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Sinister Kisses by Adriana Noir

Copyright 2013 by Adriana Noir All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or photocopying means including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. First Edition: March 2013 Cover design by Darren Wheeling

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The author does not endorse, condone, or make any allegations of the books contents as being proper or true. It is intended for mature, adult audiences only.

~ Dedications ~ To my beautiful parents, who always encourage me to go after my dreams and follow my heart, even if the path I take might not be the one you would choose. To Mara, who not only puts up with my obsessions, but understands them as well. Sebby Nation! And last but never least, to each and every reader out there. I love you all.

Table of Contents: Part One I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. INTERLUDE Part Two I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII.



Tears stung Taylors eyes as sharp twigs snapped beneath her knees gouging the tender skin. The barrel of a semiautomatic rifle prodded her damp cheek and threatened to capsize her. She whimpered, biting her lip as she fought to keep her hands locked behind her head. Her heart hammered. She was pretty sure she was going to get sick, and she could only pray it wasnt on the polished boots parked mere inches away. One move and I will blow your head off. Her gaze snapped up at the mans deep growl. She shuddered as his dark blue eyes pinned her to the spot as surely as his gun. They were as soulless and deadly as a sharks. Shivering, she struggled to speak past the lump wedged in her throat, but his narrowing stare cautioned against it. He kicked her sniper rifle to the side, a look of disgust crossing his stern features. So this is what its come to? he asked. Getting women to go their dirty work. Did you think you were going to put a bullet in me and my partner, princess? She shook her head frantically. Her stomach lurched and her arms trembled as she fought the urge to clamp a hand over her mouth. Snorting a shallow breath through her nose, she surveyed what was left of the group. Three men lay sprawled on their stomachs in the small clearing, their clothes riddled with gore and bullet holes. Another had crumpled near the edge of the woods. Even from her vantage point, Taylor could see the sinister red stain spreading across his back. She refused to look at the final man whod fallen a mere foot to her right. The warm, sticky droplets of his blood still clung to her face and mingled with the thick, greasy feel of the camouflage paint shed applied that morning. P-please she stammered. I swear I dont know anything. I have no idea who these people are. I dont ev-even have a real gun. Its an airsoft! she cried. Shut the hell up! She almost fell over with fright. The mans fierce roar stabbed straight through her chest and threatened to stop her heart dead. It took everything she had not to crumble at his feet. Her teeth chattered involuntarily, clattering in a violent dance despite her best efforts to still her chin. The other man, his partner, turned to look their way and then crossed the clearing. Six cases, Josh. Mostly fully automatic weapons. Theres a few AKs and one grenade launcher. These boys meant to do some serious harm. Her captor nodded, his stare never leaving her. It was a good bust. Fucking crazy paramilitary lunatics, he muttered. What about this one? Where did she come from? Taylor glanced up, her eyes silently begging for reprieve as they locked with the most piercing green ones shed ever seen. Her heart hammered when she found little compassion or mercy lurking in those pale shamrock depths. They flickered away from her to settle on his partner. I spotted her lurking near the edge of the woods. Probably some kind of lookout or scout. She paled as the other man shot her a dour glare. Her head shook in pleading. I was looking for my cousin. I swear. We were airsofting. I heard gu-gunshots and I got scared. I came up here looking for Bryce to make sure he wasnt hurt. I never saw these people before. Please dont hurt me. His stare narrowed, and he indicated to her rifle with a slight tip of his head. Taylor almost sagged with relief when his partner lowered his weapon and stepped away. Her respite was short lived. She forced a hard swallow as the other man crouched in front of her. Lean muscles and hard lines strained

against his armor and black fatigues. He tugged off his helmet. Sweat clung to his skin and dampened the haphazard curls on his head. Pressing her lips together, she studied the tarnished silver crossbones on the lapel of his collar and stilled a fearful tremor. Playing, huh? he asked. His voice was soft and silken with a slight rasp. How old are you, sunshine? Twenty, she whispered. A slight smile lifted one corner of his mouth. She couldnt tell if it was genuine amusement or mockery. Not that it mattered. She would gladly take either over the press of a loaded gun. Its a toy, Baas, but that still doesnt answer what the hell she was doing trapezing around these woods. She was playing war games with her cousin, he said softly. He rocked to his feet with a quick and fluid grace. Let her go, Josh. The other man shook his head. Taylor whimpered as his rifle swung in her direction and stopped short of the end of her nose. Her bladder throbbed and she pressed her thighs together with a shudder. We cant do that Baas. Who the hell knows what she saw out here. We dont need the heat. For all we know shes full of it. So verify her story, the curly haired one stated quietly, giving the other man a condescending look of reproach before turning his attention to her again. What does your cousin look like? What was he wearing? She stuttered, stammering out the details as best she could remember. Her stomach rolled as Taylor prayed her memory didnt fail her now. Luck had never exactly been on her side. Her mother had often laughed, calling it the curse of the Irish. It had seemed like a great joke back then. Now, it felt more like a nightmare waiting to happen. Holding her breath, she waited, her heart pounding so hard, she swore her chest throbbed as the one called Baas relayed the information into a small earpiece and waited. He looked younger and softer than his partner did somehow, despite the chiseled angles of his cheekbones and jaw. With a straight, regal nose and lips that were neither too thin nor too full, he bordered somewhere between menacing and ruggedly handsome. It was hard to decide when those savage eyes and sweaty curls lent him a wild and slightly unstable look that chilled her to the bone. She almost passed out from a lack of oxygen by the time he finally nodded. The girls story checks out. They spotted a young man matching that description near the bluff. The dark haired man shook his head. We still dont know what she saw, or what she will say, Sebastian. I didnt see anything, Taylor pleaded. I mean ex-except for him, she said jerking her head toward the corpse on her right. But he pulled a handgun. You were just doing your job. See, Sebastian said softly. Come on, Josh. Let her go. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shes harmless. Josh snorted. No one is harmless. You know that better than most, Baas. I wont say anything. Ever. I swear. She flinched as Josh rounded on her. Her hands unlocked from behind her head and scrambled to find purchase behind her as she tumbled onto her rear. His hulking body loomed over her and she bit back a cry as he gripped her jaw, his strong fingers sinking into her cheeks until the warm taste of copper rolled across her tongue. You got that right, sweetheart, because well be watching you and listening. One word to anyone, and I will hunt you down and blow that pretty little face of yours right off without so much as a blink. Do you understand that? Unable to nod in his brutal grasp, Taylor choked out a muted yes, sir. He released her with a shove and strode across the grassy clearing. Numb, she lay half-propped on her elbows and struggled to

get her breathing under control. What the hell had she walked into? Who were these men, and what did he mean theyd be watching? She couldnt contain her miserable shudder. Taylor glanced up in surprise as a hand hovered in front of her face in silent offering. Swallowing, she let Sebastian ease her to her feet. His intense stare roamed over her. She slammed her eyes shut, bracing herself for a blow as he lifted his fist. The gentle brush of his thumb across her cheek was startling. You had blood on your face, he explained quietly. Are you okay? Pressing her lips together, Taylor nodded. Yeah, just a little rattled. Thats understandable. Im sorry you had to see this, but you really shouldnt be running around these woods by yourself. For one, it is private property, and its not safe for a young woman to roam around an area like this unprotected. Theres no telling what might have happened if one of those men had spotted you on his own. Who were they? she asked, her gaze darting over the fallen bodies. Each of them was clad in green camouflage fatigues, most had a dangerous weapon strewn not too far from their side. Sebastian sighed and shrugged. Men with no regard for innocent lives. We tried doing things the nice way. Unfortunately, it doesnt always work out that way. Im sorry, she muttered, unsure of what else to say. Its a job. His face lit with a tired smile. What about you? Can I help you find your cousin or walk you back to your car? No. No thanks. I think Ive caused enough problems for one day, she said with a nervous laugh. Thank you for what you did for me, though. I really thought I was a dead woman. You would have been. Taylor shuddered and wrapped her arms around her slender body, hugging herself in an attempt to shake the sobering chill of his words. Im not always such a bad guy, you know. She glanced up again, her mouth falling open in protest. Taylor nibbled her lip in confusion when Sebastian gave a quiet chuckle and a boyish grin split his face, highlighting the deep creases and dimples on either side of his smile. You dont believe me? he asked, lifting a tawny brow. Ill prove it to you then. Let me take you to dinner. Was he serious? Frowning, Taylor took an uncertain step back. She prayed her usual grace didnt come into play. The last thing she needed was to trip on some upturned stick or jutting root. Her mind was still reeling, and her body trembled from the raw jolt of adrenaline and fear that had ravaged her for the past fifteen minutes. Was that how they intended to watch? Was this some good cop bad cop routine, or a prelude to another shock and awe? Her eyes darted to the gleaming silver pistol holstered at his hip. II dont think thats such a good idea, she stammered. His head cocked to the side and she squirmed in place as he studied her, a small smile still dangling from the corner of his lips. Come on, he urged. Its the least I can do to make some of this up to you. I wont bite. Tell you what; you can even name the time and the place. Ill be there. Taylor blew out a long breath and raked her fingers though her tangled brown hair. She had to give him credit. The man was nothing if not persistentand persuasive. His stare was numbing, hypnotic. Even though her hands still shook, and she was certain she still had blood splattered on her cheek, Taylor felt herself cave. Fine. Seven oclock Friday at Cervillos. His face spread into a slow smile, and he winked. Make it five and its a date.

Twisting, Taylor turned in front of the mirror and inspected her profile. Her shoulders slumped with a small sigh and she tugged the decorative pin from her hair. Behind her, Bryce laughed, dropping against her pillows. A mound of discarded and rumpled clothes lay piled around him on the bed in a testament of her indecision. Their gazes met briefly in the glass as she shook out her long locks and attempted to finger comb her chestnut hair back into place. What the hell did one wear to dinner with an uber scary sexy Special Forces type with killer eyes and an even deadlier partner? She sighed, struggling to remember why shed said yes. Because you really didnt have a choice, she muttered to herself. Jesus, Tay! You look fine. Just pick something and go already. Youre gonna be late. She stuck her tongue out at her cousin. Who is this guy anyway? I dont know, silly. Thats kind of the purpose of hanging out with someone isnt it? Hanging out? Its dinner, Tay. Sounds like a date to me. She ducked as Bryce chucked a pillow her way. You met him in the woods, didnt you? A small frown creased her face. Pouting, she shook her head and tucked her hair behind her ears. This time, she avoided meeting her cousins reflection. What happened back there anyhow? Its been a week and you still wont say shit. Nothing happened, she insisted. I told you, I was running and I tripped. I must have cut my cheek or something. Yeah. Kind of funny how that worked. You took a shower and the blood was gone, but there was no cut. Fess up, you were back there skinning rabbits or something, werent ya? Taylor smiled and shook her head. After shooing Bryce from the room, her thoughts returned to that day once again. Sebastians pale shamrock eyes had been an amazing combination of cajoling and commanding. There was a raw power that rolled off the guy. Everything about him had been terrifying and mesmerizing in the same breath. She peeled out of the mini-skirt and added it to the cast-off pile. Somehow, under his greasepaint and body armor, shed gotten a hint of sophistication. Her brow furrowed and she flipped through her clothes, yanking a black tank dress from the recesses of the closet. She pulled it over her head and smoothed it down over her curves. The dress stopped just short of her knees. It was sexy, safe, and comfortable. Her stiletto boots would give it a chic look. Throwing on a couple long necklaces and a bangle, she grabbed her purse and headed for the door before she changed her mind. Cranking her battered Dakota into the parking lot at Cervillos, she wheeled around back where the beast wouldnt roll away and take out anything valuable. Both the park and the emergency brake were suspect. Shed get around to having them fixed one day, but until then, it was better to play it safe than sorry. Flipping down the visor, she checked her makeup and her teeth one last time. It was as good as it was going to get. Her stomach lurched as she took a deep breath and slid out of the truck. There was no point in locking the doors. Smoothing the form hugging knit over her curves, she scanned the parking lot and headed for the restaurant. A small scream bubbled from her lips as a hand shot out of nowhere and covered her eyes. Hard, lean muscles pressed against her back and she shuddered as warm breath fell against her ear. Shh. Its all right. Its just me. The soft, silken voice rang a bell, as did the low chuckle. Taylor slumped with relief and then glared as Sebastian released her and approached her side. You almost scared me to death! she scolded, her eyes wide. His smile was endearing, but unrepentant. Im sorry, Miss McAvay, but I was only trying to prove a point.

What point would that be? Taylor asked. That you can materialize out of thin air? Sebastian threw his head back with a quiet laugh. His sage eyes sparkled beneath the hazy, yellow glow of the parking lot lights. Im no Houdini. But you he lifted her hand and pressed the back against his lips. You are stunning. You really need to stop putting yourself in dangerous situations. I might not always be there to protect you, he teased. Meaning? she asked. Meaning you really should at least carry mace. And next time, throw an elbow. Taylor stared at him for a long moment and gave a small shake of her head. Im not as unarmed as you might think. Sebastian smirked, one of his dark golden brows lifting in question. Is that so? Yes, sir. You were about two seconds away from getting your toes crushed by my killer heels, she said, lifting a booted foot and turning it slightly for his appraisal. She didnt miss the gleam of approval in his gaze, or the lopsided tilt of his mouth. Both made her chest swell with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Turning her head, she studied him. He seemed even younger and almost innocent beneath the sulfuric lights and silver slant of the moon. Gone was the cold, hard look shed remembered, and even his dark sandy curls had been tamed into submission. It was hard to believe this was the same man shed encountered in the woods. A casual black hoodie and snug Henley shirt had replaced the menacing body armor. Whatever cologne he was wearing smelled wonderful. It was sensual and delicious with an undercurrent of warm chocolate and fire. She almost sighed with pleasure when he pressed closer and the heat from his hand settled against her back. Taylor mumbled quiet thanks and ducked her head to hide her blush as he pulled the restaurant doors open and ushered her inside. She tried to think back to the last time one of her dates had held open any doors and fell miserably short. The gesture was so simple and sweet, yet completely foreign. Taylor bit back a giggle. She supposed that was what you got when you hung around people who thought chugging beer and belching their names was a form of art. They sat tucked away in a cozy corner booth a few minutes later, waiting for their drinks to arrive. Sebastian studied the menu, his expression studious and intent. Taylor watched him flip back through the pages and squirmed in her seat. If you dont like it, we can go somewhere else, she offered. He glanced up with a startled look. No, its fine. I like downhome cooking. She nodded and picked at the edge of her napkin. I just picked here because its local. It might be a mom and pop establishment, but their food is pretty good and its cheap. He smiled and closed his menu. Laying it on the table, his intense stare locked with hers. I wasnt worried about the price. Right, she mumbled awkwardly. You must make pretty good money with your job. Pausing, she turned her attention to the cardboard coasters on the table. What is it that you do? Are you like SWAT or BATF? Not exactly, he said. He leaned back in the booth beside her, his head lolling back to rest against the padded leather as he looked her way. For all intents and purposes, I work for the FBI. A Fed, huh? she asked with a grin. More covert, Sebastian said, returning her smile with a lazy one of his own. Its more like a special tactical force, and thats all I can say. Taylor sighed, fighting to cover the small frown of disappointment that threatened her features. It wasnt exactly the answer shed expected, let alone been hoping for. If anything, it left her feeling even more curious and subdued. What kind of special tactical force? Images of the bloodied and broken bodies in the woods flashed though her mind unbidden. She tamped down a shiver. Her gaze darted to his hip, then back to the plush shield of his coat. Was he packing now? The thought chilled her. Cramped together

in the tiny booth, he could pull out a gun, press it against her side, and no one would be any the wiser. She slumped with relief when the waitress interrupted by showing up with their drinks. Sebastians head jerked up as the busty redhead leaned across the table with a loud snap of her gum. He forced a cool smile when she straightened and asked for their orders. Taylor bit the inside of her cheek to keep from giggling. The poor guy was so far out of his element that even Gina was a culture shock. It was a good thing she hadnt suggested Chubbys. The run down bar and grill had the best cheeseburgers around, but the dilapidated interior and surly crowd probably would have given him a nervous rash. That was if the menu didnt get to him first. You dont venture to this side of town too often, do you? she asked after theyd placed their orders. He took a drink of his sweet tea and shrugged. I dont venture anywhere too often. Why, is it that obvious? Im afraid so, she admitted with a laugh. Leaning against the table, she peered over her shoulder at him. So what are you doing here with a girl like me? A girl like you, Sebastian repeated. The better question would be what a girl like you is doing here, Taylor. I was born here. Her breath caught as his eyes bore into hers for a long moment. She wondered if he could hear the forceful hammer of her heart. That may be so, but this isnt you, he said softly. Taylors brow twisted with confusion. You dont know anything about me. I know that you graduated at the top of your class, but youre stuck putting in long hours in some sleazy truck stop dive. You love cats. That battered truck out back is your third vehicle since you turned sixteen because you cant drive worth a shit in the snow and you like to speed. Your best friend, Page, died two years ago from leukemia. You moved out of your Uncle Roys house last spring and have supported yourself ever since. No felonies, and despite the company you keep, you are not a heavy drinker. In fact, youre a bit of a lightweight. He winked. Should I keep going? She blinked several times, trying to shake the numbness. When she finally did, all she could do was laugh and hang her head. Okay, maybe you do know a little. But that hardly seems fair. You seem to know everything about me, and I dont know anything about you. Sebastian brushed a wayward strand of hair off her cheek. His gaze was probing, but his expression was gentle and sincere. Ask me anything. What do you want to know? Well, you cant talk about work No, Taylor. I cant. Im sorry. Ask me anything else and the answer is yours. Will you ever tell me? Maybe someday, he said, but not tonight. I dont know, she admitted with a laugh. Just tell me something. Okay. He reclined against the back of the booth, and splayed his hands on the table. I enlisted in the military when I was seventeen. I served four years and two tours before I came home and enrolled in Yale. I was a year short of graduating and was working for a high profile firm specializing in data and analysis when the FBI recruited me. I finished my degree, underwent some rigorous training, and have been working for the government ever since. He smiled at her and tilted his head back. Lets see. On a more personal level, I have no pets, no social life to speak of, and unlike you, no tickets. Taylor laughed. Im sure your badge has a lot to do with that. His eyes sparkled as he looked over at her. Maybe Im just smart enough not to get caught. Touch, she said, lifting her cherry Coke in mock salute. So do you always stalk the women you ask out, or did you make a special exception in my case? she teased.

Sebastian shrugged. I didnt have much choice. I have to be very careful about who I associate with, Taylor. If youd had any felonies or sketchy involvements in the past, we wouldnt be having this conversation. Wow. She frowned and trailed a finger over the beads of water coating the outside of her glass. Lucky for me Im a good girl. Sebastian pinned her with those hypnotic eyes, and she suppressed a shiver as one corner of his mouth lifted with a lazy smile. That remains to be seen. After dinner, he walked her to her truck. Their conversation had been light and fun throughout the course of the meal, and she was surprised to discover such a sharply intelligent and charming man. The combination of trepidation and awe he inspired was dizzying at times, but she was reluctant to see the night end. Smoothing her hands over her hips, she watched as he reached over and opened her door. The ancient Dakotas springs creaked with protest. Blushing, Taylor smothered a giggle as his brows popped up in surprise. Sebastian dragged a hand through his curls and stared down at her. Take this thing to the repair shop before you end up killing someone, he said. I could hear your brakes a mile away. She shot him a playful but indignant look. I was planning on it. I just havent had the time. Make time, Taylor. Take it in tomorrow. Ill cover the cost. She shook her head. I can do it on my own. I dont want your money. So stubborn, he said, curling his fingers around her chin. Her breath caught as he tipped her face up toward his. His pale stare seemed to reach clear down to the depths of her soul. What is it you do want? I she swallowed, her heart fluttering in the base of her throat. I dont know. Maybe its time you figured that out, he murmured. Taylor blinked as his lips brushed hers in the faintest of caresses. Her fingers curled at her sides as she resisted the urge to draw him closer or run her hands through those messy curls. When he pulled back, his eyes held a hint of promise. Next time, I pick the place. There will be a next time? Sebastian flashed that sexy smile and, taking her hand, he guided her up into the truck. Ill pick you up Sunday at three. He shut her door, and Taylor watched as he flipped his hood up and walked away. He strode across the parking lot with speed and subtle grace. Even from a distance, it was easy to see he was a man who was as confident in himself as he was his power. An apprehensive tremble wormed through her as she touched her lips and wondered what it would be like to experience that kind of supremacy first hand, to be at his mercy, and feel the unyielding lines of his body press against hers. Her cheeks burned with the thought and she shook her head, scolding herself beneath her breath. Who was she kidding? She didnt stand a snowballs chance in hell of being with a man like that. Sebastian could easily have his choice of women, and she was just a shy, inexperienced girl from the other side of the tracks. For all the differences between them, she might as well have hailed from the opposite side of the world.


Sebastian pulled the sleek Mercedes S550 to a stop and double-checked the address. Unfortunately, it was right. Plowing a hand through his hair, he sighed and took in the rundown apartment complex. Clothes billowed from the makeshift clotheslines people had erected across their balconies, and a small cluster of children no older than six played on the railroad tracks that ran behind the squat building and through the center of town. He shook his head in disgust. It was exactly that kind of lax parenting and supervision that lead to accidents and the myriad of other problems plaguing society. Forcing his attention back to the apartment, he studied the thin, grimy layer of soot that clung to everything in sight. Whatever it was, it made the neighborhood appear even more dismal and depressing. Movement shifted behind him and he glanced up, watching his rearview mirror as a group of thugs eyed his car and then sauntered away from the street corner in search of a safer place to peddle their wares. His hands tightened on the steering wheel and, for a moment, he considered whipping the Benz around and giving chase. People like that were nothing but wasted space in an already overpopulated world. Growling, he scrubbed his hands over his face and then flung the car door open. The sooner he got out of here, the better. He took the rickety wooden steps two at a time and, peering around one last time, pounded on Taylors door. His head cocked as her husky voice called out from the other side. Its open! In this neighborhood? Was she serious? Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose and counted to ten before pushing open the door. The smell of lemons and freshly baked cookies greeted him upon entrance. Her apartment was like a burst of fresh air compared to the outside. At least in here, the surfaces were clean and the walls were a cheerful shade of off-white. He smiled as Taylor popped her head around the corner with a grin. Im almost ready. Make yourself at home. Shrugging, he dropped onto the edge of the plaid couch. A battered coffee table, a few potted ferns, and ancient ends completed the spread and gave the room a rustic, lived in feel. There werent any knickknacks or magazines lying around. None of the girly frills he would have expected, lace curtains aside. Her home, at least what he could see of it, was clean and clutter free. Im sorry for the wait, Taylor said, rounding the corner. I couldnt decide what to wear. His eyes followed her hands as they traveled over her hips in an attempt to smooth her maroon sweater dress down. Black leggings and a pair of matching faux fur lined boots topped off the outfit. He had to give it to her. She knew how to compliment what God had given her. It was going to be hard to concentrate on anything besides her body. He smiled, still slightly amazed that this was the same woman hed encountered in the woods wearing face paint and camouflage. She was a versatile creature to say the least. You look wonderful, he said. Good choice. Her cheeks flushed, but she offered up her dazzling smile. I made some cookies this morning peanut butter chocolate chip. Theyre not exactly homemade. They came out of those refrigerated packages, but theyre really good. Would you like one? I would, but lets save them for dessert. Wrap them up and well take them with us. Okay. Taylor giggled and regarded him with a curious tilt of her head. Where are we going? Sebastian stood and crossed the room to chuck her chin. That, my cheeky little minx, is a surprise.

The ride across town had been amusing. Taylor had spent the first ten minutes exploring the Mercedes interior, and the look on her face had been one of sheer bliss when he opened it up on the highway and the soft, throaty rev of the engine flooded the inside. To him, it was just a vehicle. Albeit the built in massage made long stakeouts a little more bearable, but it was just a car nonetheless. The way her fingers stroked the rich wood and leather, one would have thought the Benz was a work of art rather than a means of transport. Watching her from the corner of his eye, Sebastian smiled to himself. He was going to enjoy opening her up to new experiences. Taylor sat up with a gasp as they rolled up to the huge wrought iron gates guarding his premises. Her gaze darted in wonder over the plush green grounds and rocky landscaping before shifting slowly to the left as he pulled to a stop. He felt her curiosity as he pressed his finger against the black pad of the scanner and the gates swung open in a fluid arc. What is this place? she asked. A hint of trepidation rode on the lilting notes of her voice. I live here, he admitted. Stunned, she blinked and dropped back against her seat. I really need to get a new job. Sebastian fought a chuckle as he steered the car around the semicircular drive and pulled to a stop. Shutting the car off, he yanked the key and turned to her with a pointed expression. You need to stop being so careless about your life in a lot of ways, Taylor. Whats that supposed to mean? Do you always leave your doors unlocked? I was running behind and I knew you were coming, she stated defensively. What if it hadnt been me? What if it had been one of those hoodlums you have lurking on the corner? What then? Have you ever even been with a man before? Her mouth fell open and snapped shut. The dark, finely shaped arches of her brow furrowed in a brief show of anger and insult. What kind of question is that? A very simple one. That is none of your business. Sebastian pinned her with a blistering stare. Im making it my business. Her cheeks colored and the first glint of tears started to build in her eyes when she looked away. He shook his head. Do you really want your first time to be rape at the hands of some stranger? Start paying attention, sweetheart. Im not as innocent and naive as you think, she muttered. He offered a humorless smile and popped open the car door. Then prove it. By the time he made it around to the other side of the vehicle, a cross frown had worked its way across her face. His jaw tightened as Taylor folded her arms, her attention focused on whatever lay beyond the windshield. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he reminded himself that she was still young and learning. Sebastian drew a deep breath and rapped on the passenger window. Come on, he said. Get out. I think I want to go home. He opened her door and leaned down, bracing a forearm against the interior frame. Sebastian studied her for a long minute before reaching in to brush the slope of her cheek. I didnt mean to upset you, Taylor. For what its worth, Im only trying to look after your best interests. I see bad things happen every day, and I dont want you to see you end up being one of those statistics. She sighed and hung her head. Im sorry. I didnt look at it that way. I just hate feeling like you look at me as some helpless kid. He chuckled and took the plate of cookies from her lap. Using his other hand, he tugged her out of

her seat and pulled her against the front of him. Believe me, Taylor, he murmured. I see you for what you are. Whats that? she whispered. An incredibly trusting and beautiful woman. He smiled and released her. As much as I hate to break this moment up, Im becoming an incredibly hungry man. She laughed as he rubbed his stomach. We cant have that. No we cant, Sebastian agreed. Offering her his arm, he led her up the wide stone steps and into the brick alcove housing the front doors. Taylor glanced around, her tense expression once again shifting into one of awe. He watched her take in the wide paddled ceiling fans on the porch with a slow shake of her head. For a moment, he considered telling her he wasnt that frivolous and the house came built that way, but he decided to leave it alone. After unlocking the wooden double doors, he gestured for her to step inside. Following on her heels, he turned to disable the alarms. She stood frozen in the two-story foyer, hugging herself, as he stepped around her. Jesus, Taylor whispered, eyeing the gently curving staircase leading upstairs and the open sweep of the house beyond. How big is this place? He glanced upstairs with a shrug. Four bedrooms, four baths. And its just you living here? she asked incredulously. He nodded, prodding her past the living room, study, and dining room while Taylor gaped, peering around like she had just stepped into a foreign country. My nephew and niece each have their own bedrooms for when they stay, and I keep a separate guest room open for adults. The master suite is all mine, he murmured, leaning over to nuzzle her neck. If youre good, maybe Ill show it to you someday. Her cheeks flushed a becoming pink, and he smiled against her skin before straightening. Taylor gave a sharp inhale as they moved deeper into the house and the great room spilled into view. Her eyes roamed over the floor to ceiling fireplace and the high plant shelves spanning one side of the massive chamber. The light from the two-story window bay on the back wall bounced off the rich gleam of the leather furniture and spilled into the kitchen to their right. I think you could fit my whole apartment in this area, she mumbled. Twice. She turned and ran a finger over the black granite island, her eyes bulging at the double stainless steel ovens and matching appliances. He winced as she took in the second sink and shot him a look of utter disbelief. Scratching the back of his, head, Sebastian stared at the travertine floor. Standard option for this model, but I like to cook so its convenient. Ones for dishes, ones for prepping. You cook? she asked, her face twisting with playful doubt. I prefer it over eating out, he said softly. I find the mindless repetition somewhat relaxing. He pointed to a door past the vast eating area off the kitchen. Pantry, he explained. Just past that is a half bath if you want to get cleaned up before we start. The door to the right leads to the laundry room and garage. Try not to get lost. Taylor laughed at his teasing wink. Maybe I should leave a trail of breadcrumbs, just in case. Only if you plan on them leading upstairs as well. I dont know that I could find my way there, she mused, glancing around again. Sebastian smirked. Turning, he pointed to a set of stairs leading up off the kitchen. Taylor shook her head. Two staircases. That is insane. His smile never reached his eyes. Not insane, just practical in a house this size. Now go, he warned, tipping his head toward the bathroom. A short while later the house was suffused with pleasant warmth from both fire and stove. Water

boiled behind them, sending thick billows of steam into the air as he and Taylor finished cutting out ravioli squares. He was hard pressed not to stare and to keep his hands on task. Her sleek dark hair, big grey eyes, and rounded features were gorgeous, but the way she kept biting her lip and knitting her forehead in concentration was adorable. If he wasnt so hungry, he wouldve found another use for the counter space. Blowing out a deep breath, he turned to stir the thickening Alfredo and wine sauce. She hummed to the soft notes of the music playing in the background. Sebastian watched her with a smile as she tried to dice through the mushrooms theyd piled onto chopping blocks. It was obvious the truck stop diner only taught their chefs so much. Slinking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her and pressed against her back. The heat from her body and the subtle scent of her perfume were almost his undoing. Closing his eyes, he tried to peg the aroma radiating from her skin. A rich warm vanilla made his mouth water with the desire to taste her, and he detected the barest hint of cashmere. Youre doing it wrong, he murmured, closing his hand over hers and wrapping it around the curve of the knife handle. He leaned over her, assisting her hands. Soon, she had the hang of it and was chopping away like a pro. Burying his face in her hair, he stayed behind her, enjoying the gentle movements rippling through her body. Sebastian? Taylor asked quietly. Hm? Are you harboring a fugitive in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? He cocked his head in confusion then it dawned on him. I believe thats my pistol you feel. Huh. Is that what they are calling it these days? she stated dryly. She couldnt contain the giggle that followed. No really, he said pulling back with an amused chuckle. Its my pistol. I got distracted and forgot to take it off earlier. She turned to face him. Her expression was serious and almost wounded. You brought a gun to pick me up? Peeling off his holster, he dropped it on the counter and met her stare with a steady gaze of his own. I always carry a gun, Taylor. The things Ive donethe number of people I have pissed off during my career, Id be a fool not to. Does that upset you? Its a little unnerving, she admitted, hugging herself. Is it my gun youre afraid of, or is it me that unsettles you? A little of both. She hung her head and sighed. Im sorry. Dont be. Weapons are only safe in the hands of people who are comfortable using them. Otherwise, they can very easily be turned against you. He cupped her chin and looked her in the eye. Youre going to have to learn how to shoot something besides an airsoft or a paintball gun if things go any further between us. Thats for your benefit, as well as my mine. I have a lot of enemies, and the last thing I need is to be distracted at work because Im worried about whats going on at home. If thats going to be an issue for you, its better to say so now and get it over with. I know how to shoot. Im good at pegging bottles and cans. Its just a different ballgame when its a person, she said with a shrug. I cant even hunt because I cant stand the thought of hurting anything. Sebastian folded his arms, reclining one hip against the counter. Theres a difference between necessity and sport. If your life is on the line, you need to know that you can pull the trigger." Taylor nibbled her bottom lip, her head shaking slowly. I dont know that anyone knows that for sure until theyre faced with it. That is true to an extent, but if conditioned properly a body will respond on instinct alone. I dont have a predatory instinct, she argued, still shaking her head. Ill never be a super soldier like you. Sebastian reined in his concern and persistence with an effort. The woman had stubbornness in

spades. He blew out a long exhale. She just wasnt ready to have this conversation. They had time; hed make sure of that. He forced a smile to his lips. No one is asking you to be a soldier, but if given the chance, I think youll discover youre stronger than you know, he stated evenly. We need to focus if dinner is going to be edible. Bring me the mushrooms. When presented with a task, the girls mind latched a hold of it. She leaned close as he mixed the filling. Where did you learn to cook? she asked, eyes flickering over the spices he added. He smiled. This was a safer topic. Im a man with many interests, Taylor. For the most part, Im self-taught. I browse through recipes to get the basics, but most of it is experimentation and trial and error. I should probably attribute my mother. She was a wonderful cook, but my father never let me near the kitchen. Why? Some of the best chefs in the world are men. Sebastian shrugged, a small frown crossing his face with the memories that threatened. My father was a gruff man. He didnt see it that way. Is that why you joined the military at such a young age? He stopped stirring and set the spoon down. Bracing his hands against the edge of the counter, he lowered his head for a moment. He had told her before to ask about anything but his job and he would answer, but his father was a painful subjecta wound that never fully healed. Reaching up, he rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. In part, I guess it was. I wanted to serve my country as much as I wanted his approval. Unfortunately, he passed away from a heart attack while I was in basic training and that day never came. Mom was so lost without him she passed away eight months later. I guess neither of their hearts could handle the strain. Taylors hand settled between his shoulder blades and he bit back a groan as her nimble fingers kneaded away some of the tension. His eyes drifted shut. A man could definitely get used to that kind of attention. Im sorry, she murmured. I didnt know Its okay, he said, straightening. Were still trying to feel each other out. He shrugged. Besides, I know if he could see me now, my father would be damn proud. Sebastian leaned back against the ottoman and watched the flickering firelight play across Taylors face. Her smile alone was enough to light the room and banish the late autumn chill. Swirling the wine in his glass, he glanced outside. Dusk had already caved, and the night had fallen into darkness except for the stars peeking through the clouds. He frowned, turning his attention back to the fire. It had been a long time since hed enjoyed a womans company this much. Taylor was so spirited and full of life. Several times throughout the course of night, shed even made him laugh with some silly antic or another. That wasnt something he experienced often, and he missed it. He took a long sip of wine as he studied her. She was so certain of her independence and stubborn to a fault. Convincing her to stay would not be easy. A small smile threatened. That wasnt true. Convincing people was what he did best. It was how he made his living. It was what he was trained to do. He shook his head. Employing any of those tactics was a surefire way to send the girl running for the door. He already had Taylor in his sights. Keeping her there was the issue. That was going to require a little finesse and quite possibly some patience as well. His chest rose with a sigh. Patience could pose a definite problem. She peered at him from above the rim of her hot chocolate. He smiled as her grey eyes took on an impish sparkle. What are you thinking? she asked.

Stay with me. Taylor blinked. Do what? You heard me, he said, setting his glass down. Sebastian prowled across the floor to join her on the fluffy white throw. I want you to stay here. She blushed as he captured her chin and forced her gaze to his. II dont think thats such a good idea. There you go thinking again, he chided. He brushed his lips across hers in a feather light caress before leaning in to claim them in a long, slow kiss. They tasted of chocolate and marshmallows, and a more honeyed flavor that belonged solely to her. When he pulled back, she stared at him with beautiful, dazed eyes. Dont think, just do. Icant, she mumbled. If we went by your ideas of what was best, we never would have had our first date and we definitely wouldnt be sitting here now. Her shoulders shook with a silent laugh. You have me there, but I cant, Sebastian. Im just not ready. I dont even know what this thing is or where its heading. He cupped her face gently in his hands. What do you want it to be? I dont know. Yes you do. Tell me. She shrugged, trying to lower her head and hide behind the thick veil of her hair, but he held tight. He gave a slow, reproachful shake of his head. Look at me. A shaky breath pushed past her pout. IJesus, are you always this intense? I can be. Its a simple question, Taylor. What do you want from me? She chewed the swell of her bottom lip, her brow furrowing with frustration. I dont know how to answer that. Truthfully, he stated. Sebastian released her face, but kept her pinned with his stare. Where do you want this to go? What would you like the next step to be? Do you want to be with me, Taylor, or do you want to walk away? Her head snapped up. Finally, her gaze met his. I want to be with you. Nodding, he let out the breath hed been holding. His face eased into a smile, and reaching up, he ran his fingers across her cheek to trail through her hair. Thats what I want, too. Ill give you time, if thats what you need. But it wont be long. Im not a patient man, and I cant stand the thought of you alone in that neighborhood at night. She peered back at him with a bemused smile dangling from her lips. Ill be fine, Sebastian. I promise. I am going to hold you to that. Sighing, he raked a hand through his curls and pushed up onto his feet. Come on. Lets get you home before I change my mind.

III. Taylor burrowed deeper into the folds of her scarf. Winter was still technically a few weeks off, but the early December air bit clear down to her bones. Juggling the festive bags in her arms, she shivered as a forceful gale of wind swept through the downtown streets. The holiday banners and shimmering garland strung around the old-fashioned gas style lamp posts rippled and flapped with the force. She smiled, nodding to an elderly woman on her way past, her breath leaving her mouth in feathery plumes. Even the frigid cold was not enough to shake the exhaustion, and Taylor struggled to hold back another yawn. One more today and her jaw might very well come unhinged. She giggled at the thought, wondering what Sebastian would think of her then. It had been a long couple of weeks, a whirlwind to say the least. When they werent working, they were together, often until the wee hours of the morning. As much as she loved being around him, the schedule was definitely starting to take its toll. Another yawn threatened, and this time she failed. Lifting the bags, Taylor fought to cover her face as her sleep deprived body caved and tears rolled over the freezing slopes of her cheek. She collided with a solid wall of muscle without warning. Grunting, she fumbled to keep both balance and bags in check. Hands reached out and gripped her arms, preventing her from falling over at the last minute. Grateful, but embarrassed, Taylor lowered her parcels and flashed a sheepish grin. Im so sorry! Her awkward smile turned to one of genuine surprise and she half gasped, half laughed as she gaped at the familiar face. The bright blue eyes, rusty auburn hair, and square chiseled features were ones she knew all too well. Her heart swelled at the sight of her childhood friend. Taylor McAvay, is that you? She burst into a full laugh and nodded. Daryl West! How are you? I havent seen you since graduation. He grinned and rubbed the back of his head, his broad shoulders rolling with a lazy shrug. Eh, you know. School and football are keeping me busy. Same old story, different day. She giggled. How do you like it up there? I hear things can get pretty wild in college. Its great! he said, laughing. You should totally head upstate and visit sometime. I could give you the good old campus tour. Yeah, Taylor said, nodding. She tilted her head and grinned. Id like that. You should have been there, too. I mean, that was always the plan growing up. Wed graduate, get the hell out of dodge, go to the same college, and end up being rich and successful members of society. She blew out an exaggerated sigh. I know, but it didnt really work out that way for me. Uncle Roys health is questionable at best, and someone really needs to stay behind and keep an eye on Bryce. That boy might be grown, but hes still as wild as ever. Daryl nodded. He always was. You look great, Tay. You really do. We should grab some lunch. We have a lot of catching up to do, and I would love to hear what youve been up to lately. Taylor blushed as her stomach released a low, painful rumble as if on cue. She glanced down in surprise, her shoulders shaking at Daryls boisterous laugh. Several midafternoon shoppers paused to look their way. Her color deepened as she offered them a sheepish smirk and shrugged, smiling up at him. He hadnt changed at all. His shoulders were a little wider than she remembered, and his build a little thicker, but he was still the same sweet, down-to-earth guy. Yeah, okay, she said, nodding. That sounds great. Just let me stick these bags in the tru-- The words died on her lips as a car squealed around the corner. Her eyes widened as the sleek black sedan barreled down the street and jumped the curb of the sidewalk. She staggered back, almost

falling in her haste to escape as the squat tires barked to a stop inches away from her booted feet. Daryl shouldered his way in front of her, his broad body stiff and bracing for a fight when the drivers side door swung open. Rearing up on her tiptoes, she peered over her friend, her eyebrows knitting upon seeing Josh. He marched toward them quickly, and her heart sank when she realized he hadnt even taken the time to shut the door. A million scenarios played through her mind, none of them pleasant. Had something happened? Was Sebastian okay? She swallowed, the lump in her throat growing tighter with each step he took. Determination stamped the rugged planes of his face, as well as his quick, angry stride. You, he growled, jerking his head at Daryl. Get out of the way. Im not going anywhere, buddy, the linebacker argued, folding his arms and widening his stance. Josh sighed and snapped his fingers, pointing at Taylor. Get in the goddamn car. Fear and confusion battled for control. He leveled her with a fierce glare that left no room to argue, and the aggressive glint in his blue eyes was nothing short of terrifying. Taylor took an uncertain step back. Her breath left her in a shaky exhale; her blood roared in her ears as her mind scrambled, searching for the cause of his displeasure. She hadnt said anything about that day in the woods, not even to Bryce, and they had no secrets between them. Joshs face hardened. Her legs threatened to crumble as his lethal gaze bore into her. He sprung without warning, his sturdy six-foot-one frame unfurling with an unnatural amount of speed. She gave a petrified squall as his hand locked around her upper arm and he hauled her out from behind the shelter of Daryls body. The packages tumbled to the sidewalk. She watched in horror as the myriad of gifts shed spent the afternoon purchasing spilled across the broken concrete, some of them bouncing clear out into the street. Fighting to pry herself loose, Taylor stumbled while the deep boom of her friends voice thundered in her ears. Get your fucking hands off of her! The blunt end of a pistol greeted the tip of his nose and brought him up short. You might want to rethink that bravado, kid. Its about to get you shot, Josh warned. The low, menacing snarl of his voice sent a shiver racing down Taylors spine. Whimpering, she lifted a shaking hand to her mouth. Her body shuddered with her efforts not to get sick. The empty cavern of her stomach churned dangerously, and an acidic scald splashed the back of her throat. Glancing at Daryl, her heart broke. He looked even more terrified than she felt. His expression was forlorn, pleading, as he glanced around in a frantic search for help. Its okay, D, she muttered. I know him. Taylor? Heshes my boyfriends partner. Its okay, Daryl, really. Joshs snort did nothing to bolster her confidence. Maybe it wasnt okay after all. Struggling to keep up with the mans rapid stride, Taylor tipped her head back and cast an imploring glance to the heavens. It had never worked much in her favor in the past, but if ever the Big Guy was going to listen, she prayed now would be the time. Her heart skidded to a stop in her chest as Josh marched her over to the car, ripped open the back door, and shoved her inside. She flinched when he slammed it shut with enough force to rock the vehicle. Shifting, she watched him round the trunk. Nervous laughter threatened. At least he hadnt stuffed her in there. The heated leather did nothing to thaw her fear. Her eyes met Joshs in the rearview mirror as he slid into the drivers seat. His gaze narrowed slightly, and Taylor flattened against the backseat of the car as he whirled around to confront her. What the hell are you thinking? he snapped. Me? She blinked, unable to stop the indignant laugh that bubbled from her throat. You are the one acting a like a madman and waving a gun around in public!

I was doing you a favor, princess. You pointed a gun in my friends face! Sebastians partner regarded her with a slow shake of his head. He shouldnt have interfered. His voice was soft and disturbingly calm. If you want to be mad at someone, sweetheart, take a good look at yourself. Youre the one running around making lunch dates with other men. You can be glad it was me who checked in on you and not Sebastian. Had it been him, your little friend back there might not be breathing. Her mouth opened and snapped shut. Taylors fists balled. She pressed them deep against her thighs as a staggering amount of anger and confusion swept through her. First of all, it wasnt a date. I went to school with Daryl. We grew up together. For fucks sake, hes like a brother to me. Joshs eyebrows shot up at her choice of words, but he said nothing. Secondly, how exactly is it that you know what Im doing and saying? What did you guys do, bug me? His gaze hardened. We dont need to, though with that attitude, maybe Sebastian should. Let me fill you in on a little something. One push of a button and your government can zero in on anything, and our reach extends even farther than theirs so now would be a really good time to cut the crap. Sebastians a very possessive man. He doesnt share, and he will take out anything he sees as a threat. Taylor tried to swallow, but her mouth was too dry, her throat too constricted. All she managed to accomplish was an awkward squelching sound that echoed throughout the car. Take out? You seem like a smart girl. Figure it out. Look, Im trying to tell you in a nice way that this little arrangement would make him very unhappy. When Sebastian is unhappy, Im unhappy. Do you see how this works? If youre going to be with himbe with him, but you cant have your cake and eat it too. Her gaze darted to the window. Frowning, she watched Daryl gather the spilled contents of her bags off the street. The poor guy had just had a gun shoved in his face, and here he was, still trying to help her. She sighed. Nothing was making any sense. A low throb was starting to bud behind her temples. She just wanted to go home. Taylor hung her head with a sorrowful shake. I wasnt trying to do anything Josh rubbed his chin and nodded. I believe you, but I doubt Baas would see it that way. Im going to do everyone a favor here and keep this incident between you and me. His gaze locked with hers in the mirror. Im going to let you out now. You can get your stuff, but then you are going to walk away. For both our sakes, see to it that we never have this talk again. Stepping out of the car, Taylor shut the door behind her and closed her eyes with a shiver. The man was nuts. If he wasnt certifiable, he was at the very least bipolar. Rubbing her arm, she crossed the sidewalk and approached Daryl. Tears threatened to blind her as she offered an apologetic smile. He stepped forward and tried to comfort her, empathy and concern riding his face, but all too aware of Joshs stare, she twisted out of reach. Im so sorry about that. Its okay. Are you all right, Taylor? Whats going on? Taking the bags from him, she shook her head and backed away. Im really sorry. I have to go. At least let me walk you to your truck. I dont know what kind of people you are mixed up with, Tay, but this is some scary shit. What the hell did that guy want with you anyway? She couldnt even look him in the eye. She was too ashamed, too humiliated, and confused. Right now, she couldnt even say if those feelings stemmed from the situation shed just been placed in, or her own actions. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt or upset Sebastian, but her heart also wrenched for Daryl. He hadnt done anything wrong. Forcing a swallow, Taylor blinked against the scalding burn of her tears. With her arms full, she couldnt even reach up to wipe them away. It doesnt matter. I dont need your help, D. I got it.

