Eliwen Academy Book 1

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Part 1: The Academy

Chapter 1
Eliwen Academy, a school famously known for hand-selecting its students based on their fighting capabilities. In a world where your combat abilities judge how successful you can be in life, it isnt surprising that Eliwen Academy is the best of the best when it comes to high school education. Being accepted into the ranks of the place where legends are born is considered one of the highest honors one can ever receive as a human being. Just having the schools name on a resume will get you hired anywhere one wished to, it can really open up a lot of options for people. But the majority of students that graduate go on to compete in the tournaments set up all over the world, broadcast to millions of people for their viewing pleasure. Famous champions like Yu Hanusho and Lee Balgard all came from Eliwen, giving the academy a lot to be proud of. It was still a school of course, teaching the fundamentals of society. You had your basic and advanced math courses, as well as history, English, foreign languages, and all of that. But that still didnt change the fact that it was a school of fighters, a place I certainly didnt belong in. There is a reason youre here though, Mr. Galloway, a voice spoke from beside me. I turned to look into the withered, old face of the headmaster as he led me across the schools grounds. I hesitated for a moment as I processed his words, trying to make sense as to why he would say such a thing out of the blue. Sadly, there was only one conclusion I could come up with. Sir did you just read my mind? The response he gave me was a chuckle and a light pat on the shoulder. We do not only accept fighters into our ranks, keep that in mind, he told me. I still had no clue what he was talking about, but pressing the issue wouldnt get me anywhere so I decided to ignore it and continue being led around the grounds.

To say this place is huge would be an understatement. The academy is located in the center of Marolyn, a large city along the west coast. Although it isnt like the capital, where all the tournaments are held in this country, Marolyn itself would probably be ranked as number two on a list of the biggest cities. Its a huge change from living out in the country, believe me. Everything just seems gigantic, as if theres a competition to see who can build the largest building in the smallest amount of space. The city itself feels a little too packed together, but luckily the academy has its own land, opting to have one enormous structure where the school actually operates, and a bunch of dorms and other stores scattered about the streets; much less clustered than the city. I had already been shown the school, but was unable to see inside the rooms as class was already in session, and now the headmaster was leading me to the dorm I would be staying in while I was here. I stole a glance at the old man as he was telling me all about the rules of the school, which I was only half-listening to; I had already gone through the rulebook several times to commit it to memory. Headmaster Mikahliss was a man of many mysteries. On the outside he appeared as nothing more than an old man, dressed in robes much like something one of those Shaolin monks would wear. The top of his head was completely bald, reflecting the afternoon sun rather clearly. He had a long beard of wispy-white hair that hung from his chin like a veil. The way his eyes seemed to sparkle with a life-time of knowledge and wisdom only the elderly could obtain made you wonder just how old he actually was. Our tour had taken a few hours to reach the point where we were now, and it consisted of many treks up and down flights of stairs, yet the old man still walked with a spring in his step without an ounce of fatigue showing on his face. I, on the other hand, had hit the point of exhaustion an hour ago and I was far from out of shape. There was a rumor that one hundred years ago, the headmaster was the World Championship victor seven times in a row. The World Championship only happened every five years. And you had to be at least 21 to enter. Which would make him a very, very old individual. Which shouldnt be possible. Hmmm, I heard said person go. I then realized he had stopped talking a while ago while I was lost in my musings. Were here, the headmaster said, indicating the building in front of us with a hand.

I looked up at the two-story building behind the brown, wooden fence. There wasnt anything special about it from what I could tell. It was a gray shingled house with a flat roof design. From where I was standing I could see the metal railing that ran along the outer edges of the top of the house. A stone walkway wound its way up to the inconspicuous white front door. I turned and bowed to the headmaster. Thank you, for everything, I told him. And I meant it; Im not the kind of person who just says things out of politeness. He gave me a kind smile and brushed away my thanks with a bow of his own. Theres no need for that, you belong here. Now, your room is number 4 and youll find it on the first floor. School starts at 8:00 sharp. I expect to see you there tomorrow. I thanked him again and then he was off, walking back in the direction the academy was at. A sigh escaped me as I shifted my gaze back to the dorm. The plaque next to the fence read Pryce, which I could only assume stood for Jackson Pryce, the champion of the 307th World Championship. He had won first place without being hit in any of his matches, a feat that had never been accomplished before. And now it was the name of the dorm where I would be staying at for the two years I would be attending Eliwen. I transferred over two months after the school year had started, a little strange but I had no choice. My junior year of high school would start tomorrow and I would be lying if I said that I wasnt excited. It had been awhile since I attended school last. There was little point in reviewing my circumstances, so I pulled open the gate and followed the pathway to the door. After fishing around in my pocket for the key I had been given, I managed to successfully unlock and open the front door. I had to say, I was rather impressed with the sight I was met with. I stepped into a large, open room that divided itself into parts by the change in furniture. To my left was a staircase that veered to the right after a couple of feet up, which led to the second floor. The room I was currently in contained a sort of living area to the right, a couple steps in. There was a large couch, able to sit at least six people, a recliner, and a loveseat, all brown leather and facing the wall where a brick fireplace sat, unlit. In front of the seats was a glass coffee table, void of any materials on top. Above the fireplace was a gigantic plasma screen TV hanging on the wall. Within that area, a white, circular rug was covering the polished hardwood floor that the rest of the room had.

