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1.what is values?

>beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against
>A personal and cultural value is a relative ethic value, an assumption upon which implementation can
be extrapolated. A value system is a set of consistent values and measures that are not true. A principle
value is a foundation upon which other values and measures of integrity are based.
>plural of value; a collection of guiding, usually positive principles; what one deems to be correct and
desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct
2.What is values education?
>is a term used to name several things, and there is much academic controversy surrounding it. Some
regard it as all aspects of the process by which teachers (and other adults) transmit values to pupils.[1]
Others see it as an activity that can take place in any organization during which people are assisted by
others, who may be older, in a position of authority or are more experienced, to make explicit those
values underlying their own behavior, to assess the effectiveness of these values and associated
behavior for their own and others' long term well-being and to reflect on and acquire other values and
behavior which they recognize as being more effective for long term well-being of self and others.
3.what are the foundation of the values education?
>Shortish has engaged in education for intergroup understanding since 1992. The foundation's central
mission is to use informal education to build the Galilee as a model of civil society. The activities of the
Foundation deal with bridging three major fault lines in Israeli society and the Jewish world: Jewish -
Arab, Jewish - Jewish (primarily orthodox/non-orthodox), and Israel - Diaspora. The foundation's work
is rooted in a vision of Zionism that integrates rootedness in the Land of Israel and the unity of the
Jewish people, together with the values of equality, freedom of conscience, and religious and ethnic
4.what are the dimension of human person?

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