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What makes fart stink?

O The smell comes from mixture of

hydrogen sulfide gas and mercaptans

More sulfur rich your diet

More sulfides and mercapta ns will produced

The more your farts will stink

Some foods that cause really smelly farts include:

Several other chemicals that make stinky farts

O skatole (by-product of meat digestion)
O indole (by-product of meat digestion) O methanethiol (a sulfur compound) O dimethyl sulfide (a sulfur compound)

O hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg odor, flammable)

O volatile amines O short chain fatty acids O feces (if present in the rectum)

O bacteria

Why do farts make noise?

O the volume of gas

The loud ones are basically a function of three things

O the force with which

it is expelled, and O the presence of hemorrhoids or other anatomical features that could resonate

O The sounds are produced by vibrations of

the anal opening. O Sounds depend on the velocity of expulsion of the gas and the tightness of the sphincter muscles of the anus

Why do tiny silent farts, smell worser than big loud farts?

The loud ones

O consists largely of

N, CO2 which are odorless and emerge from the anus in large bubbles

The stinky ones O Bacterial fermentation and digestion processes produce heat as a byproduct as well as various pungent gases. O the resulting bubbles of gas tend to be small, hot, and concentrated with stinky bacterial metabolic products.

How can we reduce fart?

Eat smaller foods

Avoid farty foods

cutting down your intake of the usual culprits

Avoid dairy products

Regular exercise to improve your digestion

Avoid smoking, alcoholic beverages, and chewing gum

O regulating blood pressure
O anti-inflammatory O involved in the delivery of signals between

nerve cells O may raise or reduce brains activity

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