To the left of the couch and behind the recliner was a partition set into a wall, allowing vision through the window created. On the other side of this, the floor changed to the black and white tile of the kitchen. It contained all the necessary appliances: a refrigerator, oven, stove, sink, dish washer, trash bin, and cabinets, all much larger than ones I had ever had. Across from these two sections was the dining room. Much like everything else in this dorm, a very expensive looking wooden table stretched from one wall to the other with a ring of ten equally nice chairs all around it. A hanging light hovered above the table, turned on when I had hit the light switch on my way in, casting a warm glow on the beige colored walls. I let out a low whistle as I took off my shoes and placed them beside the coat rack, closing the front door behind me. There was a long hallway set between the kitchen area and the dining room, and as I walked down it I was able to see the numbers on the doors on either end, marking each of the five rooms. At the end of the hall was another door, which I assumed led to the backyard. I decided to explore a bit more, making my way up the stairs near the entrance. As I suspected, the second floor was a replica of the hallway on the first, with the doors all against the right wall. Instead of a door at the end of the hall, a window let in the afternoon sunshine, reminding me that school would be getting out soon. Turning back, I was able to see that the stairs continued upward, ending at a steel door that sealed any visibility beyond it. I tried the handle only to find it locked. I concluded that the door accessed the roof, but shrugged off any curiosity I might have to go up there. It wasnt really that interesting. Wasting no more time, I trudged back downstairs and entered my room: number 4. My box of possessions had already been delivered and it now sat on my bed in the corner of the room. Across from the door, and next to the bed, was a simple desk and chair, set in front of the window that gave a nice view of the rose bushes on the side of the dorm. To my left and against the wall with the door, was the bookshelf I had ordered, currently empty of what it was meant to hold. Near the bookcase, on the western wall, was another window that looked out into the backyard and a waterfall contraption that emptied out into the little pond was set there. A door leading to the bathroom was to my right and inside I found the shower, toilet, sink, and mirror I would be using.

Lastly, set next to the bathroom and near the desk was a closet. Opening the door I found it to be filled already with several pairs of the academys uniform as well as my normal clothes. I shut the door and took another look about the room. I had to admit that living here would be really nice. With that thought in mind I began to unpack the things inside of the box. My name is Marcus Galloway and I have no talent in fighting what-so-ever. How I got accepted into Eliwen Academy is beyond my understanding. Im an average human being with average height and weight. Im of average attractiveness, with dark brown hair that sometimes ends up in my eyes, which I believe to be a color equivalent to shit. My muscle is severely lacking and I believe that the only thing that stands out about me is the large X-shaped scar on the back of my right hand. With a sudden bang, the door to my room was thrown open. Standing there was a teenager with his black hair tied back in a short ponytail, a huge grin on his face. His blue eyes lit up as I turned to face him and his smile seemed to grow larger by the second. He was dressed in a t-shirt and khaki shorts, which I found kind of strange due to the chill of November outside. From what I could tell, he was a bit taller than I and had a few more pounds of muscle. He had the kind of face everybody would enjoy looking at, a trait that would come in handy in when meeting new people. You the new guy? he asked me from the doorway. It took me a moment to recover from the sudden intrusion but I managed to respond with a, Uh, yeah. Hi, Im Marcus Galloway. I held my right hand out to him and he practically ran into the room to shake it. Awesome, Im James Matthews, I saw his eyes flick down to my scar but he didnt say anything about it. Do you want to meet the rest of your dorm mates? It occurred to me that while I was unpacking, I had heard other voices and sounds within the house. I dont know why my mind never registered that fact properly, but for a period of time there were other people in the dorm besides me and I had no clue. That thought made me curse myself for being so careless, I was going to have to remain aware of what was happening around me if I was going to keep myself safe. Yeah, sure, I answered his question, fully abandoning my task of unpacking. James put his arm around my shoulder in an overly friendly manner and began leading me out my door. Lets go!

When we entered the main room, everybody else was already gathered on the couch and chairs in the living room. James brought me to stand in front of the fireplace, in view of the six others there. Guys, he began. This is Marcus Galloway, the new guy. I nodded my head in response and gave them what I believed to be a friendly, Hello. It seemed that James decided he would introduce everyone to me, as he started pointing out each of the members in their seats. Thats Michelle Himura, the dorm advisor. Although Im not actually sure why she has that title, shes not very responsible for being a senior. From her spot on the arm of the loveseat, Michelle gave me a wink. Her hair was long and black, reaching down to the small of her back while her bangs were pushed away from her forehead. Eyes of the same shade seemed to have a bored expression in them, as if nothing was really worth her time. She was dressed in a loose-fitting white blouse, the top two buttons open to display quite a bit of cleavage, and black jeans that clung to her legs. For a split second my eyes unconsciously drifted to glance at her well-endowed chest before meeting her face again. But she noticed. My face started heating up as she broke out in a knowing smirk. I averted my eyes to the guy sitting next to her in embarrassment. James introduced him as Scott Robinson, also a senior, and also Michelles boyfriend. This only caused to further my embarrassment, but no one except Michelle seemed to notice. Scott was one of those guys. Tan skin and muscular, blue-eyed with brown hair in a buzz cut. But despite his intimidating appearance, he gave me a friendly grin and a simple hello in his gruff voice. His clothing consisted of a tight short-sleeved shirt, that I was pretty sure was there only to display his muscle, and jeans. Next is Cody Barrington, probably the worst fighter of the group. Cody rolled his eyes at being introduced with this. But he makes up for it with his technical expertise, James amended. Hes in the same class as us. In complete contrast to the guy next to him, sitting on the edge of the couch was Cody: a tall, thin boy with short brown hair and chestnut colored eyes. He was dressed in a t-shirt with the brand of a soda printed on the front and nice looking dress pants. Hi, he greeted with a smile, which I returned.

The one pretending to not listen is Sonia Valez, James pointed to a girl with short blue hair that was reading a book next to Cody. When her name was called, she looked up from her text, gave me a smile and a small wave, and went right back to reading. I quickly checked the title of her book, saw it was one of my favorites and mentally gave Sonia a +2. Shes also a senior and is absolutely amazing with a bow, James continued. I dont think Ive ever seen her miss a shot since Ive met her. Sonia was short compared to the rest of the group and her green eyes constantly darted across the pages of the book she was reading. She was dressed in grey pants and a purple sweater that hugged her form rather nicely. Next to her is her sister, Rika. Shes also in our class, James told me. The girl in question was fidgeting slightly in her seat, causing her golden blond hair that was tied in a braid to bounce around with her movements. She looked up at me with big blue eyes and a wide grin when her name was spoken. Rika was wearing simple clothes: jeans and a long-sleeved gray shirt. Oh, and shes also a little devil, James added, snickering to himself. Hey! Rika shouted, fixing James with a hard glare. Only to you because you start it all the time! I was sensing some weird friendship between the two as they continued their banter. It seemed to be a normal thing that happened since everybody else just ignored them and watched me with varying expressions of apology. I shrugged at them and waited patiently for James to introduce the final girl who was sitting alone on the recliner. He finally left his argument with Rika as the blonde stuck her tongue out at him. Okay, he grinned at me, thats Lily. You could do a better introduction than that, the girl scoffed. Im sorry, James gave her a mock bow. Thats Lily Delaney, resident princess and also in our class. Dont worry; she only acts like this in front of strangers and people she doesnt like. Shell warm up to you eventually. Dont feed him nonsense, I dont act like anything. And I am not a princess, Lily snapped. Lily was practically a rose with a wicked thorn. She was pretty, but had a personality out of hell. She had flaming red hair that cascaded down her shoulders, and violet colored eyes.

