Righteous Vengeance 1 An Old Eras New Dawning

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Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page1 Written and created by: Joseph-Evans 5-11-13 Page

1. Panel 1: There is only a white quote against a pitch-black backdrop. A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes. -Mahatma Gandhi

Panel 2: We open to complete blackness where nothing can be seen except for a single tiny sparkle of white light in the middle of the panel. Panel 3: The sparkle of light then explodes and splinters into an endless variety of colors, which engulf the entire panel. Among the lights can be seen pieces of debris and clouds of gases shooting outward from where the sparkle of light was centered, going in every direction. Kyle Caption Box: I see so much of it all the time, all around me. Constantly.Lifeand death. More than any one person ever should in one lifetime. Panel 4: We pull out from what looks like the event of the Big Bang Theory to see that the image on the panel has actually formed a close up on a persons eye, with the epicenter of the explosion turning into what looks like a black hole for the pupil, and the lights all around it all fading into the color purple to form the iris. Kyle Caption Box: We only ever have ideas of where we go after we die,with never a way to prove them.For that in itself would disprove death of all things, by showing that theres only more life to follow at the end. Panel 5:We pull out even further to reveal the full face of our main protagonist. Kyle Joseph Notta, aka Righteous Vengeance. He looks completely stern as he stares outward and beyond the panel, his stare transfixed on something undisclosed. Only a deeply red sky with the tips to a few sky scrapers can be seen in the background so far. Kyle Caption Box:People only focus on where theyll be at the end of their lives. What bothers me about that is that its not very deep. Death is inevitable no doubt, but without life there is no death. Therefore life is just as inevitable because it is so vital for both eventualities. Panel 6: We pull out even further to show Vengeances full head and upper body. He is standing straight up and motionless with his arms draped down by his side. His hands are not yet shown. He shifts his view to something undisclosed on the ground right before him. The tops to sky scrapers and other tall buildings can be seen silhouetted behind him. The tips to the spikes of a cemetery fence and several tomb

Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page2 stones can be seen as well to show that Vengeance is standing within a cemetery ground. Dark clouds can be seen coming up over the buildings and rising up into the red sky. Kyle Caption Box: People never bother to ask questions like Where was I before I was born? And I dont mean like being sperm before conception. No, no, no, no, no. I mean even before that. Before the sperm, before even our parents existed. Where were we before that?...I know where I was. Page 2.Panel 1:We go to a full page panel to show Vengeance in full costume, staring straight down upon two twin coffins lying above ground before him. He is completely alone. He looks like he is trying to hold back some tears while trying to retain his stern expression. His hands are in fists by his sides and are covered withfresh dripping blood. A full view of the city behind him shows that a few good large portions of it are on fire, with some explosions spread out all over, some big and small, and several in different colors such as red, green and blue. A pillar of several long lightning bolts can be seen shooting upward from within the city on one side of the panel, while a huge red lazer beam strikes the peek to one of the highest (and first) skyscrapers shown, causing it to explode, break off and plummet downward from the other side of the panel. Behind one of the still standing buildings is a giant mass of glowing dark matter that can be seen engulfing another building. The dark clouds coming up from the horizon are actually collective smoke clouds rising into the sky from the many fires within the city. Vengeance doesnt seem to notice or care at the moment. He keeps his eyes on the caskets. Kyle Caption Box: I was at a funeral. (At this point I would like to introduce the opening credits on this page) Page 3.Panel 1: We switch to an upward view of daytime within the same city previously mentioned, looking to the birds flying by over the buildings and the sun casting its shadows down upon the pavement from behind them. This is a time in the past before its coming siege. A single caption reads; Beacon City, before. Panel 2: We go to a street corner view of a grocery store named Variety-mart, at an intersection that reads Palmer St. and Howard Blvd. There are plenty of people walking about on the sidewalk, both in and out of the store too. There is mild traffic, and all of the other mundane rituals of city life going about. Panel 3: We go to an inside view of the store at the multiple checkout lanes being managed by various employees. There are shoppers going about their shopping and checking out. One lane in particular has a middle aged woman with a nostril breathing tube in her nose.

Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page3 Panel 4: We go to a close up of the old woman as she is putting her groceries onto the mini conveyer belt slowly. The hand of the cashier can be seen grabbing and scanning the items as they come to him but his face is not shown. Old Woman (aka Mrs. Dolhearty): Its so good that Kesley finally reduced those ridiculous prices on the condiments section. I didnt think that man would ever budge on his standing with that, the old tightwad. Panel 5: We cut to a close up of someones feet as they dash rapidly down the sidewalk. We can hear them painting dramatically. Page 4. Panel 1: We cut back Mrs. Dolhearty at the register, only this time we get slightly more of a view of the cashier she is talking to, but not enough to show his face. He is young at about 18 years old, lean, fairly buff, and not too tall for his age. He is also gentle with how he handles her items, while starts rummaging through her purse. Cashier (aka Kyle Notta): Oh come now Mrs. Dolheartly, Charles isnt all like that. Hes a good man just trying to his business. Hes got a heart. It just takes a patient mind to reach it. You treat him like hes the Kaiser, or Donald Trump. Panel 2: We cut back to the man running down the sidewalk, this time at a full body view of him. Hes wearing sunglasses that dont really hide his eyes, has a small goatee, combed back hair, a single silver earring, and a black jacket. A security guard can be heard shouting behind him, as he knocks a man passerby down out of his way. The passerbys lady friend is caught off guard and shrieks. Male Passerby: HEY!!! Female Passerby: JOHN!!! Security Guard: STOP THAT DIRTBAG!!! Panel 3: We cut back to Variety-mart at the register. The cashier has finished bagging Mrs. Dolheartys groceries for her. Mrs. Dolheartyhas her credit card at the ready for him. Cashier: Okeydoke, and there we have it. Panel 4: We cut back to the man running. He whips out an automatic handgun and shoots it straight up into the air to clear his way ahead. Many people scream. Panel 5: We cut back to Variety-mart, from an overhead view we see the cashier hand Mrs. Dolhearty her credit card back. The Express Lane sign is blocking our view of his face.

Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page4 Cashier: Here ya go Mrs. All set. Mrs. Dolhearty notices the rack of cigarettes in front of her and reaches for one. Mrs. Dolhearty: Hold up Kyle, if its not too much trouble to make you ring that up again, could you add a pack of these to my total? I feel the urge comin on something fierce. c-AAGH! Page 5. Panel 1: We cut back to thief running. He grabs a passerby and holds him hostage at gun point, forcing the security guards to halt. Passerby: Oh God no! Help me! Security Guard: WOAH!!! WOAH!!! TAKE IT EASY!!! Panel 2: We cut back to Variety-mart, where Kyle has been handed the packet of cigarettes and is eyeing them in his hand. His face is still not shown. Kyle: Mrs. Dolhearty, are you sure you want these? You already have all you need, plus, if you dont mind me saying miss, you dont quit look up for them right now. Mrs. Dolhearty waves a hand in front of her to assure Kyle that shes fine while she continues to cough into her other one. Mrs. Dolhearty: Quite frankly I do mind a tad Caagh!-Kyle. Im perf-ECT!-ly fine, thank you. Kyle Caption Box: Third-stage cancer, and growing more fatal by the day. She doesnt know it; heck no one knows it but me. No one else really can know these things like I do. Panel 3: We cut back to an overhead view of the standoff on the streets. The thief has his gun behind his hostages head; the security guards are keeping their distance but standing their ground with their own pistols drawn at the ready. There are citizens standing by frozen with fear. Hostage: Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodpleasedontlethimkill-meee! Security Guard 1: Sir, try to remain calm. Youre not going to die. Security Guard2: Buddy, lets just take a deep breath and think about what youre doing here. That guy could have kids for all you know. Citizen 1: Dear lord hes got a gun to his head! Citizen 2: What should we do?!

