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The Hon Mark Butler MP Labor Spokesperson for Climate Change and the Environment

15 October 2013


Labor has long supported a market based mechanism with a legal limit on carbon pollution via an emissions trading scheme (ETS). This is the model in place or being introduced across the world from Germany and Britain to California, China and Japan.

Labor said clearly during the election campaign that we intended to terminate the Carbon Tax and move quickly to an ETS. The Coalition instead will throw the baby out with the bath water, and leave Australia with no credible policy on climate change.

While the rest of the world is moving forward on combatting climate change, Tony Abbott is trying to take Australia backwards.

Labor stands by its election commitment to support the termination of the Carbon Tax provided that a market based mechanism that reduces carbon pollution is put in its place, along with a strong commitment to expanding renewable energy.

Tony Abbott talks about the cost to the Australian people with no mention of the fact that under Direct Action the Government will need to spend $4 to $15 billion more than what it has currently promised.

Thats $4 to $15 billion of taxpayers money in an ever-growing budget black hole that will continue to grow as the need for action on carbon pollution increases over time. Even their tree planting idea panned by experts as inadequate as a means of combating carbon pollution would require tens of millions of hectares of trees to be planted costing taxpayers billions of dollars.

Its time Tony Abbott stopped trying to scare the Australian people and started telling the truth.

Around the world, more nations are taking strong action on climate change.

We wont back down on acting on climate change or agree to a policy that increases carbon emissions while slugging the Australian taxpayer.

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