There was a light dusting of freckles around her nose that just didnt seem to match her personality. Her casual clothes consisted of black capris and a long-sleeved gray cardigan with a white tank top. With introductions finished, James left me standing there to plop himself down on the couch in the spot next to Rika. He patted the cushion next to him and looked up. This is your spot, he informed me. I shrugged and went to sit down on the couch next to him. My spot was on the end of the couch, closest to the recliner where Lily was curled up on. I nodded to her with a smile as I settled myself in but she rolled her eyes and fixed her gaze on James as he asked me a question. So howd you do it? he looked at me with anticipation. I paused and furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion. Was there something I was missing? I had no clue what he was talking about. The rest seemed to understand, as they all stared at me expectedly. How did I do what? I asked. Get the perfect score on the entrance exam, he answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The only one who came close was A-class Luke, and he only scored a 96. We all failed our entrance exams, except Cody, but we aced the physical test. Physical test? Rika was the one who ended up answering me. Yeah, you know. The one where they have you do a bunch of exercises and match you up against other wannabe students. I never had to do that, I told them. And it was true. I took the exam and received an acceptance letter a few days later. I didnt even know what I had scored until now. Really? Cody asked. Yeah, really. Even I had to take that and I passed the exam as well. Weird, I muttered, my mind racing. I had some questions I would have to ask the headmaster tomorrow. So what weapon do you use? James threw another question at me. I shook my head. Thats the thing, I dont use a weapon. Ohhh, so you use your fists like Scott, James went on, completely missing m y meaning. I never would have guessed that from you, but thats cool. Better stop him now before he asks for a demonstration.

No, I told him, you dont understand. I dont fight. At all. Im not even really sure why I was accepted into this school. This statement made everybody pause, except for Michelle who was busy examining her fingernails. Sonia looked up from her book and fixed her gaze on me. You dont fight, or you cant fight? she asked. I cant fight, I admitted. Better to let them know now instead of later, before they assumed things. Well thats lame, Scott muttered. He received a sharp jab to the side from Michelles elbow as the girl continued her examination of her fingers. The large guy winced a little from the impact, and I had to wonder how much power was placed into that blow to make someone as big as Scott feel it. Eh, thats all right, James told me, standing up in the process. You seem like a cool guy, so Im pretty sure things will work out with the school. Lily sighed from her spot to my left. He does know what kind of school this is, right? she muttered. Hes going to be completely useless to our class. James turned on her faster than I could blink, pointing a finger at her menacingly. Shut it you! he growled. There was a fire in his eyes, so intense, that Lily shrank back in her chair. The rest of the group watched the scene before them with bemusement, making no move to stop them. I had to admit, Lilys words hurt when she spoke them so bluntly. But they were true. I was useless to them in terms of fighting. I was just a scared kid, running to the safety that was this school. Although James was on my side, I had to put a stop to their argument. No good would come from this if it continued. I rose from my seat and placed a hand on Jamess shoulder. Its fine, I told him, Lily is right and I apologize. I didnt speak again until he sat back down. But lets talk about something else. What about you? What weapon do you use? By now I had resumed my position in front of the fireplace, not quite certain I belonged on that couch anymore. It was strange watching James change expressions. One moment he looked ready to kill and the next hes back to smiling again. I had to wonder if he was really ever angry in the first place. Im going to be the best swordsman there ever was! James exclaimed happily. He said it in such a cheerful tone that I couldnt tell if he was joking or not. But then the grin slipped

from his face and the fire returned to his eyes as he began thinking of something. I blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing things correctly. He was an odd character. I turned to face Rika and asked the same question. Nunchaku! she exclaimed, throwing her fists up into the air and giggling like a schoolgirl. Scratch that, theyre both odd. How about you Sonia? I had to call her name because her face was still buried in her book. She placed the book on her lap and mimed drawing a bowstring and letting an arrow loose. Then she began reading again. Right, I muttered. I remembered from when James had introduced everybody, I just wanted to see if I could get her to speak again. It didnt work. Lily? I wasnt expecting an answer from her, but she decided to surprise me. A rapier. Her answer was simple and she crossed her arms in front of her chest, as if daring me to ask another question. Instead, I turned toward Cody. Like James said, he answered, Im much better with the tech work. But if it comes down to it, I use tonfa. I nodded to him and asked Scott, who was next. I dont need a weapon, Scott told me, I only need my fists. He flexed his muscles for emphasis, which really wasnt necessary. How about you? I questioned Michelle, the only person yet to answer. She shrugged at my question, a coy smile on her face. Huh? was my response. On paper shes listed as someone who uses a quarterstaff, James, who had decided to join the real world again, answered for her. But Ive never seen her use one. She fights with just about every weapon you could think of. I see, I muttered. Unconsciously I had taken note of everybodys answers, filing them away for later use. Well, I should probably go finish unpacking. It was nice meeting you all. They gave me their goodbyes, except for Lily who ignored me, and I went back to my room.