Can I at least call you later? She winced. Was this what thirteen years of friendship was going to boil down to? It hardly seemed fair. Casting one last look over her shoulder at Josh, she shook her head. Id rather you didnt, and unless you want that man to get out of the car again, I need to go. Take care of yourself, okay? He nodded mutely, thrusting his hands into the pockets of his faded Wrangler jeans. The hurt on his face was something she would carry with her for a long time, and as Taylor made her way back to her truck, she started to cry. Taylor sat huddled in the center of the plaid couch, idly picking the tattered hem of her jeans. She wasnt sure how much time had passed, but daylight was starting to give way to dusk on the other side of the blinds and the skin beneath her eyes was chapped. Guilt continued to gnaw at her with gnashing teeth, the pain festering and raw. Maybe it would eat away the person she was becoming. Whoever this new woman was, she didnt like her. She didnt like the secrets and lies, and this chilling newfound ability to turn her back on her friends. The shrill ring of her cell phone made her jump. Glancing down at the caller ID, Taylor dashed away her tears with the sleeve of her sweater and hit mute. She wasnt in the mood to talk right now. Not to her uncle, not to Bryce, not even to Sebastian. Right now, she just wanted some space and time to think. Combing her fingers through her hair, she abandoned both phone and couch in favor of feeling quasi human again. She padded into the hall and rummaged through the slatted linen closet, pulling out a plush towel and bath beads. A few minutes later, the sound of roaring water rolled through the apartment, along with the sweet aroma of mango and pineapple. Her stomach cramped as she peeled off her clothes, and she rubbed her belly in confusion before remembering that shed forgotten to eat. Shrugging, she stepped into the tub and sank into its scalding depths with a sigh. Her gaze roamed around the cramped bathroom for a minute, taking in the rust and lime saturated porcelain sink and odd stucco walls. No amount of CLR managed to make the battered basin look any better, and shed given up long ago. Even the shaggy burgundy bathmat was in sore need of replacement. Taylor snorted to herself. After seeing Sebastians house, no amount of five-and-dime purchases was ever going to cut the definition of beautiful again. She could buy out the entire store and still not come close. Bathing was a bit more exhausting than she remembered, even though her last one had been less than ten hours ago. By the time shed scrubbed and conditioned her hair, washed, and shaved, it was all she could do to keep her heavy eyelids from drifting shut. It had been a long day. The crisp spread of her sheets and the rhythmic whir of the fan had never sounded so appealing. If she could just bring herself to move Taylor came up out of the tub with a start. Her heart poundedthe sound deafening in her ears as she glanced around. The water had shifted from unbearably hot to cold, and she wondered how long she had been dozing. She startled as the pounding grew louder, and as the translucent cobwebs of sleep fell away, she realized it wasnt her heart thudding so adamantly, but her front door. Muttering, she pulled the plug and struggled to rise to her feet. After being submerged for so long, her body felt like it was made of lead. She snagged her robe off the back of the door and threw it on, wrapping it around herself as she stumbled to the front door. A quick look through the peephole revealed a very agitated looking Sebastian. She thudded her forehead lightly against the barrier. Taylor barely managed to crack the open the door before he pushed his way inside. His eyes were wide, almost wild, as he glanced around and plowed a hand through his curls. By the looks of the tousled things, hed been at it for hours. Where have you been? he asked. Ive been trying to get a hold of you all night. Are you okay? Shutting the door, she nodded and crossed the room to drop onto the couch. I fell asleep in the tub, she admitted sheepishly.

He blew out a deep breath and scrubbed his hand over his face several times before pinching his sinuses. Casting the ceiling a frustrated look, he sighed and took a seat beside her. I was worried sick. I didnt know what happened to you. Taylor winced as he lifted her chin and ran a thumb over her raw cheek. Have you been crying? Shame suffused her. She tried to lower her head, but he gingerly cupped her face between his palms. His expression was one of genuine concern, his intense green eyes gentle, but probing. Taylor, talk to me. What happened? Did someone hurt you? She shivered at the sudden cold glint in his stare. Pulling back, she played with the end of her robe sash, twirling it in her lap. I hurt myself, she mumbled. I screwed up today, and somehow, I ended up hurting a good friend in the process and pissing yours off. I dont know what to do, Sebastian. Im so hurt and frustrated, and I dont want to lie to you. He straightened, his lean form becoming visibly stiffer as he stroked the stubbly traces of the light golden goatee on his chin. What did you do? he asked in a quiet rasp. Taylor pressed her lips together so hard they hurt. Her body trembled as she remembered Joshs fury. She didnt think she could bear that kind of reaction from the man sitting across from her. The muscles along his jaw knotted with impatience as he waited for an answer. Daryl and I grew up together. For most of my life, he was my best friend. We were practically joined at the hip, but I havent seen him since last fall when he left for college. We bumped into each other today when I was shopping downtown. All he did was ask if I wanted to grab some lunch and catch up. I was hungry and I did, so I said yes. She dared a quick peek at Sebastian, but the slight flare of his nostrils made her reassess the benefits of confession. You said yes, he repeated softly. His jaw worked as long fingers wrapped around her chin. Sebastian stared at her for a long moment. His right eye twitched ever so slightly, the muscle flexing beneath the surface. Do you have feelings for this man? No! Daryl was like the brother I never had. I could never look at him that way, but it doesnt matter because your friend came out of nowhere, jumped the curb, and pointed a gun in his face when he tried to defend me. His eyes narrowed. Defend you from what? Josh. He was so angry, so coldhe just grabbed my arm and started dragging me to the car. Daryl was scared. I was scared. Neither one of us had any idea what was going on. Ive never been more petrified or humiliated in my entire life. Sebastians lips flattened in a grim press. His chest rumbled with a growl as he reached up to rub the space above his eyebrows. Let me see your arm. Its nothing. Let me see it. She winced at the harsh insistence in his voice. Pushing up the loose terrycloth sleeve, Taylor refused to look his way. His touch was surprisingly light and his fingers cool as they trailed over her skin, assessing the red marks circling her bicep. A dark frown tightened his features before Sebastian eased her sleeve back down. I will have a talk with him. Taylor grimaced at the displeasure riding the smooth notes of his voice. Please dont. After I explained what was going on, he said he believed me. He was just trying to look after you. He said just this once we could keep what happened between ourselves, and I she faltered upon seeing a

humorless smirk stretch his lips. Is that so? he asked. Taylor swallowed. He was anything but amused. I dont want to get Josh in trouble or cause any problems. Please, thats not why I said anything. Then why did you? Sebastian asked, lifting his eyebrows in question. She licked her lips and hung her head. Her tongue felt thick and swollen against the roof of her mouth. She would have killed for a drink of water, or a break from the rigorous cross-examination. Taking a deep breath, she shrugged. I dont want to lie or keep things from you. Thats not the way I want to start our relationship. I really like you, Sebastian, but Im not okay with what happened today. I just wanted you to know what was going on and get some kind of reassurance that it wont happen again. I cantI wont live like that. Sebastian shifted to rest against the back of the couch. Reaching up, he rubbed at one shoulder, his face contorting with discomfort before he turned his head to look at her. Taylor studied him, searching his expression for some clue as to where his thoughts lie, but his face was an unreadable mask. She held her breath as she waited for him to speak. The tension and suspense were unbearable. I am not without blame. His jaw tensed. I asked Josh to look in on you. Hes a loyal man, sometimes to a fault. Im sure his heart was in the right place, even if his actions fell short. What does that mean? The pale depths of Sebastians stare took on a menacing glint that sent a cold shock down her spine. You are mine, Taylor, and I protect what is mine. I am the only one that should ever touch you. Josh was out of line, and I will handle it. She shivered as much from the steely determination in his voice as the intensity of his words. Hugging herself, Taylor studied the worn patch of carpet beneath her feet. Maybe she had been wrong to say something. It was obvious Sebastian was not about to let things go. Her stomach twisted at the thought. She already topped the list of Joshs least favorite people. This wasnt going to help matters any, and that mans bad side was one place she really didnt want to be. She glanced up as Sebastian leaned over her. His face softened as he ran his fingers through the damp tangles of her hair. I will take care of you, he murmured. I will give you everything, be everything you need. Dont walk away because of a stupid mistake. Dont you trust me? Its not fair to me, and its not fair to my friends to have random people breaking up our talks and threatening to shoot them. The muscles beneath his jaw knotted for a brief second, but he nodded. His palm smoothed the side of her head. I trust you, Taylor. Its the rest of the world that has me concerned. I should have checked in on you myself, but I was busy and just wanted to make sure you were okay. Have you ever heard of a phone? One corner of his mouth lifted with a dry smile. Why do that and miss out on a chance to see your beautiful face? I dont like it. I dont need you checking in on me like that. Sebastian sighed. The hard lines of his body strained against the leather coat he wore as he sat up. Then maybe it is time to reassess our relationship. There are many drawbacks to my profession. I do things that paint a target on my back. If my cover were to get blown, or if someone were to discover who I was or my involvement in certain things, there is a strong possibility they would come after me or what means the most. Its selfish to put you in that position, Taylor, but I want what I want, and I am willing to take that risk. That means I may need to check in on you from time to time for my own peace of mind.

Desperation robs people of sanity. It also makes them do stupid things. I can protect you. I will protect you. The question here isnt if I trust youits if you trust me. Taylor flinched. Her stomach sank. As terrifying as the possibilities were, she believed him when he said he would keep her safe. His eyes promised as much as they bore into her waiting for an answer. She sighed. There were a lot of risks, but he was worth it. She couldnt imagine losing him now. The last few weeks had been heaven. Albeit an exhausting one, but she craved everything about this man from his smile to his touch. When they were apart, she counted the hours until she would see him again. She hung her head with a sorrowful shake. I trust you, Sebastian. Im sorry. Then dont question my actions again. He lifted her head, his face questioning when a tear slid over her cheek to splash against the back of her hand. Why are you crying? I dont want to lose you. Sebastian pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest. Grateful for the reassuring warmth of his body, Taylor rested her head in the hollow of his shoulder and listened to the slow but steady beat of his heart. He rubbed small circles along her spine with one hand while the other cupped her cheek. Her eyes drifted shut as he dropped a kiss on the top of her head. You arent going to lose me, he murmured into her hair. Im not going anywhere. I promise. Josh is going to hate me even more than he already does, she whispered miserably. His husky laugh filled the room, making his chest vibrate beneath her ear. He doesnt hate you. Sebastian tapped her chin. Craning her head, she peered up at him. You did the right thing by coming to me and telling the truth, Taylor. As for Josh, I will tell him I saw the marks on your arm and backed you into a corner. You wont take the blame, and Ill make sure Josh understands he is to bring any future concerns to my attention. I will be the one to address them, not him. Thank you. Sebastian kissed her forehead. Taylors heart melted as a tender smile lit his face. His light sage eyes danced and had once again taken on that playful sparkle she loved so much. Settling back into the crook of his shoulder, she traced the rugged planes of his face with her fingers. She was fascinated by the slight indents framing his mouth between his cheekbones and the curve of his jaw. They turned into broad lines whenever Sebastian smiled and cavernous dimples when he laughed. Her lips curled with contentment as she pressed her nose against his shirt and breathed in the warm, subtle smell of his cologne and the more alluring scent that was his and his alone. Never in her life had she felt more cherished or safe. A girl could definitely fall in love you, Mr. Baas, she whispered, closing her eyes. She could almost feel his smile as he hugged her a little tighter. Enough to move in with me? Taylor giggled into his chest. Well see.


Taylor stretched and groaned in protest as a beam of sunlight filtered through the slatted blinds to pierce her lids. Bit by bit, she felt the tantalizing world of her dreams slip away. Feeling the familiar cradle of her mattress beneath her, she flung her arm out and patted the bed in confusion. Where was Sebastian? The last thing she remembered was drifting to sleep in the warm security of his arms. Paper rustled beneath her fingers as they fluttered across the spare pillow beside her, searching for the man she loved. A frown threatened as she lifted the note, still squinting against the blinding effects of the sun. Sweet mother of Jesus, her eyes felt like someone had spent the entire night scouring them with sandpaper. Thats what you get for crying, her mind scolded. Taylor wrinkled her nose. Biting her lip, she tried to silence that annoying inner voice and focus on the bold, sturdy words etched across the page. Good morning, darling. I wish I was there to greet you, but the team is working on a big project and duty calls. Im sorry for not saying good-bye, but you looked so beautiful and content. I couldnt bear to wake you. It was a challenge getting you into bed without disturbing you when all I wanted to do was climb in there beside you. As for my self-restraintyour virtue remains intact. You can thank me later. Taylor giggled and rolled her eyes. Sighing happily, she continued reading. I will talk to you soon. Try to have a better day, and stay out of trouble. ~Yours, Sebastian Yours. Her mind clung to that word, wrapping around it and replaying it until her cheeks flushed and a pleasant tingle branched through her core. It was humbling and still a bit surreal that a man like him would want anything to do with her. Never had she met someone with such a commanding essence, and those eyes, his beautiful sage eyes, held the power to be mesmerizing one moment and terrifying the next. Taylor shivered and smiled. Yawning, she resisted the urge to burrow deeper into the cozy haven of blankets and sleep the day away. Another ten-hour shift at the truck stop loomed ahead. Given the holiday rush and mass transport of the season, she would be lucky if she found the time to think, let alone dream. She glanced at the glowing red numbers on the alarm clock, hoping to steal just five more minutes. Luck was seldom on her side. Peeling back the plush navy comforter, she swung her feet over the edge of the bed with a begrudging sigh. Her toes curled into the rough beige carpet pile. If it could even be called such anymore. Years of use had matted the yarns flat, and in places, the backing was starting to show through. Hopefully, Sebastian hadnt noticed it when hed carried her to bed last night. Her landlord had neither the time nor the inclination to update, let alone fix the things that were falling into disrepair. The plastic bucket under her kitchen sink was a fine testament to that fact. Tugging her robe sash tighter, Taylor padded into the bathroom to start the shower. The shock of the cold tiles beneath her feet jarred her awake. Still on autopilot, she made her way into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee while the water heated. If she were lucky, it would be lukewarm by the time she was ready to step beneath the spray. Her head snapped around at the sound of squealing tires and the deep rev of a motor as a car

turned onto her street. Glancing at the wall clock, she frowned. The school bus would be coming soon, which meant there was already a gaggle of little ones waiting on the corner. Her thoughts turned to Josh and the encounter theyd had the day before. A crippling wave of anger tightened her chest. If that was him, he wouldnt have to worry about Sebastians lecture. She would throttle him herself. Cursing, Taylor strode toward the front windows in the living room. A strange popping sound halted her before she could peel back the lace curtains and peer outside. Freezing in midstride, her head tilted. It erupted again, this time much louder and in a rapid hail. Screaming, she hit her knees, scrambling across the floor as plaster and glass shattered inward in a violent hail. Terrified wails erupted next door. Sharp glistening shards flew past her head, littering the carpet as she scurried for cover. A bullet lodged in the far wall, missing her by a matter of inches. Flattening, Taylor sobbed, pulling herself across the floor in a commando crawl. Broken glass gouged her arms and belly. Dragging herself into the hall, she sat barricaded with her back against the interior wall. Her heart pounded; the furious roar of the blood rushing through her system drowned all other sound. Numb, she listened to the world pulse in and out around her. Then, deathly silence reigned.

Sebastian took a long pull of coffee from his mug before setting it down and leaning over Vinces shoulder. It had been a late night, and he was going to need more than a fair share of caffeine to get him through the day. As it was, he was having a hard time focusing on anything other than Taylor. Raking a hand through his curls, he blew out a deep breath. He really needed to get that girl under his roof and in his bed before he drove himself insane. Bracing one hand on the conference table, he reasserted his attention and concentrated on the computer screen. It looks like everything is in place. Pull up the coordinates on target X. Lets see what our bad boy is up to this morning. The bright monitor reflected Vinces knowing smile while his fingers danced across the keyboard with dizzying speed. Lets just hope hes at work and not playing hooky like someone else last night. Sebastians piercing gaze narrowed. Do I need to reinforce the fact that my personal life is none of your damn business? Relax, Baas. I was just fishing. Dont wear concrete shoes on a narrow pier. Striking the final key, Vince started to lean back until he remembered his teammate still hovered over him. Reclining to the side to give Sebastian a better view, he folded his arms and regarded the screen. Looks like our guy didnt make it to work today after all. These numbers are all wrong. Bring the location up. Rapid clacking filled the room as the blonds lean fingers pounded the keys. Ah. Here we go. Rosedale Elementary School. He must be at some kind of holiday program for his kids or something. With his wife at home? The doubt stamping Sebastians expression rapidly shifted to one of annoyance as the door burst open. It bounced off the far wall, almost slamming into the flushed man standing in its frame. Sebastian took one look at his partners eyes and straightened. Fear lurked in those brooding depths, fear and something much more potent. Rage perhaps? Cocking his head, he looked to him in question. Youre going to want to turn on the news, Baas. There was a drive by this morning on Parkview. The locals are being tight lipped, but the initial report is two fatalities and three in transport. Not waiting for a reply, Josh strode across the room and grabbed the remote. He aimed it at the television mounted in the corner as Sebastian braced himself on the back of Vinces chair. His mind whirled, and horror threatened to topple his precarious hold. His fingers tightened, gouging deep into the

padded leather. The muscles along his jaw knotted with fury. Hed known that neighborhood was nothing but trouble from the start. It lurked on every corner, infested every crevice. His instincts were never wrong, but hed relented in some half-ditch effort to appease Taylor, and look where that had gotten them both. His gaze swung to the TV as the newscasters somber voice engulfed the room. Sebastian zeroed in on the squat apartment complex behind her. The flapping clothes and dingy siding told him all he needed to know. His face twitched. A livid curse exploded from his lips and he whirled, grabbing his coat off the table. Josh followed on his heels. Rounding on him, Sebastian brought him up short. Cover me and maintain operations. Ill be back. What are you going to do? He leveled his partner with a hard look. Keep a line open. Someones low whistle of impending doom followed him out the door. Growling, Sebastian made a mental promise to find them later. The entire street was chaos. Red and blue strobes still flashed, reflecting off the sides of the buildings and the sea of yellow tape stretched halfway around the block. Sebastians body lurched forward, straining against the seatbelt as he brought the car to an abrupt halt. His gaze darted over the crowd, skimming over the dark uniforms of police and medical personnel in a frantic search for Taylor. A swarm of people filled the street, a few of them still clad in pajamas and slippers. Shock and fear branded their faces as well-meaning neighbors and firemen brought them blankets to help ward off the early December chill. Beyond the temporary barricades, he could see the chalk outlines and tented numbers that marked where bullets had fallen. Nudging his way through the masses, Sebastians stomach clenched. Raw adrenaline surged through his system as he hunted for Taylor. Each moment that passed with no sign of her heightened his frustration and fear. Flashing his badge with a quick explanation, he ducked through the last line of tape. What little bit of coffee hed managed to chug down that morning burned. His insides felt like theyd been doused in gasoline, and he vowed with everything he had, he would find the punks whod struck the match. Shouldering a young officer out of his way, he started up the stairs to the second floor apartments and froze. A prickle at the nape of his neck made him turn. He drew in a shuddering breath. She looked small and pitiful huddled on a concrete divider, hugging her knees to her chest. She was working over that delectable bottom lip and he knew, just from her body language, that those eyes would be lost. His chest ached. Turning his head to the side, he ignored the pop of tension in his spine as he struggled to gain some small measure of control before approaching her. His patience was hanging on by a thread and he knew how stubborn she could be. After this, there was no way he would wait any longer. Taylor. Her head snapped up at his voice. Tears still shimmered in her grey eyes, giving them the same sheen as finely spun silver. Just as he knew they would, they held suffering and fear. Her chin dimpled, quivering, as she cast aside the thin blanket shed been wrapped in and leapt to her feet. Sebastian braced himself as she crashed into his arms. He held tight, burying his face against the top of her head as Taylor clung to him. Her body trembled with nerves and cold. SebastianIm so glad youre here. He closed his eyes. It was doubtful she would feel the same if she had any idea what was running through his mind. Pulling back, he trailed his hands over her in search of any injury. A cross frown tightened his face when he saw the small scratches marring her arms. Im okay, she whispered.

His jaw knotted as he ground his teeth. Fury robbed him of the ability to speak. Shaking his head, he shrugged out of his coat and draped it around her shoulders. Taylor shivered, wrapping the heated leather folds around her body, a grateful twist playing on the corner of her mouth. Pulling her closer, he shared in the heat, his eyes darting to the shattered windows above. The short crescents of his nails bit into his palms as he clenched his fists. What happened? he finally managed to grind out. Why didnt you call me? I didnt want to bother you at work. Im fine, just a little shaken up. I dont give a damn about work, Taylor! Pinching the bridge of his nose, he fought to get his temper under control. I was worried sick about youagain. This has got to stop. Its not like this happens every day! she exclaimed. His eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. Is that supposed to be cute? I dont care if this is the first time it has happened, or the hundredth. You could have been killed! he yelled, gesturing to the bullet riddled apartment complex. Im not going to spend another night wondering what the hell is going on out here. As soon as you can get back in there, were grabbing your stuff. Youre coming home with me. Taylor opened her mouth, but he silenced her with a finger and a slow shake of his head. No, he warned. The only words I want to hear out of your mouth at this point are, yes, Sebastian or I would be happy to, Sebastian. Anything else is only going to piss me off. Are we clear? She nodded, lowering her gaze with a demure sweep of her lashes. Taylor wrung her hands nervously in front of her. Yes, Sebastian. He lifted her face to drop a quick kiss on her lips. Thats my girl. Now tell me what you know. She blew out a shaky breath and lowered back onto the concrete ledge. I dont know much. I think they were targeting the kid two doors down, Trevor. Hes been mixed up with some bad stuff in the past. Or he was. Taylor dashed her face dry and plowed her trembling hands through her hair. His poor mother. She was hysterical. I think Im going to hear her screaming for the rest of my life. All the more reason for you to get out of here, he said softly. Sitting down beside her, Sebastian covered her hand with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. What do you know about the guys that did this? She grimaced and wrinkled her nose. Not much. They hung out on the corner from time to time. I heard Trevor yell their names a couple times from the balcony. Her brow furrowed with concentration. Davon and Kenny. His mom was covered in blood. She kept crying and saying he was just a babyhow he was trying to get out. As sad as it is, thats probably why they shot him. Gangs have a very strict code and once youre in, you are in for life. It ends all too often this way for the kids who try to change their minds. Reaching over, Sebastian brushed the hair from her eyes. She was pale and shaky, and her disjointed thinking had him worried. Has anyone looked you over? No, she said, with a wobble of her head. Im okay, really. Its just some scratches from when the glass shattered. I crawled into the hall. Some of it must have cut me. Smart thinking, he said, kissing her temple. But Im worried about shock. Lets get you checked out, just to be safe. He paced the sidewalk a few minutes later, keeping a close eye on Taylor while the paramedics looked her over. He didnt like leaving her side. Hell, he didnt even like other people touching her, but he needed a minute to think and regroup. The local police officers had done little to ease his mind. In fact, hearing how she would have been dead if shed been standing a just few more inches one way or the other had only reignited Sebastians anger. He tensed as Joshs gruff voice filtered through the other end of the phone. Taylors fine. Theyre checking her over as we speak. I need a favor. Name it. Get me intell on local gangsnames, addresses, hangoutsthe full rundown. Ill be by as soon

as I drop her off. There was a slight pause on the other end, followed by Joshs amused chuckle. Shes heading to Casa de Baas after all, huh? Im going to take a stab in the dark here and assume Plan A is no longer in effect? Good guess, Sebastian snapped. Make sure that information is ready. Stuffing his phone back in his pocket, he moved to gather Taylor and her clothes. The next stop would be some place that sold coffee. It was going to be a very long day. Darkness gathered outside the van, cloaking him in even deeper shadow. Rolling his neck, Sebastian glanced at the clock. It was approaching ten. Just about time for the little cockroaches to start scuttling out of hiding and making their rounds. The police would be closing in on them soon. If he didnt make a move before then, he would never get his chance. Wetting his lips, he tugged his hood up and turned his head, hiding in its folds as an old man shuffled by with a Weiner dog in tow. Once the geezer had passed, he cracked his knuckles. Their rigid pop and the creak of leather sounded unnaturally loud in the silence of the car, as did his thoughts. In ways, the shooting had spared him. It spared him time and deliberation, but he resented the loss of control. His plan had been safe and methodical, if not a bit cold. Cold didnt matter. It was the results he was interested in, and Taylor would have never been in danger. His fists clamped around the steering wheel in frustration. A simple break in would have done the trick. She would have been rattled, scared, and more than willing to run to the safety of his arms. Brad wouldnt have hurt her. Of that much hed made sure. Instead, her house was shot up, her arms were cut, and the trauma of what shed seen and heard would probably haunt her for weeks. And for what? All so some two-bit hood rats could get a little payback? The thought made his blood boil. Movement on the monitor drew his attention. Cocking his head, Sebastian watched two figures duck out of the bar and make their way down the street. Showtime. He flipped the laptop shut and, within seconds, he followed a few feet behind. Everythings clear, Baas. He closed the distance as they turned into an alley. A quick scan of his surroundings and Joshs silence assured the path was clear. The taller of the two paused, his lanky body growing stiff at the soft but distinct click of the pistols safety. Dont move. Sebastian issued the raspy whisper against his ear. You boys made a very stupid mistake today, Davon, and its going to cost you. Clamping his hand on the back of the mans neck, Sebastian drove him to his knees with a quick blow from behind. The punks body buckled and he hit the asphalt in an awkward sprawl. The sudden topple drew his friends attention. A snarl rode Sebastians lips as the squat one rounded on him. Outrage gleamed in his eyes, and the business end of his gun brought the younger one to a halt. Staring at him, Sebastian cocked the hammer. Get over here and join him before I blow your face off, he ordered. The two shared an uncertain glance before Kenny sank into a kneeling position. You holding us up, man? I dont have no money on me. Worry hiked Davons voice up an octave as he peered at his friend. Sebastian forced a cold smile. I find that a bit hard to believe, he whispered, leaning between them. Two drug dealing gangbangers like you? Sebastian shook his head and patted the man roughly on his shoulder. No, Davon. Do us both a favor and dont lie to me. Nothing puts me in a bad mood faster. I think youre already in a bad mood, yo. That or crazy as hell, Kenny muttered, craning his head to track Sebastians movements as he casually strolled in front of them. Eyes narrowed, he offered a curt nod and crouched before the pair. Thats a very good

possibility, he said softly. Call me crazy, but when the woman I love gets caught in the crossfire of a random shoot out, I have a very difficult time turning the other cheek. Look man, we had nothing to do wit-- The soft ping of the silencer was deceptive compared to the ominous spray of blood that followed. Wide-eyed, Davon issued a breathless howl, swiping at his face in a frantic attempt to clear away the gelatinous bits of brain and fragments of skull clinging to his skin. He gaped at his fallen friend in horror before swinging a pleading gaze Sebastians way. I warned you not to lie, he stated with a callous shrug. I am done playing games, Davon. Look, man, please. Im sorry your girl got caught up in it. She wasnt who we were after. Please Sebastian stared him in the eyes with a slow shake of his head. Im afraid that doesnt matter. Your apologies mean nothing to me. ManpleaseIm begging you. Let me go. I wont do it again, I swear. Youve got that right, Sebastian whispered. A whimper parted the young mans lips as cold steel pressed against his forehead in a menacing kiss. The familiar stink of urine rose from the street. Sebastian curled his lip in disgust and rocked to his feet. The cold glint of hatred in his eyes was the last thing he saw reflected back at him in the terrified flare of Davons pupils. Sighing, Sebastian stripped off his holster and dropped it on the kitchen counter. It had been a long day, but a successful one. They were another step closer to closing in on some crazed cult leader, hed spilled the need for vengeance, and, best of all, there was a beautiful woman waiting for him. For the first time in hours, the beginnings of a genuine smile lit his face. Stepping back into the laundry room, he stripped down and changed into a pair of sweatpants. He wasnt worried about evidence: the bullets were completely untraceable and gang retaliations happened every day. What he didnt want was Taylor spotting any blood. If she did, the questions might start and answers werent something he was willing to give. As hard as it was to wait any longer, he made a quick stop in the half bath to wash up before roaming the house in search of his prize. He found her curled up on one of the plush leather couches in the great room. Shed burrowed beneath one of the maroon throws, and if the crumpled magazine on the floor was any indication, shed fallen asleep reading. Crouching down in front of Taylor, he studied her with a small smile. She was so beautiful, so innocent, and gentle. And now, she was completely his. The thought was almost humbling. Reaching out, he smoothed the hair back from her face and watched as her grey eyes slowly fluttered open. Hey, darling, he murmured. What are you doing on the couch? The sleepy smile she offered stole his breath away. Where else was I supposed to sleep? she asked, stretching beneath the soft throw like a contented feline. My bed would have been an excellent start, he chuckled. Her eyes took on an impish gleam. You said the master suite was yours and yours alone. I also recall you saying maybe you would show it to me sometime if I was a good girl. I was not about to be so presumptuous or bold. Sebastians shoulders shook with a quiet laugh. I think you enjoy playing hard to get, little minx. I warned you I was not a patient man. Havent I chased you long enough? Taylor giggled and tucked her hand beneath her chin. Dont tell me youre growing tired of it already. The chase is always the best part. Cupping the side of her face, he gazed into the silver pools of her eyes. Make no mistake. I would

hunt you to the very ends of this earth and back if thats what it took. You have no idea the things I would do for you. Taylors cheeks flushed and her stare disappeared beneath the thick, sooty sweep of her lashes. His body throbbed with desire and the primal need to stake his claim on this woman. Hed waited long enough. Gathering her into his arms, he lifted her off the couch. What are you doing? she asked, clinging gently to the side of his neck. Taking you where you belong.


Taylor glanced around the opulent master suite in awe as the fireplace lit the room, bathing it in a subtle glow. The heavy double doors had been impressive enough, but the spacious retreat blew her away. A sitting area opened to the left of the doors, complete with a lush micro suede furniture set and ornate end tables. Even the walls were decorated with the simple eloquence of silver framed pictures and mirrors. The bedroom loomed to the right, equipped with a massive four-poster bed and a fireplace that served as a quarter wall dividing the two areas. Deep in the far end of the room, was an enormous walk in closet that could have easily fit her entire apartment, just from what she could see. The opposite side of the room boasted a window bay with rich, velvety drapes and a plush chaise lounge that made her want to curl up and read. She ran her hand over the embroidered comforter, marveling in the soft padding and striking combination of black and silver. Her heart beat a little faster as Sebastian approached the side of the bed. The firelight played across the firm lines of his body, highlighting each solid ridge and valley. She was surprised and a little amazed. He wasnt some hulking gym-rat but, beneath his shirt, he harbored a gorgeous body. Every inch of him was lean, hard, and well defined. He was like a panther: sleek, dangerous, and full of lethal power. Reaching out, she trailed her fingers over the taut drum of his abs. Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath and caught her wrist in response, but not before she witnessed the marvelous play of the six-pack stretched beneath his skin. Or was it eight? Taylor whimpered as he sprung, covering her body and pinning it to the mattress in one fluid movement. His hands trailed up her sides, eagerly pulling her shirt with them as his mouth plied hers with hungry, demanding kisses. Slow burning napalm exploded in her veins as he cupped her breasts, kneading the tender flesh. The warm pad of his thumbs strummed across her nipples, and Taylor arched against him with a fevered moan. He pinched the tiny nubs, rolling them tightly between his fingers drawing another whimper from her lips. Hot moisture pooled between her thighs and she grew dizzy from the staggering combination of pleasure and pain. Sebastian chuckled against her skin. You like that, do you? he murmured seconds before his mouth closed over her breast. Taylor panted beneath the onslaught as he sucked and nipped with zeal. Her fingers plowed through his unruly curls in encouragement as she nodded and moaned. Shame flushed her cheeks as she realized how brazen she must look and sound but her body was too far gone to care. All that mattered was quenching the unbearable ache between her thighs. Sebastianplease. He tugged her nipple between his teeth. A taunting smile rode his lips as he peered up at her. Squirming beneath him, she groaned, writhing against the comforter in an attempt to escape the maddening torture. Growling beneath his breath, Sebastian gave her shorts and panties a sharp tug, dragging both down her legs with a savage wrench. Brief fear lanced her chest and, for a moment, she wondered what shed gotten herself into. The animalistic hunger in his eyes as every bit as humbling as it was terrifying. She cried out as he lowered his head between her thighs and the swift dart of his tongue parted her swollen lips. When he licked her, the deep guttural noise rising from his throat threatened to drive her mad. Reaching up, his strong hands gripped her hips and pinned them to the mattress. Her confusion was short lived. The hot fan of his breath alone was enough to drive her wild, but when his tongue thrashed against her without mercy, she jerked against his hold. Biting waves of pleasure ripped through her. Something dark and delicious danced just out of reach, coaxing her and calling her forward. Just before

she reached that precipice, Sebastian stopped and crawled up the length of her body. The look in his pale sage eyes was numbing. You are so beautiful. His voice was a husky rasp that sent shivers of delight down her spine. Every last inch of you. Unable to speak, she reached for him, but he rolled to the side, the muscles in his body straining as he peeled off his sweats. A soft gasp left her upon seeing him naked for the first time. Her heart hammered with uncertainty as her eyes darted to his. Sebastians smile was slow and unrepentant. Its okay, he coaxed, settling back on top of her. Taylor wasnt so sure. The long, thick length of his erection jutted to his navel in proud display. She felt the hot flesh jump against her thigh, and a moment of panic seized her. It was going to hurt. Tears pricked her eyes as he nudged her thighs apart with his knee and the tip of his shaft prodded her entrance. Sebastian cradled her face between his hands. His expression was soft and coaxing as he covered her mouth with his. The pressure became unbearable. She whimpered, digging her nails into his back in a silent plea for him to stop. A small twinge of relief flooded her as he deepened the kiss and pulled his hips back. Her brief respite turned to a keening scream of desperation when he drove forward and buried himself deep, splitting her open. Sebastian groaned and stilled above her. His hands stroked the sides of her face as he swallowed her cries and lavished her with kisses. Taylor strained against his chest, her body clamping around his. She was stretched and stuffed full. She shook her head, begging him to stop when Sebastian eased back and rocked into her again. He broke the kiss, and she drew a shuddering breath, a lone word falling past her lips unbidden: Pleeaasee. Shh, Taylor, no, Sebastian murmured against her ear. Give it a minute, baby. The pain will stop. He claimed her mouth again, this time slowly and tenderly as he moved inside her. Her body swayed beneath the deep but gentle drive of his hips and her head started to spin as the agony abated and slowly drifted toward pleasure. Wrapping her legs around him, she welcomed his forward thrusts. The gesture drew a low growl of approval from Sebastian and, slipping a hand beneath her, he cradled her ass and picked up the pace. Within minutes, the harsh slap of skin filled the room, bouncing off the walls. The blurry, breathtaking combination of pleasure and pain washed through her, spurred even higher by the furious passion. Seeking an anchor, her fingers wound in his hair, giving those adorable curls a tug. Sebastian returned the favor, wringing a cry from her lips as his fist wound in her hair. He hauled her head back with a sharp yank. An unspoken warning rose in his eyes, giving them a dangerous glint. Taylor reluctantly let go, but he maintained his hold. Her cries flooded the room as he pounded into her with wild abandon. Her back bowed as he stabbed deep, each plunge stroking her into madness. Taylor whimpered when his fingers tightened and a deep, husky growl vibrated against her ear. The sound worked its way through her, and without warning, she tumbled into the unknown. Twisting, she arched beneath him with a strangled scream as her body shattered and exploded into dizzying pleasure. Sebastian stiffened with a groan. His mouth slanted against hers as he slowed the pace and carried her through each crippling wave. Dazed and breathless, she clung to him as he eked every bit of bliss from her body. The hold in her hair heightened as he drove into her with renewed zeal. Words of encouragement and praise tumbled from his lips until the lean body above her shuddered and Sebastian threw his head back with a hoarse bellow. Their ragged gasps filled the silence as they struggled to catch their breath and slow the frantic hammer of their hearts. Rolling onto his side, Sebastian pulled her with him, dragging her thigh up over his. Spellbound, she traced lazy patterns on his chest until he captured her hand and pressed her fingers to his lips. His eyes sparkled in the firelight as she peered up at him.

What are you thinking? he murmured with a tender smile. Taylor sighed, relishing the feel of his warm hands as he rubbed small circles against her shoulders and thigh. That was intense. His body shook with a soft chuckle. Which part would that be? All of it, she admitted, blushing. Her color deepened as he pulled her on top of him and her body splayed against his. Hiding behind her hair, she buried her nose against his chest and breathed the familiar scent of his skin. His fingers trailed up the side of her cheeks and he gently coaxed her face to his. I want to be the one to show you everything, Taylor. She giggled, pressing her nose against him again with a small shake of her head. Unable to resist, she planted a kiss against his sweat-slicked chest. Sebastians head fell back against the pillows with a contented rumble. Its an incredible feeling to have something that no other man ever has, to know Im the only one who will ever know how your body feels. A playful smile curved her lips as she kissed her way up to his chin. Who says youll be the last? All traces of softness fled his face. The hard lines of Sebastians jaw steeled and a frightening glint replaced the sheen in his narrowing eyes. She gasped as his hand left her thigh and wrapped around her chin with startling speed. Unforgiving fingers dug into her cheeks. Her heart hammered as his gaze drilled into her. I do, he stated in a deceptively soft whisper. Sebastian released her slowly, though his stare was not as merciful. Its been a long night. Go get cleaned up before I feel the need to reiterate that fact. Fear wound a treacherous path through her body. Shivering, she somehow managed to wrest her eyes away from his. Taylor inched off him and slid off the side of the bed with a wince. Her legs threatened to give out beneath her as she made her way into the master bath. There was no mistaking the weight of Sebastians stare as it tracked her every step. His words chilled her to the bone. Shed only asked to be playful, but his reaction had been anything but. Biting her lip, she rubbed the side of her cheek and glanced around the massive bathroom in search of a washcloth. Her gaze darted over the stone shower and jetted corner tub with decorative pillars before flitting over the sinks to the right. She shook her head. Even the bathroom was a humbling display of decadence with its rich travertine stone, lush plants, and deep Tuscan tones. Her eyes bulged when she scanned the counters and cupboards to the left and she spotted a small built-in wine cooler. Third drawer down. She whirled at the sound of Sebastians voice. Stepping past her, he moved to the sink and the bathroom echoed with the sound of running water. Taylor blew out a quiet breath and nabbed two clean washcloths from the drawer. After theyd finished, Sebastian took hers and tossed them both into a decorative hamper. The silence was killing her. She wrung her hands, wanting to speak, but not wanting to push her luck any further. Hope flooded her as Sebastian turned to her and beckoned her forward with a crook of his finger. Without a word, he scooped her up off the cool stone floor. Grateful, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his warm crook as he carried her back to bed. Hed already turned the covers and the fire down. Reluctantly, she loosened her grip as he eased her onto the soft mattress and drew the comforter up under her chin. She sighed as the bed dipped beneath his weight and Sebastian pulled her against his side. Im sorry, she whispered. I didnt mean anything by what I said. I was just trying to be funny. I dont want anyone else but you. Nothing about you is a joke to me. I will be your last.

She wanted to believe that. Still, she found her brow knitting and a small frown plied her lips. Sebastian lifted his head off the pillows, his expression questioning in the shadows. What? he asked. I want that to be true so bad, but what if things dont work out? What if you get tired of me? People promise each other forever all the time, but that rarely happens anymore. A sigh lifted his chest, and his arms tightened around her in a reassuring squeeze. Im not going to get tired of you, Taylor. Thats them not us. We will make it work. Now stop questioning me and get some sleep. Yes, Sebastian, she murmured, stretching against him with a sleepy yawn. Thank you for everything. Taylor She giggled at the slight hint of warning in his voice. Pressing closer, she snuggled against him and rested her head in the crook of his shoulder. Sleeping. Morning came far too early. It had been hard to pry herself away from the comfortable haven of Sebastians bed, and harder still to resist the allure of a hot shower. Her body ached, the soreness branching through places of her she hadnt even known existed until last night. Taylors cheeks warmed with the thought as she rummaged through the fridge. The feel of him, the smell of him still lingered on her body like a brand. Shed paused several times while making coffee just to savor the moment and breathe in his scent. She kept the door propped open with her hip and rummaged through the shelves and bins. The sudden glide of hands roaming up her shirt startled her, and she jerked back with a yelp. Sebastians soft chuckle washed over her, and she sagged with relief, almost melting as his warm lips brushed across her nape. Good morning, he whispered. Good morning to you too, she giggled. You scared the crap out of me! He kissed the side of her neck, smiling against her skin. Years of training have taught me to move undetected and be light on my feet. Id say its a skill youve perfected. Youre up early, he stated, wrapping his arms around her and pressing against her back. Taylor blushed as he ground against her and his erection prodded her bottom. I was disappointed when you werent in my bed. I wanted to make you breakfast. She gasped, closing her eyes as one hand moved to knead her breast and the other dipped between her thighs. Her breath left her in a shaky quiver and she rocked involuntarily against his hand. Catching herself, Taylor cleared her throat and tugged out of his embrace. The coffee is ready. Do you want me to make you some bacon and eggs? Sebastian pulled her away from the fridge with a slow shake of his head. Grabbing her, he gathered her against him and lifted her up to set her on the edge of the counter. All I want is you. Taylor giggled and ran her hands through his dark golden curls, mussing them in a playful tousle. Scrunching up her nose, she leaned forward and rested her forehead against his. As wonderful as that sounds, its only going to fill one of us up. His throaty laugh flooded the kitchen. Im okay with that. Can I take a rain check? Confusion flickered across his face, easing the boyish smile. Whats wrong with now? She kissed the tip of his nose and smiled. Nothing, I just dont have much time and I really wanted to feed you before I left for work. Sebastian braced his hands on either side of her, his shoulders slumping with a sigh before he

lifted his gaze to hers. Youve been through a lot in the past two days. Im sure they will understand you taking a few days off. I know, but its our busy season. I dont want to leave anyone hanging. I feel bad enough not showing up yesterday as it is. Besides, I could really use the money. Nodding, he straightened. Theyll make it. Give yourself a break, Taylor. She chewed her lip for a long moment and shrugged. Okay. Youre right. I could use some time to pack up the rest of my things. Im always right, he said, tipping her chin and stealing a quick kiss. Well swing by together and grab the remainder of your clothes and whatever personal affects you want to keep. The rest can stay. I dont know what else you have going on today, but I was hoping to look around and find a safer place in my price range. Maybe you could help. Its sweet of you to let me stay here, but I dont want to be a burden or overstay my welcome. Sebastians shoulders shook with a silent laugh. Lifting his head, he pinned her with an incredulous stare. Let you? Taylor, I want you to stay. I didnt bring you home to spend a night or two just so you could turn around and leave. Stay with me. Ill give you whatever you want or need. I will take care of you. He sounded so sincere, so genuine. His generosity was almost too much to bear. Shaking her head, she blinked against the burn building in her eyes. I dont need you to take care of me, Sebastian. I can take care of myself. I know that and I respect it, but thats not the point, Taylor. I want to. She lowered her gaze. Im not going to win this argument, am I? His fingers wrapped around her chin and she shivered as his intense green stare probed hers. No. Trust me and let it happen. Laying her hand over his, she turned and kissed his palm. There was no point in fighting just to prove a point. Truth was, she wanted to be with him, and if Sebastian was being honest and not just gracious, rebellion was pointless. He had a way, an unspoken manner that assured he was a man who got what he wanted. Besides, she had no desire to see the harsh lines of displeasure stamp his face again. Last night was still fresh in her mind, and her mother had always warned her to choose her battles with a man wisely. Standing her ground when he was attempting to offer her his world on a silver platter wouldnt just be offensive; it would be akin to slapping him in the face. Okay, she whispered. Ill give it a go. Yeah? he asked. She nodded, grinning as he cupped her cheeks. Yes, but on one condition. Im not one to negotiate, but lets hear what you got. I want you to stop procrastinating and tell me what you want for breakfast. An evil grin split his face, and Sebastians low chuckle echoed through the kitchen. Taylor squealed as he swept her off the counter and delivered a stinging swat to her upturned ass. Giggling, she writhed on his shoulder in an attempt to escape and diffuse the burn. You really do need to listen better, he chided, striding towards the living room to dump her on the couch. A lusty gleam ignited his eyes as he sprawled over top of her and pinned her against the cool leather. I already told you what I wanted, and Ive waited long enough. Theyd barely finished when the doorbell chimed through the entire house, startling her. Sebastian dropped his sweaty forehead against hers, still panting as he issued a dry laugh and struggled to roll to his feet. Grabbing his clothes off the floor, he quickly yanked them on and issued her a look of soft regret while attempting to rake his damp curls into some semblance of order. It was hopeless; they remained in

wild mop of disarray, prompting Taylor to giggle. Stooping, he tossed her the torn remnants of her clothing and nodded toward the stairs off the kitchen. Go clean up and get dressed. I dont think I can move, she mumbled, flinging her arm over her head in protest. And I dont think I want anyone else seeing you naked. Move it, he warned heading toward the foyer. Taylor sighed, sagging deeper into the plush leather. A smile curled her lips, and she couldnt help but giggle as she shifted against the damp furniture. Hopefully, their guests would choose a different place to sit. Sebastians voice carried a warning as he called her name from the hall. Groaning, she fought against the exhausted pull of her limbs. Everything hurt. There didnt seem to be an inch of her body that didnt ache or throb with refusal. Her legs wobbled when she stood, forcing her to reach out and steady herself against the back of the couch. Hearing the deadbolt on the front door gave her the extra dose of adrenaline she needed and, squeaking, Taylor darted for the staircase just in time to hear a mans voice filter through the downstairs. A quick shower and shave later, she pulled on a pair of soft cotton yoga pants and a stretchy baby tee. Padding out into the hall, she heard voices and peered over the banister that overlooked the entire great room and kitchen. Sebastian stood near the fireplace talking to Josh while three flush faced kids darted through the house. They laughed and squealed with delight, disappearing to the other side, and she turned to watch as they engaged in a friendly game of war. The open floor plan provided fantastic views of most of the house and allowed for very few blind spots. For the first time, she wondered if that had been something Sebastian had chosen intentionally. Despite her rather intimate knowledge of his body, there was still a lot about both man and career that remained a mystery. The flight of a bright orange Nerf bullet interrupted her thoughts as it sailed overhead. Eyes wide, Taylor followed its arc and watched as it plummeted to land between the men. Sebastians brow furrowed as he glanced up, but spotting her, his face lit with a lazy smile. She blushed as Josh turned to see what had caught his attention. Its alright, Taylor. Come down here and say hello. Just watch out for the screaming pack of heathens, Sebastian said, giving her a wink. Taylor hoped the back stairs would be safer than the ones that emptied off the foyer. Coming off the last step, she halted, almost tumbling onto her butt when she collided unexpectedly with a tall, striking blonde. Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to utter an apology, but all she managed to do was gape. The woman was a knockout with huge green eyes and shiny honeyed locks that spilled over her shoulders in loose ringlets. Freckles smattered the tip of her pert nose and accented her pixie-like features. Staring, Taylor felt a knot of jealousy tighten her stomach. There was no way she could ever compete with someone as beautiful as that. Slender hands steadied her and the woman flashed a blinding smile. Im so sorry! Sebby didnt tell me he had company. Are you okay? Sebby? Taylor winced at the comfortable endearment. Tucking her wet hair behind her ear, she lowered her head and nodded, wishing she could just disappear. I should have watched where I was going. Its my fault. She stood rooted in place as the kids barreled through the hallway. A towheaded toddler was the last to make it through. She wobbled through the room and crashed into Sebastians legs. Her big blue eyes were nothing short of adoring as she wrapped her arms around him and flashed a dimpled smile. Up, she demanded, flinging her hands into the air. She opened and closed them frantically. Pick me up! Chuckling, he scooped the toddler into his arms and tossed her in the air, drawing delighted squeals from the little girl. The woman beside Taylor smiled and shook her head.

