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Last Updated: September, 2005

CIuster Verification UtiIity (CVU)
FrequentIy Asked Questions

This document addresses some oI the Irequently asked questions and common concerns
regarding the Cluster Jerification Framework and the cluvfv tool.

Update 8chedule Update 8chedule Update 8chedule Update 8chedule
What will be the update schedule Ior CVU on OTN?

General concept General concept General concept General concept
What is CVU? What are its objectives and Ieatures?
What is a stage?
What is a component?
What is nodelist?
What is a conIiguration Iile?
Do I have to be root to use CVU?
What about discovery? Does CVU discover installed components?
What about locale? Does CVU support other languages?
How do I report a bug?
What version oI Oracle Clusterware(CRS) or RAC is supported by CVU?

nstallation nstallation nstallation nstallation
What are the requirements Ior CVU?
How do I install CVU?
What is 'cvuqdisk' rpm? Why should I install this rpm?
How do I install 'cvuqdisk' package?

Usage Usage Usage Usage
How do I know about cluvIy commands? The usage text oI cluvIy does not show
individual commands.
What are the deIault values Ior the command line arguments?
Do I have to type the nodelist every time Ior the CVU commands? Is there any shortcut?

How do I get detailed output oI a check?
How do I check network or node connectivity related issues?
How do I check whether OCFS is properly conIigured?
How do I check the CRS stack and other sub-components oI it?
How do I check user accounts and administrative permissions related issues?
How do I check iI SSH is conIigured properly on my cluster?

Last Updated: September, 2005
How do I check minimum system requirements on the nodes?
Can I check iI the storage is shared among the nodes?
Is there a way to compare nodes?
Why the peer comparison with -refnode says "matched" when the group or user does not
Is there a way to veriIy that the CRS is working properly beIore proceeding with RAC
At what point cluvIy is usable? Can I use cluvIy beIore installing CRS?
How do I turn on tracing?
Where can I Iind the CVU trace Iiles?
Why cluvIy reports "unknown" on a particular node?
Why does CVU complain "ERROR: Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for VPs"?

Limitati Limitati Limitati Limitations ons ons ons
What are the known issues with this release?

Platform 8pecific Platform 8pecific Platform 8pecific Platform 8pecific

The Iollowing sections cover the Irequently asked questions Ior platIorms where CVU is
available Ior download.

What Linux distributions are supported?
How do I make CVU work on SuSE ES 9?

What Windows versions are supported?

What Solaris versions are supported?

What HP-UX versions are supported?

What AIX versions are supported?


Last Updated: September, 2005

What will be the update schedule Ior CVU on OTN?
CVU may be updated and uploaded on OTN every two months with Iixes Ior known
issues or important bugs. Please check README associated with platIorms on OTN Ior
updates on CVU.
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What is CVU? What are its objectives and Ieatures?
CVU is a utility that is distributed with Oracle Clusterware. It was developed to assist in
the installation and conIiguration oI Oracle Clusterware as well as RAC. CluvIy will
veriIy all the important components that need to be veriIied at diIIerent stages in
conIiguring a RAC environment. The wide domain oI deployment oI CVU ranges Irom
initial hardware setup through Iully operational cluster Ior RAC deployment and covers
all the intermediate stages oI installation and conIiguration oI various components. The
command line tool is cluvfv. Cluvfv is a non-intrusive utility and will not adversely aIIect
the system or operational stack.
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What is a stage?
CVU supports the notion oI Stage veriIication. It identiIies all the important stages in
RAC deployment and provides each stage with its own entry and exit criteria. The entry
criteria Ior a stage deIine a speciIic set oI veriIication tasks to be perIormed beIore
initiating that stage. This pre-check saves the user Irom entering into a stage unless its
pre-requisite conditions are met. The exit criteria Ior a stage deIine another speciIic set oI
veriIication tasks to be perIormed aIter completion oI the stage. The post-check ensures
that the activities Ior that stage have been completed successIully. It identiIies any stage
speciIic problem beIore it propagates to subsequent stages; thus making it diIIicult to Iind
its root cause. An example oI a stage is "pre-check of database installation", which
checks whether the system meets the criteria Ior RAC install.
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What is a component?
CVU supports the notion oI Component veriIication. The veriIications in this category
are not associated with any speciIic stage. The user can veriIy the correctness oI a
speciIic cluster component. A component can range Irom a basic one, like Iree disk space
to a complex one like Oracle Clusterware (CRS) Stack. The integrity check Ior the Oracle
Clusterware stack will transparently span over veriIication oI multiple sub-components
associated with Oracle Clusterware stack. Bundling oI several relevant tasks as a
component is oI great use to the user Ior veriIying a speciIic cluster component.
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What is nodelist?