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Citizen 3: No one move! Let the men do their jobs! Panel 4:We cut back to Variety-mart, on a close-up of Mrs. Dolhearty, who is still coughing violently. Kyle Caption Box: Shes had a surgery to remove two sists already, but a new one has formed during the months of her recovery. She doesnt suspect it. She thinks its all just part of getting back in the swing of things. Plus she hasnt tried to kick the habit of her addiction, which doesnt help. But I can seeit growing... Panel 5: We go to an even closer close-up on Mrs. Dolhearty, only this time we see through her through Kyles eyes in an X-ray with a slight purple tint to its edges. We see her skeleton with a red dot on her lower spine, with red strains coming off of it and permeating through her body. Kyle Caption Box: on her spine Page 6. Panel 1: We cut back to the standoff on the street, on a close-up of the thiefs face with the terrified face of his hostage in front of him. His hostage is sweating and beginning to cry a little, while the thief is looks pissed. The thief is holding his gun two inches from the mans head. The two guards can be heard trying to reason with the thief from off panel. Hostage: *Huff, huff, puff, wheeze* Security Guard 1: Shooting him, let alone anyone, wont make anything right or go away. Lets be reasonable hereOkay? Panel 2: We cut to a close-up of one of the security guards feet. His leg is bent, indicating that hes about to take a step forward, but does not move. Security Guard 2: If you shoot him, then you easily make this so much more worse on yourself. Understand? Panel 3: We cut back to an even closer close-up on the thiefs face, mainly his eyes. They are fixated on the guards foot, watching it carefully. Panel 4: We cut back to Variety-mart; Mrs. Dolhearty reaches out to grab the cigarettes still in Kyles hand. Mrs. Dolhearty: So please Kyle,-*cough* if you would just add these to my thi- Panel 5: Kyle cuts off Mrs. Dolhearty by clasping his other hand over hers already on top of his, and holds it in place. Mrs. Dolhearty looks surprised as she is caught off guard by Kyle now leaning over the counter to look her in the eyes with a stern

Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page6 and concerned look on his face. We finally get a full (side) view of Kyles face. The purple irises of his eyes are highlighted and bright. Kyle: Please Mrs. Dolhearty, Im urging you to give it second thoughts. Kyle Caption Box: Not everyone has the strength of willpower to conquer some things. But sometimes all they need is a little push to help them do it. Page 7. Panel 1: We cut go to a close-up on Kyles face as he stares intently into Mrs. Dolheartys eyes. Panel 2: We cut to a close up on Mrs. Dolheartys face as she stares back up into Kyles eyes captivated and speechless. Mrs. Dolhearty: Uhh Panel 3: We cut back to Kyles face again, only we see the irises of his eyes glowing slightly. Panel 4: We cut back to Mrs. Dolheartysfaceto see that her irises are glowing the same color as Kyles. Mrs. Dolhearty: Ieeeee Panel 5: We cut back to Kyles face again, only on a closer zoom in on his eyes that are still glowing. Kyle: Now Ill ask you again. Page 8. Panel 1: We cut back to the hostage standoff in the streets, specifically on a close up on the thiefs eyes looking down upon the security guards feet. Security Guard: Just lower the gun and we can talk very reasonably about all this. Panel 2: We cut to a close up on the security guards foot again. Panel 3: We cut back to Variety-mart, on a close up on Kyles mouth as he speaks. Kyle: Do really you need those? Panel 4: We cut back to the standoff in the streets. The security guard finally takes a slight step forward. Security Guard: Kay?

Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page7 Panel 5: We cut back to Variety-mart, on a close up on Mrs. Dolheartys face as she comes to an epiphany. Mrs. Dolhearty: No. Page 9. Panel 1: We cut back to the standoff on the street. The thief shoves his hostage forward as he shoots him through the back of the head with a loud bang. The background turns blood red as the thief and hostage turn to silhouettes. There is a visible spark from the gun but no blood splatter or visible wound. The hostages mouth can still be seen bright red on his silhouette with a gaping panicked expression on his face. Panel 2: There is no sound. From an overhead view we can see the body of the hostage fall forward and hit the ground in front of the thief. All the watching pedestrians and security guards watch petrified. We hear the thud of the body. Panel 3: Suddenly the former hostage starts to slowly get up from the ground while feeling the back of his head with his hand. He is shaky, panicky and sweaty. The thief stares down on him from behind dumbstruck at seeing him alive. Former Hostage: II-I-Imalive!..B-b-but Panel 4: We cut back to Variety-mart for a brief moment as Kyle drops his head slightly to look down with a sigh of relief. He is still clutching the pack of cigarettes in Mrs. Dolheartys hands. Kyle: Good. Panel 5: We cut back to the streets to go to a close-up on the former hostages open hand to see that there is no bullet, and not even a hint of blood on it. Only sweat. Former Hostage: wh-wheredid-d the bullet-go? Panel 6: The two security guards try to shoot the thief down immediately with their own pistols from where they are. We can see a woman scream from the side from being startled. Woman: AHHH!!! Page 10. Panel 1: We go to a full body view of the thief, who is standing in a slightly leaned back tensed up position with his eyes closed and teeth clenched, bracing himself for the bullets. But there are none. There is no visible wound. Panel 2: Same shot as in the previous panel, the thief has opened one of his eyes to look down at his chest and see that there arent any wounds on him.

Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page8 Panel 3: The two security guards look at each other in confusion. Security Guard 1: Hey, what in all the actual hell is going on Jerry? Security Guard 2: I havent an answer for ya, Nicky- Panel 4: The thief begins to turn tail and run again. Both Security notice and begin to chase him again. Jerry: HEY!!! STOP YOU!!! Panel 5: We cut back to Variety-mart, where Kyle has just finished bagging Mrs. Dolheartys groceries with a calm smile. Mrs. Dolhearty no longer has the cigarettes and is finishing packing up her purse. Kyle: Alrighty-ight then. Now that thats out of the way, shall I escort you home? Mrs. Dolhearty: That would be lovely Kyle. Thank you. Panel 6: We go to a close-up on Kyles face as he takes a more stern expression. Caption Box (Kyle): Im able to alter beings through physical touch, while being able to decipher everything about them just by observing them, and at often times I help give people the push they need psychically. However, while I can do anything needed for a specific situation, the one thing I cannot do is prevent death because I know that its not my place to say who gets to live or die. Restraining myself from interfering with the balance of nature is just one of the hardest things I have to do. But I do it knowingly, and willingly. I just have too much experience to think otherwise. Page 11. Panel 1: We go to a behind view of Kyle as he escorts Mrs. Dolhearty out by the arm while holding some of her groceries in his free hand. We see a fellow employee by the name of Kevin leaning back on a chair, reading a magazine of to the side. Kyle: Kevin, mind taking over for me? I wont be gone for long. Kevin: Screw off Notta, Im on my break. Panel 2: We cut to a close up of the legs of the thief running down the street still. Hes panting now. Panel 3: The thief slams into some unseen invisible force that strikes him in the face. Catching him by surprise and knocking him down. Panel 4: Close up on Kyles face. He looks a tad cross with a slight purple glow to his eyes as he stares down at Kevin.

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Kyle: I was just asking a friendly request. Maybe you should take this as a chance to strengthen your work ethic. Panel 5: We see Kevin get up from his chair and rush over to the check-out counter with a new sense of eagerness as Kyle and Mrs. Dolhearty exit the store. Kevin: Hhyou know, I have been sluggish lately. Why not? Sure thing Kyle. Caption: I can also help give people the push they need mentally too. Though I only do it within the best interest of that person. Never myself. Plus Kevin reads too much Maxim in public. Its a bad image for both him and the store. Panel 6: We cut to an outside view of Kyle and Mrs. Dolhearty from their left side outside the store. We can see the thief on the ground on the sidewalk just a few feet before them with the two security guards arresting him now. Kyle keeps his gaze forward off screen while Mrs. Dolhearty notices the struggle. Mrs. Dolhearty: Oh my! I hope that poor boys alright. Kyle: Hell be fine Mrs. Dolhearty. Hes got just the help he needs. Watch your step now. Caption: Shes got too much aching her right now. She doesnt need the excitement of being trampled by a gun touting jerk on top of it anyway. Page 10. Panel 1: Frontal view of the door to an apartment building. Kyle is exiting while saying good bye to Mr. Dollhearty, at short, tan, balding, and stout man, who is shaking Kyles hand as he leaves. Mr. Dollhearty: Thank you so much for making sure Edna got-Cough!-home safely Kyle. Y-Cough!-oure a good kid. Caption: The overwhelming irony of him calling me of all people a kid. Chronologically Im in my eighties for crying out loud. Panel 2: From Mr. Dollheartys point of view we see Kyle waving goodbye as he leaves down the steps, smiling back warmly. Kyle: Its no problem Mr. Dollhearty. Really. Any time at all. Caption: Sadly theyre both terminally ill from cancer. Damn nicotine. While I wont stop death, I will do all I can to comfort those in their final hours. Even I know not to interfere with nature. No matter how tempting. Panel 3: From behind we see Kyle walking down the sidewalk looking at the ground.