You break it, you buy it, Sebastian, she warned. His eyes sparkled as he reclined the chubby cherub in his arms and tickled her. She squalled with laughter, wriggling in her attempts to get away, her tiny hands trying desperately to grab ahold of him. Tell your mom shes a spoil sport. Youd rather live with me anyway, wouldnt you, Mia? He laughed as she shook her head no. In that case, you get down, he said, placing her back on her feet. And you, he said beckoning to Taylor with a crooked finger, get over here where you belong. Her cheeks blazed as she crossed the room to join his side. Josh nodded, offering her a smile. You already know Josh, and that, Sebastian said indicating to the breathtaking woman leaning against the kitchen island, is my sister, Monique. Sister? Taylors hand flew to her mouth in an attempt to stifle her husky laugh. Oh thank God! Sebastian lifted a brow as Josh roared with laughter. Moniques airy giggle soon followed. Trust me; even if Sebastian wasnt my brother, he isnt my type. I can barely handle being related to him. Monique laughed. Her smile faded at her brothers questioning look. Im not saying he isnt a wonderful man, because he is. At least most of the time Monique? Sebastian said softly. Stop talking while youre still ahead. Nodding, she hung her head and blew out a deep breath. Im sorry. I didnt know you had company. She shot Josh an incredulous look before returning her attention to her brother. Its not fair to pile all of the kids in on you like this. We can go Christmas shopping some other time. Its fine. Taylor and I will manage. Go do what you need to do. Josh glanced around. When are you going to get a tree up, Baas? You know we all look forward to Christmas here and its looking a little barren. Theyre delivering it Tuesday. As long as there are no objections, I figured I would carry up the decorations today and have the kids help out. A chorus of cheers erupted from the other side of the room. Taylor studied the three little ones with a smile. It was obvious the adorable blonde was Moniques and the niece Sebastian had referenced to before. Both boys were gorgeous with straight dark hair and big blue eyes. Taylor smothered a giggle as they both approached Josh and peered up at him with matching grins. Are they yours? No, just Aiden, he said, nudging the stouter of the two. Mo brought their nephew along so Sebastian could see him and so his brother could have a break. The guy is going through a bit of a rough spot at home. His wife is expecting and apparently shes become a raging barracuda. She laughed while Mia seized hold of Sebastians pant leg and gave it a few rigorous tugs. Her heart melted as he scooped the toddler up and prodded her tummy until she giggled and squirmed. It was a side of him she loved watching. Nothing was sexier than a man who was good with children, and if his bright smile was any indication, Sebastian truly enjoyed lavishing the little ones with his attention. Be good, baby girl, Monique said, stepping over to smooth the toddlers sweaty curls. She planted a tender kiss on the childs forehead. You listen to Uncle Sebby and dont give him a hard time. Otay. The striking blonde pulled Taylor in for a quick hug. It was very mice meeting you. I hope the kids dont run you out the door. Sebastian chuckled. Shes not going anywhere. Well be fine, Monique. Go. Everyone exchanged a quick flurry of goodbyes, and Taylor hung back as he escorted the adults outside. A few minutes later, Sebastian returned and pulled a bottle of water from the fridge. Twisting off the top, he took a long drink before setting it on the counter with a sigh. I got them all settled down in the front room with a movie. Im sorry. I completely forgot I told Monique to bring the kids by.

Its fine. Theyre your family, and they seem to make you happy. Sebastian nodded and rounded the counter. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he tugged her close. She colored, biting back a soft moan as his hips rubbed against hers suggestively and his eyes took on a mischievous gleam. You make me happy, he murmured, bending to kiss the side of her neck. The kids are just an added bonus to my day. And they are in the next room, she chided, trying to tug free. He held her close, his green eyes starting to shimmer with an unspoken challenge. So Monique and Josh, she said, trying to change the subject. Are they an item? Sebastian released her with a chuckle. Its hard to say with those two. They are definitely close. Josh has been her rock in many ways since Moniques husband died a year and a half ago. Mia was just eight months old when Dane passed, and my sister had a rough time coping with things. We tried to help her pick up the pieces as best we could, but its hard when you lose someone you love so unexpectedly. They still had their whole lives ahead of them. Taylor chewed her lip and nodded. Loss was something she knew all too well. It didnt discriminate. It didnt care what types of families or friendships it broke up, and all too often, it snuck up without warning. Still, she found it hard to believe Josh was capable of demonstrating that kind of compassion and empathy, and harder still to process that someone as beautiful and vivacious as Monique could actually enjoy his company, let alone seek it out. Maybe that was what her mother had meant when she said life was full of mysteries. The thought made her giggle, and she glanced up to find Sebastian studying her with a quizzical expression. Im sorry. Im just having a hard time believing anyone could want to spend their free time with Josh. Sebastian took her hand and frowned. The only encounters youve had with him were when he was on the job. Dont be too critical of that person, Taylor. Hes not that man. What about you? Who are you when youre working, Sebastian? His eyes locked with hers for a long moment before he lowered his head with a sorrowful shake. Someone you wouldnt like. Looking back up, he cupped her face. I keep my professional life and my personal life separate for a reason. There are lines, boundaries, that dont need crossed. Stop digging for details. I dont open up to you about these things because I dont want you to see that side of me. Its not who I am. Its what I have to do to survive and get the job done. At the end of the day, I can leave that person at the door. Thats what matters. Her dark brow knitted with confusion. But its still a part of you, she whispered, and it affects us. No, Taylor, he said sternly. Its not and it doesnt. Letting her go, he took a step back and squeezed the bridge of his nose for a long moment before giving a slow shake of his head and blowing out a forceful exhale. His shoulders lifted with a heavy sigh, and he forced his gaze to hers. Lets just go drag the Christmas boxes out of storage and give these kids something to do before we have a mutiny on our hands.


Soft voices filtered from upstairs as Sebastian made a final round through the house, turning off lights and double-checking doors as he went. After punching in the key for the security alarm, he raked a hand through his hair and glanced around. It had taken hours, but theyd decked the house to the hilt for Christmas. Crisp white lights and festive garland covered nearly every surface from archways to mantles, to the thick curving banisters. Multicolored lights illuminated the outside of the windows, bathing the inside with a colorful glow. All that was missing was the tree, but truth be told, he was looking forward to decorating that alone with Taylor. Maybe he would even take her shopping and let her pick out the theme. Women tended to like that sort of thing. All in all, the evening had gone well. The kids had been well behaved and more than happy to help. Theyd been ecstatic when hed handed them all twenty bucks for their hard work and theyd all shared a peaceful meal of fried chicken, jo jos, and Mediterranean pizza. He chuckled remembering Mias face the minute shed bitten into the feta cheese. The way shed grimaced, he would have thought shed swallowed a lemon. At least shed politely lifted the napkin to her mouth and spit the food out, even if she did follow it up with a scowl and an adamant yuck. His head snapped up as the little princess let out an ear-piercing shriek upstairs. It had been a long day and he was more than ready to retire to the more peaceful surroundings of his suite. Bounding up the steps, he found his niece standing in the hallway. Shed crammed her fingers in her mouth and fat tears rolled down the rounded slopes of her cheeks. The boys stood sheepishly behind her, the look on their faces anything but innocent. Shooting them both a dour look, he crouched down and plucked Mias hand from between her trembling lips. What happened, baby? Dey slammed my fingers in the door. Her chubby little legs pumped as she danced in place. Owwwwie! He examined her dimpled digits, bending them gently. Running a finger over the red indent, he shook his head and scooped her up. Youre okay, pumpkin. Lets go get you some ice though, just to make it feel better, okay? She nodded against his neck, her cheeks leaving hot wet patches in their wake. Were sorry, Uncle Seb. It was an accident. Its not me you should apologize to, Christian. Your cousins the one who got hurt. The young boy scowled and hung his head. Kicking the carpet with his toes, he gave a begrudging sigh. Im sorry, Mia. Shes just such a pain in the butt! She never leaves us alone. Sebastian lifted an eyebrow at his nephew and adjusted the squirming toddler on his hip. Is that an apology or an excuse? Sorry. You boys finish up your game and get ready for bed. Ill be up in a minute to say goodnight. Yes, sir. A few minutes later, he had Mia tucked into her frilly white bed and the soft glow of a nightlight flooded the lavish space. She beamed up at him from beneath the covers, still clutching the plastic bag of ice. Leaning over, he kissed her forehead with a promise to keep her door cracked and a reassurance he was just down the hall as always. The boys had already scrambled into their bunk bed by the time the peeked in on them. The blue multisport comforters were just coming up over their bodies, and their hushed whispers filled the room.

Sebastian shook his head and smiled from the doorway. The two couldnt have been any closer if they had been cousins. You know the rules. Keep the TV down and lights out at eleven. Yes, sir, they said in unison. It was a force of habit for Joshs son, being raised by a military parent. Christian happily followed Aidens lead. Regarding them for a minute longer, he felt a twinge of pity for his nephew. His home life was an unstructured mess. Most of the time, it bordered on utter chaos. It was no wonder the kid clung to anything that resembled order. A frown darkened his face as he pondered the situation. Maybe someday his brother would find his balls and get his wife in check. He snorted. That was doubtful. For whatever reason, Lucian seemed to enjoy being a doormat and unfortunately, he was dragging his poor kid down with him. Right under some vicious four inch heels. Sighing, he reminded himself that it was none of his business. He had his own house and his own affairs to keep in order. I love you boys, he stated softly. Goodnight. Love you too, Uncle Seb. Gnight. Peaceful silence enveloped him the moment he shut the doors to the master suite. His eyes darted over the bed before his gaze traveled to the far end of the room. Taylor lay curled up on the chaise lounge, a soft cashmere throw spread across her legs as she read. Hearing him enter, she set the book down and smiled. Sebastian regarded her for a long moment, unsure if he wanted to return the gesture or not. I thought I asked you to get ready for bed, he stated, turning to tug off his shirt. Taylors expression faltered as he looked her way. I am ready. My clothes are changed, my teeth are brushed And yet you arent in it. Her forehead creased with confusion. I was waiting for you. Sebastian nodded and stripped off his pants. We seem to be having a little breakdown in communication this evening. To be honest, Im having a hard time understanding why that is. Am I not being clear? II did what you asked. No, Taylor, you didnt. Is there a reason you are avoiding our bed? he asked, turning to face her. Her mouth opened and closed without sound. Uncertainty lined her face as she glanced at the object in question. A silent shake of her head was all she managed to muster. Sebastians eyes narrowed slightly. Then please get in it. Laying the book aside, she peeled back the throw and stood. Her gaze darted to the rumpled blanket and he watched the conflict surge through her as she struggled with the urge to fold it. The muscles on one side of his jaw knotted. Crossing his arms against his chest, Sebastian bit his tongue and waited. After a long pause, she finally crept across the room and slid between the blankets. A small tremble wormed through her as he pinned her with a stare. Shaking his head, he moved to turn out the lights. Her body stiffened as he eased into bed beside her. Are you trying to test my patience? he asked quietly. No. She squirmed beneath the comforter. Ive warned you several times that I am not a patient man. I asked you politely to get in bed. It was a simple request, yet you still felt the need to make me wait. I was scared, she whispered. You seem angry. So you decide to further test that theory? he asked, raising an eyebrow in the dark. Tell me, Taylor, if its not my anger you want then what is it you are trying to accomplish here? I she blew out a shaky breath. Sebastian, please dont be mad at me. Im sorry. It wont happen again. No, he agreed. It wont. When I tell you to get ready for bed, that means I expect you to be

ready and in bed when I get here. Is that clear? Yes, Sebastian. Good. Dont make me have this conversation with you again. You wont like me if I have to continue repeating myself, and youll like the consequences of avoiding my touch even less. The mattress shifted. He stared up at her as Taylor leaned over him, her inky hair spilling across her face. Even in the darkness, he could see the hurt and confusion wounding those beautiful eyes. Gooseflesh erupted beneath the feather light stroke of her fingers as she trailed them across his chest. He bit back a groan as they danced lower and swirled across his navel. Is that what you think? she whispered. His head fell back and he closed his eyes as she pressed her lips against his fevered skin. I wasnt avoiding you, Sebastian. I was waiting for youeagerly and impatiently waiting. She kissed a slow path across his chest. Her warm breath fanned against his abs, and he jerked as her cool fingers dipped beneath the blankets to squeeze his shaft. I love the way you touch me, she whispered. The things you do to me, the way you make me feel His brow quirked in question. What happened to his bashful little minx? One thing he knew for certain, her words were almost his undoing as was her touch. He shuddered with anticipation as her breath fanned lower. Winding a fist in her hair, he pulled until he wrung a soft cry from those sensual lips. His cock throbbed. If she was so eager to please, he would let her, but she wasnt going to tease him in the process. Pushing her head down, he groaned as she took him into her mouth. Searing heat enveloped him and he drew in a raspy breath, winded from the pleasure. His fingers tightened in Taylors hair, guiding her down further. She whimpered, sending delicious shockwaves through his system. Moaning low in the base of his throat, Sebastian met her downward strokes and plunged deeper. The hot suction of her mouth was staggering. Combined with her keening mewls, the torment threatened to send him over the edge. Hauling her back, he used his hold on her hair to drag her up the front of him. Taylor shivered, regarding him with wide bewildered eyes. Urging her thigh over his hip, he searched her face, looking for any sign of reluctance or deception. He sagged against the pillows as she slowly impaled him. The tight grip of her body was almost too much. A beautiful look of bliss carved her face as he filled her, followed by a whimper of pain. She was swollen and sore, but it wasnt enough. He had to have her. Grinding her down, he rocked beneath her, driving deep into her womb. Taylors head fell back, and the room echoed with her startled cry. Her nails sank into his chest as he pushed even deeper and Sebastian clenched his teeth, fighting to keep a tremulous hold on his self-control. Prove it to me, he ordered. Prove you want this. Taylor bit her lip. Tears welled in her eyes as she struggled to stay seated. Grabbing her hips, he drove harder, watching the staggering combination of pain and determination play across her face. Her whimper broke on a sob. Hands splayed against his chest, she curled her fingers, her knees trembling with her efforts not to move. The pressure was unbearable, even for him, but he wanted more. Rocking beneath her, he ground upwards and drew another keening whimper from her throat. Her nails raked against his skin in a silent plea. She trembled, and his eyes locked with hers in open challenge. A taunting smile curved his lips when she sat tight, her body throbbing around him. Cum for me, Taylor, he said quietly. Reaching between them, he ran a finger over her slick slit. Her hips jerked involuntarily, and he arched to keep the pressure. I cant, she panted. It hu-hurts. Focus on the pleasure, not the pain. It was an unrealistic expectation at best, but that never stopped him from trying. Her efforts were humbling, but if the beads of sweat on her brow and the tortured twist of her face were any indication, Taylor was going to cave. He wasnt sure what he would do then. Perhaps shove a pillow over her face and fuck her so hard she screamed. The moan that tumbled past her lips caught him off-guard. Watching

her, Sebastian stroked her little nub harder and faster, loving the battle of agony and ecstasy that took place on her features. Taylor writhed against his fingers, her face contorting for the briefest of seconds. Then it happened. Her body exploded into a violent spasm. She gouged his chest with a strangled scream, her already tight walls clamping around him in a painful grip. Sebastian groaned as she shuddered, massaging him in a series of vicious contractions that opened her up and drove her down deeper with each throb of release. Surprise tore through him, ripping away the last bit of his control. Pumping up into her, he ignored her lofty cries and came in an instant of pure shuddering joy. Sebastian lifted her, easing Taylor from his body. Tears streaked her cheeks as he rolled her onto her side and cradled her tight. It wasnt often someone managed to take him by surprise, let alone so completely. He ran his fingers through the damp tangles of her hair and kissed her face. Youre a good girl, Taylor, he murmured as he drew the covers up over them. Such a good girl. His eyes closed when she pressed closer, curling up against his chest in search of warmth and reassurance. She clung to him while he rubbed small circles along her spine, her small body still trembling with the strain. I love you, Sebastian, she whispered. Please forgive me. Theres nothing to forgive. I love you, too, baby. More than you know. Taylors eyes popped open as the bed dipped unexpectedly. For a moment, she held her breath, praying it wasnt Sebastian rolling over in search of her. As much as she loved him, she wasnt sure she could endure another round of his attention so soon. Her body still ached in a dull reminder of the night before. Soft sunlight filtered through the windows assuring her morning had come despite the exhaustion still coiled through her limbs. The mattress bounced again, this time more rigorously. Sebastian stiffened and let out a pained grunt beside her as Mias cheerful giggle flowed through the room. Wake up, Unco Sebby! Wake up! The bed shimmied as she scrambled up the mattress, climbing over top of him. Rolling over, Taylor smiled as he grunted again and a low chuckle spilled from his throat. The sweet little girl sat straddling his ribs, bouncing on her knees. Big blue eyes sparkled with delight beneath the tangled blonde shocks of her hair. Cupping his cheeks between her dimpled hands, she rubbed them vigorously. Up! she demanded. Im hungry. All right already, he laughed, capturing a chubby hand to kiss her fingers. Your cheeks are poky. She pouted. Dey hurt. No one asked you to maul them, kiddo, he teased with a wink. And what did I tell you about coming in here? He shook his head at her confused expression. In a fast, fluid strike, he flipped her onto her back and tickled her tummy as she thrashed, screaming with laughter as she tried to get away. Youre supposed to knock, you little monster! Otay! she squealed. Otay! Im sorry! Chuckling, he scooped her off the bed and stood before setting her on her feet. Next time knock first, princess. Go get the boys up. Taylor and I will be down in a minute. Taylor grinned as the little girl gifted her with a bright smile and cheerful wave. Giggling, she spun on her heel and bounded down the hall. Still watching after the beaming ball of energy, Sebastian chortled and raked his hands through his hair. Shes so cute. Can we keep her? He stared at her for a long minute. Throwing his head back, he laughed. No. In fact, he said, crossing the room to cradle her hips against his, we should probably get you on something before we end up with six of our own. Im already on the shot. My uncle didnt want me getting knocked up in high school, and despite

my objections, he didnt believe I was keeping myself intact. She moaned as he bent to kiss the side of her neck. His lips lingered warm and soft against her skin. Despite herself, she felt her body respond with a low forceful throb. Mm, but you did, he growled. His teeth snared her earlobe in a gentle nibble, and Taylor squirmed, her knees threatening to buckle beneath his administrations. When do you need to go back? January. Would it be so bad though? To have some of our own someday? I mean not now, but She trailed off as his hand settled against her throat. Her breath caught, her heart starting a slow hammer, but he merely tipped her chin up with his fingers as he kissed a slow path across her neck and along the line of her jaw. His groan threatened to set her insides on fire. No, baby, he murmured. Id love to have a kid or two someday down the road. He cupped her ass with his free hand, grinding her against the front of him. Id love making them even more, he added with a sinister chuckle. What is this anyway? Are you making plans for our future already? Taylor colored and shook her head. Uhm, noI just He laughed and covered her mouth with a rough kiss. Pulling back, Sebastian winked. Relax, sweetheart. I like it. Now go get dressed. As much as I would love to throw you on that bed, the kids will start rioting soon if we dont feed them. Cooking was no easy feat. Even though the kitchen was huge, Sebastian found reasons to brush up against her on several occasions. It was just a subtle reminder of him, the way he felt, and the things he was capable of doing. Biting her lip, she concentrated on flipping the blueberry pancakes as he pressed against her. He rested his chin on her shoulder, hands on her hips, swaying them gently against his. The kids sat scattered on the floor in the great room while they played a board game. It was the kind of morning, and in many ways, the type of life shed always dreamed of having. A small frown darkened her face as she thought of her parents. Were these the kind of simple pleasures shed missed out on growing up? If her father hadnt run off, and her mother had kept her, would she have witnessed two loving adults lingering in the kitchen preparing meals together while she played? The thought made her sigh. Whats wrong? Sebastian whispered. She turned her head slightly to find him studying her face. I was just wondering what my life would have been like if Id had a family like yours. His husky laugh vibrated in her ear. Count yourself lucky, darling. I didnt have this either growing up. Your parents sound like they loved each other very much. They did, he said, still swaying lightly behind her. They were very much involved with each other, but my father was a man who believed children should rarely be seen and never heard. We were more of an inconvenience in his eyes than a blessinga fact he liked to reinforce often with his fists. Her heart broke at the image of him as a little boy with wide green eyes and messy curls being beaten and afraid. Snagging her lip between her teeth, she blinked against the tears that threatened to fall. Sebastian rested his forehead against her temple for a long moment. Hey, its okay. It was a long time ago. We had our good times. He was just a very difficult man to please. Did he beat your sister, too? Sebastian shook his head. Not really, no. He tended to dote on her. My father was hard on me because he expected more and only wanted the best for his son. He made me tough, and I wouldnt be where I am if not for him. I didnt tell you this stuff to make you feel bad. You just need to understand, nobodys home life is perfect. We all have our secrets and our sorrows, baby. They both jarred as Mia crashed into them, wrapping her arms around her uncles legs. Relinquishing his hold on Taylor, he scooped the toddler up, letting her peer onto the counter at the griddle. She looked between the two of them for a moment, her cherubic face growing serious.

Are you two gonna get married? Taylor almost dropped the plastic spatula shed been gripping as Sebastian released a deep laugh. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, and she quickly returned her attention to the pancakes in an attempt to mask it. Dear God. Kids had a way of blurting out some of the most unexpected things. Thinking of her uncle, Taylor smothered a giggle. If he had any inkling what was going on here, he would have asked the same thing. Only instead of an angelic smile, he would have posed it with a sneer and a lecture about what happened to cattle when they gave the milk away for free. She never did quite understand that analogy. It wasnt as if the cows had any choice in the matter. Uh... Sebastian cleared his throat. Well, maybe someday, pumpkin. But for right now, all you need to know is she makes your Uncle Sebby a very happy man. Lets grab you a plate and some sausage. The pancakes should be coming right up. Taylor giggled as he shot her an apologetic look, though his eyes still sparkled with good humor. Hearing his suggestion, the boys barreled into the kitchen and he put them to work setting the round table in the breakfast nook. Morning room, she reminded herself. She shook her head. Whatever it was, it was bright and sunny and afforded a gorgeous view of the lush grounds and rocky landscaping. Much to her delight, a few wayward flakes of snow were drifting from the sky. Sebastian saw this as well and smiled, pointing it out to the kids. Soon, theyd covered the windows with tiny handprints and the outlines of their scrunched noses. Breakfast went by slowly. Mia seemed more interested in prodding the blueberries than eating them, and the conversation revolved around Santa and what each child wanted for Christmas. Taylor couldnt help but marvel at her lovers boyish smile and the way his sage eyes danced when he talked to the kids. He even reached out several times to ruffle Christians hair with a soft admonishment to eat more and talk less so he could grow up to be big and strong. Much to her surprise, they all took part in cleaning the table afterward, without the slightest bit of prompting. Even the littlest wobbled into the kitchen, her plate tilting precariously in her tiny hands. Upstairs thundered as the boys raced through the house to get dressed and gather their things. She set to rinsing the plates and loading the dishwasher while Sebastian attempted to brush out Mias tangled curls. He threw his hands up in the air and set the brush aside after her third howl, and she swore she saw a flicker of relief cross his face when the doorbell rang. Shed just finished wiping the table and counters down when Monique strolled in with Josh in tow. The blonde looked just as beautiful as the day before. The cold had painted rosy patterns on the high ridges of her cheeks and the crisp scent of sunshine and fresh air rolled off her. Smiling, she glanced around and affectionately stroked the top of her daughters head. I hope they werent too much trouble, she said. No! Not at all. In fact, I asked Sebastian if we could keep little Cindy Lou Who earlier, Taylor admitted with a giggle. Monique stared at her for a long moment, her green eyes wide and blinking. Tilting her head, she wet her lips and seemed to regain her composure, though she did lift a tawny brow in response. How did Sebastian take that? I took it just fine, he said softly. Monique startled. Her hand fluttered to her chest, and she let out a shaky laugh as she dropped her chin to her chest. I didnt hear you come back in. Obviously, he said, reclining a hip against the counter as he folded his arms. Taylor glanced between the two of them, wondering what she was missing. Josh cleared his throat and attempted to lighten the mood as he sniffed the air. Something smells great, he said. We have some leftover pancakes and sausage. If you would like, I can fix you up a plate, she

offered. No, but thank you. We ate on the way here. How were the boys? We hardly saw them. They pretty much kept to themselves. Taylor peeked back over at Monique. The blonde was silent and seemed preoccupied with the patterns in the stone floor. Glancing at Sebastian, she could easily understand why. Though his face was passive, his eyes bore into his sister with an intensity that made Taylor shiver. Her brow furrowed. Yeah, Josh said with a snort. They tend to do that. Is everyone ready to go then? Im sure Baas is eager to have you all to himself and get the hellions out of his hair. I think so. She glanced over at Sebastian for reassurance, but his attention remained fixated on Monique. IlluhmIll help you grab their things, she suggested, suddenly eager to escape the kitchen. She followed Josh up the stairs, all too aware of the quiet murmur of voices rising from below. Once they reached the hall, she caught up to him and followed him into the boys room to grab their bags. Can I ask you something? He glanced over at her and shrugged, slinging both duffels over his shoulder. His blue stare bore into her for a long moment before he sighed. You could, but you probably shouldnt. Look, the best advice I can give you is the same thing Baas is telling Monique. Stay out of it. Those two have a complicated relationship at best and the last thing you want to do is stick your nose into the middle of a family squabble. But thats what I dont understand, Taylor said, trailing after him as he strode for Mias room. She didnt do or say anything wrong. Whys he so upset? Groaning, Josh tilted his head back and brought it back down with a frustrated shake. Maybe you havent figured this out by now, but you will. Sebastian can be veryintense. He likes things done his way and anything off course from that is just going to piss him off. Her face twisted with doubt. Hes pissed off over a question? Josh snorted. Hes pissed because he wants to be. Thats all the reason he needs. You want my advice? Stay out of it, and when we leave, do whatever you have to do to make the man happy. End of discussion. Wrinkling her forehead, Taylor gave a slow shake of her head. As much as she wanted to deny it, or insist he must be missing something, a lot of Josh said made sense. Last night, and even the night before, Sebastian had been terrifying in his moments of displeasure. There was always something darkly dangerous seething just below the surface with him. Before, shed thought it was just part of his allure, something that came from knowing part of what he did, and who he could be on the job. Now, she wasnt so sure. Apprehension shuddered through her, and she glanced up as Josh patted her arm. For the first time, his face bore something soft and close to compassion. It doesnt matter how you got yourself into this, kiddo. Theres no getting out. Somehow, she managed to follow him back downstairs. Her knees felt weak and despite the basking warmth of the house, she was cold. Shivering, she tugged Mias bag off her shoulder and set it near Moniques feet. The blonde offered her a tremulous smile, though her eyes were slightly watery and red. A somber pall still hung over the room, but much to her surprise, Sebastians sister turned to him and gave him a brief hug. I love you, she stated softly. Thank you for keeping the kids. I love you too, Monique. Releasing her, his gaze shifted to Josh. He offered his partner an amicable nod. Later, Reevers. Later, Baas. Take good care of him, Taylor. Pressing her lips together, she nodded. Sebastian showed them all out. Eager for distraction, she grabbed a bottle of Windex from under

the sink and sprayed the windows down, erasing the sticky handprints and smears. She closed her eyes, blowing out a long breath as she heard the front door close. A few seconds later, a strong arm snaked around her waist. Some of the tension and fear fled her as Sebastian took the cleaning supplies from her hand and turned her to face him. She couldnt help but grin at the lazy smile dangling from his lips. Free at last, he murmured, setting the things down on the table with one hand while tugging her closer with the other. They werent so bad. No. They werent, but Josh is right. I want you all to myself for a while. His voice dropped to a husky whisper that left no doubts as to what he had in mind. Taylor moaned as he scooped her up, dragging her thighs over his hips. She trembled with pleasure as he ground the straining ridge of his erection against her, the friction and pressure sending raw jolts right through her. Tightening her hold around his neck, she kissed him deeply, drawing a low groan from the base of his throat. His tongue continued to duel with hers as he carried her over to the couch. The cool leather cushions caved beneath her with a soft hiss. She almost whimpered, mourning the loss of contact when Sebastian tugged her arms free and stood. The desire in his eyes was humbling, if not a bit unsettling. She bit her lip as he stared down at her in silent contemplation. She could almost hear the wheels in that intelligent mind churning. Strip. Her breath came in a shallow exhale. Numb with a combination of desire and fear, she slowly peeled out of her clothes. His gaze traveled over every inch of her skin with the lingering effect of a brand. She could feel it caressing, exploring, and probing just as surely as if it had been his hands. Confusion flooded her as he grabbed a scarlet throw pillow and tucked it beneath her head. Snaring another, he lifted her legs and took a seat, shoving the second pillow under her hips. Sebastian turned slightly, resting his back against the corner of the couch. A slow smile curved his lips as he took in the sight of her sprawled naked and exposed before him. Taylor colored with shame as he parted her thighs, and taking a shaky breath, tried to clamp her lids shut. No, he murmured. Look at me. Her eyes locked with his, and she tamped down a whimper as he slowly forced a finger inside her. Her tender body protested at the intrusion, and she fought the urge to squirm away when he pushed deeper. A gasping moan parted her lips as a second finger worked its way in. Gripping the cushion beside her, Taylor thrashed her head from side to side, all too aware of the sound of creaking leather that filled the room. Sebastians low chuckle washed over her. She jerked as he turned his hand and the soft pad of his thumb pressed against her, stroking back and forth across her clit. Panting, her breath broke on a whimper, and she felt a sudden surge of moisture flood her insides, slicking the way. His fingers probed harder and faster, forcing her back to bow. Sebastians low, throaty rumble told her he approved. She threw her head back with a lofty cry when a third digit stretched her open and thrust deep. Please, she whimpered. She wanted to say it was too much, but he knew. She could see it in his eyes. They glimmered with the same unspoken challenge as the night before. Her body throbbed, pulsing around the rhythmic drive of his fingers as agony and ecstasy battled for control. Cum for me, and Ill stop. I cant. Youre going to, he said. Stop fighting it. Any argument she might have posed died as he thrust deeper. His fingers swirled inside her, doing delicious things. A thick knuckle grazed her sensitive bud, grinding into her until she gasped. His other hand trailed over the taut drum of her belly, making it flutter in his wake. Nimble fingers flicked across her nipple and teased it into a rigid peak. Her breath came faster, and her hips arched off the couch.

Sebastian drove faster, rocking her body between the relentless drive of his fingers and the pull on her nipple, each play seeming to increase the other until she shattered. Release tore through her without warning, wringing a hoarse scream from her throat. She thrashed her head pleadingly, clawing at the couch as the wave after wave of pleasure battered her without mercy. Through it all, he never stopped he kept plying her with the same steady rhythm until she came again and sagged into a limp, breathless heap. Taylor was only dimly aware of Sebastians movements as he stood. The soft rustle of clothing filled the room and she groaned as he scooped her off the couch. Cool wood pressed against her knees, and her eyes widened with realization as he pushed her down, bending her over the leather cushions. The hard muscle of his thigh wedged between hers, nudging them apart. His hands seized her hips, jerking them into place and she screamed as he drove into her, burying himself to the hilt. Taylor groaned as warm breath fell across her back in spurts while his lean body shuddered with the strain. She could feel him struggle, throbbing inside her as he fought for control. A menacing growl tore from his throat and his fingers tightened into a bruising hold. Her wavering cries bounced unchecked as he pounded into her, stabbing deep and hard until he threw his head back with a roar of release. The couch scooted as he slumped over her. Sebastians breath came in shallow pants, mirroring her still labored efforts. After giving them both a minute to recoup, he slid from her body with a reluctant grunt. Taylor sagged into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her and laughed, pulling her to the floor with him. What are you doing to me? he asked. She blinked as he brushed the hair from her eyes. His expression was tender, if not a bit bewildered. I cant keep my hands off of you. I noticed, she murmured. I cantI dont think I can move. He grinned and kissed the freckled tip of her nose. You dont have to, baby. She woke up very much alone. Blinking against the sleep and confusion, Taylor stroked the plump pillow beneath her head. Feeling the telltale rub of carpet fibers beneath her skin, she knew she was still naked, but at some point Sebastian had moved her onto the plush throw rug and covered her. A quiet groan rose in her throat as she stretched and unfurled. It took a moment, but she finally managed to push to her feet. Outside the sun hung low in the sky, painting it with vivid strokes of pink, purple, and orange. Vibrant hues danced over the thin layer of snow blanketing the ground, infusing the crystals with color. Frowning, she wondered how long shed been asleep and why hed left her. After wrapping the silky cream chenille around her body, she padded through the house in search of Sebastian. Soft flickering light spilled from an open door at the end of the hall and she followed the welcoming glow to his study. Decorated in deep browns, rusty reds and oranges, the room was another extension of the quiet opulence that stretched through the rest of the house. A potted tree sat nestled in one corner and a thick fern spilled in disarray over the mantle, adding a touch of wilderness and life. Smiling, she leaned against the doorframe and watched him. He sat behind a rich mahogany desk with one hand firmly entrenched in his wild curls as he studied the computer screen in front of him. His sage eyes narrowed slightly, reflecting both the light from his monitor and the writhing flames of the fireplace. A tense frown crossed his features, stamping them with brief lines of displeasure. For a moment, he looked like he was going to be sick. Blowing out a loud breath, he cupped his chin and leaned back in his padded leather chair. She offered a shy smile as his gaze darted to the doorway. Hey, doll, he said, returning the gesture. Did you have a nice nap? Yeah, she said sleepily, her nose wrinkling with her grin. Why didnt you wake me? He shrugged. I had some work to catch up on and you looked like you could use the rest. Ill be with you in a minute. If youre still feeling up to it, well go get the rest of your things when Im done.

Would you like me to make you something to eat while you finish? Sebastian shook his head and gave her a tender smile. No, baby, well grab something on the way. Okay. She wrung her hands, resisting the urge to cross the room and curl up in his lap. He seemed to sense her struggles and winked. Just give me a few more minutes, darling. Then Im all yours. Taylor nodded. After pulling the door mostly shut again, she wandered through the house alone. The place was so huge without him beside her it felt like it threatened to swallow her whole. She wondered how Sebastian had managed to live there so long on his own. The sense of loneliness and isolation the walls radiated would have driven her mad. She straightened up the pillows in the great room before trekking upstairs in search of her phone. It had been a few days since shed talked to Bryce or her uncle, and she didnt want them to worry. Flopping back on the bed, she scrolled through and dialed her cousins number. The phone only rang twice before Bryces crackly voice answered on the other end. Tay? Hey, Bryce. Oh thank God. Where the hell have you been? We saw what happened on the news and we tried stopping by. We couldnt find you, and we didnt hear from you. My dads eight shades of flipped out over here! Im sorry, she said. Im okay. Yeah? Yeah, more than okay, really. You know that guy Ive been seeing? The mystery man? She laughed, nodding even though her cousin couldnt see her. Uh huh. Dont tell your dad, but Ive been staying with him. He wants me to move in. This is the guy that lives in some crazy ass mansion, right? Its a nice house, yes. Lucky, he muttered. So when do we get to meet this guy, Tay? Better yet, when do we get to check out these fancy new digs youre living in? Her lips vibrated as she blew out a forceful breath. I dont know to be honest with you. Let me talk to him and Ill see what I can do. Sebastian has a lot going on right now with work, and I just piled in on him. She hesitated for a moment. And you know how your dad is. Im not too sure Sebastian would enjoy one of his lectures on morality and virtue. Bryce laughed. Yeah, I get that, but were family and hes going to have to suffer through it sooner or later. Hey, while I got you on the phone, I need a favor. Anything, she said, smiling. You know that. A sigh of relief sounded on the other end. My piece of shit broke down again and I have some stuff to pick up in town. Do you think I could at least borrow your truck? It would just be for an hour or so. Sure, I have to swing by the diner for a little tomorrow anyway and clean out my apartment. You can pick it up then. Just dont wreck it, okay? That rusted out beauty is all Ive got. Thanks, Tay. Youre the best. I love you. Im glad youre all right. Love you too, Bub. She hung up the phone, still smiling. It felt good to reconnect with her family again, even if just for a few minutes. Stretching her arms out behind her head, she startled when she noticed Sebastian leaning against the archway. Her lips pressed together in uncertainty as she regarded his folded arms and the narrowing glint in his eyes.

Who was that? My cousin, Bryce. She grinned as his shoulders shook with a slight laugh and the tension eased from his stony features, bringing back the boyish smile she loved. I didnt want them to worry about me, which they were. I should have called sooner, she admitted. Hed really like to come over sometime and meet you. Sebastian nodded and crossed the room. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed beside her, he traced the line of her jaw. She melded against him as he leaned in to steal a slow, lingering kiss. Would that make you happy? he asked, pulling back. I think so, yes. Then consider it done. Set up a time over the weekend. Unless you would prefer to hold out another week or two and have them here for the holiday. Its up to you. She felt her face light up with the bright smile his words elicited. Bouncing slightly, she tamped down a squeal and lunged up on her knees. Really? Sebastian laughed as she flung her arms around his neck. Yes, darling, really. Whatever makes you happy. Now go get dressed so we can grab a bite to eat. Im famished.


Guilt flooded Taylor as she pulled into the diner's parking lot. Cars and decked out semis crammed the tiny space, some of them spilling into the adjacent lot reserved for the shopping plaza. With barely a parking space left, the staff had to be pulling their hair out. Squeezing her truck in beside the dumpster, she took a deep breath and shook her head. She wasn't exactly looking forward to telling her boss she was quitting. Christmas was always their busiest season, and part of her was going to miss the worn down surroundings and familiar faces. Flipping down the visor, she double-checked her reflection. Part of her considered trying to buy more time, but Sebastian changing his mind seemed about as likely as her winning the lottery. Sighing, she rolled her eyes. What was wrong with her? Most people would be running through those truck stop doors without so much as a second glance. It was stupid to mourn something so trivial when she had so much to gain. She had the perfect man, the perfect housethe perfect life. Steeling herself, she slid from the truck and eased into the soft bank of snow. A small grimace crossed her face as she kicked the dirty slush from her boots and started toward the warm shelter of the diner. Bryces voice called out to her, stopping her short. Turning, she laughed as she found herself suddenly swept off her feet and into her hulking cousins arms. She grunted, giggling in his bear-like embrace. His scraggly beard tickled her cheek as he planted a rough kiss on her face. Hows my favorite cuz? he asked, setting her back on her feet. Im wonderful, but I think you might have just crushed a rib or two, she scolded. His unrepentant grin earned him a hard slug to the shoulder. She immediately regretted it. Pouting, Taylor shook the pain out of her knuckles. Shed forgotten how big and solid her childhood playmate had grown. Bryce regarded her with a funny expression, his thick eyebrows quirking above the rims of his sunglasses. What? she asked. Im just seeing if you look any different. He snickered with a lecherous grin. You know, now that youve been defiled and all. Oh my God, Bryce! Really? she snorted, slugging him again. Youre horrible! Youre the one thats bumping uglies. Her jaw dropped, and Taylor planted her hands on her hips with an indignant gasp. Bumping what? Where do you even come up with this stuff, Bryce McAvay? Laughter was the only response she got. Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. Do you want the keys or not? Yes, Maam, he said, quickly sobering. Then grow up and act like a gentleman. She couldnt help but giggle at his playful salute. Pick me up at my apartment. I can catch the bus there, and you better bring my baby back in one piece! Throwing his head of thick auburn hair back, her cousin barked with laughter. Whatever doesnt fall off on the way through town will make it back to you safe and sound, I swear. Tossing the keys at him, she headed for the diner. The powerful smell of coffee and warm grease washed over her the minute she set foot through the doors. Irene glanced up from behind the counters, a wide smile splitting the redheads impish face. Earl turned from his usual seat at the counter. Lifting his hat to reveal a smattering of wiry silver hair, the old man offered a grin and a saucy wink. Theres my kitty cat! he said, chuckling. I was just telling the staff here I was going to have to find a new place to eat. No one tosses up a batch of home fries and grits like you. Aw, Early Bird. I missed you, too. Stomping the snow off her boots, Taylor crossed the dimly lit space to wrap the old man in a hug.

She winced at the sharp jut of bones beneath his thin flannel. The pungent scent of whiskey clung to his skin and reddened his watery eyes. Hed always been her favorite customer, and with good reason. Earl spent almost every day perched at the counter for hours at a time, sipping his coffee and exchanging stories with anyone who would listen. He was lonely, and despite his objections, he never had much money for food. More often than not, she would slip him a plate and put it on her tab, just to be sure the man had one good meal in him a day. From the looks of him, no one else had been as kind. Frowning, Taylor fished in her purse and pulled out a twenty. His eyes widened, and he shook his head in refusal, but kissing his cheek, she slipped it in the tattered folds of his front pocket. Get yourself something to eat, Earl. Youre going to be on your own for a while, but Ill swing by and check up on you from time to time. I promise. Youre leaving us? Irene asked. Her eyebrows popped up with disbelief. She snapped her gum between her teeth, the sharp crack breaking the silence. Its a long story, but yes. Im sorry, she said, her face contorting with a pained wince of apology. The gregarious waitress waved her off with a playful laugh. Hell, honey. All I have to say to that is good on you. Why dont you slide on up here and grab yourself a seat. Ill dish you up a nice slice of peach pie and you can tell me all about it. Throw in a slice of pecan for Earl and we have a deal. An hour and a half later, Taylor had broken a sweat despite the cold air whistling around the boarded windows of her apartment. Stuffing the last of the disposables into an oversized garbage bag, she wiped her forehead with the back of her arm and glanced at the clock. A small niggling of worry wormed through her. Bryce had been gone going on four hours now, and Sebastian would be getting off work soon. Growling beneath her breath, she tried to heft the heavy Cinch Sack off the floor. Her back protested with a sharp stab of pain that shot clear down her thigh. Straightening with a grunt, she tried again. It didnt budge. Her frustration mounted, and dropping her chin to her chest, Taylor settled for dragging it to the back of the apartment. The whole time, she deliberated how to kill her cousin when he finally did arrive. A forceful round of pounding erupted on the front door, causing her head to snap up. Catching her lip between her front teeth, she froze. Shed heard that kind of knock before. It carried the authority and force that usually meant a visit from the local law officials. Shed heard them beat against the neighbors doors enough times to know. Her stomach twisted as her thoughts flew to her cousin. The roads were still slick from patches of snow and ice. What if he had skidded out? Her breath left her in a shaky exhale as she tried to regain her composure. Forcing a tight swallow, she moved to answer the door. Taylor took a step back upon seeing the black fatigues and bulletproof vests. The gold letters emblazoned across the front left her no doubt who the men were; the only question that remained was why the BATF was at her door. Her mouth opened and closed as they stated her name, demanding to know if that was her. Gripping the peeling wooden frame for support, Taylor managed a weak nod. Im going to have to ask you to come with us, Maam. W-why? she finally managed to stammer. Whats this about? Her heart slammed in the base of her throat. Peach pie and coffee resurfaced in a bitter wave, and she swallowed against the burn. Her eyes darted between the two men, silently begging for an answer. Your truck was involved in a local bust. My w-what? Thatsthats not possible. Whats going on? Im sorry Maam, but thats all we can say. She winced as one of the men stepped forward, grabbing her arm above her elbow. He pulled her outside as the other brushed past, storming her apartment with his weapon drawn. Wide-eyed, she stared after him in disbelief. Numbness swept through her. Her stomach churned, clenching. Trembling with a combination of nerves and fear, she wondered how she was ever going to explain this to Sebastianand

a smaller part wondered if she would even get the chance. Maybe they would just lock her up on the premise of being guilty. Would they allow her a phone call? Had anyone called her uncle? The number of questions flooding her mind was staggering. Lowering her head, she whispered beneath her breath, posing a final one to nothing but the chilly December air. Oh, Bryce. What did you do? Sebastian eyed the unfamiliar number on his phone with a combination of confusion and annoyance. Carefully peeling off a black leather glove, he shot the man tethered to the chair a dour scowl before swiping a finger across the screen. Josh jammed a pistol against their battered captives temple assuring utter compliance. Blood dripped from the mans swollen face, pooling in a small puddle between his feet. In the corner of the room, a woman stopped sobbing, offering nothing more than labored muffles as Dominic clamped a smothering hand over her nose and mouth. Yeah? he asked sharply. Anger lent his voice a hard edge and pushed it above a raspy whisper. His brow furrowed, creeping ever lower across his darkening features as he listened to the brief explanation on the other end. He went to rub his hand over his chin and froze. The last thing he wanted at this point was some strangers blood on his face. Shaking his head in disgust, he struggled to get his temper under control. Ill be there as soon as possible. I appreciate the call. Sliding his phone back into his pocket with a growl, Sebastian crouched back down in front of the semiconscious man and tugged his glove back into place. I dont know if its your lucky day or not, but we are going to have to speed this process up, my friend. Josh shot him a questioning glance. His eyes flooded with worry. Is everything okay? No. Lunging forward, he gripped the mans jaw and sank his fingers in with a brutal squeeze. Either you give us a name, he whispered, or we are going to put a bullet in your pretty wifes skull. I dont have the time or the patience to play anymore games with you, Travis. Youre going to kill me anyway, the man sobbed. Sebastian cocked his head, his fingers tightening until the man cried out in pain. His eyes bore into the trembling male in his grasp. Kill you? No, Travis, but I guarantee we will make you wish we had. The clock is ticking, make your choice. Josh snorted above him, lowering his gun. I dont think he really loves the Missus. He seemed more upset when we took out the family dog. Releasing the mans face, Sebastian nodded. Maybe we are going about this from the wrong direction. Either way, I am done, and so is she. Pull the trigger. Taylor fidgeted, squirming in the hard plastic chair in the holding room. She wasnt sure how long shed been sitting there, but her butt was numb and she was pretty sure she knew every inch of the long metal table and painted concrete walls. The bright florescent lights reflected off the glossy surfaces and one-way mirror. Her legs bounced in a nervous dance beneath the table as she wrung the hem of her tee shirt. It hadnt taken the men long to figure out who Sebastian was or place the call. The look on the older guys face when he hung up had said he doubted hed done her any favors. A state of shock enveloped her and she shivered with a combination of nerves and cold. She still couldnt believe her cousin was capable of the things they were claiming. Bryce didnt have enough brains in his head to figure out how to run that kind of operation and, at the risk of sounding callous, her uncle wasnt exactly the worlds brightest man. Her brow furrowed as she replayed the scattered fragments through her head. Moonshining. Illegal still. Sales and distribution. There was just no way to wrap her mind around the magnitude of the situation, and despite it all, they were her familyher blood and she clung to the overwhelming need to protect them. Her head snapped up as the door swung open. Whatever relief she felt evaporated the minute she

saw Sebastian. He stood poised in the doorway, his jaw knotting as he pinned her with a blistering stare. Her blood threatened to turn to ice in her veins as he regarded her with a slow, disgusted shake of his head. His features were as hard and unyielding as stone, even when one of the BATF agents stepped around him to unlock her ankles. She bit her tongue to keep from asking the man if he could just let her stay. Garbed in pure black from head to toe, Sebastians lean frame appeared even more imposing as he strolled across the room with his hands behind his back. Despite the military style boots, he moved without hitch or sound. Her heart hammered, and she resisted the urge to slink lower in her seat when he leaned over her. I have to say, this is a very unpleasant surprise. The agent beside her shifted uncomfortably. Were sorry about any inconvenience this may have caused. No, Sebastian stated quietly. This is not your fault. I appreciate the courtesy call, and I assure you, nothing like this will ever happen again. Taylor shivered at the finality and promise in those words. Hanging her head, she refused to look at either one of them. Her strained swallow echoed loudly in the room as she prayed the floor would just open up and swallow her whole. The truck wont be ready for another day or so, but she is free to go. Biting her lip, she held her breath as Sebastians silken voice washed over her. You heard the man, Taylor. Get up. It took every ounce of effort and resolve she had to comply. Even then, her legs wobbled and threatened to give out beneath her. Peering over her shoulder, she looked back at the stoic agent behind her. Empathy shone in his hazel eyes, reflecting back at her for just a moment before he glanced away. I-Im very sorry, sir, she stammered. She jumped as Sebastians fingers brushed across her nape in a light caress. Go get in the car, he whispered, and for your sake, I would sit in the back where I cant reach you. We will finish this discussion at home. Her eyes closed as he kissed her temple and gave the top of her head an affectionate stroke. The sick knot coiled in her stomach seemed to creep up into her throat. Not wishing to test his patience and further, she made a quick escape. Joshs warning echoed loudly in her head as she worked her way outside. It didnt take a rocket scientist to figure out this was about as far off course as things could possibly get, and to say Sebastian was pissed was a definite understatement. Her hands shook as she fumbled with the handle on the car door. It took several tries, but she somehow finally managed to pull it open. Huddled in the backseat, she fought the overwhelming urge to cry or run for the cover of God knows where, but the fear of him hunting her down immobilized her. What the hell had Bryce gotten himself into, and whywhy did he have to drag her into it? Scalding tears blinded her vision as she twisted the hem of her tee shirt. Each agonizing minute stretched into an eternity as she held her breath and waited. After what felt like a year, the rear exit to the building finally opened. She tracked Sebastians progress with wide, fearful eyes, trembling as he glanced at her through the window to assure shed followed directions and stayed put before sliding into the front seat of the Benz. Their gazes locked briefly in the rearview mirror before she quickly shifted hers away. It was going to be a long ride and yet, in many ways, she was sure it wouldnt be long enough. The silence threatened to drive her insane. She was surprised to feel a small surge of gratitude as the looming brick house and sweeping wrought iron gates rolled into view. Sebastian pulled the car into the garage and shut the door behind them. His hands flexed in rigid experimentation on the steering wheel several times before he plowed one through his hair. Get in the house, he ordered quietly. Taylor stared at the discoloration marring his knuckles with no small measure of trepidation

before hastily scrambling to comply. She almost broke into a run when she felt his menacing presence close in behind her. Her gaze darted around uncertainly as she tried to decide on the safest room and course of action. Sebastian decided that for her. A cry escaped her as his fingers closed around her arm and he pulled her through the laundry room straight into the kitchen. She stumbled back a step, catching herself on the island as he released her with a none too gentle shove. His hoarse laugh caught her off guard and sent a frigid bolt of fear down her spine. Shaking his head, Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck with a cold smile. I dont even know where to start with you, sunshine. I can explain, she whispered. He cocked his head, that chilling farce of a smile still stretched across his face. Is that so? Please do, Taylor. Explain to me why I get a phone call in the middle of an operation telling me the woman I live with has been picked up in connection with a moonshining sting. Sebastianplease No, he said, taking a step forward. She pressed deeper into the island. Now is not the time to beg, Taylor. Its the time to talk, and I suggest you do so quickly. I didnt know! All Bryce said was he needed to borrow my truck. Sebastian folded his arms. The muscle in his cheek below his right eye twitched dangerously beneath the skin. She inched back as he pressed closer. His shoulders jerked with a humorless chortle. Her heart leapt into her throat as his green eyes narrowed into furious slits. Feeling her way along the island, she edged backwards. They found the still your uncle had hidden in his basement, he said, his voice dropping back to a menacing whisper. Did you know about this? She shook her head in adamant denial. No, Sebastianplease.I swear. Was this some little plan you cooked up, some scheme to ensure your familys safety? Is that what I am to you, Taylor? She scrambled back several more steps as he cocked his head and closed the distance between them. The look in his eyes was nothing short of terrifying. The whites were growing bloodshot and watery with rage, making his pale green irises stand out even more. Is that why you agreed to go out with me? Did you think sleeping with a Fed would be beneficial to your fucked up little family? No! Please listen to me she begged, backpedaling toward the hall off the great room with her hands splayed. Sebastian lunged, pouncing forward with lethal speed. A cry broke from her lips as he caught her wrists in a brutal hold. Her body crashed against his as he jerked her forward. Cold fury blazed in his eyes and rolled off him in menacing waves. Stop trying to get away, he warned. Dont you ever try to run from me. The deceptively quiet tone of his voice threatened to drive her to her knees. Tears rolled down her cheeks, blinding her, as she fought the urge to try to pull her throbbing wrists free. O-okay, she choked, trying to soothe him. Just let go, please. Youre hurting me. His nostrils flared as he cocked his head and leaned over her until their faces almost touched. Im hurting you? he asked in an incredulous whisper. You embarrassed me in front of another agency today. That phone call interrupted an important operation, and I had to cut things short to bail you out of trouble. Now, Im starting to have my doubts about your intentions here, and Im hurting you? No, Taylor, Sebastian said with a slow shake of his head. Im not hurting you. Not yet. Her body shook with an uncontrollable sob. His anger, his doubts, wounded her more than anything else did. Only the powerful grip on her arms kept her standing. Even that was cruelly stripped away. Sebastian released her with a shove, and she sprawled across the floor. Please, she begged. I dont know what to do, what to say to make you believe me.

