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LOTS 1. Which of the following affects the momentum of a moving object? A Mass and velocity B Pressure and mass C Velocity and pressure D Volume and mass


1. Ali and Ahmad on the way back to hometown by riding motorcycle. They were driven at same speed at the highway. Suddenly Ali knocked at the back of a stationary bus which parked at the side of the highway. Due to shocks, Ahmad also knocked at a slow moving bus in front of him. Ali was thrown backwards, while Ahmad was thrown forward. Which factor that causes these impacts on the riders? A Mass B Velocity C Pressure D Volume



Diagram above shows four pails, three pails are filled with different material and one is empty as shown in the diagram. They are set to oscillate. Which is not an observation in this activity? A The empty pail will start to move faster. B The bigger mass will have a bigger air resistance C The pail filled with sand will take a longer time to stop. D The empty pail will have a shorter period of oscillations.


2. Diagram above shows four pails, three pails are filled with different material and one is empty as shown in the diagram. They are set to oscillate. Based on the observation shows in the table, what causes pail P oscillate longest?

Pail 10 Oscillation time (second) A Velocity B Momentum C Inertia D Pressure

P 50

Q 20

R 10

S 30




Diagram below shows the apparatus set up to study the pressure exerted by metal blocks of the same mass. Both blocks have 2cm x 2 cm x 10 cm. Table below shows the measurement of the depth of the dent produced on the plasticine.

Metal block Y

Metal block X


Metal block X Y

Depth of the dent (cm) 1.0

a) Predict depth of the dent of metal block Y b) What can be observed from this experiment? c) Explain your answer from your observation in (b)? d) What is the relationship between the depth of the dent produced and the surface area of the metal block? e) The experiment is repeated using metal block Z having the same shape as metal block X but of a bigger mass. Predict the depth of the dent produced on the plasticine if metal block Z is dropped on the plasticine from the same height.

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