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INCIDENT pose a risk to

property, health or life

(Environmental; Equipment; Human) Exactly what and how?






Env: extreme weather, cold Equ: inadequaite clothing/protection Hum: failure to wear approriate gear and eat/drink Env: extreme weather Equ: inappropriate water storage Hum: not drinking or eating enough Env: steep cliffs, loose ground Equ: inappropriate footwear Hum: loss of concentration, not listening to leaders Env: cold/deep/fast water Equ: heavy pack Hum: not listening to leaders Env: thick scrub, heat Equ: faulty/inadequate gear

Ensure participants are wearing appropriate protective clothing and eating and drinking enough foods and drinks

Ensure participants are drinking enough fluids and wearing appropriate clothing

Death or injury due to falling from cliff

Ensure participants are utilising safety equipment correctly and are well energised and concentrating


Ensure participants are alerted of any dangerous water and are behaving correctly

Snake Bite

Ensure participants are wearing and utilising appropriate protection such as pants and gaitors when in potential snake

getting lost Sunburn Falling over & Injuring a limb

[1] Can treat/manage onsite; [2] Evac home/clinic [3] Life threatening SEVERITY [3C, 3B,2C] need strictly monitored controls. Minor incidents that dont even require first aid neednt be considered. Incidents [D]>50% probable then activity should not proceed

Hum: failure to dress appropriately Poor navigation/concentratio n Inadequate protective clothing Loss of concentration

holding areas 1 1 1 B B B Ensure participants have adequate navigation skills and are behaving correctly Ensure participants are wearing appropriate protective clothing when exposed to sun Ensure participants are well energised and are concentrating in tricky sections of hike, also that they know correct techniques to pass such sections

PROBABILTY [A] Rare <1% [C] Maybe 10-50 %

[B] Unlikely 1- 10 %

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