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FIVE MINUTE QUICKWRITE We all have hopes and dreams. Some come true, some dont. What happens when our wishes dont come true, when we have to accept a loss, or when we are disappointed in love or friendship? What are some of your hopes and dreams? Have any of them come true yet? What do these hopes and dreams tell you about yourself?


Read Meet the Writer p. 113 and answer the following:
1) In what ways is the character Vita like the author? 2) Why does Kaufman say twelve is a hard age? Do you agree? 3) According to Kaufman, why does Vita want to be Helen of Troy (i.e. what does she represent)? 4) What advice does Kaufman have for young writers?

TEN MINUTE QUICKWRITE Write a descriptive narrative based on one of vocabulary words below: - Arid: lacking in water; dry - Malicious: showing a desire to harm; spiteful - Placid: calm, peaceful


FIVE MINUTE QUICKWRITE The story Marigolds is about the passage from childhood to adulthood, a journey that is often marked by conflict. What fears and conflicts do most young people deal with as they move into adult life? What fears do you have? Do you dread growing up? Why or why not?


Skills Focus: Organization Directions: Copy down the following outline for a students character analysis essay


Introduction A. TAG (Title/Author/Genre) B. Summary C. Thesis Statement II. Character Trait 1: Dramatic A. Quote to support B. Explanation III. Character Trait 2: Smart A. Quote to Support B. Explanation IV. Character Trait 3: Different A. Quote to Support B. Explanation V. Conclusion A. How the character changed B. Resolution


1) Where would the following statement fit? Vita says, I told Mr. Dodd this, and then I showed him I could act. I got really sad and cried out I beat my fist against my chest (106). A) Section IC B) Section IIA C) Section IIIA D) Section VA


2) Where would the following statement fit? The short story Helen on 86th Street by Helen Kaufman is told from twelve-year-old Vitas perspective. A) Section IA B) Section IIA C) Section IIIB D) Section VC


3) Where would the following statement fit? The quote reveals an important aspect of Vitas personality: she is not your average kid. A) Section IB B) Section IIA C) Section IIB D) Section IVB


4) Where would the following statement fit? At the beginning of the story, Vita is characterized as a spoiled child, but by the end she has grown up a bit. A) Section IIB B) Section IIIA C) Section IVA D) Section VA

Use the following information from a handbook on language Use a comma to set off introductory words, phrases, or clauses from the rest of the sentence. Directions: Rewrite the following sentences with edits; each sentence requires a comma. 1) After the quiz turn in your answer sheet to the document and begin working on vocabulary homework. 2) Because it is Spirit Week youll see many students in pajamas today.

TEN MINUTE QUICKWRITE Write a descriptive narrative based on one of vocabulary words below: - Contrition: Deep feelings of regret or remorse - Incantation: Chant of words or prayers meant to produce magical results - Impoverished : poor; poverty-stricken


Use the following information from a handbook on language Use a comma to set off introductory words, phrases, or clauses from the rest of the sentence. Directions: Rewrite the following sentences with edits; each sentence requires a comma. 1) Even though students are dressed as super heroes they do not have super powers. 2) Despite this many will pretend to fly through the hallways. 3) However the administration assures parents that everyone will remain grounded today.

TEN MINUTE QUICKWRITE In the opening chapters of Speak, Melinda experiences an embarrassing moment. Write a narrative, real or imagined, in which the main character experiences an embarrassing moment. Use first person point of view and be sure to use sensory details!


FIVE MINUTE QUICKWRITE (A) High school is filled with cliques (a small group of people with shared interests, who spend time together and do not allow others to join them). Name and describe some of the cliques you perceive in school. What activities/attitudes bond them as a group? Do you belong to a clique? Why or why not? Can cliques be a good thing? Explain! Why do you think this phenomenon exists?


COMMA PRACTICE (AA) Directions: Rewrite and add commas to the following sentences. If it is correct, write correct 1) The big bright moon shimmered its reflection on the gently lapping water. 2) I didnt go to Homecoming but I felt like I was there thanks to all Reagans stories! 3) I went to the game and saw pictures on Sunday. 4) Im sorry I missed it and Ill try to go next year!


FIVE MINUTE QUICKWRITE (A) In the chapter Cheerleaders Melinda says if she could make a clan it would be the AntiCheerleaders. What does this mean? If you could make an Anti-Clan, what would it be and why? What would be your membership requirements? What activities would you do as a group to bond? Keep it school appropriate please! No hateful language.


Directions: Using the following rule from your language handbook, write five original sentences that demonstrate understanding of the rule. Rule 12g: Use commas to separate two or more adjectives preceding a noun.

