES Deep Submergence Seeeged Draft Target __:20 ft Torpedo Depth + a Setting :10 tt: 5 ft: 20 Bow or Stern Shot: Bow — :Stern_: Stern : 190,93, 98, 9o-Inr:O1,83 ,00 110, 1075 ‘Track Angle 195" Stbdzoreasing 87 Port 105 sted 2 ‘Stod,Terget Target lent as ‘arget lon- Target gth for :Nol “igth used Length spread: 00 ft, used 500 Ft. : 500 ft = 21 = HICLOSURE (4) No ‘ainovert were -Seen' in-the area, ‘but several “contacts were nade efter-leaving-args,: The bomber sighted distance 1 alle arch 25 aropoed 3 bobs which Qld no damage, SUNFISH Was Ievelea off at 200 ft. when first bomb exploded: Patrol Vessels No active A/S measures were encountered trom these and very féw mere seen in'ths ares, “Tt is suggested that during lone periods of inclenent weather lighted ja trol veseels may be used a5 An aid to dapanes shipping, It is believed that eatll patrol vessels or sampans porform the function, in many oases, of brocd= casting, sibmarinds' positions to fast, larger patrol vssé1e, "aos troyera and airgratt, Unless these saell vessels becone annoying by"restricting oberatitns it seems best to renain undétedted 17 possible where there seems to be @ patrol line established, _Sun~ Tish'was depth-charged quite ‘severely by & destroyer’on Nach 9, after the attack ona largo passenger vessel, Only 8 charges were dropped, but all-wore clase, “This DD was escorting the late ship, Pinging was not definitely heard over sound gear but a few ported hearing pinging throbgh'ths hull, ‘This aay indicate sone type of sonic pinging 18 being used by the Japanose. mx MINESSEFING OPERATIONS oBSE2v. No minesweeping operations ubsorved. a DoREOTS, Scovered salt water present in reduction gear cuap first dayuntermay.” Returnedto Midway and renewed leaky lube ‘ofl edoler. Inboard exhaust valve #2 min engine stuck open on routine diver “Efforts to lose it resulted in shoring off ‘the sqviped end-of tho spindld mut. Temporary crank was: Install 4a -place-of-hintwheel, wilve was'1oosened, and normal operatidh restordd,..* Rectifier tubes of gyro pandl. repeater system loose in soren base sockets. - arcing melted soft lead baso causing shorting of filament supply leads, and subsequent over- heating of Idads, Burned insuletion was taped and tubo: ~-were: renewed. — an sees as Repart af Second “War Patrol, 07S _(Contsne On conzletion of battery change 28 February, the bus se~ lector lever could not be Erought fron the Foff® to "battery" or "slo" positions; A loose piece of painted cork fron either the overhead or fron the ventilation supaly duct ons found to be Binding the teeth of the selottor rack ani the battery contactor camshaft pinion, Txcossive vitration at moderate or higher speeds noted this petrol, Starboard propeller tips should be checked for straightness, stern tube clearances: should be checked, ‘opairs lessonod the lesk but vibration nocessi= Slacenont every forty or fifty engine howe. fittings should bo replaced ty now soction. , Gontzol Insb mu of the governs: on #2 rain ongina beokod off allowing dial shaft to drop into fly balls, Barred goer train tooth, bont dial ahaft and stripes fly tail sft rotsiner oxtlar nocoseitatod roplaosnant of the p 3 esaonniz, rotating sloow aacenbly, ani speed centrcl colinn, Gontfol Imob mit and diai shatt wore dried ent Cottor ping insortos to. prevent recurrence. Dring adjust- ronts on gowrnor, #3 electrics) tachoneter in tho ran sng oon eeabo! to function sroperly. Diccovered ofl in owxilinry genorator cosing and of1 filn dn aie cooler and air flow peta, Oil leaked by baffle fron orankeas ng cleaned os moll as possible end roa@ings to ground were cll two negehns or dotter, #1 low pressure afr conprossor has cxeessive vibration at retel svcd, ocensionslly overloads on starting, and surzee hon up to tated speod. ‘The tilting mechanisn in the optics of #2 periscoys s fend toonne Anoperative on 20 Retrumry. The pover shifting edjustnont stuck and renainod in the, high power osittion: on 27 Fobrucry. It ues loft in high pouor zor tho 'ro= neinder of the patrol sines forcing it night result in ‘tho loss of the uso of that periscope ontircly. Operation of the stexboard sound hen wes impuired due to deterioration of electrical leads in the shaft to the sound hod, Hydrculie off gland locks flonded the shaft with oi] 2 BIE LOSURE (a) HAJOR DERPOTS (Continued). Excessive vibration notod when bow planes vere put fr dive to rise on larch 5 and theroctter indicating excessive Joosonoss either in the ball ant socket joint or in the shaft bearings, Positive sto> on port bull goar has started to split, Bou and stem plane noter nagnotic brakes aro exoossively noisy. Exeessive hydraulic ofl leakage in tho operating gear of ell outboard axhaust valves, main infuction and hull Antuetion, plus excessive aif loaknge past the packing on tho air side of tho cccumlater causes excessive recharging of the aceumilator when on tho surface, DEEBOTS DUE 70 DEPM cHROTNG. ANI grossure proof speakers (3) on tho tridge went out duo to shattered @lephraccs and broken migncte. Several Light bulb filmnonts in asin generators were broken, One light bulb in formerd torpedo rosn vas broken, Carbon clapper on hydraulic pump ootor starter bax was knocked off, Txeogsive noise fron unknown emuso in superstructure noted ‘at subnorged speeds above 4 knots since depth charging, Pitonster log knocked out of odjustnent ond sucrd became clogged duo to disturbed midy botton, Hydrogen detector alam relay contacts jarred and fused togethor. Starboard motor field ameter loca jarred loose inside meter. 200 volt ground appecred.and was traced to a shorted lead in the forverd torpedo roon heater. 8D rodor ves throm out of time ond gave orratic rosults, thorecfter, finilly foiling complotoly. Contactors inside direction finior shaft wore jarred Tooso poking minimum becrings inpossibie oni reception poor, ENCLOSURE (4) on ves conplote, 411 hands looked forverd with ontmsiasn to-tho daily nove reocivéd from Coneubpae. Test Serial Rocoived: 52 ants Sound.condi'tions were as have toon provicusly roported in ‘this cron, Hoolth ond habitebility were excellent, Sun laap troat= nent was daily routine for all hands, 96 vere vitonin ._ lo notable sickness occurred and thore wore fon colds, Milos Stoaned enroute to station: S082 Milos Stoaned enrmuto fron station: 4439 Fuel Expended: 100,720 gals, ENCLOSURE (4) ‘FACTORS! OF ENDURANCE REMATNING: FUEL PROVISIONS (days) FRESH WATER PEEL days) 11, 810(uiaway). 10. Unlinitea Inder FACTOR OF BRDURAIGE CAUSING BNDTNG OF PATROL: Provisioxis of operation order. Regrettedingt heving transmitted contact, report rékerd- ing rater contact of Paprusry 16th,,..Qee.omact Uestinstion of the ing moontact was notighpawmend't be contacts were nopsighted due reder (onsnt woather end grect range. ‘The eneay's general course to incwtherly, speed 1h knots and the plotted position shoved that was morthear the Gmpire areas would not ocour for at least 24 hours err ey greed, For these reasons t he contect report was yithhold ot eee enesission the following night. During the day of 1éh an for reified ship was stghted but was not seen after submergence qridertack, Suortly after surfacing patrol vessels vere sighted Signalling, indicating tho possible passage during the night of Signy ships. 0 as not to reveal our presence, the contact report Quon’ tnheld, he decision was therefor made to patrol this wiginity and’ to the woetward during the might in the hope of fur- Uicr goutacts, Sine none wes eade thet night or the following fy SUMFISH proceeded toward her ares, Tt was by now too late to sey the report if it were to be used by Empire subuerines, since serpoed of i knots would have placed these ships beyond reach of Southern Empire submarine if their route wes direct to the Empire, 2. ‘Though tho number of contacts listed in paragraph V is imposing at first sight more patrol vessels than torpedo-northy ships were seen, Of largo ships sighted one-was a hospital ship, Shoes more tares night contacts which eould not de closed and TEP not ddentiticd, and of six ships sighted through the periscope taly thtee could be closed suffieiently to identity; only one of Spee cams within submorged firing renge; one was sunk after soveral nese "Surface chase and one was @ Hbspitel ship, High speed ship- hong seemed to be prevalent in this area. No convoys were seen. ing seclt that had the 83 radar boon in good operating condition during the period of utter blacknoss more contacts would heve been hon” Becabse of ths small number of ships sighted in the ero wes dveided to patrol slowly to eastrard after leaving the arca, soe epe porformance of duty of ali officors and mon was in accordance with tho highvst traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. Vieutenant ‘.c, Hall, Jr., USN is deserving of spocial credit for his fine wore as Diving Officer during approaches and Goring dupth charge attack of March 9th, oto ENCLOSURE (A) + FB5-101/A15~3 ‘SUBIWRIE DIVISION ONE ilUim. Serial 027 Fleck ost, orrice, cormETaL Comendor Subnerine Division (iB 10°TH Consander Subtuirine Force, Pecific Fleet, Subject: U.8,5. SUNFISH (S°21) - Second er Patrol ~ Conrents i SUIISH Second Ver Potro oxtendéd fron February 5 to irri 3) 1943. About thirty-three of the fity-rovon days tere spent in \. 1.8.8, SUNPISE = Roport of Third far Patrol, . Foried from April 4, 1943,, to June 24, 19434 Oporction Order Wo, 66-43. 4 Foarl forbo: April 3, 1943 from second war patrol; rofit by 0.5.85 SPREE, Doekad ot tavy Yards roncved propellers, oto dents both sites of cutar Ini aaldehipe, Bridgo vas alicred for additional 20 n,n, sont and 3 inch gun vovod lot depirmed nor wid, Thros day training porlods ‘or 6 exercise terpedoas. Couplated rofit Avril 7, 1943,, Readiness for soa Apri2 28, 1943. PART I = MAREATINY dori Out Twit Dopartod PEARL with #0 escort. inde training dive: two dont cbangos for indoctrination, Releaned escort et dex, april 29 5 Sightod throo FBI's to 15 niles, ‘taximm SD rengo 4 nilose (Air contacts #2, #2, #3) 1957 Sont Mdoubeud eontact® rorart to Coceutrne, roganding unidentified ships on horizon at sunsot, Rosuncc coureo to Hidhay won oceint fron Comsubpac of confirmation of position of tug and toy, contact ith which ms not crpocted util eovorel hours dator.(Contact 2) Rondervous with air.oscort, Chockod SD redar, Obtained seximx 4 nile rongos, inconsistont. oored at Sub Bes9, ldldvay. Had SD radar chocked over vith nagative results, Undermey fron Hidcay with air oscort, Completed deep dive test and sot’ course for aroa at 13 Inots, Tnroute TARTS mado a naximm of throo, 2 ainimm of ono 3° aimto dive daily for treining. Hold intensive drills ani fired all gins on ovonixg trilight battle surface, Rocotved Consubpac's despatch suggosting boabardnent of one of MARLANAS ISLANDS 4f in yictaity night of Yay 9-10,. Present osition ‘nould roquire 18 lnot spood for 36 hours for priot daylight rocon- naissanco of P£GAN, Considered this fuol oxpaniiture excessivo, Fimes ele BNOLOSURE (11) P2EbZF U.8.8, SUIPISH - Roport of Third far Patrol Divod for passage botwoon PAGAN and ALAMMGAN ISTANDS, cope patrol; no activity aecn, Surfacod, Dived on radar contact, 4 miles, lox flying clouds; plane not Righted, (Air contact #4) One depth bonb, not clese. With hoavily ovoreast skies, position “~ within easy aircraft rango of SAIPAN, SD redar not up to par, renainod submerged until dark and conductod drills, routined torpodoos.. Torpodo in #6 tubo 1os0s 600 lbs. of air daily, Cleared arca and sot course for PALAU. Dived on sight contact - type 95 observation plano, astern end high, closing, 4 niles. Radar contact at 3 miles, Air contact ('5, Ro mained Sulmorged until dark, Dawn sighted unidontificd plane to oastand, 5 miles, fiopt in sight until it mes seen ho was patrolling north and south parallel to our track and dived at 0501, (Air contact 6) Zosition is on FALAU = BONIS = MARTANLS routes, 90 ilos fron YAP, Tith indicctions of coneentrated air coveraga of thoso routes with 8 probable rerouting of shipping if our position is voll osteblishod, conductod high periscope patrol, (Unless othervise noted rouaindar of patrol vos conducted submorged vith high periscope observations during daylight; on surface during darkness) Bnterod Arca . Patrollod PALAU - MARIANAS - BONINS - EXPIRE routes, Weather dead gala vith oily enooth seas, bright, alnost full noon, Plan to elose TOAGEL, ELUNGUT and MALAKAL passos if and vhen weather becores nore favorablo for close-in patrol, Potrolling northoost of MALAKKL PASS, sighted small vessel ahcod, boaring 180°, 8000 yards, hoeded for SUNFISH, Tentatively indonti- fiad this os a patrol vossel on northerly course so opened out to nortivard and sloned to patrol's ostinatad 10 knot speed a8 soon as Yonge had boen opened sufficiently to avoid detection, Had ox- aggorated:SD reder intorforence vitich bocano woak and finally fadod owt as range was opened. This probably cane fron patrol vosrol so Soeured tho SD radar and did not uso it again in this area, Considered At Likely wo hod boon D/Pid and patrol sont to investigeto, Held out hope, honover, that patrol nas hecdod for a rendezvous, (Contect #2) [BNCLOSURS (4) =2e U.S.S, SUNFISH - Report of Failed to contast anything to northward a0 reversed course to close patrol for. investigation to southward end dived at 0150. Sound contact, high spocd sereve, Sighted onall patrol vossel (doseribed wndor 4/8 measures) bearing 170°%, 5000 yasda, no chery course, speed 10, Vossel pessod 2000 yerds astern, Nothing further soem, though visibility 4s unlinitad, Patrollod sano vieinity as yostorday, Deepito vory bright nights and Snooth acas which nako our ako visibile as fer as tho eyo ox soc, ‘have suponiod uso of SD radar to provont D/Ping end reroutine of shipping, Fatrollod aerase PAIAU = TRUK - SOLOUOHS routos, Discoversd largo air leak in 200 2b, adr supply to coming tovcr. lock is outelds bl nocabaitating chatting off this supely, Patrol in sase vicinity as yosterdoy, concontrating on routes, Sightod sual petrol vessel boaring 120°7, 8000 yards, 0 avoid dotootion and investigatod for shipning at 4 After high spocd covorcge of 11 probable positions of shipping in Vicinity of patrol vossel, failing to find anything nore vsiuntl Sot course for patrol of PAL = RABLUL route, (Contact #3) Surfaeg ond oubnergod patrol aoress PALAU - NH CUINEL routos. Fatrol southnost of ANGR ISLAND, Recomeitored ANGAUR ISLAND, vostorn sido, fron position 2 to 6 alles offeshoro, Thoro is very ittlo to add to the infornstion containo’ in ONT 29 cxoopt thet large buildings were soon in tho vieiSity of tho chartad-position of hospitcl and school house, There wore ovidences of mow buildings in tho rofinery group. The losding por us loceted, but thoro ws no shipping prosont, Redio torurd wure loe-tod, The island is vory lov; the chite lighthouso is the only outstanding Iand- sark, It eppoars to bo of conont construction, Internittent snoke WS Sosn et various points on thie island throughout tho day = srobably fron the railrord, Took pictures while closing, but by 1500, vhon ostinctod 2 miles off-shore, rain squalls prevented pictures, Surfaood at tattle stations in hecvy rains, ostinated £000 yanie fron target, Reins continucd, conpletely obscuring target and arcas to north and south, Patrollod to southward during night; rains esascd about 2400, EHOLOSIRE (1) Pa U,S\S, SUNFISH - Report of Third War Patrol, May 24, 0234 (1) Sighted patrol vossel bearing 150°, 4 nites vhich turnod ani hooded tomerd SUNFISH, perhaps by coineidance since no apparent offort ss nade to closo énd wo moto tht challenged, Oponat out to avoid dc~ tootions, thon eireled at 4 engine spoed th Search for possible shipping astorn, Thore pust bo shizoing stare patrols aro 50 mich fn ovidonce, (Gontact ¥4) Search for oie hour, thon sot course for dive 22 nilos south of LNGLIR, Sightod tro enall pdtnd vobsole choad, bearing 321% ont 020°R,, respectively, distance 4 miles (Contact #5). Dived 15 niles south of ANOUUR end continscd to close for rooon~ naissanco of exstarn sido, Tho only additional structure soan this dato sos a tall, stool mast (topped by whet may havo boon =, Teds antotina) noar NORTHEAST PIER, Took pictures Surfoood at battle stations 9 milos oast of ANGLUR - 3 inch gun oonn-d, Obtainod 18,000 yard rengo on stool mast, Hondod for 000 yard pes: tion, 411 looked cleer until -= Sighted powerful soarchlight on hoach noer mast, chich mado tro or thro swoops of horizon in our direction, thon stoadic¢ on cur ‘Tuo minutos later sew a white rockot fired fron direction of and st 1945 saw loon of bright, stoody light to south of MIGKUR, this activity so son aftor surfacing, with 5 nilos still to go to firing position, did not inspire confidonce in our ability to pull off a surprise bonbarinont, 60, when lights porsistod for avhile, abandonod the idea and sot cotitse for patrol of PALAU - routes and to clear area in accordance with orders, Sighted two patrol vossels, 3 to 4 miles, bearing 104°, Soarchod goad an boyond thon at High eposda axl fount nothing oro, Contact 46) Cleared Lrce - set course for FAIS, Hod to rig bow planés out by band on nomning divo, Box slanos back 4h comission, el lear throigh poriscope though skis hoovily ove feasts all cloax on SD radar -- surfaced only to divo 2 ninutoo Leto on sighting a largo patrol bonbsr sboan, 5 niles, honded straight in, Ho radar contest, (Lar eontast #7) Suttecod ct’ sunsct, Olesonin roechncissanes of FLIS, ost (1) Pa U,8., SUNFISH + Roport of Third Thr Patrol, Sighted two masts and one oir lator identified thon os part ofa. . @isroputeble rocden schoonor ‘roorod to tho buoy off REFINRY POINT, Longth 160-150 ft, neximm 200 tors; not vorth 2 torpedo, Thon lose enough to island to soo sun-bathors on beach, opcnod out and gave gunnery personnel a look and instructions. (Contact #7) Description of PLIS (Reforonce chart 5426) Tunerous buildings are located innedistely south of tho proninent northrest point, extending for about 1000 yards to squthiard ond up to the near top of the island, giving the appecranco of a ry- renid with ite bese near tho boach and its apax near the top of tho island, ‘tho point itself is a cheor cliff jutting into the sea, about 60 foot high, upon which ero located to redio masts, fa flag pole and a small low brom building, probably the radio station, Ivo large thatched-reof buildings rountod on eoneroto pilings ‘are located on the beach below the refinery buildings. A water duct 2ig-zage dom fron the vory proninent vator tower fon top and in tho middle of tho sland and apparently supplies the buildings in this group, flow, white building, loccted on the boech between the radio station ond varchouso possibly houses offices. single barge or floct ws soon close inshore moar th swinnors, Ssall brom residences were seattarod to soutivard of ‘tho rofinory at various positions in olovations; nost vore nountod 0 stilts, One such structure, the only building in this locality, vas soon ‘to nortinmard of the Point, ‘The ontire island on this side is studio’ with paln trees and though no gun enplaeenonts wore soon tho nature of tho torr rain vould lend itsolf voll to concoalacnt of such equipaont, Chart 5426 sdicates island's hoight as 60-65 fost, Actually it is ebout 107 fost, ts tangents ero eloar-cut, going up shoorly before rounding off near top Jovel, ‘Various wells load’ fron boach buildings, aeross tho beach to tho ateris edge, This nould bo a vulnorablo spot for any ship during doy- Light, Mght losding udor dinnod Lights would soon the only fessiblo nethed, possibly utslizing off-shoro patrols os on anti-sutserine nessure, ‘Tho buildings of the rofinory group are so voll concontrated os to reke this a cplondid tergot, Mish our ammunition containad sone incendiaries 5 thoro is no doubt of our ability to hit buildings in this «rca, 4na- singly, no snok vas ever soon, though tho island ues undor constant sur- voillanes throughout the day, ‘Ono gots the inpression fron tho buildings Seon thet this is a vory prosperous, clean, well kept isle: Sighted beight shite Light high on island, bolioved for novia Surfecod 6 nilos to westrard and shortly Gightod tvo blue-thite bLinldng Lights between us end doland, 2 to 3 nile vosaols though none wors socn oarlicr, Closing FLIS at battle stations; sighted white flashing light on nooring buoy end a ainiler Hight off western roof. Forsor wes desimnated as point of aim since it linet up vith target arca. Hil surfacing vas nou oxtinguishod. Coxe IDENTTAL Subject .$.8, SUNFISH = Roport of Third War Patrol, 128 ith FAIS now sithouotted in the rising noon oponed fire ot rador range 7800 yerés, First few shote woro slightly loft ofr finry buildings tut were quickly spotted on in deflection and from then on all salvos, spotted up and dom to cover range, “Landed whore planned; the iast tro, spotted down 500 yanis, landed in the water. Rooftops were 1Muninated by shells exploding as they pierced; the trocor foature was veluablo. Buoy lights woro extinguished on Sth solvo. Having seen evidences of patrols last night and suszecting the presonce of armament on FAIS, cleared vicinity at high speed in Wright noonlight, after expending 26 rounds of 3.inch high-carceity omminition, satisfied that the Japs would have sone repeir vork and protobly a’easo of fitters, ct locst, hon oxpooted rotallatory oagures were not taken rogretted not having oxpondod our full allowanco, tut @4 not think 4t would be hoaithy to rotum ond start again, Dived 30 niles north of FAIS and sot course for Arcns Surfacod in first ghoppy seas to dete. Strong easterly winds. Officor-of-tho-Dock confimmed sighting poriscope which ho hod pre= viously econ 10 mimtes oarlier out of the corner of his oyo, near our track, distaneo about, 6000 yards. Smung for low spood stern shot and took avoiding action, Poriseope not sighted egain 20 withheld fire, (Contact #8) Diyed upon sighting KAWANISHT patrol tonbor, tyre 97, aboan and closing, 5 nilos (Air contact #8). Went to 150 feot for ono hour and chan god course to closo Jap sub in case he tnd surfacod to re~ Port our position, No radar contact on plano. ften foct periscope out, preparing to surface, sighto? plano astern, 3 miles, fussing into @ loneflying cloud bank, Watched hin ont mhin ino cano’out of tie cloud and hondod for yeriscopo wont “) Clear days occur with northerly TIAL (Ae2) rents are strong, 1 to 6 mots, but unpredictal ference points are Manile and Dutch Herbors ate normally two floods and two eb Dut may be only one eech or only one, Current ications on cherts disagree, No publiestion doo more than indicate tines of full and cheng able traffic routes. ‘Traffic to north of end through Onekoten Str ity Tragfie routes farther off shore to fic routes SE of ie tes that later mohatka taking advent: 6 rly ali will be under condi of ping from surface ‘Submerged radar, to periscope, as target clos- 411 make for oxeolint surf tacks but, ted ont af p, however, if target tracks es z e it ie not Russian. Reconnaiscnce: - 1 ons, shallow depths off harbors, and curtonts, Znability to navignte subs close in inspoction of harbors ond ba taking advantage of breaks in prevent surface visurl r probably not pick up 0 Fog conditions me well off shore. Preliminary plan for patrol: 1, Conduct surface petrol at taking advantage of reduced visibility (on: y permits lookout sighting fro1 ® maximum advantage of nd posc1bilit surface trac! nd_surface ‘Also,, 1t permits of radar navigation and maintaining pattery nt full ebarge. 2, Enter aroc, crossing the possible o! routes southeast of the islands, toward the focal poit of majority of report.d contacts (Onckotan Streit); troverso streit and conduct surface petrol nt radar mnge on costal shipping to north of the strat (A-3) 3. If this arce proves un patrol along coast routes to covcr northwest coast and horthorn entrence to Parcmushiru Strait. » le ShETt to south coast only if protracted Fol indicates routes being covered are enti: verren, or that traffic has boon reroutid ai Entored ar Paremushiru to, by DRy SJ lend contact 60,000 yard: ranushiru To). Visibility 500 yards max, land contact 84,000 yards, 2739 @ (Onekotan To). Ci sition by fethonetor the 100 fathom "finger" projecting into it Onekoten Keikyo, Visibility yards, Radar Ship contact #2; 7000 yards, tracking indicates a small patrol vossel i eit; worked on around him Patrol: fog on ntrence to strait, ont to bridge to observe Tul ed about 40 minute: Suddenly broke out of fog f fo; made first landfall, Sighted ¢ close off coast of Huroteu Zak! (3 Reversed course and stood back Kujira ven, through binoculars it empty of shipping, Sighted suali fishing bost, distance 3 nile awash, Manned 200i and closed on chance and our prosenco had been disco fect; dorelict woden boat, not and avash; impossible to sink. d weather is unpredictable; wind direction dially several times an hour; baron: 11 two inches in en hour and'mocn nothing. Si nearly calm, Decided Japs werca't moving through 4th coross its northwest mouth; will patrol up const to NE ond be'off Araido To ond Paromushiru Strait at day break, Six miles NE of Areido To: - Sudconly broke out of fog into cloar, Araido To is quite c sieht whon sud soon; rising to a 30° cltitude, end Xemohatka eloarly visible, no sh Decided to patrol submerged and cl: 0800 it beams ovident tint we would be una eromuchiru, subnorged until dark we were buckin Fog act in, As periscope ind rev shippiny up the a; commenced petrol of Kemohatia. out of tho edge of the fog bank, t of Shimushu To and 1st nt, Continued =vy fog brnk. Hi et oovaring tho const, k ude n bond to wei ship (not Tracked it ishing bo ind soon us but doubte roport. Kanchet nd mirke ould not orried (a5) Made out Russian Identification painted on Contact fl; an old freighter of about 3500 tons, Headed fo: northern ship, contact # ns colors, marking, flags, ete. visible, Renge 4000 yar joneter showing 15; Slowed to 1/3, rigged searchlight rted challenging with RK wnilé heading in on a rack, (In past experience Jap escorts lave nged-with Ka), Situetion unusual; ship not d, probably just inside territorial waters, no identification or colors, continued and closing, Much scurrying around on the ship, apparently getting up stecm as ‘she started suok ing,’ Lighters pulling cway from ship, Was oppa~ y ina quondary, he hod only seo us bow on and didn't know us and dian't know what to do, At about 2000 yards ronge, tho Jap nervo broke; he colors on his after flag staff, The "color then tied somthing white on a pole ib furiously from the after deck ho 1350-30 a \d torpedo sot on six fee snd started swinging loft to olecr. ebout 20? oft of stroks this may herrd re thump ct o in weter wos ship was partially it drow a 22-1 toot, noftuor ate Sct course to about 15 niles off shore, Obscrv navigation:] light on tripod fre: five miles south of us, while opening b SJ ship contcot #6; contact in fog, sub in elcar, T, 12000 yerds; commenced tricking, Finclly mr il ship, with two lorgc stccks, just sho fog benk, Started ond cround, but doubted 1: CONFIDENTI (A~6) could make it, unless fog set in and could cut in t ship, before he got to Paramushiru, After prolonged perfscope inspection made hi identified him, Small 600 ton coastal gun boat, Po-5, shown in Auxiliaries section, ONT 222; He appeared %6 be zigging between 140° T and 180° T., (160° T being course to Paremushiru Straight). Impossible to get aliesd of Kim in clear weather before he reached Paran~ ushiru, Seoured fron end around and decided to procesd on north and investigate possible far northern across Sea of Okhotsk. The Gun the north, ond there is no reedon for him to patrol to the north’off Kanchetica unless they have shipping up there, If sea calms down plen to convert #) ¥.B.T, tonight. ‘Transmitted SUNFISH two to CSP, Patroling to westward along reported Jap northern route, Lat. 52° N. A11 stop; lying to, with SJ and sound woteh se y on deck converting #i F.B,T, Had troubl bellerank pin in, (had to be a cold we: ther hed cont extonded job y 60-90 minute Si stip contact 7} 18700 yords, 3 Closed ‘to’'1000 and lay to waiting for YSeked ahead t yards made out dim shop t ge of ship and superstructure; no Lights, bor of light when c door was opened ond t made it positive, if ony novig burning I could sco thom, Got fincl sct up Attack #2: ~ Fired first torpedo; run 900 after secon terpedo was fircd saw door on targot, open ein ond target sounded a stor’, "toot Possible nd, torpedo self rel n on each ond sov in the witer, fts ond observed Japs on reft ra much moaning shouting in n dod against pick: tacks Modo sorios of two dives and soversl deliberate por ings to flush out #4 M.B.7, jan out of fog into nies olecr grcy ovezecst about 2000 fect; 80 that sun disk’ can just be made out. Visibility imated 14000 yeres. ‘cokout Ship Contaet #8. Renge cbout 18000 yards, ed tracking and gaining position iO quiok dive ond started approach, Sighted masts in periscope - course constant closed target appecred to be < Iiberty ship a 030° 7, spocd 