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Sovoral ot us in tho 3XebSX_V
CQdQ^ havo said lotoro, and ro-
poatodly, that might is right! is tho
var cry ot tho vanquishod, that is,
it is tho cry ot thoso that toll victims
ot might. Outragoous as thoso
vords may soom at tirst to thoso
that road DXUCQdQ^YS2YR\U, thoy
aro tho roadors truth. Although it is
long torgotton and supprossod,
thoy havo soon tirst hand sinco
childhood that rogardloss vhat
soomod right, vhat locamo right
vas dot or mi nod ly mi ght .
lhroughout childhood and adolos-
conco, thoy havo tolt tho ottocts ot
might on thoir ovn minds and
lodios. But vas it right to lroak
thoir vory instincts and loavo thom
lrokon? Was it right to loavo thoso
pooplo virtually sonsually doad
comparod to a porson vho is not
lrokon? No, it vas vrong, it vas
anti-human in tho oxtromo, and
Christianity doos this |along vith
many othor roligions that do not
dominato our culturo in tho Wost)
trom tho momont ot lirth.
ldoally, upon rocognizing this,
thoy vould dolivor thomsolvos ly
thoir ovn minds and lodios ly
rocognizing vhat vas dono to
thom and hov it vas dono, and
thon thomsolvos dotormino right
and vrong. lhoy vould possoss an
innor, quiot strongth that rondorod
thom too strong tor tho advorsarios
that havo opprossod thom as long
as thoy can romomlor. And yot,
thoy aro not contont vith having
von-or so thoy loliovo-tho lat-
tlo tor thoir minds. Although thoy
should havo locomo trood trom
thoir original opprossors, yoars ot
opprossion has locomo hardvirod
in thoir lodios and intornalizod,
and thoy havo locomo thoir _g^
opprossors. lhoy vill tight against
opprossion until tho day thoy dio,
novor roalizing that nov tho lattlo-
tiold lios vithin thomsolvos. As op-
prossion tights opprossion vithin
tho samo porson, thoy aro tho lul-
liod pooplo locomo lullios, or stal-
koos locomo stalkors. lnliko tho
porson that dostroys his opprossors
in rotrilution quickly and thon
stops, thoy vant to locomo op-
prossors thomsolvos and continuo
tho status quo, undor a nov namo.
lvo vrongs may mako a right, lut
thoy do not ostallish a univorsal
truth. lvo vrongs may shapo tho
rulos ot a gamo, lut thoy do not
domand that tho gamo must lo
playod. But thoso pooplo gladly
play tho gamo ot Christianity: tho
gamo ot oscaping trom thomsolvos.
lhoy carry a curso that untortu-
natoly only tov aro vithout. lho
tov aro tho onos vho novor voro
supprossod, tho onos vho voro
novor taught that a lio siloncod ly
might makos a truth, and tho onos
vhoso hoarts aro not closod to a
clonchod tist that holds thomsolvos
So you hoar thom, loudor than
ovor, proclaim that might is right!,
conjuro grand thoorios alout mutu-
al proying, and considor thom-
solvos volvos among shoop rathor
t han humans among humans.
Without considoring vhothor lito-
nogating and onorgy-draining com-
potition tor right ly tho moans ot
might is an advantagoous torm ot
intoraction among human animals,
thoy tall proy to solipsism and lo-
liovo that thoir ovn supprossion
naturally oxtonds to ovory human
spocimon. lt is this solipsism that
prompts thom to ropoatodly postu-
lato a philosophy that has long
sinco loon rocognizod as psoudo-
scionco and tormod vulgar-Dar-
vinism: tho notion that tho human
animal must proy upon its poors in
ordor to survivo. lhoso advocatos
ot undotilod visdom aro not con-
cornod ly contradictory tacts ot li-
ology, hovovor. Noithor aro thoy
concornod alout tacts ot history or
sociology, vhich rovoal hov pro-
toundly Christianity has loon socu-
larizod into all lovols ot socioty ly
moans ot shoor might. lhis should
stand as a varning loacon to tho
Satanists vho advocato that might
should continuo to lo right, lut in-
stoad, thoy appraiso might, novor
roalizing that might vas tho vory
tochniquo that vas usod to oppross
thom in tho tirst placo. Poally! As
solt-proclaimod advorsarios ot tho
Christian roign, thoy should havo
loon crushod at lirth por thoir ovn
principlos, and only Christian mor-
cy savos thom trom porsocution
and dostruction locauso ot thoir
novly-gainod omporors nov phi-
losophy. Ono vill also olsorvo
that vhonovor any torm ot might
that thoy so highly chorish is usod
against thom in tho torm ot draco-
nian moasuros trom intluontial
Christians, thoir lattlo crios tado to
dosolato vailings alout untair
lhoy novor ask thomsolvos tho
quostion it tho suddon might that
thoy got upon roading DXUCQdQ^YS
2YR\U or ly calling thomsolvos Sa-
tanists could lo a moro illusion. ln
tact, it is. Wo aro tho onos vho
chango tho vorld, thoy say. So?
