Book of Auspices

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Y spss: A ARTO ACK LA RL oe er enarreseren Teen me BOOGKOS } AUSPICES ‘Kawa. BY MATT MCFARLAND, DEENA MCKINNEY AND JULIAN MENSCH WEREWOLF CREATED BY MARK REIN HAGEN | | nee eam re AL Ole Spectaf Dedeation ‘Authors: Matt McFarland (Legends of the Garou, To Jessica Hanna, great gamer and greater friend, Galliards), Deena McKinney (Ragabash, Philodox) We will always miss you, Heather, and Benjamin and Julian Mensch (Introduction, Theurges, Ahroun). Werewolf and the World of Darkness created by Mark Rein®Hagen Storyteller game system designed by Mark Rein Hagen Developer: Ethan Skemp Editor: Aileen E. Miles Art Director: Aileen E. Miles Art: John Bridges, Steve Prescott, Jeff Rebner, Ron Spencer, Melissa Uran Cover Art: Steve Prescott Layout, Typesetting & Cover Design: Aileen E. Miles in EF pe 54 ur GAME STUDIO © 2003 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which ‘may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire, Vampire the Masquerade, Vampire the Dark ‘Ages, Mage the Ascension, Hunter the Reckoning, World of Darkness and Aberrant are registered trademarks cof White WolfPublishing, Inc. Allrights reserved. Werewolfthe Apocalypse, Wraith the Oblivion, Changeling the Dreaming, Werewolf the Wild West, Mage the Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith the Great War, Mind's Eye ‘Theatre, Trinity and Book of Auspices are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Alll rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. ‘The mention of or reference to any company or productiin these pagesisnot a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised. For a free White Wolf catalog call 1-800-454-WOLF. Check out White Wolf online at; and storyteller PRINTED IN CANADA. f 2 Book of Auspices ELT STR, ———areny, er enarreseren Teen me BOGK.OS i} AUSPICES Lonfewstt Legewdl of the Caro: Fiegp ouf of Pie Joprod chon: Poloved of Lipa Papper One: Qvattlons Wybout Answers (Rigabath) Dapher Too: Keepers of the Holy Nyshertat (Theurge) Chapter VhreeLay and Order “) Dapper Four: Old Lpopla and New Songs (Caltard ) Dapper Pie: Avengere of the Sacred otter Atrow) 4 LEFRA RS 1 Contents 3 Re res re a rn re ONY Four out of Five “Anyway, that’s the deal. The tribe is willing to sponsor us — and by ‘sponsor,’ I mean ‘give us lots of money’ — ifweagree.” He taps the ash offhiscigarette, and gives me that tight-lipped smile again. I have no idea how he does it — the guy manages an eat-to-eat grin without parting his lips. It's grotesque. Ifan the smoke away and look out the window. I'm really considering his offer, and it's not the money. Hell, I make enough money — my fall line’s doing really well. I's the notion of joining a pack. I miss it. ‘And with the tribe's sponsorship, we could probably travel. That'd be a nice perk — one of the many reasons I've been gun-shy about joining a new pack is that I'm nervous about getting tied down to one sept. He doesn’t let up. “It'd be great, Corina. We'd be about the only uni-tribal pack operating anywhere in. the country. I've heard on the down-low from sept leaders in four different cities that they'd be very keen ‘on having us visit, help out,” he pauses for effect, “share stories.” Bastard I never gor to tell stories much in my old pack. Don't know why. Probably because we were based out of the Valkenberg Foundation, not a cae, so we didn’t have a monthly moot, which meant no fixed time to howl at the moon, “So who all would it be?” He lights up at the question. “ed be me, you, Jack — you know, the herbalist guy —and Rowe.” Something's wrong here. “That's only four, Elton.” He shrugs. “No, I mean that'snot a complete pack.” Thold up five fingers. I'm a Galliard, you're a Ragabash, Jack’s a Theurge, and Rowe's a Philodox. So where's our full-moon?” My middle finger’s the only one left up, but he doesn’t notice. Elton stubs out his cigarette. “Well, we did havea line on thisonekid buthe got killed defendinga caern outside Phoenix. Tough break, but I really think we could go ahead without an Ahroun.” He smirks. “Not like we don’t all know how to fight, right?” I shake my head. “Yeah, that's pretty much what ‘wesaid, too, and it almost got usall killed. ‘Not like we all don’t know the Litany.’ Christ in a cartoon.” “What are you talking about, Corina?” Legends of the Garou: Four out of Five I stand up and grab a bottle of water out of his fridge. My voiceisn’tused to speeches, which is damned embarrassing. “Let me tell you a story.” “Allright, folks, listen up.” Zoe McKenna walked from the main compound at Valkenberg. The rest of her pack sat under an awning in the shade, Corina and Steven were playing war, with Lysistrata looking on and trying to figure out the rules. Zoe handed a photograph of a Japanese man to Corina. “How’s your Japanese?” “Skoshi” she responded. Zoe nodded. “Good. Guy we're looking for is Hiro Natsuko. Software engineer in Seattle.” Steven grinned — Seattle was his hometown. “There's asept there called Stone Skies. Mostly Glass Walkers and some Shadow Lords, I guess. We can't moon bridge in — they're cautious about using the bridge except in emergencies — but they said we can crash there.” Lysistrata rested her chin on Steven's lap. “We know he's Garou?” Zoe mopped her brow — even in the shade, the Wyoming heat was oppressive. “Yeah, pretty sure, Report from a Bone Gnawer Kin snoop. Poor guy saw Hiro walk out to his car, and then cur and start chasing after a guy walking his dog. Said he was running on all fours, but didn’t get any farther than Glabro form.” “Well, that’s a mercy.” Steven stretched. “So he’s still functional Still going to work?” “Yeah, evidently he's not as far gone as that first Lunatic we chased.” She nudged Corina with a toe. “Say something, git.” Corina stood up. “You know what m going tosay. It feels weird, only four of us.” “What moon lost cub?” Lysistrata again, now sitting on her haunches to look up at her packmates. “Don't know, Lys,” answered Zoe. “Maybe he's a half-moon, and we can make Corina feel better.” She pulled her hair back and tied it with a bandana. “Bither way, let’s get moving. Our plane leaves in about three hours.” “So you only had four then, too?” He's lit up another cigarette. I nod. I thought I made that pretty clear. “Yeah, we were missing a Philodox. The Valkenberg Foundation can’t afford to be choosy. I'm notevensure fthey currently havea Questing Pack, let alone whether they've got five.” “So did you find this Hiro guy?” look out the window uncomfortably. “Yeah, we did” The plane arrived without incident. They rode to thecaem in the rented van, Zoe driving, Corina riding shotgun brushing up on her Japanese, Steven and Lysistrata wrestling playfully in the back seat. They crossed the bawn into the Sept of the Stone Skies shortly after sundown, and Corina dialed a number on her cell phone. “Yer She strained to remember the proper method of introduction. Most Glass Walker septs weren't too formal, bt this one had a sizable Shadow Lord contin- gent. Why hadn't she bothered to learn these rules? “Umm...hi. We're the Questing Pack. This is Corina Blaine.” ‘An exasperated sigh. She'd forgotten something. “The Questing Pack from the Sept of...well, not really from a sept, we're from Valk—" “This is Strider-of- Darkness, an Ahroun of the Shadow Lords and Guardian of the Sept of the Stone ‘Skies. And you are?” Corina elt humiliation rise inher ‘gutand turn to rage. She should have known what he'd. wanted. “Fangs-on-the-Cutting Edge, Galliard of theGlass ‘Walkers and member of the Questing Pack.” ‘Another long-suffering sigh. “Where is your al- pha?” “Driving,” snapped Corina. Zoe glanced over sharply. Silence fora moment, then the voice told them to tum into a parking structure on the next corner. Corina swung the van left and down a ramp. They parked on the lowest level, no other cats in sight. The four of them piled out of the van and looked about. Corina tried the cell again, but got only static. “Well, now what?” Zoe asked. “I don't know,” replied Corina helplessly. He didn't tell me. Was he supposed o? she thought. The air shimmered, and a young man appeared from the Umbra. He looked about twenty, and had his sleeves rolled upto prominently display thescarson his shoulders. He looked the pack up and down and then asked who the alpha was. Zoe stepped forward. “Me. Zoe McKenna.” The ordinary-sounding name didn’t go over well. Zoe had Garou name, of course, but rarely used it. “All right, Zoe, you and your pack follow me. The sept leader wants to talk with you.” Book of Auspices

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