Key Stage 4 RE

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CourseInformation aboutGCSEReligiousStudies

Edexcel 2RS01LongCourse

100%writtenexamination 2examinations:Unit1andeitherUnit8,11,13or14 Unit1:1hour30minutesexamination Unit8,11,13,14:1hour30minutesexamination Thereisonly1tierofentry

Unit1:ReligionandLifebasedonastudyofChristianityandatleastoneotherreligion BelievinginGod Mattersoflifeanddeath Marriageandfamilylife Religionandcommunitycohesion Unit8:ReligionandSociety Rightsandresponsibilities Environmentandmedialissues Peaceandconflict Crimeandpunishment Unit11:Islam Unit13:Hinduism Unit14:Sikhism Beliefsandvalues Communityandtradition Worshipandcelebration Livingareligiouslife


StepstoSuccess inGCSEReligiousStudies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Make sure you have the revision guides for both the units you study. Make sure you do not use slang or abbreviations. Learn all the key words from each section very thoroughly. Make sure you explain by giving reasons. Your reasons will usually have to be religious ones. Make sure you use specialist words. Make sure you know and understand what the different religious attitudes are and the reasons for these attitudes. Learn the different Christian denominational views. Practise writing under timed conditions. If you are absent, copy up the work that you have missed. Attend RE booster classes before exams.

Religion and Life Victor - W. Watton (provided by the school) Recommended resources for full course GCSE pupils: Islam A new approach - Jan Thompson (provided by school) Hinduism A new approach - Veronica Voiels (provided by school) Sikhism A new approach - Pamela Draycott (provided by school) Bitesize website @

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