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Thapar University, Patiala

Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
ME-PSED (II semester) MST
Power System Restructuring and Deregulation (PEE204)

11 March, 2011
Time - 2 hrs ; M.M.-30

Course Instructor: Manvir Kaur

Note: All questions are compulsory. Attempt all parts of a question in sequence. Answer briefly and to the point. Draw suitable diagram if required.

Ql. a) List the main functions of distribution management system (DMS) in addition to the standard functions of SCADA. b) Distinguish between the Ex- ante market and Ex- post electricity market. c) With the help of suitable diagram only, explain the structure of deregulated energy market. e) Discuss the analogy between the terms deregulation and privatization.

(4 x2=8)
Q2 Explain different market place mechanisms for whole sale electricity market? Q3 What is the need for co-generation? Draw necessary diagram to explain this and give its applications. Q4 What do you mean by transmission congestion? Explain different techniques for Congestion management? (4)



Q5 What is the need of GPS in power engineering? Explain how the phas or measurement units are helpful in application of GPS in power system? (4) Q6 Wr ite a short note on: a) Role on sa in deregulated electricity market. b) Different transmission pricing methods in deregulated power market.



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