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Caption: One of the first laws of science, and truths of life, is that everything is counterbalanced. Ying-Yang. Fortune-Misfortune. Up-Down. Left-Right. Hot-Cold. Life-Death. Without one, the other wouldnt have an identity or even exist. It would be like having a one-sided coin. What is that? Incomplete. So while it may seem cruel from ones perspective to let such things happen. Its actually crucial for anything to happen. So thats why I have to let it. Panel 4: Kyle turns into an alleyway. Panel 5: Behind a corner Kyle reaches into his work apron pocket. We can see the way back to the bright sidewalk. Panel 6: A close-up on Kyles open hand. We can see crumpled bullets in his palm. Caption: Yet there are still some old habits that I will never abandon. Some I shouldnt for this worlds sake. Panel 7: Same view as the previous panel. Only Kyles is turned slightly to let bullets fall down sewer grate one at a time. Caption: They say war is for animals. Yet animals have never had a war. And neither animals nor humanity have seen war Im used toyet. Page 11-12: On both of these pages, we have a double-page spread picture of a battle from the Ardian War, where we see an adult version of Kyle in his full Righteous Vengeance garb, with light facial hair, fighting against multiple Ardians at once all by himself. All around him in the various background openings, we can see his father the Acclimator, plus Minotaur-Man and other of his fellow Ardian allies, whom reoccur in Kyles flashbacks as teachers, fighting other enemy Ardians as well. We can see a wide variety of different superpowers clashing, lighting up the background with many different colors of light, but mostly we see what should look like Kyle being overwhelmed by so many enemies, but rather holding his ground rather well, and not even being knocked down. Kyle has enemies gripped in his purple glowing hands by their mouths and necks. One is trying to knock him down tackling him at the waist to no avail. Other enemies hit and blast him at almost every angle. Kyle looks cross but not in any pain as he blasts someone off screen with purple heat-vision. The limbs of his victim can be seen near the edge of the panel being thrust off screen from the force of impact. Caption: The Ardian War. My life up to adulthood. Page 13. Panel 1: We see Kyle exit the alleyway from the level of the grate. Both hands in his pockets.

Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page11 Caption: But that life no longer exists. Literally. To ensure a better reality, I had to keep my old one from ever existing in the first place. And that my friend is where my story really began. Panel 2: Back at Variety-mart Kyle is on his knees stacking cans onto lower shelves from a box. Caption: Essentially I was sired as a weapon. A child prodigy of war, to end war. Panel 3: We see a close-up of Kyles father the Acclimator being handed Kyle as an infant wrapped in a cloth. We can see Kyle grabbing his fathers pointer finger with his little hands. The Acclimator keeps his attention looking at someone off screen that is glowing. (As of this early in the series, Kyle doesnt know that Ardia is actually his mother, but will find this out when he enters the Concealed Earth War. But for now will not be disclosed to the audience). Ardia: He will set everything right, given the right upbringing not as a soldier, but as a warrior. No one can know his true origins, not even him, or else it will jeopardize everything by endangering his upbringing. Can you ensure this? Acclimator: I wont fail him. Or you. Caption: My dad was honest with me straight out from the very first time I asked him about who my mother was. He told me she was a soldier like him that died out in the field like most Ardian parents do. I wanted to know more, but something kept me from reading his mind that to this day confounds me. So I respected his privacy. Panel 4: We flash forward two years to Kyle at two years old. Kyle is standing up with his legs in a wide spread fighting stance and lunging his head back dodging one of the Acclimators fists as he throws a punch for Kyle to dodge while he kneels down to be closer to Kyles level. Young Kyle: hup! The Acclimator: Good form but keep your guard up as well Kyle. Caption: From before I could crawl I had a unique ability to instantaneously adapt and counter any threat that came my way. My dad saw this and nurtured it at hard as he could without pushing it too far. So he put me through the third Pillar of Ardian Ascension first Panel 5: We see a slightly older Kyle (7 years) from a frontal view in a row with other young Ardian child soldiers in training firing blasts of energy from their hands at targets off screen. An instructor can be seen passing along behind them watching their form, with the Acclimator watching from a distance. Instructor: And Fire!