Last Updated: September, 2005
A nodelist is a comma-separated list oI hostnames without domain. CluvIy will run the
requested veriIication on all nodes in the nodelist provided. CluvIy will ignore any
domain while processing the nodelist. II duplicate entities aIter removing the domain
exist, cluvIy will eliminate the duplicate names while processing. Wherever supported,
you can use '-n all' to check on all the cluster nodes. Check "Do I have to type the
nodelist every time Ior the CVU commands? Is there any shortcut?" Ior more inIormation
on nodelist and shortcuts.
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What is a conIiguration Iile?
CVU supports a conIiguration Iile called cvuconfig under CVHOME/cv/admin Iolder.
This Iile supports property-value style preIerences in a persistent way. This might vary
depending upon the platIorm. Here is a brieI description oI some oI those properties:
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This property stores a comma separated list oI nodes to be used Ior all the nodes in the
cluster. This value will be used Ior "-n all" argument on the command line. For detail
reIer to "Do I have to type the nodelist every time Ior the CVU commands? Is there any

II this property is set to TRUE, then CVU will perIorm scsi disk discovery and
sharedness checks. For Linux platIorms, CVU requires the cvuqdisk rpm installed on all
nodes iI this property is set. For detail reIer to "What is 'cvuqdisk' rpm? Why should I
install this rpm?".

This property is used in cases where CVU cannot detect or support a particular platIorm
or a distribution. It is not recommended to change this property as this might render CVU

II this property is set to TRUE, CVU will also check whether X-Windows is conIigured
with SSH Ior user equivalence. For detail, reIer to "How do I check iI SSH is conIigured
properly on my cluster?".

This property stores alternative remote shell command location.

This property stores alternative remote copy command location.
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Do I have to be root to use CVU?

Last Updated: September, 2005
No. CVU is intended Ior database and system administrators. CVU assumes the current
user as oracle user.
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What about discovery? Does CVU discover installed components?
At present, CVU's discovery is limited to the Iollowing components. CVU discovers
available network interIaces iI you do not speciIy any interIace in its command line. For
storage related veriIication, CVU discovers all the supported storage types iI you do not
speciIy a particular storage. CVU discovers CRS HOME iI one is available. CVU also
discovers the statically conIigured nodelist Ior the cluster iI an Oracle supported vendor
clusterware or Oracle Clusterware is available.
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What about locale? Does CVU support other languages?
Yes. CVU complied with Oracle's NLS guidelines and supports locale.
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How do I report a bug?
Please reIer to the "What are the known issues with this release?" section oI this
document and the README Iile beIore Iiling a bug. II the issue is not covered in those
documents, open a TAR through Oracle Support.
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What version oI Oracle Clusterware(CRS) or RAC is supported by CVU?
The current CVU release supports only RAC 10g and Oracle Clusterware(CRS). In other
words, "the current version" oI CVU can check 10g Release 1 as well as 10g Release 2
releases oI Oracle Clusterware or RAC. However, it cannot check or veriIy pre-10g
(Oracle 9i) products.
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What are the requirements Ior CVU?