10, Identifiod as properly marked Russian "Liberty" s tifiortion fla dod and flngs were hoisted Lot him go by ct 1000 yards, ste: Ship out of sight to NE. Surfoood: Radar interference visibility lend contact on on close to becehy cut of fog into 10,000 $0 0400 T aria in fog; have to Invostigate from cbecm or actern, Lost cont at 6000 yerds, bedring 180° 7, conic around and clos Fog settled in niocly, Regzined et ond starte troiling estorm at 4000 yards, Pips coufusea; SI rep 3 to 5 ino group, somtimes more sonctims less, but (4-8) believe sone to be lobe pips. Vis: 1000 yards, ‘ith battle stations sur eneed closing to pass 700 yards to pip, Had concluded we had abou’ would take the port one first end as they turned ewey cone on around ahead of them and try to herd then 1 eirole, 3) range 800 yards; fog really thick. Clo Gun Attack #1: = Ab 500 yards sighted about 250 ton sempan about 25° on stbd bow, At same time lookout: begen reporting three nore from 5 bow to quarter. Regan Givided fire; for details sce Gun Attack #1 and skoteh in section (H) this report. Ay ren into the center of a group of five mo: port bow. Developed into a nice melce with us doing Fuch circling cte. until the ontire group (including the largo flonkors) was wiped out. Three largo ones tried hard to rem ond a couple of smell ones made a gesture to r: sank 12 of tho 14 and left the roma {ning two completely wrecked, their hulls riddled at the @ gradually sinking. oy PM 1e come 0 eircled very rly sefe in tho thick filled fog. ‘The plano y en 2000 yards on S ido of three Aftor mking si and assuring ourst ept the two slowl; of the surv @, scoured frc trol down’ the coast ; bullet hole in periscop entonna shot down, ‘Trensmitted our four to Proccedod down cocst to Reooived et report from neieh (nothing heard on 450 ke.) Rover: proceeded through Nadejda Strait t earch ‘4n cnclysis end plot. probebilitics to cover all (1) Convoy kmows it's disco 2 owing awcy from present bes vicinity imown from gun at 6 Ded, a mung toward Matsuwn oF t (3) Eliminating uateww, this loaves general oft shore Toutes converging toward Araido To, and the far northern route with fin: uth along coast of tka . Decision: (2) To run at high speed to-first possible inter copt point on dircot route; then, 12)'to conauet retirite soufen clong direct route toward Araido To until due, wost of Onokotan Kaikyo; then, (3) To conduct scarch along possible more south ly routes lecding into Onekoton Kaikyo (Bese at Si of Faraushiru), to covor specds 9-11 knots; then, (4) To conduct search to tho northeast covering the routes to the north of Arcido To. Conducting retiring scorch. on La P ~ Paromu dicot roxt 4 Fog lifted; nice day, Mado trim dive; immedietiy surf to cover courses to Onekotan Stra: Started starch during evening. reh to north, ntact #10: - 3 pips, 3100 7, ynrds, About 20 milos north of Arcid tracking; closed to 11,000 in edge of fog, Base course ime as 120° T, spe 5p nge end co mould settle beck a ity rapidly increasing; Fubuki in plain signt, nt thet we ¥ FE started appro ch Pubuki in por! wiuki was about 4000 yi Toad ing Jeading shi astern of the formation, Zstimated Fubukis making 15— 17 knots, Large old type AK leading; small engine aft 4K (at fivet thought o tenker) center; modern medium flush dceker AK lost. All ships heavily loaded; very Little frecboard. Ziguing together. Lending Fubuki started swinging far to right of leading ship to a course to cross our bow on about a 90P tracks A small port angle on left freighter made it look like @ zig to the right coming up, Shifted set up to Fubuki, 3700 yards on our atbd bow. Next look, the Fubuki hed come hard left and was headed to pass down starboard Dean. Corrected set up, planned to swing to bear, but Fubuki continued swinging on away. Target hed zigeed left to 0609 T, Position not good; way outside; start- ea swing to normal approach; set up on leading freighter, Fange 3600 yards, It was an extremely long freighter and heavily leaded, 1050 Targets came back to 115° True, Decided to accept situations Final set up, 95° sterboard angle on big freighter, torpedo run 3000 yards, 1053-10 Attack #3: - Fired three torpedoes at large AK; shifted sot up (skipped small AK) and at 053-55 Attack #3-A: Pired.three torpedoes at medium AK, torp- edo run 2700 yards. Started coming left. Took look at stern Fubuki; swing- ing to cross stern of last ship, sttd to port, Lonked at second target, no zig yet; saw wakes of spread Looked at first targot and saw to: wakes; no me yot. Swng to first Fubuki, crossing ahead of leading AK port to std, Looked back at first target; no zig, started to look toward leading Fubuki and saw AA shell explode in alr; Fubuki was heeled © black smoke potring out of stcck. Looked at other Fubuki; headed right at us, Two fenning spreads, one about 20° right and one 35° left, pointed us out on calm 0a Started deep and looked at first target, no change of course; almost tino, First hit, could just sec masts, saw smoke or splash higher than mast Just forward of amidships; heard second hit but didn't see it as periscope dipped under, Break- ing up noises stertod immediatly ond were hoard through pull, 1055-49 Two torpedo explosions within 4 scconds of run for 2nd and 3rd of second salvo, (4-11) We had started down beautifully with a continuous negative gradient; holding blowing of negative. Grad- dent straightened out at 190 feet, At 240 feet we bounced off a leyer while blowing negative. Stopped Dlowing holding 10,000 in negative (6,000 ibs, actually), and drove through layer. The Bathormogreph was no help by this timo as it ren off the card at 28°F, Leveled off and-thought our extra 6000 lbs would be about right, when at, Firat two patterns (7&6) wopt off slong side and over, We ended up at 450 fect, 11° up angle, 80 rpm, holding but heavy, We bad closed negative flood; had’to build up pressure and open it by hand, Did not want to use safety ond risk air leaks until necessary, Breaking up noises started dying out ot about @ minutes and had stopped at 12 minutes, Pattern of five over; wo stanted blowing negative with the first onc, This last group was certainly right where we had planned to be, Two more. Boot coming up, ucking 60 rpm, A cheorf Rote has beon added; a now f breoking up noiscs has sterted; heard on JP ond in coupartmonts, 1115 to 18 Six - sort of single drops. b problem of venting negative. Gavo a fow gceping vonts on the singles; oxpecting a pattorn and a good vont, Two good onos; bont pushed down to 425 feot. ‘Two; not so close, their list ent} wo heard scraws on tho JP for short i they Kick ahead, ond through hull von overh B aud JK were tpparently uscloss ct, somparctun sbout 24° 2, JK roported teint pinging now end then c plngor rieht overhead, Breaking up noises apparently heve stomped, Eight singlc drops) in vicinity, but believed they wore off us, At 340; decided to stop there and not vont tive unless it indieated water being pushed out. about 4000 heovy.- Appeared they hed lost u astern, Pumped 4000 to and tho vering room bilges to exp: ion tonk, Good trim, in regions west of the card, Boat bogan to s ToL (A-12) Soveral not closc, Several far avay, Hod been running WNW, kecping toward JP benrings. Made cll properntions to sur: planned to come to periscope depth and look the sit fon over. Plannud to surface if fog tad set in, with no warning from JK, QC, or JP, received #11 t #52, nll close, ‘Iwo and three ct o tine, #53 to #59 progressively farther away. Begnn to hear long r-nge pinging on JK at 1320. We had run into wormer water, Bathermograph back on the card at 30° F. ‘hroo, far oway. one, far away. At portsco: Kenchatke 30 miles ow. on that becring, Secured from depth cha: dent running, Pumped bilgos to cxpension tank Distant depth charges #64 to #86, At 1615 ond 1925 hocrd ftirly loud pinging astern but could not sight ship. At 1930 haze began to develop, Found SI 0 comission ct 1938, sterted repairs, degun to scttle; visibility 8000 yards, SJ trod, made SJ swoop, Surfaced. Fog rapidly sottling down. Docidod to o aren to Rorthorn troffic routes, soni report, end thon patrol west clong 52°N, on berring, Tracked, ‘bear pidly to enst, Tongs opening, speed 17-18 kn contnot nt 2058. Docided it w-s oithor c Fubuki or petrol bont scrrehing, APRe1 detected radnr at 530 me. Lested 10 minutes, Patroling to S¥ across northern traffic lanos in thick fog. Sont our #5 to CSP reporting Sighted life ring floating in water. Closed. Fog thining, cn soo blue sky overhecd, (a-13) All back full. Fire in moncuvering room, All stop, Fire out; armature contactor stuck; See casualty section, now Fog/a thin layer on water, Had lost buoy in fog while stopred. Contactor repaired; answering bells on both shafts, Lookout Airoraft Contact #3, Dove, do not believe we were sighted, Conducting submerged periscope patrol, Fog setting in. surfaced; resumed surface patrol, ST radar cut of comission (just like losing your oyos). Patroling in fog, visibility about 600 yards, Slowed to'1/3 and sot sound watch, Radar officer and technician report SJ trouble seriou: cause unknown, four circuits in transmitter have impr pox voltgge ad Gisasseubly necessary. | Position ts on 0°- 240° route La Peruse to Peremushiru; decided to conduct sound patrol across this route while repairs are made, Commenced sonar patrol on surface at 3 kts on auxiliary engin Fog lifting and thining, commenced high periscope surface yatrol at 9 knots. 1 at 3 kts. on aux in commission, One has to mke a patrol in this fog to really appreciate the Consider the last 28 hours as practically wasted, Except for the fod of high periscope search, di bly have had to yards for us to have made conte so far experienced, Intend to transit stra! coast toward Paramushiru, (A=14) 1840 1910 2205 Tuly 13 1939{K) ked up signals on 296 me. Ran out of fog. Sighted tops of Rashuva To and Ketoi To above off shore fog bank, Started to close, Lookout Aireraft Contact #4: Snell bi-plane coming in from astern, probably sighted, Made quick dive, Two explosions, very peculiar, did not sound like distant doubs or depth’ cherges that enyone has heard before, Bach explosion of long duration and of unusual rumbling tone; explosions were about 30 seconds apart, Commenced routining torpedoes and changing engine inj- ectors. Hog setting in, faced in thick fog: Much radar interference on APR-1, Commenced transit of Shimushiru Kaikyo, Startod patrol to N.E, along coast toward Paramushiru, APR-1 hes continuous reader signals, apparently from Matsuwa; sce radar section for details Continuing patrol to N.E. off consts of islands toward Poramushiru, Heavy fog. APR-1 indicates several raders on Paramushiru; sco radar section, Heavy fog; ran into the center of e long, (est, 1000 Yas) nohored, Line fl: n submerged cork floats too late to void; stopped serews and ran over, We wore lucky we didn't got fouled imately on-50 fathom curve of! iru running N Visibility about 500 yards, Slowed to 6 knots. Sighted short polo marker with red flag, marking south en of cnother net stretching to the north, Sighted cnother net marker close on port beam. SJ Ship Contact #11; 1910 yards, 315° 'T, Oponed and lost pip at 2500 yards, Closed a gained at 2100; concluded it was fishing bat t anchored line nets. Continued on around contact. SJ Ship Contact #12, 032° T, 6400 yards, Commenced traoking, dotermincd conta ed or anchored, Lost at 8500-9000, Ran back and forth twice to check pip and range at which lost; concluded another fishing boat nding nets, Continued patrol, L (als) ‘SJ Phenomenon: 005° T, renge 30000 yards, Instesd of ‘a pip got a wide bright spot on the trace, Started closing, track showed stopped or very little motion to WE, (See radar section.), Resumed patrol, Having crossed all southerly routes out of Paramushiru Strait, reversed patrol course to Plan to patrol. across these routes and routes out of Onekotan Strait today. Heavy fog; sometimes unable to see stern from bridge. Picked up radar i1 rence at regular intervals on APR-1; am curious atout how far'they can pidk us up. So far no chasers have shorn up, Visibility increased to ubout 10-12000 yards, Made trim dive, Comenced routining torpedoes, and changing enoth- er set of injoctors, Also overhauled pit log bearings nd grounded TC. Heard series of distant rumblings; probably volcanic. Ship vibreted hecvily, Thought for a minute we had run visibility 6-8000 yards, Shifted to NW consts of islonds, going through Mushiru Kaikyo, Patroling on surface toward Araido To. fie have not made a contact on routes closc to islends (other than sampans, patrol bocts, ond fishing vessels), Plon to swing on up coast and then patrol across northorn routes during shift to southern area Ren out of fog, 3 plane contact A=5: - 22000 yards closing. Follo by SD cs twelve. Sf had plone at 11000 when wo went No bombs, don't know whether we wore sighted, have beon on this clecr day, 5k5 sutmorgod periscope patrol 2012 ced; continuod patrol across northern routes. Tog ight. July 16 Patroling sorocs northern routes off Kanchotka in fog. 1uk2(K) Set © to west toward now crba; patroling ccrosa northera traffic routes O-O-NoPoT-D-BoN-P~T-A-L (a-16) ged potrol course to SW toward Kita Shiretoko Miscki, across northern routes, 83 lond contact on Sckholin Islend, (Aniwa Misoki); cloaod borch, checking position with fothomcter, Stnrt- ed patrol to’ south ward down con APR-1 radar interference, probrbly from Kite shirotoka Misnki vicinity (Sec reader section). Roocived CSP's 191802 requiring on «i Tronsmitted our six to CSP, after mu and through constant jaming. Cl urse and start ed petroling noross 1a Poro ru routes toward X Water has ever si spread he ed to cut jous wekes about us sence is so bad that OOD's and lookoi baok so DAMAGE INFLICTED DESCRIFOLON: (BU) Similar to DLIBOST Naru #6 (3,925 tons); observed Tine of port holes along forward part of main deck end on after deck house, which are not shown-in identifica ion silhowet, Observed six lifeboats, two of them by after deck house, Similar to DAIBOSI Maru #6 (3925 tons), Page 64, ONT 208-3 (revised). DAMAGE DETERMINED BY: Observed ship sink, TARGET DRAFT 14 COURSE 340 SPEED 0 RUNGE 1500-1100(AT FIR IP DAT, SPEED 5 COURSE 070 DEPTH Surface FIRING) FIRE CONTROL jND TORPEDO Di ‘ace @ttack, on anchored ship; TDC generating angl- final bearing with periscope, allowing terpedo to to terget prior to firil TUBES FIRED Sa eee: *+7R.0K SINGLE gp o9eP 359 308 10 ft. 6st. High High wiss Miss Possibly Possibly 23 2 86 19569 