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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies


Research Paper

Murad M. Bhunga Dr. N. K. Arora

Address for Correspondence

PG Student, Associate Professor, Applied Mechanics Department, L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. ABSTRACT
Externally Reinforced /bonded fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite laminates have been successfully applied to reinforced concrete (RC) beams and other structural elements for the purpose of increase load carrying capacity of such elements. ACI 440 2R-08 and ISIS CANADA has given the guideline for design of Externally Reinforced /bonded FRP laminated beam. The philosophy behind both aforementioned methods is same; however, in ISIS code the design strain is not limited up to debonding failure, existing substrate strain not deducted for effective strain of fibre and the strength reduction factor are different than ACI method to find out the Strength of beam. Therefore, an attempt has been made in present work to compare the steps and resisting moment of ER-CFRP laminated beam by both methods. KEYWORDS FRP laminates, Strengthening, Substrate Strain, ISIS, debonding failure

INTRODUCION Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) plates or fabrics are becoming increasingly popular materials for strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams and girders. This strengthening technique involves epoxy bonding FRP plates or fabrics to the tension face of the beam, increasing both the strength and stiffness of the beam. To assure good bond between the FRP laminate and concrete surface must be cleaned or sandblasted down to aggregate. Several advantages of these materials, such as formability, easy of fabrication and bonding, corrosion resistance, and light weight have attracted the attention of many engineers involved in retrofit design. Depending on the required physical and mechanical properties, and also economic considerations, composites can be made from a variety of resins and fibres (Malek and Saadatmanesh 1996) and prepared to provide the necessary strength and stiffness in the desired direction. FRP generally behave linearly elastic up to failure, if loaded in the fibre direction. In studying the behaviour of RC beams strengthened with FRP laminates, different types of failure modes have been reported (Saadatmanesh and Ehsani 1991). Ultimate strength of the beam is generally controlled by rupture by rupture of the plate or compression crushing of concrete. However, local failure of beam at the laminate end may also lead to premature failure of the strengthened beam. Shear and normal stress concentration at the cut-off point or around flexural cracks are the main reason for local failures. Different country has formulated different types of design step to find out the flexural strength but some by similar philosophy. But the some parameters which are important are not included or neglected which are important to compare and find out the final output different of that method. In this paper the design of externally bonded FRP laminated beam by ACI 440 and ISIS Method are carried out and the steps to design the flexural element are compared. ACI METHOD:A. Environment Reduction Factor (CE )Environment conditions affect the fibres & resins of various types of FRP system. The mechanical properties such as a tensile strength, ultimate tensile strain & Elastic modulus. Some environmental IJAERS/Vol. I/ Issue III/April-June, 2012/200-203

exposures which degrade the FRP system are alkalinity, salt water, high humidity and freezing & thawing cycle. TABLE 1: ENVIRONMENT REDUCTION FACTOR FOR VARIOUS FRP SYSTEM AND EXPOSURE CONDITION
Exposure conditions Fiber type Carbon Glass Aramid Carbon Glass Aramid Carbon Glass Aramid Environmental reduction factor CE 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.85 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.50 0.70

Interior exposure

Exterior exposure (bridges, piers, and unenclosed parking garages) Aggressive environment (chemical plants and wastewater treatment plant)

B. Strength Reduction Factor When we use externally bonded FRP reinforcement for flexure strengthening it will reduce ductility of original member. In some cases, the loss of ductility is negligible. Sections that experience a significant loss in ductility, however, should be addressed. To maintain a sufficient degree of ductility, the strain level in the steel at the ultimate limit state should be checked. For reinforced concrete members with non prestressed steel reinforcement, adequate ductility is achieved if the strain in the steel at the point of concrete crushing or failure of the FRP, including delamination or debonding, is at least 0.005. 0.9 0.005 0.25 0.005 0.65 0.005 0.65 Where in above equation is the net tensile strain in extreme tension steel at nominal strength. So = 0.9 for ductile & =0.65 for brittle section, where the steel does not yield. An additional strength reduction factor for FRP is applied to the flexural strength contribution of the FRP reinforcement. The recommended value of = 0.85. C. Failure Modes There are four failure potential flexural failure modes for externally strengthened reinforced concrete flexural members;

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies Concrete crushing before yielding of the reinforcing steel, - Steel yielding followed by concrete crushing; - Steel yielding followed by FRP rupture; and - Debonding of the FRP reinforcement at the FRP/concrete interface. D. Design Effective Strain Cover delamination of FRP debonding can occur if the forces in the FRP cannot be sustained by the substrate such behaviour is known as debonding. Away from the section where externally bonded FRP laminates a failure controlled by FRP debonding may govern. To prevent an intermediate crack-induced debonding failure mode, the effective strain in FRP reinforcement should be limited to , as per SI units is 0.41 0.9 -


It is not included in this method but the strength reduction factors are high compared to ACI method and so it is mostly compensated. B. Strength Reduction Factor or Resistance Factor TABLE 2: STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTOR
Material reduction factor c s frp carbon frp glass For building 0.6 0.85 0.7 0.6 For bridges 0.75 0.9 0.78 0.76

Generally the frp carbon = 0.75 and frp glass= 0.5 is considered for the calculation.

