Group Time SM 4

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Group Time Planning Form Small Group: Glurch

Originating Ideas Materials Curriculum Content Beginning Opening Statement Middle What will Children do? Children were talking about the texture; stickiness of glue Liquid starch, glue, mixing bowl, mixing spoon, smocks, individual trays Cognitive Development, Language Development, Small Motor Development, Sensory Exploration Today we are going to use our muscles in our fingers to make Glurch. Our job is going to mix and stir the glue and starch together to make it. What do you think the Glurch is going to feel like after we mix it? Earlier Introduce the materials to make Glurch Middle Introduce the materials and the names for the materials Begin to discuss the texture and the way Glurch smells Later Children will think about ways they can explore the Glurch Children will create ideas that Glurch can become Children will begin to describe the texture and smell Strategies Encourage the children to use their senses with exploring the Glurch Encourage children to manipulate the Glurch

Strategies How will you Scaffold their Learning? Discuss what the materials are

Strategies Encourage the child to think of using their small motor skills to explore the Glurch

End warning and transition to next part of routine Follow-up ideas

Ask children how did the Glurch feel and what did it smell like? As the group ends have children put the Glurch inside a bowl and to meet u at the sink. Discussion: The glue was really sticky before we added the starch, what did it feel like after we rolled it and pulled it apart? Glurch can be cut, and colored. Include it at the sensory table, or send home the receipt for families to make a home. Take pictures of the children working with the Glurch and add titles to the pictures and make a class book

Jennifer Lyles 1414 ECD Fall 2012

Group Time Planning Form Small Group: Glurch

Jennifer Lyles 1414 ECD Fall 2012

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