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Ang 1 Elijah Ang Mrs.

Galindo Period 5 October 16, 2013 Exemplification Prompt: Using your family and friends as examples, write an essay in which you suggest some of the positive or negative characteristics of Americans.

In my life, I have discovered a type of American that is becoming more and more prevalent in the world that we live in; The person who sacrifices many things for the betterment of others. Take my parents for instance. They immigrated here to America, not only to give themselves more opportunities to succeed, but for their offspring to have a variety of options and choices to decide from when it comes to a future. My mother and father have basically thrown their lives away that they have worked so hard for so that their children could have a more comfortable style of living and a better chance to have a superb education. This type of American is the one that we are all proud of. These are the people that we can say make America the great nation that it is. Then on the other hand, you have the Americans that make other nations look at our country with disgust and disbelief. There is a reason why America has the highest obesity rate in the world. I have an uncle, lets say his name is Billy Bob, and he is the laziest, most slothful person I have ever been acquainted with. He lays on his couch all day with a bag of Cheetos or Doritos, watching Korean dramas or talk shows. He has not

Ang 2 had a job in over 3 years and he seems to be completely content with his life, which may be the most putrid fact of all.

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