When I had finished sorting through all of my stuff, the room had hardly changed. I didnt own many possessions except for a few books placed on the bookshelf, and the alarm clock on top of the desk. But all of that hardly bothered me since I actually had a place I could call home. It was a place that was mine and that was all I needed to feel content. Of course, it wasnt just mine. There were the other students at the Pryce dorm that were also here. This school let in some interesting characters, although I really shouldnt be the one to talk. For the most part they accepted me, but there was still that barrier of trust that I needed to get through. They were all friends with each other, just not with me. I had to do something to gain that, it wasnt something that was just going to be given to me. It was difficult to read what they were thinking, well, except for Scott and Lily. Scott just didnt really care, and Lily doesnt like change. The others were an entirely different story. James had a personality that jumped all over the place. He was easy to get along with but hes the kind of person you call a free spirit. He does what he wants on a whim, and I cant place what those feelings of his even are. Cody seems to just be a humble person. He keeps saying that he isnt a good fighter, but hes attending Eliwen Academy. I dont know whether hes telling the truth about that or not. The two sisters interest me as well. I dont know much about either, really. They didnt talk much. From what I could tell, Sonia is the kind of person whos very perceptive. She doesnt speak, but observes everything going on around her. I feel like she prefers action over words. Her sister, Rika seems to have a strong personality, but Im just going with what I saw with her and James. I just dont know. And then theres Michelle. The way she carries herself makes me think that shes hiding something from me. Or that she knows something I dont feel comfortable sharing. I get the feeling that shes the strongest out of all the students here, maybe even the whole school. James says she can use any weapon; its something that I hadnt heard before. Yet theres this feeling that makes me believe it. Shes almost as much of a mystery as Headmaster Mikahliss. Or maybe Im just reading into everything too much. My analysis of everybody left me thinking late into the night. I had a lot of questions with answers I needed to figure out as time goes on. I assumed it would be best to just let things fall into place on their own. After all, Im the new guy.

I stood up, turned off the lights, drew the curtains shut, and fell back on the bed to get some sleep. I had school tomorrow.

Chapter 2
My alarm clock woke me up at 6:30 the next morning. I wasted no time getting out of bed and jumping into the shower. Despite what my actions suggested, I was hardly a morning person. My mind was foggy and I ended up dozing off while standing in the shower before I was able to drag myself out. I let out a yawn and contemplated going back to sleep as I came into view of the bed, but ended up forcing myself to change into my school uniform. The Eliwen Academy uniform for guys during the winter consisted of a white blazer and shirt, black dress pants and shoes, and a tie. Along the outer edges of the jacket was colored trim that was different for each grade. The colors were: yellow for freshmen, green for sophomores, red for juniors, and blue for seniors. The tie was also the color of the year you were in, making mine a ruby red. For females it was much the same thing, although instead of pants they had skirts that stopped a little above the knee, and black thigh high socks. In place of the tie, they had a ribbon that displayed the color of their grade. By the time I straightened my clothes and left my room, it was 7:10. I entered the foyer to be greeted by Sonia and Rika from the kitchen. Uh, good morning, I offered them, still not really aware of my surroundings. Rika grinned at me and the next thing I knew, a steaming plate of eggs and bacon was sitting in my hands. This is yours. I sent her a questioning look and she giggled at my reaction. Sis and I cook breakfast and dinner for everybody during the weekdays. Youre on your own for the weekends though. Anyway, enjoy! She gave me a bright smile and I thanked her before taking the plate and sitting down at the table with Lily who was already there. I made sure to sit far away from her. One by one the rest appeared from their rooms until everybody was accounted for. When breakfast had finished and I helped clean up, I went back to my room to get my backpack. I slung the bag over my shoulder and went to join everyone else by the door. It was a 15 minute walk from the dorm to the school, and we all left together in playful conversation. I would later learn to enjoy these mornings.

The academy was divided into three different buildings, all located on one gigantic plot of land that was encased in a high, aluminum fence. Across from the main gate was the school itself. The building was absolutely huge in length, seeming to stretch on forever along the grounds. It had five floors to it, making it the smallest building, height-wise, in the area. The architecture seemed to go for a more modern, skyscraper design. The exterior seemed to consist of tinted glass windows for the majority of the structure, refusing to let anybody on the outside see in. The roof was slanted off to one side, making it look like half a triangle was slapped onto the top. Each floor contained one of the grades: the first years on the second, sophomores on the third, juniors on the fourth, and seniors on the top floor. The first floor consisted of the main desk, the cafeteria, the auditorium, the nurses office, and the schools indoor pool. The building closest to the school, on the right, was the faculty office. Ten stories high and sharing the same design as the previous structure, both seemed to look the part of an office building rather than a place of learning. Beside the offices, stood a building that looked completely out of place. A huge, white domed stadium rest along the grass, taking up a large amount of space inside the fence. The place was famous for hosting some of the tournaments here in Rishawa, while people waited around for the World Championships to begin. Even if I wasnt particularly interested in combat, I was fully aware of these tournaments, everyone was. It was even popular for the senior class at Eliwen to partake in the fights to try and win the $10,000,000 prize money. Although as far as I know, none of them had actually managed to win first place. I kept my eye on the coliseum as our group walked toward the front door to the school with the rest of the students. Transitioning inside, I found myself in the lobby with the secretarys desk straight ahead. On either side were escalators that the students rode up and down to get to their designated floors. The whole inner structure resembled a shopping mall; a huge open area with walkways connecting the left and right sides of the floor, and a skylight that let in the natural light from outside. Beside the escalators on the ground level and closest to the walls were two double doors that led off to the rest of the schools first floor. But we werent heading there now. We all took one of the escalators up until we reached the fourth floor. It was here that we separated with the seniors as they moved on to reach the floor above. James led the rest of us

juniors to our classroom, the last door on the left side. He already told me before (and the headmaster had as well) that I was in class C, with the rest of the juniors in the Pryce dorm. Every grade had 6 classes, each with about 20 or so students. Classes A, B, and C were located on the left half of the building, while classes D, E, and F were on the right. Contrary to what it might suggest, only class A is filled with the students who achieved near perfect marks on their tests. The rest of the classes were all mixed, with students of varying performances. When I entered class C (3-C to be exact), I understood why the building was given so much room. The classroom was absolutely huge, putting the dorms main room to shame. Up in the front was the stereotypical chalkboard and student desks arranged neatly. The rest of the rooms space was taken up by the four mini arenas that were outlined with gaff tape. When I say mini, I dont really mean that. Each arena had to be as large as the dorm itself, give or take a couple of yards. And there were four of them. Four. It didnt take me very long to figure out that this was where the combat instruction took place. Along the back wall, closest to the fighting area was an array of weapons you could only dream about, all lined up neatly on shelves. Just about any instrument of combat you could think of was there, waiting to be used. I later learned that none of these were actually real; they were just filled with something like lead so it would still hurt like hell if you were struck. This school really had some serious funding. The teacher sitting at his desk up front looked up from his newspaper as we entered. He was a middle-aged man with a mop of dark brown hair and think glasses. There was a loosefitting tie hanging from his thin neck, and a food stained white lab coat, left unbuttoned, on his figure. You could see the faded t-shirt with the name of some band from years ago underneath, a complete contrast to the dress pants he wore. His eyes zeroed in on me, the new guy, as soon as I stepped into his view. With a yawn, he stood up and beckoned me forward. I obediently followed him to a desk in the corner of the classroom area, next to the windows. He patted the spot as he took a seat on the desk. This, the drawled in a sleepy voice, is your seat. Im Ken Bolgovich, though I expect you to call me Mr. Bolgovich, or Mr. B. I dont really care actually. Do you care? You shouldnt, just do what you want. Anyway, nice to have you around Marcus, Ive heard a lot about you.