You cant. She flinched as he crouched down in front of her. Cool fingers wrapped around her chin, forcing her teary gaze to his. Whatever ties you had with your family are done. You are never to speak to them again. No phone calls, no texts, nothing. If I so much as think you are looking in their direction I will show you what hurting you really is. Is that clear? Torn, she stared back at him with raw pleading in her eyes. Sebastians jaw steeled. Her breath left in a forceful snort as his hand locked around her throat. His fingers clamped in a tightening vise, his face darkening as he slowly pulled her to him. Is that clear? he repeated. Ice dripped off his civil tone. Taylor nodded and slackened in his grip. His eyes continued to bore into her until she thought she would pass out from the sheer force of her terror, lack of oxygen be damned. The muscles along his jaw clenched, and shaking his head, Sebastian released her. She collapsed against the cold travertine, coughing and gasping for air as he rocked to his feet. This is going on their records, and with the evidence the BATF found, they are looking at prison. I know its your family, but they took advantage of you and your trust. Thats not love, and you are damn lucky they didnt end up dragging you down into their cesspool. Not only would we have been done, but you would be sitting in a cell right beside them. Im sorry. I swear to God, I didnt know. The laundry and everything was on the first floor. Hehe told me the stairs were too dangerous and thats why we didnt use the cellar. I love you. Not what I think you can do for me. Not your badgeyou. Lowering his head, he nodded. After a long moment, he rolled his shoulders in a bid to shake the tension and offered her his hand. Her legs still shook, wobbling unsteadily beneath her. Taylor closed her eyes as he tenderly stroked the red marks circling her wrists then reached up to brush the tears from her cheeks with his thumb. I forgive you, he said. Go clean yourself up. Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose and sank onto the edge of the couch with a sigh. A low, boiling rage still pumped through his system, heating his veins. He could feel it throbbing in his temples and winding through his body until every muscle ached. The sick weight of dread still blanketed his stomach. Hed come so close to losing her today. Too close. He ground his teeth at the thought, his fists opening and closing despite the pain in his battered knuckles. At least fortune had smiled kindly on someone today. If they were smart, those bastards were counting their blessings and considering themselves lucky that they were in custody elsewhere. If he had gotten to them firsthe shook his head growling beneath his breath. That girl was too damn innocent and trusting for her own good. Yet it was one of the things that he found the most endearing. His lips flattened into a grim press. Taylor had been so afraid, and with good reason. The fragile hold hed had on his temper had been tenuous at best. Everything in him had wanted to lash out and strike her in a fit of wounded rage. Hed wanted her to feel the same pain and uncertainty, the same sense of fear that had rattled him to his bones. Was she telling the truth? Her eyes said yes. He wanted to believe that he needed to believe that. Plowing a hand through his hair, Sebastian tugged in frustration until the last bit of gel gave and his curls stood on end. The couch creaked beneath his weight as he flung himself against the back cushions. Memories of the last few days replayed in his mind as his gaze shifted to the decorative pillows adorning the ends. One side of his mouth twisted with thought and he reached over to trail a finger over the embroidered fabric. No one was that good of a liar. Over the last few days, Taylors body had eagerly proven what her words could not. The burn in his stomach lessened, and the ache in his shoulders started to ease. He sagged into the couch with a sigh of relief.

Tilting his head, he listened to her moving overhead. The faint sound of running water filtered through the house, as did her muffled sniffs. Tracing the stubble above his lip, he considered his next course of action. A little bit of leftover fear might serve her well. In the future, it might cause her to be more careful in considering her options. Sebastian frowned. She needed that caution. Not that he intended to let her step so far out of line again. He wouldnt apologize for losing his cool. At the very least, her actions had warranted that much. It was best to stand firm but make it clear they were moving forward. Together. Pulling the phone from his pocket, he listened to make sure Taylor was still occupied upstairs. He didnt want to upset her any further, but what he was about to do needed done. Swiping a finger across the screen, he pulled up the phone log and sent the call through. After a few rings, the man hed spoken to earlier answered. This is Agent Baas. Ive considered your offer but the position these men have put Miss McAvay and myself in is inexcusable. Lock them up and throw away the fucking key for all I care. He hung up without waiting for a response. Blowing out a sharp exhale, Sebastian tossed the phone on the coffee table and stood. Everyone had their limits, and hed already suffered through all the headaches and hassle he was going to endure. Moving into the kitchen, he poured a tall shot of whiskey and downed it. Another quickly followed suit. Grimacing against the burn, he set the glass in the sink and filled another with a sweet red wine. He swirled the thick crimson liquid a few times, watching it glide across the crystal before he levered off the counter and headed upstairs. Taylor was still in the tub. The forceful whir of the jets echoed through the bathroom, and he leaned against the doorway, taking a long sip of wine as he studied her. Tears continued to course over the high slopes of her cheeks, but their frequency had slowed. Fear and misery still haunted her eyes, stamping her beautiful features as she hugged her knees to her chest. Sensing him, her head snapped up and he regarded her shudder with no small measure of displeasure. If she were smart, she would take his previous warnings about not avoiding his touch to heart. Sebastian crossed the room in slow, easy strides and settled onto the edge of the tub. His gaze burned into her for a long moment before he offered her the glass. Drink this, he ordered softly. Taylor stared at him. Her bottom lip trembled. Apprehension lined her face, but she accepted the wine and lifted it with shaky hands. He waited until shed taken several sips before speaking again. Are you finished yet? Confusion stretched across her face, along with a renewed wave of fear and uncertainty. Fighting down a sigh, he clenched his teeth for a brief second. Are you done bathing? She nodded. Y-yes. Good, he said, standing. Finish your drink and meet me in the bedroom. Ill be waiting. The small keening noise that broke from her throat was not lost on him. His eyes narrowed, and for a moment, Sebastian considered asking her if she wanted a reason to be afraid. His fists coiled at his sides. Somehow, he managed to regain a fragile hold on his temper and strode from the room. His jaw was still working with anger, tensing and unclenching when she inched past the bathroom door. Motioning her forward, he indicated to the side of the bed. Taylors neck strained with a visible swallow, but she lowered her eyes and took a reluctant seat beside him. I wont tolerate this, he warned. Youre damn lucky that scene in the kitchen is all you got. Its over and I suggest you move forward. He lifted her chin, turning her face and forcing her eyes to his. If you continue to act like a beaten dog, sweetheart, I am going to give you a good reason. P-please dont, she whispered, refusing to meet his stare. Sebastian cocked his head. Dont what, Taylor? Please dont be mad at me anymore. Her last word broke on a heavy sob. Shuddering, she tried

to tug free of his grasp, but he held tight. Look at me. He waited until her eyes hesitantly flickered to his. Probing their teary depths, he searched for ways of understanding. There was still an undeniable hint of fear lingering in those wide grey pools, but the pain and heartbreak lurking there made his chest ache. Still holding her wounded stare, he slid his hand across her face to cradle the back of her skull. Her eyes drifted shut as he brushed his lips across hers in gentle experimentation. Taylor relaxed some. Her slender body slackened beneath his slow administrations, and her hands fluttered over his arms as if seeking to deepen the contact. Pulling back, Sebastian captured one of her hands and placed it against his chest. She glanced up, her curiosity and confusion evident. Do you feel that? he whispered. No matter how mad I getno matter what I might say or do, my heart still beats for you. It will always beat for you, Taylor. Never doubt that. The gratitude in her eyes was humbling and, at the moment, it was far more than he deserved. Im so sorry, Sebastian. I didnt mean to cause you any trouble. Placing his hand over hers, he held it. I know, and we are going to get through thistogether. Im not giving up on you, Taylor. I will always do everything in my power to protect you and keep you safe, even if that means from your family. You can build a life with me. I will be your family now, and I will give you what you need. ButI love them, she whispered. Her words were like a stinging slap to the face. Stiffening slightly, he forced a nod. I know, Taylor, but they dont love you. She flinched as if struck and opened her mouth to speak, but he shook his head. No. That may hurt, but you are too close to the situation to see it. You dont force people you care about into those types of situations. You could have lost everything. You could have gone to prison because of them. That isnt love. Its selfishness and deception, and I wont stand for it. They didnt mean-- Sebastian tamped down a growl. She still wasnt listening. Tightening his hold on her hand, he cut her off. They didnt mean to what, Taylor? Lie to you? Use you? No, he said. You and your family are done. Cross me and you will regret it. I suggest you wise up and accept what Im offering. I didnt mean it like that! His eyes snapped into darkening slits. Rage threatened to bubble forth. Lose the tone and explain, he growled, and do so quickly. Whatever patience I had with this situation is gone. Taylor swallowed. He was glad to see his words hit home before he had to use something else to make the point. She hung her head, the telltale glint of tears welling again. I justI dont want you to hate them. They are a part of me, Sebastian, and they are all Ive ever known. Besides you, they are all I have left. Its too late for that, he snapped. And this wedge, the issues they are causing between us, is not helping their cause. I am done, Taylor, and so is this discussion. Get dressed. He stood and strode toward the door. Sebastian Spinning on his heel, he confronted her with a cold stare. Think very hard before you speak, he interrupted. In all of this, Ive heard nothing about what I offered. Im not sure what that says about your feelings for me, but I only have your best intentions at heart. There is nothing left to discuss, he said, his voice softening. But you need to decide. Are you going to continue to be used and lied to, or are we going to start our own family? Taylors face crumpled. Bracing himself, he lifted his chin as she stood and crossed the room. She wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face against the side of his neck. His eyes closed as her lips pressed against his skin.

I didnt mean it like that, she whispered. Youve already given me everything, and you just keep giving me more. Youve shown me glimpses of the life Ive always wished Id known. I want that so bad, and I want it with you. Her words were like a soothing balm. Nodding, he threaded his fingers through her sable locks. He tugged them, pulling her face back to meet his. Then let me give it to you, Taylor. Let me be the one to make you happy. I will give you everything. Everything? she asked, lifting a brow. A low groan rumbled in his throat as she ran her hands up his chest and pressed against him in eager supplication. Her hips rolled across his. Using his hold on her hair, Sebastian wrenched her head back to kiss the underside of her chin. Anything, he promised.


Taylor threw her hands into the air, leaping out of the way, as the boys barreled through the house at top speed. Mia trailed behind them, her chubby legs pumping in a furious bid to keep up with her cousin. The house had been a whirlwind of excitement and activity ever since theyd arrived, but there was a sense of comfort in the chaos. She didnt know if it was the holidays or the past two weeks in general, but shed never felt happier or more at peace with her life. Between long, romantic candlelight dinners, cuddling on the couch, and baking mass amounts of cookies together, shed fallen even more in love with Sebastian. Promises of forever fell from his lips every time they touched. There was a complete and utter sense of love, an adoration that shone in his eyes that assured they were not just empty words, but truth. For the first time in a long timemaybe forevershe was home, truly home. The soft glow of Christmas lights branched through the house, adding extra ambiance to the cheer. A loud squeal erupted near the foyer, and Monique shook her head, still chopping onions on the island counter beside her. I swear that child has the most powerful set of lungs Ive ever heard, she mused with a laugh. And she saves it all for here. Should we ask her to quiet down? The blonde smiled with another shake of her head. No. If Sebastian minds, he will say something. Otherwise, its best to let them go and have fun. He likes it when the kids enjoy themselves here. I do, too, Taylor admitted with a shy grin. She glanced up from the spicy batter shed been dipping the onion petals in as Monique turned to face her. Hesitancy stamped the other womans beautiful features for a moment before giving way to affection. Im really glad youre here. I probably shouldnt say this, she said, her green eyes darting around in a quick search, but Ive never seen my brother so happy or relaxed. Hes probably smiled more these past couple of weeks than he has in his entire life, and I mean that. Its almost like hes a completely different man. Taylor mulled those statements over, unsure how to react. Part of her was thrilled to know she gave Sebastian so much happinessthe other saddened as she wondered what he had been like before. She jumped at the sudden and unexpected brush of warm lips across her nape. Its all true, a husky voice murmured against her ear. Monique paled as Sebastian leaned between them, stretching to pluck a cooling buckeye from the wax paper. The blonde relaxed at his affectionate wink. Popping the chocolate and peanut butter confection in his mouth, he let his eyes drift shut in a brief bid of pleasure before checking his watch. I gotta go, he mumbled around a mouthful. You two stay out of trouble while Im gone. Yes, Sebastian. Taylor giggled, reaching up to wipe a smear of chocolate from the corner of his lip. His eyes shimmered as she popped her finger in her mouth and peered up at him from beneath the dark sweep of her lashes. You keep that up and we are going to disappear for a while, he warned. Oh dear God, Monique muttered with a rueful snort. Taylor looked at her and fought another giggle. You say that like its a bad thing, she said, turning her attention back to Sebastian with a pout. Oh no, darling. Not for me it isnt. His pale gaze sparkled with sincerity. But you would be quite disappointed tomorrow morning when you found out what your surprise was going to be. Yeah and if we dont get going, that is never going to happen. Josh chuckled from the archway.

Come on, Baas, he said as if trying to coax a child away from a much-wanted toy at the store. You can play with her later. Taylor colored as her lover snared her hips, giving her backside a suggestive bump and grind. Cupping her chin, he turned her face and stole a lingering kiss. Ill see you later, baby. Monique waited until the side door had shut before giving her a pointed look. Like I said, she stated with a bemused grin. A completely different man. Setting the last of the onion petals aside, Taylor washed her hands and started wrapping bacon slices around the semi-thawed tater tots. Shed never heard of it before, but Josh had assured her they were quite good, and Monique claimed the appetizers were one of the kids favorites. So what exactly does that mean? she asked. What was he like before thats so different? The blonde rinsed her hands and moved to check the prime rib simmering in the lower oven. My brother was never what anyone could consider a playful man, she said, turning to face her. But when he came back from Iraq, he was different. I know war has a way of changing people, but theres more to it. Its been a steady progression from there, she said wiping down the counters. When he started this job, he became colder, harder, and even more distant. Its like whatever pieces of him were left just snapped and died. Hes never connected with anyone like you. Dont get me wrong, hes been with other women before, but it was never like this. What happened to them? Monique gave a begrudging snort. It was never a good fit. His longest relationship was just over a year when he first started his career. I honestly think the only reason Sebastian kept the twit around was because she was a warm body and something to come home to at night. At the time, he was putting in upwards of eighteen hours a day trying to work his way through the ranks. Sometimes hed be gone for weeks at a time. She threw a fit about his hours and leftand he seemed content enough to see her go. Thats what I mean though, she said with a self-deprecating shrug. Hes never been like this with anyone. You make him smile and laugh. Hes happy, really happy, and thats something none of us have seen in him for a long time. People can say what they want about my brother, but he is still capable of feeling and he really does love you, Tay. Pressing her lips together, Taylor nodded. She wanted to ask what his sister had meant by that last comment, but she decided against it. Shed pried enough for one day. The kids rounded through the house again, screaming as they blasted off Nerf guns. Orange foam bullets sailed through the great room and over the banister overhead. It was just another subtle reminder that today was a day for enjoyment. The past didnt matter, only the here and now. Smiling, she peered up at the other woman through the dark shock of hair that had fallen over her eyes. I really love him, too. A few hours later, shed showered and changed into a flirty red silk dress with silver straps. Rather than go for the traditional upsweep, she pulled her hair into a loose side braid, keeping her wispy jawbone length bangs free. A fuzzy Santa hat and red ballerina type heels completed the playful ensemble. The look on Sebastians face when she descended the steps said it all. Unabashed desire darkened his gaze and he gave a slow shake of his head as he reached out a hand to help her down the last few stairs. Im starting to think that outfit was a mistake, he murmured, kissing her ear. She giggled as he groped her ass and hauled her against his side. Ohh, she teased, giving him a mock pout. Is someone going to be uncomfortable during dinner? Thats a strong possibility, he growled, tugging her lobe between his teeth. But you will make that up to me later. She shivered at the husky promise in his voice and the warm pulse of breath in her ear. Im more worried about the temptation youre going to pose to others.

You picked this getup out, Mr. Baas. A momentary lapse in judgment, he murmured, giving her a slight spin. Taylor bit back a giggle. No worries there. I am yours and yours alone. That you are. She melded against him as he cradled her face in his hands and branded her with a long, smoldering kiss. Her insides flooded with molten heat. Moaning into his mouth, she squirmed, seeking a way to press against his body. Sebastian pulled back with a low chuckle. His sage eyes bore into hers as she struggled to catch her breath. Youre such a shameless little minx, he chided, brushing her cheek with the pad of his thumb. I promise we will continue this laterand when we do, I have no intentions of stopping until I have had my complete and utter fill of you and that delectable little body. Leaning closer, he whispered against her ear. If I were you, Id plan on it being a very long night. Her knees threatened to buckle. Snagging the swell of her lower lip between her teeth, Taylor stifled a whimper. Moisture pooled against the thin scrap of lace between her legs. The confident gleam in his eyes assured her Sebastian knew just how much she was suffering. He knew and he was enjoying every minute. Straightening, he took a step back as the kids ran through the room. The boys had changed into respectable suits and Mia looked adorable in a red velvet dress with frilly lace ruffles. Her thick curls bounced as she thundered past, despite the ribbons meant to hold them in place. Sebastian smiled after them. The joy on his face faltered as a shrill voice exploded in the kitchen, berating the children for their play. His jaw tightened, chasing away whatever traces of happiness remained. Excuse me, darling, he stated softly. Confused, Taylor trailed after him as he headed for the kitchen. She paused in the entryway as a haughty looking redhead rounded on Sebastian, disapproval riding her pinched features. Cradling her pregnant belly, she pressed closer to the rugged looking man beside her. What is going on? he asked, drawing the attention of their guests. Several of his teammates had arrived earlier. A hushed silence fell over the group as they looked between the two. Taylor bit her cheek, her breath catching as an undeniable tension gripped the room. Dont start on me, Sebastian, the redhead quipped. This is my home, Natalie. I will do as I please. And Christian is my son. Im pregnant. The last thing I need is some crazed heathen plowing into me and hurting the baby. Youd think youd do a better job of keeping these brats under wraps seeing how much you like being in control of things. Her heart sank as Josh glanced her way. The look on his face warned if she didnt do something soon, the situation would get ugly in a hurry. Clapping her hands together, Taylor tried to grab the rooms attention. Okay! I think dinner is about done. Why doesnt everyone grab a drink and head into the dining room so we can get the meal underway? That should get the kids settled down, at least for a little while. Her face flushed as the redheads aqua eyes swung her way. They were as cold and pale as ice. Im sorry. Who are you again? she asked with an indignant sniff. Thats Taylor. Shes with me, and you will treat her with respect, Sebastian said, stepping closer to the woman. I will only tell you this once. You dont get to tell me anything, she retorted, threading her arm through the silent, but muscular, mans at her side. This may be your house, but youre not my husband. Sebastian snorted. Consider yourself lucky. Believe me, I do. I never wouldve married your half-brother if he was anything like you. His gaze shifted to the man in question. Taylor chewed her lip, regarding the slight similarities between them. The other man was much

wider, his features broader and less refined. His dark hair was straight, lacking the lightness and curl both Sebastian and Monique boasted. Sebastians jaw knotted, and when he spoke, his voice was a strained rasp. Lucian, please tell your wife to stop causing a scene and go take a seat before I lose my patience. Come on, honey, the big man mumbled, wrapping his arm around her waist. Lets just have a good time and enjoy ourselves. Monique rolled her eyes as the two of them left the room. The shimmering aspen gown she wore hugged her willowy frame in all the right places, and Taylor couldnt help but feel a slight pang of envy. The woman was beyond beautiful. She forced a smile as the blonde draped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her head close in a playful hug. Welcome to our family. Dinner was tense. A somber silence hung in the air filled only by the scrape of silverware and the occasional cough. Her chest ached with disappointment and the bitter sense of failure. This wasnt the meal shed had planned. In her version, there had been laughter and conversation that flowed as freely as the wine. She stared at the dancing flicker of the candles nestled in the poinsettia centerpiece, her dinner going cold and untouched. Flattening her lips in a grim press, Taylor forced a swallow and blinked against the tears threatening to build in her eyes. Her head snapped up as a light hand settled over hers beneath the table, and Sebastian gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze. The apologetic smile he offered only made her heart hurt more. Please try to eat, baby, he whispered. Forcing the best smile she could muster, Taylor scrunched her nose and lifted her fork. The soft lilt of the childrens voices filtered from the kitchen. Theyd been set up at their own table, and far from the tension, they chattered happily among themselves. For that much, she was grateful. At least someone was having a good time. Across from her, Natalie tapped a nail against the lacquered cherry table. The glossy wood mirrored her talon-like hand, and Taylor squirmed against the padded velvet cushions on her seat as the womans eyes bore into her. So tell me, Tracy, how exactly did you and Sebastian meet? Her head snapped up and she offered an uncertain smile. Its Taylor, she corrected. And I think it would be best if he told that story. The redheads gaze narrowed slightly at her laugh. I should have known. Let me guess. He wont let you speak for yourself. Cocking her head, she stared at the woman with a mixture of confusion and annoyance. Im talking arent I? Monique giggled from the other end of the table. A few of the men, including Josh gave a humored snort. Natalie set down her fork, her tongue pushing past her thin ruby lips to wet them. Youre a sassy one, huh? Well enjoy that spunk while you can, sweetheart, because it wont last. Not with him. Honey. Lucians deep voice was low and pleading. What? she snapped. Oh wait, I know! Im supposed to walk on eggshells because God forbid something makes Sebastian unhappy. Im sorry, but Im not going to sit here and bite my tongue. She seems like a nice girl, and she deserves to know shes opening her legs for a monster. Excuse me? Taylor exclaimed, dropping her fork. How dare you? Taylor, Sebastian warned quietly, though his gaze never wavered. It remained locked on his sister-in-law, something lethal and menacing brewing in its pale depths. Im not going to sit here and let her talk about you like that! How can you stick up for him? Natalies voice raised several decibels. Her husband shifted, his broad face contorting with discomfort.

Leave her alone. Everyone glanced at the normally reserved blonde at the end of the table with no small measure of surprise. Oh shut up, Monique! Natalie snapped. Youre no better. The way you kowtow to your brother is disgusting. Youre even worse than she is. You went ahead and married one of them, and now youre spreading your thighs for another one! One of what? Taylor asked, knitting her brow. She paled, head whipping to the side, as a low snarl rose from the man beside her. It didnt matter anyway; the woman ignored her question and kept on talking, even over Sebastians warning to shut up. How can you possibly defend someone who tortures people for a living? Doesnt it matter that this monster and his crew have brutalized and killed womenpicked off innocent children just to make people break? Sebastian is not a man. Hes a heartless beast! Taylor jumped as he slammed his hands against the table and surged to his feet. The table rocked dangerously, jarred by the hard muscles of his thighs. Leaning forward, he braced his palms against the gleaming wood, his gaze filled with a glint as cold and deadly as a snakes. The muscles beneath his eyes twitched, and his nostrils flared as he inched further across the table. Get out of my house. His hushed, soft tone sent a slight tremble through Natalie. It was a stark contrast to the shivers wracking Taylor from the inside out. She clamped her eyes shut, not wanting to see the pure, unadulterated rage contorting Sebastians face. Never had she seen anyone look more savage or cruel. Icy fear crept through her veins. She tensed, cringing as the sound of a chair scraping against the floor flooded the room. My pleasure, the woman bit back. Id prefer not to watch you preside over the rest of us like some ruthless king. You are the worst kind of monster there is! Keep talking and I will show you just how ruthless of a monster I can be. Get her out of here, Lucian. Now. You dont have to tell me twice, the redhead snapped. But I swear to God you will never see my kids or your brother again. Thank God he only has half your blood. I wont have my family subjec- Sebastian sprung. His lean corded body struck with the speed of lightening, his movements just as lethal. The room erupted in chaos. Several men leapt to their feet, scrambling in an attempt to catch him. Josh headed the efforts as Sebastian pinned the woman to the wall by her throat. His forearm flattened against her neck; his head cocked, and his body trembled with rage. It took two large men and the feeble efforts of her husband, to rip him away. You will never see them again! Natalie screamed, her face purpling with fury. She stumbled as Josh pushed her and thrust his hands between them in an attempt to hold Sebastian at bay. Stop talking and get the fuck out! he yelled, turning to brace both his palms against Sebastians shoulders. Spinning on her heel, the redhead strode for the door with a harsh bark for her husband to grab their son and follow. Taylors heart hammered in her throat as she watched Sebastian tense. Only the soothing pleas of Joshs voice and the determined press of the mans hands against his chest kept him at bay. He still shook, his fists curling and uncurling in time with the muscles twitching in his cheek. It wasnt until the front door slammed that the fight started to flee him. Im sorry, Lucian apologized. He directed the statement at the room, but his pleading expression was aimed at his brother. Theres nothing I can do. If I dont go along, shell take the kids away from me. Sebastian shook his head. Just leave. His entire body sagged, and Taylor watched the gravity of the situation wash over him when his

brother returned from the other room with a bewildered child in tow. Tucked in the plump folds of his goose down coat, the little boy glanced around with tears in his eyes. All traces of anger fled Sebastians face in an instant. It twisted, bearing the effects of crippling pain. Pressing his fingertips against his eyes, he squeezed. Still fighting for control, he sniffed and crouched down in front of his nephew. Without a word, he pulled the boy in, enveloping him in a bone-crushing hug. His body shook with visible strain as he pressed his forehead against the childs cheek. I love you, buddy, he choked. No matter what, you have to promise me you will never forget that, okay? I dont want to go, Christian whimpered, still trying to cling to him as Sebastian rocked to his feet. I know. I dont want you to go either, but your moms not feeling well and she has to take good care of your baby sister. You get to sleep early so Santa can come. He ruffled the boys silky hair. Ill send your presents from us home. I want to stay here with you Aw, little man, Sebastian released a sorrowful laugh and gathered the child in another tight hug. I love you. Remember that for me and be a good boy, okay? Tears rolled down Taylors cheeks as Sebastian turned away. She wanted to throw things, to scream, to do anythinganything in her power to erase his pain and make them stay. In the end, all she could do was watch them leave, knowing they had just ripped out a huge part of his heart and taken it with them. Monique sniffled at the other end of the table, her slender body shaking as she fought to hold her emotions in. The blonde glanced up with misery and pleading in her eyes as Josh laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, his big fingers giving it an affectionate squeeze. Numbing silence still gripped the table even after Sebastian took his seat. Taylor prayed it would all just end. I apologize, he stated softly. For everything. Please let me know if I can warm your plates. Fuck that, Josh said with a snort. Im starving. Lets eat. A loud round of laughter exploded from the table as his teammates nodded their heads in agreement. For the first time since dinner began, the tension lifted and conversation started to flow. After clearing the table, Taylor rinsed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher with Monique. Between the two of them, the work went fast, and at times, it even bordered on fun. Her mind was distracted though, her thoughts never straying from Sebastian. The moment they finished she made a quick round, giving refills where necessary, before padding through the house in search of him. She found him in the foyer, a half empty bottle of whiskey dangling from his hand as he stared at the tree. Frowning, she crept up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He pressed against her. For a moment, they just enjoyed the stillness and the comfort of being near. Sebastian lifted the bottle and took a long swig. She couldnt help but giggle against his back as he shuddered with a growl of discomfort. Wrapping his fingers around her wrist, he lifted his other arm and tugged her around to the front of him. Her eyes searched his face, hating the raw pain still etched there. Reaching up, she stroked his chiseled features. There was no need for words. Even if there had been, there was nothing she could say. This was something he had to process and deal with in his own time, in his own way. Instead, she leaned up and claimed his mouth in a tender kiss. His arms wound around her, squeezing her tight as his lips moved against hers with acceptance and hunger. Several long minutes passed before he pulled back. I love you, Taylor, he murmured, brushing her cheek. Im sorry dinner was ruined. I dont care about that. I do. I wanted tonight to be special. Sebastian, nothing matters to me but you. Are you okay? His face itself seemed to shrug. I will be.

Thats not exactly a ringing endorsement. His shoulders lifted with a humorless snort. If you want one of those, darling, youre going to have to take me to bed. Im not abject to that idea. Smiling, she snaked her arms around his neck and leaned into his body. A rumbling noise of approval rose from his throat as he used his free hand to cradle her ass and grind her against him. She peered up at him. Those things she saidwere they She couldnt even bring herself to say the rest of it, as if somehow speaking the word might make it true. Sebastian stared down at her. His jaw tightened as he shook his head. Dont, Taylor. I dont know what she thinks she knows, but that woman has always hated me. Nothing would give her more pleasure than to fill your head with doubts and poison you against me. Dont give her that satisfaction. A sad, forced smile twisted her features. Yeah, she said nodding. Okay. Is your brother really going to go along with this? It doesnt matter, he stated flatly. Its bad enough he let his wife berate me, but when he turned his back on his family I lost all respect for him. Lucian made his choices, and it would be best for all involved if I didnt think about him or his faithless cunt of a wife again. Taylors face blanched, and she bit the insides of her cheeks. An old saying fluttered through her mind, speeding up the forceful hammer of her heart. Sometimes it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. If he had yelled or snarled, his anger might have been easier to process. But that wasnt Sebastian. He remained as calm and soft spoken as always. It was that forced civility and the low silken whisper of his voice that chilled Taylor the most. Especially when his eyes told a different story. She searched for something to say, some way to ease the turbulence, but Sebastian spared her the agony. Giving her cheek an affectionate caress, he then turned on his heel and strode away. Blowing out a shaky breath, she followed the sound of laughter into the kitchen. Most of the men had assembled in the great room, drawn in by the masculine leather and the inviting glow of the fire. The smell of alcohol hung heavily in the air. It mingled with the crisp scent of aftershave, cologne, and food. Her stomach rolled with the combination, and Taylor reached for a fresh bottle of wine with shaking hands. A tense knot of dread still coiled in her stomach, no matter how much she tried to forget about the dinner disaster. One could only pray the nightcaps and dessert went better. Seeking some form of familiarity and comfort, she scanned the faces in search of Monique but came up empty. If youre looking for your friend, shes talking to her brother and laying the kids down. Taylor sagged with relief and flashed Josh a thankful smile. Winking, he reclined his solid body against the counter beside her. His keen gaze studied the room as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass. A sweet amaretto fragrance rose from the crystal. Sensing her perusal, he lifted the cup in offering. Taylor blushed, declining with a polite shake of her head. Suit yourself. He took a leisurely sip and sighed. Try not to be too hard on yourself, kid. What happened tonight wasnt your fault. That twat has had it in for Sebastian since day one. Shes always been a jealous and vindictive bitch. Taking another drink, he shrugged. Either way, hell be alright. Baas is one of the toughest bastards I know. Take him upstairs later and let him fuck his brains out. It will make him feel much better. Not knowing what to say, Taylors mouth opened and closed around an embarrassed laugh as she shook her head. Youre laughing, but its true, kiddo. I dont know what you did to the man but hes got it bad. Apparently its my just my mad skills between the sheets, she retorted. Taylor stumbled away as Josh choked and his drink blew past his lips in a widening spray. Eyes flared, she patted his arm as he pounded his chest and sputtered for breath. Still coughing, Josh inched away, warding her off with a dismissive wave of his hand as several people turned in their direction. She grinned as Monique sauntered into the room giving them both a bemused expression.

Approaching his side, the blonde stroked one of his biceps in supplication. Dont die before dessert, hero. We need someone to help carry in the trays. Great, Josh rasped, giving his chest a final thud. She tries to kill me and you want to work me to death. Cant a guy catch a fucking break around here? Wheres your brother at anyway? Hed never stand for this kind of treatment. Monique laughed at the teasing sparkle in his eyes. Sebastian will be down in a minute. Hes saying goodnight to Mia. Hows he holding up? Josh asked, sobering. As good as can be expected. I just spent the last ten minutes soothing him and reassuring him I would never try to take his niece away. Hanging her head, she rubbed the faint red marks circling her wrists. Hes a little on edge, but hell get through this. Draping his arm around her neck, Josh tugged her close and kissed the side of her head. We all will. Im gonna go peek in on Aiden and say goodnight. I think it would be best if we got dessert going and cleared the house. Ill see about bringing Baas down. Taylor frowned. Her gaze kept traveling to the marks on Moniques wrists. She waited until Josh left before turning to the blonde. What happened? she whispered. Monique paled slightly and shook her head. Its nothing. Touching her shoulder, Taylors face twisted with concern. Are you sure youre okay? Shrugging out from under her fingers, Monique nodded. Im fine. Im much more worried about my brother. With that, she turned and started pulling a stack of dessert plates from the corner cabinet. Taking the hint, Taylor rummaged in the cupboard beneath the sink and pulled out a bottle of cleaning solution. The last thing she wanted was a bunch of people stepping in Joshs drink and tracking the sticky liquor through the house. Snagging a roll of paper towels, she watched as Monique headed down the hall to start setting the dining room table. Most of their guests took her lead and followed suit. Brushing her hair out of her eyes with the back of her arm, Taylor straightened with a quiet grunt. It had been a long day, and the outbreaks of tension had made it that much more exhausting. Moving to the tall stainless steel trash can in the corner, she stepped on the pedal and popped the lid open with her foot. She was just about to drop the dirty paper towels in when two hands closed over her ass, giving the globes a forceful squeeze. Hey handsome, what are you doing back there? she giggled. Checking out the scenery. Taylor froze at the unfamiliar voice. Her blood ran cold. A startled yelp burst from her throat as she spun around to confront a man who was definitely not Sebastian. She staggered back a step, then another, as the man prowled after her. Her mind scrambled, searching for a name to put with the face, but she came up blank. Nothing about the hulking blond with an upturned nose rang any bells. A taunting smile rode his lips as he stalked after her. Where are you running off to, pussycat? She cried out as she crashed into someone behind her. Strong hands steadied her, and she almost sobbed with relief as Josh peered down into her face. You alright? he asked. Nodding, she ducked behind him and scurried into the cover of the dining room. She somehow managed to drop into her seat before her heart gave out. Tension rolled between the two men as they entered behind her. The look Josh gave the blond was anything but approving as he hissed something through his clenched teeth. She couldnt be sure, but Taylor thought it sounded like stupid. Her knee jittered nervously beneath the table as she glanced around in search of Sebastian. She sighed, sagging into

her chair when he strolled into the room a few seconds later. His pale gaze settled on her and her body thawed in response to his slow smile. Just his being near put all of her fears to rest. Did you miss me, baby? More than you know, she admitted. Her answer earned her an adoring wink. Dont worry, Seb, the blond said with a chuckle. I kept that hot little number of yours occupied for you. The table jumped, and she was pretty sure she saw a pained wince flicker across the mans face. Her breath caught as Sebastian froze. His head cocked slightly and his smile faltered. What was that? he asked, turning to face the man. Baas, come on. Todd is just drunk and being stupid. Lets have dessert, Josh pleaded. This cheesecake looks killer. Sebastian shook his head. No. I want to hear this. He took a slow, methodical step toward them, his hands folding behind his back as his eyes narrowed. You did what now? Relax. It was all in good fun. I will say this though, I thought about giving your broad a test drive while you were gone. That sweet little ass of hers fit in my hands like she was made for me, Todd said, lifting his hands to emulate a crude grope. Plowing a hand through his hair, Sebastian gave a harsh bark of laughter. The sound chilled Taylor to the bone. It was hollow, crazed, and seemed to echo throughout the stunned room. Her heart leapt into her throat as he rubbed the back of his head and raised his eyebrows until his forehead wrinkled. Is that a fact? So, you want to take my girl for a ride, Skippy? he asked in an almost cheerful tone. Fuck yeah. I wouldnt complain. Yeah? Well come on, he urged with a bright smile. Waving, he motioned the other man forward. Josh cursed beneath his breath, his chin falling forward to rest against his chest, as Todd obediently ambled to his feet. Baas, come on. Look at him. Hes wasted. Sebastian chuckled. Waving his hand back and forth, he pointed two fingers in Joshs direction as if chiding him. Is that supposed to matter? Out of nowhere, a startling crack echoed through the room like a clap of thunder. Taylor blinked, trying to register what happened as Todd staggered backward, cupping his cheek. Sebastian struck with lethal speed, hitting him again before slinging his forearm across the mans throat and driving him across the room until he slammed against the far wall. A framed picture of a Roman coliseum jarred off its hook and shattered against the floor. What did you think was going to happen here? he asked, leaning into Todd and deepening his hold. Did you think you were going to take what belongs to me? That I would just sit back and let that happen? Hmm? Horror and pain stamped the broad face staring back at him. Cold fury sparked in Sebastians eyes as he pressed even closer. Answer me! Taylor whimpered, flinching in her seat at his roar. The brief but fearful clamp of her eyes cost her. She opened them to find Todd still pinned as the menacing glint of steel traced a deliberate path down his cheek. Numbly, she wondered where the curved knife had come from, and how Sebastian had pulled it so fast. Her knees knocked beneath the table, shaking almost as badly as Todds as he slammed his eyes shut. No? Sebastian asked. Still no answer? The soft, almost tender tone made her heart pound. Josh stood, his gaze flickering uncertainly between his partner and Monique. The blonde looked mortified and well past the point of fear as her lips trembled in a violent quiver. Baas

Shut up, Josh, he warned in a quiet rasp. If you want to do something, hold him up. Hes going to need all the support he can get. He tilted his head, studying the man before him as he continued to trace his cheek in an almost gentle caress. Where do you think I should start? he murmured. Maybe I should do you a favor and cut out your eyes. What do you think? N-nop-please. It was just a j-joke, man. Do I look like I am laughing to you? Sebastian asked. Am I supposed to find you manhandling my girl and trying to fuck her funny? Am I supposed to find humor in you disrespecting me in my home in front of my team? Is that what you are telling me? A keening whimper of fear rose in her throat. Dear God he was pissed. Rage mottled his face, painting it with various shades of red as he pressed the knife beneath Todds left eye. A sinister bubble of blood welled around the tip. No! No, Sebastian agreed with a slow shake of his head. No, its not funny, is it? If you touch whats mine, if you fuck with my family, you are DEAD! Clamping her hands over her mouth, Taylor hit the floor. His fierce bellow threatened to stop her heart. Scooting against the wall behind her, she clenched her eyes shut and tried to smother her terrified sobs. Her head thrashed from side to side. It took a moment to realize the wavering pleas she heard came from her own throat. Raw terror throbbed through her veins, making her shake until her teeth chattered. Since its the holidays, Im going to be generous and give you a choice, Sebastian said. I can cut your heart out and feed it to you or we can get rid of that impulsive little organ between your legs. He paused and though Taylor wasnt looking, she could almost see his cold smile. Your call. There was no doubt he meant it. She shook so hard her teeth chattered. She couldnt remember ever being more afraid, more terrified in her entire life. Part of her wanted to beg him to stop, but she was too damn scaredtoo much of a coward. An agonized cry broke the silence, and Taylor drew her knees up to her chest, slamming her forehead against them. No, no, no she cried, shaking her head as she tried to drown out the slow, suffering sounds. She jumped with a scream as someone settled beside her. Monique clamped a hand over her mouth. Stunned, she regarded the blonde with wide pleading eyes. Tears streamed down the other womans face and her slender body rattled against Taylors. Shh, she urged, stroking the top of Taylors head with a shaky hand. Its going to be alright, but you have to be quiet. Just close your eyes, sweetie. Shut them tight and dont look. She drew in a shuddering gasp as the pressure of Moniques cool hand left her mouth. Her chest jerked in a violent reaction to the fear. The room around her started to spin. Sound droned in and out in a deafening hum. Make him stop, she begged. Please just make him stop. Pity flooded the other womans gaze as she hugged her. I cant, Monique said sadly, hanging her head. No one can. She was only vaguely aware of the deep rumble of Joshs voice as the mans screaming intensified. Huddled on the floor, she could hear everything with a vivid clarity she wished she couldnt. She had no desire to see. Broken fragments drifted through the thick wall of fear. Taylor wept, her panic reaching the point of near hysteria. The kidsChristmasTayBaas, come onterrified. Then it stopped. Only a lethal, foreboding silence and her muffled sobs remained. Face still buried in her knees, Taylor rocked back and forth in a futile attempt to escape and comfort herself. A strong hand gripped her arm and tugged. She tried to stand, but her legs gave out and she slumped back to the floor. Her body shook uncontrollably as Sebastian crouched beside her. His long fingers threaded through her hair as he pulled her close, cradling her head against his chest. It took everything she had not

to try to crawl away. Shh, he soothed, stroking her arm with his other hand. Its okay, sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay. Whimpering, Taylor tried to pull free. His hold on her tightened as a sob burst past her lips. Taylor, stop. Dont fight me. Im not going to hurt you, baby. He slowly drew her against him, cradling her shaking body close. She couldn't speak. There was no way to push words past the terror. Shaking her head, she looked into his sage eyes, silently begging him for an explanation that would make sense. Was there anything about tonight that fit that bill, no matter how loose the interpretation? She closed her eyes and prayed it was all just a nightmare. Sebastian shifted his weight and lifted her in his arms, standing. She didn't have the strength to fight him if she'd wanted to. Did she want to? There were no answers. Not when common sense whispered yes and screamed no in the same breath. Lifting her head from his neck, she searched for any signs of Todd and quickly wished she hadnt. Blood soaked the front of his light green shirt, staining it with a deep shade of crimson. A jagged cut crisscrossed his cheeks, stretching from one side of his face to the other. The right side had been cut clean through. Bile rose in the back of her throat and she tamped down a miserable sob. Shivering, she clung to whatever reassurance she could find. At least he was still aliveeven if he wished he wasnt. Josh approached them, his expression somber. I got this, he stated in a hushed voice. She doesnt look so good. Go ahead and take her upstairs. Ill clear everyone out and clean up. He deserved it, Sebastian replied coldly. He deserved more. I know, Baas. If I ever see his face again, hes dead. Okay. Go get washed up and calm down before you come unglued againplease. Taylor glanced behind them as Sebastian carried her up the steps. Her eyes locked with Todds, and for one horrible moment, she tried to convey a silent apology. He merely turned his head and looked away. She trembled as Sebastian set her on the edge of the tub. Shifting against the cool stone ledge beneath her thighs, she gripped it for support, hanging on for dear life. A miserable shudder wormed through her as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside. It was sick, but she couldnt help watching him, or feeling a small pang of longing as he crossed the room to start the multi-jetted shower. Tears blurred her vision, but she tracked his every movement. After pulling out two thick towels and washcloths, Sebastian sighed and crouched in front of her. His fingers curled around her chin. The gentle touch was almost shattering as his eyes probed hers. Im sorry you had to see that, Taylor. You may not understand this, but I did it for you. I promised to protect you, and I will do that with everything I have. He didnt hurt me, she whispered, dropping her gaze to the decorative marble inlay. That doesnt matter. He disrespected me in front of my entire team. He touched you. You are mine, and Ive told you before that your body and that right are mine and mine alone. Is that what you think saved him? Sebastian asked. Do you think I let him live because he didnt hurt you? I dontI dont know. No, Taylor. I stopped for you, but that is the first timethe only time that will happen. Dont expect me to stay my hand again. Standing, he pulled her to her feet. Her chest thundered as he peeled her dress and undergarments off with slow deliberation. His stare moved over her with the searing heat of a brand. Tossing the last of her clothes aside, he led her to the shower. Taylor hugged herself as he opened the frosted door and ushered her inside. Instant heat enveloped her. Tilting her head back, she relished the hot massaging spray. Her eyes fluttered open in uncertainty as Sebastian stepped in.

