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Subjectivity: Theories of the self from Freud to Haraway Nick Mansfield

Autonomous Marxism Reading capital politically - Clever Introduction: Laboratory Italy (chapter) Hardt Storming the heaven Steve Wright Cyber Marx Nick Dyer-Witheford Immaterial labour (chapter) Lazzarato Creative labour (article) Sarah Brouillette

Deleuze and Affect Theory Autonomy of affect [article] - Massumi The Future birth of the affective fact [article] - Massumi Spinoza Deleuze Essays on Deleuze Chapter 12 and chapter 18 Dan Smith Gilles Deleuze: An Apprenticeship in philosophy Hardt Kants Critical Philosophy- Deleuze Foucault - Deleuze Anti-Oedipus Deleuze and Guattari Introduction to Deleuze and Guattaris antioedipus Holland Thousand Plateaus The affect theory reader [excerpts] [book] Affective economies [article] Sara Ahmed Affective labor (article) Michael Hardt Political Affect: Connecting the social and the somatic - Protevi

Lacan and the political Lacan and the political Stavrakakis The making of political identities [chapter 1 and 2] Laclau (ed.) Contingency, Hegemony, Universality Butler, Laclau and Zizek Zizek: A Readers Guide Kelsey Wood [book]

Financialization and Subjectivity

The financialization of daily life Randy Martin [book] Performing Capital: Toward a cultural economy of popular and global finance Rob Aitken Finance and Metaphor (book chapter) - Max Haiven Freedom Kenneth Surin Bonds of Debt Richard Dientist Capitalism with derivatives Rafferty Finance and resistance Haiven The consumer society Baudrillard Objects of Consumption Stavrakakis University of Finance The pedagogy of debt edufactory Jeffrey Williams Crisis in the global economy Fumagalli and Mezzadra Strike Debt Debt: The first 5000 years Graeber The gift of education Ken Saltman Education deficit Giroux Living indebted student militancy Annie McClanahan (good for alternatives section)

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