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Proprietor: Mr Underwood


Mad Dog Tim Johnson Yesterday, on Saturday, Miss Eula May received a call from the Finchs cook, Calpurnia, saying that a mad dog was coming down the street. She got through to Finchs Offices and then proceeded to call the rest of the street to warn them to stay inside.
The mad dog in question, just so happened to be Tim Johnson, owned by Mr Harry Johnson, driver of the mobile bus. Mr Johnson lived on the southern edge of the town. Time was a livercoloured bird dog, the pet of Maycomb. As the doors neighborhood of the closed,

They waited for the crazy dog to come closer, knowing they only had one shot to get rid of him. The people of the town waited in anticipation for the mad dog to come within shooting range. As Tim Johnson came closer the sheriff shoved the gun into the lawyer Finchs hands knowing he couldnt shoot well himself. Atticus Reluctantly took it, having not shot in thirty years. He efficiently killed the dog, being the brilliant shot he is. Zeebo collected the

body while the residents breathed a sigh of relief. Mr Aticus Finch was also returned to his former glory as the deadliest shot in Maycomb County.

Atitcus Finch and Mr Heck Tate, sheriff of Maycomb County arrived at the scene. Mr Heck Tate brought a heavy rifle too.

Mr Aticus Finch and Mr Heck Tate

Solphie Hevey
Local Affairs Correspondant

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