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Meaning of Communication

The word communication derived from the Latin word communicare that means to impart, to participate, to share or to make common. process of exchange of facts, ideas, opinions and as a means that individual or organization share meaning and understanding with one another.

Communication is the sum of all the things a person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning which involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding. David H. Holt
Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. It is the process of imparting ideas and making oneself understood by others. Theo Haimann Effective communication is purposive interchange , resulting in workable understanding and agreement between the sender and receiver of a message. Georage Vardman

Ways of Communicate

What are the most common ways we communicate?

Written Word


Personal process Occurs between people Involves change in behavior Means to influence others Expression of thoughts and Emotions through words & actions. Tools for controlling and motivating people. It is a social and emotional process.


For instruction For integration For information For evaluation For direction For teaching For influencing For image building For employees orientation

Communication Process

Sender Encoding the message Message Decoding the message Receiver


Trans. 15-4

One Way Process of Communication

Sender select the Message according to his ideas Encodes the message and transmits it through a medium Receiver decodes the message and gives an internal response to the perceived message. The response is not in relation to the actual content but rather to the perceived content of the original message


Communication is the life blood of the business. No business can develop in the absence of effective communication system. Communication is the mortar that holds an organization together, whatever its business or its size. When people within the organization communicate with each other, it is internal communication and when they communicate with anyone outside the organization it is called external communication. Ability to work well in teams, to manage your subordinates and your relationship with seniors, customers and colleagues depends on your communication skill.

Communication vs. Effective communication

It is not important what I say, but what YOU understand

Effective Comm.doc

Effective communication is a two-way process - sending the right message, that is also being correctly received and understood by the other person Effective communication always implies a feedback system.


Moral & Message

Moral : The reply you get depends on the question you ask. Message When you hire people who are smarter than you , you prove you are smarter than them.

Benefits of effective communication

Enhanced professional image Increased productivity Stronger decision-making Quicker problem solving Good business relations Increased awareness among employees Better administration Better coordination and cooperation

Effective Communication Process


Sender Encoding the message Message Decoding the message Receiver



Trans. 15-4


1. Sender or transmitter: The person who desires to convey the message is known as sender.Sender initiates the message and changes the behaviour of the receiver.

2. Message: It is a subject matter of any communication. It may involve any fact, idea, opinion or information. It must exist in the mind of the sender if communication is to take place.

3. Encoding: The communicator of the information organises his idea into series of symbols (words, signs, etc.) which, he feels Will communicate to the intended receiver or receivers.

4. Communication channel: The sender has to select the channel for sending the information. It is the link that connects the sender and the receiver.
5. Receiver: The person who receives the message is called receiver. The communication process is incomplete without the existence of receiver of the message. It is a receiver who Receives and tries to understand the message.

Decoding is the process of interpretation of an encoded message into the understandable meaning.

7. Feedback: Communication is an exchange process. For the exchange to be complete the information must go back to whom from where it started (or sender), so that he can know the reaction of the receiver. The reaction or response of the receiver is known as feedback.

8. Brain drain:

On whole process there is a possibility of misunderstandings at any level is called brain drain. It may arise on sender side due to Choosing inadequate Medium for delivery of message, By using default channel . it may also arise when receiver does not properly decode the message. In other words, we can say that it is breakdown of cycle at any level.

Two Way Communication Process

Message Encoding

Idea Decoding of Feedback Sender

Decoding Receiver Encoding of Response

Perceived Meaning & Internal Response

The Communication Process

Sender has an idea Sender encodes the idea Sender transmits the message Receiver gets the message Receiver decodes the message Receiver sends feedback

How to Make Communication Effective

Use concrete than abstract words wherever possible.

The content has to be made meaningful to the receiver

The message should be framed according to the capability of the receiver. There should be a proper blend of verbal and non-verbal communication Eye contact should be maintained Speak at a moderate rate

Create rapport with the receiver

Select appropriate channel Encourage listening & feedback Avoid communicating in extreme emotional states Make the message Attractive Brief & Clear

An example: An American executive gave his new secretary a new document and said, Can you burn it for me, Janet? A little later, when the secretary failed to return with the document along with its photocopy, the executive called her and asked her for them. Shocked beyond belief

she said, But you asked me to burn it?

Communication involves a number of skills and no one is a complete effective communicator. Each individual can become a better communicator by sharpening his skills through learning and practice. Dr. R Jayasree

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