2013-9 Agenda

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Hutchinson Elementary School PTO Meeting Agenda

Date: September 3, 2013 Time: 3:45PM and 6:30 PM Call to Order by: Janice McCoy

Call meeting to order State The Pledge of Allegiance Introduction to Officers

A. President Janice McCoy, Vice President Randi Geelen, Treasurer Amanda Wilson, Secretary Mara Lucente

Officer Report
A. President: Janice McCoy a. Welcome and Thank you b. Procedures for quick and efficient meetings: i. Officer presentation of the agenda ii. Questions and comments from members c. Clearances needed for volunteers d. Contacting by email and phone for volunteers B. Treasurer: Amanda Wilson a. Financial report i. Expenses: in May, the summer and budgeted upcoming items C. Secretary: Mara Lucente a. May Minute Review and approval b. Website www.HutchinsonPTO.weebly.com c. Available on Facebook and email

Agenda Topics
A. September Events: Janice a. Book Fair: in the library i. Student Sept 9th thru Sept 13th, help requested ii. Community Preview Friday Sept 6th, 6pm to 8pm iii. Possibly at: Meet the teacher night and grandparent breakfast if delivered early B. Sweat Suit Sale: Amanda a. Running September 30 to October 11 b. Details Red with White LH lettering, planned delivery in late Oct C. Monthly Events: Janice a. Pencil Shop every 1st and 3rd Friday during recess period b. The Maxx night every 1st Thursday 6-8pm of each month, starting in October, $5 per child D. Dino Math: Janice a. Request from Mr. Gados for PTO to pay half the cost, totaling: $343.20 b. Vote: Approve or Deny E. Memos: Mara a. Review memo packet (Welcome Letter, Calendar, Spirit Sale, Earn Cash Programs)

Additional Information, Tasks and Goals

A. Memos Book Fair, Sweat Suit B. Non PTO fundraiser Cookie Dough Sale C. School Board Meeting - September 19th, 7pm @ the Middle school

Open Floor for members Next Meeting:

A. Tuesday, October 1st @ 3:45pm and 6:30pm

Adjourn Meeting
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