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Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, October 22, 2010 (Review for Exam by Dr. Roto) 1. You have available 12.

0 M HCl (concentrated HCl) and wish to prepare 0.500 L of 0.750 M HCl for use in an experiment. How do you prepare such a solution? 2. A water sample from a well had a calcium level of 193 ppm. What would this concentration be if you expressed in as molarity?
3. Convert of molarity to ppm solution of 0.02500 M K2SO4 4. What is the concentration, on a %(w:v) basis, of vanadium in a solution that contains 281.5 mg/L of vanadium?

5. How many millileters of 0.100M KI are needed to react with 40.00 ml of 0.0400 M Hg2(NO3) if the reaction is: Hg2 + + 2I- Hg2I2(s)? 6. Calculate the pH of the following solutions: a. 0.045M HCl b. 0.00000045M HNO3 c. 0.00045 M Ca(OH)2 7. I am going to mix 50 ml of a solution that is saturated in PbI2 with 10 ml of a 0.50 M KI solution. What is the final concentration of I- and Pb+2 in this solution? (Show all calculations. If you had to use the solver function on your calculator, state the equation that you used. If you make any assumptions, state the assumptions that you used and prove they are good.) 8. The small and taste of fish arises from amine compounds. Suggest a reason why adding lemon juice (which is acidic) reduces the fishy smell. Suggest another common household product you use to reduce the fishy smell if you didnt have lemon juice. 9. I have an acid solution that has a formal concentration of 0.0010 M; at this concentration the acid is 7.5% dissociated. What is the pH of the solution, and what is the pKa of the acid? 10. Butanoic acid (CH3CH2CH2COOH) is a weak acid with a pKa of 4.818. What is the pH of a 0.02M solution of sodium butanoate (CH3CH2CH2COONa)? 11. I want to make a buffer that will keep the pH of a solution at 11.0. If I start by dissolving 15 g of piperidine in 1L of water, how many mls of either 1.0 M HCl, or 1.0 M NaOH will I have to add to this solution to make my buffer? From the above structure you should come up with the formula C5H11N for piperidine, and get a molar mass of 85.148 g

Piperidine, pKa=11.125. (Please find Ksp, atomic mass, etc in a text book)

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