tos DL, «= KEMODA, 1483 Contact iecdvon2 13294 Sei, CONDITIONS calm OVEREAUL ..CTIVITY Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor, T.H. (4-26) ATTACK Di. ~ Continued two torpedoes ran under target, Number 2, however to explode. Neither of first two torpodoos smoked cxooss- 0 TTCK NO 2, PATROL NO 7, ‘TH OOOK(K) DATE 7/6/44 LutITUDE 52-12N LONGTTUDE 154-3 2 ~ DAMiGE ‘orsD SCRIPTION: (UN) Unidentified freight ged to be medium size from appearance of radar pip 3 dim shape seen in fog at 1200 to ards; nothing could be made out other. than it was a centcr island ship, SUNK: Unidontified freighter, to break up from bridge and throughout dar pip callapsed and disapp in 90 seconds, ‘and sighted Jap DRAFT 090 SPEED 8 RANGE 1200 ( 0. raKéMOD4, 3620 ACTUATION SET Contact #ACTUATION ACTUAL © ~ ~ Contact, *UARK WARHEAD MKL6MODL UxLEMODL K DATA - Continued 4 3 6 13848 13080 1: zi 20 sec, 30 detiveen torpedoes, Calm Sub Base, Harbor, Radar check between torpedoes, Both 4 and 6 exploded at end of run in 6 minutes exactly. om 23. SOK NO 3-h 7 aE 1052(K) Tuly 9, 194, LurrTuDs D.Wi,03 INFLIO’ TBSOREFTION: (HU) Eatrenely Long 9 hold ships nnage at 12 to 14000 to split superstructure, with an and additional superstructure aft of the spli eture enidships. deck house forward and convoy escorted by two Fubuil. y auxiliary) but mest ond king g different and appeared to have one hore hold, Splash of nite observed, Toul noises started imediatiy over 22 minutes, Hoard range about 3000 yards, 115 SPEED 11 RANGE 3200 (AP FIRING) ig, submerged pe A oheok renge and FIRED SET = Continued pt High Hit No 23 ens 6-4 1875 Contact Contact 16-1, 13313 PE *POWER *HIT OR MISS suRRATIO (YES OR NO) *WRK TORPEDO *SERIAL NO ARK EXPLODER SERIAL NO High 1° divergent Calm #3 High Miss Yo 23 61751 6-4 309) Contact 16-1 13351 Tr Submarine Bese, Pearl Harbor. DATE TARGET DATA = DAMAGE INI (BC) Modern freig ‘ar to Seia Maru type. ter (MKFKM) of ab 4. character: atop goal post king po: above. Seia Maru type (6,655 tons) page 72, ont 2087 ship had not maneuvered Spread obs: timed hits, ning nicely. fire attack. inmod! Breaking v ly after hits in fi ing about 8 minutes. series of breaking up noises hi before ved; torpedoes noises heard f noises followed terget 1e! it 12 minutes a nev rd. These dicd out at about 22 minutes, TARGET DRIFT 20 ft, COU uN SIP DATA courst - 030 DEPTH 63 ED 11 RNGZ 3200(aT FIRING) ‘NGIZ 1° up (AT FIRING) (H) ATTACK DATA ~ Eu PE ATTACK: Daylis with ed by fire, ‘TURES FIRED *POVER *HIT OR ki RIAL NO "MARK EXPLODER *SERIAL NO shor UATION SET UATION ACTUAL SBA, CONDITIONS OVERHAUL ACTIVITY 1.8.3. 3 1347(K) ISH, TE Tal; 100-150 150-200 250-350 ton 100-: 150- *olosed wreoke by 4", ond the ships section Riddled wa in bull knew +i Continued TRE CONTROL AND TORPDO-DATA ght submerged periscope, TD0 generated bearing check renge end bearing prior to firing, Track- rader prior to diving, Second target of divided 66 s 931, tt. High Miss No 23 61966 6k 2891 Contact 16-1 13311 Tex & seconds. 1° divergent Calm Sub Base, Posr] Harbor, GUN ATTACK # Ly 7, 19bb DATA PATROL NO 7. LATITUDE 47-29N LONG. 152~ 2 = DN ton Sampan ton Sempins ton Sempons Sampan or patrol boat. tons; tons. tons, 150 ton Sampan 200 ton Sampan Total est, tonnag: tons, tons. sunk=2950 tons, to 20 fevt; - Smaller o1 stern blow hull shattered; small f: Largs blown out by 4" and was completly ¥ of both with 20MM, and as both had ongines hey would sink, Both were left with small fires ort started by 201A, O-0-tai: (2-30) DAMAGE DETERMIN Senpans obs: + of 500 yards to 30 f up end sink and after close inspection Jott two staking as not worth expenditure of more anmunition, DETAIL oF ACTION TYPE cUNS AMMUNTD TON EXPENDED 450, (M69 Mod.23) 60 rounds (High capacity, Point detonating fuzes,5 rounds (Common) 1930 rounds ball (incendiary) Ball (armor-pierc- 5 unds tracer, 1200 rounds ball. 600 rounds tracer. 300 rounds, 33 OF FIRZ, RUNGE, FIRE CONPROL. ¢ action took plece in heavy fo anges under 600 y nt of surprise was heavily in suomarine's favor. lune of fire from all arms was terrific, This, coupled wit surprise, enabled us to clear eneny decks before guns wore mann ar them almost imuedictly after fire was opened on subma- The diversity of woepons and numbor of ms became necessity, when more targets were discovered, ond enabled us to ty target under fire almost at once. This large number juns, undoubtebly, prevented submarine from having decks cnomy fire and gun crews decimated, ¢ rifle at ono time stopped the fi opened up on us, 2. B rfaco plans called for .30 cal., .50 col., and Tr docks ond gun crews and for tho 4" gun to destroy vt, This worked very well, except, much to our surprise, the ic destructive power of tho small guns literally cut the tengote to, plcoos; sovon of whieh wor obevrvod to hull (presumably fucl d sink, Control of fire wes such, that, exce- ‘of one pericd during the molec whon too many targets were ‘lable, one gun of a typo was fired whil othor was reloaded, nis plan gave Us . ready gun stonding by ond training on while her was firing, and pormitted of divided fire on surprise targots. 3. Tho 4" gun hnd about 30 percent hits, whioh wr Sant s open, proved gen! mn p r'the tops of u sig ave results. m wire vone sights will be installed refit, Hits with © completely demolished large sections 's type target, C-0-N-F especially the upper works, Several hits were observed to pass through and exploded on the othr side of target; whether these were the § rounds of comion used is not know, The 4" is credited with 3 unassisted oinkings, 2 sinkingsof vessels trying to ram thet eady under Tire, end with wrecking two in conjunotion with other arms I, See section (K), Ord, casuolties, for gun stoppages, mis- fires, eto 5, tno uso of following arms by sampans wac observed: ~ 25 . is end riflos, 7.79. guns, and (2) twin 2510 guns on largo St sampen or patrol’ boat, Enomy fire was not effective (one hit in porisoope shears, and one bullet neatly cut an antonne, woll aft); they got off only a few bursts, usually over with about five bursts in water alongside, Espooially evident was the leck of Jep giro to fight once our fire was brouent to bear on thoir d y ducked below bulwarks, jumped ov: or wore blom to pioces (20MM fire docs very strangc things). 6. RIPTION: - Tho following sketch, tho best reproduotion ble, offera the bost description w is ronlized nee thet any tarect was ed was 600 yard suimarino track was not as sitooth as 1s shown; much weaving in out being done to close ranges cnd to avold attempts at ramming, group shown ahend and ceross port bow cam cs Getion had alrecéy started with ships on the starbonrd hands the sampans appéar: bo keoping station on coch othor at visitie gu of about 400 yards in a rough V-formition. From ap of wreckage all were heavily loaded with kegs or decks wore loaded, Tho largest of the group wv possibly was ¢ 1 bont} boing of a sone design rstructurc, Its hull may Lave boon stool, Ho mounted t 8 forward and aft, which he nover got into action, the crews being wi Ho tricd hard to ram, the 4" blowing him up (amunition explosion from apporraneo) at about yords bow on. Tho noxt two 1rgost clso appeared to have mounted machine guns, The othors scomed to havo to breck out their cuns to shift thom. 0 0 earted efforts to ram, al: hough sevorcl others wore sunk whilo turning towards Numbers on sketch indlonte the approximate sequcnco of s ; bringing targots undor fire, cnd of sinking, Ina f 230 cal nuto~ mati nnd «30 ocl Ms took trrgcts undor firc until heavior wospons rere brought to benr. In thc first two cttompts to rom, wher rrmming ship blow up, dcbris flow complotely ove After the completion of tho cetion, while closing one of to mko sure there wore no furthor tergcts, thc SJ dotccted « flying plone which circled for cout brif an hot or plone gone wo oxamined both wrocks to mke sure thoy wor’ ir weteriince further with 20M, rnd then look.d for survivor ht wo had soon on wreckigc. Hspceinlly for tho throo lying on top ‘a dock house, who rd hidden their hends in their arms, when wo passed cbout 60’foct rway. Me wi b. nd cny ribhowgh wo ‘ound the deck hou: Jong in water of 31°F, It is bel large sampans are used to heul supplies to Paramushiru and other b and:hopping, and then haul the pein “PheeeS omastorn. _ a) lane gone. "Gun 2& Y2 alono, & 12 aided, 4, 7, reeked wit! Departure, i Sompons tracked 250 ot 8 knotse b ning area ond finding no survi or targcts departed. ROSS ED A duos Bien vo 4" 150 7 RAM 8 lott with about two bow showing left compl- 1 30 x z < 3 owm specd 9~ > Open sea. knots. (A-33) fish catch back to the main islends, All enemy personnel appeared to be dressed in a khaki padded clothing, 7, The performance of duty of personnel in this, their first un action, left nothing to be desired, (z) wows Nona observed, None carried, (3) ANPTASURURING MEASURES AND EVASTON 1, In attacks #3 and #4, leading Fubuki either saw wakes in dead calm water or heard torpedoes, 4m Al shell was seen to burst atout 100! over the water halfway betweon submarine ond targets. - Sound conditions were apparently alnost nil for JK and QB} tenneratur 42° surface to bolow 28° at 400%; yet, at the start, nolthor Fubuki Seemed to have trouble staying on us,” JP gave fair’ data when DD's hig sorowe turning, They apparently did practioc1ly no pinging until after they hnd lost us, The search wes persistent and long, it is believed the home guard was also ecllcd out, Soarch wos still on with occasionel drops whon we surfacod and lof hours Inter, A totcl of 86 chorgos wore dropped in our vicinity; Gistant rumblings indicated fish woro "eatohing it" in adjacent areasy 2, In gun cttack on convoy of 1h scmprns, the largest about 500 tons had twin 25!& mounted fore nnd cft, ‘The two of abo 300 tons had mounted mochino gins. Tho others rppocred to tnv portcblo machino guns cnd rifles 3. On attack #2, it 1s bolieved that the ship wns equipped with indervater listéning gecr. After firing onc, cnd just cfter two wns fired a door was opened on targets superstructure and short "toot" sounded on targots whistle, It is believed that. the firing of fl, or #1 rumning, vas honrd by coun s Sub hza been ying to bow'on in fog and hed gone chead slow on notors just before firing. ye Plona covorago was not os heavy as anticipated, emi) float ‘plcnes ond Icnd besed fighters bing cneountered on clear days in Okhotsk sc 5, APRe1 indiectes numerous rcdars on Mctusuim To and Poramishiru To, however, running ct six milos off coast (day night) did not’ bring patrol craft or plones out soarching, 6. Although not on cnti-cubmarino noasurc; oxtremely long moored lino fishing nota that are a submarine dongcr, were oneount= don tho 50 fathom ourve south of Paramus ‘These nets ctehed in a north-south direction «nd appoarcd about 1000 y long. Similiar nots heve ben reported off Kamchatka but no wore encountered off that cocst. (&) MAJOR DEFECTS Av _DéMa ORDNANCE FORWARD GYRO ANGIE SETTER: - The forward gyro angle setter failed to indloate the proper gyro angle beyond 260 to tho left and 080 to tho right, In regulating at these engles the follow-up heads would oseiliate rapidly end angle could not be set. In the Endioating-regulating position, the sngle setter functioned normal ly, ‘The following conditions were found to i, Stator #2 lead to the indicating mator was connected to the power lead for stator #2 regulating motor and vice verses s gtator #1 lead to the indicating motor was connected to the power lead for stator #9 of the indicating motor ond vise versa These orrors were corrected and operation was satisfactory. Zona GUNS; - #1 mount, forward of the coming towcr shears (ship nounts throo 20s%) had the gun test fitted on mount prior to parture, Cold weathor apparently contracted slide groove on mount and gun could not be mounted. Th serious and gun wos badly missed when we were about to be brought under e by three targets forward at the same time. Tn 2800 rounds, @ misfires occured, 11 were casily removed ith tho tomping rod except one. le were unable, after the action ‘over, to romove this shell so barrel was thrown overboard. 0 changed frequently; dunking them in cooling tank had no apparent bad offect and they wore rendy when nooded. One 1 ozpanded from heat and Jamed the gun; it wos romoved ¢ with some gun. 50 onl.liGes w e "7 ng. The es terrible; stoppage due to misfircs occurred approximate ry 10 rounds, neo, fortunately, one fired two complete bel fect at 400 yards was unbelicvable, it cut the deck hous: pecotically off ¢ sampan and thon catised en engine room expl 230 oc, BROWNS: - Thoso guns 70 Yaluablo in learing gun crows off dock at decurred at frequent intervals due to poor crm munition belt jamming, Usually quickly correetod. “ ‘pe opon ity. Th ¥ One misfire occurred but fired TORPEDOES, MK23 attack #1, tozpedoes 1 ond 3 smoked excessive ly. Thest torpedoes hnd becn routined only: before and no exeessive oil was found ct that time. Ot 2 peared to smoke more than normal; possibly cold water c ri (4-35) HYDROGEN ELIMINATOR CIRCUIT, MK 18 TORPEDO: - Tho hydrogen oliminat~ or cireuit on #9 tube shorted out due to broke Cable was replaced and oireuit opdrated normally, RFEDO DATA COMPUTER: - On test aftor depth charging it was discovored thet the "after torpedo run dial" was slow in follc ronge chenges thet were increcsing but followed properly for docreasing ranges. Investigation shoved that tho folt dumper ‘on the T'4 motor was askew, This was romodicd and operation was i ~ At 1000, July 23rd, on starting onginc a loud knosk vas Engine was jacked ovor and oxemined, crank mas out ebout 36° and troubic was indicated in tux verties @ housing, Tining had becn checked only a few days prior £0 wedge bars proved impossible and it the entiro assonbly including ¢! By use of tho hub pulior, heat and pounding, and tho tapored hub wore freed from the pin- Both locking plates had becn distorted ani the wore practically sheared off, The pinion shaft had. béen in the hub 36° end then had frozen in that position, Shafts wore rotimcd, assombled, and new locking plat installed; onginc was satisfactory CAUSE: On discsscnbly tho wired locking nuts on the adj ge were found to havo deen insufficivntly set up. Tt is ved cranks y of time (a few dogrocs) at lest sto of the engine, starting, boing out ge was injected before olthor efank had roca firing posit ‘8 oxplosion or pronaturo f apart before thoy rucched conter position end the resultant torque furthor twisted the vertical drive