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Group Time Planning Form Small Group: Classroom Safety

Originating Ideas Materials Curriculum Content Beginning Opening Statement Middle What will Children do? Children were talking about the job of police officers and ambulance drivers Old Phone, Paper, Marker, the book: Friends at Work and Play by Rochelle Bunnett sticky Notes Social/Emotional Development, Cognitive Development, Fine Motor Development, Language Development Today we are going to talk about being safe. Weve been talking about the important jobs that police officers have and how they do their job. Do you know how we can get the police to our house? Earlier Reading the book: Friends at Work and Play Middle Introduce the numbers 911 and the telephone Begin to discuss how to call 911 for emergencies. Later Discuss what an emergency is Practice dialing 911 on the telephone Discuss when to call 911

Strategies How will you Scaffold their Learning? Discuss what the job of a police officer is

Strategies Encourage the child to think of the numbers 911 How can the police help us

Strategies Encourage the children to dial 911 on the phone Talk about ways of being safe

End warning and transition to next part of routine Follow-up ideas

Wow! We learned that police officers help us in many ways. Discussion: what are some ways that police officers can help us to be safe? What is an emergency? When should we call 911? Now that weve learned all about being safe lets go outside and pretend that we have an emergency. Children enjoyed pretending to call the policewe could take a walk to find safety signs like an exit sign, we could go outside and pretend to have an emergency, we could build a police station in dramatic play materials that represent the job; for a nurse you could add cotton balls,

Jennifer Lyles 1414 ECD Fall 2012

Group Time Planning Form Small Group: Classroom Safety

Jennifer Lyles 1414 ECD Fall 2012

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