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Writing a Research Paper

North Muskegon High School Argument & Research

North Muskegon School Board Policy

Each graduate of North Muskegon High School will demonstrate the ability to competently write a research paper. It is the purpose of this course to give you the opportunity to fulfill this requirement. You will be able to use these skills as you advance in your educational career. The paper will be in MLA format, with 5-7 pages and 6-10 cited sources.

Writing a Research Paper- Steps

Investigating Options & Choosing a Topic Researching the Topic
Working Bibliography Notes

Choosing a side to the argument Acknowledging the counter-argument (Qualifiers) Developing your Angle & Working Thesis Paragraph Development Using diction, syntax, and rhetorical skills. Title-Lead-Angle-Thesis (Opening Movement) MLA Format (Alternate formats-APA) Avoiding plagiarism through proper documentation.

Writing a Research PaperTechnological Support ELI Review

We will use an online peer review software program to help us work through the writing process, and to learn/evaluate each step of the process. You will submit drafts that you will cut/paste from your original Word document into ELI Review You will get feedback continually as you write and revise toward your writing goals. You will be able to make a revision plan, and to artfully revise your final draft. ELI Review work is to be done conscientiously and promptly in an effort to give quality feedback and learn the moves that quality writers make.

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