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Short Film Pitch-Questionnaire

What is you name: How old are you: What is your gender: Where do you live (county): Do you watch short lms: What do you enjoy watching: What are a few of your general interests/hobbies:

1. Do you think the pitch was delivered clearly?

2. How could the pitch have been improved?

3. Was the idea clearly presented?

4. Would you want to watch it? Why? Why not?

5. What could be changed to make the lm more engaging?

6. Do you believe that the lm is achievable within 5 minutes? If not, how could it be made more doable within the time limit?

7. Did it seem familiar to another lm? What? Why?

8. Did you identify a meaning within the story? What?

9. Do you think the meaning is relatable to the target audience? How?

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