Fig. 1. Initial stress and strain distribution of member under flexure by ultimate limit state as per ACI E. Existing Substrate Strain At the time of laminates applied at the tension side of the beam. There is some strain existing due to selfweight and any prestressing forces and other load dead load, the substrate to which the FRP is applied will be strained. These strains should be considered as initial strains and should be excluded from the strain in the FRP. The initial strain level on the bonded substrate; , can be determined from an elastic analysis. The elastic analysis of the existing member should be based on cracked section properties. Where = moment due to dead load on the beam = cracked moment of inertia = Modulus of elasticity of concrete F. Serviceability The stress in the steel reinforcement under service load should be limited to 80% of the yield strength, , 0.8 And the stress in concrete should be , 0.45 ISIS METHOD A. Environment Reduction Factor IJAERS/Vol. I/ Issue III/April-June, 2012/200-203

C. Failure modes Failure modes are same as given in ACI method. It is not always clear which type of failure modes will govern. Thus, an assumption must be made and the failure mode checked. If the assumption is incorrect, a different failure mode is assumed and the analysis is repeated. In this method assumed that the fourth failure mode, FRP debonding, will not occur and can be ignored (in practice this assumption is assured through the use of specialized anchorage technique). D. Design of Flexural Beam Design of flexural element can be carried out using the familiar concept of strain compatibility, the strain and stress distribution s over the cross section at failure can be described as shown in figure below. Now the equilibrium of internal forces required that the three stress resultants (concrete in compression Cc, steel in tension Ts, and FRP in tension Tfrp) sum to zero. The stress resultant can be determined as

Fig. 2. ISIS assumed stress block

Fig. 3. Stress strain block at ultimate failure by concrete crushing And the final flexure moment is calculated by 2 2

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies TABLE 3: COMPARISON OF FLEXURAL DESIGN FOR BEAM


DESIGN DATA The reinforced concrete beam as shown in figure no. (4) is singly reinforced and is strengthened in flexure with externally bonded carbon FRP on its tension face or bottom of the beam. Beam dimension and IJAERS/Vol. I/ Issue III/April-June, 2012/200-203

Concrete strength, f Internal steel reinforcement Area of steel, A Yield strength of steel, f

material properties are given below. Calculate the factored moment capacity of the beam.
= 40 MPa = 3 x 12 mm bars = 340 mm2 = 400 MPa

Modulus of Elasticity of steel, E Carbon FRP properties A = A 100 mm2; 1.55%, Length of beam Working dead load

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies

=200 GPa = 155 GPa = 4 m; = 12 kN/m


Figure 4: Beam bounded with FRP laminates RESULT For different grade of concrete ( f ) and remaining data are same consider for comparison of flexural strength of using FRP laminate. TABLE-5
Sr No. VARIATION IN FLEXURAL STRENGTH IN kN/mm2 Concrete ISIS ACI method method (Neglecting existing strength= substrate strain) in N/mm2 25 50.77 65.44 30 55.27 71.10 35 57.93 76.07 40 60.30 80.50 45 62.51 84.47

1 2 3 4 5

CONCLUSION From the above result it is concluded that in ACI method the strain is up to debonding failure strain, and this strain is very less compared to ultimate rupture strain, therefore Flexural strength of member is less in ACI method compared to ISIS method. The variation in flexural strength is mostly near to 28 to 30%. REFERENCES
1. Tljsten, B. (2002): .Strengthening of existing concrete structures with externally bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymers . design and execution.. Technical report. Lule University of Technology, Division of structural engineering. Under printing. L.A.Bisby,(2004): An Introduction to FRP Strengthening of concrete structures ISIS Education Module-4,CANADA, Department of Civil Engineering, Queens University, pp 2-12 ACI 440 2R-(2008)Guide for the design and construction of externally bonded FRP system for strengthening concrete structures ACI committee, Farmington Hills, U.S.A. pp 21-29 Neale KW. And Labossire P., (1997), .State-of-the-art report on retrofitting and strengthening by continuous fibre in Canada., Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Japan Concrete Institute, 1997, pp 25-39.




IJAERS/Vol. I/ Issue III/April-June, 2012/200-203

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