shoft at the loose adjustin etion; distorting and shocring the locking plates Forsommel are held at foult in that tho loose connecting flang: 6 not discovercd ct tino of assembly during yard over haul or sequent timing checks, - On 5 July, while at "futl aheca trol cell commenced smoking heavily. Engines wore stopped 4 rapid inspeetion showed that contcot number 6 overheated due to poor contact. Checked fo or dirt; none noted, Oporation of contactor tos resumed "full chcad" on four ungines, On July 10th, whon shifting from "Battery-Motors Combi: on onc engine to "norm-1” on two enginos, contactors numbor nd 49 are welded in tho Mastorn" position ccusing the stbd. not to buck" eceh other each timo = 1/416-3(15)/ (16) on (88281) - Rozort of Sevonth to 1 ol Yeascl Yo. 2) 27 September 1944 Serial: (084) ding Officer; U.S.S, der in Chic? United States FLEET, Conmender Sutmerine Divisi Conmondor Sutmerine Squadron FOUR, Commander Submarine Force, Pacifid Ficct Comiender in Chivt', United Stetos Pacitic Fleet. U.8.S. SUNFISH, Report of Wer Pitrol nombor Subjoot roport, rack chart of subject 1 (CSP cay) One roll of miscellaneous picinres und description list (CSP only) (D) Special log of redio traffic (cP only). Enclosure (A), covering the this vossel conducted in’ the East chit LOGUE Arrived Uidway trom Seventh War Patrol on August 1, 19h enecd ten-day refit. No major iteus or contvolling jobs. ture date was set for August 20, 19444 ‘The ship wos given st exoallent refit by Squadron Trouty Rolle? Crew and repair fezees of the U.S.S. FROTEUS. During the above period the Tlic ing officers were detached: - i‘cutenant Comander Bernard 7, GERIRSIAUSIN, U.S.No, Lloutonant Oliver F: Bightoon monbors of the orew wero detached, The following se: vere recoivod: ~ Licutenent Gomuopder Allan G; SOHMASLE, (Poo), Licutoncnt Wallace W, SCALES, U.S.N.R., and Ensign Tio G. PRNY, U.S, Ninotoon now mombors of the crow were r cclved. MVE sie plan for the coordinated pc 0 aren by tI wos made nt a oonforence jencrture, Tho bo patrolled in rotation; aub- in adjacont sub-creas in order to pass contacte Basie plon for this vessol, in patrolling oneh sub-cron, for close inshore submerged patrol during dayligh 1 noross off-shore convoy routes di a Underway onrouto arca in compmy oscort planus, Made trim dive. Escort planes departed at suasct. Enroute area conducting daily training ives. Frou 2hth to 29th spocd was considercbl, rod wd by hoavy weather, Passed five miles to tho north of SOFL GAN. 8/0 fiz 3.J. contact bocring 235° 7 distenco 16,900 yards, Ccimonood tricking to gain position chond. Lost pips at 17,000 to 17,500 yards; unable to lobe switch outside of 13,000 yrrisy Détorwined base courso and speod to bo 330° 1; 8-9 mots. Throo pips in a varying formntt together; most of tho time targots appoared on stoady course end speed, but got occasional cizs and spocd changes On target track, 15,0-< yards choad. "right moonlight, ono-helf hour before moonset, decided to try for a submorgod radar and periscope attick. lindo quick div to 40 fect and comonoed approach, CONFIDENTIAL (ie) 1304, 1340 1436 2337 2 Sopts OnI5tT) With noon already sot, periscope visibility very pecs due to haze, and tarrots not sighted ct 3000 yards, doeided to allow targets to pass overhead end make our— 0 atteck botwoon moonset ond dew, Sound unable to distinguish types of targets; cll three sounded the gcnos light screws 190-200 r.p.m ed. Renge to targets 9,000 yrzds borrin need ond around. 4 closing terete on 75° P track; out formation of 3 medium sizod In: st _suarted not to shoot, Dut Jy oclm decided to try one no to ©. 90° port trac’:, and a range of 2090 yards to vorlepping, fired one (1 yr wsed under eats Dor » oxpondituro of 1 torpedo tubs outer failed to close; jatmod at 15°, Seo Uajor Der Convortod No. 4 A&B main ballast tonk; followed flushing out divos. Surfaces, S.3s vader Interferences Bxohmgod rooognition signals with friendly sub. Iying to with mon over side offecting ropcirs ti tudo outer door, Suocvsded in closine iio. 1 outor dcor, Tubo will be cut of comission for reunindor Underway for ore Submerged for porise pc patrol tt doos and clearing ground in #2 moi Surfaceds AVG #1. Doves not sightod. Surfoced. 3.3, radar intorforeneo; bu 220° ; friond ro home, Completed trensit of TOKARI WiTKYO ontering aren. CON? (ENTIAL (4-2) Submerged for periscope patrol off patrol. ‘or iscope patrol 2b milos off shor‘ MISAKT and BOLO 3 covering inshore © 2g ones to and from KAGOSHIMA. Sevoral auall orn sig tod off cucres Surtaced; com: patrol toward DANJOGUNTO noro: KL» PHD ~ Si. Submerged for periscope patrol in DANTO GUNTO arva, Sightod smell patrol craft; 5/C #2+ Surfacod, Submerged; continusd periscope patrol. Surfeced; commenced patrol toward N.GkSED/. neross NAGASAKI = PHILIPPINE - SHINGHAT routes. Submerged for periscope petrol “n NAGASH! KATO vicinity. Sighted several smnl1 orat shoro. rfnocd; conmoneod pr'srol toward DANI? GUND IMA aren across NiGASAKT - PHILUPIN routes. Submerged for periscope pool S. W. of FUXIE Si surfaced; patrolli: to WNW across main traffic ro SE SAISHD 13, Submerged; continuod patro“Ling sane routes, Surfaced. A/c #2} dove, not sighted, CONFIDENTIAL 3) surfaced; patrolling to NE toward TSUSHDLA St Submerged; continued potrolling simo routes. aJo #35 petrol plano in sight about 10 niles to north for about ono hour. Surfeced; patrolling to NW across traffic routes out of TSUSHIMA STRAITS. S/043:- S.J~ contact, 0119 7, distonce 14,80 Oomnénoed tracking to gain position ahond. 2238. Determined target base odurse to be 23? T, spo knots, “Large single pip. with moon up, made quick dive, 506° yar, ahead, for periscope approach. Target type wideterminsdj longo dark shape, scon only from head-on or nearly 50, Target identified in moonl_~t at 500 yards as a 5 masted juik; cll sails rigged, about 450 tons, Opened out, ond at, Surfaced and continuod patrol, Trackod’ junk out’ to 19,000 yards; estimated hei cit of sails, 70 f ote Noti ng day heard sovoral distant ond mufflod ‘oSions G50) Submerged; patrolling traffic routes cut of tho north- orn entrence of TSUSHTVA mincficld and out of REISUL. Surfnocd; continued ling neross traffic laos to and from NW TSUSHIMA STRAIT. Gightod small boat burning one white light, bearing 356° 'T, on opposite coursc. Passe’ cloar aborm} nox- imum S.J. renge 6200 yards. NOwH: - During day nogrd several distant and muffled oxplosions. suomerged; patrolling off HAKU TC oro: © TSUSHTMA STRAIT - SAISHO 10 routes. ‘CONFEDENTIAL (a4) S(c fii ~ Sighted smoke on horizon, bearing 0820 7, dis. tenes about 244,000 yards, Comnencsd epprouel, (Sévon colums of suoke were sot: in sight). Extronely largo convoy, Base course 240° 7, sree 8} ‘mots, One quick count gavo twenty-one lange chips and eight escorts, Several masts sightea later indlo-ted nore ships end escorts on fur side, Ships ap.orred to be in groups of three (each group in line of boar 4 about 150° to base course) in five ur six eolum.s of thres groups cach, ‘The center column of furmation composed of throe groups of tankers. ips obs Yod wre heavily loaded, having uusuclly loads, ‘Two sual (1500’ton type) fr! “itor. wore ob- served acting as escorts; one about 5000 yards ahend of center colum, smoking heavily, This onc wes the orig~ incl contact.’ Thore ves one CHIDORI typ. DE petrollifs chead of conter colum. Other oscorte wc of hetox edus FC typos, Targots had come back + course 240° 7, Too far off track for good shot ot leadixe group of tankers (about 3100 yards), ond had to accopt load! group of Seoond column passing botwoon v2 and tho ti about’ 1500 yerds range, Stena‘od on 160° T for 100 s track, (closest oscort abut 700 ynrds on port quart r) and with’colum of tankers just opposite colum of tar~ ets, at, Torpodo Atteck 2 A&B: ~ virca-} licocl freighter, torpedo run i cup to next Av cstém of targ: and at, a #5 & 6 torpedovs (#1 tube out o hit in first torevt just os #5 ¢ ig and shifted to first target sucond hit oecurred in fist targot. at stondard spocd, Dubsis, snoko, ir from first hit diroctly un was dircotly under meinnast. starboard ond sterted sink! Hit in socond target, shifted perisccyc to look, Ett @irootly under stack end boilers must hevo oxploded with tho hit; stack high in cir end whole contr o cluding ‘brides blown out. Shi in conter by time smoke, stoau, nd water cleared. tho second hit on time, Dit nct seo this ship sink but bo- loive it impossible for it to have steyod afloat 10 minutos, Looked at first tergot. -Listed heavily +o » board, ster undor water to br'do, ndait a 40° up r and going dom fast. Lowored jortSeope to finish tur a8 wo were picking up spoc conFLDEya7, (4-5) one timed hit for third. torpedo. of firs eorreot run for ovoriapping targots. firing bow of 2nd tanker was just ovorl.pping .st of first target. ‘From position of hits in first got, belicve target speod wos 9 knots 8} sed, ond that thira, torpedo p: got and hit overlapping tonker. served. Five depth charges close noms hed como to go doep; after tubes n to 2409 in 270" foot of water, with ative gradient (17°) all the way down. ‘Twelve charges in two patt:.ns close Breaking up noises, not 3 minutes), wei This could only be scccad targo e ainly on the 270! bottor depth; only dis pinging. gotten avy with it, whos ot, tarbon quarter, This was perfect drop Tlapping patterns; an almost continuous Fortunately a safo distance awey, D water tho boat did q vuritable shimy. hold on to stand up; we heve hed wo unexpected effect, | > damage theland wigelal1ixe an col, It mis waves going between us and the botto Sorows passod ovor aterm, close « ot suspicious and wont to hand keying for about fivo nutes, fhon graduclly worked off to the wost, Pinging far owoy, Pumped © uy At periscope depth. got up, Secured from depth chore: Hoard 12 aistent depth charges, Surfaced; commenced high, spood scarc! possible eneny courses, at speeds 7 - 9 south of SAISHU 0, It ible t both north and esuth slightly to the CONFIDENTIAL Sent area contact report #1 to subs in area. ubmerged; patrolling across traffic route SAISHU TO, Having: covered all . route! to AISHU 10 possible, eoxcluded cor outh into next subs crea or tc Surfaced; commenced patrol t NTO “acrous EMPIRE - SHANGHAT row 8/0 #5:~ 8.5. contact, 016° 7,-21,250 proach, Large saturation pip, steady course 131 speed oh "knots, Course to jass just off Kt night; hazy horizon; cee: ne a7 ion 3000 yards off track, “8000 tact at 3000 yards (all pip}, dona 8 track, Indicated very suall 7000 yards ahead of ti.rgot on tire ct's track until clear of escort, an Changed course to 025° T and o on 75 $ track. Target ocurso 131 slow duc to phosphorescent wal tod by Captain, 0.0.D., J+0. lockout, “Appeared to bo 4501 - 500" 1 freeboard, with little cr no supars manimous conclusion: ~ a tanker low bright, stendy white light was timed cn additin to the 7.D.0. set-up had-not been tcuchod f checked perfectly, Th #3 L&Br~ Fired 5 bow torpedo salvo, 6 pth, 1° spread, pedo run 2700 yards, menced swin loft to bring stern tubes te bear ‘sphorescent wakes showed perfect spread and indleated tor: mssed under target. CONFIDENTIAL (i?) With time of torpodo suns up and no hits, sub steady on now course, and target. checking oxnctly on, dropped targot spoed to 8 knots (because of carlicr spoo cation) and fired four Mk, 18's from stern tubon on 1050 track, 1° sprond, six foot depth. Phosphor wakes of lk. 18% wore only visiblo cut to ebout 700 yerds. Onc torpedo wavered around nd thon stoodi 30° to right. Othor thros loft wevcring wnkos for c 300 yards end then scttlcd on spr No uaneuvers by target, No ond of run of nine torpedocs, Pulled out 5000 yards from trrgct's track ond target disapponr into islind baekground, St ghond end rolonding. %e had ded trrgot's course thet he would pass SW of ably chenge course to tho ocst when Sif of tho i Decided wo would got this ship if at all possibl get tracked monotonously on 130° 7, 9 ints, along ¢ of KO TO, and when SW chcnged course to 100° 7, pr. iy wad a closing targot on 120° s tra on opposite bow cf target tn got turnod on blucs Snell ship passed ter ot (no pip) and turnod Light Targot loft Lights o:. with tergot 1400 yards chend dofinit: silhouotte (in detcil) of a ancll 50 ‘ould sco phosphoresecnt, bo! were of our proscnee, mainte! spoeds, tumed on lights md stertod blinker, int four of us on the bridge saw « wilan't soo SB of the Leland is x tho pip constently on soroon from pi yards, throughout attnct, cll clos coust nin clear after Jrasing tslnd, Tho itt didn't stand high cnough out of tho water for us pip over 12,000 yards on him, after moi; harsh fate, much gonjooture, ctc.,deedded we and thet this spot f ; craft (with power plants) dofinitciy act t1shing, wo stood « ehmee of getting our dumy target away the beach the next night for « 4" gin sreatuont. Startod pe CONSLDENTTAL ighted suall patzol oraft burning white Light, ocnring 35° T distenoe 6600 yards, ted excl oraft (patrol or fishing) burnin: whit Light, bearing 350° T distant 3000 ya Conmenece patrolling to WWW of KOT. Submerged and came to course 050°T to patrol across EXPIRE-SHANGHAI routes cntering MAIKOTSU SUILO fr nword, aced; continued patrolling across above rotitos. ghtod flocting.mino distent 1500 yards in Lat. 35: Tong. 124° 54" B, Mancuvered to ciose, cad ct, MM cunfire, Starte” ratrolling chwerd to bo off ¥O To during S/¢ #6:- S.J. contact, 133° T, 23,000 yrrds. Commenced gain positic Convey eonsists cf on lino c? bonring with t astorn, zigeing tegot ©. Rodar shcws ono escort abo port sido, and »i0 on*starboard side-of oon rae 240° T, seed 8 kncts, zie minutes, oxtrene legs 4 In pesiticn ahead, 2500 yards ¢: n opposite ccurse. Dead slow speed in y nt water, Just right fcr leg right ond the: aboan to stax Running vei to pasa; svinging to koop tow on oscort, ap AK's for AC's. targvts come ba to attack cour: juidke Fined fire: of th run 1700 yards, 70° § track, 6f b, wi pth, squat stack, tonker. inly made 9 satisfying ‘Threc hits right ttle ferwerd of bridgo, onc =ichtly aft of anbashir on quart’ r just forverd of ongine joped tauker carr. oli ver, thore wns jLosion accor eat red ‘turned on it settled core almost i In position 4000 yards dead ahead on base course, king ghosd to keep stern to for next throe legs. #5: Fired four remaining torpedoes (lk, 16's aft); 100 g-teack, tornedo rim 2650 yards, 1° spread, six toot depth, Very little phophoroscenoe, but enough to show one torpedo run erratic, about 20° to the right. We pulled away down reverse