Bio 111 - Efficiency by Inhibitor

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Bergeron Joshua Bergeron Mrs.

Sara Goretski Biology 110 Format MLA Seventh edition (Purdue Online Writting Lab) October 14, 2013 Efficiency by Inhibitor Creating induced pluripotent stem cells has always been a prolonged and inefficient process according to an article in, posted on September 25, 2012, with the title Making it easier to make stem cells. The article explains that researchers at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute have found that kinase inhibitors, the chemical compounds found to block the enzymes, responsible for many aspects of cellular communication, survival, and growth, when added to starter cells, help

create a greater number of induced pluripotent stem cells than the standard process. The added efficiency in creating these rare cells will likely accelerate research involving stem cells. The benefits of pluripotent stem cell research are obvious when you consider possible alternatives to heart transplant and possible cures for Alzheimers disease. The problem always with using these cells became a moral one, when considering the use of stem cells harvested from the early embriotic stages, and later a simple matter of time. When it became possible to create induced pluripotent stem cells from starter cells, such as that harvested from cellulose, then research became possible without moral implication. The problem was that creating these rare cells was difficult and very time consuming. I find this research very exciting. The applications and benefits are obvious. However, the potential advancements this research can have on our society is extremely palpable. If heart patients could be cured without surgery and those lost to Alzheimers disease could be returned to us with a pill, then we all gain. If this research allows that to happen in my fathers lifetime, then my family and I have gained the impossible.

Bergeron Works Cited Biology Making it easier to make stem cells. 25 9 2012. website. 2 10 2012. <>. Purdue Online Writting Lab. MLA Undergraduate Sample Paper. 2012. web site. 6 September 2012. <>.

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