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Matthew Monteverde

Wednesday, October 16, 13


I believe that becoming a businessman will enable me to provide the basic necessities for me and my family. Furthermore, this will ensure that my family will become stable and comfortable enough for them.

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Human Dignity
I believe that becoming a businessman will help me develop my natural talents and develop new ones which will make me a better person as a whole. Moreover, going into business will provide me the much needed competition to make me a better and more courageous person. This will also give me a lot of challenges which are opportunities that will make me grow and more experienced as I succeed on each one. Because of this, I believe that business is what I want to choose because this will give me a sense of pride and dignity.
Wednesday, October 16, 13


With the stable amount of money, I will have a lot of opportunities to provide. Business will help me have the necessary income to provide to society. This will also help the society because this will provide jobs which will benefit people.

Wednesday, October 16, 13


My future work will make me grow as a person. This will also make me know myself more because of the challenges it provides. I believe that basing my life for God and applying it to my future work will make me more successful, both for God and for the society.

Wednesday, October 16, 13

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