of sd, course and at proper time target wns dead astcrn; x hits, No end cf rum explosions, Torget derisively sounded whistle for next zig ond they continued on their zie ny seoond target passing in nico torpedo rv #2 to subs in a: hortly efter dc wo got dupou into Completed transit of enroute base. Commenced running throu trawler 125° 1. ‘trawler 105° r gun atta being 000° 7, trawler 170° 7, ‘Too rough for run not sight surta CONFLDENTIAL 19 Sept. ON EL DEN ITAL Seas eonmenced moderating during forenoon, S/C#7:~ Sighted snail vessel, Commenced track Snell craft apparently sighted us at about sano time,as he commenced challenging with a serics dashés on ergo (ost, 12") 3 battle surface below decks = Jonded all guns, end started determine typo Of target end crnnont, and rls he was sorcen for any targets to tho north, got appronched bows on at high y swell running; 4" shooting would be highl: if not inpossible, ship out to be arnu Possible submarino or ‘At 5100 yards, bows on, camo hard camo left and’ opened firo; from bi and rate of-fire, judged fron two sing. P several MGs, well short. Targct a lnrgc. (cate FO boat. While turning sl of simtlar ship 056° T closing f are outranged, impossible to lo ag to use 4" On him, Torgot strad 4600 yards while we wore fuming, Steadied on south imereased specd end so did checked at about 17 knots, until we hed oponcd to about 10, Rosumod course to bas:. After a delay nt SUNFISH ser bs and OSP 2¢ yatrol craft on route, route base conducting dnily ar SH Surial Three, A/c #5t~ Sighted friena’ Sighted friendly C's in Kure Islrnd vicinity, A/c #6:— Exohnngod identification signal. with Midway escort pines, Arrived Weway, Loaded 2 to tueled ship. Deported lidway for Pearl, (32) A/c #7:- Sighted friendly FEM. Sighted U,S,S. PIPEPISH; exchanged recognit! signals and closed, Prooceded in company, Rendezvous effected with escort vevsel, PO 602, Arrived Pearl Harbor, CONFIDENTIAL. coute to aria: ye: vest, cud when thore ) weetner was that no: (p) PxpaL charts, but due te nformetion tino c! Sxpeotod cur: predicted, 2, In tho orca south end west of NISHI SUI! curront setting 045° 7, crift 1-2,5 This wos true at all t/nos and tide . From a position 35 milos west current sctting to tho NE. perienced on both the flood (2) NAVIGATIONAL ArDs: KO SKIKE, Southern tip PSUS! MA Ielend, flashing white seoond every 16 svcsndc, normal brillicncy. 3. PINNACLE Island light - Some es light list, Jy. KOKUZAN 10 Light - Sane as Light 1 5. KO 10 light ~ somo as light lis (*) sarP conracrs SeLing :14,800 :230° 7 Juk seorts, :Suece: ful jattacked. CONFIDENTIAL $340 —by Ny 1250-0118 0°-32'N 22 lergo 18-361 FPeutsy s & scm 8000 pens 1 YP: ydo.: Sovoral, tsampans : : rInitial mat: + Type(s) :Rang. a i : iSpood eq 0827(T) 2339522 Sept, 8 126°-027R 1178°-239N —thoats (c) aTRORAPT CONTAC? pees GCNTROT NUMBER, : How contacted tied Range x tion Anglo ge & Relative ing of Pacne Tt Detectod ATRORIFT CONTACTS connor wu ‘ime _(Zone) Camouflage on thie p (i) ATTACK DATA: 1 Patrol No.8 FAT, 30° S51 LONG 1402 DAMA = Dace INFLICTED i= Thre medium sized landing cratt: (about 10. log) ie trial torpedo at shallow depen (i!) ‘ct two overierpiog Yarget length about 200! torpedo apparently passed under- DUCED OR su None DRIFT 3-5 Ft COURSE 330 SPEED 8h Rix ow sar Diy 1 __couss 960 DEPTH gurface FIRE CONTROL xD TORE Dum - Night surface, redar & 2.3 ‘etuction Set... Actuation fetual Gelm (preetically g1 +, PROTEUS CONFIDENTIAL DATE 1O-Sept Lut, 33° 52m LONG 1279 inte TARGET DATA — Din MARU oF KAST H 1180 tons. #(BU) Large 0 ar to Svo¥O WRU class, tons. (above) INED Bi od hits in AK; observed with avy starboard list, stern unde: to bridge, about 40° up mne.s, md going dow frst, One timed hit for $ra torpedo in conter tanker of eolum of three ovor! :pping tareot T:RGUE DRAT 28'_ coumsn 246° p GEEED gh RANG SHIP DATA DEPTH 63" nrratio( rk inrk Explodor, Serial Nosesos .4+44 Aetuntion Set. ...-.conteot doturt 1 Scontabt: ay sees ellieL6 Hod. 12148 toede es ZORROX Orval ¢4+4410+890, -+++10-s60, 2° aivorgcny Choppy chopry. UsS PROTEUS USS. FROTUS Romarks: thon of hits (run chooked - ith reneo) tergot spood wes nine knots instond of passod astorn ond hit tnnkor abo’. 1000 dist~nt 2 argot whose DOW Wns storn of target. CONPIDENTEA = (Lo BLAug LAT. 3 TARGET DATA ~ DYMGE INELIO LON: Threpmedium sized landin craft: (about 100 f ‘one trial torpedo at slallow depth (1!) at two overlapping varges, target length about 200! torpedo epparently passed und: neath, TP(S) DAMAGED OR SUNK: = None TURGET DRT 3-5 Ft COURSE 330 SPEED & WN SHIP DATA 11 COURSE 060 EPI surface :NGLE HIRE CONTROL 3:D TORPEDO D ht surface, radar & 7.3.7. A 0p ate Calm (precticaily glass;) Overhaul Activity V5.8, PROT CONFIDENTIAL TORPEDO HO. 24 PAT: 1210(2) "DATE 10 sept Lut, 33° 52m Lone 1272 WIR MRD cinas) 74181 Large A0:='Similer io SyoYO MARU Cliss, tons. = 1k (above) DILGER DETERMINED BY: Two observed hit in AK; obecrved vit! hoavy sterboard list, stern unde: about 40° up angle, an One timed hit for 3ra tanker of solum of URGE? DRT 28! Ft, eh it + ies23 i 46138 ‘k Bxploder,.. Modi; — fs6 Mods... ee 2 21879 21870 uction Set... Contact Aetuction sett 1” .¢or o. Mk. 16 oi + e23218 ‘Torpex 10 see Soa Conditions Overhaul Activit: Romnrks: From position of hite (run ehcoked with rez speed was nine knots instead of 84 uscd. Fassed astorn and hit tanker cbout 1000 aistent from targot whose bow wis ovorlapping siurn of snczty DENTIAL (4-21) om ‘TORPEDO ATTACK NO. PAIROL Ne TIME .1222,5(1) DATE Oo Sept Lav. 33° 52*N 220. (GET DATA - DVUGE TNRLICTED + (EU) Large Ak: Stullar to KYOKO class, 6,783 tons. 1 4K (above) DETERMINED BY: Observed one ‘it apparently exploded»: center section hull, shi amidships. Heard small anount of b: up noises iat. teo late to } first target SE 2400 7 SPEID 8b Ri gu suIP DATA COURSE 160° 7 DET ANGLE O (AP FIRING) FIRE CONTROL 43 5 TORPEDO DATA Daylight submerged periscope, 5 # ue 8 rt. High Eit or Miss Hit Erratic(¥es or No) No fark Torpedo 1423 Sorial No. 12076 lierk Sxploder Vik. Mod. 4, Serie Nos 14036 Aetuation set Contact fotuation Aot Contact s B9R5 8 i 10830 ‘Torpex 19 Soc. ‘type Spread 2° Divergont fa Conditions Choppy, choppy: Overhaul Activity U8 PROVUS USB PRK Remarks: Soeond target of divided fizo attack passed astern, CONE DENTIAL (te22) DESCRIPTION: (UN) Unknown targot: - (Possitl Close inspection after attacks 10 tug and some form of tow, (soe narra oR DRIFT 3-5 Ft. COURSE 1300 7 Own Site 025 DEPTH dor & TB, oat? 60 8,581 eer Ht. 6 F Heh iiss Miss No Xo 23 3 6767 52762 a eh, 21626 1832 Contast Contact 11 32200 Torpex —Torp 3 9 1° aivergent can POTIUS PROTEUS jemarks: No end of run explosions, CONFIDENTIAL +S. SUNFISH TORPEDO ATEACK NO. 3B PATROL NO._8_ ‘THB OO17(T) DATE 13 Sepb LAT. 34° 220% Long, 124° 461% TARGET DATA ~ DAMAGE INFLICTED CRIPITON: Some a attaok. 3. SHIP(S) DAMAGED OR PROBABLY SUNK: None cINED BY: 3:5 COURSE 130 GPHED 8 RANGE 2500 (iv FIRING) OWN SHIP DATA. SPEED 1/3 OOURSE 262 DEPTH Sunfae ANCIE_-- (i? FIRING) FIRE CONTROL 4a TORPEDO Dra Night surface, redox & TyB.T, Track Angle 98958 1029s 107s 113° 5 Gyro sngle 36.5 33°, 8°, 2, Depth Set 6 Ft, 6 Ft. 6 Ft. 6 Pte iiss des Miss hides atie(Yes or No) ark Torpedo 18-1 18-1 18-1 18-1 Serie] No, SLND, 35303 54298 54887 Dxploder 8-5 5 8-5 8-5 9043 9378 9403 9482 tuntion set Contact Gon Gontaot otustion 4etuad = . rk Var 18-2 18-2 2 16-2 Serinl No. 2485 2734 270’ xplosive Torpex Tarpex 10 Bee LelL=3R. calm Calm USS PROTEUS FnOTSUS PROTE One torpedo ran erratic; about 30° R; do ich ic. No end of run explosions, CONFIDENTIAL +S. SUNFISH TORPEDO 4 PATROL NO._&_ TRS 2352e5(1) DATE 13 Sept Lit', 35° O4IN LONG, 124° 49" TARGET DATA ~ DAMAGE INFLTOT!D (2U) Largo modern’AU: “Similar to GENYO PON MARU Class, i0,000 to1 One AO (above) ETURMINGD BY: Observed three hits and Rak? 30 Ft. COURSE 240° SPEED 8 sip Data COURSE 172 pg CONTROL (MD TORPEDO Dat Night surface, redor & T.B.Ts #6 8895s 18,5°R 6 Ft. High Rie 2 4an64 bak 218, Contact Contact 1éeL 13319-13342 Torpex Torpex 10 10 1° Divergent Calm Colx 83 PROTEUS PROTRUS PROTEUS ‘TORPEDO ATTACK NO. LB PATROL TIME 2352(r) DATE 13 Sopt “IAT. 35° OLIN 1 (URGET DATA ~ DAMAGE INFLICUED TON: (BU) Large-high stack AO: ~ Similer t Glass, 9527 ton: OBBLY ne AO (@EVO)s MINED BY bow way UD. til 1 at et DRAP? 281 COURSE 240° SPEED 8_ #8 8805 8 18.52 6 Ft. High Hit hotuxtion Set Contact n kotunl Contact 161 12220 Torpex 19 1° Divergent a Conditions Calm Overhaul Activity USS PROTAUS CONFIDENTIAL SUNFISH TORPEDO ATTACK NO. 5 PATROL Q310-55(T) DATE 1h Sopt LAP. 35° obtN x01 TARGET DATA ~ DAME 1 DESCRIPTION: (EU) Large Modern AK: SHIP(S) SUK None, OR DaMicxn: TARGET DRAFT 26 Ft, GOURSE 200 SPEED 10 ATA SPEED 1.3 kts, COURSE 264° 7 TEPTH surface FIRE CONTROL ND TORPEDO Wight surface, rader & 7.5.7, fo 1o285s Ties 6 Fe, Miss rratic(Yes or No) ilo Kk 18-1 + serial No. 54639 rk Exploder 8-5 8082 Contact Contact, ctuation Actual - ‘ark Warhead 18-1 le-1 eriel No, eit 262 1960 xplosive ‘Torpex erval, o "@ Sprend Divergent Divergent Conditions Colm Onim Cverhaul Activity USS PROTEUS TSS PROTEUS (SS PROTEUS ss ‘euarkst Ono torpedo run erratic, about 30° to right. which one, No end of rim oxplosions, CONFIDENTIAL umes: 13 September at Lat, 35° - 21'N Long. 12h - 542 a floating min by 20 im fire. 2, The mino was about 24" in dinmotor with four horns nbout 4" long, aqually speced about 30° from top, ‘Two padcyes welded to the cnso for hnndlin: purposes. A wntor-tight fitt in bout 6" in diomcter was at the top, appirontly cover for ox- ploder mechanism well, These drifting mines projoot about six inches above the fnoe, and it would be impossible to sce thom ona dark night. SURES & EVASIO™ Tic’ 1, On ‘submerged attack went oa deep as bc would pormit, ub tail toward ond fish-tallcd cwry alone coursd. Nog- ediont all the way dovm, could not get bencoth, in dons off bottom, charges to uu, On the tro occasins of a single detonator click wa hon ndiectes a now type detonator, posci bly fuze ty: 3. On night surface attack, eeroon did not see sub bow on at 900 yards. iftor attack usunl random depth charging, shooting, flares, cte. Chasing escort gro up whon renge hed opuned bout 5000 yards, OR DEFECTS: August 22, 19h4:~ Réurti, stage suction valve disc of nigh pressure air compressor fractured, Calise:- Metal fatigue due to constant humering under hich opuvating atures, ber 6, 194k:- No. 2 voriscope fogaing ex Rithogen leak; pressure found to be zoro. arged to 6 pounds with dry-nitrogen. irked {vip | Periscope soaped, leek not found, ptember 11, 194kt= No. 2 periscope fogs Isture noticed ‘on lense shen shifted to low power. Gat jwriscope ond found pres. urc to be holding nt six pounds (previous dry nitrogen of Septcubor 5), Blod dom 2 ond pulled a 21-inch with enipts arm ro vacuum pump, driven by uotor, Rocharged, periscope and fogging ceased, September 11, 1944:~ Find pressure on #1 periscops ¢ pounds. Reoharged to i von pounds pressuro with dry on wtombor 1, 194hi= #3 mein ne’ ect, dovoloped a "pin holo drilled for a pipe plus patohs a vory thin, tho drill prrottonlly "fol th A lnwgor holo hed to bo Grilicd ond tap motel to hold c plug, ipo plug wi of 60 Ibs. por squero ine, git will be noeosscay for this vxtiust tr August 30, 19h4:- Uneble to onswer duecuso of the feilure 0 of control cubicle to ~ic.-80» the loss of 2 sot-serow and lock #39 contnet, cllowing the cam to slide inboard c com shart, thereby missing the eam rollue which clo toot #39,” The cam was re=pocitionod cnd the sot-serow lookenut’repleced, All other © sorews and wero chocked and tight: od, wugust 30, 1944i= Zero croud on #1 fuol of] purif! ture,” faacture removed and roplaced with sparc ures ist boorings were found to be in a orn ooadition, ‘aad were renewed, gust 31, 1944: Zero ground on jf lub of} purificr, ature romdved and belod, Motor pleced back in ser id is opercting nurmally, #2 cfr conditioning unit Unit secured, motor bonrings ir d found to be worn, Replaced with now b ga cnd ro-nligned motor to pully. ‘This condition developed duo to tho nisalign of tho motor, causing undue striin on tho pully end beorings, 5. Soptomber 10, 19441 Bowpline tilting moto out grounds on ftedor cable, interpole cotl, and + speed reisstor. he grounds wore romoved by rene’ ing ingwiation on the eoil, tnd tr resistor, os this last gr~nd Failure #2 fuol of Ground removed by washing coi] in fresh v and b+ ary, motors aro casily grounded beecuso of bel: in engine rooms. Tt 1 suggvsted that both the fuel 01] stand-by pump cto end tho lub oil stand-by pump ...iors be reisod a to deck level to avoid grounding by splash liquid on deck, Septomber 17, 19h4t~ #1 fucl 011 purificr motor doaring Replaced becriigs with dest of verheat, purifier on limited s ORDNANCE: 2. august 31, 19h4:-Outer door #1 worpedo t torpedo attack #1, the vuter door of # Jemod at 15° open position. Applicati door mechanism foiled to rolievo the condition, wos sont ovor the side to invostignte and it app bo q ccubination of fouled roller track tho lowor cdgo binding. —¥ loor mechanism and prying -n the shuttcr, the r wos ltinately returned t 2 on, ond tho tube scoured for romnindor of ytn CONFIDENTIAL (4-30) September 194l,: Both shear ning in the bov-plcne rigging ehenism shonred, The cause was determined to be due to fail. of the limit awiteh to operate properly. T c8 adjusted, sheer pins renewed, cnd operation -estored 1944: Failure #2 fuel of] stend 1d by cleaning comection box and #1 Moin Engino: ~ #5 oylindcr 11 crack et top of startin CONFLDENTTAL RADIO: | last message sont: . SUNFISH Serial Threc. jast seriel received: OSP's 57s jo90KG:~ This fredveacy gave best September 11,12,13 heavy Jenming at 1900 Gory 2280K0:~ Ex 0% tio wna experi Freauetiey. two despatches wire tronsmittes to sreiurines operatin’ in the area, No recelph woe ceived. 