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Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants.

Nowadays our life style is getting change through the time, acquiring the new Tendency, Fashions, systems, Technologies, Slangs, but at the same time it does not means that all these kind of things are not tools for our personal use or life, it depends of the use that we make them. Digital Natives: Considered as a person, who was born into the Process, but adapting the native languages first through the given interaction of the environment , space , language , that we can find ourselves , because that is one the main ways how we are going to learn about it. That explains the interaction that we can get with technology, because that will take part of our learning process and acquisition of them, because it does not matter that we have any kind of technology if we do not know how to use them or how it works. Digital Immigrants: Explains us why we have to be updating with all this kinds of information, how we are going to understand it , the keywords that we generally use when we add a new language from them , according to the article to be a Digital Immigrants means : Be updating with the technology , the uses , get into the process and learn it , nowadays is very important to get a little knowledge about it , in some cases the people get confuse when someone is talking about any kind of things and that could be the same information that we got , but now this information represents another point of view from them , with another thoughts, vocabulary ,words , the same information but with another meaning , at the same time a person who is born into any kind of culture learn the new language easily , but it depends of the contexts , or environment that Digital Immigrant is to figure out the way to include reflection and critical learning process. Our brain is there to be used from us to make a research even The psychologists shows that people who grow up in different Cultures or environment are people that rose affects and they even determine many of their thought processes.

Krisia Yamileth Moran Centeno.

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