He wasted no time. Backing her into the corner, his hands slid behind her to cup the rounded cheeks of her ass. A low groan rumbled from his throat as he kissed a hungry path down the side of her neck. The growing length of his erection prodded her navel and he ground against her, increasing both friction and contact. She hated herself as the first pulse of desire throbbed through her. Sliding one hand between them, Sebastian kneaded her breast. His fingers plucked the nipple into a stiff peak, and when he rolled the hard nub with a twist, her body betrayed her. Taylor shuddered. Not from horror, but desire. Her insides turned to liquid heat, responding instinctually to his touch. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered what was wrong with her. How could she possibly want this? She was responding like some shameless whore, not a woman whod just bore witness to someone having their face carved like a jack-o-lantern. Sebastian slid a finger between her thighs, his long digit gliding back and forth against her clit. He moaned upon finding her wet, and God help her if she didnt rock against his hand. His hands, her mind repeated: so strong, so quickso lethal. Yet they were capable of tenderness and brought such undeniable pleasure. Feeling his touch, she folded. Nothing else mattered. He scooped her up, dragging her thighs over his hips. Taylor wound her arms around his neck in compliance. Lifting her up, he brought her body back down, growling as he slowly impaled her. She almost came right then and there. Arching against him, she shuddered, fighting to hold off just a little longer. His mouth slashed against hers as he filled her, stretching her completely. Shoving himself deeper, he drove against her womb again and again, battering her body with punishing thrusts, until her blissful cries turned into a wavering scream and she surrendered herself to the darkness of release.


A frigid burst of air lifted the hem on her robe, and Taylor pressed closer to Sebastian for warmth and reassurance. Hed presented her with the lacey lingerie that morning, but as festive as the red scraps were, they werent meant for outside the bedroom let alone the house. Snow crunched under the white Kola boots that had accompanied her Christmas outfit and she felt her cheeks heat as she pictured how she must look. Her hand tightened on his arm. Her ears strained, but she heard nothing but the soft whisper of his voice warning her of steps. Blinking against the silk tie obscuring her vision, she groped for the railing as he guided her down the stairs. It took everything she had not to ask the questions building on the tip of her tongue. Hed asked for her trust, and seeing the excitement dancing in his eyes, shed been helpless to refuse it. Almost there, he murmured. She shivered as he stopped and turned her. His body pressed against her from behind, lending warmth and security. Her lips quirked as his brushed against her nape. She felt his fingers work the loose knot tied against the back of her head. Keep your eyes closed for just one more second, baby. Nodding, she clamped them shut. Moving to her side, Sebastian kept her tucked beneath one arm. She could feel the anticipation thrumming through him as he watched her. Open up, he said softly. Taylors eyes fluttered open. It took a minute for her vision to adjust. When it did, she blinked in disbelief, staring at the sleek maroon 300. A bright red ribbon with shimmering silver threads adorned the top, spilling over the sides of the Chrysler. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she shook her head and turned to him. Sebastians eyes shone as he stared down at her, a wide grin splitting his handsome features. He looked so happy, so proud. Her mouth opened and closed, searching for the words to say. Do you like it? he asked, laughing. Leaning down, he settled his forehead against hers. His smile wound around her heart. Tears burned her eyes, and the lump welling in her throat threatened to rob her of any response. I love it, she finally managed to whisper. Its so beautiful. Chuckling he cupped her face and delivered a passionate kiss. It wouldnt have been my first choice, but your eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store every time one of these went by. Younoticed that? Baby, I notice everything about you. He kissed her nose, his sparkling eyes still studying hers. If youd rather have something else, I can take you tomorrow. No! she exclaimed. Oh my God, Sebastian, no! This is perfect. Its way too much as it is. You shouldnt have. It needed done. That truck of yours was marking its territory from one end of this town to the other. Not to mention someone as beautiful and classy as you should have a vehicle to match, he said, chucking her chin with a sexy wink. Trust me, darling, it was nothing, and this baby is all wheel drive, so maybe we stand a chance of keeping you out of the ditches this winter. Taylor couldnt help but laugh. Throwing her arms around his neck, she hugged him tight. She pressed her cold nose against his skin. I dont deserve you. Stop that, he scolded. He tugged her arms from around him and took her hand, leading her over to the car. Pulling the keys from his pocket, he unlocked the doors. She cocked her head as she caught a glimpse of the anticipation still lurking in his gaze. Her brow knitted in admonishment as he gestured to the interior.

Taylors shoulders slumped in defeat as she spied the shimmering pendant dangling from the rearview mirror. Despite the tinted windows, the glint of diamonds and silver was unmistakable. Blowing out a deep breath, she braced a knee on the drivers seat and leaned inside to pluck it free. She ran the delicate but sturdy chain over her fingers once she straightened. A small ring of diamonds and dark amethysts circled the teardrop pendant. She wasnt sure what the centerpiece was, but the silver colored metal had an unbelievable gloss and sheen. Her bottom lip trembled with her efforts not to cry as she swung her gaze to Sebastian. Merry Christmas, darling. Look on the back, he said, giving her a tender smile. Her hands shook as she turned the pendant over. Their initials stretched across the back in a fancy, scrawling script. The message was simple, but so clear. S&T. Her breath caught as he took the jewelry from her hands and fastened it around her neck. Just a small token of my love, he murmured, tracing the pendant against her chest. I want you to keep it with you always. Unable to help it, she dashed the tears off her cheeks. His smile saddened as he helped, using the pad of his thumb. Im sorry, she sniffed. I dont mean to cry. Its just so much. The lingeriethe boots, either would have been more than enough. I dont know what to say here. What to do. Thank you isnt enough. Leaning down, he stole a long kiss. The dimples in his cheeks deepened as he tipped his forehead against hers and smiled. You dont get it do you? he asked softly. This is my way of thanking you. Youve brought meaning to my lifegiven it purpose. For the first time in a long time, there is a sense of light to balance the dark. He shook his head, slowly against hers. I would give you the world if I could, and it still wouldnt be enough, Taylor. It would never be enough. I love you. The truth and simple sincerity of those last three words hit harder than she ever couldve imagined. Clinging to him, she kissed him deeply. Every part of her heart and soul ached, straining to be with his, as if the barriers of flesh and bone between them was too much. When she finally managed to pull back, her knees trembled and the air left her lungs in a breathless whisper. I love you, too. Smiling, Sebastian pushed the car door shut and then turned to scoop her into his arms. Lets get you out of this cold and back in bed where you belong. The thread of his fingers through hers was comforting and assuring. Clad in a sweeping black dress coat and charcoal scarf, Sebastian looked dashing, but the matching knit hat tugged down over his ears lent him an innocent and almost playful look. Taylor glanced up at his gentle squeeze and smiled. It had been a perfect day, a perfect evening in so many ways. Both her heart and stomach were full. The cold didnt matter. Nothing did but the quiet serenity of the moment and the touch of his hand. She felt so proud to be his and so safe at his side. He pulled her closer, tucking her against him as they crossed the street. Sucking in a sharp breath of delight, she took in the sparkling white lights adorning the trees and lampposts winding around the lake. They reflected off the thin sheet of ice, shimmering like trapped stars beneath the surface. Stepping behind her, Sebastian wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down to rest his chin on her shoulder. Seconds later, the slender tip of his nose nudged her scarf down and she shivered as he pressed the icy tip against her skin. So nice and hot, he said in a husky whisper. Catching the double implication, she giggled. Do you ever get enough? She felt his chest jerk against her back. Of you? Never. He kissed his way up to her ear and tugged her lobe gently between his teeth. His low chuckle rolled through her when she moaned and squirmed, trying to get away. His grip tightened, but he relented. Straightening, he gave a quiet sigh. I wish today could last forever.

Cant it? she asked. His laugh was muted and sad. No, baby. Tomorrow its back to work as usual. At least for a few hours. That call I had to take during dinner was Marx. Hes calling a meeting. Hopefully, everything else can wait until next year. He paused and she felt his face turn toward hers. How about we fly away for a few days? We can ring in New Years Eve anywhere you want. Paris, Romesome hot, sunny beach where you can lay around in nothing but a skimpy bikini. Taylor turned to face him with an incredulous expression. Lifting her eyebrows, she pinned him with a pointed stare. Havent you spent enough? He shrugged, suddenly looking uncomfortable. Lowering his head, he studied the sidewalk for a second before lifting his gaze back to hers. Its not about the money. Its about leaving everything else behind for a while. Trust me, Taylor. My bank account isnt hurting any. Reaching up, she caressed the side of his face with her gloved hand. She hated the desperation and torment suddenly clouding his eyes. They looked so woundedalmost scared. Seb, whats going on? His chest lifted as he drew a deep breath. Placing his hand over hers, he leaned into her touch. Nothing. Just dreading going back to the daily grind, I guess. But if you have so much money, why dont you just quit? He gave a dry laugh. It doesnt work that way in my line of work. Besides, Id still have bills to pay. I want to build up a big enough cushion that I can retire someday, and if we do have those kids you were talking about Id want to make sure theyd be taken care of and get the best education possible. Maybe with all those benefits and possibilities, they could end up doing something they love. Something that makes them happy. She couldnt keep the sorrow from etching her face. Pressing into him, she stared up at him for a long moment and shook her head. What about you? I want you to be happy. He smiled down at her. Pulling her hand off his face, he kissed the inside of her palm. I am happy, darling. The happiest Ive ever been. Taylor watched as his mask fell back into place. All at once, the traces of doubt and vulnerability were gone. Leaning down, he brushed his lips across hers. She stood still as he claimed them slowly, then more deeply. Though her eyes were closed, she could feel the occasional person walk by, as well as their curious stares. His hand came up to cradle her head, and she thought her knees would give out before he finally pulled back and gave both of them a chance to come up for air. Now, he said, brushing the wisps of hair off her cheek from beneath her fluffy hat, about New Years Sebastian stared at the woman still fast asleep in their bed. The comforter had twisted during the night, affording him a tantalizing glimpse of bare thigh. Sprawled on her stomach with one leg hooked partially over the covers, Taylor looked so peaceful and content. His heart wrenched as he resisted the urge to say goodbye or sweep the hair off her beautiful face so he could have one last look before he left. It was better this way. Easier. If he had to look into those eyes again, he might never leave. Last night had been a first in many ways. It had been the first Christmas he ever remembered truly enjoying. Hed lost himself in the warmth of the day and the woman he loved. It was also the first time hed ever felt weakness. At least since he was a child. Standing on that bridge, hed opened up to Taylor in ways he never saw coming. Hed allowed himself to think, to confess things about his job he had no business feeling let alone saying aloud. He shook his head. That kind of momentary lapse would end up costing him in more ways than one. Giving his neck a quick roll, he felt it pop. His gaze flickered back to Taylor as he adjusted his collar and straightened the tarnished silver pins adorning its lapel. His fingers stroked the cool metal outline of the skull and crossbones sitting on the left of his banded shirt collar. The right side boasted an

Old English style S that was in no way a reflection of his name, only his organization. These were the only decorationsthe only deviations. Everything else was straight black. He gave a wry frown. In many ways, the uniform was a true representation of the men who wore them: sleek, dark, and lethal. No mercy and no frills. Lingering just a moment longer, he watched Taylor sleep. He wondered what she dreamt of, what sort of visions played behind her closed lids. For her sake, he prayed they were nothing like the horrors that haunted his. He swallowed. Shed come so close to learning the truth and itd terrified him. Taylor was the one unblemished thing in his life. She didnt look at him like everyone else. She knew a side of him no one else ever would. Hed tried so hard to keep her and his work separate. No matter how good things were between them, he couldnt help but wonder if she would still love him if she knew the things he had done. The things he had to do all too often. It was a risk he wasnt willing to take. Tearing his gaze away, he pulled on his outer jacket. The soft glide of leather filled the room as he cinched his belt around the fitted waist. Blowing out a deep breath, he braced himself for what lie ahead. Sebastians face tightened as he strode down the dimly lit corridor. Emotions werent allowed. Anything other than rage or bloodlust was a liability in his line of work. The doubts, the secret resentment, even the guilt hed grappled with last night were things that would get him killed. He steeled his spine and pulled the door open. Despite popular belief, there were things much worse than death, and those things waited on the other side of the door. His pale stare flickered over the men gathered around the table, settling briefly on Dominic and Josh before shifting to Marx. The man was as big and solid as a bull and every bit as aggressive. His light chocolate skin shone beneath the lights, and a hard gleam ignited the ebony pits of his eyes. Clenching his jaw, Sebastian held their directors deadly glower, refusing to back down. He thought he detected a slight twitch in Marxs lips before the man indicated to a waiting chair. Have a nice Christmas, Baas? he asked in his gruff, booming voice. He pondered that question for a moment and leaned against the back of his seat. It was pleasant enough. Im glad. You never were one for small talk, but Im going to assume you arent asking about mine because you already know it was shit. You gentlemen have some explaining to do. Sebastian donned a callous smirk. Would this be in reference to Todds new and improved smile? Marx snorted. Though he tried to conceal it, a brief spark of appreciation illuminated his eyes. It would. Sebastian shrugged. He crossed the line. If hes a smart man, he resigned and booked a one way ticket for an international flight. Oh he is finished here, alright, Marx snarled. And given the situation, hes looking at a permanent retirement. What I want to know is why. He had potential. He could have been a valuable asset to this team. Josh coughed. No offense, Marx, but thats a crock of shit. Baas did you a favor. The guy was stupid and reckless to boot. Thats not what his IQ tests said. Its what his mouth proved. Would you play a game of grab and go with his woman? Josh asked, jutting a thumb in Sebastians direction. Or suggest that youd like to take her for a test drive in his absence? Marxs dark eyes flared. No. No, I would not. Is that what this was about? It is, Sebastian stated. That and his utter lack of respect in front of my team. And given the fact that he was a part of this team, its fair to say he knew better. He knows how Baas is. Its not like the man walked into the situation blind. He even had ample opportunity to rein it in

and zip it, but he kept pushing. It was the holidays. I was feeling generous, Sebastian said with a cold smile. So I see, Marx muttered, shaking his head. Hes lucky to be alive. Unfortunately, that is something we will have to remedy when time allows. Hes too much of a liability now and cant be trusted. Which brings us to our next point of discussion. Tension wound through Sebastians frame. He could feel the directors dark stare drilling into him. Lifting his gaze, he met the mans eyes calmly though his stomach churned. A cold prickle danced across the nape of his neck, and the temperature in the room seemed to plummet several degrees. Whatever it was, it wasnt good. He could only pray it didnt involve Taylor. Its come to my attention that there was an unpleasant outburst Christmas Eve aimed at you and several members of this team. Explain yourself, Baas. Explain to me how it is your sister-in-law knows these things let alone feels at liberty enough to discuss them. Perhaps I am mistaken here, but it was my understanding you intended to keep your family separate from your career. Bracing his elbow on the arm of the chair, Sebastian ran his forefinger across his lip several times before speaking. The ball of dread in his stomach tightened like a hangmans noose. His eyes drifted shut for a brief moment. Natalie had backed him into a corner this time. There would be no pleasant outcomes. That was my intention, yes, he stated quietly. Unfortunately, other situations arose. She overheard a conversation several years ago and has been holding onto that information ever since. Marx nodded. Leaning back in his seat, he folded his arms against the thick expanse of his chest. There was no sympathy or understanding on his face. Only cold, hard accusations. I see. The how doesnt matter, Sebastian. The fact is she talked. There are rules, protocol to be followed in these types of situations, and you are as aware of them as any. If she felt comfortable enough to spew that level of venom in your home and make those sorts of claims against my men, I would say there is a very definite problem. Numbness swept through him. Clenching and unclenching the muscles in his jaw, Sebastian kept his attention focused on the table in front of him. He could feel Joshs weighted stare, as well as Marxs riding his shoulders. He let his eyes drift shut for the briefest of seconds, struggling to get his emotions back under control. Deep down, hed known this was coming. Hed known and dreaded it clear down to his core. His head shook in a silent inner plea, and for a moment, he feared he would break. Beside him, Marx shifted his muscled girth in his chair making it creak in protest. Are we having a breakdown in communication, Baas? he asked, leaning forward. I find it disconcerting enough that this problem was not handled already, but your reluctance is starting to raise some serious concerns. Tension gripped the room and thrummed through his system. He felt his partners desperation, the silent pleading rolling off the man across the table. It was too late for that, and they both knew it. Marx nodded and reclined against the back of his chair again, his dark gaze flitting over the other men. Give us a moment, please. Dont go far. Sebastians body stiffened as they pushed away from the table and the door clicked shut behind them. His muscles ached, threatening to shatter. It took every bit of effort he had to meet their directors cold stare. Shes pregnant. Despite what shes done, thats still my blood inside her. This is not my problem, Baas. Its yours, and I suggest you fix it. This is not an option. Its an order. Are we clear? He fought himself, struggling, desperately fighting to hold onto whatever small pieces of humanity and decency remained. Marx saw this. His expression hardened until it took on the consistency of chiseled granite, and his ebony eyes narrowed into scrutinizing slits. Without warning, his ham sized fist struck, crashing into the side of Sebastians face with the force of a wrecking ball. The blow rocked both

body and chair hard enough to send him capsizing to the floor. His skull bounced off the wall behind him, setting off an explosion of blinding light before his eyes. Dazed, he shook as he pulled himself into a semi upright position. He braced himself as Marx stood. Slow, sinister warmth caressed the side of his cheek. It ignited a brief spark of hatred. He clung to that rage as Marx crouched over him, his expression mocking. See, its not so hard to spill your own blood after all, is it? Sebastian growled at the taunt, his body coiling with anger as the big bear of a man wrenched him to his feet. Ah, so you are in there after all, Marx drawled. "This pang of conscience troubles me, Sebastian. Theres no place for it here. You have a team to lead and your professionalism is one we count on. Perhaps it's just a bit of leftover holiday spirit clouding your judgment, or maybe you need a refresher course. Either way, I will tweak that killer in you and bring you back to where you need to be. For your sake, I hope you comply. It would be a shame to use that pretty little girlfriend of yours as outside motivation."

INTERLUDE Josh folded his arms and waited with no small measure of impatience. The last two weeks had been hell. The last time he saw Baas, the man had been crazed. Sweat had drenched his clothes making them cling to his skin. His hair had been soaked to the point of losing all curl, and stuck out from the sides of his head in ragged spikes. Those images and the absolute desperation and insanity plaguing his friends eyes were something that would haunt him for a lifetime. There was nothing he could do. Nothing any of them could do but play along and just keep piling the torture on. He sighed. As much as he wanted to blame Baas and think him a stupid son-of-a-bitch, he couldnt. His hesitation had been a surprisingly human reaction. Hed be hard pressed to say any of them would have reacted any differentand therein laid the problem. Sebastian had not only paid the price tenfold, but hed served as an example of what could happen to the rest of them. As difficult as that had been, hed then been charged with the task of telling Taylor and Monique neither one of them would be around until after the New Year. He froze as movement drew his attention and Sebastian stopped at the end of the hallway. Sunlight streamed through the windows highlighting his slender features. Their eyes met, locking in brief confrontation. Apprehension crept up his spine and danced across his nape, making the fine hairs there prickle and stand on end. Whoever this was, it wasnt Baas. Not the Baas he knewnot the man hed left behind. Hed lost some weight during his ordeal. It accented the slight dents in his cheeks making his face even harder, more chiseled, but it was something much deeper that unsettled him. The stare boring into him was glacialfrigid and soulless. No return smile greeted him. Sebastians chin lifted a notch and though his expression remained stoic, there was a chilling hint of pride and challenge riding his features. Something raw and menacing radiated off his friend, cloaking him with an air of nobility and power. He tamped down a shudder. Its good to see you again, Baas, he said quietly. Lets get you home, huh? Sebastians head cocked slightly, the muscles beneath his jaw cording tight with anger. Im capable of driving myself, Josh. Right. I just thought Thought what? That I was too weak, too broken to drive my own car? He gave a slow shake of his head and stilled the shiver that seemed bound and determined to creep down his spine. No. Come on, Baas. You and I both know I didnt mean it like that. Lets just get you out of herego grab a bite to eat or something before you go see Taylor. He bit his tongue, resisting the urge to say because there is no way in hell I am letting you see her now. He dragged a hand through his dark hair, making tufts of it stand on end. His stomach clenched and churned with dread. Sweet Jesus. What was he going to say? How was he going to explainto justify the changes in the man that would be walking back through that door? He could well imagine the fear and uncertainty in Moniques gorgeous green eyes, and the confusion that would almost certainly burn in Taylors. What advice did he give? Sorry Tay. I know you love the man, but dont talk to him, dont move, and whatever you do, dont look him in the eye. Josh swallowed against a wave of guilt. This wasnt the first time Sebastian had gone through the wringer as far as conditioning went, but it was by far the worst hed ever seen him. He lifted his gaze to see Baas still mulling the offer over. His insides cringed, tightening his gut. He had to find a way to bring him back down before the man went home. Meet me at the cemetery.

Josh blinked. He opened his mouth to argue that probably wasnt the best of ideas right now, but before he could, Sebastian had turned on his heel and was gone.



An icy wind swept through the cemetery, stinging his flesh and biting clear down to his soul. Sebastians shaky exhale left him in a frosty plume. Three fresh piles of dirt lie mounded together, side by side, covered with a light dusting of snow. Four, he reminded himself bitterly. Four lives had been lost, two of them completely innocent. The frozen ground was depressing. He tried not to think about his nephew encased beneath that cold, unforgiving surface, but that was where his thoughts turned. Guilt and rage festered inside him, threatening to rip away the last shreds of sanity that remained. This was his fault. All of it. His gaze burned into the decorative granite stone bearing Christians name, the date of his birth, and ultimately the day he died. Ten short years was all he had. There was still so much left for him to learnto experience. Sebastian lowered his head with a sad shake. That innocent smile and those wide blue eyes were etched into his memory where they lingered with the same effects as a brand. As much as he wanted to remember them, he ached to forget. Forcing a swallow, he whispered the only words he had left. Im sorry, buddy. Im so sorry. His stare flickered to Natalies grave and hardened. His jaw clenched so hard his teeth hurt. She was not without blame. She was the one whod struck the match and, deep down, shed known her family would burn. He hated her, truly hated her, for putting him in that positionand even that was too kind of a word. If he could, he would rip her out of her grave and revive her, just so he could have the pleasure of killing her for himself. His hesitation had been stupid. He could see that now, and that momentary bout of weakness had cost him. Lucian would have died regardless, but his nephewif hed acted and carried out the orders on his own, he couldve saved him. That decision would haunt him for the rest of his life. It wasnt a mistake he would make again. His throat closed, tightening around a raw lump of grief. Tears threatened to build and he balled his fists, fighting against them. A low throb branched through the top of his hands in a painful reminder. His knuckles were still battered and bruised from punching the walls, his voice still hoarse. When they told him Christian hadnt survived the accident, hed screamed for hours. Hed poured every ounce of anguish hed had into that room. Now, there was nothing left to give. Tensing, he turned at the soft crunch of footsteps behind him. His eyes locked with Joshs before he turned his attention back to the graves at his feet. His shoulders rose with the deep breath he drew. I am only going to ask you this one time, he said in a raspy whisper. Did you do this? His partners dark head bowed. The heavy weight of tension grew between them until Josh released a heavy sigh. You know I cant talk about that, Baas. He pressed his lips together for a long moment before lifting his gaze and offering a reluctant shake of his head. But no. I swear to you, I had no part in any of this. Sebastian tipped his face back toward the dismal grey sky. Biting the inside of his cheek, he nodded. A strained swallow came before he managed to find the strength to ask the next words. Did he suffer? He watched Joshs body sag with a visible combination of sorrow and empathy. Though it was trivial in comparison, the man shouldered his own share of grief. His sons best friend, his playmate lay buried in the ground. As a father, Sebastian imagined Josh could even relate to the situation in ways he himself would never comprehend. Still, he did not regret the question. It was something he had to know.

His neck snapped when the car rolled. He was dead on impact. The muscles in his cheek twitched so hard it made his lip jerk. The answer and the images it evoked brought him little comfort, but it was the only assurance in all of this he was going to get. Perhaps it was all he deserved. He walked around to the head of his nephews grave and ran his hand over the top of the headstone. Closing his eyes for a second, he brought his fingers to his lips before pressing them against the cold granite. The last conversation hed had with Christian ran through his mind in a heartbreaking loop. I love you, buddy. No matter what, you have to promise me you will never forget that, okay? I dont want to go... I know. I dont want you to go either. He still didnt. Taylor whirled from the stove at the sound of the garage door opening. Her heart leapt into her throat and she dropped the ladle shed been using to stir the pot of homemade baked beans with bacon and onions. It was one of Sebastians mothers recipes and, according to Monique, one of his favorites. Smoothing her hands over her hair, she then straightened her loose sweater dress and gave what she could see of the house one more cursory inspection. After finding it up to par, she hurried to the hall outside the laundry room door. Excitement and anticipation rippled through her and she danced in place waiting for that doorknob to turn. It had been so long since shed last seen him, since she last felt his touch, or the powerful press of his body. The door swung open and she froze in place as he stepped through. A small cut and fading discoloration marked the high ridge of his cheek. He looked leaner, his face harder and almost gaunt, but it was his eyes that lent her pause. Gone was that sparkle she loved. She bit her lip with her efforts not to cry. Not for herself, but for him. Hed been through so much these past few weeks, and in her excitement to see him again, shed all but forgotten. He regarded her for a long moment, his head tilting slightly to the side. Her chest surged at the slight twitch, the barest trace of a smile that lifted one side of his mouth. Without a word, his arms opened. She ran to him, crashing against the front of him as she threw her arms around him. Sebastian gave a pained grunt, but he returned her embrace with equal zeal. Shuddering, she muffled a sob into the side of his neck. I missed you so much. He pulled back, cupping her face between his hands. His eyes probed hers, the gesture both familiar and different somehow. I missed you, too, baby. Her hands fluttered over his chest and danced across his sides in silent search of injury. Capturing her wrists, Sebastian gave a slow shake of his head. Im okay, he cautioned softly. Her lips flattened in an uncertain press, but she nodded. One corner of his mouth lifted before he leaned over to claim hers. She melted against him, returning the kiss with everything she had. He let go of her arms to thread his fingers through her hair. The familiar gesture flooded her insides with painful, eager warmth. Her body throbbed. His hold tightened and he tugged her head back, forcing her head into a more submissive slant. The hot spear of his tongue parted her lips, dueling aggressively with hers. His low growl rumbled through her and threatened to drive her to her knees. She panted, lifting her fingers to her kiss swollen lips when he finally pulled back. Desire and danger danced in his eyes as he gave her a slow smile. Taking his hand, Taylor led him deeper into the house, not missing the way he took a deep breath pulling the scent of food into his lungs. She stopped in front of the couch, her hands trailing down the ridge of his chest to the hard ripple of his abs before unhitching his belt. He lifted his arms, easing her efforts as she tugged it free. His gaze followed her,

tracking her intently until she slid behind him and helped him shrug out of his coat. Draping it over her forearm, she peered up at him. Can I get you something more comfortable to wear? He seemed to ponder the offer for a minute. How long before dinner? he asked, reaching out to caress the side of her neck. Its ready whenever you are. Ive just been keeping it warm until you got here. Sebastian nodded. Changing can wait. Lets eat. Would you like me to fix you a plate and bring it in here? The couch would be more comfortable than the dining room. He tipped her chin. I said I was fine, Taylor. We will take our dinner in the dining room, just as we always have. Understood? She nibbled the inside of her lip and swallowed against the tightening lump in her throat. Yes, Sebastian. This time, a small hint of a genuine smile graced his features. Thats my girl, he murmured, brushing her cheek with the pad of his thumb. You have no idea how many times Ive dreamed of this face. Knowing that I would get to come home to you was the only thing that got me through the past two weeks. She watched as a conflicting wave of emotions crashed through him. For a moment, he looked haunted, almost scared, his torment evident. Then, it was as if he caught himself. Sebastians spine straightened without warning and his expression hardened, turning into a cold, but unreadable mask. Steeling his jaw, he let his hand fall from her cheek and Taylor stared after him in heartbreak and confusion as he strode from the room. Dinner was tense, silent. Peeking at him from beneath the dark sweep of her lashes, she watched Sebastian attack the beans and hickory smoked pulled pork with the zest of a man who hadnt eaten in days. She made sure to keep the food coming and the wine flowing, until some of the tension slowly seemed to ebb from his lean frame. The circles under his eyes were troubling. Her gaze kept travelling to the cut on his cheek, and the few bites of food shed managed to choke down churned as she wondered what had happened. What had he been through that he was so tense and on edge? Loss affected people in different ways, and there was no denying fate had dealt his family a brutal blow, but there was more to it than that. He hadnt even been able to make the services. Whatever this was, whatever had happened, it had happened at work. Her heart ached as she wondered what she could do. How she could bring back the man she loved. She glanced up as Sebastian leaned back in his chair with a contented sigh. He rubbed his stomach and gave a quick wink. Thank you, sweetheart. Anything for you, she said with a tender smile. I wanted everything to be perfect for you. I missed you so much. I really did. I know. Im sorry. These things will come up from time to time. What I need now is a nice hot shower. You dont smell bad to me, she teased, standing to lean over him and sniff the side of his neck. Shaking his head, he shrugged away from her. No, but I dont smell like home either. Its what I want right now, Taylor. What I need. He paused for a long moment, and slid his hand around to stroke the side of her neck. I wouldnt object if you wanted to join me. You dont have to ask me twice, she said, giggling. That would be wise. She shivered at the hard edge of warning in his voice, wondering where his sense of play had gone. Nibbling the inside of lip, she moved to clear the table and headed into the kitchen. She felt the

weight of Sebastians stare as he watched and waited, one hip reclined against the archway. Again, it was as if he was tracking her, assessing her every move and reaction. He was searching for something, but what? What was he looking for or waiting for? She felt very much like an ant trapped beneath a magnifying glass. The sensation was unnerving to say the least. Stilling the tremble in her hands, she started the dishwasher and resisted the urge to skirt past him. It took everything she had not to bolt up the steps as he followed on her heels. Her breath caught when Sebastian closed the bedroom doors behind him, and the latch clicked shut with a cold finality. Strolling around her, he cast Taylor a look that commanded she follow. She stopped short, stumbling back a step when he rounded without warning. His head cocked, and those pale sage eyes narrowed into scrutinizing slits. A tremble wormed through her as he reached up, his cool fingers brushing the nape of her neck with a tenderness that belied his smoldering expression. Wheres the necklace I got you, Taylor? he asked, his voice a quiet rasp. Her hand flitted to her throat, dancing across the barren space in confusion. I--I must have forgotten to put it back on after my shower this morning. He took a slow step closer. Is that so? he whispered with a forced nod. You claim to have missed me so much, yet the one token I gave you to wear as a reminder of my love was taken off and justforgotten? She shook her head frantically. No. No? Her eyes slammed shut as he pressed against her, his hold tightening into a painful vise. She whimpered as his fingers bit deep into muscle and bone. I just didnt want it to get ruined. Ive been wearing it every day, Sebastian, she whispered, shaking. I swear. He gave a dry snort. Ruined? You think I would give you some cheap trinket out of a machine? Is that what youre saying? No! Which is it then? It has to be one or the other, so you tell me, he coaxed, petting the back of her head. Please she choked. Youre scaring me. I dont like it when you get like this. Ill put it on, and I will never take it off again. I promise. Ill do whatever you want, just please dont do this. Not tonight "Do what?" he whispered. She shook her head desperately, and he stilled it with the bite of his fingers. "What is it that you don't want me to do, Taylor?" "Ple--please don't get upset. I messed up. I love it. I just wanted to take care of it. Please, Sebastian. I love you. Let me make it up to you." Taylor stumbled, almost hitting her knees as he shoved her head first toward the bathroom. She managed to catch her balance, but a thick wall of tears blurred her vision. Shaking, she choked down a sob and crossed the room to huddle near the shower. Her stomach twisted in knots while she watched him prowl after her with the slow deliberation of a jungle cat. Unable to bear the tension and fear, she pulled the frosted door open and started the water. Her nose almost bumped his chin when she turned around. His eyes blazed with a combination of fury and desire. Remembering the savage bite of his fingers, she flinched when he reached for her. A low growl rose from his throat and Taylor fought the urge to twist away as his hands closed around the front of her sweater dress. The sound of rending fabric filled the room, rising above the steady drum of the water. She cried out as he spun her around and shoved her face first into the wall. Her breath left her in a forceful whoosh. Pressing her cheek against the cold stone tiles, she held perfectly still, allowing him to tear the clasps on her bra free. He yanked if off her shoulders and tossed it across the floor. Her nails scraped against the unforgiving wall, and she bit back a yelp of pain as he tore the thin lace underwear

away with a sharp wrench that abraded her tender skin. She jumped when the hot scald of his breath fell across her neck. His hands trailed up the sides of her arms. The hard muscle of his thigh drove between hers, wedging them apart. His lean body pinned her from behind and pressed her deeper against the wall. Taylor stifled a whimper, her back bowing as his fingers closed around her nipples, plucking and twisting the sensitive peaks. You are mine, he growled against her ear. You and your body belong to me. Do you know what that means? She shivered, hating herself as his lips trailed up the side of her neck and her response came with more than a small glimmer of truth. That I am the luckiest girl in the world? He chuckled softly. One hand closed over the full mound of her breast, kneading it roughly, as the other dipped between her legs. Sebastian tensed with a rumble of appreciation upon finding her wet. Unable to help herself, she rocked against the firm glide of his fingers. Good answer, darling, but no, he whispered. It means you will do as I sayhow and when I say. Isnt that so? Her breath came in a harsh pant. Biting her tongue, she tamped down a moan. Yes, Sebastian. Mm. Good girl, he murmured. Dont cum. I want to be inside you when your body shatters. The rasp of his voice alone was enough to push her to that point. She whimpered as his fingers continued their rhythmic glide. It felt so good. A constant wave of pleasure battered her starved body. Trembling, she fought to hold on. Sebastian moaned behind her, spurring the heat inside her to even greater heights. A few more strokes against her throbbing clit threatened to send her over the edge. Tensing, Taylor stiffened. The rocking motion between her legs stopped, and she froze, shaking as her body dangled dangerously on the precipice. She closed her eyes. Her lungs ached, but she knew one shallow breath, one tiny movement, would push her past the point of no return. Agonizing seconds ticked by until the threat of release wavered, and she slumped with a sigh of relief. Sebastian chuckled behind her. His lips pressed firmly against the side of her neck in approval. Close call, he breathed. Stepping back, he peeled her off the wall and gestured to the waiting shower with a sweep of his arm. Taylor stepped inside, gasping as the hot spray pelted her skin. Her cold flesh responded with an instant burst of pins and needles. Through the frosty glass, she watched Sebastians outline as he stripped and tossed his clothes aside. Fear and anticipation warred within her, fighting for control. She sucked in a muffled sob when he opened the door and stepped inside to join her. The sight of his body shocked her and threatened to rip away all shreds of desire. Fading bruises still mottled his ribs, painting them various shades of black and blue. His beautiful chest was darkened with burns too jagged and uneven to have come from a cigarette or cigar. An icy chill shot down her spine as one word came screaming to the forefront of her mind. Electrodes. Shaking her head, she ran a trembling hand over his stomach. Tears burned her eyes, mingling with the overhead spray. What had they done to him? How could anyone do this to him? Sebastian was so powerful, so virile, and strong. Her heartbroken gaze darted to his in search of understanding. Shh, he soothed, pressing a finger to her lips. Its done. Im here now. Thats all that matters. Taylor nodded and kissed his hand, but a million questions loitered on her tongue. She turned away and grabbed the sponge, desperately needing some distraction before her mouth got her in trouble. Snaring his bottle of body wash, she squirted on a generous amount and worked it into a thick lather. Sebastian cocked his head, but said nothing as she slid behind him. Murmuring softly, she kissed a path across the top of his shoulders. She trailed the sponge in their wake, massaging his skin with slow, gentle circles. Dropping his head forward, he rested his chin on his chest with a pleasured sigh. Eager to touch him, her other hand followed the path of the sponge, stroking over the firm lines of his body in a reverent glide. She blinked against the sting of the water as she kissed and scrubbed every

part of him. A smile played on her lips when she inched around his side to start on Sebastians front. If the bliss stamped across his handsome face was any indication, her lover was at least enjoying the moment. She lathered his chest slowly, avoiding the burns. He inched back, pulling her with him until he leaned against the shower wall. Crouching before him, Taylor lathered the delicious bulges of his abs planting a tender kiss on each one. His fingers found her hair and tightened in approval. His breath surged past his clenched teeth in a sharp exhale as she wrapped her soapy hand around his straining shaft. She watched his head fall back and the urgent need play across his face as she gave it a few firm strokes. His free hand hit the wall behind him with an audible smack. The other clamped down brutally in her hair. Sebastians ragged gasp echoed through the shower as she drew him into her mouth. Swirling her hand around the thick base, she hollowed her cheeks and sucked in earnest, a low moan of pleasure rising from her throat. The ever-tightening hold in her hair wrung a pained whimper. Letting her hand fall free, she surrendered all control. He drove her head up and down slowly at first, savoring the sensation, then weeks of pent up need sprung free. Taylor gagged, her breath coming in shallow snorts as he pistoned without mercy, battering the back of her throat. The room started to pitch into a dangerous spin, and darkness swirled just out of reach when the hot, salty burst of his release flooded her mouth and Sebastians hoarse bellow of completion roared in her ears. Breathless, she remained slumped at his feet, relishing the feel of his fingers while they stroked the top of her head. After a moment, he helped her stand. She trembled with exertion as he studied her face and brushed the hair from her eyes. Go wait for me in the bedroom, he stated softly. But I wanted to wash those adorable curls, she whispered. One corner of his mouth tugged with the beginnings of a smile, but he lifted her chin and met her eyes. What did I just say? Hanging her head, she fought the ridiculous urge to pout and sighed. Yes, Sebastian. He joined her a few minutes later, clad in nothing but the thick towel wound around his waist. Water still dripped from the ends of his hair and ran in slow rivers over his shoulders and the swell of his chest. Taylor wrung her hands and squirmed, shifting on the side of the bed as the familiar ache of desire branched through her. She watched him cross the room and pull her necklace off the top of the dresser. Turning to face her, Sebastian motioned her forward with a slow crook for his finger. A prickle of apprehension rippled across her skin, but she stood and inched forward. Without a word, he gently spun her around. His fingers brushed across her nape and swept her damp hair aside. After clasping the silver pendant around her neck, he leaned over her shoulder and kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear. Dont take it off again, he warned. Are we clear? Yes, Sebastian. Im sorry. He petted her head. I know, baby, but just to be sure there are no future misunderstandings, I am going to give you a little reminder. Her blood ran cold and she tensed in his arms. Bend over the foot of the bed, he whispered. Taylor shivered despite the heated caress of his breath and the tender, almost reverent bush of his lips as he kissed the side of her neck. She closed her eyes, willing her body not to tremble. Sebastianplease Dont make me ask you again. His voice was soft and gentle, but she had no doubt it was the one and only warning she was going to get. Her legs felt leaden and made of rubber as she forced them to move her forward one agonizing step at a time. She swallowed as Sebastian disappeared into the shadows of their walk-in closet. Bending over the foot of the bed, she gripped the comforter with a fearful tremble. The telltale jangle of a belt buckle sounded behind her, and Taylor whirled to peer over her shoulder with wide eyes. She shook her

head pleadingly as he approached, doubling the thick length in his fist. Dont do this, she begged. Please dont do this. Shh, darling. This is for your own good. She jerked as the belt cracked against her upper thighs and lit a blazing stripe across her skin. Howling, she tried to reach back and diffuse the burn. Move your hands! Taylor jumped at the sudden forceful boom of his voice. Her heart leapt into her throat and she squashed a pleading sob. The belt bit into her thighs again, the pain rocking her clear up onto her toes. Screaming into the comforter, she writhed in place. Blow after blow lit her skin on fire. Each menacing whistle made her stiffen, but there was no bracing herself against the sting. Her fists clutched the thick blanket, tugging it inwards off the sides of the bed as the leather strap struck an endless and deliberate path across the back of her thighs up to her shoulders. The final blow fell with a savage snap across her upturned ass, wringing a strangled scream from her throat. Her body shuddered with her sobs as the belt hit the floor. She felt Sebastian looming behind her. His fingers trailed over her welted thigh in a gentle glide. This souvenir will stick with you for a few days, he stated softly. Consider it a warning. The next time I think you are trying to cast me aside I will give you a much more permanent reminder. You are mine, Taylor. There is no escaping that. I di-didnt w-want to, she cried. But you do now, he whispered. Dont you? She shook her head frantically. Nooo. I love you. His hand ran over the burning globes of her ass and up her back. She choked down a cry as the fire blazing beneath her skin reignited in his wake. Do you? he asked. Prove it to me. Make me believe it. Desperation closed around her heart like a fist. Peeling herself off the tear-soaked bed, Taylor turned and started to sink to her knees. Sebastians hands closed around her upper arms, keeping her standing. Oh no, no, sweetheart, he chided softly. She whimpered, tensing as he cupped the back of her thighs and lifted her. His fingers grazed the tender welts before sinking into them. Taylor stiffened as he eased her onto the bed and sprawled over top of her. The pressure and friction of the comforter against her stinging flesh was almost too much to bear. She writhed, seeking a more comfortable position beneath him as Sebastians eyes locked with hers. He caressed the ridge of her cheek with his knuckle before leaning down to claim her mouth in a passionate stake. His knee roughly parted her thighs as he shifted his weight to one hand and tore the damp towel away with the other. Their hungry kiss smothered her scream as Sebastian snared her hips and drove inside her. One arm locked around her shoulders. His other hand slid beneath the welted globes of her ass, tilting her up into his powerful thrusts. Crying out, she held on for dear life as the tempo picked up. He drove into her deep and hard, his hold assuring her body had little give. Pleasure and pain battered her in merciless waves. Breathless and dazed, she lost track of time. Sebastian was tireless. He continued to pound into her, grunts and growls of pleasure reverberating from his chest. The thrusts came harder, faster, stabbing with brute force until she cried out with each forward snap of his hips. Just when she thought she could take no more, he shifted his angle. The tingling throb of release grew, carrying her higher. Her body clamped around his and Taylor screamed, twisting, her sweat-slicked form snapping off the mattress to arch against his. Colors swirled behind her closed lids. She clung to him, every nerve ending tingling. Her heart and lungs pounded as she struggled to regain her breath. Sebastian stiffened and shuddered above her with a ragged groan. Collapsing against her, his chest rose and fell in steady heaves. A quiet moan tumbled

from his lips as he rolled onto his back and dragged her against his side. Taylor trembled, cautiously sliding her hand across his navel. She felt his head turn and the smoldering heat of his stare as he studied her face. I love you, she whispered, kissing his damp pectoral. Please believe me. He brushed the long wisps of bangs from her eyes and nuzzled her forehead. His fingers traced the outside of her arms, gently coaxing her back down. I love you too, Taylor. Thats why I correct you. Keeping you on course is whats bestfor both of us. Im sorry. I never meant to hurt or upset you. I know, he said, shifting his weight with a grimace to tug the blankets down. Once they eased between them, he drew the comforter up over their rapidly cooling bodies and kissed her head. I love you, but its been a long night. Let me get some sleep. Taylor murmured in exhausted compliance. Lying there, she tried to ignore the sting and focus instead on the even beat of his heart. The sound brought her a sense of comfort and peace shed not felt for weeks. Shed missed him so much. It wasnt the homecoming shed envisioned by any stretch of the imagination. But, despite it all, she felt safer, more complete with him there. The empty ache inside her was gone. She watched the shadows lengthen and stretch across the vast room until the pull of her lids became too much. Sighing, she closed her eyes and sent up a silent prayer with the hope that tomorrow would be better.