To be honest, I wasnt exactly sure how to respond to an introduction like that. Uh, thank you, sir Its good to be here I trailed off. Mr. Bolgovich gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked off, back to his desk. I stood there for a few more seconds before sitting down in my seat and letting my backpack drop to the floor. I shouldnt have expected anything different from this school for hiring strange teachers. While I was thinking to myself, James slid into the seat in front of me, his trademark grin on his face. Looks like you get to sit with me! he exclaimed giddily. Uh, yeah, looks like it. To be honest, I was still out of it from this morning, and from talking with Mr. Bolgovich. James didnt seem to notice and continued speaking to me excitedl y until class started.

You sure you dont want to walk home with us? Rika questioned me as we were packing up at the end of the day. She ended up being the person in the seat beside me, to my right. Yeah, you guys go on ahead. I have to talk to the headmaster about some things. Ill be back at the dorm later. Hes not coming? Lily came over to us with Cody trailing behind her. They were both seated toward the front of the class. Nope, James answered before I could even open my mouth. Hes going to see Mikahliss. Good, Lily fixed me with a glare, which I promptly ignored by sliding my bag over my shoulder and standing up from my desk. Ill see you guys later, I told them. They waved goodbye, save for Lily of course, as I left the classroom and exited the building. I followed the steady stream of students as they all left to either go home or attend business elsewhere. While the majority of them headed for the large gate the marked the entrance and exit to the grounds, I turned and made my way over to the large building that marked the offices. Automatic doors opened as I approached and closed behind me when I entered the lobby. And of course with an academy like this, I wasnt surprised when I found that it didnt look like

the lobby you would expect from a normal school. I had been inside this building before, so that might also be a reason I wasnt taken aback, but I had half a mind to believe this room changed every time one would enter. I learned now that this was not the case and I was somewhat grateful for that. I moved on to the front desk, walking through what appeared to be a luxury hotel lobby, and waited for the secretary to notice me. Can I help you, Mister Galloway? It slipped my mind at the time that they already recognized me in such a short time. Is Headmaster Mikahliss in? I need to speak with him. They waved me toward the elevator on the side and I thanked them before entering and pushing the button for the top floor. The doors closed and I waited patiently, the elevator music rather soothing. When they opened I stepped into the dojo that was the headmasters office. By dojo, I mean dojo. The kind with the tatami floors and the fusuma and shji walls, and a sword placed upon a pedestal on the far wall. The headmaster opened his eyes from his spot on the floor as I entered, giving me a curt nod before rising from his cross-legged position. The old man was now dressed in a gray kimono, different from his monk robes from yesterday. I stopped caring about all the oddities I found since transferring into this school, I just went with it. Is there something you need from me, Mister Galloway? Mikahliss asked me. There wasnt much of a point in beating around the bush. Sir, why didnt I have to take the physical test? The old man laughed and waved a hand through the air, as if dismissing the question entirely. Because there was no need; I already knew what you were capable of, so we let you attend. But sir, I began, I dont feel like I deserve being here unless I take that test. Well, would you pass it? His face turned serious, all signs of his gentle nature gone. I felt myself swallow and thought through my answer carefully. No. His face brightened up once again, filling me with worry. Then there is no need. But sir-

My word is final, Mister Galloway. Now is not the time to be discussing this, as you are needed elsewhere. I frowned, puzzled by his words. Needed elsewhere? You will see, he told me as he went to sit back down. Now you should head home, as you can see I am a very busy man. The headmaster closed his eyes. I shook my head and stepped into the elevator once again. I felt like that conversation was a waste of time. He was hiding something from me, that much was obvious. I just didnt know what it was, nor did I have any clue as to what it could be. There was no way that he would know what had happened before, it was impossible. I wasnt supposed to exist. Something began nagging at my subconscious, making me wonder if I had forgotten anything important. A sigh left my mouth as I pushed the button for the lobby; I was ready to just go to sleep once I reached the dorm.

The walk back to the dorm was unnerving. The headmasters words invaded my mind no matter how hard I tried to forget it. He was keeping information from me and I didnt like that. There was no way I should have been accepted into the academy, perfect score or not. This was a world where fighting was everything. So why would I, someone who had absolutely no chance in a brawl, be a student at one of the top schools for combatants in the entire world? Some things just didnt make logical sense. Of course, this was where I wanted to be, so I shouldnt really be one to complain. But I didnt like to be kept in the dark; it made me paranoid to not see every detail. I froze in place on the sidewalk, looking about me as I stopped my steps. I was near Hyde Park, a popular spot in the city for everybody. I peered through the iron bars that marked the area of the park, seeing the golden and orange leaves hanging from the trees and threatening to fall off. Even now, some had drifted down to cover the grass and pathways that filled Hyde Park. It was a beautiful picture of nature. And only nature. Even with Novembers cold weather, the park should be filled with people at this time of day. But not a soul was around. And not only within the confines of the park, the street I was walking down was completely devoid of all cars and pedestrians.

