Mixed Up Calendar

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From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E.

Frankweiler Literature Circle Guidelines

1. GRADES: You WILL be graded on your literature circle discussions. I take notes on each group. If you do not read and are not prepared for discussion time, you will lose half your daily points. If you do not do your work/participate during class, you will lose half your daily points. a. This means if you dont read and refuse to make up the work, cooperate with your group, and be respectful to them while they continue to work, you will lose ALL SIX daily points. b. If you did not read, but complete the consequence your group made for you, you will only lose the first half of the points. 2. READING RESPONSES: Every Friday you will show me your responses. This needs to consist of whatever you have done during the week while reading. It could be: a. Post-its b. Questions you wrote down as you read c. Notes you took d. Personal reflections or responses e. Notes in your book 3. DAILY RECORDS: Each time you meet with your literature circle, please fill out the Discussion Record and the Self-Evaluation. If you do not complete this, it will result in a loss of points as well. This does not take extra time, as the recorder for the day should be writing as you discuss. It should not take more than a minute to evaluate yourself. 4. EXTRAS: Be sure to be looking for Interesting Words and Stem-tastic while you read. I will use some of these to make questions for your weekly quiz. If you give me nothing to choose from, Ill make up my own.

From the mixed up files of Mrs. Basil e. Frankweiler calendar

This page will stay with your groups paperwork, for your reference, at all times. At the bottom of the page write any guidel ines your group wants to hold each other accountable for (What if someone doesnt do their homework? Forgets to read? Forgets their notes?)

10/14 **Lit. Circle** 10/15


10/16 **Lit. Circle**

10/17 10/18



Read Ch. 2 D:______R:_______ (in class) Read Ch. 1 (in class) 10/21 10/22 **Lit. Circle** D:______R:_______ Read Ch. 5 (Homework) 10/28 **Lit. Circle** D:______R:_______ Read Ch. 9 (Homework) 10/29 Read Ch. 10 (Homework)

Read Ch. 4 D:______R:_______ (Homework) --------Read Ch. 3 (Homework) 10/23 10/24 **Lit. Circle** Read Ch. 7 D:______R:_______ (Homework) **Ch. 1-5 Test** Read Ch. 6 (Homework) 10/30 10/31 **Lit. Circle** D:______R:_______ Half Day

No School ---------------------------- ---------------------

10/25 **Lit. Circle**


D:______R:_______ Ch. 8 (Homework) --------- --------------------- 11/1 11/2-3

**Final Test Ch. 1-10**

Group policies, procedures, and consequences: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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