65-= Reception fro: NIM, Chuneking, Cl goods, 1% was noted the only traf by gis stetion wes petwoon 1300-1830 GOLs | Tt BY tinually guord this station 1 was necessary 10 the shipts service recuiver. It is sugge® tne monedule be used by this station for vn deancls One message stated that our foreed down wh One messes” sweeps, iwilld trabeait positions on 760 pos of bein? picked up by su! ‘this fer forlorn wopo, for no submarine Trequaney. copy of Chunking treffic log 15.) fteded direct to Coumsnder Submarin Foret, F Flcot. During refit RAL's n quencics. ordors directed roooivers for threo ) PRE__betwovn 800 OPS 1d 1000 OPS How Measured (c) Pulse width (4) skoten E (e) ing Used. Sweep sp once every 5 minutes 3 rodor used for surface or air secreh, GL, SI or AL wn. denoo for this conclusion Action of enemy redar, including a! he archos, tracked, faded, eto. signcl on curfecing 9/é/4h ot 2015 LO? Long, 12810'Z, At this tino us end another roder swooping, At 2100 started ) only one =ndar et this timo, At 93.5 Mes continucd ing 5 minute intervals, snd at 0400 Septenber 5, 9ddbe 09 Nt SIE, 8, Bicked-up modium strength sleucl at 2227 108; Positior 2, J20-37M, Long. 128°-15tE, trequoucy 93,5 Moa’ Sneeping cbout overy 5 minutos, This-rignal continued to get stronres tho night and at 0345, sentomber 6, onothor radar picked up at 95 Mes, about stme strength and swooping, T would bean steady in our suctor whil continue sweoping. They would then altormate bowing tn our gontinued swooping, Yor Position Let. 32°-20!N, Long, 1280232! Scptouber 6, 1944. Upon surfacins at 19 ts 32°-37IN, Long, 1280-15'E picked up two 5 minute intervals, Froqueney 93,5 and 95 Mo. tol irongs Faded out at 2315 Ion, Position Lat, 32°-3h/u1 270=50!, CONFIDENTIAL DATE Soptomber 8, 1944 REPORT "0, _2 "ERCEPTION OF “MVIB/Y RAD't on a coverod on this mission (give antes) West Coast_ot w 5 cuemy radar: Shipborne_Afrtorne_Landbased XUnknown__ Deseribe onony installation tercupt Bquipuont _APRe: quency__97 Wes. (b) PRP,_about 1000 {c) Puiso Width, (a) skotoh Pun (c) Was Lobe Switching Used _ Rate, (£) Polarization of enemy otcnal, (g) Swoop Roto Yariculo « () Was radar uscd for surtece Winown, (b) jones for this conclusion. diction of cnomy radar, inciuding @istences ~n ch he searched, tracked, fadsd, ote. Picked up facing, this date 19,0 LOT - Position Int, 330=36" E, was swooping about once avery $ minutes, “ie rnd at 2030 thoro wore appcrontiy ? about 2 minute intorvals 1 out 30 or at 2100, md"fadod out at m Int, 33°-58'N, Long, 128°-444'E, DATE 15 Ssptombor 1944 REPORT NO._3 TERCEPTION OF ENEMY RADAR TRANS!TSSTONS ip or Station U.S.S, SUNASE 2 covered on this mission (give dates) yest of 1 s cneny redar: Shipborne___Airborne _Londbrsed vribe cnomy instalintion Unkiown nt__APRo1 — 95 Migs Dial Rescines Dinesh. fi How Measw: iccteh Pulso____Uniovm— ine Lobe Switching inte___Fow determined Folarization of oneny atgnel____ Unknown 5 Variabl, ee rader used for surf-ce or cir se: A. Unlmown - Possibly_b« ) Evideneo Yor this conclusion etion cf onemy reder, including distances ond b. rohod, trecked, faded, ete, Lat. 319-521, Lo Contact 0135 ~'vory wook, foded out whou we dove 16 Soptombor 1944 nissic. Shipborne__ quipmont, jucney__ 95 ader used for surfces or aiz scare’, GL, S10, a0 osions obsorvod, and oight ¥ , oll set for six fest oxeept hich hit the turmot. None of th of run, One Mk, 23, in doop is may indicate that’ our und ths which crush the oxplodor noohanii 2 carried aft only, Prescri casualties or difficulties w lert in flooded tubes fi when removed from tubcs, xch were fired in phosph cua no. thee out of onch ng,and aftor about rds run y before sottli cet Tun, ee sotters, spindles, ote., wore all be normal; no thumps cr striking nolaes ©’ shut 18 results wore zero, On anc ¢ ict throc «ut of four ran pasaed undor target. However, orpecous man deop, 8 fh believed’ to hev d at a large lata ond tr:¢ smell gyro 2 jomowhat sh 23 results cbtainet. fired, after a thorough tube shutters and 2 in d all ten tubes during next treink RINE DIVISTOA FORTE-FOR Gare of Floot Post Offie>, San Franeisco, Californie 1 october 1944 mht f 116-3 ‘The Connendor Submarine Division PORTI-POR, ne Comander-in-Ghicf, U.S. Floct. Connender Submarine Squadron FOUR, Comander Submarine Force, Pacific Floot. Comenier-in-Chief, U.S, Pacific Flost. 13, SURIPISH Bighth or Patrc?, coments ot oighth var patrol o° the 0.8.3, SUNFISH ms conducted fa areas, The patrol wis of thirty-nino days durvt in area bocense 9° expenditure of all to vely conducted ond results ob- om 75H 1 - This was nore or less # test attacl: of ono st throo over) ing jiark 23 torpodo sot at four foot ag Vo hit as obtained possibly = draft targets. Landi ale of a large convoy out of '3 ott of comission only Sive Ehreo at a large nodorn freighter end to ct @ older typo froighter. Firing ranges v0 ards respectively, T70 good hits fren the 3 ore mae in tho firet target and the third mofo a t possibly ina far tankor; ono hit in tho secon Uy blew up the boilors of that ship, Both = £0 have suns ACTADK MIDBER 3AcB ~ On tho night of FS torpodons wore fired at vhat eppocmod both sight 10 bo an extronoly largo target 0 cithor th: for ore skip type, As no hits cred, York 18 od and sgain no hits occurs: . Closing tho t Joa a snall tab toning a trailing light 400 £ = Jap tricks 9 night. kors and to large freighters. torgots osnsctive tangon of 1700 and 2250 y: nod; one tanker vas soon to sink and Yast soon with dts poop deck arash. ois SUBIURING DIVISION FORTY-FOR BRR_§ - This vas anoths envoy as in Attack J&B, In spito of much gun shoot: the oneny, the SUIIFISH renainod cn the surfac. “an an oscort and chased tho froightors un‘: favorable firing position could bo obtained to fire the last ‘161s, Those wore fired at a range of 2200 yards « setting of six foot. Ono terpodo ms acon to ri 10 hits wore obtained. Be 121 attacks were goll plomsd and aggressive, The area ws well covered ‘by the SUNFISH, Although tho results obtained vith tho Merk 18 torradoes vore of thoi porforn 3p to fmetion properly and offectivoly. Ea The SUNFISH roturned in oxoeLlent stato of clonsliness, orale is, of course, high in this succossful suboarine, Consandor Submarino Division FORTY-FOUR congra* ilates the oor, Officers and mon for this aggressiv: ay suce-ss~ atral. SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOUR Fleet Sen 3 October 1! Commander Subr-rine nder-in-w ief, ommander oubaari jonnander=it e ‘The Come (1) tm (2) c Gi U.E.S. SUURISH - Re: conourrt. FOUR. The felse target of pertiouler interest. ? the Japs to dec develont skil!cully sxeouted. INE FORCE, PACTSIC FLEST heh 42-10/a16-3(15) 5 rs Gare of Plect Post Office, seriel 0220 4 Sen Francisco, California, 8 Cctover 1944. rine Force, 2acific Fest. ouanander-in-C./ef, United States Fleet. > Conmander-in. FISH August to eighth war patrol yhina and Yellow Sea areas. ce cellent area cov :age splendid patrol. All contacts wo.’ developed into attacks and severe dam aysterious target atterked on 13 September 0 ready explanation of this "felse - mais patrol is de~‘snated f.ieers, and crew for another ‘ting zatrol for tte SUNFISH. 1 stim ship sunk on attack ely, no proof is available other than tending, ti SUMISH is cre vith on the eneny durin, « (SADO c (KVOKKO 1shxU Type) (Ganyo or NIPPON 1 41,000 tons Distribution end auth on following pase. L- 3.1, BRO, Ie Arrived Pearl Harbor from Eighth Wer Patrol on 27 Sep ember, 194» Cotmenced 16 day refit, Controlling job was al- teration of control cubicle resistors and vent duct over cubicle to give proper clearence, Departure date sot for 23 October 194 @ following officers were detached: + SCHABLE, U,S.Ne, (PCO), Lieutenant Amold'G, PLEMONS, U nd Ldoutenent (jg) Russell P, COMBS, U,S.N.R. The follot r Allen'R, A basie plan for the eoordinated boats was mado at n conf divided into sub-nr “looding with fu i m dive, parted, Conducted dnily 4 two replaccn th us and his Departed M0 ron in compeny SPDEFISH nnsa unti2 suns a C/C#1): - S.J~ 14,000 yards; d_and clos: fede out two PC type boats, Avoided; informed ot! subs in task group, SPADE ted tH m« about thirty miles to Si routes north of Marous; encounter: both yoing end returning on last patrol. A/c #1, (lockout): ~ Dove, apparently not sight Surfaced. A/o #21 ~ Doves S,D, operator x Soreen, thon obtained pip shor‘ closing. Iwo bombs} not olosey Surfaceds Dove to flush out #4 from Sunfaced. 8.3, contact on SBA 4/0 #5 (SD): = Dove, apparent: from 16 miles, ~ Surinecd. (so/c#2) 10,000 votwoon AKUSEXE JA sed_soven entered East Chin: (tea) 2300 10 Hove ‘DesutT) 1334 1840 nos; DANIO GUNTO distant 43 for periscope patrol south of DANZC cw'T Surfaced for 45 minutes, olling across Empire-China routes tows: * (s0/o#3): - S¥ 4200 yds, Two swell patrol boat avoided and by SJ informed PET0, who was astern end headed toward them, Entered Area 12, periscope patrol SI aoross Enpiro-Shanghai routes. Surfaced for 45 minutes, jurfaced; patrolling to the west routes. y CSP's sérial forty Submerged for periscope patrol south of SATSHT faced for 40 minut + = Throo >, miles B-29 through per: During next 2 hours sighted cpp: and hnd SD contact on ns fhend of scheduled tine, All (4-3) Decoded GSP!s 110323, Proceedin to position of ditched B-29, (70 mil practi entire frequency at estimated position by ores 4-5, both from 0: 2008’ fired xx Deaoded corroet star sighting and At onoh tivo le, ond fired "Buck R fen Slightly on. clearing. | Ai a box search of in vicinity of possible us about 10 miles west o: aocd end commenced box search to northyrrd, so of probable arift, tcwrd oo: opensd. a/c sighted U. H ct 14,000 yards; closed end oxohenged information on acerch, QUBENF. od sho cnd PICUNA worl? rob for hours, Ported compeny with QUEENFIS! north Coripleted soareh’rnd started periscope prtrel townrd TSUSHTIL n own subs in vicinity. BARB, 13,000 yards, when sl ad astern to a posi- tion to the north of us, Submerged for periso: 1 ESE of SATSEU TO of main patrol traffic routes from TSUSHTIUA STRATTS ena ¥: Heard several very distent explosions. Surfaced. ST contact; Sighted WARA 10 navigation: , but no sp vereept point on a 9 knot B informed us an cir Assumed 17 knots wns If soneone wns 1 Ne hedynt best, nb 4 Started sending position reports doing tho samo, Somobody should > ( board quarter, Te, d she was out of der inter? n positions 3 interforcnee to, porte = 070° w nbout 1 in_ (2332-0030) to + rts, took us out of n p to one where we obnbly did +: to IM across En: to be off KOKUZAN 1 at daybreak, d like 2 goo ad, when heard pet tozpedo explosions heard), heard escort drop Escort must ber remained with soctterad to Convoy continued off to north, once on bow. Avpe ren: an escort convoy, Began trailing o: Convoy lost about 235° in darkness, bearin T, base course ', speed 8 knots, ted to radar depth, 4 ed the escort who had been developing ooftact which’hed first Seattered convoy. He came tecring by, at about toward convoy, A new strenmlined alzerntt carrier; APR-2. avoid nnd ¢ z escort tumed on S hit, dropped a strin us up, tnd strrtcd 3 40) hands then joined us-in celebrating, tarted firing 3" & 4", 201M, ete., 1 ng, even into the elt; a ore "bl a sights & renee, 330° T casing fo the north of bum a burning Inrge exolo ich flemes went out mn) AK . More depth charges end xuch either attacked the re: hag gotten the convoy that China vlanes had as standing out to the north of osion and flames 2840 7, ‘well over horizon s hod just died dow, when at, to the lett, 2 Tais vas. and the oooupants thoreof p jonents and pro had not at, ret time), followed ty fd to rumble and : us ¢ continuous escort of black smoke Reloaded, end sterted submerged patrol. Three depth charges, fairl Believe these were three " by FC boat to discourage u track hone. In retrospect we of the Yellow Sea", blowing up, and sink have niade ho attenpt to heard, urfaced, patrolling to scerinaet ta contact, and that t south, Reocivsa as. tr on tiie surtrce. cleering, SH. Assured thor about 16) ted 2 6 SPADE Got reply and position, ay; coulda't believe it, “Interference ves fairly strenath was obteincd in exob = Foriveone cotvet o Closed sufficiestiy to exanine thr ané cortinued pe on SI until efter sizhtet eb 3000 verde, Surfaccé, resungd patrol in area C Dove; vatrolling sui Surfeced, commnood patrolithy t EAKUREFPI 70 and DATSBI GUNTO for + Fatrol off CHOSAN KAN, Received CiG's sis SPADEFISH goin: at70l to date, Dove 7 alles west of Chart shoved 5-7 knots ourreat te @ buttie Starced oiost ng down by head, steady on course, dro: cht knots, and’ at, Tarcet started awincin= ne torpedo was fired, so b No iit at tive for rm, well. over on starbomi cht for the r: do to be from steck as thoug bout 150 by gle, dropped tar, vas exposed to and telling him we aneedotveer ‘c the guns uo nd received’a royal welcome fron the Junk. about 16, and the 10 ye all hold: f ir stomachs, h SAISHU 7 sunset on t Several friendly SD contac Rendezvoused with escort U.S.3; RSET (B26) ana ceoded to MAjuro in conpeny, aloncsid 0.5.5. GIIMORE, vas in general that nom: speoted for this and in a nye severe st low uy with unexzected si 88; seas ch foree 1 or 2 to force § & 6 and vind. from 10 to 40 & about three hours, Such storms’ set in on enter 30th, lastins in the Boats small fish!6000 sempens: |: CONTACT, ntacted Initial aange (Zone) lat. Initial Range Blevation Angle Convoy of 5 wartime bu: shown in-receat intelligeno: No. 47), and 3 suall, old 150 type, freiehte z long range st when overlal DESORIPTTON (80) Same convoy as Attack #2 an, SHIP(S) SUNK: Two engine aft type tre shown in eifed fron stent and sound th ed when scatter to the east so dan DALAGE DETERIINED BY: Say two hits in fi: and dbserved out h Being doubtful of Mc. 18 speed ot gorrected speed for denth) tirca target to insure hitting, t. This wes a beausifi just bofore f heracteristies (using (a-4o) RATIO(Yes or \ ‘TORPEDO ammunition ship, but n Three tined hits; followed by terric expos: nistakably an amuunition that blew up, 26! COURSE 262 SFESD 9 RUNGE 2 SHIP Dy SERED 10 COURSE 352 DEPTH Surfa radar and TBT, beari to starboard, p rosf to prevent HAT at 31033 'N, 1240L0', 2 drifting mind. with.20I0i et 330L5'N, 12,002s, exploded one rine at 32002'%, 123021) prior to daylieht and che after d t thet we failed to locate, and sank or exrlod mines in a six nile square area centered at 52tN, 12hCOw Ey Sighted floating mine at 29031'N, 132°05'E. KO 10 and 10! neountered, be ive and tvo > of which ceusea interfer roreft contacts in bem: ye a wires withdra Give a steel pipe plug on the fuel conpens line stop valve to #4 FBT carried away due to corrosion and pa: flooded the after battery deck with fuel oil, Plug was replac 88 plug end all other pipe plugs in this sure they were of brassy ing excessively found it zero, Cherged both soores % Soaped all fittings but unable ¢ vi~ #2 periscope fogging badly. Caged Pumped " vacuum and recharg TH. Soaped ell fittings but co as been Togs arged to 7. Periscore eneretor Oct: Booster oded with salt w ounds were hed to constent specd = t awitch contnot reprired and 0 bottor fs repeir. (a-u5) . VIE up noto?’ es, it ould not be ighor froqueno foulice ng aie he ee eee quengy odnoidca with “kly reocived cbout 10 could not be distiney ‘ted to 6045 ke, $515 kes substituted in its pleec. Roocntior good & 730 ovens: a. At rdroom radio on alternate on 500, and in addition 8 Toe", who comes over long b 8 are accounted for or dow ss signals on yet ‘tizcly plausible thet the % sission) covle use one shifted ifegvan Decause of failure to receive cing across. ‘but termizel block on vet performance of duty by both officers and men w ighest caliber. ending Officer cmtinues to be amazed at th uw young draftees, even with their school traini g in on our ing course in an endeavor t ifying. In three patrols’t! 70 as rezlacer jenior petty officers continuously contii ING BY THS BNE (35281) and altitude when enemy reaio signals vere 202,'N 126593'E Position of Transnitti To 18008 DAT (5 g and altitude when onex 4,Noy. Time: From (See Narrative) 515, 6045, 9515 REEORT NO. (88261) ing and altitude vhen eneny radio sigals » 2502'N 127016'R Trensmi of jeming pelitusiesl tone Variable tone) d altitude when 126053", ransuitting Station DATE 27 How, @ altitude when eneny radio net itting Station nown Nov. 219 Tipe: From 1515 COT To. 1600 encies jamued 6045 wit (tactical, Was enemy jonming signal stable of strength o frequency and altitude when eneny radio 2249 38'E nal jemmed (Freq., type m: it (tactical, admint mine signal stable strength of own si tran itter appear to be noi arrative: ‘to overcone \dwidth covered DATE Wovs 7. 