A chill went down my spine as I listened to the silence around me. My pulse started to quicken as I watched the area around me, waiting for something to move within the scenery. Fear started to weave its icy grip around my heart as questions ran rampant in my head. Did they find me already? Was this it? I should have been more careful, stayed around other people. Maybe I could make it to the dorm in time if I ran now. I was only 10 minutes away, I could probably outrun them. Like a small animal coming face to face with a hungry wolf, I bolted down the street. My heart hammered in my chest, pumping the adrenaline through my system as I moved. I didnt run for long because when I turned a corner, I came into sight of why the streets were deserted. I let out a sign of relief and I stopped to catch my breath against a nearby telephone pole. After steadying my heartbeat, I pushed off the pole and made my way over to the scene that was occurring in the middle of the road. The hell is going on here? I asked to nobody in particular, placing myself on the outside of the two groups. The air around me was tense, everybody waiting for the other to make the first move. In front of me, the group from Pryce dorm (minus Michelle) stood close together in various stances of fighting. Across from them and a few yards to my left stood about thirty students, dressed in the uniforms of Hecatorn Prep (a school in Jenora, the next town over), white dress pants and a blood red button-down shirt with the emblem of the school on its chest: a menacing battle-axe. They too, were in their fighting stances. I noticed that everybody was unarmed, and this was looking to be a pretty one-sided fistfight. It was Scott who ended up answering my question. These guys from Hec are trying to start shit with us, he growled. And youre going to fight them? I asked the most obvious question in the world. Hell yeah! James shouted. I sighed, something I seemed to be doing a lot of recently, and brushed the bangs out of my face as I studied the scene around me. Well youre kind of outnumbered, I told them. Youre going to get your asses kicked if you fight them like this. Sonia threw a glance over at me before she turned back to the mass of people in front of her. And what would you suggest we do? I already had an answer and I pointed over my left shoulder with my thumb.

Fall back into this alley, itll be easier. They may not have been able to change the numbers in the fight, but they certainly could change the location. If they went into the alley, their friends from Hecatorn would be forced to come at them only a few at a time. I was confident that my dorm mates could handle them then. The perfect bottle-necking technique. It was obvious if they thought about it. But they werent thinking. Especially one person in particular. I saw my schoolmates start to move toward me and the alley, their fronts still to their opponents. But they stopped in their tracks when a voice broke through the silence. Are you telling us to run away? Lily glared over her shoulder in my direction. I wanted to strangle her for being so difficult. Why me? Why did she hate me so much? I was trying to keep everyone alive and well, and she had to go and question my plan. I needed to sway the others into my favor again or else they were going to fight an already lost battle. No, not run away. Its a strategic retreat. Probably not the best choice of words actually. All right, listen here new guy, Scott began, At Eliwen, we dont run or retreat. We stand and fight. He cracked his knuckles and the others stood their ground. I had to give it to him; he had no fear at getting his ass kicked. But that didnt mean that they had to lose because of their pride. I never had the chance to say anything more as the battle began. For being severely outnumbered, my fellow students put up one hell of a fight. They were able to take out ten of the thirty opponents before being surrounded and being knocked out themselves. Beaten and bleeding, my dorm mates lay in the middle of the street, groaning from the pain. Then the rest of the Hecatorn students turned toward me. Oh you have got to be kidding, I grumbled, my hands up in a surrendering gesture. I was already backing up into the alley, but they continued to follow me. I didnt stand a chance against a single one of them, let alone twenty. Yet they still advanced, probably because I was wearing the Eliwen Academy uniform. I wouldnt be able to run, they were much faster than me, and they had better endurance. I wasnt even sure if the alley simply ended a short distance away.

I continued to back up until I bumped into something soft and felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I froze, knowing that I would have to face my fate along with my schoolmates. Dont worry, Ive got you, Michelles voice whispered in my ear. I half turned to stare into the smiling face of my raven-haired dorm advisor. I opened my mouth to respond but she silenced me with her finger. Michelle gave me a wink before she glided past me, toward the mob of Hecatorn students. They obviously recognized her as they started to back up out of the alley, tripping over each other in the street. I followed Michelle as she moved forward, confused as to why the mob was so scared of a single girl. Michelle stepped into the street and addressed her fallen friends as they struggled to sit up. How did you guys lose like this? she chided. Especially with him around! she gestured wildly in my direction which only served to confuse me more. What did I have to do with any of this? Michelle continued. Did he not do anything? Scott, the only one who managed to get himself righted, smiled weakly at his girlfriend. We didnt listen, he admitted. Michelle let out an Ugh! and snapped her head back to the mass of twenty Hecatorn students. They visibly jumped as her gaze fell on them and I began to put the pieces together. I couldnt really explain what happened next. All I knew was that there was some movement, and then everybody with a Hecatorn uniform was on the ground, nursing broken limbs. Michelle turned to me and rolled her eyes, not a scratch on her. I was pretty sure she was still standing in the same spot from before. Hey Marcus, help me get our friends back to the dorm.

Chapter 3
Lily accepted the icepack in silence, holding it to her forehead as she stretched out on her recliner. I turned back toward the kitchen and went to continue cooking dinner. Everybody else was out of commission, recovering in their seats in the living room while Michelle tended to their wounds. Of course I also helped with that, but since nobody else was able to cook, I ended up taking that job for myself. It was a simple pasta dish, something anyone could make, but it was better than nothing. At least I knew my way around the kitchen, unlike Michelle. When I

asked if she would like to take care of the food, everybody else started shouting their disagreements. I didnt bother to ask questions. So, Michelle began, standing in front of everybody at the fireplace. Tell me what happened. I only half-listened to Scotts retelling of the story, it was already a situation I was aware of. The only things I would learn about was what happened before I got there, and that was information that hardly mattered. I focused my attention on finishing dinner as quickly as possible. By the time I finished cooking, Scott had finished his tale as well. I took some food and scooped it onto the plates I had laid out on the counter. I grabbed a plate and entered the living room once more. Michelle glanced over at me as I entered and sent me a questioning glance. I froze in place, staring back at her uneasily. After a moment she spoke to the group again, her tone harsh. So you completely ignored Marcuss plan even though it could have won you that fight? I started moving once more, opting to answer her question myself. Oh no, they were going to go along with the idea, I told her. But somebody, I handed the plate in my hands to Lily who accepted it begrudgingly, Decided that they didnt need help. The redhead muttered something under her breath and started digging into her food to avoid the conversation. I rolled my eyes at her reaction and went back into the kitchen to deliver the rest of the food to my dorm mates. I see, Michelle said, staring at Lily who had her head down. I think you all learned your lesson about these matters. Even though were all strong fighters, it doesnt mean we know everything. In fact, I think we all lack the skill to come up with a solid plan. This is why we have Marcus; hes a natural born strategist. My head snapped up at the end of her sentence and I stared at the dorm advisor through the partition in the kitchen. What the hell are you going on about? She said that youre a strategist, Sonia spoke up as she continued reading her book despite the injuries, Someone who is good at coming up with plans to win wars and such; a tactician if thats what you want to call it. I know what a strategist is, what I want to know is why Im being called one.