Sebastian sat up and squinted in confusion. Relief flooded through him upon seeing the familiar shapes and shades of his bedroom. Sagging against the pillows, he let out a deep breath and studied the light streaming between the parted curtains. The sun was too high outside the window to be morning. He patted the empty bed beside him with a frown. Hed known Taylor would be up, most likely making sure he had coffee and food waiting, but that didnt stop him for reaching for her or feeling disappointment upon finding her gone. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he fought against the all too familiar surge of anger. It wasnt her fault, he reminded himself. None of it was her fault. Not the nightmares, not the pain, not the rage. After several minutes, he pried himself out of bed and wandered into the bathroom. A small throb of protest radiated through his back as he drained his bladder. Wincing, he ran an experimental finger over his side. Most of the bruising was gone, but hints of the painful reminder still lay buried beneath his skin. He washed up, popped a handful of aspirin, and attempted to finger comb his hair into some semblance of order. It was hopeless. Giving up, he tugged on a loose grey shirt and a dark pair of relaxed jeans. His gaze darted to the belt still lying on the bedroom floor. The sight of it pulled another frown from his tense features. Maybe it had been a bit much. Maybe, but he was never one to back down from his decisions. What was done was done. Taylor had tried her best to make him happy from the second he walked through the door. Hed known thatfelt it with every particle of his being, but it still hadnt been enough. Being away from her had nearly driven him insane. Throughout the torture and the beatings, hed dreamed of holding her touching her again, but in the end, he couldnt let himself go. Feeling that level of love again, to know the kind of peace only she brought had been shattering. After being helpless for so long, hed fought for some sense of control, but surrender was what he needed most. More than anything, he wanted to be home. If the past two weeks continued to assault and smother him, he would never find his way there again. He padded through the house on bare feet, relishing the cool press of wood and stone beneath his soles. It helped him feel more awake, more alive somehow. The rich aroma of coffee wafted through the air along with an undercurrent of bacon. His mouth watered. Glancing around, he found Taylor standing before the fire. Her eyes were distant, faraway, as she absentmindedly stroked the smooth surface of her mug and stared into the flames. He watched her for a moment before stealing up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed his lips against the warm silk of her neck. Good morning, lover, he murmured. Taylor startled, the hot liquid in her cup sloshing dangerously. She tensed, stiffening in his embrace. Sebastian stepped back, releasing her. Displeasure tightened his brow. Im sorry, she blurted, her cheeks flushing a light pink. I didnt know you were up yet. She set her cup down on the coffee table and gifted him with a bright smile before winding her arms around his neck. Good morning, handsome. Did you sleep well? He rubbed his nose against hers. Considering its after noon, Id say a little too well. Why didnt you wake me up? You were so exhausted last night, she said, running her fingers through the thick curls at his nape. You needed to rest. He frowned and searched her eyes for the truth. Hed discovered people could lie with ease, but their eyes were not always as quick to follow suit. They truly were the windows to a persons soul, and

often betrayed the secrets their lips would not. So that wasnt your subtle way of avoiding me? he asked, holding her gaze. A small smile rose on her lips. That wicked leather companion of yours, maybebut never you, Sebastian. Taylor, Taylor, he stated softly, resting his forehead against hers with a slow shake. I love that you were honest with me, sweetheart, but thats still not the smartest move. If I want to punish you, I will. Avoiding me will only make it worse. He kissed the tip of her nose to soften his words, but the warning was clear. Her face paled and a strained swallow echoed between them. Lowering her eyes, Taylor gave a fearful nod and stroked his chest. Can I get you something to eat? That would be wonderful. Whatever you made earlier will be fine. A few minutes he sat in the morning room with a warm bacon and egg croissant, a cup of Greek yogurt, and a piping mug of coffee. He watched Taylor putter around the kitchen for a while before beckoning her with his finger. She drew her bottom lip between her teeth, but obediently approached his side. Smiling up at her, he patted his thigh. The tension on her beautiful face eased as she draped her arm around his shoulders and gingerly settled onto his lap. Chuckling, he plucked a piece of bacon from his sandwich. You dont have to treat me like a china doll. Im not going to break, he said, feeding her the crisp slice. Quit fussing and spend time with me. My butt hurts, she admitted with a blush. He couldnt help but laugh. Lifting a brow, he ran his hand over the upper curve of her thigh. Does it now? She wiggled in his lap, drawing another chuckle. Cupping her chin, he tugged her face to his for a quick kiss. Then your reminder is serving you well, he stated quietly. He ran a finger over the delicate silver chain gracing her neck and lifted his gaze to hers. It humbled him to find nothing but love and acceptance reflecting back at him from those expressive grey pools. Hed expected a hint of rebellion, pain, or even hatred. Those were things he was used to dealing with on a personal and professional level. What he saw in her eyes made his heart swell with pride and hope. A sense of calm soothed his rampant emotions. Hed known she was special from the first moment he saw her, but for Taylor it had been a matter of her finding her place. Knowing her place. Now, not only did she understand, but also she accepted. Even with the gentle reminder, shed gone out of her way to please him and was still eager for his touch. She truly was the perfect woman in so many ways. Nuzzling the fragrant warmth of her skin, he held her close, savoring the quiet sanctity of the moment. The smell of warm vanilla and cashmere teased his nose. Combined with her own unique fragrance it was a scent hed come to know by heart and love. It was the smell of comfort and seduction home. Taylor rested her head against his, her fingers massaging his nape with slow, gentle strokes that threatened to lull him back to sleep. Closing his eyes, he breathed deep. The heat of her body melded with his, pulling him closer to slumber, but he'd slept enough. He didn't want to waste another minute with her. Shifting, he pulled her to straddle him. She giggled and he leaned his head back to offer her a lazy smile. She drew in a breath as he gripped the back of her thighs and rocked her against him. The pressure and friction against his straining zipper wrung a pleasured groan from his throat. Curling his fingers in the hem of her shirt, he peeled it over her head. Damn if he didnt love the way the lacy demi cups cradled those perfect breasts. He closed his hands around the full mounds and rubbed his thumbs across her nipples until they stiffened and Taylor squirmed. Slipping his hands around back, he unclasped the hook and tugged the garment free. A sharp gasp escaped her as he clamped his mouth over a

dusky peak and sucked with zeal. Her back arched. Her fingers speared through his hair while hot moisture rocked against the ridge of his jeans. At this rate, it wasnt going to take either one of them long to finish. He scooped her up with a growl, loving the way her toned legs instinctually wrapped around him. Sunlight streamed through the bay windows bathing her body in a light he didnt want to miss. Supporting her weight with one hand, he popped the button free on his jeans with the other, letting them fall where he stood. Freeing her breast, their mouths clashed in a hungry fusion. He tugged her cotton pants down as much as their position would allow before sweeping his plate aside and lowering her onto the table. Taylor winced at the scrape of the mosaic tile beneath her tender skin, but she eagerly thrashed out of her clothes as he did the same. Snaring her hips, he yanked her to the edge and drove into her, blessing his choice of a high table. Taylors head fell back, her dark hair spilling around her, as he pumped into her with wild abandon. Coffee sloshed over the rim of the mug before it fell, shattering against the floor. Her breathless cries and the look of agonized bliss playing across her face drove him closer to the edge. The snug grasp of her body was unbelievable, bordering somewhere near pain. Gritting his teeth, he pinned her hips and pounded into her until those silken walls clamped down in and rocked him in a series of contractions that wrested away sanity and control. The house echoed with his hoarse cry as he emptied himself in a moment of crippling pleasure. Bracing his palms on the edge of the table, he leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers as he tried to still the frantic beating of his heart. He grimaced at the feel of cooling coffee beneath his feet. Meeting Taylors gaze, he offered a sheepish grin. Soon both of them were laughing as he shifted his weight and splashed in the puddle. His eyebrows danced. Catching sight of his expression, her eyes flared and she shook her head, holding out a staying hand. No! No! Nooo! The last one came out in a squeal as he scooped her up. The beautiful ring of her laughter chimed throughout the house, joining his chuckle as he quickly but gently lay her down in the puddle and sprawled over top of her. He wanted to kiss her, but they were both laughing too damn hard. It was crazy, but the moment felt goodright. Grinning down at her, he chomped at the side of her neck with a playful growl, making her thrash and squirm. Her hands splayed against his shoulders before working their way into his curls. He didnt bother trying to contain his smile as he gazed into her eyes. What is this obsession you have with my hair? Her cheeks colored, but the smile playing on her face was nothing short of radiant. Im in love with these things. Just my curls? he asked, lifting a brow. Absolutely not. I love all of you, Taylor murmured. Every last inch. Mm. That goes double for you, he whispered. Brushing his lips against hers, he stole a kiss. But youre crazy. No Im not. Theyre so thick and loose and wilduntamed, just like you. Its almost as if they have a life of their own. One minute they make you look like an adorable schoolboy and the next they make you look so sinister. His body shook with a loud chuckle. I hate to break this to you, darling, but thats not my hair. Thats just me. She scrunched her nose and pressed it against his. The floor is getting cold. I know a good way to warm it up. He drew her earlobe between his lips and gave it a gentle nibble. Again? she asked breathlessly. Oh yes, sweetheart, he murmured against the side of her neck. Again.

Hed just finished tugging on a clean pair of pants when the doorbell rang. His eyes narrowed at the sound. Cursing, Sebastian shook the excess water from his head and sighed. Only two people besides himself and Taylor knew the passcode for the front gate, and he wasnt in the mood to deal with either of them. Jogging down the steps, he rounded through the kitchen, nabbing the remainder of his croissant out of the fridge on the way past. The afternoon had brought his appetite back into full swing. Maybe later, hed order Chinese. Cooking didnt really appeal to him now, nor did the thought of sitting by himself while Taylor slaved away in the kitchen. His gaze darted to the morning room. Thankfully, shed picked up the broken mug and mopped the floor before joining him in the shower. The last thing he felt like doing was offering explanations today. Stuffing the sandwich in his mouth to hold it, he unlocked the heavy front doors and hauled them open. His heated gaze bore into his sister for a long moment before shifting to her companion. Steeling his jaw, he shook his head and turned back inside, leaving the doors open behind him. A quiet voice in the back of his head cautioned it would be safer to push them shut and retreat back into the arms of the woman he loved. Tension crept up his back and branched across his shoulders, settling near the base of his skull as he heard the door close and the echo of footsteps behind him. He made his way back into the kitchen and tossed his food into the garbage. Giving his neck a stiff roll, he braced his hands on the island and stared at Josh in silent expectation. I just wanted to see how you were. Ive been worried about you, Baas. Have you? Sebastian asked quietly. He traced a swirl in the granites surface before lifting his gaze. Its a little late for concern now, Josh, dont you think? His partner paled at the implication. Regret and shame haunted his blue eyes. Seeking respite, he shifted his attention to the floor. Sebastian snorted beneath his breath and pinned his sister with a calculating stare. The last two weeks had taken a definite toll on her. Shadows stretched across her pale face and the angles were sharper, more defined than he remembered. Her thin shoulders strained against her coat as she regarded him in silence. Pain branded her eyes, but there were accusations written in those green depths as wellaccusations and a definite spark of resentment. His jaw clenched. Monique trembled as he approached and leaned over her, his stare boring into hers. Is there something you would like to say to me? he whispered. Her chin lifted for a moment. He cocked his head, his fist balling instinctually at his side. The pale column of her neck bobbed with a tense swallow. Her lips whitened as she struggled to keep them pressed together. After a long moment, she lowered her head and averted her gaze. No, Sebastian. His shoulders jerked with a humorless huff. Thats good, Monique. Because if I did do the things you are thinking, it wouldnt be wise to push me to that point again, would it? He glanced up as Taylor entered the room. Confusion flickered across her face as she looked between the two of them. He shifted his attention back to his sister just in time to see her give a final shake of her head. Keep your mouth shut, he warned in a low growl. She shuddered beneath his glare, but her hands wrung in a nervous tell. The tension humming through his lean frame heightened to the point of pain. Monique, come on, Josh said. He stepped forward and gave her arm a reassuring stroke. Nows obviously not a good time. She turned to him. Her expression was incredulous and pained. If not now when? It wasnt a good time for me either, Josh. It wasnt a good time to lose the rest of my family and bury them alone! Neither one of you were there! Neither of you, and that was the one time I needed you the most! her words broke on a sob. After everything thats happened, what am I supposed to think? Sebastians eyes narrowed and she stumbled back a step as he whirled on her. Her hands came up,

seeking to brace against his chest in an effort to soothe and defend, but he batted them down with a forceful chop of his forearm. Dont touch me, he snarled. What did I just say, Monique? Hm? She backpedaled, flattening herself against the maple cabinets. Baas, come on. Shes just hurting and upset. And Im not? he asked in a quiet tone. No, Josh. You had your chance to handle this. Now its my turn. Theres nothing to handle, Monique said, her voice trembling. Im sorry, Sebastian. I know you wouldnt hurt him. Christian was your nephew, too Her hands came up as he prowled closer. A sharp cry escaped her as he grabbed her wrists and gave her a brutal shake. That is enough. His hands clamped around her throat. Somewhere, he heard Taylor cry out, but all he could focus on was the purpling hues of his sisters face. His fingers sank deep, giving her neck a brutal squeeze. Her rounded gaze screamed back at him, wide with pleading and fear. His hold tightened. You are coming very close to finding out just what it is I am capable of, he warned in a menacing whisper. I have been there for you and given you everything since the day you were born. Dont you ever come into my house with that look in your eyes again. If you do, I will choke it out of you until there is nothing left. Do you understand me? Her hands pawed at the air, knowing better than to touch him or resist. Monique offered a feeble nod. Her eyes rolled back in her head and he felt her knees start to give with a lack of oxygen and pain. Full-blown rage gripped him, saturating her and the room around them in a blood-soaked haze. For a moment, he pondered not letting go. The muscles beneath his eyes tightened and jumped in a dangerous twitch. Curling his lip, he unfurled his hands, and glared down at her as she hit the floor at his feet. Monique coughed and sputtered, her fingers dancing over her neck. Sebastian coiled over her, his hand cocked and ready to fly as she shied away. Fingers latched around his wrist, stopping him from completing the swing. He whirled on his heels and spun to confront Josh. Shes had enough, his partner urged. His rugged features pleaded for some small measure of compassion and understanding. Sebastian gave a dry laugh. Shes had enough, he said, backing away. Theres that concern you were talking about earlier. Tell me something, Josh, where were you when I needed it, huh? he asked, lifting his arms and casting them wide in question. Did you ever think maybe I had enough? Did that thought ever cross your mind over the last two weeks? Or does it just not matter when its me? he asked cocking his head. His nostrils flared slightly as tears rose and stung his eyes. Sorrow ravaged Joshs angular face. He cast his attention to the floor. So thats it? Sebastian asked, letting his arms fall. He gave a sad shake of his head. Get out. Thats not fair, Baas. Fair? Sebastian whispered. He stepped forward. No. You dont get to tell me whats fair. I got away and you hunted me down. I begged you for help. I begged, Josh. I told you I had enough and you turned your back on me. I had to. You know that, his partner stated, his eyes darting to Monique and Taylor. Just like you knew you had to go back. Whyd you do it, huh, Baas? You took out three guards. Did you honestly think you werent going to have to answer for that? Who did you think they were going to send after you? Sebastians shoulders jerked as he splayed his palms. His swallow echoed in the room. The tears in his eyes brimmed and threatened to fall. Dont blame me. I was just being what they wanted, right? Thats what this is about. How am I doing with that? Am I where they need me to be? All fight fled Josh. His body sagged with visible defeat. Yeah, Baas, youre there. He hung his head with a sorrowful shake. Im going to take your sister home. Good. Do what you should have done to begin with and straighten her out. I dont care how. I

dont ever want to have this conversation with her again. Sebastian He turned and confronted Monique with a cold glare. His chest ached with the force of his anger and shame. An involuntary shudder wound through his lean frame. He clasped his hands behind his back in an effort to hide the tremble. Im sorryI didnt know. I didnt blame you. I was just hurting so much and needed your strength. Youve always been my rock and you Her voice broke with a heartbroken waver. Youre the only family I have left. He bit the insides of his cheeks and nodded, studying the floor. Tense silence hung between them. After a long moment, his shoulders lifted with a conflicted sigh. He understood that feeling all too well. Still, her initial reaction had cut him like a knife. It crushed him to know she could even entertain the thought of him killing his own nephew. Guilt washed through him, and he closed his eyes. Even if he hadnt played a part in the accident that took Christians life, he was partially to blame. Part of him wanted to cling to her, grant forgiveness, and beg for the same. He shook his head. Those days were long gone. He was all too aware of Joshs presence and weighted stare. The staggering effects of his reconditioning still rang loud and clear. Weakness and mercy were not an optionespecially around the other members of his team. Lifting his head, his gaze locked with his sisters holding it until a slight shiver wracked her willowy frame. Listen to me carefully, Monique. Cross me again and you will regret it in ways you cannot possibly imagine. I will show you the monster you think me to be. That is not a threat. Its a promise, he said prowling closer. Is that clear? Y-yes, Sebastian. His eyes bore into her. Nodding, he tilted his head toward the hall. Go home. She smothered a sob with her hand, but bobbed her head in understanding. Snagging her elbow, Josh steered her toward the hall. Sebastian watched as his sister turned around to peer at him over the slope of one slender shoulder. Her eyes told him she loved him even if her mouth could not. He softened his expression just a bit before turning away. It was all the reassurance she was going to get. Leaning against the counter, he folded his arms and waited until the front door had shut before turning his attention to Taylor. She stood frozen by the stairs, her expression bewildered and scared. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he cursed. When had she come down? His mind scrambled, trying to remember. One thing was for certain, shed been standing there for most of the heated exchange. His heart sank. First, Christmas Eve and now thisshed already seen and heard far more than he ever wanted. When would it end? Forcing out a heavy breath, he called her forward with a crook of his finger. The uncertainty riding her pouty lips was enough to break what was left of his heart. He reached for her. Her eyes closed, and her body stiffened with fear, but she didnt flinch. He supposed he couldnt blame her. The confrontation with Monique had been ugly at best, and his temples still pounded with the lingering tension. Some of that was bound to be branded across his face. Threading his fingers through Taylors dark hair, he pulled her head closer and eased his mouth over hers. He clung to her in a fit of desperation. The feel of her arms around him pulled him back down. Ravaging her lips, he held on tight until they were both breathless and she was all that remained. He pulled back and traced his thumb over the slope of her cheek. Thank you, he whispered. Her brows lowered, hitching in confusion. For what? For being my anchorfor loving me despite my flaws. She opened her mouth to speak, but he silenced her with his forefinger and a tired smile. No more words right now, baby, just actions. Go pack.

She bit her lip and shifted her weight. The pained look on her face told him she was dying to ask questions. His shoulders jerked with a silent snort. I still owe you a vacation, he explained, smoothing the hair away from her eyes. Its nothing like what I had in mind, but I have the next three days off and I want to make the most of them. I dont care where we go. It can be the next town over for all I care. I just want to get away from it all and be somewheresomething else for a whilejust you and me. He cupped her cheeks and leaned over to rest his head against hers. Maybe some room service and a bed. Taylors eyes sparkled as she peered back into his. Reaching up over his arms, she returned the gesture and cradled his face tenderly in her hands. Definitely a bed, she murmured. It was a small transgression, but one that was so easily forgiven. Pulling her closer, he kissed her deeply before sending her off to pack with a pat of warning. The smile she gave him was full of unspoken promise and delight. Leaning against the counter, Sebastian let his head fall back and sent up a silent prayer of thanks. His body shook with a rueful laugh when he caught himself. It was doubtful God or any other powers that might be were listening anymore. In truth, he didnt blame them.


Taylor stretched her legs with a quiet grunt. Sleep blurred her vision, and she squinted, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings with curiosity and wonder. The majestic rise of the mountains loomed larger than life, even against the jet-black sky. Smothering a yawn, she glanced around as Sebastian popped the trunk and shouldered their bags. The hustle and bustle of the city seemed so far away, as did its distinctive glow. She sucked in a deep inhale, drawing the fresh desert air into her lungs. An appreciative smile played on her lips as Sebastian rounded the back of the car and wrapped an arm around her waist. Snuggling close to his side, she savored the warm reassurance of his body and the boyish grin he boasted. The pressures and stress of the day seemed forgotten. Like their home, they were miles away and no longer took a toll on his handsome face. His excited expression and the deep cut of his dimples stole her breath away. Together, they regarded the squat lobby. Forged from deep grey stone and arranged in a sweeping semicircle, it almost resembled an ancient coliseum. A warm golden glow spilled from the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows. It was unlike anything she had ever imagined. Beyond the luxury of the hotel, seclusion and jagged mountaintops kissed the sky. Sebastians lips brushed her temple in a reverent caress. What do you think? he asked. Its incredible, but what is a place like this doing way out in the middle of nowhere? He laughed, squeezing her tight. Making good money off of people like us, who want to get away. Huh. Good plan, she giggled. Her smile widened at his sexy wink. It is, he agreed. Keeping her close, he steered her inside. She looked around as he checked in and acquired their room key. The huge stone walls, fireplaces, floors, and posh leather furniture reminded her of home. Mesquite beams spanned the ceiling, giving the place a rustic Southwestern feel. Lush potted plants and ferns decorated the stone support beams and spilled from every corner. Though it was dark now, she imagined the view from the windows was breathtaking during the day. Turning at the sound of voices, she smiled at another couple as they strolled through the lobby. Come on, baby, Sebastian urged. Taylor shifted uncomfortably as she took in the first glimpse of their room. As much as she wanted to be happy, she couldnt help feeling a small pang of guilt. He must have spent a small fortune. She wondered if he knew she would have been fine spending the weekend at some no-tell motel on the edge of town. Then she snorted. Sometimes she forgot Sebastian wasnt accustomed to worrying about such things, much less enduring them. A getaway like that would have been about as relaxing for a man of his means as wading in a pit full of fire ants. Even the suite was larger than her apartment had been. It was the size of a large house, and easily half the size of the one her and Sebastian shared at home. She eyed the gleaming hardwood foyer. The room opened up into an airy space with a double-sided fireplace that separated the living and dining areas. A large private balcony loomed on the other side with a breathtaking view of the desert. She eyed the opulent wood, leather, and suede furniture. Much like home, no expense had been spared. No comfort over looked. She started to wander inside as Sebastian dropped their bags by the door, but he caught her arm, pulling her back to him. Not so fast, he warned in a husky murmur. Where are you running off to? Nowhere, she said, offering up a shy smile.

Good answer. He chuckled and lifted her off her feet in an effortless sweep. She giggled into his shoulder as he carried her to the bedroom. I wasnt aware this was our honeymoon, Agent Baas, she teased. He laughed and dropped her onto the king-sized bed. She sank into the plush down comforter as he sprung over her. His eyebrows danced and a wide smile split his face as he gave the mattress an experimental bounce. Thats Special Agent, darling, he whispered, pinning her to the bed to kiss the side of her neck. She gasped, arching against him when his teeth grazed her skin and a low growl rumbled from his throat. It might not be our honeymoon, he murmured, nuzzling her ear. His hands gripped her thighs and dragged them up to his waist. But I promise you one thing, baby. This is just the beginning. Bright light spilled through the windows, bathing her face. Squinting, Taylor stretched against the soft Egyptian cotton sheets with a groan. Her body still ached with the force of their passion, and morning had come far too early. She popped her eyes open to find Sebastian lying on his side beside her. Hed propped his head up on one hand and his green gaze shimmered with amusement and affection. Her cheeks flushed as she realized hed been watching her sleep. Good morning, beautiful. Taylor grinned at his lazy smile and ran her fingers through his messy curls. It is now. You always say that, he said, giving her a curious look. Thats because morning is never a good thing until I see you. That smile alone makes waking up worth the while. He fell back against the pillows, shaking his head with a quiet laugh. Okay, he said, his shoulders still shaking. Youve been sleeping all night, so it cant be anything you did. What do you want? She snorted and rolled her eyes in exasperation. Such a high opinion of me. Besides, what could I possibly want? I have the perfect life. Do you now? he asked, turning back over to face her. His finger traced a slow path over the naked swell of her breast. Do you know what would make it even better? Whats that? Breakfast in bed. Twenty-four hour room service is just one of the many perks of this fine establishment. Taylor couldnt suppress a teasing smile. Someones hungry. He rubbed a hand over his rippled abs with a smirk. I have to keep up my stamina. So what sounds good to you? A short time later, they remained sprawled in the comfortable expanse of the bed. Sebastian had shooed housekeeping away with a harsh bark that made Taylor wince and giggle at the same time. Plucking a chocolate covered strawberry off the platter, she traced the end across his lips. She jerked back with a squeal when he lunged up with his usual fluid speed and chomped the fruit off clear up to her fingers. His eyes sparkled, but his expression shifted as he chewed. She couldnt hold the laughter in as his face contorted into a tart grimace. Forcing a swallow, he seized a crisp piece of honeydew and dropped back against the pillows. He bit off one end before popping the other in her mouth. What do you want to do today? he asked after swallowing. His gaze lifted to hers in question. Taylor regarded him for a minute. So many men would have asked that while still chewing. Not him. He had impeccably good table manners. It seemed such a silly thing to ponder, but in many ways, Sebastian was so reserved and refined. In others, he was wild, intense, and often savage. He was full of so many contradictions and complexities that it made her head spin. Cutting off a piece of stuffed French

toast, she fed it to him and shook her head. I dont know. He studied her for a long moment. Whats going on? he asked quietly. Her lips flattened into a grim press as she grappled with the wisdom of keeping her mouth shut and releasing the burdens that had been weighing on her mind. Hed been so happy, and in such a good mood. She didnt want to risk changing any of that. Lowering her eyes, she focused on slicing off another piece of bread. Its nothing. He covered her hand with one of his, stopping her cutting motion. The other curled around her chin forcing her gaze to his. Its not nothing, Taylor. I can tell something is bothering you. Whats on your mind? I justI keep thinking about yesterday. Sebastian released her and nodded. Reluctance swept across his face, tightening his features. His jaw twitched as he sighed and leaned against the headboard. What about it? She shivered and set the tray aside. Her head spun as she searched for the right words to say. All she managed was a weak fragment. Monique, she whispered. Why did you choke her like that? Wasnt it a bitmuch? No, he said, his eyes locking on her. Shes still alive, isnt she? Taylor forced a swallow at his cold expression. His words and somber tone struck an icy chord of terror in her heart. He was serious. Her cheeks tingled with the numbing wake of his displeasure. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing would come out. Sebastian released a heavy exhale. Listen carefully, because I am going to explain this to you once. Monique is lucky that was all she got. She knows better than to bait my anger, Taylor. I warned her to shut her mouth, and with me, one warning is all you get. Given the fact that she kept pushing, she should consider herself fortunate that I didnt beat her from one end of the house to the other. She paled, not missing the double implications in his statement. Her hands shook, and she knotted them into the thick goose down comforter in an attempt to still their tremble. More than once, shed wondered what shed gotten herself into with this man. Now was definitely one of those times. Are we done with this conversation? Is there anything else you would like to ask? Yes, Sebastian. I mean no. Were done. Theres nothing else. His eyes bore into her for a long moment. Unable to bear their oppressive weight, she squirmed. Good. I dont want to have this talk with you again. Yes, sir. Her bottom lip trembled. She really wished he would stop staring, even if just for a moment. I have zero tolerance for disrespect. I expect more from my family, and I definitely expect more from you. Dont keep pushing me, Taylor. I will run things as I see fit, especially in my own home. Do you understand me? I wasnt trying to push. I just She trailed off at his narrowing stare. Breakfast threatened to resurface with her hard swallow. Sebastian shook his head in caution. Dont talk back. Dont argue. Just listen and take those warnings to heart because I wont give them again. This wasnt how I wanted our morning to go, but these things obviously needed said. Im going to take a shower now. I suggest you get your head in the right place while Im in there and figure out what it is you want to do. Yes, sir. She tensed, her heart leaping into her throat when he reached for her. He speared his fingers through her hair and tugged her close. Not hard, like she was expecting, but slowly, gently. It was more of a coaxing, and she felt her body sag with relief.

Good girl, he soothed. His lips brushed hers in a sensual kiss. Heat flooded her as his fingers tightened ever so slightly and he deepened the pressure against her lips. He pulled back and stood, offering her a parting wink. The fading remnants of fear were still coiled around her heart as she stared after Sebastian, watching him head for the bathroom. Her head spun with a dizzying combination of thoughts. With just a simple kiss, he left her dazed and longing for more. Yet deep down, some small part of her sensed she was in over her head. Taylor bit her lip. Whom was she kidding? Shed always known. It was part of why shed agreed to go out with him in the first place. Even then, shed sensed the danger and power he exuded. There was no getting away with telling a man like him no. Her gaze darted to the door and the sick churning in her stomach intensified. She pried herself out of bed. Her bangs fluttered upward in an uneven ripple as she blew out a deep breath and wrapped herself in the plush folds of one of the hotels robes. Grabbing one of the activity brochures, she then pulled open the sliding glass doors and stepped out onto the balcony. The air was much warmer in Marana than it had been in Flagstaff. She hadnt thought four hours in the car would have made that much difference, but here, there wasnt even a dusting of snow, let alone a crisp layer. The sun glinted off the peaks of the Tortolita Mountains and bathed the sprawling desert basin. Thick brush and cactus dotted the surface, infusing the rich reds and browns with bursts of green. Closing her eyes for a second, Taylor relished the warm breeze and the sense of serenity radiating from the land. She shook her head. Now was not the time to daydream. It was the time to focus. Thumbing through the brochure, she frowned. As relaxing as an afternoon at the spa would be, the marks still branding her back and thighs were as visible as they were sore. She cringed remembering the feel of the sharp leather belt biting into her flesh. Massages and swimming were definitely out of the question. Besides, she wasnt too sure she wanted to risk the possibility of getting a male masseuse. Just the notion of another man touching her had been enough to send Sebastian over the edge, and she had been fully clothed that time. She didnt even want to think about what letting one rub her bare skin would do to his already precarious temper. Not to mention the fact that she definitely wouldnt enjoy another woman running her hands over that gloriously lean body of his. There was so much to do, but hiking sounded exhausting and what he needed most was rest. Sebastian never struck her as the golfing type, and shed never touched a club in her life. The mere thought of riding a horse right now made her wince. She mulled over the other choices, chewing the inside of her lip as she scrambled for something to do that might make him happy. Taylor turned at the soft whisper of the door sliding open. Her eyes lifted to Sebastians, searching for some clue as to where his mood lie. The shower appeared to have eased his previous tension. Staring down at her, he offered a soft smile and pulled the door shut. Without a word, he crossed the balcony and dropped onto the padded bench. Pressed against her side, he glanced down at the pamphlets in question. The delicious smell of soap and aftershave clung to his skin and radiated off him in warm waves. She leaned against him, unable to help admiring the way his dark jeans and formfitting white tee clung to all the right places. What did we decide? he asked. They have guided Jeep tours through the Sonoran Desert. It sounds kind of like a nature hike through the wilderness, but without all the hiking. It even has a stop at an ancient Hohokam site. It says here they were some of the very first inhabitants of the area. A Jeep tour, huh? he asked. I can pick something else. Youre suggesting I spend the day riding around in a vehicle taking in the scenery and learning history? I just thought She fell silent at the gentle press of his forefinger.

I wasnt finished, doll. I would get to relax and spend a few hours sightseeing with the woman I love. His lips twitched, and his piercing gaze swung up to meet hers. It sounds like a perfect day to me, baby. Sebastian polished off the last bit of braised short ribs from his plate and leaned back in his chair. Rubbing a hand across his overstuffed stomach, he resisted the urge to grin. Taylor was still struggling to reach the halfway point with her dinner. The restaurant was nothing if not generous with their portions. He studied her for a long moment, watching the candlelight flicker across her delicate features. She was so damn beautiful, so perfect. He really didnt know what he had done to deserve her. He was proud of her. Shed handled their conversation this morning extremely well. It was a good sign. Things were progressing between them, and it was time he started laying the ground rules and building the foundation for their relationship. For the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to seeing what the future might hold. He enjoyed her immensely, but the time for handling Taylor with kid gloves was coming to an end. She was naive, innocent in many ways, but not stupid. After their talk, shed proven her understanding by making sure hed enjoyed the remainder of the day and had the most relaxing time possible. While he wasnt one for unnecessary small talk or praise, those efforts hadnt gone unnoticed. She felt his gaze and glanced up with an uncertain smile. He returned the gesture, his grin assuring her he was in no rush. It was the truth. He savored times like these when work and the pressures of the world seemed a million miles away. Monday loomed like a dark blemish on the horizon, but for now, he was content to exist in the moment. Their waiter came by again, and Sebastians eyes narrowed as the young mans attention lingered on Taylor a little too long. He was a looker. Solid muscles strained against his uniform, and his chiseled face looked like it belonged on a full-sized Abercrombie and Fitch ad. Taylor remained oblivious and focused on her food proving she was a very smart girl. Steeling his jaw, he sat up, bracing his arms on the table as he fixed the dark-haired attendant with a murderous glare. Their eyes locked briefly. Muttering an awkward apology, the young man lowered his head and scuttled away. Sebastian frowned as the would-be suitor retreated to the other side of the restaurant. It wasnt the first time hed chased off an admiring stare cast in Taylors direction, and he was certain it wouldnt be the last. Nevertheless, it wasnt something he enjoyed. Some men were of the mindset that it was okay for people to look as long as they didnt touch. A few even found the perusal flattering. He wasnt one of them. He didnt need someone elses approval to mark the importance and value of what was his, and he sure as hell didnt appreciate it. Tossing his napkin on his plate, he returned his attention to the woman seated across from him. Darling, he murmured, drawing her attention. Dont force yourself if youre finished. She blushed. A thankful smile inched across her face, adding to her breathtaking glow. I didnt want to be wasteful. I know, sweetheart, but theres no point in making yourself miserable. I think I reached that point about ten bites ago, she admitted with a giggle. He shook his head with a chuckle. Grabbing his wallet, he fished out a crisp one hundred and dropped it on the table. It would be enough to cover the bill and leave an ample tip. Frowning, he decided to leave the kid a little something extrasomething more valuable than money. After borrowing a pen from Taylor, he pulled out one of his bureau cards and jotted down a quick message on the back: Do yourself a favor. The next time you see her, look the other way. He smiled and tossed the card on the table with the money. Standing, he circled the table and pulled out Taylors chair. She glanced up at him as he helped her up and wound his arm around her waist, her gaze flickering to the table. Whats with the business card? A slow smirk edged across his face.

That? It was nothing, darling. I was just leaving the kid some valuable pointers for his future. With the FBI? Sebastian shrugged. Thats the funny thing about life. You never know who is watching and where it might lead. Look at us. One minute Im involved in a heavy operation. The next Im staring into your eyes, wondering where this beautiful woman came from. She blushed, turning her head to bury her nose in his shoulder for a brief moment as he steered her outside. You saved me that day, she whispered. Ill never forget that. Humbled by the sincerity, he released her and gripped the railing of the observation deck. A blanket of stars stretched overhead, twinkling as far as the eye could see. It was one of the things he loved most about the desert. Out here, the world and everything in it seemed so wide open. Anything was possible. In the cities things felt too constricted, too crowded. It was hard to connect with anything, let alone yourself. Words like fatekismet danced unbidden through his mind. He studied the shadowed outlines of the cacti before turning to Taylor. He drew her against him, tucking her between his body and the railing to share in the view. Bracing his arms on either side of her, he leaned forward and nuzzled her neck. Talk to me, darling. Tell me about your life before usyour family. Her shoulders lifted in a sorrowful shrug. There isnt much to tell. My dad bailed when I was six. I dont remember much about him, other than the fact that he had the most beautiful blue eyes and he always smelled like licorice and Old Spice. My mom did her best to hold things together when he left, but eventually the stress became too much. She sent me to live with my Uncle Roy and Bryce when I was twelve. Id get an occasional letter or phone call from her, usually around the holidays, but that was it. Sebastian frowned and planted a lingering kiss against her pulse. Closing his eyes, he savored the warm, steady beat of her flesh. Was he good to you? I think so. He tried. Things were hard for him, too. He never had much money to begin with, and here he was saddled with another kid and an extra mouth to feed. We made it work though, and Bryce and I always came up with fun stuff to do. He never hit you or No! God, no. He was a gruff man, and he could have one nasty bark, but he never did anything to hurt me. The point of punishment isnt just to cause pain, Taylor. Its meant to serve as a correctiona reminder, he murmured, trailing a hand over the back of her thigh. My intentions the other night were not to hurt you, but to better your actions and serve as a reminder that you are mine. She shivered against him and lowered her head. I know. Do you? he asked quietly. What is it that you know? I know that Im yours, Sebastian. Completely yours. Good girl, he whispered, kissing her ear. Winding a fist in her hair, he drew her head back and wrung a soft whimper from her lips. You have no idea how much I love hearing you say those words. His other hand lifted the short hem of her white dress. He ran his palm over one globe of her ass, watching her tremble with a combination of anticipation and fear. Hooking one finger under the thin lace scrap of her panties, he rubbed it along her moistening slit. Her hips rocked instinctually against him and his cock swelled as he watched her battle the conflicting waves of desire and shame battering her body. Stop worrying about what other people might think and focus on pleasing me. II cant, she whispered. Please, Sebastian. Lets just go back to our room. Do I need to give you another reminder? Was I not clear enough the first time, Taylor? No. Im sorry. Ill do what you want. I swear. He smiled against her ear. I am going to hold you to that, darling. Her body shook with the onset of tears, but he didnt want tears. He wanted compliance. A quick

glance over his shoulder assured they were alone. He gave her underwear a sharp tug, yanking them halfway down her thighs. A gentle pat urged her to kick them off the rest of the way. It was a small step in the right direction. What wasnt was her lingering reluctance. Tension hummed through her body signaling her heart wasnt on the same par as her actions. Sighing, he released her long enough to retrieve the lacy garment from the ground and stuff it deep into his front pocket. Letting his stare bore into her from behind, he undid his zipper and sprung his straining shaft free. Taylor stiffened as he slowly tugged her dress back up and prodded between her thighs. He felt the toned muscles there twitch as she fought the urge to press them together. Reaching around her, he clamped his hand over her throat in gentle warning. The other hand secured her hips as he drove into her tight heat and buried himself to the hilt. Her strangled cry echoed through the barren stretch of desert, wringing a smile from his lips. Come on, he urged, dragging her backwards with him to a small bench. Taylor whimpered, squirming as he pulled her onto his lap. Her feet scrabbled against the ground seeking purchase and a way to relieve the pressure. Sebastian shook his head. He had no intentions of making it that easy. This isnt about you. Sit still and hook your feet behind my calves. He groaned as she obeyed, and the position brought her down even harder. Rocking his hips, he ground up into her, drawing a muffled cry of pain. Her body shook with the strain. Snaring her chin, he turned her face enough that he could claim her lips. His hand slid under the hem of her dress between her parted thighs. Taylor moaned in understanding as his middle finger found the small nub above her slit. He pressed against it, rubbing her in hard fast strokes. Breaking their kiss, he let his head fall back to watch her face and keep a close eye on the door. Is it sinking in yet, Taylor? Theres more than one way for me to prove my point, he growled, driving up inside her. She bit back a sob at the increase in pressure, her fingers sinking into his forearm in pleading. I dont care if it takes all night. Youre going to give me what I want. Youre the one who decided you would rather do that in pain. He rubbed her slit harder. A low rumble built inside his chest as he felt her body throb and contract. Slick moisture coated his finger and her breathing hitched, signaling she was getting close. The need for release was growing unbearable. He picked up his efforts until his moans joined her whimpering gasps. He snarled in frustration, straightening the front of her dress and pulling his hand away as the door to the observation deck cracked open. He pulled her back against his chest, so it would appear she only sat on his lap, cuddling. An older gentleman wandered outside. His milky stare flickered over them briefly, and he regarded them as if startled. Smoothing a hand over the red and black checkers on his plaid shirt, he offered an amicable nod, his wrinkled lips pursing into a smile. Newlyweds? he asked. Sebastian ground his teeth, doing his best to keep his annoyance from showing. It wasnt the geezers fault. He had no clue what he was interrupting. Still, he couldnt help but wonder why people had to be so nosey. Or stupid. A simple glance at their ring fingers would have answered that question. Maybe the man did notice and was just desperate for small talk. Unfortunately, that wasnt going to happen tonight. Not yet, he replied, giving as curt of a response as possible. Soon then, the old man answered with a nod. I remember those days well. Enjoy the love while it lasts. Life goes by too quick. Before you know it, one of you is gone and all you have left are the memories of nights like this. It sure is beautiful out here this evening. Taylor winced. Her body tightened around him as she squirmed ever so slightly. Whether he meant to or not, their visitor was only prolonging her misery. Sebastian patted her thigh, trying to settle her back

down. I dont mean to be rude, he stated softly, but we were trying to have an important conversation. Do you think you could excuse us for a while? We wont be long. The wizened old mans mouth popped open into a silent o of understanding. His head of wiry white hair bobbed in agreement. Yes, yes of course. Ill grab a glass of wine and come out later. Im sorry to have intruded. Sebastian forced a smile and winked. Its no trouble, sir. Have a pleasant evening. What an enjoyable young man you are. The same to you and your lovely Miss. Taylor sagged with relief as the door swung back shut. He couldnt help but chuckle. Rocking beneath her, he slid his hand back up to the warm junction between her thighs. When are you going to learn to trust me, Taylor? he murmured against her neck. Did you really think I would let another man see your body or that I would put something thats private between us on display? I told you, you are mine alone to enjoy. I also warned you would not like the consequences of avoiding my touch. The next time I try to express my affection, I dont expect to be denied. Is that clear? Yes, Sebastian. She whimpered as he ground up into her. Using his thumb, he strummed her body until it clamped in a savage grip. An agonized scream tore from her throat as she tightened and crashed around him in a series of devastating contractions. His own body responded in a primal surge. The pleasure was too much. Locking an arm around her waist, he heaved to his feet and shoved her face down over the bench. His head fell back with unparalleled bliss as he pounded into her with all he had. Relief found him in a quick, brutal release. His legs threatened to give out as he came, and a deafening roar drowned out her cries, echoing across the land. He collapsed against Taylors back. He gasped for breath while his heart thundered in his chest and a series of aftershocks rocked him to his core. After a few seconds, he trembled and slid his over sensitized body from hers. She remained motionless; her hands still clenched around the middle railing with white-knuckled force as he adjusted himself and zipped his pants. Leaning over her again, he brushed the damp hair away from the side of her face. I c-cant move, she whimpered. Sebastian studied her for a moment. It wasnt a complaint, just the simple truth. He nodded in understanding. Running his fingers through her hair, he pulled her to him, kissing her deeply. Its okay, sweetheart, he whispered. Holding her up, he covered her mouth in passionate claim. Her lips were soft beneath his, her body pliant. She was exhausted and dazed. Scooping her up, he tucked her dress beneath her thighs and cradled her against his chest. Its alright, baby, he soothed. I got you. Sprawled on the couch behind her, Sebastian draped his leg over the top of Taylors in a search to get more comfortable. His eyes fluttered open and darted to the television before drooping back shut. It was the perfect afternoon. The kind where he felt lazy and content, too relaxed to move or give a damn about anything other than holding her. His arms tightened around Taylor in a brief hug, seeking to deepen the press of their bodies. Moaning, she leaned back, her ribs rising beneath his arm with a violent yawn. He smiled and buried his nose in the fragrant haven of her hair. It was hard to say how long theyd been sleeping, but the Brothers and Sisters marathon theyd been watching had played its self out and ended long ago. He tamped down a small pang of regret and shame. The show probably fell a bit too far under the girlie soap opera category, but Taylor had him hooked on it and damn if he didnt find some of the story arcs interesting. The stretch of her jaw was contagious. Groaning, he surrendered to a yawn of his own and arched against her back. Quit that, he scolded.

Her body jerked with silent laughter. Sorry. Craning his head, he peered through the massive glass doors leading out onto the balcony. His gaze scanned the sky, searching for the high arc of the sun. It sat lower than he expected. Pegging the time around five, he sighed. No wonder his stomach was cramping. Theyd slept through lunch and it was already pushing close to dinner. Still, he was reluctant to move. Rather than letting him rest, all the past two days had done was allow the previous weeks to catch up to him. He wanted to freeze time somehow and stay like this forever. Taylor startled at the shrill ring of the phone. He winced. It was highly unlikely it was the front desk checking in with a courtesy call. He should have known better. It wasnt safe to let go, to get too comfortable and relaxed. Thats when things always reared up to bite him in the ass. Slamming his eyes shut, he gave a pleading shake of his head, momentarily willing the sound to go away. For two whole days, there had been nothing but blessed silence. Radio silence, as he liked to call it. Sebastians heart sank knowing a break in that reprieve could only mean one thing. He offered an apologetic frown as Taylor rolled over to face him. Her grey eyes were wounded and beseeching. Dont answer it. Please. For all they know, we arent in our room. Brushing the hair from her face, he kissed her forehead. Im sorry, baby. I have to. But you need this. We head back tomorrow morning. Cant it wait just a few more hours? What can you do now? Were almost four hours away. Taylor, he warned softly. Patting her thigh, he edged her out of the way and crossed the room. He picked up the phone, not bothering to mask his disappointed sigh. Yeah? Baas? Joshs voice asked. No. Its the Pope. What do you want, Reevers? Im sorry. I know youre on vacation, but we got problems, Sebastian. You need to head home. They want you here first thing in the morning. He reached up and pinched his sinuses. What sort of problems? The kind that involve disgruntled employees. Sebastian lowered himself onto the edge of the bed. His gaze darted to the other room to settle on Taylor. I thought the team was putting that issue to bed. We thought so, too. Some problems are like cockroaches. No matter what you do, they wont die. The little bastards just keep resurfacing. Jesus Christ, Josh, he growled, plowing an agitated hand through his hair. I guess Marx was right. The guy isnt as stupid as he seemed. We need you here, Baas. Its better, safer, this way. Blowing out a deep breath, he clenched his free hand into a fist, slowly opening and closing it as he fought to get his rising temper under control. Ill be there. He hung up without waiting for a response. His stare bore into Taylor, his mind whirling. A sick feeling churned in the pit of his stomach, making it contract. Bile rose, burning the back of his throat, and he lowered his head with a sad shake. They had no problem killing off his family and taking out his innocent nephew in the process, but a threat like Todd still roamed free? Flopping back on the bed, he sighed and raked his hands through his hair with a sharp tug. He didnt know what upset him more: the fact that the asshole was still out there somewhere waiting to make a play, or the fact that this was the first he had heard about it. Both burned his butt and made his blood boil. Sebastian glanced up as a slender shadow fell across the doorway. Uncertainty and hesitation darkened Taylors face as she leaned against the wooden frame. Forcing a smile, he patted the bed beside him. Come here, sweetheart.

He reached for her, drawing her down to straddle him. Sorrow played on her features. His chest ached as he ran his thumb across the pouty swell of her lower lip. Were leaving, arent we? Yeah, baby. We are. I have no choice, he said, spearing his fingers through her hair. Disappointment dimmed the hopeful light in her eyes. The sight of it killed him. Forcing his attention elsewhere, he ran his hands over her breasts and kneaded the full mounds before he snared the slender cradle of her hips. His body responded with an instinctual throb. Sebastian bit back a chuckle upon realizing the games hed been playing worked both ways. His body was as every bit as primed and conditioned as hers. Even the slightest contact between them was enough to spur his desire. Tamping it down, he forced himself to meet her gaze. Do you want to grab something here or on the way home? Taylor sighed and looked away. Whatever is easiest for you. Cupping her chin, he forced her attention back to him. That isnt what I asked. She bit her lip and the thick curtain of her lashes lowered to flutter against the high slopes of her cheeks. Sebastian tamped down a groan. He loved that look. She looked so submissiveso demure. Lets order something. You have to be starving by now and it would be nice to share one last meal in bed. His lips quirked with the beginnings of a smile. He understood the sentiment all too well. It had been heaven while it lasted: breakfast in bed, lunch in bed, sometimes dinner, and lots of passion. He was surprised either of them could still move. Maybe that was why he was so tired. If so, he didnt foresee a cure anytime soon. Hed gladly suffer through the exhaustion a happy man. Whatever you want, darling. I want you, she whispered, lowering her body to splay against him. You can have that, too, he promised. Fisting her sable locks, he drew her down and claimed her with a bruising kiss.