191 y install BPRe] zs. 500-cFS ath Eoiom seconds {a-63) Rarrative. Area covered on this mission (give Shipbo: SION TWO HH ender Subsarine Divieion TV0 HUSDRED der in Chief, United States Fleet. Gaemender Subedrine Squadron TVEKTY 70s Commander Subcarine Foree, Pacific Fleet. Chief, United states Pacific Fleet. SH ($8281) = Report of Ninth Yar Petrol, (saa) departed PEARL 23 of a Coordinated Attack Group consisting of SPADEFTS! med to HAJURO for refit on comple the interin she patrolled the Officer, Commander edo attacks and sunk one large N e watch sighted 12 Float ich were sunk by machine gun re were thirty jus patrol boats, junks, and sarpans encounter pat a range of 90 nile falue to other ind the SUUPISI was assigned Life guard dut this occasions, cover 8-29 strikes, she was not called on to rend with three different eneny fore ts, ‘which she was wueble to clo: nes, with fcur escerts, clos: ith k escorts, The latte submarine with: E DIVISION THD HDL Care of Fleet i, eventually forced up; but a that the Cosmanding Officer was foreed to fire edo run of 3500 yanls, three at each o! ‘all. gyre angles, The convoy cons! in two, four siip colums, Tire v yards, and conene ith good track angles and 19. ind target, an AK (EU), set plode and sink fron the these cavoys, This to, and tired were he ‘Although ono or st epeod 10} knots. hoad for the nesi dy A single t SUBARINE $QU aly f Fleet Post Office, aneisce, Califernia, hie n Chief, bearine in Ohier, S281) = Report af concurring in the remarks ine on th 5 during all « = 6,700 tons (attack 24) 00 tone (attack 28) W Class (a6) = 65hC s) (a0) unander Eubsar Cousiander=di Distribution and tion on followi pecksssll 98281/A16-3 (0. » Report of & report, es doo) ies wost of KO TO 0 the southwest coro Parenter ing APR int je are too fi he 158 acs tive nly_etoed: ot year; storny nunber of storms to br: tof tho req 4s fro of ni ers to lio “lone 7 fifty * uD rifinnl units adar, Checking hovever, rsonnel was trol {ADIO COMMUNI 29 Tenuary 1945 a Ship or Station Position, beating and alti ved 16-3511 14b058 Fosition of Transmitting Statior 1/29/45 From jammed Desoribe sicnal jens a.,type of nodulation, cto) Continuous vave Subas 3x! Sheds of oirenit (tactical, adninistrative) vies enony jaming signe stable What was ratio neth of Four to five Location of eneny Type of jammin WISH (53281) Division 2 sborgeom in and Div. Paoific U.8.S. SUNFISH (85261) 28 April 1945 manding Officers ni bWuiah ie nander in Chief, United States Fleet. der; Submarine Division nder; Submarine Squedron or, Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet, Comander’in Chief, Pacifio Flect. ISH (SS261)= leventh War Patrol, ‘the Eleventh War ers and in the st of Honshu and Southern Coast of Hokl: March to 28 april 1945, are forwarded here- weer FILMED U.8.8. SUNFISH (88261) - Report of Eleventh War Petrol. grrived Guan on 27 February from tenth war patrol end soored alongside U,S.3, PROTEUS, Refit wes accomplished’ by Boeir 201, On 6 March, Lieut,Condr. J. W. Reed, U.S.Ne, Te- SHeved Condr, x. EB. Shelby, U.S.N., as Comanding Officer. Geekcoted 8 day training period, Lieut, R. L. Pareels, (DE) PetcR., was doteched during this period, No replacement was requested. Readiness for sea 28 terch, Departed Guan 2¢ cSivine Saipan sane day, Loaded torpedoes, tovped off {ei arrivel of other boats of assigned wolf packs s and OFO's and Number of Runs Gondr., J» ile REED, PL, SANSELL, Tr.5 Tieut, G. 8, ESMNETT, Jr.) Lieut, We W. SCALES, U.S, eut. (jg); Re He Cox, U.S-l eut. (jg); He Ma. NEWOITY, 5 N} Ts Cy PETTY, U.8.N.Re, Tieut, (Je), Rs By BENSON, U.S, Ens, T. 0. EDMONSON, Jr, U.S. Radio Blect., Re C. MANGUM, US.NeRsy Gs Ir,, CHM(PA),“U.S.N., {ov}, U.SaMi, amr, '2., cicial(t) ,'U8s . CER, J. Cw, CTM(AA)(T), U.S.N-Ro, ) NARRATIVE and escort, Set clocks back one hour to conform (Unless noted otherwise, all tines b Rader contact. 2 freighters and 1 escort, renge yarés erossing our track. Avoided, Bseort departe During early morning TUITA departed, formation and returned to SAIPAN. Sp radar contect @ miles, friendly, PBLY2. Tat, 15-OlN; Long. 142-13. U,S.S. SUNFISH (88281) - Report of Eleventh Wer Patrol. mR on opposite course; exchanged recognition 1315 Sighted PETO on opposite course; exchanged recognition signals. 1626 Reeeived crdeze from ComSubPac changing patrol area to eroa route patrol area conducting daily training dives end fire ‘contact § miles, friendly, not mbe » friendl opposite course; exchanged Ub2-h28., at 30 mile 277°, 0 close to beach, ghtod pio fishing boot bearing 229°T, from this point on hea to 5 of this type boat in sight ¢ (soo) ** 480 indicates Ship Contact. “4300 indicates Smell Creft Contact, ort of Bleventh W. 7 tpril (continued) Dell Dived, I 38-LON3 Long. 1h1-51B. therly course, Range 15,000 yords, angle on the pout ¢ mile off the beach, Came to norm! Commenced running nt high speeds, Closest ° patrol o! 12-308 end Le roca #4 fuol bellest tank to » vod to flush out fh t fcoed. Provious £ CA, SUKI be of sovercd | it be PLRCHE st of s rd of funnel. course 015°T, angle on the bow 37° star- ards. Commenced swinging right for-en 60° rs giving us a 10° starboard angle on the : e@ up and tock left presenting about 150° star ed unfavorable set up and pedo fire t stern of target. and firing stern gun, d cour: ormittent Surfaced. nels with PAROHE i= 3. idles south of KUSHIRO light. Y2-Ula; Longs Ll=208 closing in. Surfseed, Commenced surf (sco). Gene loft end h ect. ghted plone becring 345°T eire: 2 I light. iader contact at 6,400 yards bo-ring 260° shing erat rked around contrat of5) 6 tare rai 8000 yerds. with BS(2 ing. 245° very olose to the bea is cuoh that it is very lend: beekeround. (S¢#6) er, identified as similcer 8-3, bearing 291°R, range 12,000 y north-west hugging th Com: at high speeds to : ag snip rounded Bais Feeling vory much thwnrt la-u3ui; 1 tod sanll 1 on various light bulbs nnd onus: with loud 5 tly confused. n 20 8. SUNFISH (88261) - f Eleventh War Patrol. rb. GO-1EN; Long. 143-278. jonrd two distrnt h charges. Japs havc g just nbout sunset in this erca. signcls with PLROHE by SJ radar. ding for ESIN Sis, Dived ESUN SUKL light berring 26: (1k6 mo) from radar & 4 pip at tine of div: zing 22697, ronge 10 ad trnokini ve), bearing Sivited scrli lugeer botring 212°T, north we , 2 lugeors, 000 ynrds to 6000 yar ng earlior rader contacts. due to set shortly, para’ on 8 to 9 minute on obscured ephorescent . 5, SUNFISH (38261) + enth War Pet ship, ral snpperred from screen, ri er officer, Ori ‘ot at 37,000 yards. We now Lhtempted to o: Ge 12-3. moesnge to ComsubPae 1 to dopart aren and head for T200tk) 1 xehanged recognition wort of Eleventh W Mal; Longe 175-hi¥. + 16-10%, + 163-1311, 10 niles; friend d several ition signals, Rendezvous with escort, PObE joored Subsarine Bese, Pearl Harbor U.S.8; SUNFISH (95281) ~ ort of Bleventh lier Patrol, cher was generally good t winds. Haze wlth low visibility wi a douse fog with zero visibilit: ir tomperctures wore in the low Biroo Kushiro SS261/i4- Seriol U.3/S. SUNFISH (35261) - et of Eleventh Wer Prtro (Bneny Contnets Only) HIniticl 30/oi2 80 /0if3 50 /Ciths s/o 4nd #*30/C indiestes Groll Craft Contret. iSpeed :Cont :Renarks tRadar:avolded U.3.8, SUNFISH (85281) Roport of Eleventh War Fetrol, SEIP CONTACTS (Eneny Contacts Only) Tin Initiel Rony 80/#13 34/15 /4521h1-11 scorts 12 sun 311,000 feorstel : #2247 342-03 two larg® 37,000 LAG/i5 142-50 poe Stee aaschurt Comniote PRE Re eS contacted on this patrol, aubsopeed cod tw aoeeee ie running on tho surtecss “Four probethy flying routine proved f15 covertge fern oi t flying plenes were encountered U.8,S. SUNFISH (38281) - tof Eleventh Wor Patrol. ‘TORPEDO ATTACK NO.1 ROL WO. 12. DATE: 9 APRIL 1945 LAT. 39-278 LONG, 142-05 TARGET IOTED Single ship, umosoorted, velieved to. bee Novel quvilicry, (Bslievo ship ori; escorted by a DD sunk ARCHE qbout on hour dn helf before our k), Tis sbip hed a large single stack, dereble suporstruc: ure qimost entire length of ship with Mp spring" type radar f of stack. sound gent, depth ch 1 Naval auxiliery, 6, FIRE CONTROL {0 TORPEDO DATA y periscope att 8, SUNFISH (33261) ~ Report of Blevei ‘ATTACK NO. 2 FIRING DATA U.8.8, SUNFISH(SS28. port of Eleventh War Ps OK DATA (continued) bo 4aTicK LONG, 141-130 (rovised), 2180 tons. surface haze. (EU). nes None. 24! COURSE 010°T SFEED 9 2600 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA COURSE 31907 DEPTH 63! ANGLE'1° a: eof fir: RPEDO ATTACK NO. 3 PATROL NO.12 16 GPRIL 1945 Lit, 39-36N LONG, 142-058, GET DAM, = DiMAGE TNFLTOTED (2) One HASHADATE Gunbost (BO). (bv) One nediun freighter (UN). Above ships were > escorted by totel of t: 0 HASHADATE Guntont, 1200 tons. dium froichter cbout 4 2Kts. COURSE 222°T to 21! 19 down (at firing) EIRE CONTROL {ND TORPEDO Di U.3.5. SUNFISH (8421) of Bleventh Wor FIRING DATA Torpox :- Porpox 10° f Diverg Divers = a2) fUsS PROTEUS :L5 FULTON RPEDO ATTAGK 19 April 1945 DMMAGR THFLIC yards. One ship was pings eithor a lorge escort oneter. Shi 1 lazge a ard two hits, water from explosions. wo ad losions fron target, After hits terget tracked ns stopped, redcr pip faded nnd appenred 16 minutes Inter. At 5000 yerds st: end lowered sound head, found pinging hnd sti nenra loud crack 5 believed to be bi ing up noises f own COURSE 300° SPEED 10 Picked up targs fer tH ho port of Bley: DATA (continued) TORPEDO ATTACK NO. 5 19 APRIL 1945 LAT. ‘TARGET Diss Iarge ship renain: 1 large ship. Estinnte 1 Saw and heard torpedo suddenly collapsed « soreen 54 minutes of renge of 16,000 ¥ 315°R 300 (at firing) Ow SHIP DATA B 210° nt surfcce rader att rings, 9726 Contact gz 4B40 0 target as attack N P DiMAGED: U.8.3, SUNFISH (38261) - EIRING DATA FIRED 13 bn 62P Mies No (Possible) 0.8.3. SUNFISH (85261) - tt of Bleventh Yor Patrol get appeared to have a bo ef out on ‘Mis Navel ouxilicry wns fitted with super: Grozped dopth chnraes after attnck. P.C. ore fitte eho rmnging 5 roe uscorts left convoy Recorts stayed with us for six thy us over, het we were riding « 2° nes ing burned out ond the distribution undead roller it ws obs aur: nd pub the pydreulic. pump nin cab! , 4 2970 Grp ahd focated in d glyptol applica, tronsfer pur ond @ The bow p burned out a wil 12, 1945 - #2 ucin generator neg ture cireult, onusod by cond: the recding “29 ocused b It proved to nin ongine oylind ed on #2 edepter. Crack ex ne ineh above da: 4 unit on this ene: creek. #1 trol and was renswed at Inst refit. 1 foticue caused this ensunlty. e original engine unit: jen. rings y 450 hours cellent signal, c o ever used, foo nich g tion; it mokes as excellent, ith either the ST nfined to tube feilur necessitated by th 83 mdr 0s SUNFISH (35201) - ¢ Bleventh ‘er Pr SUNFISH (85261) - deteched after previous patrol en on board Guring patrol Hen qualified at start of patrol Nuaber qualified at ond of patrol Hunbor noking first patrol Tho performance of duty of both 01 in keeping with tho high thing to be desi " at interest in ‘the boat. Qualificntion and instruction 41 eat wes supervised by department hondsy FUSL USED 1751 nile 2310 niles 3344 niles 6 a 9 3 1, leaving area 100 Gal’ nt Foarl Liniting factor thie OCT)» Eats 3a; 34,000 ) conte ving 165°. wover, upon’ trainin: {240°R to 510°R), mult: 000 yards, Tho distance tc This condition exist a in the ¢ on opening aut, L/9/45 2240 143~52 132 3i=19 bfre/¥5 0030 183-38 155 36 U.S.8, SUNFISH port of Elevonth Borne, Are: nde to jan the 2 9050 kes (Gi ded. used by the enc n continurl frequen: ee probably senk the freighter as Loud breaking-up no: n the dircetion of tho target shortly efter. 0 hot these ships wore picked up at is belioved thet they wore of fai ed ot the first of thesc targets; tro Kits by two eddit The SUNFISH retumed from p FO5-4/A16-5 nour: nier Subrarine Division FORTY. ¢ Squadron Commander takes pleasure 2 Officer, officers and crew o: Total Sunk ALCAGED al Auxiliary (EU) tons Total Damaged - 6,000 tons Total Sunk and Damaged - 21,200 tons Jt D.c% oy ae Ve O'REGAN yf 5 04138 FAip-10(4) /ate-s(ae) on, PACIZIC Care of Flect Post Office, SETSIG PATOL 4 der Subnarine Force, Pacific Fleet, nder in Chief, United States Flect. Ohief, U.S. Pacific Fleet. (ss281) - 2eport of March to 28 April 1945). for Patrol rol of the SUWISE, under the co= was conducted in the off th fficor of the latter bein, nny contects vers nage in this activo are h arca eoverege close to focal points and the SFISE eaxk three froichters and Gonbat Insignia for this patrel is euthort reo, Pacifie Flect, congratulates the stiieor, officers, and crev of tho SUNFIS! for this ag rescire Shere) pated to her brilliant recor’, During the pest, to: ring sunk nineteon oxeny ships totell: say shins totalling 44,104 ti The SUIFISE is Fotlgwing Zanace upon the eneay during thie pr = 4,000 = 1,200 = 4,000 = __a'o00 +200 TLMED 0 tons END OF REEL JOB NO. “= THIS MICROFILM Is THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MICROFILMED BY NPPSO—NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON MICROFILM SECTION

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