Thats because you are one, Michelle told me. I have no idea what youre talking about, I grumbled, delivering plates to James and Rika. They both started to devour the food as soon as it was in their hands. Michelle shrugged as I turned my back on her and returned to the kitchen. You may not be aware of it right now, but you will be eventually. Whats that supposed to mean? The headmaster told me about you, she continued. I know about your abilities. Abilities? I questioned. I didnt understand what she was talking about; there was nothing special about me. What was it the headmaster could have told her that I wasnt even aware of myself? This is all based on the fact that I came up with a simple idea, something that was just completely obvious. It wasnt some elaborate ability that they believe I have, that much Im certain of. Ive already said it, youre a natural tactician. Its something thats extremely rare. People spend years of their lives studying the art of war, but you have as much talent as they do without any training. It all just comes to you like second nature. I shook my head at her and gave Sonia and Cody their plates. Youre basing all of this on the fact that I told them to bring the fight into an alley. That only just confirmed what the headmaster spoke about. Did you ever wonder why you were accepted into a school of warriors? I turned my back on her once again so she couldnt see my expression. I had been asking that question ever since I got here. But was this the reason? Was it because I was some strategist that I was accepted as a student at Eliwen? If that was the case, how come I wasnt aware of my own talent in that area? And why did the headmaster try to keep all of it a secret? Did he want me to figure it all out on my own? It certainly started making sense if I thought about it like that, yet I wasnt able to accept these facts. I was still missing something. Due to my lack of response, Michelle continued speaking. Youve heard of Luke Everheartt, right? I believe he was mentioned once, I answered. James said something about him, that he was the one who had the highest score on the entrance exam until I took it. Well he scored about the same as you on the exam, and hes the strategist of class 3-A. Of course, he can fight too, but youre both at the top.

The more she spoke, the more the situation made sense. Maybe she was right and I did have some talent for strategizing, it certainly seemed that way. But I didnt want to accept it, I wanted to live a normal life, I didnt want to stand out as some master planner. I gave Scott his food and as I held out Michelles plate to her, I spoke. Im going to need more evidence than that. She accepted the plate and sat down on the arm of the loveseat as she thought. I returned to the kitchen once again and started to clean up the dishes. Okay, Michelle spoke, causing me to stare back at her through the partition. Lets say that two guys from Hecatorn break into this dorm. Where would the best spot be for an ambush? My hand drifted upwards to brush the hair from my face as I answered, almost unconsciously. It would have to be the bend in the stairway. Either they go past it and explore the rest of the first floor allowing you sneak up on them or you attack as soon as they turn-. I cut myself off from saying more and turned my attention back to cleaning up the counter. This doesnt prove anything, I grumbled. Whatever you say, Michelle grinned at me from the corner of my vision. It would seem like she was right the whole time. But that didnt mean I had to like it. I turned my head to look at the group once again, only to find them all staring at me. Scott and Rika gave me a thumbs-up while Sonia fixed me with her gentle smile, Cody started chuckling at James as he began clapping and Lily just rolled her eyes at the whole situation. And of course, Michelle wouldnt wipe that smug grin from her face as she watched me. So, she continued, The headmaster sometimes asks of us to do certain jobs around the city that only fighters can handle. Youre our tactician now and were counting on you to help us out, okay? I let out a sigh as I hung my head. There was no getting out of this it seemed, she was pretty adamant about getting me to realize my skills so there was no doubt that she would continue to hound me about being their strategist. Of course, I had said before that I didnt belong here, so maybe this would help me understand my place at Eliwen Academy. All right, fine, I lamented. But you all have to agree to listen to what I say, no questions asked. Ill try to keep you all safe to the best of my abilities, although I swear I still have no clue what Im doing. It didnt take very long for them all to give me their consent, except that Lily didnt say a single word. I just took her silence as an okay.

Welcome to the family then Marcus Galloway, Michelle told me. I think this is going to be a fun year. At her words, Jamess face broke out into a wicked grin as he stood up. It seemed the pain from his injuries were gone. Turning to me at my spot in the kitchen, he gave me a thumbsup and opened his mouth to speak.

We got ourselves a tactician! James shouted as he literally kicked open the door to our classroom. Please stop calling me that, I groaned, entering the room after him. Yesterday, James wouldnt stop calling me Tactician Marcus ever since I agreed to help them out. Why? Cody, the next in line asked, Its what you are. Hes just not used to it yet, Rika answered from behind him. Well he better start getting used to it, Lily snapped as she was the last to enter, closing the door behind her gently. Mr. Bolgovich looked up from his newspaper at his desk after our loud entrance. James, how many times have I asked you to open the door like a normal person? James shrugged as he took his seat. I forget, but Im excited! This year we have someone who can help us win the Mid-Winter Clash and stomp Class A into the ground. Um, the Mid-Winter what? I spoke up as I set my bag down beside my desk, slipping into the chair. The Mid-Winter Clash, Cody explained from the other side of the room. Its a competition between the grades before we have our Christmas break. Every grade holds an event to see who the top class is, and then the winners of those fight it out in the Clash. James nodded thoughtfully, Yeah, and 3-A always wins for our grade because they have Luke. But this year, we have you! I see, I muttered. So you better win it for us. I didnt even have to look at her to know it was Lilly that was already demanding something of me. Your wish is my command, Princess, I teased. I watched as she sent me a death glare, to which I shrugged off and turned back to James. So when is this Clash thing?