CVU requires:
1. An area with at least 30MB oI Iree space Ior containing soItware bits on the
invocation node.
2. A Java 1.4.1(or higher) location on the invocation node.
3. A work directory with at least 25MB on all the nodes. CVU will attempt to copy the
necessary bits as required to this location. Make sure, the location exists on all nodes and
it has write permission Ior CVU user. This directory is set through the CVDESTLOC
environment variable. II this variable is not set, CVU will use the common temporary
location such as "/tmp" Ior Linux and "C:\Temp" Ior Windows as the work dir.

Last Updated: September, 2005
4. An optional package 'cvuqdisk' is required on all the nodes Ior Linux distributions.
This assists CVU in Iinding scsi disks and helps CVU to perIorm storage checks on
disks. Please reIer to What is 'cvuqdisk' rpm? Ior detail. Note that, this package should be
installed only on Red Hat Linux 3(or higher) or SuSE 9 distribution or on other Linux
Ilavors oI comparable versions.
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How do I install CVU?

Here is how one can install CVU Irom a zip Iile.

1. create a cvhome( say /home/mvcvhome ) directory. It should have at least 30M oI Iree
disk space.
2. cd /home/mycvhome
3. copy the zip Iile to /home/mvcvhome
4. unzip the Iile:
~ unzip zip-Iile~
5. set these environmental variables:
CVHOME: This should point to the cvhome.
~ setenv CVHOME /home/mycvhome

CVJDKHOME: This should point to a valid jdk1.4 home
~ setenv CVJDKHOME /usr/local/packages/jdk14

CVDESTLOC (optional): This should point to a writable area on *all* nodes. The tool
will attempt to copy the necessary bits as required to this location. Make sure the location
exists on all nodes and it has write permission Ior CVU user. It is strongly recommended
that you should set this variable. II this variable has not been set, CVU will use "/tmp" as
the deIault.
~ setenv CVDESTLOC /tmp/cvutemp

To veriIy, run /home/mycvhome/bin/cluvIy. This should show the usage.

For Linux platIorms (except Red Hat 2.1), an optional rpm package 'cvuqdisk' is required
on all the nodes. Please reIer to How do I install 'cvuqdisk' package? Ior detail.
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What is 'cvuqdisk' rpm? Why should I install this rpm?
CVU requires root privilege to gather inIormation about the scsi disks during discovery.
A small binary uses the setuid mechanism to query disk inIormation as root. Note that
this process is purely a read-only process with no adverse impact on the system. To make
this secured, this binary is packaged in the cvuqdisk rpm and need root privilege to install
on a machine.

When this package is installed on all the nodes, CVU perIorms discovery and shared
storage accessibility checks Ior scsi disks. Otherwise, it complains about the missing

Last Updated: September, 2005
package 'cvuqdisk'. You can disable the scsi device check Ieature by setting the
CVRAWCHECKENABLED to FALSE in $CVHOME/cv/admin/cvuconIig Iile.
CVU will not complain about the missing rpm iI this variable is set to Ialse.

Discovery oI scsi disks Ior RedHat 2.1AS is not supported. Hence this package should
not be installed on RedHat 2.1 AS.
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How do I install 'cvuqdisk' package?
Here are the steps to install cvuqdisk package.

1. Become root user
2. Copy the rpm ( cvuqdisk-1.0.1-1.rpm or the latest version ) to a local directory. You
can Iind the rpm in Oracle's OTN site.
3. Set the environment variable to a group, who should own this binary. Typically it is
the "dba" group.
4. Erase any existing package
rpm -e cvuqdisk
5. Install the rpm
rpm -iv cvuqdisk-1.0.1-1.rpm
6. VeriIy the package
rpm -qa , grep cvuqdisk
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How do I know about cluvfv commands? The usage text oI cluvfv does not show
individual commands.
CluvIy has context sensitive help built into it. CluvIy shows the most appropriate usage
text based on the cluvIy command line arguments.

II you type 'cluvIy' on the command prompt, cluvIy displays the high-level generic usage
text, which talks about valid stage and component syntax.

II you type 'cluvfv comp -list', cluvIy will show valid components with brieI description
on each oI them. II you type 'cluvfv comp -help, cluvIy will show detail syntax Ior each
oI the valid components. Similarly, 'cluvIy stage -list' and 'cluvIy stage -help' will list
valid stages and their syntax respectively.