Taylor struggled with a wave of guilt and nostalgia as the truck stop rolled into view. It had been so long since shed last stepped through those doors despite her assurances she would return often. She missed those dilapidated walls and the old familiar faces. Seeing it again filled her with a feeling that was almost like returning home. Still, she couldnt help but worry how Irene and the rest of the staff would react. It had been months since she last spoken to any of them, and she felt horrible that shed broken her promise to check in on Earl. Things had just been so busy lately, so hectic. Her grip tightened on the steering wheel as she steered into the parking lot. Maybe it wasnt too late to rekindle her friendships and make amends. She navigated the gleaming maroon Chrysler around a series of crater-sized potholes and into the most secluded parking space she could find. She couldnt help but worry someone would ding her doors or scratch the pristine paint. Things like that had happened all too often to her poor battered Dodge. Maybe they thought she wouldnt notice, or that it wouldnt matter when the truck was in such bad condition to begin with, but she had and it did. Shed worked hard to pay for that vehicle. The thought of someone recklessly bashing the beautiful 300 made her sick to her stomach. So did the thought of explaining it to Sebastian. It was hard to tell what his reaction would be, or where his mood would lie. He was just as apt to shrug it off, as he was to get that terrifying look in his eyes and start interrogating her as to why she hadnt been more careful with her belongings. It was best to cover all of her bases now and play things safe rather than end up being sorry. She raked her fingers through her hair, took a deep breath, and eased out of the car. The frigid air hit her lungs in a shockwave, forcing her to cough. Temperatures had reached a record low earlier in the week and showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. The top layer of dirt-encrusted snow was a solid sheet of ice. It crackled beneath her boots but didnt cave. She skirted her way carefully across the parking lot, grateful when she finally reached the diner doors. Pulling them open, she stomped the chunks of ice and salt from her feet. Her cheeks stung as the blood beneath them warmed and Irene glanced up from behind the counter with no small measure of surprise. The obscene arch of her eyebrows spiked even higher, and her bright red lips puckered into an exaggerated o. Flinging her stained dishtowel down, Irene rounded the long stretch of dented stainless steel and snatched Taylor up into a hug. Oh my God! Look at you, she squealed. Pulling back, she held Taylor at arms length and shook her head. Hey Ralph! Come look at what the cat dragged in! Embarrassed heat flooded Taylors face. Wincing, she tried to avoid breathing in anymore of the redheads cloying perfume. The sickeningly sweet smell of roses battered her in waves. Pressing her forefinger against her lips, her brow knitted as she fought back a dizzying wave of nausea. Shed harbored a secret aversion to the scent ever since her best friends funeral. It was something she usually managed to keep under wraps, but today it struck her full force. The pungent smell of warm grease and coffee permeating the diner wasnt making her stomach fare any better. Offering a weak smile, she stumbled back a step. Honey, youre pale. Come sit down, Irene urged, gently taking hold of her elbow. She steered Taylor over to the row of padded stools and eased her down. Concern drew the waitresss impish features as she dropped onto the seat beside her. Can I get you something, sweetie? Some toast maybe or some tea? No. Im fine. Thank you. Im sorry. I dont know what came over me.

Irene emitted an airy laugh and gestured to the knotted wood walls around them. Take a look around you, Tay. What more excuse do you need? True, she admitted with a giggle. She glanced up as Ralph popped his head around the corner and emerged from the kitchen alcove. A wide grin split the cooks weathered face. His icy blue eyes shone with delight as he wiped his hands on the front of his apron and approached them to lean against the other side of the counter. His silver ponytail dangled over the broad span of his shoulder. Miss McAvay! Well if you aint a sight for sore eyes! Please tell me you came back here looking for your job. Her mouth opened and closed. Shaking her head, Taylor bit back a laugh. Im afraid not. Im only here looking for my friends. I missed you guys, she said with a shy smile. Her gaze darted over the empty stretch of stools. Speaking of, wheres Earl? She watched Irene and Ralph exchange a brief worried glance. All hints of playfulness and cheer fled the waitresss face. Im sorry, Tay, she muttered, hanging her head. Earl passed away last month. I thought you knew. Tears stung her eyes as she sank her teeth into the swell of her lower lip. Crushing guilt entombed her heart. Drawing a shuddering breath, Taylor shook her head. Her chin trembled. No, she whispered. No, I didnt know. A heavy sigh filtered through the silence. Irene nudged her with an elbow a few seconds later. Her bright red lips parted with a teasing smile. Maybe you should tell that rich boyfriend of yours to let you out of your ivory tower a little more often. She winked to soften the blow of her words, but truth still lingered in her eyes. How are things going with him, anyway? Hell, why bother asking? Just look at her, Irene. Those are some nice digs, and Im willing to bet that fancy car out there in the parking lot is hers, too. Looks like things are going pretty damn good if you ask me. An edge of bitterness rode his voice. Her brow knitted and her cheeks grew hot as she regarded the cook in confusion. Shifting uncomfortably in light of their comments, Taylor forced her attention to the counter. She reached for the saltshaker and twirled it, giving her hands something to do. Things are going well, and yes, Sebastian is very good to me. Hes very generous. Ralph snorted and her eyes flew to his. Irene shot him a look of pleading. What? Dont look at me like that. Im just voicing what the rest of this town is thinking. Taylor swallowed, her chin lifting a notch as she regarded the man poised across from her. What would that be? she asked. If hes such a nice guy, why dont you have him put that generous spirit to good use and do something to help your family out? Ralph, dont. Irene begged. Oh come on, he said gesturing to Taylor. The whole town knows shes shacked up with some Fed, yet her family is looking at doing hard time. Does that seem right to you? Dont you even sit there and tell me theres nothing he could do. Everybody knows all those government agents are in cahoots together. The word on the street is he could have helped but didnt. In fact, he told the bat boys to lock them up and throw away the key! Where she drew a shaky breath and tried to still the tremble in her hands. Where did you hear that? From your uncles own lips, sweetheart. The agent holding him in custody found the whole thing quite hilarious. But you wouldnt know anything about that either now, would ya? Whens the last time

you even bothered checking in on Roy and your cousin? They have an arraignment next week. His icy glower hardened. Your uncle and I go way back, Taylor. Hes a good man. A good man who got caught making one stupid mistake. The air left her body in a ragged exhale. Shouldering her purse, she shook her head and stood. Irenes hand fell across her arm in a gentle plea. Swallowing against the dizzying combination of anger and pain, she pinned the cook with a steely glare. That one stupid mistake almost cost me everything. Im sorry if you and the rest of this town dont see it that way, but I do. As for Sebastian, its not his job to go around bailing people out of their messes. My uncle was well aware of the risks, and they were ones he decided to take. I wasnt given that choice. She started for the door then paused. Turning, she stopped to face him one more time. And just for future reference, I would appreciate it if you and the rest of this town kept your damn speculations to yourself. The glass doors rattled with a forceful slam. Tears stung her eyes, blinding her as she hurried across the parking lot. Her boot caught the edge of a pothole and she stumbled, crying out in pain and frustration as her ankle twisted. Cursing, she pummeled the side of her purse with a balled fist. All she wanted to do was go home and get as far away from this place and the people in it as possible. Shed never longed for Sebastians strength or reassurance more. Taylor startled, turning with a cry as a hand fell over her shoulder and stopped her hasty retreat to her car. Her head thrashed in a silent plea as Irene stared back at her. Oh honey, the woman soothed, pulling her into a fierce hug. Its okay. He didnt mean those things. Yes he did. The thick, teased hair pressed against her face muffled her miserable answer. Irene pulled back and gave her arm a gentle squeeze. You know Ralph. Hes just mad, sugar. Your uncles a good friend of his. Thats what landed you this job in the first place. Her face fell with an empathetic frown. Come on. Lets go grab a bite to eat. Im not hungry. At least let me take you home. Youre in no condition to drive right now. Taylor shook her head. I cant Sebastian wouldhe wouldnt like it if I left my car here. A doubtful scowl threatened the redheads face. Planting her hands on her hips, she sighed. All right, Ill at least follow you home then and make sure you get there in one piece. This time, she offered a slight smile. You were never the greatest driver to begin with. Sebastian studied his phone for a long moment, taking in the coordinates. His forehead creased as he rubbed the back of his neck. The location was familiar, placing Taylor at the diner where she used to work. What he couldnt figure out was why. What was she doing there? Why hadnt she told him she was leaving? A slight twinge of annoyance rippled through him. Frowning, he ran a forefinger above his lip and swiped out of the application. Josh elbowed his side. Shooting his partner a sidelong scowl, he glanced up to find their directors stare boring into him. Displeasure and curiosity burned in the dark pits of Marxs eyes. How nice of you to finally listen in, Sebastian. His head cocked to the side as he planted his massive hands on the folding table. Is there something of importance you would like to share with the rest of the team? No, sir. You were tending to personal business then, he stated with a nod. Or perhaps my briefing is boring you? A humorless smile stretched his face. It was a bit of both. His teammates sniggered behind him. Even Josh lifted a fist and coughed in an attempt to mask his amused snort. Marx didnt share in the consensus. His ebony gaze narrowed and it wasnt until Sebastian

slid his phone into his pocket that the bull of a man returned his attention to the diagram of papers taped on the wall behind him. As I was saying before your leader decided to turn this meeting into his personal social hour, there have been no confirmed sightings of our target since Operation Smile was put into effect. Theres also been no recovery. No recovery means no body. I should not have to explain what this means, boys, but for those of you who are running slow this morning no body means either his putrid little corpse has gone undiscovered or our target is still out there. I will not get into why this poses an issue for you or your team. Pushing thoughts of Taylor aside, Sebastian dragged his hand across his mouth. It posed a very definite issue. A serious one he could have done without. Todd was trained as a member of their team. Hed endured some of the most ruthless training imaginable. The man was physically and mentally primed to kill without effort or conscience. Hed participated in operations. He knew how to target and strike. If he was out there, he posed a threat. Not just to society, but to the rest of the team as well. A blackened scowl tightened Sebastians face. If Todd was still out there, he was reeling and hungry for vengeancefor blood. His blood. His teams blood, and possibly Taylors as well. Given his training, he would target what meant the most to each of them, exploiting any weakness he could find. He would circle long and hard before closing in for the kill. Rigid tension coiled through his muscles, winding around them until they ached. He exchanged a brief glance with Josh. The troubled look in his partners eyes told him he was thinking the same thing. While we have no visual confirmation on our target, there has been a bit of activity starting to crop up here, Marx said, pointing to an aerial view of a yellow house and the outlying property. This is his brothers home. Steven Laychee is a known member of a special ops group. They disbanded him for questionable activity and refusal to follow orders. Since then hes been operating under the radar, but his ties to people like him still remain strong. Sebastian blew out a deep breath. Things kept going from bad to worse. The coffee and glazed doughnuts hed scarfed down earlier pitched in his gut. Keeping his attention on their director, he did his best to ignore Joshs incredulous look. It was bad enough he could feel the disbelief and anxiety rolling off his partner. He had no desire to see it as well. The fluorescent lights overhead seemed blinding and swelteringly hot all of a sudden. Shifting, he tugged at his banded shirt collar. The cheap metal folding chair creaked beneath him. His relationship with our target was allegedly estranged. That certainly appeared to be the case during his brief stint with this team, but since his disappearance, Laychee and his associates have been engaging in suspicious activity. Theyre building up their weapons. Were talking a small arsenal of semiautomatics, explosives, and assault rifles. The BATF is aware of the situation. Whether this has to do with Target S or not, Laychee is a man we need to keep our eyes on. What is our recommended course of action here, sir? Dominic asked. Eyes narrowing, Sebastian ground his teeth and awaited a response. That is a question for your team leader, not me, Special Agent Chase. I merely give you guys the ground work. He lays the foundation. I understand that, sir. I was only asking for your recommendations. Marx shifted his attention to Sebastian. Seeing the frustration in their directors gaze, he issued a curt nod, assuring him he would handle Dominics transgressions later. This seemed to please the man. His generous lips twitched at the corners before he lifted a hand to swipe at the damp sheen coating his chocolate skin. It made him feel better to know he wasnt the only one whod grown uncomfortably hot. Sir? Dominic asked. Sebastian balled his fists, pressing them deep into the taut muscles of his thighs. One more

comment and their director wouldnt have to wonder if he was going to pull the man aside. He was growing dangerously close to ripping him out of his chair in front of the entire room and reminding him of his place. He doubted Marx would mind. In fact, something told him the big man would enjoy the show. Slinging his arm over the back of his chair, he leveled Dominic with a murderous glare. The message got through loud and clear. His teammate paled and lowered his eyes. Sebastian snorted. A look was nothing compared to the pain and corrective measures waiting around the bend. He turned back around at the sound of their directors voice. Those of you on surveillance need to gather all the possible intell you can on this man, his family, and any one he comes into contact with. Be careful when running those operations. This man has strolled on our side of the fence and he knows what to look for. Your team leader will direct you from there. In the meantime, I suggest you all keep your eyes open and your loved ones safe.

Taylor couldnt hold back her smile as she led Irene through the house, giving her a guided tour. The envious expression on her friends face said it all and filled her with a deep sense of pride. Not for herself, but for Sebastian and all of his accomplishments. He worked hard and provided well, both of which showed. The coppertop released a whistle as she took in the small wine room and wandered into the kitchen. Running a heavily lacquered nail over the granite counters, she shook her head and lifted her dancing gaze to Taylors. You have it made. I bet the holidays were really something else here. Her smile faltered as memories resurfaced. Brushing them aside, she focused on the wonderful Christmas her and Sebastian had shared, rather than focus on the ugly events of the night before. They were, she said. It was all she could manage. Were the meals catered? Taylor laughed and leaned a hip against the island, her cheeks coloring slightly. Not unless you count me and his sister. Trust me, between the food and the presents alone, Seb spent more than enough. Seb is it? the waitress asked with a lecherous dance of her eyebrows. And what did this mysterious Seb get you? Taylor eased the teardrop pendant from beneath the neckline of her shirt. Her fingers stroked the warm smooth metal with reverent affection. Irene sucked in a sharp gasp and surged forward, her hands already reaching up to garner a closer look. Oh, Tay, that is gorgeous! she exclaimed, lifting it in her fingers. I know. Plus he gave me the boots I was wearing earlier, some naughty lingerie, and my car. He claims the lingerie was more for his enjoyment than mine, she confessed with a giggle, but Sebastian spoils me. He really does. In fact, we just got back from a three day mountain retreat at the most incredible hotel Ive ever seen. Youre so lucky. All I got from my last boyfriend was a DVD and a funky tee shirt. The redhead laughed, her eyes still skimming her surroundings. Damn, honey. I had no idea the FBI paid so well. Does he have any single friends? You seriously need to hook a girl up! I dont go around asking him if his friends are available. Jesus, Irene! Laughing, Taylor wadded up a dishtowel and threw it at her. Turning for the fridge, she pulled the stainless steel door open and kept it propped with her hip while she rummaged through the bin. She grabbed the selection of cold cuts and cheeses and placed them on the counter before seizing a crisp head of lettuce. Irene wandered through the sprawling open area taking in the dcor while Taylor rinsed the head and chopped off a few fresh slices. He has impeccable taste, Irene mused, trailing a finger over the back of the leather couch and the cashmere throw draped across it. Between you and this house, Id say the mans done quite well for

himself. He must be something else. After all, he did whisk away our star employee. I believe this was also the same girl who claimed there wasnt a man in a hundred miles radius worth dating. Taylor couldnt help but laugh. I might have been a little hasty with that assessment. Walking to the pantry, she pulled out a loaf of multigrain bread and stopped at the cupboards to grab two plates. She set her bundle down and focused on making their sandwiches. Her mouth watered in anticipation of smoked turkey and Swiss. Taylors brow furrowed as her stomach rolled again. As hungry as she was, just the thought of eating was making her queasy again. She frowned, wondering if shed picked up some kind of bug at the hotel. Covering her mouth, she slapped on the top layers of bread. Refusing to meet her friends inquisitive stare, she pushed one of the plates across the island and gathered everything back up to put it in the fridge. Grabbing two cans of sweet tea out of the door, she wandered over to the table in the morning room where Irene had moved their plates. Are you sure youre okay, sugar? Youre looking awful pale again. Taylor nodded, picking at the corner of her bread. Ill be fine. I probably shouldnt have skipped breakfast this morning. I just didnt feel like eating without Sebastian. Oh my god, girl! Irene exclaimed, chucking a piece of crust at her. You have got it bad! Her cheeks warmed with the accusation. Smiling, she lowered her head. I know. I cant help it. I love him. I really do. It shows, Irene said, flashing a saucy wink. Hell, your face lights up like a damn Christmas tree every time you say his name. Huh. She tamped down a giggle. If it lights up now, I can only imagine what my face must look like when Im screaming his name in the throes of passion. It is quite a sight. Taylor startled at the all too familiar voice. Her face burned with embarrassment as her and Irene both whirled in their seats to find Sebastian standing behind them. She swallowed, pressing her lips together as his gaze locked with hers before shifting to her friend. His expression held no clue as to where his thoughts or moods lie. Only a hint of curiosity rode his stoic features. Her stomach cramped as she wondered how long hed been standing there. Long enough. That much was obvious. Oh, Taylor. Hes a hottie. Look at that uniform, Irene declared in a stage whisper as she surged to her feet. She strolled around the table and grinned. Hi. You must be the Sebastian Ive heard so much about. Im Irene. Taylor and I worked together at the diner. His gaze flickered to her outstretched hand. Giving the redhead a slight nod, he accepted her shake. Hello, Irene. Its a pleasure to meet you. Likewise, honey. Taylor speaks so highly of you. I almost feel like I am getting to meet the king or something. Sebastians soft chuckle flooded through the room as he lifted a brow. Does she now? Oh yes. Shes smitten, and now I see why. Shes very lucky. I was just admiring your beautiful home. I love the way youve decorated. He gave a strained smile. Thank you. Sebastian sidestepped her and crossed the room, stooping to pick the piece of crust up off the floor. Leaning over Taylor, he kissed the top of her head and winked before straightening. I missed you, darling. I dont mean to be rude, but I need a shower. You ladies behave and enjoy your lunch, he said, giving Irene a curt nod of departure on his way past. Would you like me to make you a sandwich or something for when you come down? Taylor asked. He paused at the bottom of the steps and gave a slow shake of his head. No, baby. I ate before I came home and I have some work to do. Thank you though.

Irene gaped after him before turning her incredulous stare on Taylor. Her ivory cheeks flushed, making the freckles beneath her makeup stand out in bright contrast. Okay. All I am going to say is its no wonder you quit! Holy shit! And those manners! Look at you all shacked up with Mr. Charming. Giggling, Taylor lowered her head and tucked her hair behind her ears. Stop it. Hell hear you. I dont care, Irene said with a laugh. Her pointy elbow jostled Taylor in play on her way back to her seat. I dont know who is hiding who now. Are you sure he doesnt have any single friends? I told you before, Im not asking that. The waitress shrugged and took a leisurely drink of her tea. Suit yourself, sugar, but if you dont I will, she teased, giving a lecherous wiggle of her brows. Sebastian rolled his neck in an attempt to shake some of the tension knotted below the surface. Straining his ears, he listened to the chatter filtering up from downstairs and gave a soft snort of disgust. He winced as their houseguests high-pitched laughter wafted up the steps and down the hall. Company was the last thing hed wanted or needed. After the day hed had, all hed wanted to do was shower, change, and lose himself in Taylors embrace. He flexed his fist in experimentation. The battered knuckles sent a low throb of pain through his hand, and he shook his head. If what hed seen and heard so far were any indication, the woman downstairs would benefit from a little corrective discipline of her own. He wasnt sure what her angle was, and even less so that he wanted that type of crass demeanor rubbing off on Taylor. What kind of person threw food in someone elses house? Then there were the comments and the way her eyes kept roaming over him, just little things that wormed their way under his skin. She was trouble waiting to happen. He sighed and made his way into the bathroom. It was time to unwind. Let go. The tension and anger still thrumming through his system had him on edge. It was times like this when he needed Taylor the most. Her touch, her love, served as a soothing balm. It helped erase the ugliness, the parts of him he needed to be outside the sanctity of their home. Their home that was currently being defiled by over perfumed trailer trash. It was going to take hours to get rid of that smell. Turning on the water, he then stripped down and stepped beneath the massaging spray. Sebastian braced his hands against the wall and leaned forward, tilting his head down as he savored the hot needles pelting his back. It was as close to a massage as he was going to get. Annoyance burned like a smoldering ember in his gut. The scent of violence and blood still clung to his skin. Then there was the added issue of Todd. Target Sthe sudden thorn in his side. Was he still out there? Was his relationship with his brother really estranged? Did this sudden amassing of weapons have to do with what had happened to him, or was this ex Special Forces agent up to something else? He growled, shaking the water from his head. In the end, it really didnt matter. Rabid dogs needed put down, and thats what he got paid to do. By the time hed finished washing and slipping into a pair of jeans and faded cotton tee, Sebastians mind was still whirling. It had shifted gears, centering on what he needed to do to protect his family and keep them safe. Taylor wasnt going to like some of those decisions, but they were for the best. He padded down the stairs and into the kitchen. The women were still sitting at the table, conversing over their cans of tea. Sensing him, Taylor turned and offered an uncertain smile. His stare travelled to her friend before shifting back to her. He didnt miss the flicker of appraisal in the redheads eyes or the way her attention seemed to keep gravitating below his waist. Sebastian felt his own gaze narrow in response. Taylor. He motioned her to his side with a slight inclination of his head. Glancing back at Irene, he forced a smile. Excuse us for a moment. Confusion stamped Taylors face as he pulled the laundry room door shut behind them. She backed against the washer, her eyes darting to his. The way her gaze flickered to his waist in search of his

belt was not lost on him. Im sorry, she blurted. I didnt think you would be home so early, and I had no clue you were standing there. Im sorry if my comments embarrassed you. He regarded her for a long moment and nodded. Inching forward, he pinned Taylor against the washer with his body and braced his hands on either side of her. Its not like you to be so brazen, he said, reaching up to trail a finger down the side of her neck. Is that the kind of behavior her company elicits? She shook her head. No, Sebastian. Im sorry. It wont happen again. See that it doesnt, he warned. She shivered as he cupped her chin. He traced her mouth with the pad of his thumb as he stared down at her. On the other hand, Im glad you take such enjoyment from the things I do to you. Taylor opened her mouth to speak, but he silenced her with a shake of his head. Drop your pants and turn around. She shook with an uncertain tremor. Her hands trembled as she slowly peeled her jeans down. She glanced at the door, pleading branding her face, but she turned around. The grate of his zipper sounded unnaturally loud in the hushed confines of the room. It took a little coaxing, but she soon dampened against his hand. Lining himself up, he grabbed her hips and pushed into the tight heat of her body. Sebastian growled and stilled with a shudder. Sliding a hand around front, he ground deep and strummed his fingers across her pulsing nub. He felt her stiffen and brace herself against the threat of pain. Relax, darling, he murmured against her ear. You didnt do anything. I just want to feel you and enjoy that pleasure you claim I give. Though you may want to hurry. Your friend is out there waiting. He moaned feeling the play of her body around his. Each quiver, each tightening, grew more powerful, adding to his torment as he fought to remain still. Taylor arched against him. Her hips rocked against his fingers. She panted, and her imploring whimpers threatened to push him over the edge. Grinding his teeth, he doubled his efforts and growled a raspy encouragement against her ear. Her snug tunnel clenched without warning. Sebastian groaned, clamping a firm hand over her mouth to smother her lusty cries. He kept strumming despite the frantic buck of her hips, carrying her through each battering wave of bliss until she slumped in his grasp. Holding her up, he drove into her with a few forceful thrusts and bit back a cry as he shuddered with the intensity of his release. The blood roared in his ears as he leaned against her back and kissed a slow path up the side of her neck. Get rid of her, he ordered, still trying to catch his breath. Easing out of her, he pulled his pants back up and refastened them. His gaze hardened at Taylors look of pleading. Lowering her head, she retrieved her jeans from around her ankles and shimmied them over the curve of her hips. He swallowed as desire threatened to stir again. Gently snaring her elbow, he steered her toward the door. A smile played on his lips as he took note of the uncertain wobble in her steps. Tugging her back to him, he stole a lingering kiss. I love you, he said, smoothing the hair back from her face. She blinked still trying to regain her senses as she peered up at him. I love you, too, Sebastian. Strolling out into the kitchen, he offered their houseguest a curt nod before snagging a bottle of water from the fridge and heading to his study. A smug grin rode his lips as he felt her knowing stare trail after him. As hed said before, he had more than one way to prove his point. Taylor frowned, pushing the sauted vegetables across her plate. She could feel Sebastians eyes boring into her and the tension radiating between them. He was waiting for an answer. One that she wasnt sure she knew how to give. The afternoon had been stressful enough between dealing with Ralphs comments at the diner and Irenes quizzical expression when shed exited the laundry room and politely

used dinner as an excuse to get her friend to leave. The look of pity and concern in the redheads eyes had assured her she was fooling no one. Now Sebastian was telling her not to leave the house because some psychopath could be on the loose. Not just any psychopath either, but the one that he had cut from ear to ear right there in their own dining room. What was she supposed to say? Her stomach cramped and rolled for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Panic seized her as she realized this time was the real deal. Shoving away from the table, she bolted. A wince crossed her face and dread locked around her heart as she heard him slam his fist on the table. Breaking into a run, she scrambled for the half bath off the kitchen, cursing the sheer size of their house. The uneasy prickle on the back of her neck told her Sebastian followed close behind. She fell short of her goal. Desperation seized her and she gripped the edge of the island with a miserable heave. Her entire body shook as she spilled the contents of her stomach into the sink. Time after time, it emptied with a forceful spasm until she was too weak to stand. Sobbing, she sank to her knees and held out a staying hand. She curled in on herself as Sebastian unfroze and crouched down beside her. Im sorry, she choked. I wasnt running from you. I c-couldnt make it. I tried. His fingers curled around her chin, forcing her gaze to his. She sagged. The displeasure lining his face had given way to gentle concern. His sage eyes were soft and probing as they searched hers. Shh, baby. I dont care about the sink. Are you alright? She offered a feeble nod and wiped the back of her mouth with her hand. He frowned and rocked to his feet. Uncertainty rattled through her as he crossed the room. Pulling open the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of water. He twisted off the cap before kneeling next to her. His free hand felt her forehead and brushed the sweaty locks of hair away from her face. Drink this, he said softly. He waited until shed taken a few hesitant sips. His shoulders lifted with a quiet sigh. Is this about what I said? No, she whispered. I felt sick all day. I think I picked something up at the hotel. Im so sorry. His eyes lifted to hers. The look of worry on his face deepened, as did his frown. Dont be. I will take care of it. Can you walk? Working her bottom lip between her teeth, she nodded. He leaned over and kissed her head. His fingers stroked her hair as he studied her. I want you to go clean up and get ready for bed. Ill be up in a few. Her gaze darted uncertainly toward the dining room before flittering to the sink behind them. She winced with a combination of pleading and shame. Dont argue with me, Taylor. I am more than capable of cleaning up down here, he stated gently. Go. Holding onto her arms, he helped ease her off the floor. His palms rubbed against her offering comfort and warmth while he made sure she was steady on her feet. She offered a weak smile at his wink and, after being prodded along with a pat on her ass, she shuffled toward the stairs. Tears stung her eyes. She couldnt remember ever being more embarrassed or ashamed. Shed thrown up in the sink of all places, and now he was staying behind to deal with it. It wasnt exactly a prelude to romance. After brushing her teeth and gargling, she took the quickest shower possible. Her stomach still churned, rebelling with a mind of its own. Tamping down several miserable swallows, she struggled to get the nausea under control and wandered back into the bedroom. Sebastian sat on the edge of the bed waiting. Hed already turned the plush covers down. A long soft tee shirt lay draped across the foot of the mattress, and the soft glow of the fireplace spilled through the room. She grimaced at the faint odor of bleach wafting up from downstairs. He stood and unraveled the fluffy towel shed wrapped around her. His touch was light and reverent as he helped tug the shirt over her head and urged her into bed. She stared at him, watching as he slowly peeled out of his clothes and slid into bed beside her. Pulling her against him, he eased her head

onto his shoulder and stroked reassuring circles against her back. Do you need anything? he asked. Just you, she murmured, snuggling closer into the heat and comfort of his skin. You will always have me, darling, he murmured, pressing his lips against her damp hair. Death is the only thing that could ever tear us apart, and even that would fail. Somehow, some way, I would find you. He lifted her hand and threaded his fingers through hers. Settling them both against his chest, he smiled. Its just you and me, Taylor. Nothing else matters. You make it sound so easy, she whispered. So true. It is. No matter where you go, I will follow. You are everything to me. Im not going anywhere, she said, tilting her head to peer up at his face. She loved the deep chasms that spread across his cheeks as he grinned. I love you, those dimples, and those crazy curls way too much. The devil himself couldnt drag me away. Sebastian responded with a soft chuckle. Thats very good to hear. His smile slowly ebbed as silence fell between them. He stroked her fingers in an idle caress. Lifting them, he planted a kiss on each one before returning her hand to his chest. We never did finish our conversation, he mused. Taylor blew out a deep breath as some of the tension returned. Fear coiled around her gut, making her stomach clench. She felt him turn his head and the weight of his stare fell across her as he studied her face. Drawing her bottom lip between her teeth, she nibbled the plush swell. Talk to me, he urged. Tell me what youre thinking. Her vocal cords felt swollen and coated in rust. Burying her nose into his shoulder, she hid her face. Im scared, she admitted. Of what? Of this guy. Of what could happen. Why did you have to do those things to him, Sebastian? He sighed. His swallow was the only thing to break the silence. Looking up, she watched the emotions play across his face. It hardened, and for a second there was a brief flash of anger. Anger and something else. Something much more sinisterdarker. The muscles beneath her head tightened with his shrug. Its part of who I am, he admitted quietly. Its what I had to do. To protect you. To protect us. But all he did was touch me. Even Josh said he was drunk. Sebastian shook his head. No, Taylor. It was so much more. He crossed the line, and I pushed him back over it. I cant afford to be weak, let alone show it. Especially not in front of my team. Those men depend on me to lead them and set an example. You depend on me. He sighed again. The why doesnt matter. In the end, this is where we are. Ill order extra security and have them stationed outside. No one will be able to get in without my say and you, he said, planting a tender kiss on her palm, are to stay put. I dont want you leaving this house unless Im with you. For how long? she whispered. At least until we have this whole mess straightened out. He offered a slight smile and traced her shoulder with his forefinger. Maybe never. Taylor sat up, levering her head off his shoulder. Her eyes flew to his face, searching for some sign, any sign, that he was joking. He regarded her with a curious stare, his expression as stoic and unreadable as ever. She licked her lips, but they still felt parched, her tongue thick and swollen. SebastianI love you, and I understand we need to be careful right now, but thats not funny. You cant really expect me to live the rest of my life locked up here like some kind of prisoner. His head tilted. Prisoner? You have everything here. Im not saying its not beautiful, but if you keep me under lock and key, its still a cage even if its gilded. Is that what you want, Taylor? he whispered quietly.

She swallowed as his eyes narrowed and took on that dangerous gleam. Do you want to see what being under lock and key really is? I assure you that can be arranged. Her heart sank then hammered. No, Sebastian. Please, just listen to me. Im just saying its not fairI dont want-- Not everything is about what you want, Taylor. This conversation is done. Get some sleep. No. No? he asked softly. She knew that tone, that word, and that pressing tilt of his head all too well. Shed only experienced what followed once or twice before, but that was enough. Shed witnessed the aftermath more times than she cared to count. Her breath hitched and she inched toward the other side of the bed. Feeling him tense, she scrambled to get clear of the mattress. He snared her hair and wrenched her back with a savage yank. A pained cry tore from her lips, and she struggled as he loomed over her. Absolute fury twisted his features into a fearsome mask. Taylor trembled at the rage brewing in his eyes. The fist in her hair tightened, and the other clamped around her throat, pinning her to the bed and cutting off her feeble attempts at getting air. Taylor, Taylor, he whispered with a slow shake of his head. Where did you think you were going to go? Unable to answer, she stared back at him with tear-filled, pleading eyes. He released her neck, but a vicious backhand snapped her head to the side. White-hot pain exploded across her cheek. Dizzying light detonated before her eyes. The bite of his fingers silenced her anguished scream. I warned you, he said, unfurling his hand from her hair to stroke her blazing cheek in a deceptive caress. Dont you ever try to run from me. Ever. Do you want to leave me, Taylor? Is that what you were trying to do? Her lungs ached, burning in her chest. Her heart felt like it would explode. She tried to clamp her legs together to still the throb of her bladder. Whimpering low in her throat, she shook her head as much as his hold would allow. Desperate to appease him, she reached up and ran her trembling fingers along his arm. Dizzy and disorientated she gasped for air, sobbing and begging, as he hauled her to her feet. Her legs caved. Falling, she crumpled at his feet. Strong fingers sank into her arm, dragging her across the room. The carpet abraded her knees as she fought for enough purchase to stand. She barely recognized her own voice or the broken cries echoing through the room. Cold terror silenced her as Sebastian pulled the drawer to his nightstand open and her gaze locked on the gleaming silver pistol in his hand. The click of the safety sounded with the force of a cannon in her ears. Shaking her head, her eyes darted to his, pleading. Her hands shook as she lifted them. A low, keening whimper broke from her throat as Sebastian crouched on the floor beside her. His lean muscles constricted like a snake as he wrapped an arm around her. Do you want to leave, Taylor? he asked softly. She winced, trembling as the cold press of steel kissed her temple. N-nooo p-pleaaasee. Please, Sebastian. Shh, he soothed, stroking the back of her head. Listen to me carefully, sweetheart, because I am only going to say this once. Thisthis is the only way you are ever going to get to leave me. She sobbed, choking back a scream as his lips settled above the gun, kissing the side of her head. Do you understand me? Her chest jerked with rapid inhales. She was panting, her breath coming a hundred miles a minute. Slamming her eyes shut, Taylor nodded. God help her, she was going to peeand then he really would kill her. Her body snapped into rigid tension as she felt him smile into her hair. Good girl, he whispered. Standing, he crossed the room and retrieved his pants. After pulling them back on, he relocked the

safety and tucked the gun into the waistband of his jeans. She remained crouched on the floor, too terrified to move, as his pale stare bore into her. Im going to assume whatever you came down with has made you delirious. Get back in bed. I have some work to do. If you are smart, youll get some rest and pray your attitude improves by morning.


Shed never put much stock or belief into fairytales. It was hard to believe in things like happily ever after when your father walked out on you at such a young age. It was harder still to cling to that faith when your own mother turned her back on you years later. But last nightTaylor shook her head. Last night something deep inside her had shattered and broken. Whatever small illusions shed clung to had withered and died between the brutal slaps and the cold press of steel. Her lips trembled as she regarded her face in the mirror. Faint marks still marred the high ridges of both cheeks. Dark, troubled shadows stretched beneath her eyes, like the remnants of a boxers fists. That, she could almost handle. What killed her was the heartbreak, the anguish of losing what she thought she had. Her chest ached and her stomach remained knotted with cold dread. Everything in life was a lie. Tears spilled unbidden as she tugged her hair up into a loose ponytail. She wanted to go back. To find that place where they were before, to not know the things Sebastian was capable of doing. But there was no return trip. No way home. Her eyes were open now, and she had no idea how she was going to face him again. The only thing that was clear anymore was that she had no choice. No say. She turned from the mirror and crossed the expansive bedroom to peer out the window. He was ever a man of his word. Armed guards stood stationed near the front gates, their figures dark and ominous against the bright morning cheer of the sun. Her shoulders fell as she swallowed against the lump in her throat. Maybe it wasnt Sebastians intentions in the beginning, but she had no doubt hed given them strict orders to keep everyone else out and her in. Shame washed over her, dragging up the first pangs of guilt. What had she done? In some sick way, she couldnt help but feel she was partially to blame. Leaving him had never been her intention. At least not then. Nownow, she wasnt so sure. Her mind argued she should. Her heart clutched at threads. He was under a tremendous amount of stress. She should have kept her mouth shut. She knew better than to push. A million things, a million reasons fluttered through her brain. Most of them disintegrated like ash before she could cling to the hope they offered. Sighing, she braced herself and wandered downstairs. She froze on the bottom step, her hand lingering uncertainly on the railing as she spotted Sebastian. He stood in front of the windows in the morning room. His back was to her, and his gaze remained focused on the grounds beyond. She watched as his spine straightened. Good morning, Taylor, he greeted. He didnt turn. She swallowed, hating the painful ache in her throat. Good morning. Have you thought any about our conversation last night? The air left her in a shaky exhale. The steady drum of her heart started to beat faster. Gripping the railing, she nodded even though his back remained turned. Yes, Sebastian. And what conclusions have you drawn? he asked. Clasping his hands behind his back, he rotated on his heel to face her. Thatthat I am going to stay here with you. He nodded and stepped forward. Encased in his work uniform, he appeared even more menacing. The black fabric encased his sleek muscles, rippling across them as he prowled closer. She lowered her gaze to the floor. Im glad to hear it, Taylor. Is there anything else? Any other decisions you would like to share? II wont You wont what? he pressed quietly. His head tilted in question. She shivered as he approached the bottom of the stairs and the warm, woodsy scent of him rolled

across her. I wont leave the house without you. He stared at her for a long moment and nodded. Good, he said, turning away. He strolled back to his spot in front of the windows. As you may have noticed, the security team arrived this morning. His tone was light, almost conversational. Theyve been put into place and, should you have a sudden change of heart, they will enforce compliance. They will also place a phone call to me, and I assure you, that is not a call you want them to make. Ice entombed her. Dropping onto the step, she lowered her chin to her chest and closed her eyes. Her chin trembled with her efforts not to cry. It seemed so stupid. Shed assumed as much when shed seen them. But his tone, his cold and distant demeanor, made things feel infinitely worse. This, this was lock and key. There was no hint, no trace of the man she knew and loved. Only a callous replacement. Was this her punishment? I see this information doesnt please you. You would do well to get over it, Taylor. I prefer you do so before I get home. Sebastian? She felt his gaze settle on her. She still could not bring herself to look him in the eye. Dodo you want me to make you something to eat before you go? Something to eat? No, he said with a reproachful shake of his head. No, Taylor. Food isnt what I want from you. What do you want? Please, tell me what to dohow to fix this, please. Youre a smart girl. You figure it out. Her heart shattered with the closing of the door. She shook, fighting back screams of frustration and anguish as she listened to the whir of the garage door. It opened and closed. Torturous seconds ticked by as she clung to the fragile threads of her composure. Gouging her fists into her thighs, she waited until the Benz was clear of the house. Then, she let go. Pummeling the steps, she gave into the dreaded pull of her emotions and cried.

Joshs purposeful strides faltered upon seeing him, as did his crooked smile of greeting. Tension coiled through Sebastians shoulders, making the muscles throb. The last thing he felt like doing this morning was engaging in idle chitchat. His thoughts, his focus, remained centered at home. It didnt bode well for his performance or his mood. All he could think about was Taylor, and how her reaction the night before had damn near shattered him. What the hell was she thinking? A simple jest between them had turned into a brutal dose of reality. Had he been joking? He wasnt sure, but one thing was abundantly clear. The thingsthe life he offered her werent enough. Hed expected she wouldnt be happy with the lockdown. What he hadnt seen coming was her defiance and getting the distinct impression she wanted to leave. His stomach tightened. All that after promising him forever only seconds before. What was he supposed to thinkto believe? Offering a curt nod in his partners direction, Sebastian kept walking. He growled beneath his breath as Josh jogged down the brightly lit corridor to approach his side. Wow. You look like shit. Rough night? Late night. Lets leave it at that. How is my sister? Shes good, Baas. Shes safe. She wasnt too happy at the prospect of a lockdown and armed security guards patrolling the place with Mia running around, but shes been through the drill enough to know this is part of the turf. Howd Taylor take the news? He snorted. Not well. Care to elaborate on that any? No.

Josh came to an abrupt halt outside their station and blocked the doors. Concern rode his rugged features and the curiosity weighing in his eyes earned him a dour glare. My personal life is none of your business, Josh. Are you really going to make me ask you to move? Yeah, Baas, I am, he said with a regretful nod. His hands spread at his sides. If you want to hit me, hit me, but Im not letting you go in there until you get your head on straight. Its my job to watch out for you, and you can tell me your personal life is none of my business all you want, but you lost the right to play that card the day you asked me to watch over Monique. Sebastian pinned him with a look of utter disgust. Unbelievable, he muttered, shaking his head. Grinding his teeth, he displaced his partner with a double-handed shove. His fingers closed around the doorknob, but before he could pull it open, Josh knocked him aside with a push of his own. Challenge rose in the blue depths of his partners stare, and his shoulders straightened with his glare. Im not playing here, Baas. You go in there with that attitude, and someone is going to get hurt. Get whatever it is off your chest. This is me youre talking to here. He snorted. Is that supposed to mean something to me? Joshs face fell beneath a wave of disbelief and anger. How can you even say that to me? Me? Lets talk about you. Did you think I was too blind to see that you love my sister? Youve always loved her, and when Dane died, I stepped aside. I let you take care of my family. My family, Josh, and then you he shook his head and plowed a hand through his hair. You have the audacity to throw that in my face? If you dont want to watch over Monique, fine, he said, casting his arms out in a shrug. Just say the word, but dont you ever try to use that against me again. "Jesus, Baas! You know that isnt the case. What I'm saying here is that you trust me with something as precious as your own blood, but you can't trust me enough to vent to me and get it off your fucking chest so that you can do your damn job? Come on man! Sebastian gave a dry laugh and took a step back. What do you want from me? Do you want to hear about how I spent my night promising Taylor the rest of my life? Or how about the part where she threw it all back at me? Do you want to hear about how she looks at me trying to protect her as keeping her a prisoner? Or how about the part where I just had enough and said goodnight by putting a fucking gun to her head? Is that open enough for you? Is that enough sharing? Josh gaped at him before quickly snapping his mouth shut. Jesus Christ, Baas! He raked his fingers through his hair and released a shaky exhale. Okay its okay. Were going to get you through this. Do you want me to come by after work? I can try to explain things to her, make her understand There is nothing to explain. I made my point perfectly clear last night. Yeah, but is that really the way you want to leave things? You love this girl. Is this the way you want things between you? He shrugged. What I want doesnt matter. Things have changed, Josh. I need to focus on what has to be done. Thats not true. Shes new to all of this, Seb. Monique wasnt thrilled with the concept at first either. It took her a while to learn the ropes and fall into place. Hell, I still have to knock her back there from time to time. This shit happens. Your first priority right now is keeping her safe, not making her happy. It sucks, but thats the way things gotta be. Call her. Tell her to take extra food out for dinner. Ill grab Monique, and maybe between the three of us, we can sit down and get this headache straightened outokay? Sebastian mulled the offer over for a long moment. Sighing, he offered a reluctant nod. Yeah. Okay. He lowered his gaze for a moment. His next words came with effort, and were nothing more than a

soft whisper issued between them. Thank you. Josh cupped the back of his head and gave his hair an affectionate ruffle. Dont mention it. Knocking his hand away, Sebastians shoulders jerked with a wry snort, and he gave their surroundings a pointed look. Believe me, I wont.

Taylor huddled deeper into the folds of her long sweater jacket. She shivered and pressed closer to the stove, seeking warmth from the burners. The soft fleece had done little to dispel the chill settled into her bones. Her entire body seemed to ache with a miserable combination of cold and dread. From time to time, her gaze would wander outside to the dark forms patrolling the grounds. Mostly, it remained centered on her brief conversation with Sebastian. Hed been curt, his voice lending no indication his mood was any better than it had been that morning. Shed been scared enough pondering what his return home might mean, but the added threat Josh posed was almost enough to send her over the edge. They were going to kill her, and thanks to her severed ties with her family, no one would ever know. Wiping at the raw patches beneath her eyes with the back of her sleeve, she drew a shuddering breath and turned down the heat. She stared at the thickening sauce for a moment, her mind turning back to the first time Sebastian had made it. It was her first time in this house. The mushroom ravioli had been the first dish theyd ever made together. Had that been a conscious decision on her part? She bit her lip, trying to remember. Gripping the counter on either side of the stove, she stilled another violent tremble and wondered if she would ever get warm enough, sane enough, not to shake. She whirled at the whir of the garage door and froze. Her fingers tightened on the counter when the laundry room door swung open and her gaze darted to Sebastian. Part of her wanted to run to him and beg his forgiveness, offer to help him with his coat, anything to worm her way back into his good graces. The other stood riveted, motionless by the sight of Josh strolling through the door behind him. Her mouth opened and closed around a soundless greeting. Closing her eyes, she sent up a silent prayer, begging they at least make it quick. When she opened them, she found Sebastian staring at her. His pale gaze bore into her, drilling clear down to her soul as his head tilted in thoughtful reflection. Her entire body tensed as he approached. The look of pity on Moniques face was almost enough to make her cry again. He lifted his hand and she tried desperately not to slam her eyes shut and flinch. She couldnt help the pleading whimper that broke in the base of her throat. The brush of his fingers was jarring. They were so cold they felt like ice when they trailed across her brow. His quiet curse threatened to stop her heart. Youre burning up, he stated in a soft whisper. I have some Tylenol in my purse, Monique offered, already fumbling with the clasp. She shook two pills out and offered them to Taylor. Sebastian stepped in and took them from his sister instead. He indicated toward the other room with a nod of his head. Go sit down, Taylor. Youve done enough. Tears threatened at his comment. Her gaze flittered uncertainly to the stove before shifting back to him in pleading. Its okay, Monique soothed. I got this. Go sit. The noodles only have two more minutes. I think I can manage, the blonde said, with a wink. Stir, drain, rinse, cool. I know the routine. Crossing the room, she settled onto the couch, wringing her hands in her lap. It hadnt escaped her attention that the little girl was nowhere in sight. She bit her lip. Surely, Monique wouldnt leave her child behind when they were under some sort of threat. Unlessshe couldnt bring herself to finish the thought. She startled as Sebastian dropped onto the seat next to her. He held out a bottle of pineapple and

mango juice in one hand and the Tylenol in his other. The room seemed to darken as Joshs shadow fell over them. Cringing inside, she took the pills and swallowed them. You should have told me you still werent feeling well, Taylor. I didnt think it would matter, she confessed, her cheeks burning even hotter. Sebastians brow furrowed. Why would you think that? Be-because youre mad at me. Her chin quivered. Sighing, he reclined against the couch and let his head fall back to rest against the ledge. Josh took a seat in a matching leather chair. I think what Baas is trying to say here is yes hes upset, but that doesnt mean he doesnt love you. Last night wasnt the best way of showing it but believe me, thats what this entire situation boils down to. Youre hurt. Hes hurt, and the rest of us are pretty much fucked until this whole thing is straightened out. He offered her a faint smile. You have no idea the mood I had to put up with this morning. Neither one of us would be sitting here now if Marx had heard us. Wed both be going through some reprogramming. Her attention darted to the kitchen at the distinct clatter of a spoon. Monique retrieved it off the floor and straightened with an apologetic smile. A low whistle pulled her focus back to Josh. Im going to give you the long and the short of it here, honey. Baas wasnt trying to be mean when he told you not to leave the house without him. I know he filled you in on our situation, and this guyhis familytheyre nothing to play around with. Monique is under the same restrictions and surveillance. It sucks, but thats the way it has to be. For your safety, as well as Sebastians. If hes worried about you hes not focusing, and in our line of work, one slip up is enough to get you killed. You follow me so far? She nodded. Good. Any questions? Howhow long is Monique under this lockdown? Until Baas decides otherwise. Hes making the calls here. Not just for you, but for the entire team. Right now, no ones family is unprotected. Some of that protection is just more visible than others. I hate to say it, princess, but this is all a part of the routine. He took a deep breath and rubbed a hand over his short hair. As for the part about you leaving His lips flattened in a grim press. I told you before, that wasnt going to happen. A huge part of that is Sebastianbut the truth is, you know things, youve seen things that push you well into the far too late category. Honestly, you hit that point that first day in the woods. Baas is the one that saved you. Had it been up to me, I would have pulled the trigger. Josh He glanced up at Sebastians warning. Hey, its the truth. No offense, Taylor. Business is business, but youre in this now and theres no getting out. That gun to your head last night is nothing compared to what could happen. Youre lucky it was Baas, and not someone who saw you as a threat. Thats what I dont understand. What is this thing? What is it that you guys do? You havent told her? Disbelief slackened Joshs face. Sebastians jaw tightened as he shook his head. No. Josh threw his hands in the air. Sorry, but Im not touching this one. Its your call. Either way, this one is all you. Im sorry to interrupt, but dinner is done. Josh levered out of the chair and hurried into the kitchen to help Monique. Taylor was pretty certain he was just eager to escape the heavy pall and tension hanging over the room. She couldnt blame him. Sebastian remained seated beside her. Dark smudges rimmed his pale eyes, and his expression was tired, drawn. Even his shoulders were slumped, as if the weight of the entire world had suddenly settled over them. A long, quiet sigh broke the silence and he finally lifted his gaze. Her eyes drifted shut as he reached up and gently palmed the back of her neck.