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Kyle: Hah! Caption: Variety Panel 6: We see young Kyle look at his hands in bewilderment as they radiate with a purple aura and fume from the blast he let off. The Acclimator has his hand on Kyles shoulder as he crouches down to look on with Kyle. With less bafflement but hope. Caption: I have only one power, but the only one Ill ever need. Its one that can encompass anything. Empathy. One that combined with a being of my infinite caliber makes me undefeatable for all the just reasons. Ive named it Omni-adaptability, and it is truly my very own superpower. But while it may be innate, to hone it was and still is a life-long endeavor to make it effective. Like any muscle of the body, it has to be exercised. Page 14: We see a full page panel consisting of multiple scenes from different times throughout Kyles life growing up in training, from childhood, to adolescents, all the way to adulthood. As we see Kyle train alongside elementals, energy manipulators, shape shifters, and even magic wielders, we also see one focal point scene of him in a duel against a sinister ally Ardian with enormous muscles and malevolent smile as he plunges the his entire force of his body down upon Kyle. Kyle manages to block the attack and hold his ground, but strains as the earth beneath him shatters under the force of the blow. Ardian Dueling Opponent: Come on, prodigy child, show me your reputation is true! Kyle: Hnn!! Multiple Captions: There are a set of three prime rules to how my powers work. First, I can decipher anything upon observing it. Second, I can only manipulate external things, especially genetics, through physical touch. And three, in order to adapt to an obstacle, I have to recognize and identify it, or else my powers will react solely to protect me ahead of time. I call these set of rules my Trinity Guidelines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Page 15) But looking back on Kyles old life, he enlightens us to the fact that he didnt really have any true friends, only allies that died more often than lived. Kyle also explains that he didnt and still doesnt like violence, and even less the feeling of being belittled, beaten down, or bullied, so he refuses to be made felt that way ever again because he has the power to fight back. Eventually as Kyle progressed through his life, he learned how to manipulate the genetics of other beings in order to take away their powers without killing them, so to avoid needless bloodshed. As Kyle

Righteous Vengeance #1: An Old Eras New Dawning/ Page13 developed a much higher understanding of existence than all others around him, he came to realize the only way to end the Ardian War was to literally go back to its beginning in order to stop it before it grew out of hand. So Kyle separated himself from reality and all of its laws in order to give himself cosmic immunity for the task at hand. At the same time he did this, Kyle traveled back in time to modern times to before the wars spilling out point onto earth, and as a result of this was set back to his early adulthood of 20 because he was now both an anomaly within reality and at a point before his even conception. (Page 16) At this point Kyles boss Mr. Charles Kesley appears to tell Kyle that his shift has been long over and to go home. Kyle leaves and as he walks home down the sidewalk he takes in the surrounding citys nighttime beauty to him. Kyle also looks back on all of the carnage hes seen in his life during the war. (Page 17) We see a single full page panel of Kyle looking over a dead battle field full of creatively slaughtered corpses of super humans. One is burnt to a shriveled crisp on one side with the other side smeared out like road kill, and so mangled that it can barely even be recognized as human. On this panel Kyle quotes how killing was an Ardian art form. (Page 18) Kyle then looks back on the many bloody, brutal deaths of his allies. The deaths of his teachers.The death of his Father. Then finally his own self-demise. (Page 19-20) We see a two page spread picture of Kyle removing himself from reality. (Page 21) Kyle snaps out of his thoughts as he comes up to a four story apartment complex where we are introduced to Ralph Widely, who is watching Jeopardy. During this page, Kyle says how grateful he is for his new company. As Kyle goes upstairs to his own apartment to put away his coat we are also introduced to Izzy Anderson, who is busy sketching in her own room, as Kyle tells her that its time for Jeopardy with Ralph. (Page 22) In Kyles simple and barren apartment room, we are introduced to his current private lifestyle. He keeps all of his appliances unplugged to save on his electricity bill because he doesnt need anything to survive but himself. He also doesnt buy food or water, own any individual clothes, and powers his own lights with his powers in order to save up on his low paycheck so he can afford more reading material; such as graphic novels. He does all of this because he wants to save up his money the best he can in case of emergencies, like trying to blend in among the mundane populace. Kyle can materialize anything he wants, and runs on his own perpetual energy, meaning he doesnt have to sleep or rest. Kyle hangs up his uniform apron and goes downstairs to enjoy a drink with Ralph and Izzy, Just because he likes to. The only thing that I really need is good times.

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