In two weeks, he answered. Its that Friday before we start vacation. Do we know what this competition is going to be? Nope, its different every year and they dont announce it until the day of. I see The bell rang then and class started, forcing me to pay attention to Mr. Bolgovich as he began his lecture. To be honest, I was rather curious about the Mid-Winter Clash and this Luke guy. I was always being compared with him and it seemed like he was a pretty famous person within the school. I wondered what would happen if I ended up leading my class to victory over him. But of course, this was all two weeks away and until then I had to focus on school work before vacation came around. By the time lunch began I was starving, having chosen not to eat last night. As class ended for the time being, everybody stood up and left the classroom, either heading for the lunchroom or to outside. Students were able to eat anywhere, as long as they stayed on school grounds. You coming? James, asked me from the door. Since I was now an official member of their group, it wouldnt feel right to decline his invitation. And the way he saw it, we were already the best of friends. Although I wouldnt use that word myself. To me, it seemed as if we were all business partners; I used my abilities to help them out and they kept me safe. It was a win-win situation even if I did enjoy my time with them all, but I wouldnt call us friends; perhaps acquaintances at best. I left my bag at the desk and followed James down to the cafeteria on the first floor. We pushed through the doors by the main desk, and walked down the hall until we came to a large, open archway to our right. The sounds of conversation hit us full force as we stepped into the spacious room, students crowding around tables and standing in line for food spoke to each other in loud voices. The cafeteria was simple compared to the rest of the school. It was a room filled with nothing but circular tables, lit with overhead fluorescent bulbs and from the windows along the outer wall. Directly to the left of the entrance was the kitchen, where you would order your food. The menu changed every week and held a large variety of foods. The lunches here were actually delicious, much tastier than something I could ever make, though I definitely enjoyed what Sonia and Rika

coked more. The food at the school was free, but required you to show your student ID in order to be serviced. We pushed through the mass of people to get to one of the tables near the windows. People usually left this table open for the students living in the Pryce dorm, as it was where they always sat for lunch. Even now, the others were already there, waiting for James and I. I took a seat beside Sonia and James filled in the spot next to me. I learned that they usually sat at their table and wasted time talking while the line died down. A few minutes into our meaningless conversation about food, someone came up to the table and tapped my shoulder. Excuse me, youre Marcus Galloway, correct? a smooth voice spoke from behind me. I saw Lily visibly stiffen in her seat as she stared behind me. I turned and came face-to-face with an attractive looking young man. His silver hair was short and tousled atop his head, and he watched me with clear blue, calculating eyes. He was slender but well-built, having left his blazer off so the shirt hung around his form almost perfectly. I knew right away that this guy was extremely popular both inside the school and out. He smiled at me with a flawless set of white teeth, and I found it extremely unsettling. He was almost too perfect. On either side of him were two individuals, almost as perfect looking as the one they followed. To his right was a girl with a modelesque figure, long, flowing golden hair and sea green orbs that were her eyes watched me curiously. I had to admit that in that moment my breath caught in my throat as I glanced at her. Her pink lips parted in a flirtatious smile as she picked out my reaction. I let out a nervous cough as my face started to heat up and I changed my gaze to the other student on the left. When our eyes met he glared back with irises as red as blood, his jaw clenching in a sneer. I was pretty sure his choice of clothing was against the schools rules, as he was dressed in only the pants and shirt, which I should mention had the sleeves completely ripped off, displaying a large amount of muscle. His black hair fell above his eyes, completing the bad-boy look he seemed to be going for. I ignored him while he tried to stare me to death and turned back to the first boy who was waiting patiently for my answer. Yes, I am. Can I help you? I spoke. I had a feeling I knew who he was already, and his next words only served to justify that thought.

My name is Lucas Everheartt, from 3-A, he held out his hand and I stood up to shake it. Lucas was a few inches taller than me and much darker in complexion. This was the guy I was being compared to so often, the strategist of class A. Is there anything I can do for you? I asked, curious as to whether or not there was a reason to his approach other than to meet me. I heard the guy next to Lucas snort, but everybody ignored him. The silver-haired boy smiled his perfect smile before he spoke. As a matter of fact, there is. Ive heard a lot about you, and I dont doubt that people have been talking about me as well. Im interested in you, Marcus, and I would like to see what you can do. What did you have in mind? A sort of competition between us, something that puts our skills to the test so we can see who the better strategist really is. Everybody would like to see you in action, so how about it? His tongue was as silver as his hair as he tried to persuade me. I didnt like him at all. He was faking his entire personality to everybody, pretending to be a calm, nice guy with a caring smile. But his words were honeyed, I could see past his faade as his eyes shown with a fiery passion that was similar to James when he talked about his dreams. Lucas wanted to be the best, and he didnt like the idea that he was being compared to me due to the entrance exam scores. So he wanted to beat me at what I was considered best at, he wanted to prove that he was better. As much as I hated standing out and being the strategist everybody assumed I was, I didnt want to give Lucas the satisfaction of being superior. He was vile and cruel and nobody else seemed to know it. I wouldnt let him win. When and where? I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. I dont think anybody else around us could feel the tension in the air as I watched Lucas carefully. Everyone else at the table was silent, watching our interaction with great interest. My nemesis broke out into his smile and clapped his hands once at my words. Great! Well meet up at the school gates when classes are done. Ill be waiting, Marcus. He sent me a wink and walked off with his friends in tow. The girl turned and sent a wave in my direction as I stood there, watching him.

I had just walked straight into his hands, I realized. I began to wonder who Lucas really was, because every thought I had held about him was wrong. He wanted to bait me into this competition with him, so he planned every action he would take, every little detail was taken into account and he made me believe exactly what he wanted me to believe. I had completely fallen for his trap until he winked, letting me know exactly what happened. I was impressed, both by his acting skills and the way he thought it out. Without even knowing who I was, he was able to push my buttons to get the perfect response he wanted. Lucas Everheartt was really something indeed. You okay there? Cody asked from behind me. Yeah, Im fine, I muttered, sitting myself back down. My mind was gone for the rest of lunch, too preoccupied with how I could compete with the brilliance that was the tactician of 3-A.

Chapter 4
Word of the competition spread quickly through the rest of the day and by the time I exited the school, I was stopped a countless number of times by students wishing me luck.

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