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Chaz Servance Mrs. Knowles English1 3 October 2013 Affects of Sports Concussions The recognition of sports and concussions is still evolving today. There is still research going on to filling in the knowledge gaps on sports and concussions. Sports medicine physicians are always dealing with injuries of concussions like humans deal with day to day life. In sport concussions many professionals are trained for different effects of concussions. Athletes should increase their education and awareness because of mood disorders, attention and learning disorder. Athletes should increase their education and awareness on concussions due to the effects a concussions can cause mood disorders. From the article American Medical Society Kimberly G. Harmon et al. states that symptoms of anxiety, depression, or irritability occur in 17-76% of high school and college athletes and affect the brains mood Centres, including the hippocampus, amygdale and prefrontal brain regions from concussions (9). Basically Kimberly G. Harmon et al. is trying to say that after most concussions the person is most likely to have a mood disorder. A concussion could affect a victim with the way they interpret and see life. Also from the article American Medical Society Kimberly G. Harmon et al. explains that an increased incidence of depression has been associated with history of concussions (9). The

Servance2 authors are stating that depression can come from a history with concussions. Concussions can really have a big impact from changing your mood which affects how you see things. Athletes should also increase their education and awareness on concussions because it can cause them to have a learning and attention disorder. This can really affect a persons life because they cant learn or stay on a simple task. As said from article American Medical Society Kimberly G. Harmon et al. states pre-injury learning disabilities and ADD and ADHD may be associated with cognitive recovery of concussions (9). The victim of the concussion probably will have to change his or her life styles. Also from article American Medical Society Collins et al 85 et al. found athletes with learning disabilities and history of concussions worsens if not treated (9). Basically, having a concussion should not go untreated. Having a concussion can play a big role in a victims life. Others say that the sports association should take action by changing the rules or how the game is played so they can stop the major problems of concussions. There are other people who believe that this is not enough. My argument is stronger, because my argument of education and promoting awareness or back up with facts. The facts shows that my argument has more affect and it provides a better way to help eliminate this problem as we progress. The facts provided proves how much more affective my argument is. Everyone can help just by encouraging young and old athletes to increase their education and awareness to help stop concussions and the affects of the concussion. If everybody can take action or do something like a swarm of bees, we can eliminate this problem in the future for good and the affects of it. By doing this, this will be the right way to go. This will make athletes have a safer and less stressful life from the affects of a concussion.


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