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START OF REEL JOB NO. 4 He Ss operator [Monge | i tz THIS MICROFILM IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MICROFILMED BY NPPSO—NAVAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON MICROFILM SECTION Qrewne, CES— BRD Vaasa ec Part TUS. Revie, Ru Warener Wiis Geer \s TRA SSIFAED. Foe ene Lae Vere eek (O03 ~ ANS Caneuar Waitt. WrcaNes. Nae Rec. Office of Naval Records and History epartment HISTORY OF USS PICUDA (38 The PICUDA vas built at the U.S, Navy Yard, Portenouth, New ttamp- keel laid 15 March 19h3, launched 12 July (sponsored by Mrs ish) and commissioned 16 October. During the construction of “ieers and orev vere aseenbled at Portsmouth and given ad training offered from the various sources at that hip wae accepted on 18 November and commenced her unde! trials under the command of Ligutenant Commander & Torpedo tube triale d Deven st Newport, Rhode Island. All trials were conpleted in tl n, Connecticut ares from De ber 17 to 31. On January 1, 1944, the PICUDA departed New London to j U.S. Pacific Fleet via Balboa, Canal Zcne, On January 13 at B A reported to Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet for dut; ‘loet, Submarine Squadron 20, earl Harbor, T,H, on January repairs. A two week training period vas completed on February 15 and the PICUDA departed on her first war patrol February 17, 1944. A stop e idyay Island on February 21 to top off on fuel and for voyage repairs. On February 29, arrived in the patrol area in the opon sea North of the Western (qvoline Islands, Sank a large passenger freighter of the HUSIMI MARU type with torpedoos on March 2 ina night submerged attack, On March 7, made/an unsuccese— ful attack ona four ship conyoy, In a submerged, day attack, damaged anker similar to the SOYO MARU vith 3 or 4 hits on March 18, Sank eenger freighter of the NISSYO MARU class on March 20 in a night submerged periscope attack. Sank a MATUMOTC MARU class freighter on March 30 and received a particularly bad deptn charging, Arrived Ndway Islands for refit on April ~ after a 50 day patrol of which 32 days vere spent in the assigned area, There were 32 aircraft contacts, Combat Insignia was awarded, The PICUDA doparted Midway on Moy 4, 1944 in company with USS; and USS PETO with Commander F,W. Fenno, USN, on board the PICUDA group commander, The second patrol vae mndé in the South China Sea around Formosa. On Way 20, made an unsuccessful approach on a convoy and received a very sovere dopth charging vhich did a considerable amount of damage, Sank a lang, passenger freighter and an unidentified escort on May 22 in a day submerged attack. USS GUIPARRO replaced PERCH 1n the coprdinated attack group on May 24, Sank a medium- sized dentified freighter and damaged an unidentified large transport in ubnerged night periscope attack on June 2 De on June 1 Stopped at Midway Islands on June 22 and proceeded on to Pearl Harbor,

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