Bulletin Oct13p1

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e contact the Rectory for information in regards to Baptism. MARRIAGE: Preparations must be made at least 6 months in advance. PRAYER CHAIN: Phone requests: Margaret Iffert 853-5688 Email requests: Claudia Munn- cmunn4@roadrunner.com MASS CARDS AND INTENTIONS: Beth Ouimette 859-0951 HOSPITAL: Please let Fr. Kevin know if you have a loved one in the hospital
+ Indicates family members willing to bring up the gifts. To alleviate confusion, we ask the gift bearers to please move to the offertory table as soon as the Ushers begin collection.

Sat. 4:00 pm Joseph Della Contrada/McLellan Family + Sun. 8:30 am Art LaPaugh/Laraine LaPaugh Sun. 10:30 am Bud Scranton/Family Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. No Mass Mass Will Wessing/Mary Deutschman Mass Will Wessing/Mary Deutschman Mass Bernard McGinnis/Altar Rosary Society Mass Michael Johnson/Everett & Marge Johnson

Sat. 4:00 pm Vito Masi/ Daughter&family Sun. 8:30 am Bill & Paul Buehler/Family Sun. 10:30 am William&Margret Mahanna (Anniv.)/Family+ LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS Lectors Oct. 12 & 13 Sat. 4:00 Dianne French Sun. 8:30 Warren Scoones Sun. 10:30 Rich Fluharty Eucharistic Ministers for Oct. 12 & 13 Sat. 4:00 Patricia Hamlin Sun. 8:30 Donna Hinman Sun. 10:30 Matt Perrault Altar Servers for Oct. 12& 13 Sat. 4:00 Matt Coyne Sun. 8:30 Hanna Schram Sun 10:30 Matt Calogero/Clare Calogero Last Weekend: Collection: $3,261.00 Respect Life 2nd Collection: $ 361.00

Lectors Oct. 19&20 Sat. 4:00 Dianne French Sun. 8:30 Nina Nelson Sun. 10:30 Joan Carmody Eucharistic Ministers for Oct. 19&20 Sat. 4:00 Patricia Hamlin Sun. 8:30 Donna Hinman Sun. 10:30 John Carmody Altar Servers for Oct. 19&20 Sat. 4:00 Anthony Coney Sun. 8:30 Nicole Borowiec Sun 10:30 Olivia Carmody

Refurbishment: $299.00* *(As of 10/4 Accnt Balance: $24160.80) Country Pantry: $20.00 Nov. Cleaning: Pat Ching Nov. Linens: Christina Acee

Altar Care: Oct. Cleaning: Kay Dzwonkas/Dianne French Oct. Linens: Nina Nelson

**2nd Diocesan Collection Next Weekend-World Mission Sunday** .

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