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The Family & Nursing Care Pneumonia Care Program

Specially trained Caregivers, working closely with our clinical nurses, can prevent return trips to the hospital by identifying and reporting red flag symptoms before they escalate to a crisis level. Program Focus Nutrition Pneumonia-Specific Duties RN will inspect pantry and make recommendations to family that diet-specific foods (in accordance with meal plan set by doctor, home health nurse or nutritionist) be in the home Caregiver will prepare meals for patient in accordance with meal plan set by doctor, home health nurse or nutritionist (e.g. low sodium, low cholesterol, low fat) RN will coordinate with family to ensure follow up doctor visits are made and kept RN will review medications and troubleshoot for issues RN will make recommendations for other types of care and services that may benefit the patient RN will coordinate care with the Medicare home health nurse Caregiver will monitor patients vital signs Caregiver will assist with coughing/deep breathing techniques and/or use of spirometer Caregiver will assist with O2 as prescribed, if being used Mobility Caregiver will assist patient with home exercises provided by PT Red Flag Symptoms* Include:

! Change in appetite

Medical Oversight

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Shortness of breath Cough with phlegm Fever, shaking, chills Excessive sweating Decreased energy

! Fatigue upon exertion

*Talk to your doctor about symptoms speci c to your condition.

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