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BROOKLYN COLLEGE Of The City University of New York Department of Biology Bio 1001- General Biology I Lab MW2B,

Mondays 5:05-7:50 p.m Office Hours: 4:00-5:00 p.m on Wednesdays, Room 505NE Instructor: Mrs. R.D. Rameau Email:

Course Requirements and Policies

Textbook: Biology by Reece et al.. Pearson Benjamin Cummings, publishers Laboratory: Symbiosis: General Biology I Laboratory Manual; Pearson Benjamin
Cummings, publishers

Grading: Lecture and lab are 50% each of your final grade. Point distribution for lab is as follows:

Lab: 50%
Quizzes (4): Final Cumulative Practical: Report/presentation (2): Participation: Homework: Final Presentation 3.5% each 15% 6% (3% each) 5% 4% 6%

Quiz/Practical dates
Quizzes: 9/23 10/21 11/11 12/02

-Lab evaluation -Four quizzes will be given on the dates listed above. Each quiz will be 30 minutes and will be given at the beginning of class. Late arrivals (up to 10 minutes late) will be permitted to take the quiz but will only be allowed the remaining time allotted. Students arriving after 10 minutes will not be permitted to take the quiz and will receive a 0. -All homework assignments are due at the beginning of lab. -No late assignments will be accepted. -The cumulative practical will cover the entire semester of labs. All labs will be represented. Make-up exams and assignments: There are no make-up exams. If you miss one quiz or practical it will be entered as a 0. Failure to take 2 quizzes constitutes an F for the course. All assignments must be turned in on time. Late assignments are not accepted.

Attendance and Policies -It is expected that students will attend every lab. -Tardiness is not a socially acceptable practice. You should be in your seat and set up before the instructor begins. - Consult your Laboratory Rules and Regulations regarding all attendance policies and other lab policies.

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