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B U Department of Mathematics

Math 201 Matrix Theory Date: Time: 2 December 2011 17:00-18:30 Full Name : Math 201 Number : Student ID : Fall 2011 Second Midterm Exam

IMPORTANT 1. The exam consists of 4 questions some of which have multiple parts. 2. Read each question carefully and put your answers neatly under the space provided. 3. Show all your work. Correct answers without justication will not get credit. 5. Mobile phones, translators and calculators are not allowed. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 total

25 pts

5+10+10 pts

10+10 pts

10+10+10 pts

100 pts

1.) Find the best tting line y = ax + b for the four points (3, 1), (2, 0), (0, 1), (1, 4), in R2 .

2.) Let w = (1 0 1)T , u1 = (1 1 0)T and u2 = (2 0 1)T be three column vectors in R3 . a) Project w onto the subspace spanned by u1 .

b) Project w onto the subspace spanned by u1 and u2 .

c) Why are the results in parts (a) and (b) equal to each other?

3.) (a) Let A be a square matrix. Suppose A = QR with Q an orthogonal matrix and R upper triangular. Show that the absolute value of det(A) equals the absolute value of the product of the diagonal entries of R.

(b) Express the matrix B = matrix.

1 1 1 3

as a product of an orthogonal matrix and an upper triangular

4.) Decide whether the following statements are true or false. If true then prove, if false disprove or give a counter example. a) Let v and w be two xed distinct nonzero vectors in R2 and F and G be two linear transformations from R2 to R2 . If F (v ) = G(v ) and F (w) = G(w) then F and G are the same linear transformation.

b) Let M be a square matrix with its columns orthogonal to each other. Then M is invertible.

c) Let a, b, c, d, e be ve column vectors in R3 . Then det [ a + b c + d e ] = det [ a c e ] + det [ b d e ]

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