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PAST SIMPLE Il past simple traduce il passato remoto (fui, andai, vidi), il passato prossimo (sono stato, sono

andato, ho visto) o limperfetto (ero, andavo, vedevo) italiani. Esprime unazione avvenuta e conclusa in un momento del passato, anche recente, ormai completamente trascorso. PAST SIMPLE di TO BE Forma affermativa I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were Forma negativa I was not (wasnt) You were not (werent) he was not (wasnt) she was not (wasnt) it was not (wasnt) We were not (werent) You were not (werent) They were not (werent) Forma interrogativa was I? were you? was he? was she? was it? were we? were you? were they? Risposte brevi Yes, I was./No, I wasnt Yes, you were/No, you werent Yes, he was./No, he wasnt Yes, she was./No, she wasnt Yes, it was./No, it wasnt Yes, we were/No, we werent Yes, you were/No, you werent Yes, they were/No, they werent

PAST SIMPLE dei verbi lessicali FORMA AFFERMATIVA - REGOLARI Si forma aggiungendo ed allinfinito (senza il to): I worked Nellaggiungere ed You worked possono intervenire alcune He worked variazioni ortografiche: She worked al verbo che termina in It worked e si aggiunge solo d: We worked love loved You worked il verbo di una o due They worked sillabe che termina con una sola consonante preceduta da una sola vocale, raddoppia la consonante: stop stopped la y finale preceduta da consonante diventa i: cry cried FORMA AFFERMATIVA - IRREGOLARI I verbi irregolari hanno ciascuno la sua forma propria che la seconda voce del paradigma. I drank Come per i verbi regolari, il past You drank simple uguale per tutte le he drank persone. she drank it drank we drank you drank they drank

Le frasi interrogative e negative si formano con lausiliare did (il passato di do) per tutte le persone pi la forma base del verbo senza to Forma negativa I did not (didnt) drink You did not (didnt) drink He did not (didnt) drink She did not (didnt) drink It did not (didnt) drink We did not (didnt) drink You did not (didnt) drink They did not (didnt) drink Forma interrogativa Did I drink? Did you drink? Did he drink? Did she drink? Did it drink? Did we drink? Did you drink? Did they drink? Risposte brevi Yes, I did/No, I didnt Yes, you did/No, you didnt Yes, he did/No, he didnt Yes, she did/No, she didnt Yes, it did/No, it didnt Yes, we did/No, we didnt Yes, you did/No, you didnt Yes, they did/No, they didnt

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