Directions: Using the following rule from your language handbook, write five original sentences that demonstrate understanding of the rule. Rule 12h: Use commas to before and, but, or, nor, for, so, and yet when they join two independent clauses.

TEN MINUTE QUICKWRITE Write a descriptive narrative based on one of the following vocabulary words: - Rant Talk in an argumentative manner - Testament Highly valued, worthy of attention - Reincarnated Reborn in another form


#27 AA
Directions: Pose FIVE inferential (inference) and/or evaluative (opinion) questions to discuss in todays literature circle meeting. In other words, your questions should not have right or wrong answers (i.e. What is the setting for this story?). Aim for questions that provoke discussion (i.e. What do you think really happened at Kyle Rodgers party?)

#27 AA
Directions: Pose FIVE inferential (inference) and/or evaluative (opinion) questions to discuss in todays literature circle meeting. In other words, your questions should not have right or wrong answers (i.e. What is the setting for this story?). Aim for questions that provoke discussion (i.e. What do you think really happened at Kyle Rodgers party?)

TEN MINUTE QUICKWRITE Write a descriptive narrative based on one of the following photo inspirations: Scheming Russet



Overview: One key to successful narrative writing is knowing when to draw out the suspense. Consider the climactic moment from one of your peers narratives:
- He was shot in the leg. Your Writing Task: Expand this from a 6 word moment to a 20+ word moment.



In todays reading, the Merryweather mascot is challenged yet again. Our mascot, the Indian, is often a subject of controversy. Opponets say it is disrespectful to Native Americans. Do you agree or disagree? Explain. If we had to change our mascot, what would you change it to and why?


Directions: Rewrite the sentences and add commas if necessary. If the sentence is correct, write correct. 1) I felt the chill of the wind and snuggled into the fleece scarf gathered at my neck. 2) I love the crisp of fall air and the chance to break out sweaters and boots. 3) I love fall but I dont like what follows.


#29 (AA)
Directions: Rewrite the sentences and add commas if necessary. If the sentence is correct, write correct. 1) I felt the chill of the wind and snuggled into the fleece scarf gathered at my neck. 2) The crisp air and the chance to wear sweaters and boots makes me happy. 3) I love fall but I dont like what follows. 4) Halloween is my favorite holiday and I maintain youre never too old to trick-or-treat!

#30 (AA)
Directions: Rewrite the sentences and add commas if necessary. If the sentence is correct, write correct.

1) After the long night of homework I was exhausted and frustrated. 2) I studied for my test yet I still do not feel confident about it. 3) Next time I will study and attend the after school help session.

#30 (A)
Directions: Rewrite the sentences an fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word: rant, reincarnated, russet, scheming 1) In my next life, I want to be _____________________ as a professional athlete. 2) Our principal went on a ______________ about the dress code, arguing that a tube top is not protected speech. 3) The _______________ bullies were plotting their next attack. 4) The girl had ____________ hair that complemented her blue eyes.

#31 (AA)
Directions: Using the following rule from your language handbook, write five original sentences that demonstrate understanding of the rule. Rule 12i: Use commas to set off nonessential clauses and nonessential participial phrases. Example: Malia Miller, a marching band member, often hums tunes as she works on classwork.

#31 (A)
TEN MINUTE QUICKWRITE In yesterdays reading, Melinda feels nostalgic about childhood as she thinks about Christmas. Think about a fond memory you have of childhood. Write a narrative that brings your reader into that moment. Use sensory details and dialogue to create a realistic picture of the moment.


Directions: Rewrite the sentences below. Using the following rule from your language handbook, add commas or write correct. Rule 12i: Use commas to set off nonessential clauses and nonessential participial phrases. 1) The field trip was cancelled due to bad weather. 2) The field trip which was cancelled due to bad weather was rescheduled for next week. 3) The weather stormy and cold prohibited us from collecting water samples.

#32 (AA)

FIVE MINUTE QUICKWRITE (A) Think of a time you had to face someone who wronged you. What did they do? How did it feel the first time you had to see them after the incident? What did you do? Confront? Ignore? Cry? What do you think is the best way of dealing with someone who has hurt you? Does it depend? On what?


FIVE MINUTE QUICKWRITE (A) What do you think is the perception of the freshman class? From upperclassmen? Teachers? Former Teachers? Administrators? Do you think this is fair? Explain. Are there certain individuals that drive this perception? What can we do to improve our reputation in the school?


Directions: Rewrite the sentences below. Using the following rule from your language handbook, add commas or write correct. Rule 12i: Use commas to set off nonessential clauses and nonessential participial phrases. 1) The assignment which was assigned last week took me over an hour to complete. 2) I should have used my class time more wisely. 3) Heather who worked on homework over the weekend went to the Pumpkin Farm last night while I slaved at my computer.

#33 (AA)

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