II you type an invalid command, cluvIy will show the appropriate usage Ior that
particular command. For example, iI you type 'cluvfv stage -pre dbinst', cluvIy will show
the syntax Ior pre-check oI dbinst stage.
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What are the deIault values Ior the command line arguments?
Here are the deIault values and behavior Ior diIIerent stage and component commands:

Last Updated: September, 2005

For component nodecon:
II no -i arguments is provided, then cluvIy runs in the discovery mode.
For component nodereach:
II no -srcnode is provided, then the local (node oI invocation) will be used as the source
For components ssa:
II no -n argument is provided, then the local node will be used.
II no -s argument is provided, then cluvIy runs in the storage discovery mode.
For components clu.
II no -n argument is provided, then all the nodes in the cluster will be used Ior
For components cfs, ocr, crs, space, clumgr, nodeapp.
II no -n argument is provided, then the local node will be used.
For components svs:
II no -n argument is provided, then the local node will be used.
II no -r argument is provided, then 10gR2 will be used.
II no -osdba argument is provided, then 'dba' will be used.
II no -orainv argument is provided, then 'oinstall' will be used.
For components admprv:
II no -n argument is provided, then the local node will be used.
II no -osdba argument is provided, then 'dba' will be used.
II no -orainv argument is provided, then 'oinstall' will be used.
For component peer:
II no -r argument is provided, then 10gR2 will be used.
II no -osdba argument is provided, then 'dba' will be used.
II no -orainv argument is provided, then 'oinstall' will be used.

For stage -post hwos:
II no -s argument is provided, then cluvIy runs in the discovery mode.
For stage -pre crsinst:
II no -r argument is provided, then 10gR2 will be used.
II no -c argument is provided, then cluvIy will skip OCR related checks.
II no -q argument is provided, then cluvIy will skip voting disk related checks.
II no -osdba argument is provided, then 'dba' will be used.
II no -orainv argument is provided, then 'oinstall' will be used.
For stage -pre dbinst:
II no -r argument is provided, then 10gR2 will be used.
II no -osdba argument is provided, then 'dba' will be used.
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Do I have to type the nodelist every time Ior the CVU commands? Is there any shortcut?
You do not have to type the nodelist every time Ior the CVU commands. Typing the
nodelist Ior a large cluster is painIul and error prone. Here are Iew shortcuts.


Last Updated: September, 2005
To provide all the nodes oI the cluster, type '-n all'. CluvIy will attempt to get the nodelist
in the Iollowing order:
1. II a vendor clusterware is available, it will pick all the conIigured nodes Irom the
vendor clusterware using lsnodes utility.
2. II CRS is installed, it will pick all the conIigured nodes Irom Oracle clusterware
using olsnodes utility.
3. It will look Ior the CVNODEALL property in the cvuconfig Iile under
4. II none oI the above, it will look Ior the CVNODEALL environmental variable.
5. Otherwise, it will complain.

To provide a partial list (some oI the nodes oI the cluster) oI nodes, you can set an
environmental variable and use it in the CVU command. For example:
export MYNODESnode1,node3,node5
cluvIy comp nodecon -n $MYNODES
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How do I get detail output oI a check?
CluvIy supports a verbose mode. By deIault, cluvIy reports in non-verbose mode and just
reports the summary oI a test. To get detailed output oI a check, use the Ilag '-verbose' in
the command line. This will produce detail output oI individual checks and where
applicable will show per-node result in a tabular Iashion.
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How do I check network or node connectivity related issues?
Use component veriIications commands like 'nodereach' or 'nodecon' Ior this purpose.
For detailed syntax oI these commands, type comp -help command on the command

II the 'comp nodecon' command is invoked without -i, cluvIy will attempt to discover all
the available interIaces and the corresponding IP address & subnet. Then cluvIy will try
to veriIy the node connectivity per subnet. You can run this command in verbose mode to
Iind out the mappings between the interIaces, IP addresses and subnets. CluvIy will
suggest interIaces Ior VIP and private interconnect iI suitable interIaces are available.