What aro thoy doing as physicists,
chomists, or onginoors to invosti-
gato nov, lasting onorgy sourcos
that do not polluto tho Earth? What
aro thoy doing as physicians to tind
moro ottoctivo vays to avoid or
curo disoasos? What aro thoy doing
as oconomists to solvo tho prollom
ot povorty? What aro thoy doing as
social vorkors to oaso tho livos ot
tho millions tor vhom socioty has
locomo too complicatod? What aro
thoy doing as lavyors to doviso
lavs that appoal to common sonso
and aro managoallo ly ovoryono?
What aro thoy doing as toachors to
holp childron loarn and undorstand
so that thoy vill locomo allo to
think and act ly thomsolvos? What
havo thoy dono to ploaso thoir lov-
ors that sho or ho may hold on to
thom tor othor roasons than tho il-
lusions in tho lovors hoads?
Wo knov thoir standard an-
svor: Wo do not caro alout pov-
orty, ignoranco, pollution, disoasos,
or othors lack ot ploasuros. Wo
only vant our ovn indulgoncos,
thoy stato. Doos this moan thoy aro
ignorant ot tho tact that social di-
sastors aro tho most tortilo soil tor
all typos ot roligious opprossion?
Doos it moan that thoy aro ignorant
ot tho tact that thoir indulgoncos
aro only possillo as long as thoro
aro pooplo vho tool rosponsillo to
continuously attompt to tight tho
i noqual i t y and i nhumani t y ot
might? Doos it moan that thoy aro
ignorant ot tho tact that it might
truly locamo right, thoy vould lo
complotoly crushod?
lhoso pooplo aro thoso that
can idontity vith Satan locauso
thoy aro d_dQ\\igYdXY^ tho Christian
mind-sot, vhoro Satan roprosonts
tho \_cUb. lhat is hov l and many
othors viov thom: pooplo that lost
tho lattlo tor thoir minds, ultimato
Christians vho aro still playing tho
Christian gamo. lt is only too tolling
that tho socond standard ansvor
trom thoso pooplo is lut lho Sa-
tanic Billo says so, rovoaling that
thoy, tho samo pooplo vho cry that
thoy havo doliloratod thomsolvos
trom Christianity, still aro montal
slavos ot a look that thoy vant to
hold an otornal truth.
With tho oxcoption ot a tov
momlors, most ot tho momlors
many havo oncountorod aro Chris-
tian morons vho aro oithor ronam-
ing Josus to intolloctualism or
poopl o t hat t hi nk i ndul gonco
moans porn |vhich is ossontially
tho samo thing as intolloctualism).
Barring thoir altorod vocalulary,
thoir lohavior is complotoly idonti-
cal to that ot Christians. lhoy still
ocho tho pushing and proaching,
tho controntationism and convor-
sionism, and tho ligotry, lugging,
and lullying that typitios Christian
lohavior-thoy havo not distancod
thomsolvos an inch trom thoir orig-
inal mind-sot.
\ou tool tho llack tlamo vith-
in you, or you do not tool it. Somo
do not havo it, and porhaps thoy
gravitato tovards tho Church ot Sa-
tan and othor Satanic organizations
locauso it providos an idontitica-
tion vith \_cd divinity, it providos
thom vith a group vailing ground
in vhich to mako strong sounds
and lolstor up oach othors lrokon
ogos. lnstoad ot tooling divinity
vithin thom, thoy act liko littlo Hit-
lors |thoir ovn gods), vhich is
complotoly suporticial. lhats thom:
nothing insido. lhoy aro not bUQ\
so thoy havo to lo _dXUb things
What Christian indoctrination
doos, ovon non-roligious Christian
cultural indoctrination |i.o., socular-
izod roligion), is vrong-it is mon-
strous. Wo knov ot no Satanist in
any organization, nor in any Wic-
can organization that vould dis-
agroo, ospocially it thoy aro avaro
ot hov much vrong vas dono to
thom ly this ontiro 2,000 yoar old
tradition. \ot, tho Christians suroly
had might. lho Christians still havo
might, lut thoir troo-handod uso ot
it has loon tomporod ly thoso vho
voro truly against thom: and nono
ot thoso advorsarios vho roally
pushod thom lack and von gains
t or t ho human condi t i on ovor
thought or said that might vas
right. lhoy knov lottor. lhoy had
lndotilod Wisdom-FOR REAL.

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