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Argumentative Essay

English III Honors

In Walden, Thoreau touts the virtues of simplicity and maligns the dangers of progress. For this assignment, you will write an argumentative essay answering the question:

Has our society become too dependent on technology?

Essay Requirements 2-4 pages typed, double-spaced, TNR, 12 pt. font Minimum of 3 sources USE CITATIONS! MLA format

Works Cited Page Follow the Outline

Avoid using pronouns or I believe, In my opinion this discredits the essay making it an opinion piece You dont always have to agree with the position you take in your essay. Sometimes it is easier to argue the other side.

The Assignment: You are to research (at least 3 sources) and compose a 2-4 page argumentative essay on dependence on technology. Argumentative essays enlighten your readers to the rationale behind your position on a debatable issue. Please refer to the MLA links on Moodle. Outline Introductory Paragraph 1. Define the issue and your purpose to your readers. Why are you writing about this? Why should your audience be interested? 2. Getting the readers attention anecdote, startling statistic, interesting quote, significance of your concerns 3. The background/history of the issue (if significant) 4. Establish the appropriate tone for your subject and your audience 5. Determine your thesis statement state your claim. Your thesis statement should answer/address the question Is the world too dependent on technology? Body Paragraphs (2 minimum) to support your claim 1. Statement: reiterate what youre specifically arguing in each paragraph with a clear, concise opening statement 2. Proof: incorporate sources/research (news articles, Walden , etc.) to defend argument you are making 3. Explanation: justify how your proof supports the stance youve taken in the argument, illuminating why your evidence is valid. 4. Synthesis: create 1-2 sentences at the end of your paragraph that fuse your statement, proof, and explanation together in a creative way. Body Paragraph(s) (1 minimum) Addressing potential opposing arguments You may either: 1. Concede the validity of an opposing argument by qualifying part or accepting all of it while explaining why your position is stronger, or 2. Refute the opposing argument by stating why it is invalid or weak Conclusion 1. Restate your claim/thesis 2. State the significance of your position. How does it affect the future? 3. Make a final emotional appeal (ethos, pathos, logos)

Rubric for Argumentative Essay 25-23 Thesis statement is sophisticated and clear. It unequivocally and succinctly expresses the authors viewpoint. All ideas are solidly supported with appropriate evidence from the text. The evidence is incorporated seamlessly into the piece, and is thoroughly analyzed. 22-20 Thesis statement is clear. It unequivocally and succinctly expresses the authors viewpoint. Sophistication may be lacking. All ideas are solidly supported using appropriate evidence from the text. The evidence is almost always incorporated seamlessly into the piece, and is generally well analyzed. 19--16 Thesis statement expresses the authors viewpoint, but may be overly verbose, leaving the reader confused. 15 Thesis statement is unclear, or may use the firstperson.

Thesis Statement The thesis statement gives the opinion/argument of the author or lets the reader know what the essay is going to be about. Score _____/25 Supporting Evidence Supporting evidence is key in any argumentative or opinion paper/essay. Use examples or proof from the text or outside knowledge to make your points clear and prove that they are correct. Students should make sure that the paper is not mearly quotes or paraphrase from the novel or other sources, but that his/her own words dominate and evidece is used to prove what he/she is saying. Score _____/25 Clarity of Writing

All ideas are solidly supported using appropriate evidence from the text. The evidence seems tacked-on to the piece, and may not be thoroughly analyzed.

Some ideas are solidly supported using appropriate evidence from the text, but other ideas may require more evidence. The evidence seems tacked-on and is not analyzed.

Student communicates effectively in his/her writing. Thoughts are clear, examples are relevant, and ideas are easy to understand. Organization is important for this type of paper.

Score _____/25

Writing consistently connects back to thesis. The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can easily follow the line of reasoning. All of the requirements were met. The work is neat, entirely free of spelling and grammar errors, and is in final draft format.

Writing is connected back to thesis statement. The ideas are arranged logically to support the central purpose or argument. They are usually clearly linked to each other. For the most part, the reader can follow the line of reasoning.

Writing may not be connected back to thesis statement throughout the piece. In general, the writing is arranged logically, although occasionally ideas fail to make sense together. The reader is fairly clear about what writer intends. Most of the requirements were met. The work either has many spelling and grammar errors, or is not neat and in final draft format.

Writing is not connected to the thesis statement. The writing is not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense together. The reader cannot identify a line of reasoning and loses interest. Some of the requirements were met. The work has both many spelling and grammar errors, and is not in final draft format.

Requirements/Neatness/Spelling/ Grammar/Final Draft Format Student communicates effectively by making sure that grammar and spelling is correct. Also, they have made sure that the requirements are met. Score _____/25

All of the requirements were met. The work has a few spelling and grammar errors, but they do not interfere with meaning. The work is in final draft format.

Total Score: ________ = ________

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