You can check the connectivity among the nodes through speciIic interIaces by
speciIying the interIace name(s) through -i argument.
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Can I check iI the storage is shared among the nodes?
Yes, you can use 'cluvIy comp ssa' command to check the sharedness oI the storage.
Please reIer to the known issues section Ior the type oI storage supported by cluvIy.
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Last Updated: September, 2005

How do I check whether OCFS is properly conIigured?
You can use the component command 'cluvIy comp cIs' to check this. Provide the OCFS
Iile system you want to check through the -I argument. Note that, the sharedness check
Ior the Iile system is supported Ior OCFS version 1.0.14 or higher. At present, cluvIy can
not handle OCFS2 discovery on RHEL4 and SUSE9 platIorms.
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How do I check the CRS stack and other sub-components oI it?
CluvIy provides commands to check a particular sub-component oI the CRS stack as well
as the whole CRS stack. You can use the 'comp ocr' command to check the integrity oI
OCR. Similarly, you can use 'comp crs' and 'comp clumgr' commands to check integrity
oI crs and clustermanager sub-components.

To check the entire CRS stack, run the stage command 'cluvIy stage -post crsinst'.
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How do I check user accounts and administrative permissions related issues?
Use admprv component veriIication command. ReIer to the usage text Ior detail
instruction and type oI supported operations. To check whether the privilege is suIIicient
Ior user equivalence, use '-o userequiv' argument. You can Iorce CVU to check user
equivalence using SSH only by the -sshonlv Ilag. Similarly, the '-o crsinst' will veriIy
whether the user has the correct permissions Ior installing CRS. The '-o dbinst' will
check Ior permissions required Ior installing RAC and '-o dbconfig' will check Ior
permissions required Ior creating a RAC database or modiIying a RAC database
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How do I check iI SSH is conIigured properly on my cluster?
You can use CVU's admprv component veriIication command 'comp admprv -n
nodelist~ -o userequiv -sshonly -verbose' to veriIy this. To check whether X-Windows
is conIigured to work with SSH Ior user equivalence as per Oracle's requirement, set the
Iollowing property "CVXCHKFORSSHENABLEDTRUE" in the
$CVHOME/cv/admin/cvuconIig Iile.
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How do I check minimum system requirements on the nodes?
The component veriIication command svs is meant Ior that. Note that, CVU can check
the minimum system requirements Ior Oracle Clusterware versions 10gR1 as well as
10gR2. Use the '-p crs' argument to check requirements Ior Oracle Clusterware and -r
argument Ior the desired version. Similarly, CVU can check the minimum system
requirements Ior RAC versions 10gR1 and 10gR2. For RAC, you have to use the '-p

Last Updated: September, 2005
database' argument.
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Is there a way to compare nodes?
You can use the peer comparison Ieature oI cluvIy Ior this purpose. The command 'comp
peer' will list the values oI diIIerent nodes Ior several pre-selected properties. You can
use the peer command with -refnode argument to compare those properties oI other
nodes against the reIerence node.
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Why the peer comparison with -reInode says matched when the group or user does not
Peer comparison with the -reInode Ieature acts like a baseline Ieature. It compares the
system properties oI other nodes against the reIerence node. II the value does not match(
not equal to reIerence node value ), then it Ilags that as a deviation Irom the reIerence
node. II a group or user does not exist on reIerence node as well as on the other node, it
will report this as 'matched' since there is no deviation Irom the reIerence node. Similarly,
it will report as 'mismatched' Ior a node with higher total memory than the reIerence node
Ior the above reason.
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Is there a way to veriIy that the CRS is working properly beIore proceeding with RAC
Yes. You can use the post-check command Ior cluster services setup(-post crsinst) to
veriIy CRS status. A more appropriate test would be to use the pre-check command Ior
database installation(-pre dbinst). This will check whether the current state oI the system
is suitable Ior RAC install.
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At what point cluvIy is usable? Can I use cluvIy beIore installing CRS?
You can run cluvIy at any time, even beIore CRS installation. In Iact, cluvIy is designed
to assist the user as soon as the hardware and OS is up. II you invoke a command which
requires CRS or RAC on local node, cluvIy will report an error iI those required products
are not yet installed.
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How do I turn on tracing?
Set the environmental variable SRVMTRACE to true. For example, in bash "export
SRVMTRACEtrue" will turn on tracing.
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Last Updated: September, 2005

