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Or, Mire. KN. SARABWATHY Daughter and. lice of Pandit Kade FAM 2 Notes Son, OF (Mn) KA SABRE Sareswainy nad veer racing avoogicn! felence with im fom 1060 8 his pacing tway ie 1964 sce when ahe as been pao: {ising indopendentty besides, reeerchiog, reveorch-guiding, iting, and. teaching. ‘She ha co-authored with he father ome books on astolagesl guidance-countelling. She has on he ‘own suthored 21 soeo-cltual books in Tail end the 12. books fof te Kedlangudi Contonary Asuologicel Book Seis in Eng ‘She le Founder-Director of the KADALANGUD} ASTROLOGICAL INDOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTRE, « memova ober illustiout Aexher-Guru wise bith centenary your was 1978. at specia- tye mariage gudance-counselling. She Max rapuation 96 the ‘outstanding women es¥ology specialist and counssllor of Ala She is connected with eovera! national and interatonal pre: sions societies, in Summer 1977 she was lo USA ona lecture tour, and in 1982 toured ln Asi, Europe and USA giving lectures fd workshops and addessing conferences. She is associted ‘ath some American Paychistists” Assocation in helping them Twough Mindy Astrology 10 make more oxact_ determinations out thir patiants. [About thie Book ‘Te book contains charactrsict of patton bom in each ot me 27 ste the presiing planet of euch pada, whe fat eter ot that may bo aultabe for 8 petion bora under ech thar and the work for which each star te poptous (Contains characteristics of persons born in ech of ‘the 27 stars mork that ean be dane profitably vn (ach star, ee) Compiled by “Aal’s Leading Woman Astrologist-Counsolior” or. jae K 1 SARASWATHY: et aardeat bomen Pups by M.A: JAIBHANKAR, 8. A. (Econs.) Wea aces 38, NATESA IVER STREET, Cae MCLMONM itncnnemaonsess CONTENTS DEDICATION. PREFACE Ain ‘han tik Rohini Mrigasira andrea Punanasy Pushyam Pooevaesheache Ustmansaco Srovena Danish Sambiishe Pooeabhada Utaraonast Reva GLossany Peso co ‘1 Romlaram YOUR STAR ‘Our snclents had avided the zie, ho pith ofthe planets ound, the Sum, ino. twelve. signs oF Rass; ond they 010 tamed sevaly thus’ Aves, Tours, Gemini, Concer, Leo, Virgo, Lina Scomio, Sopitarus, Capcom, Aquris and los. [At the time of the bith of the baby, whatever sat the noon may be Wavesing Bacomesthenaive's sar. Eee ar to four pada or pat, andthe pede of the sar inwhich the Baby {om ic determined a2corting tthe time of his/her bith Now wo shal study the characteristics of each of the: 27 ASWINL (Avatus) 0 dere to 1980" 0 (areas) 0 dope beg Wisnamed Aswini which in Sensi roeans hors ke conattted of x points fn the frm of @ hore, ‘ie tpi at or sing upto sixhours ater which the second pada commences, Genera charactarites ‘Shap integer, Long We, Beau Lona eyes skit in {ulin any tsk Undertaken, ineostd in joweloy nd tiny fochaviour, “Those Born in his tar willalse have curptitous t= 1 1905 = Fst Printed Di Wort copyit Dr. Mrs. K.N. SARASWATHY SRADALANGUDI HOUSE! MADRAS-400 017 South India “This book can be exported trom tna only by the author and the publisher (at"KADALANGUDI HOUSE", ‘Madras-400 017, and this constites a condition of fs Initial sale. and’ fer sbroquant sales. Infringement of thi condition of sale will lad to civil andjor criminal legal ution and. prosecution aontancunt PoBICATIONS oy om ¥ Price | RS, 96 All sightsreterved, including tho rights of reprodv= ton invhole or In pare in any form or by any means, Sicteanie ov mechanical Inluding,photo-copying, re- ‘Siding er by any information storage end. retrieval ‘Spree, without permission in writing from the. author Sind the publisher. nn Bee ap. DEDICATED TO MY FATHER | om beholden to my fatbet, mentor, guide and Gur Rewed PANDIT KADALANGUD! NATESA SASTRI ‘ol ving inte me into thie realm of Astology. Ik reay not be utof pace i soy that Astolony bequeathed 12 me By him is ry avocation and I pursue i perpetuate is earory. He was noted fr his profound scholarship, He had pioneered te publan many ofthe imao‘tant and rare work in Sensi, with Temi aaslatons and scholarly commentaries. It is grating that his books on Astrology have bepn used and continue 10 be sid wherver Tami ie known as the bese teternce book by thors whe Reve anything od with Asta. He uted ie station in Sanit end nie ro preston axpaonce in Pesiive Astology to discover the proper thos ‘of prognosticstion propeunded by several authors ha Paras, ‘Veahamine, avanechays,Gargecharys, Kav Kaliees, Klan vara (author of Sal), Bhatia, Spat, Venkatese (author of Servarha Chintaman'), Matadeva (autor of Jataka atta), Maniresivara (author of Phalasepika), ete. May 1 on thie oceation oer my. humble and devout homage to wit CGuruparampara (asession of Gurus)? May { dedicate thie book to my fethercum-Gury in all hry? K. N. SARASWATHY

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