Msiig Project

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X is a router

B & C Clients



General requirements:
-All boxes will be built with gentoo linux.Any idea using closed
source is highly discouraged on this project.

Hardware requirements:

Server A:
-3x1T for storage
-x86 architecture intel preffered
-Built with -X, very important!!

Clients B&C
-amd64 profile,CPU {dual-core intel/amd}
-GPU amd cards
-RAM 1G both clients & server(overkill)
-2 19” LCD displays
-Hard-drives something <250G

Software requirements A server:

-ssh/vnc but ssh is much preffered to avoid X.
-apache/lighttpd incl msyq+php
-Collecting data from the apache && updating database
-Collecting data from manual entries from client B (admin).
-Samba to share the drives locally.

Client B:
-ssh/vnc client services
-A custom made application written in python, that edit database
&& print the certificate using data from the database
-Built with X ofcourse

Both B & C
-Web interface to the database on the server
-Expected to cost around 3000 euros or 5000$.This is excluse
sustaining costs of the internet connections.

Duration to impliment the project:

-Less than 2 months
-The custom made application && the web interface might cause
more time delays.But setup shouldnt cost more than 2 weeks.

-Programmers and non-selfish individuals who wish to tackle things
for fun and not for making money.
-Internet service provide who wish to contribute for a free internet
connection are highly appreciated.
-Cash donners for the facilities are highly welcomed.

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