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Jaymee Wong H4F 38

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Work to Provide
Id love it if my work can provide for rstly
my own essential necessities, secondly a family, thirdly luxuries. and a little bit more to enjoy.

I want my family to have all the necessities

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Dignity of Work

I want my future work to come from what I am best at. In this way, I will be able to use my full potential and even make it better because there will be many challenges from the work. I also know that failure can not be avoided completely but in the work that I will have I will challenge that and try my best to strengthen all my weaknesses in order to avoid failure. In the inevitability that I do fail, it will be just a learning stone for me to pick myself up again and strive better. This will give me lots of pride in what I do because when you are down to your knees in failure, picking yourself up is one of the hardest things to do in life. Earning all that money by yourself is something already difcult, and doing it again will be much more harder.

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Work for others

I want my work to make a difference for
others. That other people will have a good working environment and have positive benets from me. I dont want to do work that is useless in society. As much as possible I want to make a difference to others in a good way, even if its just in the workplace.

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Meaning in work
I want my work to help me strengthen my
faith in the Lord. I want my work something to be thankful for to the Lord not just when I need him but even on my free time I will ask for him and thank him. My faith will always inuence my work in a way that being thankful, I will always want to do things in His will.

Wednesday, October 16, 13

Wednesday, October 16, 13

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