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Bagua Basics Page 1

This is a basic illustration of a typical bagua. Do you notice

that each sector represents a direction on the compass? Each
square of the bagua also represents an area of life.
These areas never change in the bagua. They always
represent these criteria. Do you notice that each square also has a
unique color? This color represents the element of that area of
life. For example, the relationship sector of the bagua is located
in the Southwest region and is represented by the earth element.
It will always be located here and it will always have the earth

Wood Fire


Earth Water

Many have found it useful to memorize the sectors of the bagua

and their elements. If you do not want to that is ok it will come
naturally as you study Feng Shui more and more.
Document Title Page 2


Beginning in the lower row and in the center of the bagua we

will find the Career gua. When we refer to a career , typically it
would signify to us the profession we are currently working or the
field of study we are planning to spend most of our lives defining.
For example, someone who is a doctor would have a career in
medicine. A lawyer or a judge would have a career in the legal sys-
tem. For those who do not have a profession or career as of yet, I
like to think of this area as the area of life that drives you to want to
learn and easily eager to help others because it is something you are
very good at and enjoy doing anytime. I like to also think of it as
our contribution to society as in willingness to share an expertise
and building our legacy.
In classical Feng Shui, the career gua represents one of the most
important sectors of a persons home because this is where they en-
ter and leave their dwelling during the year. It is where visitors enter
and leave. It is so important in fact that making sure to locate the ca-
reer sector, such as finding the sitting and facing direction of ones
home, is one of the first analysis a Feng Shui master will do when
analyzing a structure.
This area is considered the entry point of the flowing of Qi
surrounding or nearby the home. Not to be taken lightly, the career
gua also sets the stage of visitors first impression of you . There
are many other aspects of this sector to respect, however, for now
we will focus on the basics.
The important thing to remember is that this sector represents
the entry point of any office, home, garden or structure. Most of
the time, a person’s career represents the status a person represents in
his or her community. With that it represents their diligence their
stamina, etc. So we can understand the importance of this sector of
our homes.
A final note for the career gua focused on Feng Shui is that as
you consider the career gua of any area of your home remember to
remove any clutter, broken items, unfinished projects, garbage, and
repair anything as simple or complex as it may be. The reason for
this is that through passing into the career gua of your home you are
activating those energies for yourself in awareness and focused inten-
tions towards your career. What you feel subconsciously in this area
can have an impact on this area of your life.
Make sure to include items in this area that stimulate ideas that
you feel you want for yourself career wise.
The career sector has the element of water and it can be en-
hanced through items that are of the element of water. Some Feng
Shui specialist do not believe that color has an effect in Feng Shui. If
you are considering how to decorate this area then consider the ele-
ment of water and you won’t go wrong. Study the exhaustive cycle
and productive cycle of the elements as this could prove helpful
when decorating the career sector.

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