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Cosas que suceden habitualmente


I talk She talks I do not talk -He does not talk-Do you talk? Does he talk? I dont talk He doesnt talk


Estoy cantando

Algo que est pasando en el momento en el que hablamos

To be + gerundio I am talking-He is eating-I am not talking-He is not talking-Are you talking? Is he talking? Im talking Hes eating Im not talking He isnt talking

Acciones completas en el pasado


Verbo ed Verbos irregulares Be, was (I, he, she) / were Do, did Have, had I wanted She wanted I did not wanted-She did not wanted-She was not a doctor-Did you want? Did she want? Was she a doctor? I didnt wanted She didnt wanted She wasnt a doctor


Estaba hablando

Acciones que ocurrieron en un momento especfico en el pasado

Was / were + gerundio I was talking She was talking We were talking I was not talking-He was not talking-They were not talking-Were you talking? Was she talking? I wasnt talking He wasnt talking They werent talking


Cantar, voy a cantar

Will + infinitive To be + Going to + infinitive Ill call you Shell call you I wont call you She wont call you

I will call you-She will call you-I will not call you-She will not call you-Will you call me? Will she call me?

-----I am going to call you-She is going to call you I am not going to call you-She is not going to call you-Are you going to call me? Is she going to call me? Im going to call you Im not going to call you She isnt going to call you


Estar hablando

Will be + gerundio To be + going to + gerundio Ill be talking Hell be eating I wont be eating He wont be eating

I will be talking-He will be eating-I will not be eating-He will not be eating-Will you be eating? Will he be eating? -------I am going to be talking-He is going to be talking-I am not going to be talking-He is not going to be talking-Are you going to be talking? Is he going to be talking? PRESENTE PERFECTO Have / has

Im going to be talking Hes going to be talking Im not going to be talking He isnt going to be talking

He cantado

+ participio pasado -ed verbos irregulares Ive talked Shes gone Ive not talked She hasnt gone

I have talked-She has gone--I have not talked-She has not gone-Have you talked? Has she gone?


He estado cantando

Have been / has been + gerundio I have been waiting-She has been waiting-I have not been waiting-She has not been waiting-Have you been waiting? Has she been waiting? Ive been waiting Shes been waiting Ive not been waiting Shes not been waiting


Haba cantado

Had + participio pasado I had visited-She had visited-I had not visited-She had not visited-Had you visited? Had she visited? Id visited Shed visited I hadnt visited She hadnt visited

PASADO PERFECTO CONTINUO Had been + gerundio I had been studying-She had been studying-I had not been studying-She had not been studying-Had you been studying? Had she been studying?

Haba estado cantando

Id been studying Shed been studying I hadnt been studying She hadnt been studying


Habr cantado

Will have + verbo ppal particio pasado To be + going to have + verbo ppal participio pasado Ill have ended I wont have ended

I will have ended-I will not have ended-Will you have ended? ------I am going to have ended-I am not going to have ended-Are you going to have ended?

Im going to have ended Im not going to have ended


Habr estado cantando

Will have been + verbo ppal gerundio To be + going to have been + verbo ppal gerundio Ill have been working I wont have been working

I will have been working-I will not have been working-Will you have been working? ----------I am going to have been working-I am not going to have been woring-Are you going to have been working?

Im going to have been working Im not going to have been working

FRASES CONDICIONALES Tipo 0 La condicin y el resultado siempre es verdad presente simple + pasado simple If I dont practice, I play poorly Tipo 1 Es muy probable presente simple + futuro simple will If she studies, she will pass the exam Tipo 2 Posibilidad irreal; un deseo, un sueo, una accin no tan probable pasado simple + would + infinitivo If I won the lottery, I would travel Tipo 3 Condicin que en el pasado no ha sucedido pasado perfecto + would have + participio pasado She wouldnt have had the heart attack if she had gone on a diet

VOZ PASIVA To be + participio pasado Voz activa: Voz pasiva: He ate all of the cookies All the cookies were eaten; The car was stolen

1. Objeto = pasa a ser sujeto 2. Verbo = se incluye to be + verbo pricipal se transforma en participio 3. Sujeto = pasa a ser complemento agente Si mencionamos el sujeto que realiza la accin (sujeto agente) ir precedido de la preposicin by. REPORTEED SPEECH Direct speech: Reported speech: Hes American, she said. She said he was American.

1. El tiempo verbal 2. That: frases afirmativas y negativas para introducir lo que ha dicho la otra persona

If, whether: frases interrogtivas

Im happy to see you, she said He said I didnt go to work yesterday He asked, are you busy tonight?

= = =

She said that she was happy to see you He said that he didnt gone to work the day before He asked me if I was busy that night

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