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In this document, it will be presented some thoughts and definitions of the terms Elearning, web 1.0, web 2.

0, blended learning, and education 2.0. According with all the articles that we have read we will show in this document what we have learned about it. E-learning The term E-learning, it is referred to the use of electronic multimedia and all that is related with technology in education the use of this has increased a lot in the last years, so, this term in a way is related with the term blended learning because the use of E-learning can be develop in and out of the classroom, this is very important for students, because.
E-learning can occur in or out of the classroom. It can be self-paced, asynchronous learning or may be instructor-led, synchronous learning. E-learning is suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but it can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term blended learning is commonly used. (Wikipedia)

WEB 1.0 The term web 1.0, is related to the interaction that exist between a person and the computer, but there is not a perfect interaction between them that s mean that it is not dynamic, because the information is given to the user, but the user cannot respond because it is not able to do it. For example: lets say that television belongs to web 1.0, so, we know that we get information from the television but we cannot respond to it. Thats the point about web 1.0 which it is also known as readonly web because there is not flow of communication between two users. This term, was introduced in 1991 and was created especially for business the companies use it with the purpose of showing to the customers their offers, but the bad thing was that the customers were not capable to respond, so , thats what we can get from web 1.0. (business) WEB 2.0 This term is use to combine many activities, this term it is also known as read-write-publish web, because with this technology you are able to have a better interaction, it is different to web 1.0 because with this technology you can not only read what other users post, but you can also respond to the producers, that means that in this web, there is a flow of communication between two or more user. The lacks of active interaction of common users with the web lead to the birth of Web 2.0. The year 1999 marked the beginning of a Read-Write-Publish era with notable contributions from LiveJournal (Launched in April, 1999) and Blogger

(Launched in August, 1999). Now even a non-technical user can actively interact & contribute to the web using different blog platforms. If we stick to Berners-Lees method of describing it, [...] the Web 2.0 or the read-write web has the [...] ability to contribute content and interact with other web users. This interaction and contribution has dramatically changed the landscape of the web [...]. It has even more potential that we have yet to see. [...] The Web 2.0 appears to be a welcome response to a web users demand to be more involved in what information is available to them.
(business F. w.)

BLENDED LEARNING It is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path or pace. While still attending a brick -and-mortar school structure, face-to-face classroom methods are combined with computermediated activities Proponents of blending learning cite the opportunity for data collection and customization of instruction and assessment as two major benefits of this approach. Schools with blended learning models may also choose to reallocate resources to boost student achievement outcomes. According to the information given by Wikipedia, blended learning means the way in what teachers develop the class, in other way, it is when teachers use both virtual and instructional class in order to develop their lessons. So, blended learning is a good way of mingle the in-class and online teaching so, students have a better learning process and they get used to be working with face to face class and computer activities. (wikipedia)

EDUCATION 2.0 The term education 2.0 is referred to the process develop for teachers with their students using technology and devices that make the interaction between them easier with the only purpose of making better the teaching learning process. The evolution of technology has made education more effective doing the learning process more dynamic and as the same time it motivates students to keep studying and learning through the use of electronic devices.

As a conclusion we can say that the main factor of the terms in this document is the evolution of technology, because in all the terms technology is involved as a group we conclude that technology has made education better and has open more opportunities to develop knowledge in every student.

Trabajos citados
business, F. w. (n.d.). Flat world business. Retrieved october 14, 2013, from Flat world business: business, F. W. (n.d.). Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 vs Web 4.0 A birds eye on the evolution and definition. Retrieved Octubre Domingo, 2013, from wikipedia. (n.d.). wikipedia. Retrieved october 14, 2013, from wikipedia:

Lenny Campos Turcios Kevin Elias Lovo Aristides Neftali Rivera Ostorga

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