7 I.dnm III. Yazılı

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Snav SINIF : 7/AB RETMEN: Feride TORUN 05/01/2009

QUESTIONS 1. If you . good marks . A) studies / will get B) get / will study C) study / will get D) studies / wont get 2. Animals, plants, rivers are our .. heritage. A) cultural C) industrial B) environment D) natural hard, you

Resme gre seeneklerden doru olan iaretleyiniz. 8. Tommy is but his wife is . . A) fat / thin B) tall / short C) ugly / handsome D) young / old 9. Resme gre seeneklerden doru olan iaretleyiniz.

3. Resme gre seeneklerden doru olan iaretleyiniz. A) He is expensive. B) He is old. C) He is hardworking. D) He is lazy. 4. ve 5. sorular tabloya gre cevaplaynz.

Mr. Brown


A) Mr. Brown is younger than Tom. B) Tom is older than Mr. Brown. C) Tom isnt younger than Mr. Brown D) Mr. Brown is older than Tom. 10. Aada kark olarak verilen szcklerin doru sralan hangi kta verilmitir? a / faster / a / is / plane / car /than

March 21 April 19

April 20 May 20 May 21 June 21

June 22 July 22

A) A car is than a plane faster. B) A car is faster than a plane. C) A plane is faster than a car . D) A plane is than faster a car. 11. Resimde konuma balonuna aadakilerden hangi ifade uygundur?
Im very fat.

4. Alis birthday is 31st May. Alis sun sign is A) Aries B) Taurus C) Gemini D) Cancer

5. Hangisi BOA burcu aylarndandr? A) March B) April C) June D) July A) You should clean the board. B) You shouldnt eat too much. C) You should get up late. D) You should turn left. 12. Jane : Im very hungry. Jack: ? A) B) A) Why dont you drink water? B) Why dont you play basketball? C) Why dont you eat a toast? D) Why dont you go to bed? 13. Erzurum is the in Turkey in winter. A) colder city B) the coldest season C) the coldest city D) the colder season

6. soruda klardan hangi resim anlatlmaktadr? 6. Youve got toothache. You should go to a dentist.



7. Aadaki kelimelerin zt anlamllar nelerdir? poor . -- thin A) expensive-- thick C) rich-- thick B) ugly-- rich D) old-- small

21. Verilen tarihin okunuu hangi kta doru olarak verilmitir? Aye(12) Fatma(12) ====== 1897 ===== 14. Aye is . Fatma. A) as cheap as C) as cold as B) as old as D) as good as A) Ninteen ninety- seven B) Ninteen eighty- seven C) Eighteen ninety- seven D) Eighteen eighty- seven 22. I cant eat this soup. Its .. . A) too cold B) cold too C) hot too D) too hot

15. A giraffe is taller than a dog. A) A giraffe is as tall as a dog. B) A dog is as tall as a giraffe. C) A dog is taller than a giraffe. D) A dog isnt as tall as a giraffe. My shoes 16. My shoes are . as your shoes. A) same C) the same B) as D) different 23. When was Atatrk born? A) He were born in Selanik. B) He was born in 1881. C) He was born in Selanik. D) He were born in 1881.

Your shoes

17. Helicopter is . a plane. A) different from B) as same as C) the same as D) same as

24. Tonys project is project in the school. A) the worst C) the badest B) the worse D) bad

25. A: I .. at school yesterday. 18. Who is the tallest man in the picture? A) Joe C) Ed B) Al D) You A) were C) are B) was D) am

Her soru 4 puan deerindedir. Baarlar dilerim. 19. A: .. ? B: I was born in Ankara. A) Where were you born? B) When was you born? C) Where was you born? D) When were you born? 20. A: you at home yesterday? B: No, I . . A) Was/ wasnt B) Were / werent C) Were / Were D) Were / wasnt

Feride TORUN

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