I will tell you everything after dinner. For nowpleasecome eat with me. Sebastian? He silenced her with a forefinger. His expression became pinched and even more exhausted. Not now, Taylor. Whatever it is you may or may not be thinking, please just save it until after Ive had my say. Im sure youll come to regret enough as it is. The meal was hushed. No sound broke the room except for the light scrape of forks against china. She could feel Moniques sympathetic stare, but Sebastians eyes weighed the heaviest. Like her, he barely touched his food. He seemed to be going through the motions, but whatever part of him gave life and vitality was detachedgone. Her fear had given way to concern. Not for herself, but for him. She ached to reach over and touch his hand. It wasnt long before he pushed his plate away with a rueful shake of his head. Is your food okay? she asked worriedly. Its fine, ba-- He caught himself and faltered. It was good, thank you. Excuse me. Taylor stared after him as he walked out of the room. Shed never felt more helpless or alone. A renewed wave of anguish crashed through her and her hands shook beneath the table as she struggled not to cry. Tay, honey, come help me in the kitchen, Monique offered, standing to gather their plates. She trailed after the blonde with the rest of the dishes, uncertain of what to do or say. The warm hug that followed took her by surprise. A small smile played on the generous curve of her lips as Monique pulled back and tucked her hair behind her ears in a tender almost mothering gesture. Im so sorry, the blonde whispered. Your poor head has to be spinning right now. My brother isnt an easy man to live with. I know this better than most. I wish I could have warned you somehow, about everything, but it wasnt my place. Just between the two of usdo you love him? I do, but last night was awful. I dont know who that man was, but it wasnt Sebastian. I dont ever want to go through that again. Moniques startling green eyes darkened with sorrow. I wish I could promise that you wont, but the chances are it will happen. My brother is a very intense man. His job and the pressures hes under certainly dont help matters any. Im not excusing his behavior, but I dont think he means to be this way. I just think the line of distinction between work and home is sometimes hard for him to cross. He has to be in such an awful mindset for so long that sometimes its hard for him to let go. That man, that version of him, is not the Sebastian we know. I dont understand, Taylor said frowning. You will soon enough. Monique flashed a sad smile. Im sorry you got dragged into this, but Josh is right. My brother wont let you go. He cant. Hes broken right now thinking thats what you want. If given a chance, that pain is going to turn into rage again, because thats what Seb knows. Its where hes comfortable. Thats why the rest of us work so hard to keep him out of that mindset. The only advice I can give you is what youve heard all along. Just keep him happy. Dont argue. Dont fight. Just go with the flow. Its not easy. Not even with Josh, but thats the only choice we have. If you do that, I promise, youll be fine. Wise advice. They both turned at the sound of Joshs voice from the doorway. He stood with a shoulder reclined against the deep colored wood, his arms folded across his chest. His rugged face bore no expression, but his piercing blue eyes settled on Monique. Its time for us to go. These two need some space. Weve done all we can. Yes, Josh. Just let me say goodbye to my brother and Ill be ready to go. Hes in his study. She nodded and made a quick departure. Uncomfortable with the silence, Taylor hung her head

and started rinsing the plates so she could load the dishwasher. Wheres Mia? she asked quietly. Josh rolled up his sleeves and approached. Her eyes widened briefly when he started taking the plates from her hands and sticking them into the slots. Shes with her grandparents, and before you ask, yes their house is under surveillance. Its just much more covert. Danes parents would have a fit if they saw armed guards outside, and theyre giving Monique a hard enough time as it is. He snorted and shook his head. Thats a different story there, and you have enough to deal with on your own. A lengthy silence flowed between them. You know, I wasnt too fond of you at first. Taylor couldnt help the laugh that bubbled past her lips. Yeah, I noticed. Youve grown a lot on me since then, kid. Try to keep your chin up, okay? Or down, or wherever he needs it to be. Deep down, underneath all that cruelty and rage, Baas has a big heart. Its gotten him in trouble a time or two, but he needs that part of him. Its what helps keep him human. Okay. Im ready, Monique said. Rounding into the kitchen, she enveloped Taylor in a warm embrace. Ill see you soon. Josh chortled quietly. Id hug you goodbye and all, too, but Id like to keep my arms. Taylor shook her head with a quiet laugh. She followed them to the door and latched it behind them. Her heart hammered as Sebastian seemingly appeared out of nowhere, as he so often did, and leaned against her back to set the alarm. When she turned to face him, his fingers curled softly around her chin. Come with me, he whispered. His gaze locked with hers for a brief moment. Reddened rims now accompanied the bruise-like smudges stamped beneath his eyes. Swallowing, he lowered his head and took her hand, leading her back into the central area of the house. A sigh radiated from him as he sat on the couch and pulled her down onto the seat next to him. This isnt easy for me, Taylor, he said. But having this talk after what happened last night makes it so much worse. Despite what you may believe, I love youmore than anything, and I never wanted you to know the things Im about to tell you. I didnt want you to see that part of me. I was afraid you would never look at me the same. You were one of the only people who regarded me without loathing or fear, and you are the only person who ever sees this side of methe man I really am. Or at least the man I want to be. He shook his head. His attention remained rooted on the floor. As I told you before, I dont really work for the FBI. They recruited me, but now thats just a cover, a smokescreen. I work for a private sector called SKALS. Skulls? He nodded, still refusing to meet her eyes. Special Kill and Leverage Squad. Its a secret branch, one very few government officials even know about. Technically speaking, we dont exist, he said with a small shrug. Its better, safer, that way. Before you, my career was all I cared about, all I focused on, and I worked my way up through the ranksfast. But as proud as I am of our accomplishments and the protection we provide, Im not always proud of what we do. What do you do? Sebastians lips flattened in a dismal press. His dimples deepened and he drew a shuddering breath. Exactly what the name implies. His voice was raspy and strained. We clean up the messes no one else wants to touch. Sometimes, we provide a situation or a reason for another agency to take someone by storm. We do surveillance and gather intell until we know our target inside and out. Where

they go, what they do, who their friends and family are, and then we go after them. He raked his hands through his hair, making his curls stand out in wild disarray. That is what we do, Taylor. We torture people to get the information we want or need, and then we kill them. Sometimes this means targeting their families. He shook his head. Sometimes this triggers a hostile situation that blows over into something other agencies can use. Im sure youve seen some of those incidents unfold on the news. More often than not, its a much more intimate affair. Everybody has something theyre afraid of, and everybody has a weakness. We learn and exploit both to the best of our ability. Our job is to make people crack. Physically, mentally, it doesnt matter. We break them until there is nothing left. One way or another, we always get our way. For a minute, it felt like the world gave way beneath her. All Taylor could hear was the roar of her blood as it pulsed in and out of her ears. Her temples throbbed. The small amount of dinner shed managed to choke down earlier threatened to resurface. So those things your sister-in-law saidthey were true. Not in the context she implied, no. I dont do these things for sport, Taylor. I dont do them because I enjoy them. I do them because its my job. This is what I know. Its what I do. Sometimes an act of evil serves to protect the greater good. Is that what they tell you? Among other things. She braced her elbows on her knees. Clamping her fingers around her mouth, she struggled to make sense of what he was saying and understand. The man shed seen last night fit that bill, as did the one she saw Christmas Evebut not the one shed seen every day in between. He could be so generous, so sweet, so charming. Looking over at him now, she saw no hints of the powerful, confident man shed come to know and love. She sighed. From day one, shed known he was capable of killing someone. It was just most of the time that was so easy to forget. There was a huge line between guilty and innocent. Or didnt that matter? Is that what the term guilt by association really meant? She pushed out a shaky breath. Growing up shed encountered all kinds of people, heard all kinds of stories. Some held the government and law officials in the highest regard. Others cried foul every chance they got. Shed seen the news. She knew there were always two sides to those coinsthe good and the bad. But thisthis was terrifying. Forcing a swallow, she peered over at Sebastian. All traces of fight had fled him. He sat quietly beside her, his cheeks occasionally twisting as the silence loomed between them. What happened after Christmas? she whispered. Was that the reprogramming Josh mentioned? He nodded. Yes. We arent allowed to show things like mercy and compassion. They condition us from the beginning to block these things out. No remorse. No guilt, just compliance. His jaw tightened for a moment. Natalie knew better than to talk about my job. She knew what the repercussions would be, and she still chose to pull that trigger. I hated her for it. But as much as I hated her, I couldnt do the things they were asking. That was my family, my blood inside her. His head dropped even lower, and his shoulders jerked with a miserable shake. All I could think about is what you would thinkhow I would ever be able to look my nephew in the eye again knowing I had murdered his parents. My own half-brother. I just couldnt do it. Raking a rough hand over his face, he sniffed. So, they locked me up and for two weeks, the roles were reversed. They beat me, tortured me for hours on end, and.they killed my family. Only this time, instead of just Natalie and Lucian, they took out Christian as well. That was a reminder of who they are, what they are capable of doing, and what Im supposed to be. If I cant be that personif I dont give them what they want, they will keep going until theres nothing left. That car accident wasnt

It was my punishment, Taylor, and I got their message loud and clear. Jesus, Sebastian. She was helpless to stop the hot tears streaming over her cheeks. The anguish rolling off him was crippling. I will have to live with that fact for the rest of my life. Knowing that if Id just done what they said, my nephew would still be alive. That kind of weakness and pity is a mistake I will never make againbut its too lateits too late to save him. His body shook with a silent sob. Unable to bear anymore, she wrapped her arms around him. Pressing her cheek against his shoulder blade, she held him tight, her hands stroking the outside of his arms in an attempt to soothe. Without warning, he broke free and twisted to face her. His hands came up and he tenderly cupped her cheeks. Tears shimmered in his eyes as he tilted his forehead against hers. Please dont hate me, he begged, his voice breaking. Please. She shuddered as she fought to hold back a sob of her own. Sebastians body trembled. His breath came in shaky spurts. I dont hate you, Sebastian. I hate the things you have to do, but I love you. Please dont leave. Dont ever leave me. Promise me, Taylor, promise me. She reached around his arms to cradle his face. I promise. I need you. I love you so much. Please dont do that to me. I couldnt take it. I wont. This isnt your fault. I hate the things theyve done to you. Shh, no. That doesnt matter. You cant ever talk about my job to anybody. No outsiders, just me, Josh, and Monique. If you ever said one word about this to anybody else, if they even thought you were they would make meplease dont ever do that. Dont put me in that position again. Swear to me, Taylor. Sebastian, I swear. I love you. He shuddered, burying his face into her neck as a heavy sob wracked him from the inside out. I love you, too. Seeing him, feeling the raw pain that ravaged him was shattering. Taylor clung to him, her own tears joining his as they rolled down her cheeks. She would have given anything in that moment just to make it stop. After a few minutes, it did, but he still clutched her tight, holding on as if she was a lone life preserver in the midst of a tumultuous storm. His hands soothed over her cheeks, drying her tears and caressing her skin in unspoken apology. I want to make you happy. Thats all that matters to me. Ill do anything to make you happy again. Pleasetell me what to do. Trust me, she whispered. Just trust me and let me love you the way you love me. His chest jerked with a quiet sound. She wasnt sure if it was laughter or relief, but the look in his teary sage eyes as he tilted his head and stared back at her was humbling. You never fail to surprise me, he whispered, trailing his fingers along her jaw. I offer you anything you want, and thats what you ask of me? I dont want things, she said, turning her face to kiss his hand. I want you, and I want you to trust me enough to be the man you said you wanted to be. Thats who I fell in love with. Ive given you that. You are the only one whos seen that side of me, Taylor. The only one who really knows me. I cant let my guard down and be that person around anyone else. Not even Monique. As much as I want to, I cant always be him. I have to protect myself, and you. Is that why you are so hard on your sister sometimes? Running his fingers through her hair, he nodded. Its my job to protect my family and keep them safe. I also have to watch out for my team. Its a difficult line to tread, but Ive lost enough. I cant afford to lose anyone else.

Im sorry, she whispered. I never meant to make you feelI didnt want to leave. Maybe after everything that happened, but I was so damn scared. I had no idea who that man was or where he came from. Its not something I ever want to go through again. Youthis thing youre in scares the hell out of me, but I love you and I believe you love me. I do, baby. More than anything. Well be okay. He brushed his lips across hers before pulling her closer to claim a tender kiss. I will always protect you, but you have to trust me, he murmured. You wont always like it, but everything I do is for your own good. I cant let you cross that line. If I push you behind me from time to time, its only to shield what is most precious to me. He kissed her again. Leaning back, he offered a tentative smile. Of course, I always enjoy it when you are underneath me. Laughing quietly, Taylor shook her head. His expression gave way to a boyish grin as his eyebrows quirked in a suggestive dance. Youre horrible. I am, he admitted. But you make me want to be better. She snorted. Whats next? Are you going to tell me I complete you? A smirk stretched across his face. Tugging her closer, he settled his forehead against hers. No. As true as that is, I was actually going to suggest we go to bed. You do remember that I have cooties? she whispered. I remember perfectly well, he murmured, kissing her nose. However, if youre feeling up to it, its a risk Im more than willing to take. Youre so reckless. Only when it comes to you, Miss McAvay. She giggled as he scooped her up and cradled her in his arms. Flipping the switch on their way past, Taylor cast the downstairs into darkness but for the first time that day, her heart was heading toward the light.


Clasping the last button on his shirt, Sebastian stood at the side of the bed and stared down at her. It was so hard to leave. Every part of him wanted to climb back into bed beside Taylor and hold her tight. Last night had been hell. The fear, guilt, and remorse had threatened to crush him. Remnants of it still crawled through his veins, but his conscience was a bit lighter. At least the truth was out there. Everything was on the table, and though there had been traces of the things hed feared most in her eyes, by the end of the night, somehow, that look of love had returned. She would never understand how much that meant to himhow broken hed been thinking he would never see it again. His face twisted with a pensive frown. Marx and others like him would only see Taylor as a weakness. Perhaps that was true. There was nothing he wouldnt do to see her again or keep her safe. But what they would never know, what they would never understand, was she was also his source of strength. Love didnt make him vulnerable. It made him stronger and all the more willing to fight. Leaning over, he brushed a wisp of hair off her face and dropped a light kiss on her brow. He was relieved to find her temperature had cooled. Maybe their lovemaking had helped her fever break. A small smile played on his lips. There was no denying hed enjoyed the extra heat or the added passion in their venture. Taylor stirred beneath the covers. A soft groan rose in her throat as she stretched and her eyes fluttered open. The black and silver comforter whispered with her movements. Squinting in the dark, she peered up at him. Seb? He crouched beside the bed and stroked her soft sable hair. I didnt mean to wake you. Ill be back soon, baby. Go back to bed. What time is it? she asked. Her voice was still husky and leaden with sleep. Just after three. What are you doing? Work called me in. Todds brother is on the move. Josh and I are going to check out some leads. Dressed like that? Her hand unfurled from under the covers and she traced her fingers along the worn fabric of his hoodie. Peeling back the folds, she explored the soft cotton button up beneath. Sebastian shrugged. He may know what to look for, and our uniforms would stick out like sore thumbs in a storage yard. The more we downplay things, the better. But its so early. You hardly got any sleep, she argued with a worried pout. I love you, sweetheart. Dont worry about me. Everythings going to be fine. You can do the resting for both of us. He kissed her softly and stood. His fingers wrapped around hers and gave a gentle squeeze. Tugging away, Sebastian reluctantly headed for the door. Her voice stopped him before he could leave. I love you, too. Be careful, please. His grip on the doorknob tightened. He didnt know if he could bear to look at her again and still leave. Regret carved his face as he glanced over his shoulder. Ill be home as soon as I can. Lowering his head, he stepped into the hall and pulled the door shut behind him. Three oclock wake up calls were a bitch. Josh gripped the steering wheel with a growl, pushing his body against the back of the seat. The leather creaked behind him, and his shoulders stiffened. Sebastian watched from the corner of his eye as

his partner scraped a hand over his haggard features. Darkness enveloped them and cast the warehouse in sinister shadows. The yellow hue of streetlights and city still shimmered in the distance. Thick tendrils of factory pollution and smog wafted through the night sky. Its too damn early for this shit, Josh grumbled. Sebastian stared at him. Drink your coffee and shut up. Seriously, I dont want to be doing this crap right now. I dont care to listen to you bitch about it either. Yet here we are. Shut your mouth and drink your coffee before I drown you with it. I cant drink it if my mouth is shut, asshole. Sebastian twisted in the passenger seat. He could see his lethal stare reflected in Joshs pupils. His partner threw his hands up and shrank away, pulling his Pic-N-Run cup with him. Taking a sip of his own coffee, he returned his gaze to the dilapidated spread of the warehouse. Only a handful of dingy windows remained. A dim light radiated from the interior. Though abandoned, the building was far from vacant. At least for the moment. His attention shifted to the rusted railroad cars and battered truck trailers dotting the overgrown yard. Several plastic barrels sat in a row outside them, the blue coating offering the only splash of color in an otherwise dismal spread of corroded reds and browns. He glanced down as his phone quivered with a subtle vibration. The visual feed is almost up, he said, returning his cup to the holder. What do you think they are stocking in those barrels? Josh shrugged. Hard to say with these clowns. It sure as hell aint Play-Doh though, Ill tell you that much. Sebastian sighed and grabbed the door handle. You ready? Lets roll. Staying deep with the folds of his hood, Sebastian clung to the shadows nightfall offered. They had to move fast. Morning would be breaking soon, and with it, their cover. That also meant Laychee and his crew would be on the move. Criminals seldom liked to do their dirty work during the day. The smart ones did, but even they eventually slipped up somewhere. Josh stayed close behind. Theres an exit around back. The doors unlocked. Take the rear stairwell and climb to the upper deck. Theres too much activity below. We have a virtual beehive down there, boys. Vinces smooth voice echoed through his earpiece. A quick glance over his shoulder garnered a nod from Josh, assuring his partner had heard. Sector two is on the roof. He smiled. Dominic and Wes had made quick work. Thats what he liked to hear. Pushing the heavy metal doors as close to the hinges as he could, he slowly pried the barrier open. The pressure helped minimize the rusty squeak. Holding his breath, Sebastian realized he neednt have worried. Vinces assessment was right. A cacophony of deep voices rose from the belly of the warehouse. His gaze darted to the right and immediately settled on the metal stairs. He scaled them quickly, moving on the balls of his feet. The thin railing split at the top, circling the entire rim of the second floor. He chose a door near the center and motioned Josh to circle to the other side of the building. They would cover both angles. Sector One Alpha in place, he affirmed in a whisper. Waiting on Bravo. Jesus, this place is huge. Sebastians jaw tightened. He didnt like small talk on recon. It was distracting and unnecessary. His fists balled and released in a bid to ease the tension creeping up his arms to spread across his shoulders. Long seconds ticked by as he waited for Josh. Bravo, ready to go. Have at it boys.

Cracking his door open, he peered across the way and winked at his partner as he appeared through a slit on the opposite side. He kept the door propped against his shoulder, using it as a shield as he scanned the activity below. A quick headcount numbered seven different men. They swarmed across the concrete floor moving boxes and crates. Some of the boxes were stacked five deep, reaching close to ten feet high. What the fuck? Josh whispered. Hold still, Bravo, using your feed to zero in. Vince paused for a moment. Huh. The boxes are stamped Spunkmeyer. Something tells me these boys arent setting up shop in the middle of the night to ship frozen snicker doodles. Thats a damn shame. Im getting hungry. Both of you shut up, Sebastian snarled beneath his breath. Blessed radio silence followed. His gaze tracked the men as they moved from one end of the warehouse to another. Tension battered his system, and his jaw ached as he squashed a yawn. Blinking against the watery swell in his eyes, he glanced across the way at Josh. His partner was a mirror echo of himself, clad in black street clothes and a loose, flowing hood that helped shade his features. He edged back as a shout sounded below. The truck is rolling in. Get these loaded onto the forklifts! Craning his neck, he strained to get a visual on their proclaimed foreman. Dark hair and a narrow face stamped into his memory, as did the long and beakish nose. Whoever it was, it wasnt Laychee. His brow furrowed. A rending sound tore his attention to the right and he watched as a stocky blond tore open one of the boxes. Bingo. There was their boy. Styrofoam peanuts spilled onto the floor as he rummaged through the contents. Intermittent flashes of black appeared through the sea of white packaging. He licked his lips in anticipation as Laychee lifted a gleaming assault rifle from the box. Then he froze. Most, if not all, that he could see were military issue, falling under the Special Forces divisions. There were SCARS that put out over six hundred rounds a minute. Nestled among the stash were guns with bullets capable of piercing bulletproof glass, armor, and concrete at distances of a thousand yards or more. Smoke grenadesflash grenades. Either these boys were making a killing shipping their stash or someone was gearing up for war. Quite possibly both, considering the loving way Laychee stroked his weapon. Sebastians blood ran cold and a prickle of unease danced across his nape. His head snapped up as Vinces voice echoed in his ear, and a simultaneous creak sounded across the tier. All sectors call in. Theres movement on the tier. Repeat, confirm locations sectors. One split second was all it took. He found himself trapped in both man and cameras sights. He knew the minute the shutter snapped shut, capturing his face. He could feel it. Mother fucker, he growled. Whirling, he let the door fall shut behind him as he darted down the railing after the cameraman. Son-of-a-bitch! Josh hissed. He got us. Lets get his ass and get out! His partners rapid footfalls thundered on the other side as they both gave chase. Sebastian watched as the third hooded figure swung out over the stair rail and jumped the steps. Despite the mans bulk, he moved with startling ease and speed. Too much so. He was also far too quick and light on his feet for his comfort. Catapulting his weight over the railing, he cleared over half the steps before landing. Josh landed with a grunt directly behind him. His mind whirled as his body took over and acted on instinct. So far, no one else seemed to notice their presence. Opening fire would not only compromise the rest of their team, but the entire operation. Reaching behind him, he pulled his knife from its sheath and launched it into the air after the man. It sailed past and lodged into the wall as he turned. Sebastian cursed beneath his breath, yanking his weapon from the wall on the way past. Vinces voice was a flurry of activity in his ear. The technical

guru served as his voice, since neither him nor Josh could call out their locations or request back up. His heart hammered. The roaring pulse of his own blood became all he could hear. He caught the door on its backswing and burst into the yard. His gaze darted over the abandoned trailers and rusted cargo trains, searching for any sign of movement. Josh panted quietly beside him. Several silenced pings bounced off metal, steering them in the right direction. They dashed across the yard in a full-blown sprint. Sebastians heart sank as he spotted their target leaping into a vehicle parked outside the fence lining the perimeter. Someone had been waiting for him. The nondescript Toyota gave a shrill bark of its tires and lurched down the street. Shoulders and chest heaving, he stared after the disappearing glow of taillights. Get a fucking chopper on that car, now! he snarled. Whirling, he slammed his fist into the side of a J&L Rails car. The pain nearly doubled him over. Groaning, he clutched his battered fist. Joshs hand fell across his back. For a brief second, he fought to draw comfort from the heat and reassurance. Its gonna be alright. Well find him, Baas. Right now, we got to get out of here. He nodded. Besides praying, it was all he could do.

Taylor nibbled her bottom lip and tried to keep her focus trained on making a pot of coffee. It was hard when her attention kept drifting to Sebastian and the huge bear of a man parked in a chair in their great room. Her lovers shoulders were slumped. Much like the night before, the sight of him so dejected broke her heart. He kept his elbows braced on his knees, but his hands scrubbed a constant path over his face or through the wild curls on his head. His hair stood on end, and whenever his eyes met hers, they were fearful and troubled. It was something she understood all too well. Their houseguest was beyond intimidating. His glittering ebony stare missed nothing. Huge muscles strained against the front of his open dress shirt and pushed against the sleeves. Even his forearms were thick and corded. The only hint of softness he bore was the warm, glowing chocolate of his skin. Youve always had a lovely home, Sebastian. Her head swiveled around at the deep boom of his directors voice. She gripped the counter to still a fearful tremble. Part of her wished to God that theyd never had that talk last night. It would have been so much easier to believe this man was his boss and a guest in their home. Instead, her mind clung to thoughts of torture and death. Ignorance really was bliss. Thank you. Sebastians voice was quiet, subdued. Ive always enjoyed my time here. Marx leaned against the back of the chair, making the polished leather crackle. His massive fingers tented beneath his chin, as if he were deep in thought. But as lavish as your surroundings are, Im sure they are infinitely more enjoyable when shared with such a beautiful woman. Sebastians head snapped up. Taylors breath caught at the fierce look suddenly creeping into his eyes. The muscles in his jaw locked and bulged in rigid fury as he leaned forward. Leave her out of this, he warned, his voice coming in a low growl. The director merely regarded him with a cold smile. Relax, he said with a rumbling chuckle. That wasnt the point I was trying to makeat least not yet. Not ever, Sebastian countered, his eyes still full of venom. Dont forget, you are the one who trained me. I know all your tricks, and I assure you Ive learned quite a few of my own. Marx hitched a thick eyebrow. His generous mouth quirked at the corners, making his closecropped moustache twitch. Ive always admired that about you, Baas. You have a tremendous amount of

fight and ambition. Theres an unshakable bloodlust and violence in you that never truly dies. The best you can do is try to put it to rest for a while and hope it sleeps. Think what you want. The large man shook with quiet laughter. Oh I dont have to think. I know. It wouldnt surprise me if you and I ended up on opposite sides of a loaded gun one day. In fact, I count on it. But, today is not that day. The plates rattled in her hands as she attempted to carry the coffee in from the kitchen. A brief spark of empathy flashed in Sebastians eyes as he took the plate and mug from her. It vanished beneath something savage and cold. Thank you, Miss McAvay, Marx stated. He stood and approached. Taking the other saucer from her hands, he indicated to the couch. Please, have a seat. Her gaze darted uncertainly to Sebastian. All he offered was a curt nod. Taylor dropped onto the cushion beside him with a strained swallow. She was really starting to hate this room and the memories it harbored. As I was saying, I appreciate that hunger and drive. Its whats gotten you so far. But right now, you need to retrain that energy and focus it where it needs to be. This morning, your identity was compromised. I wont get into my annoyance. Im sure you are equally displeased. Weve since run the plates on the car. Its registered to an old high school friend of our target. Which one? Marx smirked. The one you decided to carve up like a festive jack-o-lanternall over an indiscretion with this lovely woman here, if Im not mistaken. Taylor paled as he motioned in her direction. She found herself subconsciously pressing into Sebastians shoulder in a bid for protection as the director set his coffee on the wooden table and stepped closer. Her eyes drifted shut as a familiar, reassuring hand settled against the small of her back. He was there. He wouldnt let anyone hurt her. She clung to that hope, repeating it like some sort of sacred mantra in her head. Despite it all, a shiver of fear threatened. She slit her eyes open and jumped, flinching back, when Marx reached out to brush her cheek. Her stomach clenched into violent knots. Shuddering, she all but crawled behind Sebastian in her efforts to get away. Not only did she not want the hulking beast touching her, but she didnt want to deal with the potential rage that contact might trigger. The man beside her was already unbearably tense and coiled with rage. Lifting his arm, Sebastian shoved her to the other end of the couch as he sprung to his feet. Taylor huddled against the arm, watching as he planted his body between her and his director. Marx shook his head with a soft chuckle. Shes a skittish little colt, isnt she? Taylor knows my views as well as you do. Unfortunately only one of you seems to abide by my wishes. Marxs skin took on a renewed glow as he threw his head back with a loud bark of laughter. Ah yes, your views. Those are what got us into this predicament in the first place. Dont keep pushing me, Sebastian warned. He leaned back, jerking his head to the side as the other man reached out to ruffle his hair. Eyes narrowed into furious slits, he prowled in a slow circle. Thats the rabid pit bull I like to see. Hold onto that anger. Keep your priorities straight and channel that rage where it belongs so you can focus on what needs done. Youre the distraction, Sebastian growled. The only thing Im thinking about is right now is how much I want to kill you. Get out of my house and let me get some sleep so I can do my fucking job. Marxs eyebrows shot up and a genuine smile broke across his face. He nodded at his protge as a proud parent would when acknowledging their child. Taylor stiffened as his dark stare pivoted her way. Swallowing, she lifted her chin. He smirked.

See to it that you remain loyal to this man and his career, Miss McAvay. It would be a shame to see such fierce passion put to waste. Staring at the plush carpet, she nodded. Taylor sucked in a breath of relief as Marx left the room. It took her a moment to regain her senses, but she stood and trailed after Sebastian as he escorted the man into the foyer. Their house shook, echoing with a thunderous peal when he slammed the front doors on the directors heels. He wasted no time punching in the security code. His gaze remained trained on the decorative glass panels flanking the doors until the gates swung shut behind Marxs Jaguar and his vehicle had cleared the street. Fury still radiated from him as Sebastian snarled beneath his breath and turned to face her. Taylor winced and took an uncertain step back. Come here, he ordered, pointing to the spot in front of him. Her face knitted with worry, but she pressed closer. Gratitude washed through her as he opened his arms and drew her into a warm embrace. His lips settled against the top of her head. She could feel him breathing deep, pulling her scent into his lungs. Closing her eyes, she relished the feel of his body as Sebastian swayed in place, hugging her against him until his tension ebbed. His hands threaded through her hair when he stilled, and he gently tugged her face back. Im sorry you had to go through that, baby. He insisted on meeting you. His fingers trailed over her jaw in a reverent caress. Holding her stare, he winked. Im so proud of you. I didnt do anything, she insisted. Yes you did. You came to me. You trusted me to protect you. He presented her with a beautiful smile that highlighted the chasms in his cheeks despite his exhaustion. A lot of grown men find Marx intimidating. I could tell you were scared, but you didnt back down and let him touch what isnt his. You remembered that you are mine. She batted her eyes and leaned into his hand. Do I get a reward for my bravery? Sebastians shoulders shook with a soft chuckle. Yes, darling. You do, he promised, tracing his thumb over the swell of her lips. Ill give you anything you wish, but youll have to wait until Im not dead on my feet. I think I can muster up enough patience to wait. He smiled and took her hand, tugging her toward the steps. Come lay down with me. I just want to hold you until I fall asleep. Joshs yawn seemed to drag on forever. His hooded sweatshirt hung crookedly on his frame. The dark color only served to highlight the tired shadows playing on his face. Glancing up, he offered Taylor a lopsided smile as she set a mug of coffee and plate of fresh peanut butter cookies down in front of him. Thanks, kid. Keep the sugar and caffeine coming, and I might survive this day yet. A soft snort drew their attention, and they both turned to watch Sebastian prowl through the room behind them. She didnt make them for you. Yeah, yeah, I know, Baas. Its all about you. He rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Taylor again. Someones still fucking cranky. Didnt you make sure he got a nap? She smothered a giggle behind her hand. He only seems to be that way toward you. Well arent I just the lucky one? Josh scoffed. Watch your mouth, Sebastian growled, dropping onto the couch beside him. What? Now Im not even allowed to make light around your girlfriend? Make light all you want. What I dont care for is you talking like a disgruntled trucker around her. Do you use that language in front of my niece and sister? Sebastian asked, lifting a tawny brow in his direction. Well, no, but

Then refrain from doing so in my home. Its okay, Taylor said with a soft laugh. Its not the first time someones dropped the f-bomb around me. In fact, you said the same thing a few hours ago. He lifted his head and pinned her with a piercing stare as Josh chortled beside him. Ahh, the truth comes out, his partner drawled, his face twisting into a teasing grin. Taylor lowered her gaze, wishing she could take the words back as Sebastians eyes continued to drill into her. She shifted uneasily on her feet. I didnt use the term in casual conversation did I, Taylor? he asked in a silken voice. No, Sebastian. Joshs attention shifted between the two of them. A worried expression started to crawl across his face, and his smile faded. Taylor swallowed and squirmed beneath Sebastians unwavering stare. I dont want you exposed to that kind of behavior and picking up bad habits that I am going to have to spend my time correcting. Do I make myself clear? Yes, sir. Crystal. Im sorry. He nodded. She didnt need to be told twice. Skirting around the men, she hurried for the relative safety of the kitchen and filled his favorite mug. After stirring in a splash of peppermint mocha creamer, she carried it in to him, along with a plate of warm cookies. Sebastians wink assured her all was forgiven. His hand trailed up the back of her thigh and stroked it with absentminded affection as he poured over the papers Josh had spread before them. His partner chewed the end of a pen and flipped through his own files. Hey, Baas, check this out. Getting a location out of this guys friend should be no problem. It says here he has he trailed off, his gaze flickering to Taylor. She raised her hands. No worries, Id rather not know, she assured him. Running her fingers through Sebastians hair, she attempted to smooth his thick curls. Im going to go change the sheets and work on some laundry. Good idea, baby. Ill come find you before I go. He smiled and pulled her down for a smoldering kiss that made her cheeks flush with desire and her heart pound a little faster. She squashed a needful whimper as he released her. His jaw tightened for a brief second and, throwing the papers in his other hand on the table, he cleared his throat and stood. Ill help you strip the bed. The mattress is heavy. Really, Sebastian? Josh asked incredulously. His forehead furrowed with disbelief. Muttering, he shooed them away with a dismissive wave of his hand. Taylor colored at the unspoken implications brewing between the two men. Make yourself at home, Sebastian suggested. He wrapped his arm around her waist and steered her toward the steps with an unrepentant smirk. They barely made it into the hall when he spun her and slammed her back against the wall. His mouth slashed over hers in a bruising claim. Whimpering into the hungry kiss, she clutched at his back with one hand and fisted his curls with the other. His chest vibrated with a low growl as he turned her and barreled her toward the bedroom. Desire exploded through her body like burning napalm. The moment they made it through the doors, she was clawing at his shirt while he kicked the wooden barriers shut behind them. Flinging his arms up, he tore his sweatshirt over his head. Their mouths clashed again. The sound of rending fabric spilled through the room as he seized the front of her baby tee and tore the thin material. Her fingers fought with the button on his pants. Sebastian wasnt as diplomatic. Dragging her thighs over his hips, he scooped her off the floor and carried her to the bed. Groaning into her mouth, he tore her yoga pants and panties down in a rough yank. Their clothing hit the floor in unison. Taylor cried out as he filled her. Winded by lust and delirium, her breath came in shallow gasps. Sebastians eyes locked with hers as he slammed against her womb and stilled. His arms trembled.

Savage, brooding desire and dominance stamped his face. Winding her arms around his neck, she strained with her efforts to capture his lips. A primal noise rose from the base of his throat as he caved and smashed his mouth against hers. She almost wept with joy when he seized a fistful of her hair and drove into her again. The slow, battering thrusts increased to an animalistic frenzy. Their fierce lip lock drowned her cries of pleasure and pain. At least she hoped they did. Then again, she really didnt care. All that mattered was Sebastian and the sheer power of his body as he thrust into her, bruising her deepest places and laying claim on her soul. Taylor screamed as a raging orgasm seized her and took hold. Darkness swirled. She almost passed out from the force. Sebastians face mirrored her ecstasy as he pounded harder. She clung to him, crying his name as his thrusts came faster, and a cavernous rumble built in his chest. Her nails dug into his back, her breath catching, while she struggled to hold on. His roar broke the silence. Taylor stared as a humbling wave of bliss swept across his handsome features. Nothing beat watching the pleasure wash over him or the forceful throb of his body as he emptied himself deep inside her. The room spun with her lack of air. They held onto each other, trembling, as he covered her face with kisses and fought to catch his breath. The look in his eyes assured he was every bit as speechless as she felt. His thumb brushed across her brow, sweeping a lock of hair away. A worried frown crossed his face. I didnt hurt you did I? Gazing up at him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. Yes, but only in a good way. He stared at her for a long moment, his expression softening. He looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he bowed his head with a slow shake. After planting his lips on her damp temple, he rolled to the side of the bed and stood with a grunt. Too exhausted to move, she watched the play of his muscles as he tugged on his clothes. You were going to say something, she murmured. What was it? He wandered into the bathroom. She giggled at the sound of running water. Craning her head, she watched him rub fresh deodorant under his arms and splash cooling torrents of water on his face. When he came back into the bedroom, their eyes locked. His mouth curved with a languid smile. Nows not the time, darling. Youll find out soon enough. I promise. Leaning over her, he braced his hands against the mattress and captured a kiss. He caressed her cheek before he stood. Suffice it to say I love youvery much. She couldnt contain her contented grin. I love you, too. Moments later, she pulled her pillow over her head to smother her laughter when Joshs voice rose from below. His tone was incredulous, if not a little concerned. Jesus! You didnt break her, did you? A muffled thump followed, along with Sebastians chilling cadence. I am going to break you if you dont mind your own business. Focus your attention on work where it belongs. Taylor shook her head. Despite their romp and the tenderness hed shown her, when it came to these men and their job, some things never changed.


Tension knotted his lean form until Sebastian thought he would shatter with the force of it. His teeth ached from the constant clench. He should have killed that son-of-a-bitch Todd when hed had the chance. He swallowed against the burn in the back of his throat. Cluster fucks like this were a prime example of what mercy and second-guessing your instincts got you. A dull throb rose and branched beneath his temples. He could see Marxs smug smile in his minds eye. His fists curled. Focus. Oh, he was focused all right. The fucking jack-o-lantern was going to die this time, and if Sebastian had his way, it was going to be agonizingly slow and satisfying. Josh straightened in the seat next to him and Sebastians eyes narrowed as the locations garage door started to inch up. His hand locked around the door handle. Everything in him wanted to coil and spring. Joshs fingers curled around his forearm in a silent bid to get him to stay and sit tight. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He just wanted to get this night over with and go home. Frowning, he shook his head. No. What he wanted to do was hear Todd screamto see pain contort the bastards scarred face and to watch the life slowly ebb from his eyes. That would be satisfying. The thought alone was almost enough to give him a hard on. He waited until the Mustang rounded the corner before flipping the laptop open. Minutes ticked by as he used the cameras stationed on the streetlights to track their targets location. A knowing smile curved his lips as the car came to a stop at a convenience store a few blocks away. It seemed their teammate still liked his booze. A soft click echoed through the Audi as he snapped the computer shut. Glancing at Josh, he nodded. They parked two streets over and made quick work of doubling back. Keeping his gaze trained on their surroundings, Sebastian kept a lookout for both Mustang and nosey neighbors. Unfortunately, the second was all too common, but tonight everything looked clean. A small thrill ran through him as he heard the electronic key click and the distinct sound of a latch springing open on the other side. In less than ten seconds, they were in the house and home free. The stench of stale cigarette smoke and beer assaulted him the moment they stepped inside. Grimacing, Sebastian wrinkled his nose. He fought the overwhelming urge to fling open a window just so he could breathe. Josh cursed as he tripped over an empty pizza box sprawled across the floor. Even in the shadows, he could see the outline of dirty laundry draped over nearly every surface. Beneath the stink of smoke and beer wafted a foul undercurrent of sweat. Bile singed the back of his throat. This place is disgusting, Josh growled. Depression and a lack of discipline at its finest, Sebastian mused, pinching a stained tee shirt between his gloved forefinger and thumb. Curling his lip, he flung it across the room. If you ask me, were doing the poor guy a favor. Feeling his partners stare, he turned. What? Nothing, Josh said. Its just with the cheerful way you said that he trailed off with a snort. Sometimes you really are a sick son-of-a-bitch. Sebastian shrugged. They both turned at the sound of the garage door creaking slowly up into its rails. He couldnt help but smile into the darkness. This was always one of his favorite parts: the element of surprise. There was a definite sense of power and control that came in that moment and seeing that first spark of fear ignite in someones eyes. He liked to watch the resignation creep over them as they realized death had come calling and theyd just lost the fight. Josh pressed back against the wall next to the side

door. Despite the filth and questionable safety of doing so, Sebastian opted for taking a seat on the couch. Reclining, he spread his arms and draped them across the back. Todd muttered to himself as he pushed the door open. He barely made it inside before his instincts kicked in, and he glanced around. Joshs revolver burrowed against the side of the mans head. The crash of breaking glass and the slow gurgle of beer chugging out of splintered bottles echoed in the hall. Sebastian grinned as their eyes locked through the shadows. Hello, Todd, he greeted softly. Fuck. How eloquent of you. He stood and folded his hands behind his back. Josh shoved their former teammate forward with a snarl. Prowling across the room in leisurely strides, Sebastian approached their target and tilted his head. I was expecting a slightly more cheerful response. Given your recent photo shoot, I was under the impression you missed me. Youre fucking insane. Todd tried to sound brave, but the accusation bordered on a whine. Sebastian regarded him with an affectionate smile. Reaching out, he stroked his gloved fingers across the mans scarred cheek. The blond tried to flinch away, but Joshs gun and unyielding hold on his arm brought his efforts up short. A low pitiful noise emanated from the base of his throat. He knew all too well what was coming. His knees wobbled as his eyes darted to Sebastians. Please, Baas, he begged. Just make it quick. Quick? No, he said softly with a slight shake of his head. Im afraid its too late for that. You might have a chance if you give him what he wants up front. Be smart about this. Those pictures you took at the warehouse, where are they? Josh pressed, shoving the barrel of his revolver even deeper. Kitchenin the kitchen drawer next to the fridge. Theyre inside the phone book. Jesus, man, what are you guys going to do? Sebastian ignored him and strode into the other room. He tamped down a snarl of frustration as his boots stuck to the linoleum floor. Eyes narrowed, he yanked open the drawer in question and rummaged through a stack of crumpled papers until he found the thick book buried beneath. He thumbed through it. Sure enough, several prints fluttered to the floor. Glancing the first one over, he made a mental note to search for the negatives later. The second caused him to slam the drawer shut so hard the wood splintered. A loud clatter echoed through the room as the facing hit the floor. Baas? Concern rode on Joshs voice. The muscles in his cheeks tightened with a rigid twitch. His chest heaved. Squatting down, he peeled the glossy image off the floor and stared. Blood roared in his ears and his heart hammered a million miles a minute as he studied the angle. Lifting his fingers to his mouth, he slammed his eyes shut. Given the upwards slant of the shot, there was no way the picture was taken from anywhere but his yard. His yardwhere the dark fatigues of the security patrolling his house could clearly be seen in the background. The harsh pant of his breath filled the room. Shaking his head, he forced himself to scan through the rest: Taylors face peering out their bedroom window, Taylor through the bay windows facing into the kitchen, another showing the limestone sprawl of Moniques house, and a candid of his sister leaving somewhere with Josh. He remembered the clothes. It was the night they headed to his place to help with the blowout. His stomach clenched. Sebastian? Josh called after him again. Gathering the pictures up, he strode back into the darkened living room. Even through the shadows, he could see the twisted smile playing on Todds face. His jaw knotted. See, the man whispered. Two can play at that game. What the fuck is he talking about?

A deafening crack exploded through the room. The force of the blow sent Todd and Josh reeling. Sebastians shoulders heaved as he shook the pain out of his knuckles. Their teammate slowly straightened and spit a thick glob of blood onto the floor. Crimson painted his crazed leer. Waste your time with me, he said, laughing. Or dont. Either way, you lose. Thats the sad thing about it, isnt it, Baas? We just know too fucking much, dont we? What do you think is happening right now? Sad thing is, you cant even place a call to home to see how that hot little number of yours is doing. If you do, someone, somewhere will place you here. Shut your mouth, Josh growled. Dont worry. I didnt forget to leave his smoking hot baby sister out of that equation either. You knowthe one youre fucking. Got to love that play. I can hurt you both with that one. Sebastian bit back his rage and nodded, careful to keep his expression neutral. Perhaps. It was a brilliant scheme. Ill give you that. Howd you pull it off? It was easy. My brother knows someone who works for that security team. Simple thing really, snapping off a few pictures. A slow smile curved Sebastians face. Baas Tension and worry rode Joshs voice. Its okay, he soothed in a raspy whisper. Cocking his head, he regarded Todd. The slow shake he gave almost spoke of pity. You really do think you are clever. Thats the sad thing about this situation. It almost makes me feel sorry for you. What are you talking about? Confusion stamped the mans broad features. Sighing, he rolled his shoulders in a lazy shrug. Infiltration is smart. Ill give you that. But when engaging in hostile activity, it only works in numbers. This little stunt you tried to pull is only suited for recon. One man, Todd? Is that the best you could come up with? Sebastian shook his head. The minute he steps out of line, the other fourteen under our employ will shoot him dead. Josh sagged with visible relief. His breath left him in a shaky exhale. Todd paled. Fear and uncertainty flickered in his steely eyes. Sebastian patted his cheek. Nice try. His expression hardened in an instant and his cold stare reached through the shadows to lock with his partners. Tie him up. He flexed his fists in the passenger seat, watching the scenery roll past the Audi. His hands hurt like hell, but it was a good pain. A gratifying pain. In the end, hed gotten what he wanted most. Their former teammate had suffered long and hard. By the time he finally succumbed, he was begging for death. It was the kind of night that would make Marx proud. The coppery tang of blood hung heavily in the car despite the fresh air recycling through the heater vents. Closing his eyes against the colorful splash of the sun starting to break on the horizon, he pulled the familiar scent deep into his lungs. Soon, it would be Taylors sensual aroma he inhaled. A small smile played on his lips. The smell of comfort and home. Thank God you are one smart son-of-a-bitch, Josh said beside him. Still resting his head against the back of the seat, he turned it to look at his partner. I was seriously getting ready to lose my shit. How the hell did you stay so calm? Its my job, he stated simply. Yeah, I get that, but how the hell do you still do it when your world is caving in? Ive learned to shut everything else down. Sebastians chest lifted with a tired sigh. In that moment, it wasnt my job to worry about Taylor, or even Monique. It was to find out what he knew and use that to our advantage. I dont know if I should be comforted by that or concerned. Sebastian shrugged and refocused his attention out the passenger window. Just be glad Im on your side.

Josh chuckled. I am, Baas. Believe me I amevery goddamn day. One corner of his mouth lifted in a halfhearted acknowledgement. It was all he could muster. The past forty-eight hours were catching up and taking a brutal toll. He felt like he could climb in bed and sleep for days. A small pang of regret flooded him, knowing that wouldnt be the case. Laychee and his crew were still out there. They would be hungry for revenge and, eventually, they would make a play. He shook his head. There were always repercussions to deal with. Some backlash to face. His life was one endless cycle of mental chess and warfare. It made him tired. So very tired. Resting his head against the cold shield of glass, he listened as Josh called in to report their progress. Marxs booming voice filtered through from the other end, but he didnt bother listening. Instead, he bided his time counting the minutes until he would be home. He said job well done. Josh returned the phone to its slot and offered him a lopsided grin. He also said for us to take a few days off to rest and regroup. Sebastian nodded. It was for the best. Both mind and body needed time to heal. He needed time. Time to reconnect with himself and the woman he loved. All too soon, the cycle would start again.

About the Author: Adriana hails from a small town in N.E. Ohio where unpredictable weather and inspiring locals abound. When she's not busy writing, she enjoys recruiting minions (it's all a plot to take over the world one word at a time) spending time with her family, or sharpening her culinary skills. She's also been known to lurk on various social media outlets, where she lures unsuspecting followers into her snare. To learn more about her, her hijinks, or any upcoming projects and releases please visit her website Also, feel free to stop by and visit on Facebook and Twitter

~ Book Two: Wrath & Revenge Coming May 2013!~

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