Where can I Iind the CVU trace Iiles?
CVU log Iiles can be Iound under $CVHOME/cv/log directory. The log Iiles are
automatically rotated and the latest log Iile has the name cvutrace.log.0. It is a good idea
to clean up unwanted log Iiles or archive them to reclaim disk place.

Note that, no trace Iiles will be generated iI tracing has not been turned on.
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Why cluvIy reports "unknown" on a particular node?
CluvIy reports unknown when it can not conclude Ior sure iI the check passed or Iailed.
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Why does CVU complain "ERROR: Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for VPs"?
CVU checks Ior the Iollowing criteria beIore considering a set oI interIaces Ior VIP:
-- the interIaces should have the same name across nodes
-- they should belong to the same subnet
-- they should have the same netmask
-- they should be on public(and routable) network.
OItentimes, the interIaces planned Ior the VIPs are conIigured on 10.*, 172.16.* -
172.31.* or 192.168.* networks, which are not routable. Hence CVU does not consider
them as suitable Ior VIPs. II none oI the available interIaces satisIy this criteria, CVU
complains "ERROR: Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for VPs.". It is worth noting
that, such addresses will actually work iI they're public, but CVU just thinks they're
private and reports accordingly.
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What are the known issues with this release?

1. Shared storage accessibility(ssa) check reports
Current release oI cluvIy has the Iollowing limitations on Linux regarding shared storage
accessibility check.
a. Currently NAS storage ( r/w, no attribute caching), OCFS( version 1.0.14 or higher )
and scsi disks(iI cvuqdisk package is installed) are supported. Note that, discovery oI scsi
disks Ior RedHat Linux 2.1 is not supported.

b. For sharedness check on NAS, cluvIy requires the user to have write permission on
the speciIied path. II the cluvIy user does not have write permission, cluvIy reports the
path as not-shared.

2. OCFS2 discovery issue with RedHat 4 and SuSE 9.
At present, CVU can not perIorm discovery oI OCFS2 on RedHat 4 and SuSE9.


Last Updated: September, 2005
3. CVU does not recongnize the disk bindings ( e.g. /dev/raw/raw1 ) as valid storage
paths or identiIiers. Please use the underlying disk( e.g. /dev/sdm etc ) Ior the storage
path or storage identiIier. On Windows, use "\Device\Harddiskn~" notation such as
"\Device\Harddisk1" Ior the storage path or identiIier.
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What Linux distributions are supported?

RedHat 2.1AS: Not available
RedHat EL-3(update 2 or higher): Supported
RedHat EL-4 : Supported

Note that, the CVU binary Ior RedHat 2.1AS is diIIerent Irom CVU binaries Ior other
RedHat distributions; they are not binary compatible. In other words, CVU bits Ior
RedHat 3 and RedHat 2.1 are not the same.

SuSE ES 9: Supported
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How do I make CVU work on SuSE ES 9?
For this, you have to edit the conIiguration Iile called cvuconfig under
CVHOME/cv/admin Iolder. ModiIy the property CVASSUMEDISTIDTaroon to
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What Windows versions are supported?
CVU supports both Windows 2000 and Windows2003 servers.
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What Solaris versions are supported?
CVU supports the Iollowing Solaris releases:
Solaris 8: Supported
Soalris 9: Supported
Solaris 10: Supported
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What HP-UX versions are supported?
CVU supports the Iollowing HP-UX releases:
HP UX 11.11: Supported

Last Updated: September, 2005
HP UX 11.23: Supported
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What AIX versions are supported?
CVU supports the Iollowing AIX release:
AIX 5L: Supported
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