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FCE Registration Form

1. Candidate Name


2. Name of Exam


3. Date of Exam


4. Date of Birth


5. ID Card or Passport


6. Mailing address

PHOTO stick here


7. Occupation


8. Tel. Number .......................(home) .....................(office)...................(mobile).........................

9. Email Address




10. Have you ever taken Cambridge ESOL exams before? If Yes, please state the exams name(s)
I certify that the information on this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that I will be present on the examination day ....................... and bring my ID Card/Passport as my
identification evidence.
I will follow all Cambridge ESOL examination regulations as requested.

Signature of candidate ............................................................

Date ...........................

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Organisers Use Only

Scheme: _____________



Exam Date : ....../..../...

Receipt No.:


Date of Payment :..../..../...

Cost set in USS$: ____

Administrators initials

Amount received: _____________________________

Charging code: ________

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