SCAT Survey Results:: 2013 Proposed Merger & Privatization With MCAT

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SCAT Survey Results:

2013 Proposed Merger & Privatization with MCAT

Survey posted to the public Sept. 25 thru Oct. 16, 2013 2,575 respondents total Available in English and Spanish Broadcast via web link on home page, Sarasota County Facebook pages Paper surveys were made available at the SCAT Transfer Stations

Sarasota County is exploring whether a merger of Sarasota County Area Transit and Manatee County Area Transit would result in a larger and more efficient regional transit system for riders in both counties.

Q1 Are you aware of this proposal?

Q2 Are you in favor of this proposal?

Q3 Which county do you live in?

Q4 How often do you ride a SCAT bus?

Q5 Which answer most describes how you use the SCAT bus service?

Q6 Are you satisfied with the current level of service you are receiving from SCAT?

Q7 Please add comments regarding SCAT and its services.

A total of 1,667 written responses were collected

The majority, approximately 1000, were positive general comments requesting SCAT to stay the same. Approximately 75 comments were complaints about waiting too long for buses and suggested 30 minute service on existing routes. Approximately 60 requested more service on Sunday. Approximately 50 specifically commented on the need to have more South County routes. Approximately 25 complained about bus #15 Approximately 20 comments were concerns about lack of shelter and safety from panhandlers at the Downtown Transfer Station.

Survey Synopsis (2,575 Respondents)

1. Are you aware of this proposal?
Yes 68% No 28% Not Sure 4%

4. How often do you ride a SCAT bus?

Five times a week 71% Two or more times a week 16% Once a week 4% Once a month 2% Never or Rarely 7%


Are you in favor of this proposal?

Yes 33% No 53% Not Sure 14%

5. Which answer most describes how you use the SCAT bus Service?
Work 32% Leisure 5% Medical 7% Other 6% All of the above 50%


Which county do you live in?

Sarasota 88% Manatee 10% Other 2%

6. Are you satisfied with the current level of service you are receiving from SCAT?
Yes 86% No 10% Dont know 4%

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